wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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144- Two principal Torms of Atheifm. Book I,that the Democr'tick or Atomick Atheifm feems to he much more confidcrableof the two, than the Anaximandrian or Hylopathian,Again, as for the tA'o other forms of Achiifm, if there v ere ?.ny life at allin matter, as the firft and immediate recipient ct it, then in reafon this muftneeds be fuppofed to be after the lame manner in it, that all other corporealqualities are in bodies, fo as to be divifible together with if, and fome of itbe in every part of the matter ; which is according to the hypothefis ofthe Hylozoifts. Whereas on the contrary the Stoical Atheifts fuppofing onelife only in the whole mafs of matter, after fuch a manner, as that none ofthe parts of it by themfelves flioiild have any life of their own, do thereby,no lefs than the Stoical Theifts, make this life of theirs to be no corporealquality or form, but an incorporeal fubftancc ; which is to contradicl theirown hypothefis. From whence we may conclude, that the Cofmo plaflickor Stoical Atheifm is, of the two, Icfs confiderable than the Hylozoick orStratonical.Wherefore amoiigft thefe four forms cf Atheifm, that have been propounded,thefj two, the Atomick or Democritical, and the Hylozoick orStratonical are the chief. The former of which, namely the DemociitickAtheifm, admitting a true notion of body, that (according to the dodrineof the firft and moft ancient Atomifts) it is nothing but rcfifting bulk devoidof all manner of life ; yet becaufe it takes for granted, that there isno other fubftance in the world befides body, does therefore conclude, thatall life and underflanding in animals and men is generated out of dead andilupid matter, though not as qualities and forms (which is the Anaximandrianway) but as refulting from the contextures of atoms, or fome peculiar compofuionof magnitudes, figures, fites, and motions-, and confequently tlintthey are themfclves really nothing elfe but local motion and mechanifm :which is a thing, that fome time fince was very pertinently and judiciouflyEeSl. if. f. 3. both obferved and perftringed by the learned author of the ExercitatioEpiftolica^ now a reverend bifhop. But the latter, namely the Hylozoick,though truly acknowledging on the contrary, that life, cogitation and un-(lerltanding are entities really diftind from local motion and mechanifm,and that therefore they cannot be generated out of dead and ftupid matter,but muft needs be fomewhere in the world, originally, elTentially, and fundamentally; yet becaufe they take it alfo for granted, that there is no otherfubftance befides matter, do thereupon adulterate the notion of matter orbody, blending and confounding it with life, as making them but two inadequateconceptions of fubftance, and concluding that all matter and fubftance,as fuch, hath life and perceptii/n or underftanding natural and inconfciouseflentially be'onging to it ; and that fenfe and confcious reafon orunderftanding in animals arifes only from the accidental modification of thisfundamental life of matter by organization.« ' Dr. 5eth Ward, Sa-vilian Profefibr of fuccelTMely Bill'.op of Exeter and Zallihury.Mronomy in th; Univerfity of Oxjoni ; and5 We

Chap. IIL Of which the Atomkli mofi conjiderahk, 145We conclude therefore, that \^ thefe two Atheiftick hypothefes, whichare found to be the moft confiderable, be once confuted, the reality of alAtheifm will be ipfo fa£lo confuted ; there being indeed nothing more requificeto a thorough confutation of Atheifm, than the proving of thefetwo things ; firft, that life and underflanding are noteflential to matter asfuch -, and fecondiy, that they can never pofTibly rife out of any mixture ormodification of dead and ftupid matter whatfoever. The reafon of whichaflertion is, becaufe all Atheirts, as was before obferved, are mere Corporealifts,of which there can be but thefe two forts •,either fuch as makelife to be eflential to matter, and therefore to be ingenerable and incorruptible-, or elfe fuch as fuppofe life and every thing befides C'ah iVoi'^, the barefubftance of matter, or extended bulk, to be merely accidental, generable orcorruptible, as nfing out of fome mixture or modification of it. And asthe proving of thofe two things will overthrow all Atheifm, fo it will likewifelay a clear foundation, for the demonftrating of a Deity diftinft fromthe corporeal world.XXXV. Now that life and perception, or underftanding, fliould be eflentialto matter as fuch, or that all fenflefs matter Ihould be perfeftly and infalliblywife (though without confcioufnefs) as to all its own congruitiesand capabilities, which is the doftrine of the Hylozoifts ; this, I fay, is anhypothefis fo prodigiouOy paradoxical, and fo outragioufly wild, as thatvery few men ever could have atheiftick faith enough, to fwallow it downand digeft it. Wherefore this Hylozoick Atheifm hath been very obfcureever finee its firft emerfion, and hath found fo few fautors and abettors, thatit hath looked like a forlorn and deferted thing. Neither indeed are thereany publick monuments at all extant, in which it is avowedly maintained,ftated and reduced into any fyftem. Infomuch that we fhould not havetaken any notice of it at this time, as a particular form of Atheifm, norhave conjured it up out of its grave, had we not underftood, that Strata'sghoft had begun to walk of late ; and that among fome well-wifhers toAtheifm, defpairing in a manner of the Atomick form, this Hylozoickhypothefis began already to be looked upon, as the rifing fun of Atheifm,. Et tanquam [pes altera Troj^, it feeming to fmile upon them, andflatter them at a diftance, with fome fairer hopes of fupporting that ruinousand defperate caufc.Whereas on the contrary, that other Atomick Atheifm, as it infifts upona true notion of body, that it is nothing but refifting bulk ; by which meanswe, joining iffue thereupon, Ihall be tairly conducted on to a clear decifionof this prefent controverfy, as likewife to the difintangling of many otherpoints of philofophy ; fo it is that, which hath filled the world with the noifeof it, for two thouland years paft ; that, concerning which feveral volumeshave been formerly written, in which it hath been ftated and broughtinto a kind of fyftem ; and which hath of late obtained a refurredlionamangft us, together with the Atomick phyfiology, and been recommendedUto

144- Two principal Torms <strong>of</strong> A<strong>the</strong>ifm. Book I,that <strong>the</strong> Democr'tick or Atomick A<strong>the</strong>ifm feems to he much more confidcrable<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> two, than <strong>the</strong> Anaxim<strong>and</strong>rian or Hylopathian,Again, as for <strong>the</strong> tA'o o<strong>the</strong>r forms <strong>of</strong> Achiifm, if <strong>the</strong>re v ere ?.ny life at <strong>all</strong>in matter, as <strong>the</strong> firft <strong>and</strong> immediate recipient ct it, <strong>the</strong>n in reafon th<strong>is</strong> muftneeds be fupp<strong>of</strong>ed to be after <strong>the</strong> lame manner in it, that <strong>all</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r corporealqualities are in bodies, fo as to be divifible toge<strong>the</strong>r with if, <strong>and</strong> fome <strong>of</strong> itbe in every part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> matter ; which <strong>is</strong> according to <strong>the</strong> hypo<strong>the</strong>f<strong>is</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Hylozoifts. Whereas on <strong>the</strong> contrary <strong>the</strong> Stoical A<strong>the</strong>ifts fupp<strong>of</strong>ing onelife only in <strong>the</strong> whole mafs <strong>of</strong> matter, after fuch a manner, as that none <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> parts <strong>of</strong> it by <strong>the</strong>mfelves flioiild have any life <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir own, do <strong>the</strong>reby,no lefs than <strong>the</strong> Stoical Theifts, make th<strong>is</strong> life <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>irs to be no corporealquality or form, but an incorporeal fubftancc ; which <strong>is</strong> to contradicl <strong>the</strong>irown hypo<strong>the</strong>f<strong>is</strong>. From whence we may conclude, that <strong>the</strong> C<strong>of</strong>mo plaflickor Stoical A<strong>the</strong>ifm <strong>is</strong>, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> two, Icfs confiderable than <strong>the</strong> Hylozoick orStratonical.Wherefore amoiigft <strong>the</strong>fe four forms cf A<strong>the</strong>ifm, that have been propounded,<strong>the</strong>fj two, <strong>the</strong> Atomick or Democritical, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hylozoick orStratonical are <strong>the</strong> chief. The former <strong>of</strong> which, namely <strong>the</strong> DemociitickA<strong>the</strong>ifm, admitting a true notion <strong>of</strong> body, that (according to <strong>the</strong> dodrine<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> firft <strong>and</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t ancient Atomifts) it <strong>is</strong> nothing but rcfifting bulk devoid<strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> manner <strong>of</strong> life ; yet becaufe it takes for granted, that <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong>no o<strong>the</strong>r fubftance in <strong>the</strong> world befides body, does <strong>the</strong>refore conclude, that<strong>all</strong> life <strong>and</strong> underfl<strong>and</strong>ing in animals <strong>and</strong> men <strong>is</strong> generated out <strong>of</strong> dead <strong>and</strong>ilupid matter, though not as qualities <strong>and</strong> forms (which <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> Anaxim<strong>and</strong>rianway) but as refulting from <strong>the</strong> contextures <strong>of</strong> atoms, or fome peculiar comp<strong>of</strong>uion<strong>of</strong> magnitudes, figures, fites, <strong>and</strong> motions-, <strong>and</strong> confequently tlint<strong>the</strong>y are <strong>the</strong>mfclves re<strong>all</strong>y nothing elfe but local motion <strong>and</strong> mechanifm :which <strong>is</strong> a thing, that fome time fince was very pertinently <strong>and</strong> judiciouflyEeSl. if. f. 3. both obferved <strong>and</strong> perftringed by <strong>the</strong> learned author <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ExercitatioEpiftolica^ now a reverend bifhop. But <strong>the</strong> latter, namely <strong>the</strong> Hylozoick,though truly acknowledging on <strong>the</strong> contrary, that life, cogitation <strong>and</strong> un-(lerlt<strong>and</strong>ing are entities re<strong>all</strong>y diftind from local motion <strong>and</strong> mechanifm,<strong>and</strong> that <strong>the</strong>refore <strong>the</strong>y cannot be generated out <strong>of</strong> dead <strong>and</strong> ftupid matter,but muft needs be fomewhere in <strong>the</strong> world, origin<strong>all</strong>y, elTenti<strong>all</strong>y, <strong>and</strong> fundament<strong>all</strong>y; yet becaufe <strong>the</strong>y take it alfo for granted, that <strong>the</strong>re <strong>is</strong> no o<strong>the</strong>rfubftance befides matter, do <strong>the</strong>reupon adulterate <strong>the</strong> notion <strong>of</strong> matter orbody, blending <strong>and</strong> confounding it with life, as making <strong>the</strong>m but two inadequateconceptions <strong>of</strong> fubftance, <strong>and</strong> concluding that <strong>all</strong> matter <strong>and</strong> fubftance,as fuch, hath life <strong>and</strong> perceptii/n or underft<strong>and</strong>ing natural <strong>and</strong> inconfciouseflenti<strong>all</strong>y be'onging to it ; <strong>and</strong> that fenfe <strong>and</strong> confcious reafon orunderft<strong>and</strong>ing in animals arifes only from <strong>the</strong> accidental modification <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong>fundamental life <strong>of</strong> matter by organization.« ' Dr. 5eth Ward, Sa-vilian Pr<strong>of</strong>efibr <strong>of</strong> fuccelTMely Bill'.op <strong>of</strong> Exeter <strong>and</strong> Z<strong>all</strong>ihury.Mronomy in th; Univerfity <strong>of</strong> Oxjoni ; <strong>and</strong>5 We

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