wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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468 T.'hz Pagans many Gods' Book f.Xd *ini< xbi 5S13 ^^ "^j^J N':'i 1N'??3 N*? D'N-nDn "^^a^ in.s} 113;'^DK'nB' yiv n^iyniy 's*:';^ ski fnQ O'Nt^jn '^:3D "inx x-^i nniD'nmn 'iJ'JNi ^iJ>* "'^i''^ I"]"* "^V •"^^''^ N*"'3jn t:2i;> Nim O'H'PNn Nirrrmi mi3y 'l^i' nr nn iT^nn The foundation <strong>of</strong> that comm<strong>and</strong>ment aga'mjlfirange worfkip Cnow commonly c<strong>all</strong>ed idolatry) <strong>is</strong> th<strong>is</strong>, that no man jhculdworpip ant <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> creatures ivhatfosver, nei<strong>the</strong>r angel, nor fphere, nor flar,nor any <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> four elements, nor any thing made cut <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m. For though he,that worfhips <strong>the</strong>fe things, knows, that <strong>the</strong> Lord <strong>is</strong> God, <strong>and</strong> fuperior to <strong>the</strong>mtill <strong>and</strong> worfhips th<strong>of</strong>e creatures no o<strong>the</strong>rwife than En<strong>of</strong>h <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> refi <strong>of</strong> thatFol. 147.3. f. liage did, yet <strong>is</strong> he neverihelefs guilty <strong>of</strong> firange worflnp or idolatry. And thar,after <strong>the</strong> times <strong>of</strong> En<strong>of</strong>h alfo, in llicceeding ages, <strong>the</strong> polythcifm <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pagannations was no o<strong>the</strong>r than th<strong>is</strong>, <strong>the</strong> worfhipping (bcfides one fupremeGodJ <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r created beings, as <strong>the</strong> minifters <strong>of</strong> h<strong>is</strong> providence, <strong>and</strong> as middlesor mediators betwixt him <strong>and</strong> men, <strong>is</strong> declared likewife by Maimonides(\nh<strong>is</strong> More Nevochim)\.oh^^\•e.httn <strong>the</strong> univerfli! belief<strong>of</strong><strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hebrews or Jews;F X c;6 r)n;r"7a ni'^x pxr mi ma;;' n"? mr oid;; nai;?"^' 'o "pa o v'^y> nnNinrx mii'ni:' CD'^an p hot ^"^i onaijrn p'?'?3 d'?i;>o hqin':'! n*nK"i3 nrN r^'r^ ii.'r^r^ n^^'Hr^^' •I'^'m D'^^nh fa \\ nonon p r^vy^Nirr^ 131'? |VDi K'H'.J' i:i "^j^ nn3;'i cd:^^ ':'3x psni c^'oti'nijnnn •?y3D inx la pi'^n' n*?!^ .ido nn nr^Nn |oi ajo ';'j:dmTea know, that wh<strong>of</strong>oever committeih idolatry, he doth it not as fupp<strong>of</strong>ingythat <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong> no o<strong>the</strong>r God beftdes that which he worfhippeth, for itnever came into <strong>the</strong> minds <strong>of</strong> any idolaters, nor never will, that that flatuc.,which <strong>is</strong> made by <strong>the</strong>m <strong>of</strong> metal, or fione, or wood, <strong>is</strong> that very God,who created heaven <strong>and</strong> earth ; but <strong>the</strong>y worjhip th<strong>of</strong>e fiatues <strong>and</strong> imagesonly as <strong>the</strong> reprefentaticn <strong>of</strong> fomething, which <strong>is</strong> a mediator between God <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong>m. A/ijy^Jy^/i'fW^, <strong>the</strong> author <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> book entitled, l^sri n*51y GnolathTamid, refolves <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pagan poly<strong>the</strong>ifm <strong>and</strong> idolatry into <strong>the</strong>fe two principles,one <strong>of</strong> which refpefted God, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r men <strong>the</strong>mfeh'es :11 13 p3i.i^ NN1 ni3j Vj^D m3j am 'd dudwi n* 11:^0 mb 'j;n^ xnan :ni' "?:; 'rhan ys^n imnb' n^ ayn nmK D'jjt fs^^i 'y^Dn ^yDN ^n)iyD inann'? '^'D' ij\s ^D'^i dinh nrrt o nn doi^;; Dfo pjjna13 pain:?' na '^Tiy fan*? iiii;;n inn;;' 'C'D^d no lai njj tD^Z"' n"?"jlan* mnjrn The idolaters firft argued thus in refpe£l <strong>of</strong> God ; thatfmce hewas <strong>of</strong> fuch tranfcendent perfefiicn above men, it was not p<strong>of</strong>ftble for men to beunited to, or have communion with him, o<strong>the</strong>rwife than by means <strong>of</strong> certain middlebeings or mediators ; as it <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> manner <strong>of</strong> earthly kings, to have petitions conveyedto <strong>the</strong>m by <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> mediators <strong>and</strong> intercefjors, Secondly, <strong>the</strong>y thus argued alfoin refpe£l <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>mfelves ; that being corporeal, fo that <strong>the</strong>y could not apprehendGod ahflra^ly, <strong>the</strong>y mufl needs have fomething fenfiblc to excite <strong>and</strong> fiir up <strong>the</strong>irdevotion <strong>and</strong> fix <strong>the</strong>ir imagination upon. J<strong>of</strong>eph Aibo, in <strong>the</strong> book c<strong>all</strong>ed Ik'karim, concludes that Jhab, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r idolatrous kings <strong>of</strong> Ifrael <strong>and</strong> Judahworfliipped o<strong>the</strong>r gods upon th<strong>of</strong>e two accounts mentioned by Maimonides<strong>and</strong> no o<strong>the</strong>rwife, namely that <strong>the</strong> fupreme God ivas honoured by worfjippitig<strong>of</strong> h<strong>is</strong> niiniflers, <strong>and</strong> that tlicre ought to be certain middles <strong>and</strong> mediatorsbetwixt him <strong>and</strong> men, in^S} f';?1£3"in nimi 'TNIU'I o5"23 mm axn^cnvn d;' nra n;;o no'?^' oji uidxi?' f-h^' 'n;:'o m "^jbjn nmmairoND

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