wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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484 Pan, Janus, Genius, Saturn.; Book I.Faft. I. And asiain in this of Ovid ;[Ver. 1.7]^lirquid ubiqiie vides, caelum, mare., nuVila, terras^Omnia funt noftra daufa patentqiie maiiuMe penes efi unum vafti cujiodia miindi.From which paflfages it alfo appears, that Janus was not the meer fenfc-]efs and inanimate matter of the world, but a principle prefiding over it.And without doubt all the beginnings of things were therefore referred totWK Janus, becaufe he was accounted the moft ancient god, and the beginnino-of all things. St. Auftin concluding him to be the fame with Jupiter^therefore quarrels with the Pagans (that is, with their civil theology) forC. D.l. 7. thus making two gods of one: Cum ergo Janus mundus fit^ iS Jupiter mun-'•10-dusfit, unique fit mundus, quare duo dii funt JAnns (^ ]upkcr? ^tare feor-[P->3>-]y-^;„ hahent templa, feorfum aras, diverfa facra, di(J'imilia fimidachra? Sipropiera, quia alia vis eft primordicrum, alia caufarum, ex ilta Jani, ex iftaJovis nomen accepit : nunquidfi unus homo in diverf,s rebus duas habeat po-^teftateSy aut duas artes, {quia frngularum diverfa vis eft) idea duo dictmlurartifices ? ^c. Since therefore Janus is the world, and Jup'ter is the world,and there is but one world, how can Janus fl«i Jupiter be two gods? Whyhave they their temples apart, their altars apart, diftin£l facred things, andftatues of different forms? If becaufe the force of beginnings is one, and theforce of caiifes another, he is therefore called }.\m\sfrom the former, and Jupiter/rcw the latter; I ask whether or no, if one man have two feveral artsabout different things, he therefore be to be called two artificers ? Or is thereany more reafon, why one and the fame god, having two powers, one over thebeginnings of things, and another over the caufes, fhould therefore be accountedtwo gods ? Where, when Jupiter and Janus are both fliid to be the world,thisls to be underifood properly not of the matter, but the foul or mindCD. /. 4. Q^ jj^g world, as St. Auftin himfelfelfewhere declares •, Sit Jupiter corporeirp' '5Ihujus mundi animus, qui univerfam iftam molcm, ex quatuor elemefitis confiru£lamat que compa£iam, implet {5? mcvet ; Let Jupiter be the mind of thiscorporeal world, which both filleth and moveth that whole bulk, compoundedand made up of the four elements. Neverthelefs, as the foul .ind body bothtogether are called the man, fo was the whole animated world, by the Pagans,called God. Nov/ the forementioned argumentation of St. Auftin,though it be good againft the Pagans civil theology, yet their other arcaneand natural theology was unconcerned in ir, that plainly acknowledging allto be but one God, which for certain reafons v/.5s worfhipped under feveralnames, and with different rites. Wherefore Ja-nus and Jupiter^ beingreally but different names for one and the fame fupreme God, that conjeftureof Salmafius feems very probable, that the Romans derived theirJanus from Zx-.or, the jEtolian Jupiter.GENIUS was alfo another of the twenty feleft Roman gods •,and that thiswas likevvife a univcrfal Numen, containining the whole nature of things,appears

TbeykChap. IV. Names of the fupreme Deity. 4S5appears from this of Fejlus^, Genium appellabant Deum, qui vim obtineretrerum omnium genendarum -, called that God, who hath the power ofbegetting or producing all thingSt Genius. And St. Aufiin alfo plainly de- CD. /. 7.clareth Genius to be the fame with Jupiter; that is, to be but anorher name'' >3-for the one fupreme God ; Cum alio loco [Varro] dicit, Genium effe uniufcu- ^ ' J^'-"jufque animum rationalem -, talem autem mundi animum Deum effe, ad hoc idemutique revocat, ut tanquara univerfalis Genius, ipfe mundi animus effe credatur.Hie eft igitur, quem appellant Jovem. And afterwards, Reftat ut eumJingulariter £5? excel/enter dicant deum Genium, quem dicunt mundi animum ;ac per hoc Jovem. When Varro elfewhere calleth the rational mind of everyone, fl Genius, and affinnethfuch a jnind of the whole world, to be God ; beplainly implieth, that God is the univerfal Genius of the world, and that Geniusand Jupiter are the fame. And though Genius be fometimes ufed for themind of every man, yet the god Genius, fpoken of by way of excellency, can beno other than the mind of the whole worldsor Jupiter.Again, that CHRON'OS or SATURN was no particular Deity, but theuniverfal Numen of the whole world, is plainly affirmed by Dionyfius ofHali^arnaffus, where commending the fertility of Italy, he writcth thus ;bJeh i\i B-

TbeykChap. IV. Names <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fupreme Deity. 4S5appears from th<strong>is</strong> <strong>of</strong> Fejlus^, Genium appellabant Deum, qui vim obtineretrerum omnium genendarum -, c<strong>all</strong>ed that God, who hath <strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong>begetting or producing <strong>all</strong> thingSt Genius. And St. Aufiin alfo plainly de- CD. /. 7.clareth Genius to be <strong>the</strong> fame with Jupiter; that <strong>is</strong>, to be but anorher name'' >3-for <strong>the</strong> one fupreme God ; Cum alio loco [Varro] dicit, Genium effe uniufcu- ^ ' J^'-"jufque animum rationalem -, talem autem mundi animum Deum effe, ad hoc idemutique revocat, ut tanquara univerfal<strong>is</strong> Genius, ipfe mundi animus effe credatur.Hie eft igitur, quem appellant Jovem. And afterwards, Reftat ut eumJingulariter £5? excel/enter dicant deum Genium, quem dicunt mundi animum ;ac per hoc Jovem. When Varro elfewhere c<strong>all</strong>eth <strong>the</strong> rational mind <strong>of</strong> everyone, fl Genius, <strong>and</strong> affinnethfuch a jnind <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole world, to be God ; beplainly implieth, that God <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> univerfal Genius <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world, <strong>and</strong> that Genius<strong>and</strong> Jupiter are <strong>the</strong> fame. And though Genius be fometimes ufed for <strong>the</strong>mind <strong>of</strong> every man, yet <strong>the</strong> god Genius, fpoken <strong>of</strong> by way <strong>of</strong> excellency, can beno o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> mind <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole worldsor Jupiter.Again, that CHRON'OS or SATURN was no particular Deity, but <strong>the</strong>univerfal Numen <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole world, <strong>is</strong> plainly affirmed by Dionyfius <strong>of</strong>Hali^arnaffus, where commending <strong>the</strong> fertility <strong>of</strong> Italy, he writcth thus ;bJeh i\i B-

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