wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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Cha p. IV". io be deceived bt <strong>the</strong>ir Religion. 54.1Far he it from us (fay <strong>the</strong>y) to think fo or fo, th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> nothing but <strong>the</strong> garrulity <strong>of</strong>idle fables^ <strong>and</strong>, 2~ou would bring us again to fables. And though <strong>the</strong>y ownedano<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>ology befides <strong>the</strong>ir civil aJlb, which was <strong>the</strong> natural <strong>and</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophical,as <strong>the</strong> only true ; yet did <strong>the</strong>y notwirhft<strong>and</strong>ing acknowledge a kind<strong>of</strong>necefijty, that, in thole times at leaft, <strong>the</strong>re fhould be, befides <strong>the</strong> natural<strong>and</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophical <strong>the</strong>ology, which <strong>the</strong> vulgar were not fo capable <strong>of</strong>, ano<strong>the</strong>r<strong>the</strong>ology framed <strong>and</strong> held forth, that might be more accommodate to<strong>the</strong>ir apprehenfions. Thus that Roman pontifex Scavola in St. Aujlin declareth', Expedire exifiimat f<strong>all</strong>i in religione civitates. That it -was expedient{as he thought) that cities <strong>and</strong> commonwealths fJiould be deceived in <strong>the</strong>ir religion,or have fcwething falfe or fabulous intermingled with it ; he givingth<strong>is</strong> reafon for <strong>the</strong> fame, bccaufe <strong>the</strong> natural <strong>and</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophick <strong>the</strong>ology containedmany things in it, which, though true, yet would be hurtful for <strong>the</strong>vulgar to know •, as for example, kluod verus Deus nee fexum habeat, nee a-taterHy nee definita corpor<strong>is</strong> membra ; That <strong>the</strong> true God hath nei<strong>the</strong>r fex, nor age,nor bodily members ; ^W /i^^/ Hercules <strong>and</strong> .Sfculapius, i£c. were not gods, butmen, obnoxious to <strong>the</strong> fame infirmities with o<strong>the</strong>rs ; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> like. And <strong>the</strong>learned Varro, in h<strong>is</strong> book <strong>of</strong> religions *, publickly maintained <strong>the</strong> famed<strong>of</strong>trine : Varro de religionibus loq^uens, evidenter dicit, multa ejje vera, quievulgo fcire nonftt utile; multaque, qu^e tametfi falfa fint, aliter exijllmare popwlum expediat : id idea Gracos teletas id myfieria tacitiirnitate parietibufque claufiffe,ijc. That <strong>the</strong>re were many things true in religion, which it was not convenientfor <strong>the</strong> vulgar to know ; as likewife many things falfe, <strong>of</strong> which it wasexpedient <strong>the</strong>y fhculd think o<strong>the</strong>rwife : <strong>and</strong> that for th<strong>is</strong> caufe, <strong>the</strong> Greeks encl<strong>of</strong>ed<strong>the</strong>ir Teletfe or myfleries within w<strong>all</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> kept <strong>the</strong>m under a feal <strong>of</strong>fecrecy.Upon which <strong>of</strong> Varro St. Aufiin thus noteth ; Hie certe totum confiliumprodidit fapientium, per quos civitates id populi regerentur : Varro hereplainly difcovers <strong>and</strong> betrays <strong>the</strong> whole counfel <strong>and</strong> fecrecy <strong>of</strong>flates-men <strong>and</strong>politicians, by whom cities <strong>and</strong> nations were governed, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir very arcanum<strong>of</strong>government, namely th<strong>is</strong>. That people were to be deceived in <strong>the</strong>ir religion,for <strong>the</strong>ir own good, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> good <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir govercurs. The fame fa<strong>the</strong>r<strong>the</strong>re adding, That evil demons were much gratified with th<strong>is</strong> doctrine, <strong>and</strong>liked th<strong>is</strong> fraud <strong>and</strong> imp<strong>of</strong>iure very well, which gave <strong>the</strong>m an advantage to rule<strong>and</strong> tyrannize, as well over <strong>the</strong> deceivers as <strong>the</strong> deceived. Laftly, Strabo alfo *,though o<strong>the</strong>rwife a grave <strong>and</strong> fober writer, fpeaks freely <strong>and</strong> broadly to <strong>the</strong>fame purp<strong>of</strong>e -, » ya.^ o'/Xiv ti •ywaciKUv ^ 7rav7®-' "XySxiv irXri^v^ iTTxyxytiv XoyuSuvuTOv iptXo, Xj Trpos-jcjiXftraiSai zreog e\jc, ocrioT>)Ta x, wifiV tUxXa Ss7 1^SiOt, JsKntfaifAouiaj, t»to o\ »it oLtiv jU,u9o7ro(i«; ^ rtsxTttxg' It <strong>is</strong> not pojflble, thatwomen, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> vulgar fort, fhould be conducted <strong>and</strong> carried on towardspiety, holinefs <strong>and</strong> faith, meerly by phil<strong>of</strong>ophick reafon <strong>and</strong> truth ; but th<strong>is</strong> mufihe done by fuperfiition, <strong>and</strong> that not without <strong>the</strong> help <strong>of</strong> fables <strong>and</strong> prodigious* De Civic. Dei, Lib. IV. cap. XXVII. p. » Apud Au^uftin. ubi fupi-a, p. SS.8^. Tom.VII. Oper. aLib. I. piS.or wonderful narrations. From whence it <strong>is</strong> plain, that Strabo did not only<strong>all</strong>ow a neceffity <strong>of</strong> a civil <strong>the</strong>ology befides <strong>the</strong> natural <strong>and</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophical, butalfo <strong>of</strong> a fabulous <strong>and</strong> poetical one too. And th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> a thing <strong>the</strong> lefs to bev'ondred at in <strong>the</strong>fe Pagans, becaufe fome Chriftians alfo feem to acknowledgea kind <strong>of</strong> truth herein; Synefats himfelf writing after th<strong>is</strong> mannerx

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