wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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Chap. IV. not to be co7itraSied into one. 44.7Vv, aA\a TO St't'^Ki ttoA'j to ^erov oVo'j f'cfii^ja aur<strong>of</strong>, tstE;— i Sv-jx/jliv ^s? £1!?otwv, otosvfAEvuv 0',"EO, TToXXsV TToii), iravTaf £i; aurou (XDiiflTraE'vsf, >c, St laeTvo'j y^ itxaiv.im 01/7 5sf K, yja-ixo? oJe iJi e'iiei-.ov eV^ v!3ey.=r jSAe'ttei, >Cj 7rj!f, x, 3-=kv "kZ;— ;:"Every man ought to endeavour zvitb <strong>all</strong> b<strong>is</strong> might, to become as good as mayhe, but yet not to think himfelf to be <strong>the</strong> only thing that <strong>is</strong> good, but that<strong>the</strong>re are alfo o<strong>the</strong>r good men in <strong>the</strong> ii'orld, <strong>and</strong> good demons, but tnuchin ore gods ; zvho, though inhabiting th<strong>is</strong> inferior world, yet look up to thatfuperior ; <strong>and</strong> m<strong>of</strong>i <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong>, <strong>the</strong> prince <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> univerfe^ that m<strong>of</strong>l happy foul.From whence he ought to afcend yet higher, <strong>and</strong> to praife th<strong>of</strong>e intelligiblegods, but above <strong>all</strong> that great king <strong>and</strong> monarch \ declaring h<strong>is</strong> greatnefs<strong>and</strong> majejly by <strong>the</strong> multitude <strong>of</strong> gods^ which are under him. For th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong>not <strong>the</strong> part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, who know <strong>the</strong> pozver <strong>of</strong> god, to contraSf <strong>all</strong> into one.,but to pe-iu forth <strong>all</strong> that divinity, which himfelf bath difplayed, who remainingone, makes many depending on him ; which are by him <strong>and</strong> fromhim. For th<strong>is</strong> whole zvorld <strong>is</strong> by him, <strong>and</strong> looks up perpetu<strong>all</strong>y to him,as alfo doth every one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gods in it. And Themiflius, <strong>the</strong> Peripateiick,(who was fo far from being a Chriftian, that, as Petavius probably coniedures,he perftringes niir Saviour Chrifl under <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> Empedocles,tor making himfelf a God) doth not only afiirm, that one <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> famefupreme God was worflTipped by Pagans, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Chriflians, <strong>and</strong> <strong>all</strong> nations,though in different manners ; but alfo, that God was delighted withth<strong>is</strong> variety <strong>of</strong> religions :tx-jt/) vojmI^i yxvw&ai tvj Troiv.txla, tou t? 7r;^uToV ccpyn- ^..yirnj' kXAm; H-jph; s'^.-Aei TroXmui&xi, xkKu; 'E\Xn'>x;, aAAi,-; A'^'UTrliVr, >c^ « J' cuts? fP. i r6. editZuoK,- o'^oiac, osAA' vh xxTxy.iXcci/.xTirxi el; //.ix^x' The author <strong>and</strong> prince <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Harduini.]univerfe ferns to be delighted with th<strong>is</strong> variety <strong>of</strong> worfhip ; he would have <strong>the</strong>"Syrians worfJoip him one way, <strong>the</strong> Greeks ano<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Egyptians ano<strong>the</strong>r •vei<strong>the</strong>r do <strong>the</strong> Syrians (or Chriftians) <strong>the</strong>mfelves <strong>all</strong> agree, <strong>the</strong>y being fuhdividedinto many fe^s.We fli<strong>all</strong> conclude <strong>the</strong>refore with th<strong>is</strong> full teflimony <strong>of</strong> St. Cyril., in h<strong>is</strong> ^-23-firft book againft Julian ; x-rrx7iv ivx^yi:, oti j^ Tor? t« 'EWrvm (piM(ro(p£7veiwSoo-iv, hx y.h iS'oxH Qeov ilvxi FMaiJ.oXo'y.Zi, rou tmu o'Ahv Jtjv.ikoWi/, j

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