wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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482 Several proper Names of God. Book F«.Now the foveral names of God, which the writer Ds Mundo ' inftancethin, to prove him polyonymoiis, are firft of all fuch as thefe ; B3

andChap. I'V. according to his univerfal Notion. 4.83,ejufdejn Dei nomina funt, varie utentis fua potejlate ; theje are all navies of oneand the fame God, varicufly tnanfefting his power.But concerning moft of thefc forementioned names of God, and fiich as c. £> /^_are like to them, it was rightly obferved by St. Auflin, that they hadnof. ii.fuch appearance or fliewof many diftinfl gods ; H^ec omnia cognomina im-l.^- '3'].pofuerunt imi Deo, propter caufa\ foteftatefque diverfas, non tamen propter totres, eiiam tot deos eum effe coegerunt, Qc. Though the Pagans impofed ailthefe feveral names upon one God, in refpe5l of his feveral powers, yet didthey not therefore fee in to make fo many gods of them ; as if Viftor were on€god, and Inviftus another god, and Centupeda another god, and Tigillusanother, an.i i^\\m\ni\% another, &c. Wherefore there are other names otGod ufed amongll the Pagans, which have a greater fliow and appearanceot lb many diftinft deities, not only becaiife they are proper names, but aliobecaufe each of them had their peculiar temples appropriated to them, andtheirdifferent rites of worfliip. Now thefe are of two forts; firfl:, fuch asfignify the Deity according to its univerfal and all-comprehending nature ;and fecondly, fuch as denote the flime only according to certain particularpowers, manifcftations, and cffe(n:s of it in tlie world. Of the tirft kindthere are not a few. For firll of all, PAN, as the very word plainly impli(.shim to be a univerfal Numen, and as he was fuppofed to be the Hartnoftesof the whole world, or to play upon the world as a mufical inftrument,according to that of Or/'z&t'wj ' {or Onomacritus)So have we before fhowed, that by him the Arcadians and Greeks meant, not'the corporeal world inanimate, nor yet as endued with a fenfclcfs nature on--ly, but as proceeding from an intelledual principle or divine fpirit, which'framed it harmonioufly -, as being ftill kept in tune, afted and governedby the fame. Which therefore is faid to be the univerfal paftor andfhepherdof all mankind, and of the whole world, according to that otherOrphick paffiige,Pafcens humar.um genus, ac fine limiie terranuAnd this Pan Socrates^, in Platoh Phadrus, plainly invokes as the fupremeiNumen, Pan therefore is the one only Ged (for there cannot poffibly bemorethan one Pan, more than one all or univerfe) who contained allwitlun himfelf, difplayed all from himfelf, framing the world harmoniouny,-and who is in a manner all things.Again, JANUS, whom the Romans firft invoked in all their ficrifices^and prayers, and who was never omitted, whatloever god they facrificcdonto, was- unqeftionably many times taken for a univerfal Numen, as inthisof Martial'-,-Nitidique fator pulcherrime mundi.•T Lj n ,. AndJaHymno in Fanem, p. log. edit. Efchenbach. * Epi^r.Lib. X. Epigr. XXVIII. \\ 4:1,•

482 Several proper Names <strong>of</strong> God. Book F«.Now <strong>the</strong> foveral names <strong>of</strong> God, which <strong>the</strong> writer Ds Mundo ' inftancethin, to prove him polyonymoi<strong>is</strong>, are firft <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> fuch as <strong>the</strong>fe ; B3

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