wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, and

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'Chap. II. <strong>is</strong> no Underjl<strong>and</strong>ing Nature. >^tcorporeal. So that <strong>the</strong>fe phil<strong>of</strong>ophers f<strong>all</strong> unawares in:o that very thing,which <strong>the</strong>y are lb abhorrent from. For th<strong>is</strong> quality or faculty <strong>of</strong> underft<strong>and</strong>ing,in <strong>the</strong> matter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> univerfe, original <strong>and</strong> underiv'd from any o-<strong>the</strong>r thing, can be indeed nothing elle but an incorporeal fubflance, Epicurusfuggefted a caution againft th<strong>is</strong> vulgar miftake, concerning qualities, toth<strong>is</strong> purp<strong>of</strong>e : No7i fie cogitancU funt qualitates^ q^iinft fint qti^dam per fe exi^ftentes nature feu ftihfianti a ^ fiqtitdcm id mente aj/equi nonlieet; fed folHr,r,nod9tit varii modi fefe hahcndi corpor<strong>is</strong> conftder<strong>and</strong>.e funt. ;Body, as fuch, hath nothing elfe belonging to <strong>the</strong> nature <strong>of</strong> it, but what<strong>is</strong> included in <strong>the</strong> idea <strong>of</strong> extended fubllance, divifibility, figure, fite, motionor rell, <strong>and</strong> th.e refults from <strong>the</strong> various comp<strong>of</strong>itions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, caufing differentfancies. Wherefore, as vulgar philolbphers make <strong>the</strong>ir firft matter(which <strong>the</strong>y cannot well tell what <strong>the</strong>y mean by it) becaufe it receives <strong>all</strong>qualities, to be itfclf devoid <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> quality ; fo we conclude, that atoms (whichare re<strong>all</strong>y <strong>the</strong> firft principles <strong>of</strong> <strong>all</strong> things) have none <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e qualities in<strong>the</strong>m, which belong to compounded bodies ; <strong>the</strong>y are not abfolutely <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>mfelvesblack or white, hot or cold, moilt or dry, bitter or fweet, <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong>fethings arifing up afterwards from <strong>the</strong> various aggregations <strong>and</strong> contextures<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, toge<strong>the</strong>r with different motions. Which Lucretius confirms byth<strong>is</strong> reafon, agreeable to <strong>the</strong> tenour <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> atomical phil<strong>of</strong>ophy, that if <strong>the</strong>rewere any fuch real qualities in <strong>the</strong> firft principles, <strong>the</strong>n in <strong>the</strong> various corruptions<strong>of</strong> nature things would at laft be reduced to nothing :-'hnmutahlle enir/i quiddam fuperare neceffe efi,Ne res ad nihilum redigcintur fundi tt<strong>is</strong> omnes j,Proinde colore cave contingas femina rerum^Ne tibi res redeant ad nilum funditus omnes-.Wherefore he concludes, that it muft not be thought, that white things aremade out <strong>of</strong> white principles, nor black things out <strong>of</strong> black principles j.* Ne ex alb<strong>is</strong> alba rear<strong>is</strong>Principi<strong>is</strong> efje,^ut ea qua nigrant, nigro de femine nataNeve aHum quemv<strong>is</strong>, quie funt induta, colorem,.Propterea gerere hunc crcdas, quod materialCorpora covfanili fint ejus tincla colore ;Nullus enim color efi omnino materialCorporibus, neque par rebus, neque deuique difpar.Adding, that <strong>the</strong> fame <strong>is</strong> to be refolved likewife concerning al! e<strong>the</strong>r fenfibkqualities as well as colours.'Sed ne forte putes folo fpoUata coloreCorpora prima manere ; etiam fecreta tepor<strong>is</strong>Stmt, acfrigor<strong>is</strong> omnino, calidique vapor <strong>is</strong>' Lixret. Lib. II. vcr. 750, 75.1, 754, » Id. Lib. If. ver. 750, &c.;S5.i Id. Lib. II. ver. 841, &c.

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