wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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Chap. III. hn^oth' s Account <strong>of</strong> Nature. 167Arijlotle'5 nature can be nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> matter, nor <strong>the</strong> forms, nor <strong>the</strong> accidents <strong>of</strong>bodies, it <strong>is</strong> plain, that, according to h<strong>is</strong> own principles, it muft be incorporeal.2t. Now if <strong>the</strong> plaftick nature be incorporeal, <strong>the</strong>n it muft <strong>of</strong> necefTitybe ei<strong>the</strong>r an inferior power or faculty <strong>of</strong> fomefoui, which <strong>is</strong> alfo confcious,fenfuive, or rational ;or elfe a lower fiibftantial life by itfelf, devoid <strong>of</strong> animalconfcioufnefs. The Platonifls feem to affirm both <strong>the</strong>fe too-e<strong>the</strong>r,namely, that <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong> a plaftick nature lodged in <strong>all</strong> particular fouls <strong>of</strong> animals,brutes, <strong>and</strong> men, <strong>and</strong> alfo that <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong> a general plaftick or fperm^tick principle <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole univerfe diftinft from <strong>the</strong>ir higher mundanefoul, though fubordinate to it, <strong>and</strong> dependent upon it ', ji Xiy<strong>of</strong>j-ivn (^Jo-k ymnfj.a.^'j)(ri^ TT^orioixi ivvxlari^ov (^toVvi;, Tba(, which <strong>is</strong> calkd nature, <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>f-fpring <strong>of</strong> anhigher foul, which hath a more powerful life in it. And though Arifiotle donot fo clearly acknowledge <strong>the</strong> incorporeity <strong>and</strong> fubftantiality <strong>of</strong> fouls, ye<strong>the</strong> concurs very much with th<strong>is</strong> Platonick d<strong>of</strong>trine, that nature <strong>is</strong> ei<strong>the</strong>r alower power, or faculty <strong>of</strong> fome confcious foul, or elfe an inferior kind <strong>of</strong>life by itfelf, depending upon a fuperior foul.And th<strong>is</strong> we fli<strong>all</strong> make to appear from h<strong>is</strong> book de partibus animalium, L. i.

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