wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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forpyA Nous or Logos caUed Autopa.t^r. Book I.so?, ap(^(ioiii>c yoi^ a,e\ ^ [/.ovo^ a'luvio; o v?s' Plato thus declareth concerning the firflgood^ that from it was generated a certain mind incomprehenfible to mortals •, inwhichftibjijling by it felf^ are cojitaincd the things, that truly are, and the effencesof all beings. 7his is the firji fair, and pulchritude it felf, which proceededor fprung out of God from all eternity as its caufe, hut notwithftandingafter a peculiar manner, as felf-begotten, and as its own -parent. For it wasnot begotten from that, as any way moved towards its generation ; hut it proceededfrom God as it were felf-hegottenly. And that not from any temporalbeginning, there being as yet no fuch thing as time ; nor when time was afterwardsmade, did it any way affeSl him •, Mind is always timelefs, and aloneeternal. Here, befides the eternity of Mind or Intelledt, the fecond divinehypoftafis in the Piatonick trinity, there are other flrange and unufual expreffionsconcerning it -, for though it be acknowledged to have been generatedfrom the firft original Deity, yet is it called osuTOTraTuj) and aJruj'Ei-nTo;, its ownparent,and its own-offspring, and faid to have fprutsg out auroj/o'vuf, felfbegottenly.Now becaufe this is fo great a riddle or myftery, it is worth the while toconfider its true meaning and the ground thereof; which is thus declaredby Forphyriiis. Mind, though it fprung from the firfl good or fupreme Deityfrom eternity, yet is it faid to bt felf-begotten, becaufe it did not fpring fromthat, as any ways moved towards its generation, but as always (landing flill, - or quiefcent. Which doftrine was before delivered by Plotinus after this6 fp. aS-.I manner ; » ximtltvl©' Cpccnov ytyviSixi, si yc^p mvi-XivKC^ uvth n yilmno, r^nov azTixitvu TO ytvo[JLivov ,u£T« Tru jt'vTiTiv a,v yiyvotro, >c, B ^lure^or Jii' tsv axfimrK ouli^,fiVi Siureco-j fJ.iT a-jTC, a 7rpo(r]/vJTa,vl

."Chap. IV. Arius no Platonifl,57we have no warrant for it from the fcripture ; though we are not ignorantthat fome late divines have ventured to call the Chriftian Lo^os after the famemanner wro^iov, and ex/eipfo Deum, God from hmfelf''Dionyfius Petavius having rightly declared the dodlrine of Arius, afterthis manner, that the Father was the only eternal God, and that the Son,or Word, was a creature made by him in time, and out of nothing ; that is,after he had not been produced into being ; fubjoins thefe words ; In ea verb De Ty.'n. I. i.profejfwne, quod fupra 'memoravi, plamjfime conjtat, germanum Platonicum ^ S. § 2.Arium extitijfe. From the profcjfion of th:s do£frine, it is jnoji undeniably ma- [f'""'}^'nifejt (what was before affirmed) that Arius vjas a genuan or genuine difcipk I'h'eolo^".

."Chap. IV. Arius no Platonifl,57we have no warrant for it from <strong>the</strong> fcripture ; though we are not ignorantthat fome late divines have ventured to c<strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> Chriftian Lo^os after <strong>the</strong> famemanner wro^iov, <strong>and</strong> ex/eipfo Deum, God from hmfelf''Dionyfius Petavius having rightly declared <strong>the</strong> dodlrine <strong>of</strong> Arius, afterth<strong>is</strong> manner, that <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r was <strong>the</strong> only eternal God, <strong>and</strong> that <strong>the</strong> Son,or Word, was a creature made by him in time, <strong>and</strong> out <strong>of</strong> nothing ; that <strong>is</strong>,after he had not been produced into being ; fubjoins <strong>the</strong>fe words ; In ea verb De Ty.'n. I. i.pr<strong>of</strong>ejfwne, quod fupra 'memoravi, plamjfime conjtat, germanum Platonicum ^ S. § 2.Arium extitijfe. From <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>cjfion <strong>of</strong> th:s do£frine, it <strong>is</strong> jnoji undeniably ma- [f'""'}^'nifejt (what was before affirmed) that Arius vjas a genuan or genuine difcipk I'h'eolo^".

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