wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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namelynamely,41 Speufippus, Xenocrates,- BookLIh Polit. <strong>of</strong> order, harmony, <strong>and</strong> proportion ; S-f '«? yi^ in toZto iwxuexi i^yov, iWx«i To7c- cvAyjn TO nciv, th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> divine power, which alfo contains th<strong>is</strong>univerfe. Which Divinity containing <strong>and</strong> comprehending <strong>the</strong> whole nature<strong>and</strong> univerfe, muft needs be a Angle <strong>and</strong> folitary Being ;. according tothat exprcflion <strong>of</strong> Horace before cited,.Ncc viget juicquam ftmile aut fecundum^That, which hath nothing like it, nor feccnd to it. The next thing <strong>is</strong>, thataccording to <strong>the</strong> Pagan tradition, befides th<strong>is</strong> iiniverfal Numen, <strong>the</strong>re werecertain o<strong>the</strong>r particular <strong>and</strong> inferior deities a'.fo, that i«, underft<strong>and</strong>ing beingsAiperior to men •, <strong>the</strong> animated ftars or fpheres, according to<strong>the</strong> vu'gar apprehenfion, though Ariftotk\ phii<strong>of</strong>ophy would interpret th<strong>is</strong>chiefly <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir immovable Minds or Intelligences. Laftly, that <strong>all</strong> ths reft<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pagan religion <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ology,, th<strong>of</strong>e two things only excepted, werefibulous <strong>and</strong> fiditious, invented for <strong>the</strong> better perfuafion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> vulgar topiety, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> confcrving <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m in obedience to civnl laws ; amongftwhich th<strong>is</strong> may be reckoned for oae, that th<strong>of</strong>e gods are <strong>all</strong> like men oro<strong>the</strong>r animals ; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>refore to be worlhipped in images <strong>and</strong> ftatues <strong>of</strong>th<strong>of</strong>e feveral forms ; with <strong>all</strong> that o<strong>the</strong>r fabulous farrago, which dependethhereupon. Which being feparated from <strong>the</strong> reft, <strong>the</strong> wxT^i.'^ cL^x, or an^cient tradition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir Pagan progenitors, would remain comprized withinth<strong>of</strong>e two particulars above mentioned •, that <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong> one fupremeDeity, that contains <strong>the</strong> whole univerfe, <strong>and</strong> that befidcs it, ths animatedftars or <strong>the</strong>ir minds are certain inferior gods alfo.To Ariflotle may be here fubfoined Speufippus <strong>and</strong> Xenocrates, h<strong>is</strong> equals<strong>and</strong> corrivals, <strong>the</strong>y being Plato'^ fucceftbrs ; toge<strong>the</strong>r with Theophrajltts, hiaown fcholar <strong>and</strong> fucceflbr. Concerning <strong>the</strong> former <strong>of</strong> which it <strong>is</strong> recordedUf A'. D. in Cicero, that agreeably with Plato^ he afterted vim qu<strong>and</strong>am, qua omnia^^gi^^ilur, eamque animalem, one animal <strong>and</strong> intelleSfual force,rcap'xillby whiJj <strong>all</strong>p. 2898, things are governed ; by reafon where<strong>of</strong>, Velleius <strong>the</strong> Epicurean complains2899. Tom. <strong>of</strong> him, as <strong>the</strong>reby endeavouring, evellere ex anim<strong>is</strong> ccgnitionefn. dcorum, to.IX. Oper.]pli4(i^ QUI (,y (}pi njinds <strong>of</strong> men <strong>the</strong> notion <strong>of</strong> gods ; as indeed both he <strong>and</strong>Plato did tieftroy th<strong>of</strong>e Epicurean gods, which were <strong>all</strong> fupp<strong>of</strong>ed to be independent<strong>and</strong> to have no fway or influence at <strong>all</strong> upon <strong>the</strong> government<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world ; whereas nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m denied, a plurality <strong>of</strong> fubordinate<strong>and</strong> dependent deities, generated or created by one fupreme, <strong>and</strong>by him employed as h<strong>is</strong> minifters in <strong>the</strong> ©economy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> univerfe : forhad <strong>the</strong>y done any fuch thing as th<strong>is</strong>, <strong>the</strong>y would certainly have beeaS

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