wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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<strong>and</strong>.<strong>of</strong> Ral?ii CudworthD. D. viih<strong>is</strong> name. Bochart, Spencer^ -Selden, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r eminent writers quote th<strong>is</strong>difcourfe with great commendations -, my m<strong>of</strong>t ingenious <strong>and</strong> learnedfriend Mr. Warburton, in a Letter <strong>of</strong> excellent Remarks upon our Author,which he favour'd me with, flyles it a mafter-piece in its kind ; <strong>and</strong> obfervesthat he has undoubtedly given <strong>the</strong> true nature <strong>and</strong> idea <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sacrament., <strong>and</strong>fupported it with alib<strong>is</strong> learning. The fame year likewife appeared h<strong>is</strong> treatifeintitled, The Union <strong>of</strong> Chriji <strong>and</strong> ike Church a Shadow, by R. C. printed utLondon in quarto.He took tlie degree <strong>of</strong> Batchclor <strong>of</strong> Divinity in <strong>the</strong> year 1644, upon whichoccafion he maintained at <strong>the</strong> Commencement in <strong>the</strong> Univerfity <strong>the</strong> two followingThefes : I. Dantur bffti ii ma/i rationes aterna & indifpenfabiles :II. Dantur fubflantia incorporea fud naturd immorta'es. Hence it appears,that even at that time he was examining <strong>and</strong> revolving in h<strong>is</strong> mind th<strong>of</strong>e importantfubjefts, which he fo long afterwards clear'd up with fuch uncommonpenetration in h<strong>is</strong> Intelle^ual Syflem, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r works ftill preferv'd inmanulcript.In <strong>the</strong> fame year 1644, he was appointed Mailer <strong>of</strong> Clare-H<strong>all</strong> in Cambridge,in <strong>the</strong> room <strong>of</strong> Dr. Pajke, who had been ejefted by <strong>the</strong> ParliamentaryVifitors. In 1645, Dr. M^/rrt// having rcfign'd <strong>the</strong> Regius pr<strong>of</strong>eHbrfliip <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Hebrew tongues, Mr. Cudworlb was unanimoully nominated on die 15thoiOSlober by <strong>the</strong> feven Electors to fuccecd him. Fiom tli<strong>is</strong> time he ab.uidon'd<strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> fundtions <strong>of</strong> a Miniftcr, <strong>and</strong> applied himfclf only to h<strong>is</strong> academicalemployments <strong>and</strong> lludics, clpeci<strong>all</strong>y that ot die Jewifh antiquicii'S. Andwe find <strong>the</strong> following pafTage in a manufcript letter <strong>of</strong> Mr. JohnlVorthington,afterwards Mailer <strong>of</strong> Jefus College, dated May iz 164b. "Our learned" friend Mr. Cudworth reads every IVednefday in <strong>the</strong> fchools. H<strong>is</strong> fubjetl <strong>is</strong>" Templum Hier<strong>of</strong>olymitanum." When h<strong>is</strong> affairs required h<strong>is</strong> abfence from<strong>the</strong> Univerfity, he fubftitutcd Mr. Worthington in h<strong>is</strong> room. March 3 11647, he preach'd before <strong>the</strong> Houfe <strong>of</strong> Commons at IVeflminfler, upon a day<strong>of</strong> public humiliation, a lermon upon 1 Johnn. 3, 4. for wliich he had <strong>the</strong>thanks <strong>of</strong> that Houfe returned him on <strong>the</strong> fame day. Th<strong>is</strong> fermon wasprinted <strong>the</strong> fame year at Cambridge in quarto, with <strong>the</strong> following motto in<strong>the</strong> title-page, Ei/otijfi, Z tsxvov* yxo mcI^x'j Jlxsug Xciri^-'-.^tr <strong>and</strong> with aDedication to <strong>the</strong> Houfe <strong>of</strong> Commons, which was omitted in <strong>the</strong>fcond <strong>and</strong>third editions, but reftored in <strong>the</strong> prefent. In 1 6^ i he took <strong>the</strong> degree <strong>of</strong>Doclor <strong>of</strong> Divinity. Tho' <strong>the</strong> places, which he held in <strong>the</strong> Univerfity wereveiy honourable, yet he found <strong>the</strong> revenue <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m not fufficient to fupporthim; for which reafon he had thoughts onenvma Cambridge intirely, <strong>and</strong> inxieedadtu<strong>all</strong>y retir'd from it, tho' but for a ihort time. Th<strong>is</strong> appeal s fromtwo manui'cript letters <strong>of</strong> Mr. JVorthingtcn; <strong>the</strong> former dated January 6.1651. where he writes thus: " If thro' want <strong>of</strong> maintenance he {R. C)" fhould be forced to leave Cambridge, for which place he <strong>is</strong> fo cminenti)'" accomplifhed with what <strong>is</strong> noble <strong>and</strong> exemphuily academical, it would'•be an ill omen," In <strong>the</strong> latter dated January 30. 1654, <strong>is</strong> th<strong>is</strong>paflage : " After many t<strong>of</strong>Tings Dr. Cudworth <strong>is</strong>, thro' God's provi-" dence, returned to Cambridge, <strong>and</strong> fettled in Chrijl's College, <strong>and</strong> by h<strong>is</strong>*' marriage morefetded <strong>and</strong> fixed." For upon <strong>the</strong> dcceafc <strong>of</strong> Dr. SamuelBolton,

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