wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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272 Hierocles m /6/j Philale<strong>the</strong>s c/^^r/y Book I.withjl<strong>and</strong>ing he declares to have been rude <strong>and</strong> illiterate perfons . I fay, thoughHierocleSf for feme caufe or o<strong>the</strong>r, be not named here by La^antius in <strong>the</strong>fecited words, or that which follows, yet it cannot be doubted, but that hewas <strong>the</strong> perfon intended by him, for <strong>the</strong>fe two reafons : Firft, becaufe hetells us afterward, that <strong>the</strong> main bufinefs <strong>of</strong> that Chrijiiano-majiix was tocompare Jpolloniu^ with our Saviour Chrift. dim faifa Chrijli mirabiliadejirueret, nee tamen negaret, voluit <strong>of</strong>lendere, Apoilonium vel paria, veletiammajora fecijfe, Mirum qiwd Apuleium pr^termiferit, cujus folent (d multa fc?mira memorari. Et ex hoc infolentiam Chrijli voluit arguere, quod deum fe con-Jlituerit : ut ills verectindior fuijje videretur, qui cian majora faceret [tit hieputat) tamen id ftbi non arrogaverit. That he might ohjcure <strong>the</strong> miracles <strong>of</strong> ourSaviour Chriji, which he could not deny, he would undertake to Jhow, that equalor greater miracles were done by Apollonius. And it was a wonder he did notmention Apuleius too •,<strong>of</strong> wh<strong>of</strong>e many <strong>and</strong> wonderful things <strong>the</strong> Pagans ufe tobrag likewife. Moreover, he coizdemns our Saviour Chrijl <strong>of</strong> inj'olency, formaking hitnfelf a god^ affirming Apollonius to have been <strong>the</strong> modefier perfon,Hvho, though he did {as he fupp<strong>of</strong>es) greater miracles, yet arrogated no fuch thingto hitnfelf. The fccond realbn <strong>is</strong>, becaufe Laiiantius alfo exprefly mentions<strong>the</strong> very title <strong>of</strong> Hierocles h<strong>is</strong> book, viz. Philale<strong>the</strong>s. Cum talia ignoranti^efua deliramenta fudijfet, cumque veritatem penitus excidere connixus eji, aufuseji libros fuos nefarios, ac dei hqfies, (piXaXri^u; annotare : Though pouringcut fo much folly <strong>and</strong> madnefs, pr<strong>of</strong>ejfedly fighting againjt <strong>the</strong> truth, yet he prefumed to c<strong>all</strong> tbeje h<strong>is</strong> wicked books, <strong>and</strong> enemies <strong>of</strong> God, Philalc<strong>the</strong><strong>is</strong>, or friendsto truth. From which words <strong>of</strong> Latlantius, <strong>and</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e foregoing, where hepr. Pearfiit, affirms th<strong>is</strong> Chrijl iano-majlix to have written two books, <strong>the</strong> learned prefacerBi.oJChejler.x,o <strong>the</strong> late edition <strong>of</strong> Hierocles, probably concludes, that <strong>the</strong> whole title <strong>of</strong>Hierocles h<strong>is</strong> book was th<strong>is</strong>, >^oyoi (piXxXf.^tig tt^-oV Xcinxx^;' And I conceive,that <strong>the</strong> firft <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e two books <strong>of</strong> Hierocles infilled upon fuch things asporphyrins had before urged againfl <strong>the</strong> Chriflians-, but <strong>the</strong>n in <strong>the</strong> fccond,be added th<strong>is</strong> ^^ «^Z'(? <strong>of</strong> h<strong>is</strong> own, to comp^m ^pol onius with our SaviourChrift : which Eujebius only takes notice <strong>of</strong>. Wherefore Epiphanius tellingus', that <strong>the</strong>re was one Hierocles ^ \>xf:\it\ or governor <strong>of</strong> Alex<strong>and</strong>ria, inth<strong>of</strong>e pcrfecuting times <strong>of</strong> Diocletian, we may probably conclude, that th<strong>is</strong>was <strong>the</strong> very p>rrfon defcribed in Lailantius, who <strong>is</strong> faid to have been firft <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> number ot <strong>the</strong> judges, <strong>and</strong> a principal aftor in <strong>the</strong> perfecution ; <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong>n afterwards to have written th<strong>is</strong> Philale<strong>the</strong>s againft <strong>the</strong> Chriftians,<strong>wherein</strong>, bcfide? o<strong>the</strong>r things, he ventured to compare Apollonius Tyan^uswith our Saviour Chrift. Now, if th<strong>is</strong> Hierocles, who wrote <strong>the</strong> Philale<strong>the</strong>sm defence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pagan gods againft <strong>the</strong> Chriftians, were <strong>the</strong> author <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>etwo o<strong>the</strong>r phil<strong>of</strong>ophick books, <strong>the</strong> Commentary upon <strong>the</strong> golden verfts, <strong>and</strong>that Ve Fato <strong>is</strong> Providentia, it might be eafily evinced from both <strong>of</strong>liiem, that he was notwithft<strong>and</strong>ing an afTerter <strong>of</strong> one fupreme Deity. ButP>&(S:'/«j ^ telJs us, that that //;>ror/w, who wrote <strong>the</strong> book concerning fate<strong>and</strong> provide! ce, did <strong>the</strong>rein make mention <strong>of</strong> Jamblichus, <strong>and</strong> h<strong>is</strong> juniorPlularchusAikenien/ts: from whence Jonjius taking it tor granted, that itwas one <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> fame Hierocles, who wrote againft <strong>the</strong> Chriftians, <strong>and</strong> deinto, iritcrs, that it could not be Eujebius Pampbili, who ardwered <strong>the</strong> Philale<strong>the</strong>s,." ilKKf LXVIII. Mektlan i 11. Tom. I. Oper.p. 717. - Bibliotb, Cod. CCXIV. p- 55+.

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