wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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and^66 Different Degrees of Souls.' Book I.Tz^^jiTx xyoi^x aipsftnuv xaXor But the firjl and highejl of fouls, ii'hich "were immediatelyproducedfrom what are effentiatly good, although they have fame abatementin thetp, they being not goodneffes effent tally, but defirous of good, neverthelefsare they fo near a-kin to that highefl good of all, as that they do naturallyand indivulfively cleave to the fame, and have their volitions always uniformlydireSled towards it, they never declining to the worfer. Infomuch that^/Prosrefis be taken for the chufing of one thing before another, perhaps thereis no fuch thing as Proasrefis to be imputed to them, unlefs one fliould call thechufing of the firfi 'goods Prosrefis. By thefe higher fouls Simplicius mufl:needs underftand, either the fouls of the fun, moon and ftars, or elfe thofeof the fuperiour orders of demoniack or angelick beings. Where thoughhe make a queftion, whether Proarejis or Deliberation belong to them, yetdoes he plainly imply, that they have none at all of that lubricous liberum arbitriumor free-will belonging to them, which would make them capable ofvice and immorality as well as virtue.But whatever is to be faid of this, there feems to be no necefllty at allfor admitting that affertion of Origen's, that all rational fouls whatfoever,even thofe of men and thoie of the higheft angelical orders, are univerfallyof one and the fame nature, and have no fundamental or effential differencein their confVitution •, confequcntly that all the diflerence, that isnow betwixt them, did arife only from the difference of their demeanour,or ufe of that power and liberty, which they all alike once had. So thatthrones, and dominions, and principalities, and powers, were all made fuchby their merits ; and human fouls, though now funk fo low, yet are notabfolutely uncapable of commencing angels,or afcending to thofe higheft altitudes: as it is not impoffible, according to him, neither, but that the higheftangels alfo, the Seraphim and Cherubim might, in length of time, not onlydegenerate into devils, but alfo fink down into human bodies ; his reafonfor which monftrous paradox is only this, that the divine juftice cannototherwife well be falved, but God muft needs be a zr^o^u-^oXv.Try,^^ an accepterof perfons, ftiould he have arbitrarily made fuch vaft differences amongftintelleftual beings. Which ground he alfo extendeth fo fir, as to the humanfoul of our Saviour Chrift himielf, as being not partially appointed to that tranfcendentdignity of its hypoftatick union, but by reafon of its moft faithful adherenceto the divine word and wifdom, in a pre-exiftentftace, beyond ail othersHf^i a.i-)ff., fouls Vwhich he endeavours thus to prove from the Scripture, ^.hd diUBionisI. I. f.6.perfeHio^ i£ affeclus finceritas, ei infeparabilem cum Deo fecerit unitatcm, itaut non fortuita fuerit, aut cum perfon^e acceptione, anima ejus affumptio, fedvirtulum fuarum Jibi merito delata ; audi ad eum prophetam dicentem, Dilexifiijufiitiam £5? odifli iniquitatem %proptereu unxit te Deus, Deus tuus, oleo lu:titiapric favticipihus tuis : dileiJionis ergo merito ungitur oleo Lctitia anima Cbriftj,idefi, cum verba Dei uniim efficitur. Ungi tiamque oleo Itctiti^, non aliud intelligiturquam Spiritu SanHo repleri. Pra participibus autem dixit ;quia nongratia fpiriius Jicut prophetis ei data efl, fed ipfms verbi Dei in ea fubjlaniialisiiierat plenitudo. That the perfeiiion of love, and fmcerity of divineIaff- £fion.

Chap. IV. Againfl 0{\gt\-\s Eneilefs Circuits, 567affeSiion, procured to this foul its infeparahle union with the God-head., fd thatthe ajfumption of it zi;as neither fortuitous nor partial, or with profopolepfy {theacception of perfons) but befloiied upon it juflly for the merit of its virtues \hear (faith he) the prophet thus declaring to him, Thou hafl loved righteoufnefsand hated iniquity ; therefore hath God, even thy God, anointed thee ivith theoil of gladnefs above thy fellows. The foul of Chriji therefore was anointedwith the oil of gladnefs, or made one with the Word of God, for the merits oflove andfaithful adherence to God, and no otherwife. For to be anointed withthe oil of gladnsfs here properly fignifies nothing elfe, but to be replenifoed withthe Holy Ghofl. But when it is faid, that he was thus anointed above his fellows,this intimateth, that he had not the Holy-Ghofl beftcwed upon him, onlyas the prophets and other holy men had, but that the fubfiantial fulnefs of theWord of God dwelt in him. But this reafon of Origen^s feems to be very weak ;becaiife if there be a rank of fouls below human, Ipecificaliy differing fromthe fame, as Origen himfelf muft needs confefs, fhe not allowing the louls ofbrutes to have been human fouls Japfed,as fome Pythagoreans and Platoniftsconceited, but renouncing and difclaiming that opinion, as monftroudy abfurdand irrational) there can be no reafon given, why there might not beas well other ranks and orders of fouls fupenour to thofeof men, without theinjuftice of profopolepfy ; as, befides Simplicius, Plotinus and the generality ofother PJatonifts conceived.But leaft of all can we aflent to Origen, when from this principle, thatfouls, as fuch, are eficntially endowed with liberum arbilrium, or free will,and therefore never in their own nature impeccable, he infers thofe endlefscircuits of f6uls upwards and downwards, and fo makes them to be never atreft, denying them any fixed ftate of holinefs and happinefs by divine grace ;fuch as wherein they might be free from the fear and danger of ever lofing thefame. Of whom St. Aujiin'- therefore thus ; Ilium ^propter alia nonnulla,y maxiine propter allernantes fine ceffatione beatitudines £ff miferias, i^flatutisfeculorum intervallis ab iftis ad illas, aiq^ue ab illis ad iftas it us ac reditus interminabiles,non immeritb reprobavit ecclejia ; quia & hoc quod mifericors videbatur,ami/it, faciendo fanSlis veras miferias, quibus pxnas luerent, U' falfas beatitU'dines, in quibus verum ac fecurum, hoc efi, fine timore certum fempiterniboni gaudium non haberent. The church hath defervedly rejeSled Origen, bothfor certain other opinions of his, and especially for thofe his alternate beatitudesand miferies, without end, and for his infinite circuits, afcents and defcents offouls from one to the other, in refilefs viciffitudes and after periods of time. For^afmuch as hereby he hath quite loft that very title ofpitiful, or tnerciful, whichothcrivife he feemed to have deferved, by making fo many true miferies for theheft offaints, in which they fhould fucceffively undergo punifhment and fmart ;and none but falfe happinefs for them, fuch as wherein they could never haveany true or fecure joy, free from the fear of lofing that good, zvhich they poffefs.for this Origenical hypothefis feems direclly contrary to the whole tenourof the Gofpel, promifing eternal and everlafting life to thofe, who believe inDdddChrift,> DcCivitateDei, Lib. XXI. cap. XVII. p. 4S1. Tom VIII. Opcr.

<strong>and</strong>^66 Different Degrees <strong>of</strong> Souls.' Book I.Tz^^jiTx xyoi^x aipsftnuv xaXor But <strong>the</strong> firjl <strong>and</strong> highejl <strong>of</strong> fouls, ii'hich "were immediatelyproducedfrom what are effentiatly good, although <strong>the</strong>y have fame abatementin <strong>the</strong>tp, <strong>the</strong>y being not goodneffes effent t<strong>all</strong>y, but defirous <strong>of</strong> good, never<strong>the</strong>lefsare <strong>the</strong>y fo near a-kin to that highefl good <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong>, as that <strong>the</strong>y do natur<strong>all</strong>y<strong>and</strong> indivulfively cleave to <strong>the</strong> fame, <strong>and</strong> have <strong>the</strong>ir volitions always uniformlydireSled towards it, <strong>the</strong>y never declining to <strong>the</strong> worfer. Infomuch that^/Prosref<strong>is</strong> be taken for <strong>the</strong> chufing <strong>of</strong> one thing before ano<strong>the</strong>r, perhaps <strong>the</strong>re<strong>is</strong> no fuch thing as Proasref<strong>is</strong> to be imputed to <strong>the</strong>m, unlefs one fliould c<strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong>chufing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> firfi 'goods Prosref<strong>is</strong>. By <strong>the</strong>fe higher fouls Simplicius mufl:needs underft<strong>and</strong>, ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> fouls <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fun, moon <strong>and</strong> ftars, or elfe th<strong>of</strong>e<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fuperiour orders <strong>of</strong> demoniack or angelick beings. Where thoughhe make a queftion, whe<strong>the</strong>r Proarej<strong>is</strong> or Deliberation belong to <strong>the</strong>m, yetdoes he plainly imply, that <strong>the</strong>y have none at <strong>all</strong> <strong>of</strong> that lubricous liberum arbitriumor free-will belonging to <strong>the</strong>m, which would make <strong>the</strong>m capable <strong>of</strong>vice <strong>and</strong> immorality as well as virtue.But whatever <strong>is</strong> to be faid <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong>, <strong>the</strong>re feems to be no necefllty at <strong>all</strong>for admitting that affertion <strong>of</strong> Origen's, that <strong>all</strong> rational fouls whatfoever,even th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> men <strong>and</strong> thoie <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> higheft angelical orders, are univerf<strong>all</strong>y<strong>of</strong> one <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> fame nature, <strong>and</strong> have no fundamental or effential differencein <strong>the</strong>ir confVitution •, confequcntly that <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> diflerence, that <strong>is</strong>now betwixt <strong>the</strong>m, did arife only from <strong>the</strong> difference <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir demeanour,or ufe <strong>of</strong> that power <strong>and</strong> liberty, which <strong>the</strong>y <strong>all</strong> alike once had. So thatthrones, <strong>and</strong> dominions, <strong>and</strong> principalities, <strong>and</strong> powers, were <strong>all</strong> made fuchby <strong>the</strong>ir merits ; <strong>and</strong> human fouls, though now funk fo low, yet are notabfolutely uncapable <strong>of</strong> commencing angels,or afcending to th<strong>of</strong>e higheft altitudes: as it <strong>is</strong> not imp<strong>of</strong>fible, according to him, nei<strong>the</strong>r, but that <strong>the</strong> higheftangels alfo, <strong>the</strong> Seraphim <strong>and</strong> Cherubim might, in length <strong>of</strong> time, not onlydegenerate into devils, but alfo fink down into human bodies ; h<strong>is</strong> reafonfor which monftrous paradox <strong>is</strong> only th<strong>is</strong>, that <strong>the</strong> divine juftice cannoto<strong>the</strong>rwife well be falved, but God muft needs be a zr^o^u-^oXv.Try,^^ an accepter<strong>of</strong> perfons, ftiould he have arbitrarily made fuch vaft differences amongftintelleftual beings. Which ground he alfo extendeth fo fir, as to <strong>the</strong> humanfoul <strong>of</strong> our Saviour Chrift himielf, as being not parti<strong>all</strong>y appointed to that tranfcendentdignity <strong>of</strong> its hyp<strong>of</strong>tatick union, but by reafon <strong>of</strong> its m<strong>of</strong>t faithful adherenceto <strong>the</strong> divine word <strong>and</strong> wifdom, in a pre-exiftentftace, beyond ail o<strong>the</strong>rsHf^i a.i-)ff., fouls Vwhich he endeavours thus to prove from <strong>the</strong> Scripture, ^.hd diUBion<strong>is</strong>I. I. f.6.perfeHio^ i£ affeclus finceritas, ei infeparabilem cum Deo fecerit unitatcm, itaut non fortuita fuerit, aut cum perfon^e acceptione, anima ejus affumptio, fedvirtulum fuarum Jibi merito delata ; audi ad eum prophetam dicentem, Dilexifiijufiitiam £5? odifli iniquitatem %proptereu unxit te Deus, Deus tuus, oleo lu:titiapric favticipihus tu<strong>is</strong> : dileiJion<strong>is</strong> ergo merito ungitur oleo Lctitia anima Cbriftj,idefi, cum verba Dei uniim efficitur. Ungi tiamque oleo Itctiti^, non aliud intelligiturquam Spiritu SanHo repleri. Pra participibus autem dixit ;quia nongratia fpiriius Jicut prophet<strong>is</strong> ei data efl, fed ipfms verbi Dei in ea fubjlaniial<strong>is</strong>iiierat plenitudo. That <strong>the</strong> perfeiiion <strong>of</strong> love, <strong>and</strong> fmcerity <strong>of</strong> divineIaff- £fion.

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