wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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2 Jncorporealifm fprung f?'om thcfa;m'BookI.ever refuk from magnkiides, figures, fices and motions, tliaJ therefore rhcy arenot corporeally generated and corrupted, as the fo-ms and qualities of bodiesare. 'AJ^'u^-ro./ yl-ii^xl n sk (MYih'jog nfon^y-^-^j>P,o;. Ii is impcjjible for a real enti'yto be made or generated frora nothing pre-cxijling. Now there is nothing offoul and mind, reafon and underftanding, nor indeed of cogitation and life,contained in the modifications and meclianifm of bodies ; and therefore tomake foul and mind to rife out of body whenfoever a man is generated, wouldbe plainly to make a real entity to come out of nothing, which is impoffible.I fay, becaufe the forms and qualities of bodies are generated and corrupted,made and unmade, in the ordinary courfe of nature, therefore they con-,eluded, that they were not real entities diftinct from the fubftance of bodyand its various modifications : but becaufe foul and mind is plainly a realentity diftinft from the fubftance of body, its modification and mechanifm; that therefore it was not a thing generated and corrupted, made andunmade, but fuch as had a being of its own, a fubftantial thing by it felf.Real entities and fubftanccs are not generated and corrupted, but only modifications.Wherefore thefe ancients apprehended, that there was a great differencebetwixt the fouls of men and animals and the forms and qualities of otherinanimate bodies, and confequently betwixt their feveral produdions : forafmuchas in the generation of inanimate bodies there is no real entity acquireddiftind from the fubftance of the thing it felf, but only a peculiar modificationof it. The form of rtone, or of timber, of blood, flefh and bone, and llichother natural bodies generated, is no more a- diftindt fubftance or entity fromthe matter, than the form of an houfe, ftool or table is : there is no more new entityacquired in the generation of natural bodies, than there is in the produftioaof artificial ones. When water is turn'd into vapour, candle into flame, flameinto fmoak, grafs into milk, blood and bones, there is no more miraculousprodudion of fomething out of nothing, than when wool is made into cloth,or flax into linnen ; when a rude and unpolifli'd ftone is hewen into a beautifulftatue -, when brick, timber and mortar, that lay together before diforderly,is brought into the form of a ftately palace ; there being nothinoneitherin one nor other of thefe, but only a different difpofition and mo^dification of pre-exiftent matter. Which matter of the univerfe is alwaysfubftantially the fame, and neither more nor lefs, but only Proteanly tranlformedinto different fhapes. Thus we fee, that the generation of all inanimatebodies is nothing but the change of accidents and modifications, thefubftance being really the fame both before and after. But in the generationsof men and animals, befides the new difpofition of the parts of matterand its organization, there is alio the acquificion and conjunftion of anotherreal entity or fubftance diftind: from the matter, which could not be generatedout of it, but muft needs come into it fome other way. Thoughthere be no fubftantial difference between a ftately houfe or palace ftanding,and all the materials of the fame ruinated and demolifhed, but only a differenceof accidents and modifications; yet between a living man and a dead carcafe,there is befides the accidental modification of the body, another fub-1 ftantial

.XXX.Chap. I.Principle -with Atamifm.ilantial diftercnce, there being a fubflantial foul and incorporeal inhabitantdwelling in the one and ading of it, which the other is now deferted of.And it is very obfervable, that Ana>:ngorc5 ' himfelf, who made bony andflelhy atoms, hot and cold, red and green, and the like, which he fuppofedto exift before generations and after corruptions, always immutably the fame,(that fo nothing might come from nothing and go to nothing) yet he didnot make any aniinalilli atoms fenfitive and rational. The realort whereofcould not be, becaufe lie did not think fenfe and underftanding to be as real3:7entities as hot and cold, red and green ; but becaufe they could not be fujipofedto be corporeal forms and qualities, but mull needs belong to anotherfubftance that was incorporeal. And therefore Anaxagoras cculd not butacknowledge, that all fouls and lives did pr^-e and poft-exill: by themfelves, aswell as thole corporeal forms and qualities, in his fimilar atpms.And now it is already manifeft, that from the fame principle o-freafon before-mentioned, that nothing of it felf can com; from notain*nor go to nothing, the ancient philofophers were induced likewife to aflertthe foul's immortality, together with its incorporeity or diftindnefs frornthe body. No fubftantial entity ever vanifheth of itfelf into nothing j for ifit did, then in length of time all might come to be nothing. But the foulis a fubftantial entity, really diftimfl horn x.h.

.XXX.Chap. I.Principle -with Atamifm.ilantial diftercnce, <strong>the</strong>re being a fubflantial foul <strong>and</strong> incorporeal inhabitantdwelling in <strong>the</strong> one <strong>and</strong> ading <strong>of</strong> it, which <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>is</strong> now deferted <strong>of</strong>.And it <strong>is</strong> very obfervable, that Ana>:ngorc5 ' himfelf, who made bony <strong>and</strong>flelhy atoms, hot <strong>and</strong> cold, red <strong>and</strong> green, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> like, which he fupp<strong>of</strong>edto exift before generations <strong>and</strong> after corruptions, always immutably <strong>the</strong> fame,(that fo nothing might come from nothing <strong>and</strong> go to nothing) yet he didnot make any aniinalilli atoms fenfitive <strong>and</strong> rational. The realort where<strong>of</strong>could not be, becaufe lie did not think fenfe <strong>and</strong> underft<strong>and</strong>ing to be as real3:7entities as hot <strong>and</strong> cold, red <strong>and</strong> green ; but becaufe <strong>the</strong>y could not be fujip<strong>of</strong>edto be corporeal forms <strong>and</strong> qualities, but mull needs belong to ano<strong>the</strong>rfubftance that was incorporeal. And <strong>the</strong>refore Anaxagoras cculd not butacknowledge, that <strong>all</strong> fouls <strong>and</strong> lives did pr^-e <strong>and</strong> p<strong>of</strong>t-exill: by <strong>the</strong>mfelves, aswell as thole corporeal forms <strong>and</strong> qualities, in h<strong>is</strong> fimilar atpms.And now it <strong>is</strong> already manifeft, that from <strong>the</strong> fame principle o-freafon before-mentioned, that nothing <strong>of</strong> it felf can com; from notain*nor go to nothing, <strong>the</strong> ancient phil<strong>of</strong>ophers were induced likewife to aflert<strong>the</strong> foul's immortality, toge<strong>the</strong>r with its incorporeity or diftindnefs frorn<strong>the</strong> body. No fubftantial entity ever vanifheth <strong>of</strong> itfelf into nothing j for ifit did, <strong>the</strong>n in length <strong>of</strong> time <strong>all</strong> might come to be nothing. But <strong>the</strong> foul<strong>is</strong> a fubftantial entity, re<strong>all</strong>y diftimfl horn x.h.

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