wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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lo Tie Records m Arlft^tle <strong>and</strong> Plato Boo k I.<strong>the</strong>y: <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n by parity <strong>of</strong> reafon <strong>the</strong>y extended <strong>the</strong> bufincfs fur<strong>the</strong>r to <strong>the</strong>otiier fenfibles. But th<strong>is</strong> opinion Arifiotle condemns in <strong>the</strong>fe words ', Oi •nraj-TEiiv ©ijcricAo'j'Oi TKTO i y.c.>.u; iXsy-ov, X-ikov \iTi )i^i)i oic^f.oi !iT£ y-ixccii ai£ii oij/faf, in},jjy-ov aviu ytuiTiai * Tbe former phyjiologen were genercUy out' in th<strong>is</strong>, in that<strong>the</strong>y thought <strong>the</strong>re 'u:as no black or '•j;hite ii'ithout <strong>the</strong> fight ^ nor no hitter or fveetwithout <strong>the</strong> tafle. There are o<strong>the</strong>r paffages in Arijiotle concerning th<strong>is</strong> phi-J<strong>of</strong>ophy, which I think fuperfluous to infert here ; <strong>and</strong> I fh<strong>all</strong> have occafion tocite fome <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m afterward for o<strong>the</strong>r purp<strong>of</strong>es.VII. But in <strong>the</strong> next place it will not be amifs to lliew, that Plato alfohathleft a very full record <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> mechanical or atomical phyfiology (that hathhardly been yet taken notice <strong>of</strong>) which notwithft<strong>and</strong><strong>is</strong>g he doth not impureci<strong>the</strong>r to Democritus (wh<strong>of</strong>e name Laertius ^ thinks he purp<strong>of</strong>ely declined tomention throughout <strong>all</strong> h<strong>is</strong> writings) or to Leucippus, but to Protagoras.Wherefore in h<strong>is</strong> Thextetus, having firft declared in general, ' that <strong>the</strong> Protagoreanphil<strong>of</strong>ophy made <strong>all</strong> things to confift <strong>of</strong> a commixture <strong>of</strong> parts (orstums) <strong>and</strong> local motion, he reprefents it, in particular concerning colours,after th<strong>is</strong> manner*; urroXcc^i romv ijacn xzra ra oiJ-'J-oclx ZTpuiTOV, o cJj jccAsTf p^aa^aaAfUJto'u ttJi £iva» ccvTO sTfcoa Ti E^u Tuu (ro:v 0[j.ij.cirwVj [/,Y,d iv rot; o jj.^cx.(Tiy «AAc4 y.iAocv ri y^hivysDi x^ OTi»v«AAo yaa^oi. i^ t>)? ra'foo'bOArj; tuv oy,f/.aTuv WfOf t'/iv zrpo(7ny.ii(Txv (pocxv ^xviTtci'yiyiVjYiiji.ivov, jcj J'e 'ixaci-ov ttvxi (pa/^tv ^^afxcc, kts to ra'focrSaAAov ire to zrcoa--C/xX'AOfjL£vov aAAa /jlctoc^-j rt ixdra 'iSioy yeyovog- Firfl, as to that which belongs to<strong>the</strong>fight., you mufl conceive that which <strong>is</strong> c<strong>all</strong>ed a white or a black colour not tobe any thing ahfolutely exifling ei<strong>the</strong>r without your eyes or within your eyes ; butblack <strong>and</strong> white^ <strong>and</strong> every o<strong>the</strong>r colour, <strong>is</strong> caufed by different motions made upon<strong>the</strong> eyefrom objects differently modified : fo that it <strong>is</strong> nothing ei<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong> agentnor <strong>the</strong> patient abfolutely, but fomething which ar ifes from between <strong>the</strong>m both.Where it follows immediately, >i ou S\ir>(v^[

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