Acuity Specialty Products Group Inc.

Acuity Specialty Products Group Inc. Acuity Specialty Products Group Inc.
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IIless than 25,000 gallons of wastewater per day.18. The Permit also required ASP to conduct sampling of its wastewatereffluent for, inter alia, phosphorus concentration and pH at specified intervals froma specified compliance point. The Permit required ASP to have the samples tested andto report the sample results every month to the City of Atlanta on a Self-MonitoringReport ("SMR"). The City conducted semi-annual monitoring at the Seaboard facilityto evaluate ASP's compliance with the conditions in the Permit.19. The Seaboard facility's Permit did not limit the number of gallons ofwastewater that ASP could discharge to the City sewer system. The Permit providedthat the Seaboard facility would be assessed a surcharge if the concentration of certainconstituents in its wastewater, such as Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total SuspendedSolids, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, exceeded established thresholds.20. ASP's Permit required immediate reporting by ASP to the City of Atlantaand other regulatory authorities in the event of "a spill, dump or unavoidabledischarge of any substance to any stream, creek, ditch or storm sewer with the Cityof Atlanta."21. The City of Atlanta Sewer Use Ordinance, which is incorporated intoASP's Permit and is a requirement of the Permit, requires that SMRs be signed by an"authorized representative" of ASP. The term "authorized representative" is defined6

IIin the Sewer Use Ordinance as "the president, secretary, treasurer, or a vice-presidentof the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any person whoperforms similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation."22. The Sewer Use Ordinance, incorporated into the Permit, requires that allsampling conducted at the facility consist of "representative" samples. The Sewer UseOrdinance defines representative sampling as sampling that is "representative of dailyoperations."Holding and Reducing Wastewater From the Seaboard Wastewater Pre-TreatmentPlant and Skewing Sampling During City of Atlanta Monitoring Events23. Beginning at an unknown date, but before Employee A was hired at theSeaboard facility, until in or about November 2002, when City of Atlanta personnelwere conducting semi-annual monitoring at the Seaboard facility, ASP employees,including Employee A, requested or directed that plant supervisors instruct employeesat the various production plants at the Seaboard facility not to discharge wastewateror to reduce the amount of wastewater discharged from the facility's production plantsto the wastewater pre-treatment plant. These actions prevented City personnel fromtaking representative samples of ASP's wastewater during its semi-annual monitoring.24. Beginning in or about January 2000 until in or about June 200 2, whenCity of Atlanta personnel were conducting semi-annual monitoring at the Seaboardfacility, Employee A directed employees at the facility to dilute the wastewater being7

IIless than 25,000 gallons of wastewater per day.18. The Permit also required ASP to conduct sampling of its wastewatereffluent for, inter alia, phosphorus concentration and pH at specified intervals froma specified compliance point. The Permit required ASP to have the samples tested andto report the sample results every month to the City of Atlanta on a Self-MonitoringReport ("SMR"). The City conducted semi-annual monitoring at the Seaboard facilityto evaluate ASP's compliance with the conditions in the Permit.19. The Seaboard facility's Permit did not limit the number of gallons ofwastewater that ASP could discharge to the City sewer system. The Permit providedthat the Seaboard facility would be assessed a surcharge if the concentration of certainconstituents in its wastewater, such as Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total SuspendedSolids, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, exceeded established thresholds.20. ASP's Permit required immediate reporting by ASP to the City of Atlantaand other regulatory authorities in the event of "a spill, dump or unavoidabledischarge of any substance to any stream, creek, ditch or storm sewer with the Cityof Atlanta."21. The City of Atlanta Sewer Use Ordinance, which is incorporated intoASP's Permit and is a requirement of the Permit, requires that SMRs be signed by an"authorized representative" of ASP. The term "authorized representative" is defined6

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