wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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A 12 Ariftotle'j firflimmoveable Mover. Book Tpendent principles (hould thus conftantly confpire, Trfo? Vu 'i^yov ^m rS vavVi8faj8 o-U|V.!pwi>i'av, into one work, that agreeable fymjhony^ and harmony of thewhole heaven. As there could not be any realbn neither, why there fhouldbe juft fo many of thefe intelligences, as there are fpheres and no more--,and it is abfurd to fiippofe, y.oi.ry. awrvyj^v t«j d^x^' ''^^*> ^^^^^ ^^^ Jirjl principlesof the univerfe happened by chance.Now this highefl: principle, as it is

Ch A P. IV. His Caufe of Well and Fit, 413Tw Tsai vBi/ ^ (p^ovrtnv (/.xXira, x

Ch A P. IV. H<strong>is</strong> Caufe <strong>of</strong> Well <strong>and</strong> Fit, 413Tw Tsai vBi/ ^ (p^ovrtnv (/.xXira, x

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