wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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628 Arians charged hy the Fathers Book I.we are to fhow, that one grand defign of Chriftianity being to abolifh thePagan idolatry, or creature-worfliip, itfelf cannot juftly be charged withthe lame from that religious worflilp given to our Saviour Chrifl, andt'.ie Trinity, (the Son and Holy Ghofl) they being none of them, accordingto the true and orthodox Chriftianity, creatures ; however the Arian hypothefismade them fuch. And this was indeed the grand reafon, why theancient fathers fo zealoufly oppofed Arianifm, becaufcthat Chriftianity,whichwas intended by God Almighty for a means to extirpate Pagan idolatry,was thereby itfelf paganized and idolatrized, and made highly guilty ofthat very thing, which it fo much condemned in the Pagans, that is, creature-worHiip.This might be proved by fundry teftimonies o'i Athanafms^BofiU Gregory Nyjjen^ Gregory Nazianzcn, Epiphanius, Chryfoftomy Hilary^Ambrofe, Aujlin, Fauftinus, and Cyril of Alexandria ; all of them chargingthe Arians as guilty of the very lame idolatry with the Gentiles or Pagans,in giving religious worfiiip even to the Word and Son of God himfelf, (andconfequently to our Saviour Chrift) as he was fuppofed by them to be but acreature. Butwefhall content ourfelves here only to cite one remarkableP. 468, 469. paflage out of Athanafms^ in his fourth oration againft the Arians : ^m t/ 'iv01 'Acfiouavrrai TOiai-Ta; Aoj'i^o^ufvoi >£j vo«vTff, i t, aJ/£v»iTU, aJ" iru Siy.(pip>t

andCh'ap, IV. wlih Pagan Idolatry. 629hypoftafes, affirmed by him to be ali uncreated, were by them looked upononly as one entire divinity.But the principal thing?, which we fliall obferve from this paflage ofAthanqfius, and thofe many other places of the fathers, where they parallelthe Arians with the Pagans, making the former guilcy of the veryfame idolatry with the latter, even then, when they worfhipped our SaviourChrift himfelf, or the Word and Son of God, as he was by themfuppofed to be nothing but a creature, are thefe following ; firif, thatit is here plainly declared by them, that the generality of the Pagansdid not worfiiip a multitude of independent gods, but that only one oftheir gods was uncreated or felf-exiftent, and all their other many godslooked upon by them as as his creatures. This, as it is exprefly affirmedby Aibanafius here, that the Greeks or Pagans did £^1 iyvj-nu y.x\ TroXXoTiyivivo'^g Xxlaiviiv, Korfljip only one uncreated, and many created gods ; lb is itplainly implied by all thofe other foremention:d fathers, who charge theArians with the guilt of Pagan idolatry: becaufe, had the Pagans worfliippedmany uncreated and independent gods, it would not therefore follow,that the Arians were idolaters, if the Pagans were. But that thiswas indeed the fenfc of the fithers, both before and after the Nicene council,concerning the P.igan polythcifm and idolatry, that it confided not inworlhipping many uncreated and independent gods, but only one uncreatedand many created, hath been already otherwife manifcfled -,itmight be further confirm.ed by fundry teftimonies of them ; as this of St.Gregory Nazianzen in his 37rh oration »; Ti' (^al -iyj y.x\ nx^' "ExXricrt (pxTcv £vJiAtx 0£OTj;c, uf 01 ra -fXsuTtfa Traj' ly.snoi? QiXoiTc(p^v7ec; fVhat then ixciddfome fayAsthere not one divinity alfo amonyfl the Pag/'ns, as they, who pbilofophize morefully andferfetl'y amongji them, uo declare? And that full and remarkable oneof Iren.eus, where he plainly afikmeth of the Gentiles , Ita crealum po-L. z. eg.tins quam Creatori ferviebant, £5" his qrr ncn funt dii, lit priminn deitatis lo- l^f- ','9 ^^^cum attrihuerent uni alicui ^ ftimmo fabri.a'.ori hujus iiniverfitatis Deo : ^^Jg'^ pj^"That they fo ferved the creature, and thofe who are not gods, rather than the MafTueci ']Creator \ that notiaithflanding they attributed the firjl place of the Deity toone certain fiipreme God, the maker of this univerfe. The fccond thino- is,that Athayiafius, and all thofe other orthodox fithtrs, who charged the A-rians with Pagan idolatry, did thereby plainly imply, thofe not to be uncapablcof idolatry, who worHiip one fbvereign Numen, or acknowledgeone fupreme Deity, the maker of the whole world ; fince not only the A-rians unqueftionably did fo, but alio, according to thefe fathers, the very Pagansthemielves. The third thing is, that in the judgment oi AthanafmSjand all the orthodox Anti-Arian fathers, to give religious worfhip to anycreated being what.'bever, thoiTL,h inferiour to that worfhip, which is given tothe fupreme God, and ri: reiore according to the modern diftinflion, notAalfEia, but

<strong>and</strong>Ch'ap, IV. wlih Pagan Idolatry. 629hyp<strong>of</strong>tafes, affirmed by him to be ali uncreated, were by <strong>the</strong>m looked upononly as one entire divinity.But <strong>the</strong> principal thing?, which we fli<strong>all</strong> obferve from th<strong>is</strong> paflage <strong>of</strong>Athanqfius, <strong>and</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e many o<strong>the</strong>r places <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>rs, where <strong>the</strong>y par<strong>all</strong>el<strong>the</strong> Arians with <strong>the</strong> Pagans, making <strong>the</strong> former guilcy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> veryfame idolatry with <strong>the</strong> latter, even <strong>the</strong>n, when <strong>the</strong>y worfhipped our SaviourChrift himfelf, or <strong>the</strong> Word <strong>and</strong> Son <strong>of</strong> God, as he was by <strong>the</strong>mfupp<strong>of</strong>ed to be nothing but a creature, are <strong>the</strong>fe following ; firif, thatit <strong>is</strong> here plainly declared by <strong>the</strong>m, that <strong>the</strong> generality <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pagansdid not worfiiip a multitude <strong>of</strong> independent gods, but that only one <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir gods was uncreated or felf-exiftent, <strong>and</strong> <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir o<strong>the</strong>r many godslooked upon by <strong>the</strong>m as as h<strong>is</strong> creatures. Th<strong>is</strong>, as it <strong>is</strong> exprefly affirmedby Aibanafius here, that <strong>the</strong> Greeks or Pagans did £^1 iyvj-nu y.x\ TroXXoTiyivivo'^g Xxlaiviiv, Korfljip only one uncreated, <strong>and</strong> many created gods ; lb <strong>is</strong> itplainly implied by <strong>all</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e o<strong>the</strong>r foremention:d fa<strong>the</strong>rs, who charge <strong>the</strong>Arians with <strong>the</strong> guilt <strong>of</strong> Pagan idolatry: becaufe, had <strong>the</strong> Pagans worfliippedmany uncreated <strong>and</strong> independent gods, it would not <strong>the</strong>refore follow,that <strong>the</strong> Arians were idolaters, if <strong>the</strong> Pagans were. But that th<strong>is</strong>was indeed <strong>the</strong> fenfc <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fi<strong>the</strong>rs, both before <strong>and</strong> after <strong>the</strong> Nicene council,concerning <strong>the</strong> P.igan polythcifm <strong>and</strong> idolatry, that it confided not inworlhipping many uncreated <strong>and</strong> independent gods, but only one uncreated<strong>and</strong> many created, hath been already o<strong>the</strong>rwife manifcfled -,itmight be fur<strong>the</strong>r confirm.ed by fundry teftimonies <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m ; as th<strong>is</strong> <strong>of</strong> St.Gregory Nazianzen in h<strong>is</strong> 37rh oration »; Ti' (^al -iyj y.x\ nx^' "ExXricrt (pxTcv £vJiAtx 0£OTj;c, uf 01 ra -fXsuTtfa Traj' ly.snoi? QiXoiTc(p^v7ec; fVhat <strong>the</strong>n ixciddfome fayAs<strong>the</strong>re not one divinity alfo amonyfl <strong>the</strong> Pag/'ns, as <strong>the</strong>y, who pbil<strong>of</strong>ophize morefully <strong>and</strong>ferfetl'y amongji <strong>the</strong>m, uo declare? And that full <strong>and</strong> remarkable one<strong>of</strong> Iren.eus, where he plainly afikmeth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Gentiles , Ita crealum po-L. z. eg.tins quam Creatori ferviebant, £5" h<strong>is</strong> qrr ncn funt dii, lit priminn deitat<strong>is</strong> lo- l^f- ','9 ^^^cum attrihuerent uni alicui ^ ftimmo fabri.a'.ori hujus iiniverfitat<strong>is</strong> Deo : ^^Jg'^ pj^"That <strong>the</strong>y fo ferved <strong>the</strong> creature, <strong>and</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e who are not gods, ra<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> MafTueci ']Creator \ that notiaithfl<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>the</strong>y attributed <strong>the</strong> firjl place <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Deity toone certain fiipreme God, <strong>the</strong> maker <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> univerfe. The fccond thino- <strong>is</strong>,that Athayiafius, <strong>and</strong> <strong>all</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e o<strong>the</strong>r orthodox fithtrs, who charged <strong>the</strong> A-rians with Pagan idolatry, did <strong>the</strong>reby plainly imply, th<strong>of</strong>e not to be uncapablc<strong>of</strong> idolatry, who worHiip one fbvereign Numen, or acknowledgeone fupreme Deity, <strong>the</strong> maker <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole world ; fince not only <strong>the</strong> A-rians unqueftionably did fo, but alio, according to <strong>the</strong>fe fa<strong>the</strong>rs, <strong>the</strong> very Pagans<strong>the</strong>mielves. The third thing <strong>is</strong>, that in <strong>the</strong> judgment oi AthanafmSj<strong>and</strong> <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> orthodox Anti-Arian fa<strong>the</strong>rs, to give religious worfhip to anycreated being what.'bever, thoiTL,h inferiour to that worfhip, which <strong>is</strong> given to<strong>the</strong> fupreme God, <strong>and</strong> ri: reiore according to <strong>the</strong> modern diftinflion, notAalfEia, but

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