wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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Chap. IV. Againfl 0{\gt\-\s Eneilefs Circuits, 567affeSiion, procured to th<strong>is</strong> foul its infeparahle union with <strong>the</strong> God-head., fd that<strong>the</strong> ajfumption <strong>of</strong> it zi;as nei<strong>the</strong>r fortuitous nor partial, or with pr<strong>of</strong>opolepfy {<strong>the</strong>acception <strong>of</strong> perfons) but befloiied upon it juflly for <strong>the</strong> merit <strong>of</strong> its virtues \hear (faith he) <strong>the</strong> prophet thus declaring to him, Thou hafl loved righteoufnefs<strong>and</strong> hated iniquity ; <strong>the</strong>refore hath God, even thy God, anointed <strong>the</strong>e ivith <strong>the</strong>oil <strong>of</strong> gladnefs above thy fellows. The foul <strong>of</strong> Chriji <strong>the</strong>refore was anointedwith <strong>the</strong> oil <strong>of</strong> gladnefs, or made one with <strong>the</strong> Word <strong>of</strong> God, for <strong>the</strong> merits <strong>of</strong>love <strong>and</strong>faithful adherence to God, <strong>and</strong> no o<strong>the</strong>rwife. For to be anointed with<strong>the</strong> oil <strong>of</strong> gladnsfs here properly fignifies nothing elfe, but to be replenifoed with<strong>the</strong> Holy Gh<strong>of</strong>l. But when it <strong>is</strong> faid, that he was thus anointed above h<strong>is</strong> fellows,th<strong>is</strong> intimateth, that he had not <strong>the</strong> Holy-Gh<strong>of</strong>l beftcwed upon him, onlyas <strong>the</strong> prophets <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r holy men had, but that <strong>the</strong> fubfiantial fulnefs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Word <strong>of</strong> God dwelt in him. But th<strong>is</strong> reafon <strong>of</strong> Origen^s feems to be very weak ;becaiife if <strong>the</strong>re be a rank <strong>of</strong> fouls below human, Ipecificaliy differing from<strong>the</strong> fame, as Origen himfelf muft needs confefs, fhe not <strong>all</strong>owing <strong>the</strong> louls <strong>of</strong>brutes to have been human fouls Japfed,as fome Pythagoreans <strong>and</strong> Platoniftsconceited, but renouncing <strong>and</strong> difclaiming that opinion, as monftroudy abfurd<strong>and</strong> irrational) <strong>the</strong>re can be no reafon given, why <strong>the</strong>re might not beas well o<strong>the</strong>r ranks <strong>and</strong> orders <strong>of</strong> fouls fupenour to th<strong>of</strong>e<strong>of</strong> men, without <strong>the</strong>injuftice <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>opolepfy ; as, befides Simplicius, Plotinus <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> generality <strong>of</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r PJatonifts conceived.But leaft <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> can we aflent to Origen, when from th<strong>is</strong> principle, thatfouls, as fuch, are eficnti<strong>all</strong>y endowed with liberum arbilrium, or free will,<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>refore never in <strong>the</strong>ir own nature impeccable, he infers th<strong>of</strong>e endlefscircuits <strong>of</strong> f6uls upwards <strong>and</strong> downwards, <strong>and</strong> fo makes <strong>the</strong>m to be never atreft, denying <strong>the</strong>m any fixed ftate <strong>of</strong> holinefs <strong>and</strong> happinefs by divine grace ;fuch as <strong>wherein</strong> <strong>the</strong>y might be free from <strong>the</strong> fear <strong>and</strong> danger <strong>of</strong> ever l<strong>of</strong>ing <strong>the</strong>fame. Of whom St. Aujiin'- <strong>the</strong>refore thus ; Ilium ^propter alia nonnulla,y maxiine propter <strong>all</strong>ernantes fine ceffatione beatitudines £ff miferias, i^flatut<strong>is</strong>feculorum interv<strong>all</strong><strong>is</strong> ab ift<strong>is</strong> ad illas, aiq^ue ab ill<strong>is</strong> ad iftas it us ac reditus interminabiles,non immeritb reprobavit ecclejia ; quia & hoc quod mifericors videbatur,ami/it, faciendo fanSl<strong>is</strong> veras miferias, quibus pxnas luerent, U' falfas beatitU'dines, in quibus verum ac fecurum, hoc efi, fine timore certum fempiterniboni gaudium non haberent. The church hath defervedly rejeSled Origen, bothfor certain o<strong>the</strong>r opinions <strong>of</strong> h<strong>is</strong>, <strong>and</strong> especi<strong>all</strong>y for th<strong>of</strong>e h<strong>is</strong> alternate beatitudes<strong>and</strong> miferies, without end, <strong>and</strong> for h<strong>is</strong> infinite circuits, afcents <strong>and</strong> defcents <strong>of</strong>fouls from one to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r, in refilefs viciffitudes <strong>and</strong> after periods <strong>of</strong> time. For^afmuch as hereby he hath quite l<strong>of</strong>t that very title <strong>of</strong>pitiful, or tnerciful, whichothcrivife he feemed to have deferved, by making fo many true miferies for <strong>the</strong>heft <strong>of</strong>faints, in which <strong>the</strong>y fhould fucceffively undergo punifhment <strong>and</strong> fmart ;<strong>and</strong> none but falfe happinefs for <strong>the</strong>m, fuch as <strong>wherein</strong> <strong>the</strong>y could never haveany true or fecure joy, free from <strong>the</strong> fear <strong>of</strong> l<strong>of</strong>ing that good, zvhich <strong>the</strong>y p<strong>of</strong>fefs.for th<strong>is</strong> Origenical hypo<strong>the</strong>f<strong>is</strong> feems direclly contrary to <strong>the</strong> whole tenour<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> G<strong>of</strong>pel, promifing eternal <strong>and</strong> everlafting life to th<strong>of</strong>e, who believe inDdddChrift,> DcCivitateDei, Lib. XXI. cap. XVII. p. 4S1. Tom VIII. Opcr.

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