wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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Chap. III. Supreme Dei iy^ no A<strong>the</strong>ijls. 123Fenia <strong>and</strong> Porus, th<strong>is</strong> being not a divine but dsemoniack thing (as <strong>the</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>opher<strong>the</strong>re declares,) no God, but a d-emon only, or <strong>of</strong> a middle nature.For it <strong>is</strong> nothing but (piAoxaAio:, or <strong>the</strong> love <strong>of</strong> pulchritude as fuch,which, though rightly ufed, may perhaps wing <strong>and</strong> infpire <strong>the</strong> mind to noble<strong>and</strong> generous attempts, <strong>and</strong> beget a fcornful difdain in it <strong>of</strong> mean,dirty, <strong>and</strong> fordid things ;yet it <strong>is</strong> capable <strong>of</strong> being abufed alfo, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>nit will ftrike downward into brutifhnefs <strong>and</strong> ftnfuality. But at bcft it <strong>is</strong>an affeiStion belonging only to imperfedl <strong>and</strong> parturient beings ; <strong>and</strong>.<strong>the</strong>refore could not be <strong>the</strong> firft principle <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> things. Wherefore wefee no very great reafon, but that in a reftified <strong>and</strong> qualified fenfe th<strong>is</strong>may pafs for true <strong>the</strong>ology ; that Love <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> fupreme Deity <strong>and</strong> original<strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> things ; namely, if by it be meant eternal, felf-originated, intelleftualLove, or cflential <strong>and</strong> ilibftantial goodnefs, that having an infiniteoverflowing fulnefs <strong>and</strong> fecundity difpenfes itfelf uninvidiouOy, accordingto <strong>the</strong> befh wifdom, fweetly governs <strong>all</strong>, without any force or violence (<strong>all</strong>things being natur<strong>all</strong>y fubjed to its authority, <strong>and</strong> readily obeying its laws)<strong>and</strong> reconciles <strong>the</strong> whole world into harmony. For <strong>the</strong> Scripture telling us,that God <strong>is</strong> love, feems to warrant thus much to us, that love in fome rightlyqualified fenfe <strong>is</strong> God.XIX. But we are to omit <strong>the</strong> fabulous age, <strong>and</strong> to defccnd to <strong>the</strong> phil<strong>of</strong>ophical,to enquire <strong>the</strong>re, who <strong>the</strong>y were among <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>efled phil<strong>of</strong>ophers,who a<strong>the</strong>ized in that manner before defcribed. It <strong>is</strong> true indeed, thatAriftotle in o<strong>the</strong>r places accufes Demoa-itus <strong>and</strong> Leucippus <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> very famething, that <strong>is</strong>, <strong>of</strong> affigning only a material caufe <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> univerfe, <strong>and</strong> givingnoaccount <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> original <strong>of</strong> motion •, but yet it <strong>is</strong> certain, that <strong>the</strong>fe were not<strong>the</strong> perfons intended by him here -, th<strong>of</strong>c, which he fpeaks <strong>of</strong>, being tive?Twu wfWTwu (piAocro:pnTaKTui/, fome <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> firft <strong>and</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t ancient phil<strong>of</strong>ophers <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong>.Moreover, it appears by <strong>the</strong> defcription <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, that <strong>the</strong>y were fuch as didnot phil<strong>of</strong>ophize in <strong>the</strong> way <strong>of</strong> atoms, but refolved <strong>all</strong> things whatfoever in<strong>the</strong> univerfe into uA»i <strong>and</strong> -rri-^-n rxg i'A-^f, matter, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> pafiions or aifections,qualities <strong>and</strong> forms <strong>of</strong> matter ; fo that <strong>the</strong>y were not atomical, buthylopathian phil<strong>of</strong>ophers. Thefe two, <strong>the</strong> old Materialifts <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Democriticks,did both alike derive <strong>all</strong> things from dead <strong>and</strong> ftupid matter, fortuitouflymoved ; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> difference between <strong>the</strong>m was only th<strong>is</strong>, that <strong>the</strong>Democriticks managed th<strong>is</strong> bufinefs in <strong>the</strong> way <strong>of</strong> atoms, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r in thatmore vulgar way <strong>of</strong> qualities <strong>and</strong> forms: fo that indeed th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> re<strong>all</strong>y butone <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> fume a<strong>the</strong>iilick hypo<strong>the</strong>f<strong>is</strong>, in two feveral fchemes. And as one<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m <strong>is</strong> c<strong>all</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> atomick a<strong>the</strong>ifm, lb <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r, for diftindion's fake,may be c<strong>all</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> hylopathian.XX. Now Ariftotle tells_ us plainly, that <strong>the</strong>fe hylopathian A<strong>the</strong>ifts <strong>of</strong>h<strong>is</strong> were <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> firft phil<strong>of</strong>ophers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> lonick order <strong>and</strong> fuccelTion, beforeAnaxagoras. Where<strong>of</strong> T'/^^.W being <strong>the</strong> head, he <strong>is</strong> confentaneoufly <strong>the</strong>reuntoby Ariftotle made to be ''^/jfCyo^ t?; ToiaiJx^if (piKoTopixg, <strong>the</strong> prince <strong>and</strong>leader <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> kind <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>iftical phil<strong>of</strong>ophy, he deriving <strong>all</strong> things whatfoever,as Homer had done before him, from water, <strong>and</strong> acknowledging no o<strong>the</strong>rprinciple but <strong>the</strong> fluid matter.Not-

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