wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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Chap. IV. Finite \ M.tX\'i{vi% h<strong>is</strong> Infitiite, 389It <strong>is</strong> well known, that MeliJJus held forth <strong>the</strong> very fame d<strong>of</strong>lrine withPar?)ienides, <strong>of</strong> one immoveable, that was <strong>all</strong>, which he plainly affirmed tobe incorporeal likewife, as Parmenides did ; xj M/Xu-x^ 'h lo-j pr^Ti, Si^x-JTOcu;j.x fj.r\ ix.'t'j, il ^i lyji T:i.yo;, 'iyQ: oc-j iJtj zrcarri; ixoyr,(; iitXiy^Sita-xv, Wf XvJoCpxjii^itj nxff^iViSn; Kj MiAio-ff";;" o ^lA.l Tlxpy-VjJr,; £K AfJ/KV y:xl Z!fnDX(T^vjoV «vaix>) yap to'Vv T« OTAjiSicj irf.o\jTTXoyji-i, v.Xi lo ztxtiv otK xai tripxro; aiViou, hxtx to zrifxi fji,x\.^ov i\TT(p HXTX rriv KTrjioiaii x^ooiQs-5xi, xai to tsxvtv t£ rO.etov t9 tjAo? to o-xsTova,TniXr,(po^, TrewcfiocirfAC-.ov iivxi, fj.xX>.o'i ii nXog rm ttuvtuj fc.'j''"'"'fX''* J'*P '^ftXt;h<strong>is</strong>t; ov, {iTTia ur£3«j xTrsiXripf MiXi(riro; il « ftev a|«(Ta£A>iTOV <strong>of</strong>J.oiui xxi «utoji^ex(TXTC, xocTX it to eijiy.XnTr}ov rn; sViar, xcci to' xtrticov t?j SvwfAtxf, xTrtipov «utoa7ri(pvivxro, kcttip xa» ccyi.'ir.Toy ttAw o [juv X^\io(pxm; w? zravTuv anicv, xai sravTuvvTreaaviy^ov, xai xiVJ)(7£!tc cxmto xai rtfCfxta; xai wjxitjjj avT<strong>is</strong>~oi;^£i«j Ittixiivx T(3»j(r»i',UTTTif xa( nXxTU'j iv th z^curn uTroStTfi" o (Js nJtpjufyi!?£f, to x«t« t« aura x«twcrau'ri-; fp^ov aLT», xai -STx/rr.; jUfTafaA>;f, Tayx Si xxi ivtpynci; xxi Ji-ia^aiu? ettexfr.o!,Bex!rx[j.(voc, dxijnro]/ aJxo an'^vfr- Perhaps it will not be improper for usto digrefs a little here, <strong>and</strong> to gratify <strong>the</strong> ftudiot<strong>is</strong> <strong>and</strong> inquifttive reader, byfho'j.ing, how th<strong>of</strong>e ancient phil<strong>of</strong>ophers, though feeming to diffent in <strong>the</strong>ir opinionsconcerning <strong>the</strong> principles, did twtwithft<strong>and</strong>ing harmonioufiy agree toge<strong>the</strong>r.As firfi <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong>, <strong>the</strong>y ivho difcourfed concerning <strong>the</strong> intelligible <strong>and</strong> firjl principle <strong>of</strong><strong>all</strong>, Xenophanes, Parmenides <strong>and</strong> MelilTus •,<strong>of</strong>ivhotn Parmenides c<strong>all</strong>ed itone finite <strong>and</strong> determined; becaufe as unity tnujl needs exifi before multitude, fothat, ivhich <strong>is</strong> to <strong>all</strong> things <strong>the</strong> caufe <strong>of</strong> meafure, bound <strong>and</strong> determination, oughtra<strong>the</strong>r to be defcribed by meafure <strong>and</strong> finitude, than infinity ; as alfo that which<strong>is</strong> every way ptrfe^, <strong>and</strong> hath attained its own end, or ra<strong>the</strong>r <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong>things (as it was <strong>the</strong> beginning) muft needs be <strong>of</strong> a determinate nature ; for thatwhich <strong>is</strong> impcrfeSf <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>refore indigent, hath not yet attained its term ormeafure. But Meiiflus, though confidcring <strong>the</strong> immutability <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Deity likewife,yet attending to <strong>the</strong> incxhauftible perfection <strong>of</strong> its efjence, <strong>the</strong> nnlimitednefs<strong>and</strong> unboundedn.'fs <strong>of</strong> its power, declare!h it to be infinite, as well as ingenitor unmade. Moreover, Xenophanes looking upon <strong>the</strong> Deity, as <strong>the</strong> caufe<strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> things <strong>and</strong> above <strong>all</strong> .'kings, placed it above motion <strong>and</strong> reft, <strong>and</strong> <strong>all</strong>th<strong>of</strong>e antithcji's <strong>of</strong> inferiour beings, as Plato likewife doth in <strong>the</strong> firfi hypo<strong>the</strong>f<strong>is</strong>

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