wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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whichjln Account <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Life <strong>and</strong> Writings" -S/V," Having th<strong>is</strong> opportunity <strong>of</strong>fered by Dodoiir ScLiter, who defires to*' waite upon you, upon your kind invitation, which 1 acquainted him with," I could do no lefTe <strong>the</strong>n accompany him v/ith <strong>the</strong>fc few lines to prefent*' my fcrvice to you. I am perfwaded, you will be well fat<strong>is</strong>fied in h<strong>is</strong> inge-" nuity, when yon are acquainted with him. Now I have th<strong>is</strong> opportunity,'" I fh<strong>all</strong> ufe <strong>the</strong> freedom to acquaint you with ano<strong>the</strong>r bufines. I am per-'" fwaded by friends to publifli fome Difcourfes, which I have prepared in" Latine, that will be <strong>of</strong> a polemic<strong>all</strong> nature in dcfenfe <strong>of</strong> Chriftianity againft" Judaifme, explaining fome cheef places <strong>of</strong> Scripture controverted be-" ween <strong>the</strong> Jewes <strong>and</strong> us, (as Daniel's prophecy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 70 Weekes, never«' yet fufficiently cleared <strong>and</strong> improved) <strong>and</strong> wich<strong>all</strong> extricating many diffi-" culties <strong>of</strong> Chronologic. Which tafke I <strong>the</strong> ra<strong>the</strong>r undertake, not onely" becaufe it <strong>is</strong> fuitable to my Hehreiv Pr<strong>of</strong>efTion, <strong>and</strong> becaufe I have" liglited on fome Jewifh writings upon <strong>the</strong> argument, as have fcarcely" ever been feen by any Chriftians, which would <strong>the</strong> better inable me" fully to confute <strong>the</strong>m ; but alfo becaufe I conceive it a worke proper <strong>and</strong>*' fuitable to th<strong>is</strong> prefent age. However, though I fliould not be able myfelfe*' to beany way inftrumental to <strong>the</strong>fe great tranfaftions <strong>of</strong> Providence (not* without caufe, hoped for <strong>of</strong> many) amongft <strong>the</strong> Jews ;yet I perfwade myfelfe" my pains may not be <strong>all</strong>toge<strong>the</strong>r unpr<strong>of</strong>itable for <strong>the</strong> feding <strong>and</strong> eftablifhing" <strong>of</strong> Chriftians •, or at leaft I fli<strong>all</strong> give an account <strong>of</strong> my fpending fiich va-" cant hours, as I could redeeme from my preaching <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r occafions, <strong>and</strong>" <strong>the</strong> perpetual diftraftions<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Burfarlhip, .which <strong>the</strong> Statutes <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> Col-" ledge imp<strong>of</strong>e upon me. It was my purp<strong>of</strong>e to dedicate <strong>the</strong>fc fruits <strong>of</strong> my" ftudics to h<strong>is</strong> Highnes, (to wh<strong>of</strong>e noble fa<strong>the</strong>r I was much obliged) if I" may have leave, or prefume fo to doe •,I cannot better underft<strong>and</strong>*' by any than yourfelfe, if you fli<strong>all</strong> think it convenient, when you have an" opportunity to infnniate any fuch thing, which I permitte wholy to your" prudence. I intend, God willing, to be in London fome time in March ; <strong>and</strong>" <strong>the</strong>n I fh<strong>all</strong> waite upon you to receve your information. In <strong>the</strong> mean time" craving pardon for th<strong>is</strong> prolixity <strong>of</strong> mine, <strong>and</strong> freedome, I fubfcribe myfelfe," Your re<strong>all</strong>y devoted Friend<strong>and</strong> humble Servant,Jill. 20.1 65S.Chrift's Coll. Cambi-. K. CuDWORTH.The Difcourfe concerning Dmiers Prophecy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> LXX Weeks, mention'din th<strong>is</strong> letter, <strong>and</strong> which <strong>is</strong> flill extant in manufcript, <strong>is</strong> highly commended,by Dr. Henry More m h<strong>is</strong> Preface §. 1 8 .p. xvi. to h<strong>is</strong> Explanation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gr<strong>and</strong>Myftery <strong>of</strong> Godlinefs, pv'mtsd at London 1660. in fol. where he oblerves, that Dr.Ctidivorth in that Difcourfe, which was read in <strong>the</strong> puijiick Schools <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Univerfity,had undeceiv'd <strong>the</strong> world, which had been mifled too long by <strong>the</strong> overgreatopinion <strong>the</strong>y hzd <strong>of</strong> J<strong>of</strong>eph Scaliger; <strong>and</strong> that ttik'm^ Funccius's Epocha, hehaddemonftrated<strong>the</strong>manifcftation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tW^^/^ to have f<strong>all</strong>en out at <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong>tlic

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