wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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602 I'he EJjfence of the Godhead^ B o o k I.doth ejfence or fubftance^ differ from hypof^infes ; that is to fay, that efTcnce orfubftanceof the Godhead, which is common to all the three hypoftafes, orwhereby each ofthem is God, was concluded by the fathers, not tobeonefingu-Jaror indi/idual,but oaegeneral or univerfxlefTence and fubftance; Theodoret,notwithftanding, there acknowledging, that no fuch diftindion was obfervedby other Greek, writers betwixt tiiofe two words xVi'a and x^TrdraiK;^ effence orftibjlatice a.nd hypoftafis, as that the former of them fliould be reftrained touniverfalsonly, generical or fpccifical elTences or fubftances ; but that thiswas peculiar to the Chriftian fathers, in their doflrine concerning the Trinity.They in the mean time not denying, but that each hypoftafis, profopon,or perfon, in the Trinity, might be laid in another fenfe, and in way ofoppofition to SaMIius, to have its own fingular, individual, or exiftent effencealfo ;and that there are thus, r^fiV ouViai, three fingular exiftent effences in^^^^ Deity, as well as t^cT? j7ror

Chap. IV. to the Fathers^ univerfal. 603thus defined by fome of thcfe fathers {viz. Anafiafius and Cyril •) to beEffentia cum fuis quibufdam froprietatiius ab iisy qua funt ejufdem fpeciei,numero differens ; an epnce orfuljtance, with its certain properties {or individuatingcircumflances) differing only numerically from thofe of the famefpecies -with it. This dodtrine was plainly aflerted and induftrioufly purfued,(befides feveral others both of the Greeks and Latins) efpecially byGregory ISyffeu, Cyril of Alexandria, Maximus the Martyr, and Damafcen ;whofe words, becaufe P^/

Chap. IV. to <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>rs^ univerfal. 603thus defined by fome <strong>of</strong> thcfe fa<strong>the</strong>rs {viz. Anafiafius <strong>and</strong> Cyril •) to beEffentia cum fu<strong>is</strong> quibufdam froprietatiius ab i<strong>is</strong>y qua funt ejufdem fpeciei,numero differens ; an epnce orfuljtance, with its certain properties {or individuatingcircumflances) differing only numeric<strong>all</strong>y from th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> famefpecies -with it. Th<strong>is</strong> dodtrine was plainly aflerted <strong>and</strong> induftrioufly purfued,(befides feveral o<strong>the</strong>rs both <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Greeks <strong>and</strong> Latins) efpeci<strong>all</strong>y byGregory ISyffeu, Cyril <strong>of</strong> Alex<strong>and</strong>ria, Maximus <strong>the</strong> Martyr, <strong>and</strong> Damafcen ;wh<strong>of</strong>e words, becaufe P^/

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