wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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^/^^ Dio Chryfoflomus, Galen, Book Lthe common king of gods and men,their governor and father, tou n-aaTwu K^aroJi'laP. i©5. ScOii, the Cod that rules over all, top wjutoj ^ fJisV'""''''-' -^"S (he frjl and great eftGod. Tov McutpaTov TSioiTrCirx Tuv o'Xuv, x-, xalei^JiOila tc'v XTr:/.vrx ov^^.viv x^ aotryxv, &C.The chief preftdent over all things, who orders and guides the whole heaven andP. 446. world, as a wife pi'ot doth a^iip, t'ov t? ^(ifj.Txrcty TO~f iAAoif ifnyv\iTaiu.nJ, 010; [/.iv £0 tduffo(p!xv, oioi iirriv Svvxjjliv, OTro~e) i/,r,Si)i\ (p^ovuv im aJ/izSuv, tJij rtXeurxTri; X,^yiroTt{Jo; lyuieTyux tiSemxi, t«utm wtu uj dyx^o; rfjiTv vjxviiSia' to J' w? an ^aaAif-a xo(r^»i9£»»j,7r«u £?£Uffri/, axflstf (ro(plxi' to il xj S^oi

whomChap. IV. Maximus Tyrius, Ariftidejj 445-Mpir'l >(> TT^STSuTflSTK OVfiTTXVTU'J VS'JlVKOrjlV ly.OVTW' OCW ii T?f '^f^^'If x't "A^W VolaCfAtv,»i£ 'EAA»ir7roy7u«, »^f tw M^iariii, vfi ri? etti ru meccJ/a rt'o'jx?, dWaxfa.vivj^'ym riv yivTJ1J J' EUfp7£ll' (SjCTlAcJt ^6 X'JTOV ^r TOv jjiiyxj ClTaifjMlllcC, U3TZJ(} MOU.0V TTXOi^Ovlx ToT; Tretioy-svoi;,Cj>rr\nx'j\jTrxp')QsiTX)> ociituj, x, xoivavs; T>if aap^n?, ttoXa^: (jX-j oci(t]i(; S-E8?, ttoX-AbV Cf u,(pfl!V£(J' T»J /U£J TeEtfl TX TTpO^VOX (X\.TX ll\lSU.iMlsq^ oloj CUTOcfyskix; Tivaj y.xl jSjJITlAfljffyJ^ff-'Sj—arar, 0tj.0TBXTrc^>sg aJTBj >«, (luvf^irfj" TSf il TKrua UTrjisfTaf, riff Jt eVi T»ra,Txala^f.-c-spK?' SixSo'XTiv opxq x, ra^iii «f;i(^if xalx^ixi'visTav ly. ts 5e» f^^X?' T'^'!' I will;ww more plahily declare my fenfe by this fimilitude : Imagine in your mind agreat and powerful kingdom or principality, in which all the rejl freely and withone confent confpire to dire^ their actions ^ agreeably to the will and command ofone fupreme king, tJ^e olJtJl and the brfi : and then fuppofe the bounds and limitsof this empire not to be the river Halys, nor the Hellefpont, nor theMeotian lake, nor the /bores cf the ocean ; but heaven above, and the earth beneath.Here then let that great king fit immoveable, prefcribin^ laws to allhis ful'jcSis, in which conlifts thiir fafety and fccurity : the conferts cf his empirebeing many, both vifible and invijible gods ; fame of which, that are nearejito him, and immediately attemltng on htm, are in the higheft royal dignity,feafting as it were at the fame table with him : others again are their minijlersand attendants ; and a third fort, inferior to them both. And thus you fee, hov»the order and chain of this government defends down by fteps and degrees^from the fupreme God to the earth and men. In which refemblance, we havea plain acknowledgement of one fupreme God, the monarch of the wholeworld, and three fubordinate ranks of inferior gods, as his minifters, in thegovernment of the world -, thar writer there alfo calls, 3-£»\ 3^f» 7r«r^Ja,- xj (piiASf, gods, the fans and friends of Cod.Ariftides the famous Adrianean fophifl: and orator,, in his firfi oration orhyinn vowed to Jupiter, after he had efcaped a great tempeft, is fo full tothe piirpofe, that nothing can be more : he, after his proem, beginningthus ; Zeij? t« irtup.x iTro:nT£,?(JAiO; fOi/ i^yx OTX £$-' TTXvlx, y^ irolxy.o;, JtJ yri^«J ^xXxtIcc, X, s^aifoV' »j oVas riruv jUEraju ccj-ji, x^ otx ^j'tto rxvrx' xj S'foi xj ocApuiroi,xai oTX "J/j;^*!!/ ('x.f', y-^i «V« tl? o^/lv apiKDUTOu, kx\ otx ^eT vomii \a^i'iv,Eno^riijt ii •n-^oT'^ auioj sauTOD' v Kc;nrii iv enxhinv xvrcoig TfloiCpEi?* »!?' ifxiWrrrfjavTOv Koo])^ y.xlxvuiu' »t ccut' txemis Ai'Sou xx'^itthv, »'/ ixn^Juivire Zruj, Hi jU))7ro]tMvSuvtVTrt' b^' fj-»- ^jEJ'cJTE^ov »i£i( Aiof «' fj.a.kXov ye ri i^sTg te ttxt'iPjI-j TTBuy^VTiBOi yiv«iTXV, xai T« yiyvounx tud tt cisvlav" dw^ oh i^\ itmx^ rt xx\ Trcta-QinuTO^, H«>«f;^^D>'ET>K Twa nccviu];' cti^To? e'^ avm ycvofAcvt^' otvotc ii iyivtlo, kx tnv tiTriiv aAA*hTt u^x £^ ''-?%1? x«i E-«i tifi-afi, aCroTTXTup te xx\ fj-iil^iai ri i^ aAA» ysyovivxt,^Kxt ua-xsi^ rrtv A'iwxi a^sc ex T>)f v.ii'jxvTto-j Tra-flcc itvat aw' harjn y^^xla,. xat kx e^tt* p^fo'i/Ov EiTTtiv' 0'T£ J':'-^Jl^oov'^ ry TTu TOTE Tf /^>i(?£ ciAAo junJEy" S-ny.i>icy-is. yip cpyc-j H'jiv eVtj TTJEfftUTEPo;;' cu'tw^>l af;^» iWEi" KTrivTav Ze^? xai £x Atoj TrauTa, xrt il tiw X('-''^'' ''^' xfl£iTlw:i, xjsi ovJEa*i;)^'x'« rou xvTt)i6^/ol/lx, «UTO;,T£ o/aou x«i o xoV/ixoj w, cu'tu tx^,^ Tidiloc fiio/nTf, ETro/'urtJf wtrf, &c. Jupiter made all things, and all things whatfoever exift are theworAv 0/ Jupiter ; rivers, and earthy and fea, and heaven, and wlai are betweenthefe, and gods and nun and all animals , ii.hztfoever is perceivable either5-ij

whomChap. IV. Maximus Tyrius, Ariftidejj 445-Mpir'l >(> TT^STSuTflSTK OVfiTTXVTU'J VS'JlVKOrjlV ly.OVTW' OCW ii T?f '^f^^'If x't "A^W VolaCfAtv,»i£ 'EAA»ir7roy7u«, »^f tw M^iariii, vfi ri? etti ru meccJ/a rt'o'jx?, dWaxfa.vivj^'ym riv yivTJ1J J' EUfp7£ll' (SjCTlAcJt ^6 X'JTOV ^r TOv jjiiyxj ClTaifjMlllcC, U3TZJ(} MOU.0V TTXOi^Ovlx ToT; Tretioy-svoi;,Cj>rr\nx'j\jTrxp')QsiTX)> ociituj, x, xoivavs; T>if aap^n?, ttoXa^: (jX-j oci(t]i(; S-E8?, ttoX-AbV Cf u,(pfl!V£(J' T»J /U£J TeEtfl TX TTpO^VOX (X\.TX ll\lSU.iMlsq^ oloj CUTOcfyskix; Tivaj y.xl jSjJITlAfljffyJ^ff-'Sj—arar, 0tj.0TBXTrc^>sg aJTBj >«, (luvf^irfj" TSf il TKrua UTrj<strong>is</strong>fTaf, riff Jt eVi T»ra,Txala^f.-c-spK?' SixSo'XTiv opxq x, ra^iii «f;i(^if xalx^ixi'v<strong>is</strong>Tav ly. ts 5e» f^^X?' T'^'!' I will;ww more plahily declare my fenfe by th<strong>is</strong> fimilitude : Imagine in your mind agreat <strong>and</strong> powerful kingdom or principality, in which <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> rejl freely <strong>and</strong> withone confent confpire to dire^ <strong>the</strong>ir actions ^ agreeably to <strong>the</strong> will <strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>one fupreme king, tJ^e olJtJl <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> brfi : <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n fupp<strong>of</strong>e <strong>the</strong> bounds <strong>and</strong> limits<strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> empire not to be <strong>the</strong> river Halys, nor <strong>the</strong> Hellefpont, nor <strong>the</strong>Meotian lake, nor <strong>the</strong> /bores cf <strong>the</strong> ocean ; but heaven above, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> earth beneath.Here <strong>the</strong>n let that great king fit immoveable, prefcribin^ laws to <strong>all</strong>h<strong>is</strong> ful'jcS<strong>is</strong>, in which conlifts thiir fafety <strong>and</strong> fccurity : <strong>the</strong> conferts cf h<strong>is</strong> empirebeing many, both vifible <strong>and</strong> invijible gods ; fame <strong>of</strong> which, that are nearejito him, <strong>and</strong> immediately attemltng on htm, are in <strong>the</strong> higheft royal dignity,feafting as it were at <strong>the</strong> fame table with him : o<strong>the</strong>rs again are <strong>the</strong>ir minijlers<strong>and</strong> attendants ; <strong>and</strong> a third fort, inferior to <strong>the</strong>m both. And thus you fee, hov»<strong>the</strong> order <strong>and</strong> chain <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> government defends down by fteps <strong>and</strong> degrees^from <strong>the</strong> fupreme God to <strong>the</strong> earth <strong>and</strong> men. In which refemblance, we havea plain acknowledgement <strong>of</strong> one fupreme God, <strong>the</strong> monarch <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> wholeworld, <strong>and</strong> three fubordinate ranks <strong>of</strong> inferior gods, as h<strong>is</strong> minifters, in <strong>the</strong>government <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world -, thar writer <strong>the</strong>re alfo c<strong>all</strong>s, 3-£»\ 3^f» 7r«r^Ja,- xj (piiASf, gods, <strong>the</strong> fans <strong>and</strong> friends <strong>of</strong> Cod.Ariftides <strong>the</strong> famous Adrianean fophifl: <strong>and</strong> orator,, in h<strong>is</strong> firfi oration orhyinn vowed to Jupiter, after he had efcaped a great tempeft, <strong>is</strong> fo full to<strong>the</strong> piirp<strong>of</strong>e, that nothing can be more : he, after h<strong>is</strong> proem, beginningthus ; Zeij? t« irtup.x iTro:nT£,?(JAiO; fOi/ i^yx OTX £$-' TTXvlx, y^ irolxy.o;, JtJ yri^«J ^xXxtIcc, X, s^aifoV' »j oVas riruv jUEraju ccj-ji, x^ otx ^j'tto rxvrx' xj S'foi xj ocApuiroi,xai oTX "J/j;^*!!/ ('x.f', y-^i «V« tl? o^/lv apiKDUTOu, kx\ otx ^eT vomii \a^i'iv,Eno^riijt ii •n-^oT'^ auioj sauTOD' v Kc;nrii iv enxhinv xvrcoig TfloiCpEi?* »!?' ifxiWrrrfjavTOv Koo])^ y.xlxvuiu' »t ccut' txem<strong>is</strong> Ai'Sou xx'^itthv, »'/ ixn^Juivire Zruj, Hi jU))7ro]tMvSuvtVTrt' b^' fj-»- ^jEJ'cJTE^ov »i£i( Ai<strong>of</strong> «' fj.a.kXov ye ri i^sTg te ttxt'iPjI-j TTBuy^VTiBOi yiv«iTXV, xai T« yiyvounx tud tt c<strong>is</strong>vlav" dw^ oh i^\ itmx^ rt xx\ Trcta-QinuTO^, H«>«f;^^D>'ET>K Twa nccviu];' cti^To? e'^ avm ycv<strong>of</strong>Acvt^' otvotc ii iyivtlo, kx tnv tiTriiv aAA*hTt u^x £^ ''-?%1? x«i E-«i tifi-afi, aCroTTXTup te xx\ fj-iil^iai ri i^ aAA» ysyovivxt,^Kxt ua-xsi^ rrtv A'iwxi a^sc ex T>)f v.ii'jxvTto-j Tra-flcc itvat aw' harjn y^^xla,. xat kx e^tt* p^fo'i/Ov EiTTtiv' 0'T£ J':'-^Jl^oov'^ ry TTu TOTE Tf /^>i(?£ ciAAo junJEy" S-ny.i>icy-<strong>is</strong>. yip cpyc-j H'jiv eVtj TTJEfftUTEPo;;' cu'tw^>l af;^» iWEi" KTrivTav Ze^? xai £x Atoj TrauTa, xrt il tiw X('-''^'' ''^' xfl£iTlw:i, xjsi ovJEa*i;)^'x'« rou xvTt)i6^/ol/lx, «UTO;,T£ o/aou x«i o xoV/ixoj w, cu'tu tx^,^ Tidiloc fiio/nTf, ETro/'urtJf wtrf, &c. Jupiter made <strong>all</strong> things, <strong>and</strong> <strong>all</strong> things whatfoever exift are <strong>the</strong>worAv 0/ Jupiter ; rivers, <strong>and</strong> earthy <strong>and</strong> fea, <strong>and</strong> heaven, <strong>and</strong> wlai are between<strong>the</strong>fe, <strong>and</strong> gods <strong>and</strong> nun <strong>and</strong> <strong>all</strong> animals , ii.hztfoever <strong>is</strong> perceivable ei<strong>the</strong>r5-ij

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