wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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IQA 77js Hylozoick Atheifm Book I.itfeems to have been chiefly averted by certain fpurious Ileracliticks a;/d Stoicks.And thercfcre this form of atheifm., ivbich fuppofes cm cofmoplaflick nature, maybe called Pfeudo-Zenonian. 29. Ihat, befides the fhilofophic Atheifts^ therehave been ahvays enthufiaftick and fanatical Atheifts, though in fow.e fenfe allAtheifls may be faid alfo to be both enthufiajfs and fanaticks, they being kd byan Of ,"•1 a.''Aoy(^, or irrational impetus. 30. T^hat there cannot eafily be any etherform of atheifm., befuies thofe four already mentioned., becanfe all yltheifts areCorporeal/fis, and yet all Corporealifts not Atheifls, but only fuch as makethe firft principle of all things not to be intelleilual, 31. Adiflribution ofatheifms producing the former quaternio, and fhoroing the difference betiveenthem. 32. That they are but bunglers at atheifr., -who talk of fenfitive andrational matter \ and that the canting aflrological Atheifls are not at all con-Jiderable, becaufe not underftanding themfelves. 33. Another dil'ribution ofatheifms ; That they either derive the original of thingsfrom a merely fortuitousprinciple, the unguided motion of matter, or elfe from a plaflick and methodical.^but fenflefs nature. What Atheifls denied the eternity of the world, and whataffer'edit. 34. That of thefe four forms of atheifm, the Atomick or Democricifal,and the Hylozoick or Stratonical are the chief; and that thefe two beingonce confuted, all atheifm will be confuted. 35. Thefe two forms of atheifmbeing contrary to one another, how we ought in all reafon to infifl rather uponthe atomick ; but that afterwards we fl)all confute the hyhzoick alfo, andproveagainfl all Corporcalifls, that no cogitation nor life belongs to matter. 36. Thatin the mean time we fl}all not negleSf any form of atheifm, but confute themall together, as agreeing in one principle ; as alfo fljow, how the old atomickAtheifls didfufficiently overthrow the foundation of theHylozoifls. 37. Obfervedhere, that the Hylozoifls are not condemned merely for ajjerting a plaftic life, diflin^from the animal, {which, ivithmofl otherphilofophers, wejudge highlyprobable,if taken in aright fenfe-,) but for grofly mifunderflandingit, and attributingthefametomatter. Theplajlicklife of naturelargely explained. 3S. Thatthough the confutation of the atheiflic grounds, according to the lazvs of method,ought to have been referved for the lafl part of this difcourfe ; yet wehaving reafons to violate thofe laws, crave the reader^ s pardonfor thisprepofleroufnefs.Aconjiderableobfervationof^ls.td's, that it is not only moral viticftty,which inclines men to atheize, but alfo an aff'e Slation of feeming wiferthan the generality of mankind; as likewife, that the Atheifls, making fuchpretence to wit, it is a feafonable undertaking to evince, that they fumble inall ther ratiocinations. That we hope to make it appear, that the Atheifls areno conjurers ; and that all forms of atheifm are rj)nfenfe and impoffihility,I, "^ "^ T^E have now reprefcnted the grand myfteries of atheifm, whichmay be alfo called the myfleries of ihe kingdom of darknefsthough indeed fome of them are but briefly hinted here,they being again more fully to be infilled on afterward, wherewe are to give an account of the Atheifts endeavours to folve the phasnomenonof cogitation. We have reprefented the chief grounds of atheifms in genera],as alfo of V\'xt moft notorious form of atheifm in particular, that is calledAiomical. But whereas there hath been already mentioned another form ofIatheifm

Chap. III. further explained' 105atheifm, called by us hylozoical ; the principles hereof could not poffibJy beinfifled on in this place, where we were to make the mofl: plaiifible pleafor atheifm, they being diredlly contrary to thole of the Atomical, fo thatthey would have mutually deftroyed each other. For, whereas the Atomickatheifm fuppolcs the notion or idea of body to be nothing but extendedrefifting bulk, and conftquently to inckide no manner of lite and cogitationin it ; liylozoifm, on the contrary, makes al! body, as fuch, and thereforeevery fmalleft atom of it, to have hfe elTcntialJy belonging to it (naturalperception, and appetite) though without any anim.al {^"^ift or reflexiveknowledge, as iFIile, and matter or extended bulk, were but two incompleteand inadequate conceptions of one and the fim; fubftance, calledbody. By reafon of which life (net animal, but only plafticalj all parts ofmatter being fuppofcd able to form themfelves artificially and methodically(though without any deliberation or attentive confideration) to the greateftadvantage of their prefent refpettive capabilities, and therefore alfo fometimesby organization to improve themfelves further into fenfe and felf-enioymentin all animals, as alfo to univerfal reafon and reflexive knowledgein men-, it is- plain, that there is no neccfllty at all left, either of any incorporealfoul in men to make them rational, or of any Deity in the wholeiiniverfe to folve the regularity thereof. One main difi^erence betwixt thefetwo forms of atheifm is this, that the Atomical fuppofes all life whatfoeverto be accidental, generable and corruptible; but the hylozoick admits of acertain natural or plaftick life, clTential and fubllantial, ingenerable and incorruptible,though attributing the fame only to matter, as fuppofing noother fubfl;ance in the world befides it.II. Now to prevent all miftakes, we think fit here by way of caution tofuggeft, that as every Atoinifb is not therefore neceffarily an Atheifl:, foneither mud every HylozoifT: needs be accounted fuch. For whoever foholds the life of matter, as notwithilanding to aflfert another kind of ful>fiance aifo, that is immaterial and incorporeal, is no ways obnoxious to thatfoul imputation. However, we ought not to difTemble, but that there is agreat difference here betwixt thefe two, atomifm and hylozoifm, in this regard; that the former of them, namely atomifm (as hath been already declared)hath in it fjlf a natural cognation and conjundtion with incorporeifm,though violently cut ofr from it by the Democritick Atheifts ; whereas thelatter of them, hylozoifm, feems to have altogether as clofe and intimatea correfpondence with corporealifm ; becaufe, as hath been already fignified,if all matter, as fuch, have not only fuch a life, perception and felf-adivepower in it, as whereby it can form it felf to the beft advaiuage, makingthis a fun, and that an earth or planet, and fabricating the bodies of animalsmoft artificially, biit alfo axn improve it felf into fenfe and felf-enjoyment;it may as well be thought able to advance it felf higher, into all theafts of reafon and underftanding in men ; fo that there will be no need eitherof an incorporeal immortal foul in men, or a deity in the iiniverfe.Nor indeed is it eafily conceivable, how any Ihould be induced to admitfuch

IQA 77js Hylozoick A<strong>the</strong>ifm Book I.itfeems to have been chiefly averted by certain fpurious Ileracliticks a;/d Stoicks.And <strong>the</strong>rcfcre th<strong>is</strong> form <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifm., ivbich fupp<strong>of</strong>es cm c<strong>of</strong>moplaflick nature, maybe c<strong>all</strong>ed Pfeudo-Zenonian. 29. Ihat, befides <strong>the</strong> fhil<strong>of</strong>ophic A<strong>the</strong>ifts^ <strong>the</strong>rehave been ahvays enthufiaftick <strong>and</strong> fanatical A<strong>the</strong>ifts, though in fow.e fenfe <strong>all</strong>A<strong>the</strong>ifls may be faid alfo to be both enthufiajfs <strong>and</strong> fanaticks, <strong>the</strong>y being kd byan Of ,"•1 a.''Aoy(^, or irrational impetus. 30. T^hat <strong>the</strong>re cannot eafily be any e<strong>the</strong>rform <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifm., befuies th<strong>of</strong>e four already mentioned., becanfe <strong>all</strong> yl<strong>the</strong>ifts areCorporeal/f<strong>is</strong>, <strong>and</strong> yet <strong>all</strong> Corporealifts not A<strong>the</strong>ifls, but only fuch as make<strong>the</strong> firft principle <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> things not to be intelleilual, 31. Adiflribution <strong>of</strong>a<strong>the</strong>ifms producing <strong>the</strong> former quaternio, <strong>and</strong> fhoroing <strong>the</strong> difference betiveen<strong>the</strong>m. 32. That <strong>the</strong>y are but bunglers at a<strong>the</strong>ifr., -who talk <strong>of</strong> fenfitive <strong>and</strong>rational matter \ <strong>and</strong> that <strong>the</strong> canting aflrological A<strong>the</strong>ifls are not at <strong>all</strong> con-Jiderable, becaufe not underft<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>the</strong>mfelves. 33. Ano<strong>the</strong>r dil'ribution <strong>of</strong>a<strong>the</strong>ifms ; That <strong>the</strong>y ei<strong>the</strong>r derive <strong>the</strong> original <strong>of</strong> thingsfrom a merely fortuitousprinciple, <strong>the</strong> unguided motion <strong>of</strong> matter, or elfe from a plaflick <strong>and</strong> methodical.^but fenflefs nature. What A<strong>the</strong>ifls denied <strong>the</strong> eternity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world, <strong>and</strong> whataffer'edit. 34. That <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>fe four forms <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifm, <strong>the</strong> Atomick or Democricifal,<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hylozoick or Stratonical are <strong>the</strong> chief; <strong>and</strong> that <strong>the</strong>fe two beingonce <strong>confuted</strong>, <strong>all</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifm will be <strong>confuted</strong>. 35. Thefe two forms <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifmbeing contrary to one ano<strong>the</strong>r, how we ought in <strong>all</strong> reafon to infifl ra<strong>the</strong>r upon<strong>the</strong> atomick ; but that afterwards we fl)<strong>all</strong> confute <strong>the</strong> hyhzoick alfo, <strong>and</strong>proveagainfl <strong>all</strong> Corporcalifls, that no cogitation nor life belongs to matter. 36. Thatin <strong>the</strong> mean time we fl}<strong>all</strong> not negleSf any form <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifm, but confute <strong>the</strong>m<strong>all</strong> toge<strong>the</strong>r, as agreeing in one principle ; as alfo fljow, how <strong>the</strong> old atomickA<strong>the</strong>ifls didfufficiently overthrow <strong>the</strong> foundation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Hylozoifls. 37. Obfervedhere, that <strong>the</strong> Hylozoifls are not condemned merely for ajjerting a plaftic life, diflin^from <strong>the</strong> animal, {which, ivithm<strong>of</strong>l o<strong>the</strong>rphil<strong>of</strong>ophers, wejudge highlyprobable,if taken in aright fenfe-,) but for gr<strong>of</strong>ly mifunderfl<strong>and</strong>ingit, <strong>and</strong> attributing<strong>the</strong>fametomatter. Theplajlicklife <strong>of</strong> naturelargely explained. 3S. Thatthough <strong>the</strong> confutation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> a<strong>the</strong>iflic grounds, according to <strong>the</strong> lazvs <strong>of</strong> method,ought to have been referved for <strong>the</strong> lafl part <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> difcourfe ; yet wehaving reafons to violate th<strong>of</strong>e laws, crave <strong>the</strong> reader^ s pardonfor th<strong>is</strong>prep<strong>of</strong>leroufnefs.Aconjiderableobfervation<strong>of</strong>^ls.td's, that it <strong>is</strong> not only moral viticftty,which inclines men to a<strong>the</strong>ize, but alfo an aff'e Slation <strong>of</strong> feeming wiferthan <strong>the</strong> generality <strong>of</strong> mankind; as likewife, that <strong>the</strong> A<strong>the</strong>ifls, making fuchpretence to wit, it <strong>is</strong> a feafonable undertaking to evince, that <strong>the</strong>y fumble in<strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong>r ratiocinations. That we hope to make it appear, that <strong>the</strong> A<strong>the</strong>ifls areno conjurers ; <strong>and</strong> that <strong>all</strong> forms <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifm are rj)nfenfe <strong>and</strong> imp<strong>of</strong>fihility,I, "^ "^ T^E have now reprefcnted <strong>the</strong> gr<strong>and</strong> myfteries <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifm, whichmay be alfo c<strong>all</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> myfleries <strong>of</strong> ihe kingdom <strong>of</strong> darknefsthough indeed fome <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m are but briefly hinted here,<strong>the</strong>y being again more fully to be infilled on afterward, wherewe are to give an account <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> A<strong>the</strong>ifts endeavours to folve <strong>the</strong> phasnomenon<strong>of</strong> cogitation. We have reprefented <strong>the</strong> chief grounds <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifms in genera],as alfo <strong>of</strong> V\'xt m<strong>of</strong>t notorious form <strong>of</strong> a<strong>the</strong>ifm in particular, that <strong>is</strong> c<strong>all</strong>edAiomical. But whereas <strong>the</strong>re hath been already mentioned ano<strong>the</strong>r form <strong>of</strong>Ia<strong>the</strong>ifm

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