wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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26o Thefupreme God de?toted hy ^appellatives. Booic, 1.name for <strong>the</strong> fupreme God, fometime introduced amongft <strong>the</strong> Greeks, <strong>and</strong>derived in <strong>all</strong> probability from <strong>the</strong> Hebrew Sabaoth, or Adcnai Tfebaoth, <strong>the</strong>Lord <strong>of</strong> hrf<strong>is</strong> (that <strong>is</strong>, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> heavenly h<strong>of</strong>ts) or <strong>the</strong> fupreme governor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>world. Which <strong>the</strong>refore Jriflopbanes took notice <strong>of</strong> as a ftrange <strong>and</strong> foreignt'od, lately crept in amongft <strong>the</strong>m, that ought to be bcanifli'd out <strong>of</strong> Gnece-,<strong>the</strong>fe feveral names <strong>of</strong> God being <strong>the</strong>n vulgarly fpoken <strong>of</strong> as fo many dill:in6t deities, as fh<strong>all</strong> be more fully declared afterwards. We fh<strong>all</strong> likewifeeifewherc fliew, that bePides ZsuV, Uxu alfo v/as ufcd by <strong>the</strong> Greeks as a namefor that God, who h <strong>the</strong> fupreme moderator <strong>and</strong> governor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> wholeworld.That <strong>the</strong> Latins did in like manner, by Jupiter <strong>and</strong> Jov<strong>is</strong>, frequentlydenote <strong>the</strong> fupreme Deity, <strong>and</strong> m.onarch <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> univerfe, <strong>is</strong> a thing unqueftionable; <strong>and</strong> which does fufficiently appear from th<strong>of</strong>e epi<strong>the</strong>ts, that were•commonly given to him, <strong>of</strong> optimus <strong>and</strong> maxiiuus, i\\tbeji avd <strong>the</strong> greatejl ;as alio <strong>of</strong> omnipotens, frequently bellowed upon him by Virgil <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs.Which word Jupiter or Jov<strong>is</strong>, though Cicero ' etymologize it ajuv<strong>and</strong>o, orfvom Juvat<strong>is</strong> pater^ as not knowing how to do it o<strong>the</strong>rwife ; yet we may ra<strong>the</strong>rconclude it to have been <strong>of</strong> an Hebraical extradlion, <strong>and</strong> derived fromthat Tetragiammaton-, or name <strong>of</strong> God, confining <strong>of</strong> four confonants ;vvh<strong>of</strong>e vowels (which it was to be pronounced with) though <strong>the</strong>y be not nowcertainly known, yet mud it needs have fome fuch found as th<strong>is</strong>, ei<strong>the</strong>r Jo-Tjah, or Javoh, or 'I;ji) or "'law, or <strong>the</strong> like ; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> abbreviation <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong>name was J«^. For as <strong>the</strong> Pagan nations had, befides appellatives, <strong>the</strong>irleveral proper names for God, lb alfo had <strong>the</strong> Hebrews <strong>the</strong>irs, <strong>and</strong> fuch asbeing given by God himfelf, was m<strong>of</strong>t expreffive <strong>of</strong> h<strong>is</strong> nature, it fignifyingeternal <strong>and</strong> necelTary exiftence.But, in <strong>the</strong> next place, we fh<strong>all</strong> fuggefl", that <strong>the</strong> Pagans did not onlyfignify <strong>the</strong> fupreme God, by <strong>the</strong>fe proper names, but alfo frequently by <strong>the</strong>appellatives <strong>the</strong>mfelves, when ufed not lor a God in general, bur for <strong>the</strong> God,.or God y.xT f^ox'''-'* ^"d by way <strong>of</strong> eminency. And thus o ^li; <strong>and</strong> ^foVare <strong>of</strong>ten taken by <strong>the</strong> Greeks, not for bia\i tit, a God, or one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Gsdsybut for God, or <strong>the</strong> fupreme Deity. We have feveral examples here<strong>of</strong> inpaffages before-cited occafion<strong>all</strong>y in th<strong>is</strong> very chapter, as in that <strong>of</strong> Arijiotk's,Ti' S\i ccv y^iTilov xj £7r<strong>is</strong>-)i;/,»5? TrXrfj o ftfcf ; What ts <strong>the</strong>re <strong>the</strong>refore, that can be betterShan knowledge, but only God? As alfo that o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> h<strong>is</strong>, that happinefsconfifteth princip<strong>all</strong>y in virtue, trw Tivwy.oXc'yoiJ.i^ov r[xTii fxa^rv^i tu Stij p^^outvoK,it <strong>is</strong> a thing, that ought to be acknowledged by us from <strong>the</strong> n:;ture <strong>of</strong> God.So likewife in that <strong>of</strong> Thales, n^Kr^-Jra.ro-j tt^vtkv J 5-£o?, a.'yvjrjov yx.a- God<strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> oldefi <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> things, becaufe he <strong>is</strong> unmade : <strong>and</strong> that <strong>of</strong> Maximui Tyrins,naX'Mi .&:(/l TrarcTfj S-Es k) (r.vip;)(^o'jT£? 3-Ey, Many gods, <strong>the</strong> fons <strong>of</strong> God, <strong>and</strong> coreignerstoge<strong>the</strong>r with God. Befides which, <strong>the</strong>re have been otl;ers alfo mentioned,which we fh<strong>all</strong> not here repeat. And innumerable more inftances<strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> kind might be added; as th^toi Antiphanes^, 5;io; iSi-A Eojxfy, SiirrifxilovViTcif ::;a^6£rj l^ uni-jf^ S'jvxlai,

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