wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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<strong>and</strong>-20 All <strong>the</strong> Trifmegiftick Books Bo ok I.Wherefore, though Ath. Kircherus^ contend with much zeal for <strong>the</strong> fincerity<strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong>fe Trifmegiftick books ; yet we muft needs pronounce <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> threeforementioned, at leaft <strong>the</strong> Pcem<strong>and</strong>er properly fo c<strong>all</strong>ed, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> fermon in <strong>the</strong>mount, that <strong>the</strong>y were ei<strong>the</strong>r wholly forged <strong>and</strong> counterfeited by fome pretendedChrlftians, or elfe had many fpurious pafTages inferred into <strong>the</strong>m.Wherefore, it cannot be folidly proved from <strong>the</strong> Trifmegiftick books afterth<strong>is</strong> manner, as fupp<strong>of</strong>ed to be <strong>all</strong> alike genuine <strong>and</strong> fincere, that <strong>the</strong> EgyptianPagans acknowledged one fjpreme <strong>and</strong> univerfal Numen : much le<strong>is</strong> can<strong>the</strong> fame be evinced from that pretended Ariftotelick book, Be fecretiorefarte divinte fapienti^ fecundiim ^gypt<strong>is</strong>s, greedily fw<strong>all</strong>owed down alfubyKircheniSy but unqueftionably pfeudepigraphous.Notwithft<strong>and</strong>ing which, we conceive, that though <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> Trifmegiftickbooks, that now are or have been formerly extant, had been forged by fomepretended Chriftians, as that book <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> arcane Egyptian wifdom was byfome phil<strong>of</strong>opher, <strong>and</strong> imputed to Arijlotle; yet would <strong>the</strong>y for <strong>all</strong> that, uponano<strong>the</strong>r account, afford no inconfiderable argument to prove, that <strong>the</strong> EyptianPagans afferted one fupreme Deicy, viz. becaufe every cheat <strong>and</strong> imp<strong>of</strong>turemuft needs have fome baf<strong>is</strong> or foundation <strong>of</strong> truth to ft<strong>and</strong> upon ;<strong>the</strong>re muft have been fomething truly Egyptian in fuch counterfeit Egyptianwritings, (<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>refore th<strong>is</strong> at leaft <strong>of</strong> one fupreme Deity) or elfe <strong>the</strong>y couldnever have obtained credit at firft, or afterwards have maintained <strong>the</strong> lame.The ra<strong>the</strong>r, becaufe <strong>the</strong>fe Trifmegiftick books were difperfcd in th<strong>of</strong>e ancienttimes, before <strong>the</strong> Egyptian paganifm <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir fucceflion <strong>of</strong> prieftswere yet extindl ; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>refore had that, which <strong>is</strong> fo much infifted upon in<strong>the</strong>m, been diflbnant from <strong>the</strong> Egyptian <strong>the</strong>ology, <strong>the</strong>y muft needs have beenprefently exploded as meer lyes <strong>and</strong> forgeries. Wherefore, we fay again,that if <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hermaick or Trifmegiftick books, that are now extant, <strong>and</strong>th<strong>of</strong>e to boot, which being mentioned in ancient Fa<strong>the</strong>rs have been l<strong>of</strong>t,<strong>the</strong> rv. yivmoi, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> t« (Th^oo'jxz, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> like, had been nothing but <strong>the</strong> piousfrauds <strong>and</strong> cheats <strong>of</strong> Chriftians, yet muft <strong>the</strong>re needs have been fometruth at -<strong>the</strong> bottom to give fubfillence to <strong>the</strong>m -, th<strong>is</strong> at leaft, that Hermes^rifmegiji, or <strong>the</strong> Egyptian priefts, in <strong>the</strong>ir arcane <strong>and</strong> true <strong>the</strong>ology, re<strong>all</strong>yacknowledged one fupreme <strong>and</strong> univeral Numen.But it does not at <strong>all</strong> follow, that, becaufe fome <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>fe Hermaick or Trifmegiftickbooks now extant were counterfeit or fupp<strong>of</strong>uitious, that <strong>the</strong>refore<strong>all</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m muft needs be fuch -, not only fo, but th<strong>of</strong>e alfo, that arementioned in <strong>the</strong> writings <strong>of</strong> ancient Fa<strong>the</strong>rs, which are now l<strong>of</strong>t. Wherefore,<strong>the</strong> learned Cafattbcn feems not to have reckoned or concluded well,when from <strong>the</strong> dettdion <strong>of</strong> forgery in two or three <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e Trifmegiftickbooks at m<strong>of</strong>t, he pronounces <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m <strong>all</strong> univerfilly, that <strong>the</strong>y were ncthingbut Chrirtian cheats <strong>and</strong> imp<strong>of</strong>turcs. And probably he was led into th<strong>is</strong>miftake, by reafon <strong>of</strong> h<strong>is</strong> too fecurely following that vuigar error, (whichyet had been <strong>confuted</strong> by Palricius) that <strong>all</strong> that was publiflied by Ficinusunder <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> Hermes 'Trifmegiji, was but one <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> iame book Pcetji<strong>and</strong>er,conftfting <strong>of</strong> feveral chapters; whereas <strong>the</strong>y are <strong>all</strong> indeed fomany1 In Obelifco Pamjhylio p. 35. & in Oedipo ^gyptiaco Clafs. XII. C^ip III.as

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