wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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Chap. IV. <strong>of</strong> a Suhjlantial Evil Principle. 219more, moves <strong>the</strong> world. And as for <strong>the</strong> laft thing urged by Plutarch, that before<strong>the</strong> world was made, <strong>the</strong> matter <strong>is</strong> faid by Plato ' to have b;en moveddiforderiy, we conceive, that that phil<strong>of</strong>opher did <strong>the</strong>rein only adhere tothat vulgarly received tradition, which was oriain<strong>all</strong>y M<strong>of</strong>iical, that <strong>the</strong>firft beginning <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> C<strong>of</strong>mopoeia was from a chaos, or matter confufedlymoved, afterward brought into order. And now we think it plainly appears,that <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong> no ftrength at <strong>all</strong> in any <strong>of</strong> Plutarch's forementioned<strong>all</strong>egations, nor any fuch monfter to be found any where in Plato, asth<strong>is</strong> fjbftantial evil principle or god, a wicked foul or dnsmon, unmade <strong>and</strong>felf-exiftent from eternity, opp<strong>of</strong>ite <strong>and</strong> inimicous to <strong>the</strong> good God, fharing<strong>the</strong> empire <strong>and</strong> dominion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world with him. Which opinion <strong>is</strong> re<strong>all</strong>ynothing elfe but <strong>the</strong> deifying <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> devil, or prince <strong>of</strong> evil fpirits, makinghim a corrival with God, <strong>and</strong> entitling him to a right <strong>of</strong> receiving divinehonour <strong>and</strong> worfliip.And it <strong>is</strong> obfervable, that Plutarch himfclf confefleth th<strong>is</strong> interpretation,v/hich he makes <strong>of</strong> Plato, to be new <strong>and</strong> paradoxical, or an invention <strong>of</strong>h<strong>is</strong> own, y.x\ SiX to TrAi/j-oi? tZv diro n.Xoiruv'^ jVfva'.lioG'e&a i SUy-svov Trx^xui^ioc^, P/yc/jsg. p.fuch as becaufe it -iVas contrary to <strong>the</strong> gener<strong>all</strong>y received opinion <strong>of</strong> Platonics, ^°'^hifnfelfthought to fi<strong>and</strong> in need <strong>of</strong> feme apology <strong>and</strong> defence. To which purp<strong>of</strong>e<strong>the</strong>refore he adds again, tt^xtov ojv ?v s^m te^' rojTuv ^icimm, t'xS-iifro^ajP. 1014,7rif-0UjUEi/©J Tu fi'xoTi, xx\ Trxpaf^'j^o'^fj-ct^, Jf H'£S~t, to ^An^s; to-j Xoyx, xxi ttx^xoo^ov'J will (laith he) declare mine own opinion firji concerning <strong>the</strong>fe things, confirmingit with probabilities, <strong>and</strong>, as much as pcffib'y I can, aiding <strong>and</strong> ajjijiing<strong>the</strong> truth <strong>and</strong> paradoxic alnefs <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong>. Moreover, Proclus upon <strong>the</strong> Tim^ustakes notice <strong>of</strong> no o<strong>the</strong>r phil<strong>of</strong>ophers, that ever impitel th<strong>is</strong> d<strong>of</strong>trineto P/

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