Acuity Specialty Products Group Inc.

Acuity Specialty Products Group Inc. Acuity Specialty Products Group Inc.
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k. Maintaining all records and documentation to support and demonstratecompliance with the CA.(ii) Notification. To the extent it has not already done so, Acuity will notify allemployees at its facilities or plants of the name, address, and telephone number of theVPC in writing and by prominent display of posters with this infonnation in appropriatework areas. The letter and posters will inform all facility employees that the VPC isavailable and by prominent display of posters with this information in appropnate workareas. The letter and posters will inform all facility employees that the VPC is availablefor consultation on any questlons they may have regarding their responsibilities asemployees, that they are to report any alleged violation of Jaw, regulation byemployees, and that their identity may remain confidential, if requested.(iii) Authority. The VPC shall have complete authority to investigate anyallegations of suspected environmental violations. At the conclusion of suchinvestigation, a written report shall be prepared and provided to the President or theAcuity Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, detailing the substance of theallegations, evidence revea1ed by the investigation, and the findings andrecommendations. The VPC also coordinates with and supports the IndependentOmbudsman, as appropriate.(iv). Annual Report. Acuity shaH report annually to EPA through its President, asummary of the status of compliance with this Agreement as reported by VPC .-20-

....12. Training.(a) Environmental TrainingAcuity will continue its increased environmental training for aU facility managers, facilityenvironmental coordinators, and area environmental coordinators including an annual twdayenvironmental conference for all facility managers and facility and area environmentalcoordinators. Further, Acuity will ensure that all supervisors and operators of its wastewatersystem receive a mimmum of 2 hours of training annually conducted by an outside trainingprovider concerning proper industrial wastewater discharge requirements, including sampling,and reporting requirements. Acuity will also consult with federal , state, or local governmentagencies on available training.(b) Ethics Training.Acwty will ensure that all officers, managers, supervisors, operators, and employeesrece1ve a one (1) hour minimwn training in ethical conduct and corporate business integrityannually. The training will also include infoiDlation on how to report such ethics or corporateintegrity problems to the Independent Ombudsman via the Hotline.(c) ReportingAcuity will provide EPA, SDD with a written report on the status of the trainingdescribed in this paragraph withm SIX months of the effective date of this Agreement and everytwelve months during the term of this Agreement.13. Certification(a) President's Initial and Annual Certification.-21-

k. Maintaining all records and documentation to support and demonstratecompliance with the CA.(ii) Notification. To the extent it has not already done so, <strong>Acuity</strong> will notify allemployees at its facilities or plants of the name, address, and telephone number of theVPC in writing and by prominent display of posters with this infonnation in appropriatework areas. The letter and posters will inform all facility employees that the VPC isavailable and by prominent display of posters with this information in appropnate workareas. The letter and posters will inform all facility employees that the VPC is availablefor consultation on any questlons they may have regarding their responsibilities asemployees, that they are to report any alleged violation of Jaw, regulation byemployees, and that their identity may remain confidential, if requested.(iii) Authority. The VPC shall have complete authority to investigate anyallegations of suspected environmental violations. At the conclusion of suchinvestigation, a written report shall be prepared and provided to the President or the<strong>Acuity</strong> Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, detailing the substance of theallegations, evidence revea1ed by the investigation, and the findings andrecommendations. The VPC also coordinates with and supports the IndependentOmbudsman, as appropriate.(iv). Annual Report. <strong>Acuity</strong> shaH report annually to EPA through its President, asummary of the status of compliance with this Agreement as reported by VPC .-20-

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