wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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whichCh AP. rV. <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> VForld a7id Gods, 255-phil<strong>of</strong>ophers apprehended any repugnancy at <strong>all</strong> betwixt <strong>the</strong>fe two things -,exiftence from eternity, <strong>and</strong> being caufed or produced by ano<strong>the</strong>r. Nor cmwe make any great doubt, but that if <strong>the</strong> latter Platonifts had been fjlly convinced<strong>of</strong> any contradidious inconfiftency here, <strong>the</strong>y would readily havedifclaimedthat <strong>the</strong>ir fo beloved hypo<strong>the</strong>f<strong>is</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world's eternity ; it beingfo far from truth what fome have fupp<strong>of</strong>ed, that <strong>the</strong> Affertors <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world'seternity were <strong>all</strong> A<strong>the</strong>ifts,. that <strong>the</strong>fe latter Platonifts were led into th<strong>is</strong> opinionno o<strong>the</strong>rwife than from <strong>the</strong> fule confideration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Deity ; to wit,its «j'3i9o£t(?'i< (3KA>i(ni-, lij ydviixoi ^uvixfj.1^, its ejfential goodvefs, <strong>and</strong> generative p^„ j^fower-i^or emanative fecundity^ as Proclus plainly declares upon <strong>the</strong> 'Ttniieus.Now, though Ariftotle were not afted with any fuch divine enthufiafm as<strong>the</strong>fe Platonifts feem to have been, .yet did he notwithft<strong>and</strong>ing, after h<strong>is</strong> fobermanner, re<strong>all</strong>y maintain <strong>the</strong> fame thing ; that though <strong>the</strong> world, <strong>and</strong> inferiormundane gods had no temporary generation, yet were <strong>the</strong>y never<strong>the</strong>lefs<strong>all</strong>produced from one fupreme Deity as thiir caufe. Thus Simplicius reprefentsthat phil<strong>of</strong>opher's lenfe, 'A^irorjAiif a j/ivs^at a^to? rov koQi^ov, axxd ^'^'^^ ^p/^r'f'g,cLwoi r^oTTov Wo 0£k vx^ci-yi&xr Ariftotle would not have <strong>the</strong> %vo7'ld to have teenryJ-^Q [,_made, (fo as to have had a beginning) hit yet nevertbelefs to have been pro- Edit. Aldi.]:ducid from God after fome o<strong>the</strong>r manner. And again afterwards ; 'A^ij-ot/Aji;TO aiiTioi; T8 KoauB x, TJ)f «i'J';>( xivfKTfw? auT» S'fov AeJ/wv, OiV.to? ocy'iMmm auTov a.TroSiiKm

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