wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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Chap. IV. God, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Matter, *^^T<strong>is</strong> not fomewhere. But befidcs <strong>the</strong>fe Stoicks, <strong>the</strong>re were o<strong>the</strong>r philbfophers,who admitting <strong>of</strong> incorporeal fubftance did fupp<strong>of</strong>e two firfl: principles, asfubftanccs re<strong>all</strong>y diftinft from one ano<strong>the</strong>r, that were co-exiftent from eternity,an incorporeal Deity <strong>and</strong> matter -, as for example, Anaxagoras, Ar- Set Eufeh.chelaus. Aniens, <strong>and</strong> many more; infomuch that Pythagoras himfelf was P'-^A f-w.reckoned amongft th<strong>of</strong>e by Numcnius, <strong>and</strong> Plato by Plutarch <strong>and</strong> Laertius. ^'^'T- '-7'And we find it commonly taken for granted, that Arijiotle alio was <strong>of</strong>th<strong>is</strong> perfaafion, though it cannot be certainly concluded from <strong>the</strong>nce (asfome feem to fupp<strong>of</strong>e) becaufe he affcrted <strong>the</strong> eternity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world ; Plotinus,Porphyrius, Jamblichus, Proclus <strong>and</strong> Simplicius doing <strong>the</strong> like, <strong>and</strong>yet notwithihinding maintaining, that God was <strong>the</strong> fole principle <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong>things, <strong>and</strong> that matter alfo was derived from him. Nei<strong>the</strong>r will that paffage<strong>of</strong> Arijlotleh^ in_^h<strong>is</strong> M. taphyficks neceflarily evince <strong>the</strong> contrary, /-. i. f . r.®io; ^oKUTo aiTiou irocciv tivai >^ '^'^> '^-^X'''^"d feems to be a caufe to <strong>all</strong> things \^- ^^3-<strong>and</strong> a certain principle ; becaufe th<strong>is</strong> might be underftood only <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> forms c^^'V^'<strong>of</strong> things.^P"JBut it <strong>is</strong> plain, that Plutarch was a maintainer <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> docflrine from h<strong>is</strong>difcourfe upon <strong>the</strong> Platonick pfychogonia ', (befides o<strong>the</strong>r places) j3eAt(wZk IIAarwvi KiiS!o\i.iw% tOk ^Ju y.i(T^ov Jtto 3-£ou ytyojivxi xiyuv .^ t,t*a;1iV, x^ avJ^cxul<strong>of</strong> /f zj <strong>the</strong>refore betterfor us to follow Plato (than Heraclitus) <strong>and</strong> loudly to declare, that <strong>the</strong> worldwas made by Cod. For as <strong>the</strong> world <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> beft <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> werks, fo <strong>is</strong> God <strong>the</strong>beft <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> caufes. Never<strong>the</strong>kfsy <strong>the</strong> fubftance or matter, out <strong>of</strong> which <strong>the</strong> worldwas made, was not ilfelf made ; but always ready at h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> fubjeSi to <strong>the</strong>artificer, to be ordered <strong>and</strong> difp<strong>of</strong>ed by him. For <strong>the</strong> making <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world, wasnot<strong>the</strong> produSlion <strong>of</strong> it out <strong>of</strong> nothing, but out <strong>of</strong> an antecedent bad <strong>and</strong> diforderlyJlatCy like <strong>the</strong> making <strong>of</strong> an houfe, garment, or jlatue.It <strong>is</strong> alfo well known,, that Hermogenes <strong>and</strong> otfier ancient pretenders toChriftianity did in like manner afllrt <strong>the</strong> fclf-exiftence <strong>and</strong> improduftion.<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> matter, for which caufe <strong>the</strong>y were commonly c<strong>all</strong>ed Materiarii, or<strong>the</strong> Materiarian hereticks •, <strong>the</strong>y pretending by th<strong>is</strong> means to give an account(as <strong>the</strong> Stoicks had done before <strong>the</strong>m) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> original <strong>of</strong> evils, <strong>and</strong> to free*God from <strong>the</strong> imputation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m. Their ratiocination to which purp<strong>of</strong>e,!<strong>is</strong> thus fet down by Tertullian : God made <strong>all</strong> things, ei<strong>the</strong>r out <strong>of</strong> himfelf, orjj.y^^ ij^_out <strong>of</strong> nothing, or out <strong>of</strong> matter. He couU not make <strong>all</strong> things out <strong>of</strong> him- mog. p, 282.-.felf, becaufe himfelf being always u.nmade, he ftjould <strong>the</strong>n re<strong>all</strong>y have been <strong>the</strong> ^^imaker<strong>of</strong> nothing : <strong>and</strong> he did not make <strong>all</strong> out <strong>of</strong> nothing, becaufe being ejfenti<strong>all</strong>ygood,, he would have made nihil non optimum, every thing in <strong>the</strong> beftmanner, <strong>and</strong> fo <strong>the</strong>re could have been no evil in <strong>the</strong> wo-rld : but ftnce <strong>the</strong>re areevils, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>fe could not proceed from <strong>the</strong> will <strong>of</strong> Cod, <strong>the</strong>y muft needs arifefrom <strong>the</strong> fault <strong>of</strong> fomeihmg^ <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>refore <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> matter, out <strong>of</strong> which things'5»•Tom. II.. Oper. p. 1014.were-

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