wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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Chap. I.fyVhto <strong>and</strong> Andotle.5jftance where<strong>of</strong> might be given in Plutarch, writing againft Colotes <strong>the</strong> Epicurean.Wherefore Plato, that v/as a zealous aflerter <strong>of</strong> an incorporeal Djitv,diltind: from <strong>the</strong> world, <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> immortal fouls, ferioufly phyfiologized onlyby matter, forms <strong>and</strong> qualities, generation, corruption <strong>and</strong> alteration; <strong>and</strong>he did but play <strong>and</strong> toy fometimes a little with atoms <strong>and</strong> mechaniim ; aswhere he would compound <strong>the</strong> earth <strong>of</strong> cubical, <strong>and</strong> fire <strong>of</strong> pyramidal atoms,<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> like. For that he did <strong>the</strong>rein imitate <strong>the</strong> atomical phyfiology, <strong>is</strong> plainfl'Om <strong>the</strong>fe words <strong>of</strong> h<strong>is</strong> ;' n»v'^,a. hv ^^7 tcciito. Stxioil'&at ctimx^x b'tKj, a'f )tsifi' {VVxaftu bVev o^ufACvov ^(p' 51|UMI', (n;v^Ofoii&iin-a)i/ if ttoAAuv, raV <strong>of</strong>xn; airlcv oax^ai' All<strong>the</strong>fe cubical <strong>and</strong> pyramidal corpufcula <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fire <strong>and</strong> earth are in <strong>the</strong>mfelvcsfo fm<strong>all</strong>, that by reafon <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir parvitude none <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m can be perceivedSingly <strong>and</strong> alone, but only <strong>the</strong> aggregations <strong>of</strong> maity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m toge<strong>the</strong>r,XLV. And Ariflotle here trod in Plato^s footfleps, not only in <strong>the</strong> betterpart, in aflerting an incorporeal Deity, <strong>and</strong> an immoveable firft mover ;but alfo in phyfiologizing by forms <strong>and</strong> qualities, <strong>and</strong> rejefbing that mechanicalway by atoms, which had been fo gener<strong>all</strong>y received amongft <strong>the</strong> ancients.Wherefore though <strong>the</strong> genius <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>fe two perfons was very different, <strong>and</strong>Arijlotle <strong>of</strong>ten contradidleth Plato, <strong>and</strong> re<strong>all</strong>y diflents from him in feveral particularities;yet, fo much I think. may be granted to th<strong>of</strong>e reconcilers, {Porphyry,Simplicius, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs) that <strong>the</strong> main eflentia<strong>is</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir two phil<strong>of</strong>ophies arc<strong>the</strong> fame.Now, I fay, <strong>the</strong> whole Ariftotelical fyftem <strong>of</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophy <strong>is</strong> infinitely to bepreferred before <strong>the</strong> whole Democritical ; though <strong>the</strong> former hath been fo muchdifparaged, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r cried up <strong>of</strong> late amongft us. Bccaufe, though itcannot be denied, but that <strong>the</strong> Democritick hypo<strong>the</strong>f<strong>is</strong> doth much more h<strong>and</strong>fomely<strong>and</strong> intelligibly folve <strong>the</strong> corporeal phenomena, yet in <strong>all</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e o<strong>the</strong>rthings, which are <strong>of</strong> far <strong>the</strong> greateft moment, it <strong>is</strong> ra<strong>the</strong>r a madnefs than a phil<strong>of</strong>ophy.But <strong>the</strong> Ariftotelick fyftem <strong>is</strong> right <strong>and</strong> found here, as to th<strong>of</strong>e greaterthings; it aflerting incorporeal fubftance, a Deity diftind from <strong>the</strong> world,<strong>the</strong> naturality <strong>of</strong> morality, <strong>and</strong> liberty <strong>of</strong> will. Wherefore though a latewriter <strong>of</strong> pohticks do fo exceedingly difparage Arijlotle's Ethicks, yet we fh<strong>all</strong>do him th<strong>is</strong> right here to declare, that h<strong>is</strong> Ethicks were truly fuch, <strong>and</strong> anfwered<strong>the</strong>ir tide ; but that new model <strong>of</strong> ethicks, which hath been obtrudedupon <strong>the</strong> world with fo much faftu<strong>of</strong>ity, <strong>and</strong> <strong>is</strong> indeed nothing but <strong>the</strong> oldDemocritick dodrine revived, <strong>is</strong> no ethicks at <strong>all</strong>, but a mere cheat, <strong>the</strong> undermining<strong>and</strong> fubverfion <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> morality, by fubftituting fomething like it in<strong>the</strong> room <strong>of</strong> it, that <strong>is</strong> a mere counterfeit <strong>and</strong> changeling ; <strong>the</strong> defign where<strong>of</strong>couldnot be any o<strong>the</strong>r than to debauch <strong>the</strong> world.We add fur<strong>the</strong>r, that Arifiotk'% fyftem <strong>of</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophy feems to be moreconfiftent with piety, than <strong>the</strong> Cartefian hypo<strong>the</strong>f<strong>is</strong> it felf, which yet plainlyfupp<strong>of</strong>eth incorporeal fubftance. For as much as th<strong>is</strong> latter makes God to contributenothing more to <strong>the</strong> fabrick <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world, than <strong>the</strong> turning round <strong>of</strong> avortex' In Timse. p. 53-. Oper.

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