wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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1 2 l^oe Antiquity <strong>of</strong> Atomology. Book I.wrote againft h<strong>is</strong> taking away <strong>the</strong> abfolute natures <strong>of</strong> things. However weare <strong>of</strong> opinion, that nei<strong>the</strong>r Democritus, nor Protagoras, nor Leucippus was<strong>the</strong> firrt inventor <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophy ; <strong>and</strong> our reafon <strong>is</strong>, becaufe <strong>the</strong>y were <strong>all</strong>three <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m A<strong>the</strong>ifts (though Protagoras alone was banifhed for that crimeby <strong>the</strong> Aihenians) <strong>and</strong> we cannot think, that any A<strong>the</strong>ifts could be <strong>the</strong> inventors<strong>of</strong> it, much lefs that it was <strong>the</strong> genuine fpawn <strong>and</strong> brood <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifm itfelf,as fome conceit, becaufe however <strong>the</strong>l'e A<strong>the</strong>iils adopted it to <strong>the</strong>mfelves, endeavouringto fcrve <strong>the</strong>ir turns <strong>of</strong> it, yet if rightly underflood, it <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> m<strong>of</strong>tefFeftual engine againft a<strong>the</strong>ifni that can be. And we Ih<strong>all</strong> make it appearafterwards, that never any <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e A<strong>the</strong>ifts, whe<strong>the</strong>r ancient or modern (howgreat pretenders foever to it) did throughly underft<strong>and</strong> it, but perpetu<strong>all</strong>ycontradifted <strong>the</strong>mfelves in it. And th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> reafon, why we infift fo muchupon th<strong>is</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophy here, not only becaufe without <strong>the</strong> perfefl knowledge<strong>of</strong> it, we cannotdeal with <strong>the</strong> A<strong>the</strong>ifts at <strong>the</strong>ir own weapon ; but alfo becaufe wedoubt not but to make a fovereign antidote againft a<strong>the</strong>ifm out <strong>of</strong> that veryphil<strong>of</strong>ophy, which fo many have ufed as a vchicidum to convey th<strong>is</strong> poiibn <strong>of</strong>a<strong>the</strong>ifm by.IX. But befides reafon, we have alfo good hiftorical probability for th<strong>is</strong>opinion, that th<strong>is</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophy was a thing <strong>of</strong> much greater antiquity thanei<strong>the</strong>r Democritus or Leucippus. And firft, becaufe Pcfidonius, an ancient<strong>and</strong> learned phi l<strong>of</strong>opher, did fas both £;«//;7V«.f ' <strong>and</strong> ^/r^^o ^ tell us)avouch it for an old tradition, that <strong>the</strong> firft inventor <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> atomical phil<strong>of</strong>ophywas one M<strong>of</strong>chtts a Phcenician, who, as Strabo alfo notes, lived before<strong>the</strong> Trojan wars.X. Moreover it feems not altoge<strong>the</strong>r improbable, but that th<strong>is</strong> M<strong>of</strong>chus aPhcenician phil<strong>of</strong>opher, mentioned by Pcjidonius, miglit be <strong>the</strong> fame withthat Mochi<strong>is</strong> a Phxnician phyfiologer in Jamblichus, with wh<strong>of</strong>e fucceflbrs,priefts <strong>and</strong> prophets, he aifirms that Pythagoras, fometimes ibjourning at Sidon(which was h<strong>is</strong> native city) had convers'd : which may be taken for anintimation, as if he had been by <strong>the</strong>m inftrufted in that atomical phyfiology,which Mcjchus ox Modus <strong>the</strong> Phcenician <strong>is</strong> laid to have been <strong>the</strong> inventor <strong>of</strong>.Mocbi<strong>is</strong> or M<strong>of</strong>chus <strong>is</strong> plainly a Phoenician name, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong> one Mochus aPhcenician writer cited xnA<strong>the</strong>rueus^-vihom <strong>the</strong> Latin tranflator ca.W'iM<strong>of</strong>chus ; <strong>and</strong>Mr. Selden approves <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>conjefture<strong>of</strong> y/rfmaj, <strong>the</strong> publiflier oijamhlichus,that th<strong>is</strong> Mochus was no o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> celebrated M<strong>of</strong>es <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jeivs, withwh<strong>of</strong>e fucceflbrs <strong>the</strong> Jewifti phil<strong>of</strong>ophers, priefts <strong>and</strong> prophets, Pythagorasconverfcd at Sidon. Some fantaftic Atomifts perhaps would here catch at th<strong>is</strong>,to make <strong>the</strong>ir phil<strong>of</strong>ophy to ft<strong>and</strong> by divine right, as owing its original to revelation; whereas phil<strong>of</strong>ophy being not a matter <strong>of</strong> faith but reafon, menought not to affeft (as I conceive) to derive its pedigree from revelation, <strong>and</strong>by that very pretence feek to irnp<strong>of</strong>e it tyrannic<strong>all</strong>y upon <strong>the</strong> minds <strong>of</strong> men,•which God hath here purp<strong>of</strong>ely left free to <strong>the</strong> life <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir own facukies, thatI Lib. IX. adverE Machemat. p. 6zi, * Lib. XV'I. p. 718.fo finding out truth by <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>the</strong>y might enjoy that plcafure <strong>and</strong> fat<strong>is</strong>fadion,which arifes from <strong>the</strong>nce. But we aim h^re at nothing more, than a confirmation<strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> truth, that <strong>the</strong> atomical phyfiology was both older than DemocrituSf

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