wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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2 6 Anaxagoras an Incorporealiji. Book I.To th<strong>is</strong> fenfe : He <strong>is</strong> happy, who hath h<strong>is</strong> mind richly fraught <strong>and</strong> Jlored with<strong>the</strong> treafures <strong>of</strong> divine knowledge ; but he miferable, wh<strong>of</strong>e mind <strong>is</strong> darkenedas to <strong>the</strong> belief <strong>of</strong> a God. And, fecondly, by denying God to have any humanform, or members,''Oj f/.SV yxa ^fOTl7, XE^aA-^ Kxlx yijX X£)£«r«t, &C.Or o<strong>the</strong>rwifeto be corporeal,'Hy-iTifOii;, n P(^Ep(7t Aafiui.And <strong>the</strong>n p<strong>of</strong>itively affirming what he <strong>is</strong>.Only a holy <strong>and</strong> ineffable mind, that by fwift thoughts agitates <strong>the</strong> wholeworld.XXV. And now we fh<strong>all</strong> fpeak fomething alfo <strong>of</strong> Anaxagoras, havingfhevved before, that he was a fpurious Atomift. For he hkewife agreed with<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r Atomifts in th<strong>is</strong>, that he afTerted incorporeal fubftance in general as<strong>the</strong> aftive caufe <strong>and</strong> pri nciple <strong>of</strong> motion in <strong>the</strong> univerfe, <strong>and</strong> particularly anincorporeal Deity diftinft from <strong>the</strong> world ; affirming, that <strong>the</strong>re was befidesatoms, Nouf o Jizxcir/^-wi; -n xxl 77-av7au alVio,-, ('as it <strong>is</strong> exprefs'd in Plato'*)An ordering <strong>and</strong> difp<strong>of</strong>ing mind, that was <strong>the</strong> caufe <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> things. "Which mind(as Arifiotle tells us ' ) he made to be i^owv tmv o-J\m aTrAouv ^ di^iy^l ^ xx-^apov, <strong>the</strong> only fimple, unmixed, <strong>and</strong> pure thing in <strong>the</strong> world. And he fupp<strong>of</strong>edth<strong>is</strong> to be that, which brought <strong>the</strong> confufed chaos <strong>of</strong> omnifarious atomsinto that orderly compages <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world that now <strong>is</strong>.XXVI. And by th<strong>is</strong> time we have made it evident, that th<strong>of</strong>e atomicalphyfiologers, that were before Democritus <strong>and</strong> Leucippus, were <strong>all</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>mIncorporealifts ;joining <strong>the</strong>ology <strong>and</strong> pneumatology, <strong>the</strong> d<strong>of</strong>trine <strong>of</strong> incorporealfubftance <strong>and</strong> a Deity, toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong>ir atomical phyfiology. Th<strong>is</strong><strong>is</strong> a thing exprefly noted concerning Ecphantus <strong>the</strong> Pythagorean in Stob^us^,*T.x.2!xJ]o? iy. MEv TMV a.to[j.uv (TMcg-xvxi rov xoa-fjiov, SiOiKi^T^xi at xtto STpoi/oia?' Ecphantusheld <strong>the</strong> corporeal world to conjijl <strong>of</strong> atoms, but yet to be ordered <strong>and</strong>governed by a divine providence : that <strong>is</strong>, he joined atomology <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ologyboth toge<strong>the</strong>r. And <strong>the</strong> fame <strong>is</strong> alfo obferved <strong>of</strong> Arcefilas, or perhaps Archelaus,by Sidonius ApolUnar<strong>is</strong>''Poji' Apud Tzetz. Chiliad. "XIII. Hift. 4 In Pl<strong>is</strong>don. p. 1595. Oper.CCCCLXIV. V. 80. & Ammonium in Com- * Dc Anima Lib. 1. cap. II. p. 6. Tom. II.nie-.n. in Ai-iftotel. Tnpi ipuMvi'ta.(j f^l. 107. Opiif.Edir. Aldin ' ^ « E-^^log. Phyfic. Lib. I. cap XXV. p. 4S.">» Apud Ckm. Alex<strong>and</strong>r. Stromat. Lib. V. Caun. XV. in Epithalamio Polemi &p.

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