wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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2'6'8 ApoWonms Tya.nxus a pr<strong>of</strong>ejfed Book I.tlilly afFecfled Chriftians only, fince, during h<strong>is</strong> life-time, he was gener<strong>all</strong>yrepu.fd, even amongft <strong>the</strong> Pagans <strong>the</strong>mfelves, for no o<strong>the</strong>r than a yor; ',or infamous inchanter, <strong>and</strong> accufed <strong>of</strong> that very crime b.fore Doviitian <strong>the</strong>emperor^ : as he was alfo reprefented fuch by one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pagan writers <strong>of</strong>C^». C^/. A 6. h<strong>is</strong> lite, M(Xo«£v'^ l^nxTxi, mrs^O]! ttste jc, (piAoiro^ci aAwTOi £i7ivaurv), £1 if-S xvixyvuTiji t^ ytypos-ix^iva. MoioaJ'J'.Ei Ta-i' A'ToAAavw ts Tu«uta;f fz-aj/nc'Auvoh uVo -ni; £» 'ATiAXwuia hakJ/eiV-c, »V. ai^fvvErf tivk? (piXoTctpa?, uj TTfOf J^ctirasaJxou fiVcASoulaj. Iv oTj, o.'^uai >^ TTfoi 'E'^^P^'tk '7r;«'vj Jirij/»)(r«7«i, x, tivo,- ETrixxftiB"yfj c<strong>of</strong>uerning <strong>the</strong> infamous <strong>and</strong> diabolical r.iagick^ he that would know whe<strong>the</strong>ror no a phil<strong>of</strong>opher he temftable by it, cr illcqiieable into it, let kirn read<strong>the</strong> writings <strong>of</strong> IVIcerngenes concerning <strong>the</strong> memorable things c/ApolioniusTyan:EUS <strong>the</strong> magician <strong>and</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>opher ; in which he that was no Chriflian,'hut a Pagan phU<strong>of</strong>orher himfe'f, cffirmelh feme not ignoble phil<strong>of</strong>opher s to havebeen taken with Apollonius h<strong>is</strong> rmigick, inclunng (as I fupp<strong>of</strong>e) in that numberEuphrates <strong>and</strong> a certain Epicurean. And no doubt but th<strong>is</strong> was <strong>the</strong>reafon, why Phil<strong>of</strong>ratus"' derogates fo much from <strong>the</strong> authority <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> Mcvragenes,affirming him to have been ignorant <strong>of</strong> many things concerningapollonius (k ya,^ KvA^uymi re Tr^ooQiyjlo'j, &c.) Eecaufe Mn'ragenes had thusreprefented Jpeilonius in h<strong>is</strong> true colours as a magician ; whereas Phil<strong>of</strong>lratush<strong>is</strong> whole bufinefs <strong>and</strong> defign was, on <strong>the</strong> contrary, to vindicate himfrom that imputation : <strong>the</strong> truth where<strong>of</strong> notwithft<strong>and</strong>ing, may be fufficientlyevinced, even from th<strong>of</strong>e very things, that are recorded by Philojiratushimfelf. And here by <strong>the</strong> way we fh<strong>all</strong> obferve, that it <strong>is</strong> reported bygood hiftorians, that miracles were alfo done by Vefpafian zt Alex<strong>and</strong>ria^Wfl. I. 4. /. Per COS menfes (<strong>the</strong>y are <strong>the</strong> words <strong>of</strong> Tacitus) multa miracula evenere, qu<strong>is</strong>•111.ccelefl<strong>is</strong> favor, & quxdam in Vefpafianum inclinatio numinum <strong>of</strong>lenderctur.Ex plebe Alex<strong>and</strong>nnd qiddam, oculorum tabe notus, genua ejus advolvitur^remedium Ciccilat<strong>is</strong> exp<strong>of</strong>cens gcmitn ; tnonitu Serapid<strong>is</strong> dei, quern dedita fuperfiitionibusgens ante alios colit ;precabatiirque principem, ut genas & oculorumorbes dignaretur refpergere or<strong>is</strong> excremento. Alius manu eeger; eodemdeo au£fore, ut pede ac vefligio Cxfar<strong>is</strong> calcaretur orabat. At that time manymiracles happened at Alex<strong>and</strong>ria, by which was manifefled <strong>the</strong> heavenly favour<strong>and</strong> inclination <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> divine powers towards Vefpafian. A plebeian Alex<strong>and</strong>rian,that had been known to be blind, cafls himfelf at <strong>the</strong> feet <strong>of</strong> Vefpafian,begging with tears from him a remedy for h<strong>is</strong> fght, {<strong>and</strong> that according to <strong>the</strong>fuggejiion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> god Scrap<strong>is</strong>) that he would deign but to fpit upon h<strong>is</strong> eyes <strong>and</strong>face'. Ano<strong>the</strong>r having a lame h<strong>and</strong> {directed by <strong>the</strong> fame oracle) befccches himbut to tread upon it with h<strong>is</strong> foot. And after fome debate concerning th<strong>is</strong>bufinefs, both <strong>the</strong>fe things b^ing done by Vefpafian, ftalim convcrfa ad ufummanus, £s? c

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