wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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Chap. IV. not <strong>the</strong> Firft, but Second. 585highcft Good, that <strong>the</strong>refore <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong> fome fubftantial thing, in order <strong>of</strong>nature fuperiour to Intelleft. Which confideration Plato much infifteth upon,in h<strong>is</strong> fixth book De Republica. Now upon <strong>the</strong>fe fevcrai accounts do <strong>the</strong>PJaconifts confidently conclude, otj o\- xaEiTTwv At-Vo^ ri, voO' >^ ai'iSWuf, tt*- pv />. 512.fa^tou -rxxiTx oyA. au'roj m TxZia- That <strong>the</strong> fupreme Deiiy <strong>is</strong> mo-re excelknti^'^^^'^'^-^<strong>and</strong>bettenhan <strong>the</strong> Aoyo; {Rcafon, or <strong>the</strong> IVord) IntelleSi <strong>and</strong> Senfe, '^^ '^^'''^-^o XiV'ivg <strong>the</strong>fe things^ but not being <strong>the</strong>fe bimfelf. And to yeiiy-no)! i'^ ochrov hiya; '''woAuc »j Trasf to J'e ii'j (fjiAovsTi oJ Aoyo;' Trug Sv £5 cux. Xoyo'j :\oy^' xai ttcSj to it?.\^' L "'^^'uyu^oiiSi; t^ dya^QV- That^ ivhich was generated from <strong>the</strong> firjl principle, wasLogos {fVord or Reafon) manifold; but <strong>the</strong> firjl principle it fetf was notWord : if you dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>refore, how IVord^ or Reafon, fjculd proceed fromthat which <strong>is</strong> not IVord or Reafon ? zvc anfjver, as that, which <strong>is</strong> boniform^ fromgoodnefs it felf. With which PJatonick <strong>and</strong> Pythagorick Doclrine exadlyagreeth Fhilo <strong>the</strong> Jew alfo ',«' t^o' toj Ao'j/f, 0£o\- HfEiVo-wv »'?-»« « Tr^ia>\oyiY.r, (pjl xxt Tin tgaijiTU xaSsj-wr* kTsz,cJ(r£i/S-£,aK *iv yiir,rov f^ouoiwS-jj^af 27;^/ G^^ which <strong>is</strong> before <strong>the</strong> H^^'ord or Reafon^<strong>is</strong> better <strong>and</strong> more excellent than <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> rational nature •, nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>is</strong> it fit, thatany thing, which <strong>is</strong> generated, fijould be perfe£Ily like to that, which <strong>is</strong> origin<strong>all</strong>yfrom it felf <strong>and</strong> above <strong>all</strong>. And indeed, we fhould not have fo much infilledupon th<strong>is</strong>, had it not been by realon <strong>of</strong> a devout veneration, that wehave for ail <strong>the</strong> Scripture-myfteries ; which icripture feems to give no fm<strong>all</strong>countenance to th<strong>is</strong> doctrine, when it makes in like manner an eternal Word<strong>and</strong> Wifdom to be <strong>the</strong> fecond hyp<strong>of</strong>taf<strong>is</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> divine Triad, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> firftbegottenSon, or Off-fpring <strong>of</strong> God <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r. And Athanafms, as wasbefore obferved, very much complieth here alfo with <strong>the</strong> Platonick notion,when he denies, that <strong>the</strong>re was any y.iytx; or

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