FD320a Docker 03, SEPT 09 - Fremantle Football Club

FD320a Docker 03, SEPT 09 - Fremantle Football Club

FD320a Docker 03, SEPT 09 - Fremantle Football Club

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THE MASTER& THE APPRENTICEAaron Sandilands’ journey to mastering his craft as the AFL’s most dominantruckman began after the then 19-year-old won a spot on <strong>Fremantle</strong>’s rookie listback in 2002. The arrival last year of another 200cm-plus teenager on the scenehas the club’s ruck stocks looking in fine fettle for the future. Story: Luke MorfesseWITHIN DAYS of arriving at<strong>Fremantle</strong> from Victoriavia the 2008 National Draft,Zac Clarke learnt that he wouldspend a couple of weeks living withAaron Sandilands.Recruited from the OakleighChargers, the 19-year-old 2<strong>03</strong>cmformer basketballer was excitedas much as he was daunted by theprospect of living 24/7 with a newteam mate who’d recently beennamed in the 2008 All-Australian side.“I was pretty nervous and, notknowing Aaron, I was pretty quiet forthe first few days,” he said.“After a while I settled in prettywell and got to know the Big Guy…and basically whatever he did, I did.”“Coming from over east, it tooka while to get used to everythingand Aaron helped me a lot in thatregard. He gave me a lot of tips onwhat he used to do in his early daysat the club.”BANTERClarke has since moved in withSandilands’ parents, Gary and Trudi,who have taken on the responsibilityof being one of the club’s host families.“He’s pretty happy at mum’snow… she’s a much better cook,”Sandilands said.“My parents saw it as a goodopportunity to help out and theyreally enjoy it, plus my youngerbrother is still at home so there’s a fairbit of banter between him and Zac.”But in those first few weeks,<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s 211cm ruckman made itabundantly clear what was required tosucceed at the elite level.“I just tried to set an example bythe way I train and go about things interms of preparation,” Sandilands said.“It was more about leading by actionrather than words and helping Zac getused to being at the club every day.“How you prepare is reallyimportant, so when you first comeinto a club you really need to takestock of how other players prepare.You take bits and pieces from each oneand work out what is best for you.”Sandilands recalled when he firstarrived at the club as a raw but highlymotivated 19-year-old, much like hiscurrent day protégé.“When I first came to the club I wason the rookie list, so it was a greatchance to have a crack for 12 monthsand see if I was good enough to securea spot on the senior list,” he said.“Zac knows that he’s got agreat opportunity here at Freo…he’s focused and knows where wantsto go.”COMPETITIVEAs the ‘apprentice’, Clarke knows thatstudying how his mentor has masteredthe art of rucking will ensure that hegets there and has all the right ‘tools ofthe trade’, too.“I watch ‘Sandy’ at training andevery game he plays, so there’sa lot I can take out of that and tryto implement it in my own game,”Clarke said.With five AFL games under his belt,<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s third round selection(pick 37 overall) at the 2008 NationalDraft dares to dream about securinga regular spot as second ruckman.“I’d like to be doing it now butKepler (Bradley) is playing the rolepretty well,” Clarke said.“Next year, after a full pre-season,I’d like to play a few more gamesin tandem with Aaron and then setmyself for more games in my third orfourth year here at the club.”According to ruck coach EarlSpalding, whose own AFL careerspanned 11 years and included 1<strong>09</strong>games with Melbourne and 102 withCarlton, to be a really good footballer,regardless on what position you play,you need to be thinking about thegame all the time.“Zac certainly shows those signs.He’s very competitive and his secondefforts are really good. He’s got agood tank… good aerobic capacity, sothat means you know he works hard,”Spalding said.“He hasn’t been daunted byanything we’ve thrown at him and hetakes everything on board when youare coaching him, and gives it a lotof thought.“He’s got a confidence or abrashness about him that is a positive,and it will hold him in good steaddown the track plus help him adjustto life at a football club.”6 September 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

Photo: Courtesy The West AustralianBIGGER FRAMEWhen he arrived at the club, Clarketopped the scales at 83kg and whilehis condition has increased since then,Spalding said that increasing his sizewill be important to his progress asa ruckman.“Ruckman and key position playerstake longer to emerge as playersbecause they are still developing thebody size required to have an impacton the game,” he said.“Whereas if you are an outsideplayer or an onballer it helps to havea bigger frame but, generally, for anoutside player you don’t need it.“That’s why those type of playerscan have an impact early on asopposed to a ruckman or key positionplayer who needs more time toincrease their body size.Clarke, according to Spalding, isprobably five games ahead of wherehis ruck coach thought he would beat this stage of his career.“So it’s important that hisexpectations don’t go beyond thereality,” he said.“But instead allow his body tomature and then play another fiveor six games next year and see whathappens the year after that.“Long-term though the prospectof Zac in the ruck and Aaron pullingdown marks in the forward lineand kicking goals is a very positiveprospect for every <strong>Fremantle</strong> fanto ponder.”Ruck coach Earl Spalding training with Clarke and Sandilands at <strong>Fremantle</strong> Ovalfremantlefc.com.au September 20<strong>09</strong>7

ON BOARDAS MAJOR SPONSORMatthew Pavlich,Don Voelte andAaron SandilandsWESTERN Australia’s biggestpublicly listed companyWoodside Energy hassigned on as a major sponsor of the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.<strong>Fremantle</strong> chief executive officerSteve Rosich said that Woodside,which has been a corporate partnerfor the past four years, had agreed to athree-year major sponsorship throughto the end of the 2012 AFL season.On making the sponsorshipannouncement on 2 September,Rosich referred to comments madein a recent address by Woodside CEOand Managing Director Don Voelteon the company’s humble beginningsmore than 50 years ago.“In his speech, Don talked aboutWoodside being the ultimate successstory of the ‘little guy’ who aspired tobe much more… the underdog whodefied the odds and is still defying theodds today,” he said.“By defying the odds, Woodsidebecame a proud West Australiancompany that is a leader in its fieldand a major player in Australia’smulti-billion dollar liquefied naturalgas industry.“On behalf of our club I would liketo thank Don and his managementteam for the faith that they haveshown in our club’s strategic directionto secure sustained success and welook forward to a long partnershiptogether as two proud WesternAustralian entities with hearts thataspire to be the best at what they do.”Voelte said that Woodside and<strong>Fremantle</strong> have “a lot in common”.“It took us a few years to get going,to get the success that we strived for,but having got there we think we’verewarded our supporters many timesover,” he said.“<strong>Fremantle</strong> is yet to achieve thesustained success that it is strivingfor but we know the club will berewarding its supporters in the future.“I’ve only been at Woodside for fiveand-a-half-years,but in that time I’vecome to admire the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong><strong>Club</strong> and I look forward to Woodsidebeing a major supporter of the club forat least the next three years.”Woodside Vice President TinaThomas, who has been with thecompany for more than two decades,said she knew how important it wasfor Woodside to be part of the WesternAustralian community.“<strong>Football</strong> is such an important partof our community, and I’m pleasedthat Woodside is able to extend itssupport for this great Australianactivity,” she said.“I love sitting at the footy supporting<strong>Fremantle</strong>, and I’ll love it even morewith Woodside’s name and logo onthose <strong>Fremantle</strong> guernseys.“Woodside has been a greatcompany to me over the past 20 years,and I know we’ll be a great companyfor the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.”Rosich said that the agreementwith Woodside would see it joinanother proud company that alsostarted with humble beginnings in WA,the Integrated Group, as the club’stwo major sponsors for season 2010.“The Woodside Energy logo willfeature prominently on the front ofour traditional purple strip and on theback of our popular white clash strip– representing a joining of two proudWestern Australian entities,” he said.“We also thank current majorsponsor LG Electronics for theirsupport over the past four years andwe look forward to LG continuing tosupport <strong>Fremantle</strong> as a Gold Levelsponsor in 2010.”The mediaannouncement on2 September heldat Woodside Plaza8 September 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

SEASON 20<strong>09</strong>: ROUNDS 12 TO 15ROUND 12 v GEELONGSunday 21 June 20<strong>09</strong>, Subiaco Oval, 2.40pm<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.4 4.5 9.7 11.9 75Geelong 1.3 6.6 8.13 13.16 94Goals: Pavlich 2 Kicks: Duffield 19Handballs: de Boer, Pavlich, Sandilands 14Disposals: Pavlich 31 Marks: Broughton 11Tackles: Solomon 7 Crowd: 33,213ROUND 13 v COLLINGWOODSaturday 27 June 20<strong>09</strong>, MCG, 12.10pm<strong>Fremantle</strong> 2.2 7.3 11.5 13.7 85Collingwood 6.3 10.6 16.9 26.13 169Goals: Headland 3 Kicks: Duffield 15Handballs: Hasleby 23 Disposals: Hasleby 33Marks: Hasleby 10 Tackles: Broughton 5Crowd: 44,114Debut: Hayden Ballantyne and Zac ClarkeROUND 14 v CARLTONSunday 5 July 20<strong>09</strong>, Subiaco Oval, 2.40pm<strong>Fremantle</strong> 6.2 9.7 13.8 15.10 100Carlton 1.4 7.8 9.14 16.19 115Goals: Ballantyne, McPharlin 3Kicks: Grover 19 Handballs: Hasleby 17Disposals: Broughton, Hasleby 31Marks: Grover 16 Tackles: Suban 4Crowd: 34,720Milestones: David Mundy – 100 consecutive AFL gamesROUND 15 v ADELAIDESaturday 11 July 20<strong>09</strong>, AAMI Stadium, 5.40pm<strong>Fremantle</strong> 0.1 0.1 1.5 1.7 13Adelaide 5.4 10.9 12.14 19.16 130Goals: Murphy 1 Kicks: Duffield 20Handballs: Broughton 21 Disposals: Broughton 30Marks: Broughton, Grover 8Tackles: Solomon 8Crowd: 32,451Debut: Tim Rufflesfremantlefc.com.au September 20<strong>09</strong>9

SEASON 20<strong>09</strong>: ROUNDS 20 TO 22ROUND 20 v MELBOURNESunday 16 August 20<strong>09</strong>, MCG, 11.10am<strong>Fremantle</strong> 3.4 4.7 6.9 9.10 64Melbourne 4.0 9.4 13.5 20.7 127Goals: McPharlin 3 Kicks: Duffield 16Handballs: Hasleby 20 Disposals: Hasleby 27Marks: Bradley 7 Tackles: de Boer 6Crowd: 13,004ROUND 21 v ESSENDONSunday 23 August 20<strong>09</strong>, Subiaco Oval, 2.40pm<strong>Fremantle</strong> 4.2 9.6 15.11 21.15 (141)Essendon 3.2 5.3 9.8 13.9 (87)Goals: Ballantyne 4 Kicks: Suban 16Handballs: Mundy 14Disposals: Bradley, Pavlich, Suban 25Marks: McPharlin 10 Tackles: de Boer 8Crowd: 32,413Milestones: Luke McPharlin 150 AFL gamesNAB Rising Star nomination: Nick SubanROUND 22 v GEELONGSaturday 29 August 20<strong>09</strong>, Skilled Stadium, 11.10am<strong>Fremantle</strong> 1.2 2.2 5.4 8.6 (54)Geelong 5.1 9.3 11.6 14.10 (94)Goals: Ballantyne, Bradley, Broughton, Headland, Hill,Mayne, Pavlich, Tarrant 1Kicks: Bradley 12Handballs: Dodd, Hasleby, Sandilands 10Disposals: Pavlich 19 Marks: de Boer 8Tackles: Drum, Pavlich 8Crowd: 18,196fremantlefc.com.au September 20<strong>09</strong>11

DAVIDMUNDY100 GAMESDAVID MUNDY WROTE HIMSELF INTO THE HISTORYbooks after he achieved a magical milestone feat inclub record time against Carlton at Subiaco Oval inRound 14.Mundy became just the eighth player in VFL/AFLhistory to play 100 consecutive games from debut,behind leader Jared Crouch (Sydney Swans) whoplayed 194 straight games after his AFL introduction.Mundy joins an impressive group that includes:Jared Crouch (Sydney): 194, 1998-2006John Murphy (Fitzroy): 158, 1967-74Dick Taylor (Melbourne): 127, 1922-29Steven Wallis (Footscray): 113, 1983-87Shane Woewodin (Melbourne): 107, 1997-2001Ian Law (Hawthorn): 100, 1960-65Allan Woodley (Hawthorn): 110, 1954-59Mundy, who made his debut against Melbourne inround 6, 2005, said he had never had a major injuryand the most football he had ever missed in juniorranks was two weeks with a niggle.The achievement took Mundy four years and 66days, therefore he also takes the mantle of being the<strong>Fremantle</strong> player to reach 100 games from debut inthe fastest time.Previously that honour was held by Matthew Pavlich,who took four years and 100 days, followed by:Paul Hasleby – four years, 115 daysJustin Longmuir – five yearsAaron Sandilands – five years, 35 daysShane Parker – five years, 42 daysJames Walker – five years, 239 daysDaniel Bandy – six years, one dayCongratulations to David, who finishes the season on108 consecutive games.12September 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au


LUKE McPHARLIN150 GAMESLUKE McPHARLIN PLAYED HIS 150th AFL GAMEagainst Essendon at Subiaco Oval in round 21.McPharlin debuted for <strong>Fremantle</strong> in 2002 after beingtraded back to his home state after two seasons and12 games with Hawthorn.McPharlin has carved a name for himself as oneof the finest defenders in the AFL but has shownhe can be just as reliable at the other end of theground. Playing as a key forward on several occasions,McPharlin has kicked more than 100 career goals.While football has been just one part of his lifethroughout his 10 years in the game, Luke saidhe was grateful for the journey and proud of whathe’s achieved.“To get to 150 has been a terrific journey andsomething I am really proud of,” said McPharlin.McPharlin was plucked from high school football byHawthorn in 1999 and says that football has been“a tremendous part” of his life, but he has always setout to keep things balanced and in perspective.“Despite it being quite an overwhelming sport, I’vetried to keep a level head about it and appreciatethat it is just a game after all,” he said.“I think players should get involved in other aspects oflife because it is critically important, and I’ve alwaysbeen a great believer that you need a mental breakfrom football.“I pursue studies, music and other aspects, and I thinkit benefits my football.”The ‘smoky’ of the 1999 national draft, the Hawksselected McPharlin with pick No.10, despite him notplaying at colts level in the WAFL, or attending thatyear’s draft camp.A severe bout of osteitis pubis struck him down duringhis time at Hawthorn and McPharlin wasn’t sure if thehurdle could have been overcome.“There were a couple of times where I thought I wouldstruggle to continue my football at the AFL level, justgetting my body right,” he said.“But I thank a lot of people for helping me along thejourney, in particular our esteemed club physio JeffreyBoyle, who has been absolutely critical for me.“He basically took me back to scratch and built up mycore stability and allowed time for everything to sortof right itself.”McPharlin says he is proud of his career to dateand hopes there are a few more years left for himat <strong>Fremantle</strong>.“Ideally I’d like to play for a few more years, providedeverything goes well,” he said.“We’ve had our ups and downs at <strong>Fremantle</strong>, butI’ve certainly enjoyed playing here and I am lookingforward to the season ahead.”fremantlefc.com.au September 20<strong>09</strong>17

SEASON 20<strong>09</strong>: STATISTICSSTATISTICS AFTERROUND 22Ladder Position:14thAve Winning Margin:23.66 ptsAve Losing Margin:40.87 ptsAve Score For:79.4 ptsAve Score Against:102.68 ptsPlayed all 22 games:Steven Dodd, PaulHasleby, GarrickIbbotson, Stephen Hill,David Mundy, NickSuban, Chris TarrantPREMIERSHIP LADDER 20<strong>09</strong>Pos Team P W L D F A % Points1 St Kilda 22 20 2 0 2197 1411 155.71 802 Geelong Cats 22 18 4 0 2312 1815 127.38 723 Western Bulldogs 22 15 7 0 2378 1940 122.58 604 Collingwood 22 15 7 0 2174 1778 122.27 605 Adelaide 22 14 8 0 2104 1789 117.61 566 Brisbane Lions 22 13 8 1 2017 1890 106.72 547 Carlton 22 13 9 0 2270 2055 110.46 528 Essendon 22 10 11 1 2080 2127 97.79 429 Hawthorn 22 9 13 0 1962 2120 92.55 3610 Port Adelaide 22 9 13 0 1990 2244 88.68 3611 West Coast Eagles 22 8 14 0 1893 2029 93.30 3212 Sydney Swans 22 8 14 0 1888 2027 93.14 3213 North Melbourne 22 7 14 1 1680 2015 83.37 3014 <strong>Fremantle</strong> 22 6 16 0 1747 2259 77.34 2415 Richmond 22 5 16 1 1774 2388 74.29 2216 Melbourne 22 4 18 0 1706 2285 74.66 16THE TOP 5sKicksTotal/Ave Per GamePaul Duffield 330................................... 15.71 (21 games)Matthew Pavlich 237................................... 12.47 (19 games)Garrick Ibbotson 234................................... 10.63 (22 games)David Mundy 217.....................................9.86 (22 games)Byron Schammer 2<strong>09</strong>........................................ 11 (19 games)HandballsTotal/Ave Per GamePaul Hasleby 328..................................... 14.9 (22 games)Steven Dodd 215.....................................9.77 (22 games)Aaron Sandilands 205................................... 10.25 (20 games)Byron Schammer 196....................................10.31 (19 games)David Mundy 194..................................... 8.18 (22 games)Disposals andhandballs:Paul HaslebyDisposalsTotal/Ave Per GamePaul Hasleby 533...................................24.22 (22 games)Paul Duffield 474................................... 22.57 (21 games)Matthew Pavlich 413....................................21.73 (19 games)David Mundy 411................................... 18.68 (22 games)Garrick Ibbotson 406................................... 18.45 (22 games)Marks:Antoni GroverMarksTotal/Ave Per GameAntoni Grover 117..................................... 5.57 (21 games)Garrick Ibbotson 110..........................................5 (22 games)David Mundy 110..........................................5 (22 games)Luke McPharlin 102..................................... 5.66 (18 games)Paul Duffield 98..................................... 4.66 (21 games)TacklesTotal/Ave Per GameDean Solomon 87..................................... 4.83 (18 games)Byron Schammer 79......................................4.15 (19 games)Paul Duffield 76..................................... 3.61 (21 games)Matthew Pavlich 72..................................... 3.78 (19 games)David Mundy 69..................................... 3.13 (22 games)GoalsTotal/Ave Per GameMatthew Pavlich 28......................................1.47 (19 games)Luke McPharlin 20......................................1.11 (18 games)David Mundy 15.....................................0.68 (22 games)Brett Peake 14..................................... 0.77 (18 games)Des Headland 13..................................... 1.625 (8 games)HitoutsTotal/Ave Per GameAaron Sandilands 659...................................32.95 (20 games)Kepler Bradley 75..................................... 5.35 (14 games)Zachary Clarke 35............................................7 (5 games)David Mundy 19.....................................0.86 (22 games)Michael Johnson 14....................................... 1.4 (10 games)20<strong>09</strong> MilestonesChris Tarrant200 AFL games, Round 2 v Essendon,5 April 20<strong>09</strong>Antoni Grover150 AFL/FFC games, Round 4 v St Kilda,18 April 20<strong>09</strong>Matthew Pavlich200 AFL/FFC games,Round 6 v West Coast, 2 May 20<strong>09</strong>Roger Hayden100 AFL/FFC games,Round 9 v North Melbourne, 23 May 20<strong>09</strong>Dean Solomon200 AFL games, Round 10 v Richmond,30 May 20<strong>09</strong>David Mundy100 AFL/FFC games,Round 14 v Carlton, 5 July 20<strong>09</strong>Luke McPharlin150 AFL games, Round 21 v Essendon,23 August 20<strong>09</strong>Tackles:Dean Solomon20<strong>09</strong> DebutsNick SubanRound 1 v Western Bulldogs,29 March 20<strong>09</strong>Stephen HillRound 1 v Western Bulldogs,29 March 20<strong>09</strong>Greg BroughtonRound 3 v Adelaide, 12 April 20<strong>09</strong>Matthew de BoerRound 6 v West Coast Eagles,2 May 20<strong>09</strong>Luke PrattRound 7 v Carlton, 9 May 20<strong>09</strong>Michael WaltersRound 11 v Port Adelaide, 6 June 20<strong>09</strong>Clancee PearceRound 11 v Port Adelaide, 6 June 20<strong>09</strong>Zachary ClarkeRound 13 v Collingwood, 27 June 20<strong>09</strong>Hayden BallantyneRound 13 v Collingwood, 27 June 20<strong>09</strong>Tim RufflesRound 15 v Adelaide, 11 July 20<strong>09</strong>Jay van BerloRound 17 v West Coast, 25 July 20<strong>09</strong>First AFL GoalNick SubanRound 1 v Western Bulldogs,29 March 20<strong>09</strong>Stephen HillRound 1 v Western Bulldogs,29 March 20<strong>09</strong>Greg BroughtonRound 19 v Port Adelaide,9 August 20<strong>09</strong>Matthew de BoerRound 6 v West Coast, 2 May 20<strong>09</strong>Michael WaltersRound 11 v Port Adelaide, 6 June 20<strong>09</strong>Clancee PearceRound 11 v Port Adelaide, 6 June 20<strong>09</strong>Hayden BallantyneRound 14 v Carlton, 5 July 20<strong>09</strong>Tim RufflesRound 17 v West Coast, 25 July 20<strong>09</strong>Jay van BerloRound 17 v West Coast, 25 July 20<strong>09</strong><strong>Club</strong> RecordsDavid Mundy100 consecutive AFL games for<strong>Fremantle</strong> from debut in the quickesttime (100 games from Round 6, 2005to Round 14, 20<strong>09</strong> in four years and66 days)fremantlefc.com.au September 20<strong>09</strong>19

MEMBERsIMPORTANT CONTACTSYour membership team ishere to help so please call,email or come and visit us ifyou have any issues, queriesor concerns.Membership Services CentrePhone: (08) 9433 7111(1300 88 20 77 forinterstate or country callers)Fax: (08) 9433 7002Email:membership@fremantlefc.com.auAddress: <strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval,Parry Street, <strong>Fremantle</strong> WA 6160Latest club news andinformationTo keep in touch withthe latest informationabout the club go towww.fremantlefc.com.auThe Membership ServicesTeam sends exclusive emailsto members with the mostup-to-date club and playernews, event information andTeam Store member-onlydiscounts.Please keep your personalinformation up to date. Givethe Membership ServicesTeam a call or emailmembership@fremantlefc.com.auto update your details.As seen onA MESSAGE FOR OUR LOYAL MEMBERSOn behalf of the entire playing list and thecoaching staff we’d like to thank you all for yourongoing support in season 20<strong>09</strong>.With the emergence of some of our first yearplayers such as Stephen Hill, Nick Suban andGreg Broughton, we are sure that you, like us, haveenjoyed the excitement that these guys have pumpedinto the club this year.THE CLUB sincerely thanksall our proud, loyal andpassionate SupporterGroups for their effortsduring the 20<strong>09</strong> season.Special mention must goto the following groups whohave once again flown theflag for our club this season:THE SIRENSThis passionate groupof women in football gottogether throughout theseason for a variety offun, social and fundraisingactivities. Special thanksto Diane Meakins andthe committee for theirenthusiasm and dedicationthis year.THE HARBOUR MASTERSOur inaugural SupporterGroup whose effortsassisted the club’s creationand they are still goingstrong. Thank you to JuneMcDonald and the rest ofthe committee.FREMANTLE CHEER SQUADAND BANNER CREWWe are proud to have thebest cheer squad in the AFL.It has been a challenging year and we appreciateyour support throughout the season.As members you are the lifeblood of our club andyour passionate support is vital to our existence.We look forward to your continued support andyou being a part of our drive to achieve sustainedsuccess.On behalf of everyone at the club, thank you onceagain for all of your ongoing support.We look forward to a big pre-season and anexciting 2010.Thank youThe 20<strong>09</strong> Leadership Group(Matthew Pavlich, Aaron Sandilands, Antoni Grover,Des Headland and Luke McPharlin)LOUD AND PROUDThank you Dawn and theteam for your passionatesupport at Subiaco Oval.Thanks also to Maria Gigliaand the banner crew for yourartistic flair on our banners.VICTORIAN CHEER SQUADAND BANNER CREWWith a team that playsinterstate every secondweek it is fantastic to havea loyal group of supportersat the away games. Alwayssignificantly outnumbered,our interstate supportersnever fail to maintain theirpurple passion and proudlyrepresent the club. Specialthanks to Tony Kiers andNicole Hambling for theirefforts this year. Becomea member of the club’sInterstate Supporter Groupsin 2010.REGIONAL SUPPORTERGROUPSThank you to the growingband of members basedin regional WA fromthe Peel region, Collie,Bunbury (South West) andEsperance. Your efforts toorganise transport to andfrom every home game, aswell as fundraising for yourlocal community is greatlyadmired. If you live outsideof the Perth metro area andwould like to come to thefootball with a bus load oflike-minded <strong>Fremantle</strong> fansplease call 08 9433 7111.THE FREO MOBThank you for partneringwith the club to run ourAway Game Functions thisseason where a range ofplayers and officials wereinvolved including, AntoniGrover, Michael Johnson,Roger Hayden and CEOSteve Rosich. For moreinformation visit www.wehavethepassion.comOn behalf of everyoneassociated with the club,thank you to those memberswho were part of ourSupporter Groups this year.We look forward to asuccessful and excitingseason in 2010 and can’twait to see you all at thefootball again next year.For more information onhow to become involved inany of the above supportergroups, please contact theclub on 08 9433 7111.PROUD LOYAL PASSIONATE20 September 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

MBF - LOOKING AFTER MEMBERSMBF Health is pleased to offer <strong>Fremantle</strong> membersa discount on their health cover.JOIN THE <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> HealthPlan and save anaverage of 11 per centon your private healthinsurance with MBFHealthLink Products*.President Rick Hart is amember of MBF Health andhe endorses the plan.As a member, he is ableto receive up to 90 percent back† on selectedservices from MemberCareproviders, including generaland preventative dental,†Up to the limits of your cover.‡On selected optical appliances.optical‡, physiotherapyand chiropractic. He isalso able to access a rangeof different programs andoffers that show practicalways to improve yourhealth and wellbeing viaMBF Health’s in2life.To join Rick Hart andover two million otherMBF Health membersin Australia, call1300 653 525 or visit yourlocal MBF Retail Centrein Perth or Karrinyup forfurther details.*11% saving is the national average saving of the MBF HealthLink productswhen compared with the equivalent retail products based on premiums asat 1 April 20<strong>09</strong>. The level of savings depends on the state you reside in, theproduct and the excess you select. New Bupa Australia members only whenyou pay by direct debit. Only available to <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> membersand employees when you join the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Health Plan.All plan benefits including the discount are reviewed annually and may besubject to change. MBF Australia Pty Limited ABN 81 000 057 590.COST + 5 %*PrOmOTiOnal OfferKirby Household(This card can be used by family members or friends.)RICK HART PRIVILEGE CARDTHANKS TO RICK HART, <strong>Fremantle</strong> members can nowenjoy exclusive offers at your local Rick Hart store!The privilege card attached to your copy of this <strong>Docker</strong>magazine entitles you and your friends to an exclusiveCOST + 5 per cent promotional offer at any Rick Hart store.All you need to do is present this card in store to receiveyour discount. The card is valid until 31 December 20<strong>09</strong>.Terms and Conditions apply. See the back of your cardfor full details.SUPPORTING THE COMMUNITYTHE ANNUAL Community Development Program Raffle is closingsoon with all funds raised supporting the club’s CommunityDevelopment Program which centres on implementing long termcommunity-based programs.First prize includes a fantastic Mazda 2 Neo Hatch with FFCpersonalised number plates, a 32 inch LG LCD TV plus a $1000Westfield shopping voucher with a total value of $19,479. Otherprizes include an LG Electronics Home Essentials Package, a 2010AFL Grand Final Package for two and a rare opportunity to watch a<strong>Fremantle</strong> home game in 2010 from the coaches’ box.In this year’s raffle, there is an opportunity to win an eight seatVIP Corporate Box for a <strong>Fremantle</strong> selected game in 2010 in theBook Buyers prize draw which is open to people who purchase all10 tickets in the raffle book.The raffle tickets are just $5 each and will be on sale until14 October 20<strong>09</strong>. Please note that in accordance with theDepartment of Racing Gaming and Liquor regulations, we areaccountable for all raffle tickets. As such, we request that you returnany sold or unsold raffle books as soon as possible.Closingsoon!Thank you to everyone for their efforts in selling tickets so far.The raffle will be drawn on 28 October 20<strong>09</strong> and the resultspublished in The West Australian on 4 November.fremantlefc.com.au September 20<strong>09</strong>21

WELCOME TO THE PURPLE PATCH!We asked our supporters to email us photos for ‘ThePurple Patch’ at purplepatch@fremantlefc.com.auand we have been inundated with some fantasticshots! Here are some of the great entries sent for thisedition of <strong>Docker</strong>.OTHER SIDE OF THEWORLDHere I am in Norway, anavid <strong>Fremantle</strong> fan withno footy and only somehighlights on Eurosporteach Monday.All the Europeansare confused by ourwonderful sport and evenmore so with my massiverange of purple clothing,which my mother-in-lawsends me each year for mybirthday and Christmas.This is my son Mitchelland I at the GuinnessFactory, Dublin, Irelandin May.So how about awardingme the number one fan onthe other side of the world?GO DOCKERS!Dean Knowles,NorwayFOR BETTER…This is a photo of mywife Karen and I on ourwedding day in May.Our reception was heldat Waters Edge Estate inSouth Guildford.With so many relativesthat support the Eagles itwas a good laugh havingthe <strong>Fremantle</strong> cake ondisplay, especially as wehad given them a goodhiding in the round 6derby the previous week.Tony Baker,West LeedervilleGRUDGE MATCHWhen <strong>Fremantle</strong> and West Coast were going headto head in round 17 in the West, nearly 50 WesternAustralians who live in Melbourne were playing theirown version of the Carlton Mid Derby.What makes this derby different is that the game wasdivided along expatriate Sandgroper lines, <strong>Fremantle</strong>and West Coast. The two teams, the East Coast Eaglesand the Fitzroy <strong>Docker</strong>s, played for the 4th annualGrudgematch Trophy.The grudge match is an annual exhibition played inMelbourne on the day of the second Carlton Mid Derbyevery year and features football mad West Aussies whohonour the WA derby by staging their own clash, albeita slightly less skilful spectacle.The Fitzroy <strong>Docker</strong>s made it a <strong>Fremantle</strong>-double thatweekend, taking the honours with a 2-point victory.Leigh Josey, MelbourneFREO’S NEW MASCOTThis is a photo of my dogLewie, he is five. We areboth big Freo fans!Go Freo!Samara Muhlhan, 7,MandurahIN THE USAI was in the states a while ago on my honeymoonand could not resist making the most of photoopportunities at the Grand Canyon, Statue of Libertyand in the Securities Council of the United Nations.Here is a photo of me at the Grand Canyon.Go <strong>Docker</strong>s!Joe Iammarrone, <strong>Fremantle</strong>22 September 20<strong>09</strong> fremantlefc.com.au

FLYING THE FLAGWe are proud <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> members!We took the <strong>Fremantle</strong> flag to the Mt McKinleyGlacier in the Denali National Park in Alaska in May.Go <strong>Fremantle</strong>!Lorraine and Peter Donaldson, CooloongupPURPLE SPEEDThis is my daughter’s 25 hp race boat that she startedcompeting in this year.Our family are all members and Renae has been thelongest member of us all.Her brother Steven also races boats and karts and iscurrent club champion of both sports.When he offered to purchase a second race boat sothat Renae could race, she couldn’t wait to re-paintit with her favourite colour scheme... the huge silveranchor really stands out!John Summerfield, HuntingdaleBECAUSE WE’RE PURPLEThis is a photo of ourgrandsons with Johnny‘The Doc’ <strong>Docker</strong> at theclub’s Family Fun Day atAdventure Would.Their names are Liam(8) and Cayden (5), theyare mad <strong>Fremantle</strong>fans and enjoy goingto the game. Theyare unbelievably vocalwhile watching the gamejust like their Dad andPoppy.Bob Carmody,DonnybrookSIENNA, THE BRAVE!I am your number onefan and I love all of theplayers!I come fromWarrnambool in Victoriaand I went to Geelong lastyear to see you.I can’t wait until nextyear to be a member inPerth and see all of yourgames!GO FREO!Sienna Patchett,WarrnamboolSMALLEST DOCKERThis is a picture of ournew son Dylan on hissecond day at home. Heis one of the smallest<strong>Docker</strong> supporters andhis outfit is actually dollsclothes.When this photo wastaken he weighed in at1805g - 3lb 15½oz.Hopefully he can growa bit and play for the<strong>Docker</strong>s one day.Tab and Tye Johnson,ArmadaleHMAS RECRUITMy daddy is from Perthand even though we livein Melbourne, we followthe <strong>Docker</strong>s!I am a HMAS memberand love wearing mysinglet when I watch thegames and cheer on theplayers!I think my favouriteplayer is Stephen Hillbecause we joined theteam about the same time!Abigail Chapman,Melbourne“DOCKERMOBILE”We spread the <strong>Fremantle</strong> passion in Albany andBroomehill by showing off the “<strong>Docker</strong>mobile”.Some like it, some hate it, but we love it!So do the kids at Little Grove Primary School in Albany.We all think the future looks bright for Freo.Esmond, Lisa and the Delaney family, Little Grovefremantlefc.com.au September 20<strong>09</strong> 23

LIVING THE DREAM<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s Live the Dream program, which is proudly supported by BHP BillitonIron Ore, saw 16 lucky young men live the life of an AFL footballer at the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> for six days. Story: Katie MitchinsonTHE LIVE THE DREAM initiativeoffers participants theopportunity to develop skills andbehaviours that can deliver long termbenefits to themselves and their localcommunities, while also having thechance to immerse themselves in theculture of the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.“The <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, inconjunction with BHP Billiton IronOre was thrilled to be able to offer thisonce in a lifetime opportunity to theseindividuals,” Community DevelopmentManager David Crute said.“To witness the participants growin confidence throughout the weekfrom the experience is a real feather inthe cap for everyone involved in thisremarkable program.”Over the week the participantsalso took part in specialised physicalconditioning and injury preventionsessions with the club’s sports sciencestaff, interactive sessions on nutrition,media training, player welfareand player recruitment, a trainingsession with <strong>Fremantle</strong> coachingstaff, leadership and a team buildingsession with the Royal AustralianNavy (RAN) including a tour on theHMAS Waller, senior team matchday involvement and a post gamerecovery session.LIFE CHANGING“They walk away as different peoplefrom when we first meet them andyou only have to speak to them aboutthe week to recognise how muchthey get from the experience with the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.”The 16 lucky participants wereselected from a large range ofnominations by a panel consisting of<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> staff and BHPBilliton Iron Ore staff. Nominationswere sought through BHP Billiton IronOre, junior football clubs, the City of<strong>Fremantle</strong>, schools, or from EasternStates Partner <strong>Club</strong>s of the <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.The 16 participants in the BHPBilliton Iron Ore 20<strong>09</strong> Live the Dreamprogram were:• Lou-Ayy Rapie, South Hedland• Bradley Podmore, South Hedland• Jarrad Darcy, Geraldton• James Ryan, Wanneroo• Gregory Cross, Spalding• Zane Sailor, South Hedland• Luqman Salby, South Hedland• Jake Caffieri, Morley• Josh Hooper, South Hedland• Michael Porter, South Hedland• Brent Jordon, East Doncaster,Victoria24 September 20<strong>09</strong>fremantlefc.com.au

“They walk away as different people from when we firstmeet them and you only have to speak to them aboutthe week to recognise how much they get from theexperience with the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>. ”• Sam Edwards, Leeming• Ferdi Louw, South Hedland• Benjamin Wagner, South Hedland• William Grant, East <strong>Fremantle</strong>• Mitchell Warren, LandsdaleCHALLENGE AND REWARDBrent Jordan, 15, who travelled fromMelbourne to take part in this year’sLive the Dream program, said it wasa great experience.“Going to the naval base wasprobably the most challenging part,both mentally and physically,” he said.“You also don’t realise how full onthe week is for the players and howmuch stuff they have to go throughwhen you just watch the footy on TV.“It was also really interesting to seewhat the players programs are likewhen they are injured and we got tosee what they do so they can get theirbody back in shape and playing again.“I had the best week at the club forLive the Dream and made some newmates too.”Everyone at the <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong><strong>Club</strong> would like to thank thosewho played a part in delivering theprogram this year.“Well done to everyone involvedwith the Live the Dream program thisyear,” said Crute.“The program is vastly different tothe everyday kind of activities andclinics the club facilitates.“I know the player mentors also takea lot from it because it’s somethingthey can have a direct and real impacton with these kids.“They were really positive inpreparing for their roles and gaineda lot out of their involvement in theprogram,” he said.Live the Dream is designed todevelop teamwork and leadershipskills, develop problem solving skillsunder pressure, provide participantswith experiences that take themoutside of their comfort zone anddevelop skills that participants cantake back to their local communityand pass onto their peers.The intensive six day program saweach participant appointed a mentorfrom the <strong>Fremantle</strong> player group whoguided and assisted them throughoutthe week. The players included PaulHasleby, Des Headland, David Mundy,Ryan Murphy, Chris Tarrant, AntoniGrover, Michael Johnson, ClaytonHinkley and Brock O’Brien.Aaron Sandilands was this year’sambassador for Live the Dream.Navy images by Jose Garcia, Apogee Photographyfremantlefc.com.au September 20<strong>09</strong>25

20<strong>09</strong> WINNERSTHE COMMUNITYDevelopment ProgramSkills4SchoolsGrand Finals were heldas the curtain-raiser to<strong>Fremantle</strong>’s round 19 winover Port Adelaide.More than 200 primaryschool children fromaround WA converged onSubiaco Oval to contest theFreo Kwik Kick, Freo FastBall and Freo Long Bombgrand finals.The skills based activitiesall come under theCommunity DevelopmentProgram’s Skills4Schoolsbanner, with eachprogram encouragingenjoyable competitionwhile at the same timepromoting school spirit andparticipation in sport.Congratulations to all thestudents who participatedin the Skills4Schools GrandFinals and well done to thewinners.The 20<strong>09</strong> Skills4Schoolswinners are:KWIK KICK WINNERSGIRLS YEAR 4/5Winner: Zoe Fourneau and EmmaFourneau, Forest Crescent PS(26 kicks)Runner-up: Sophie Fidoe andTatum Gittins, Secret Harbour PS(15 kicks)BOYS YEAR 4/5Winner: Justin Diamond andMitchell Barry, St John’s PS(53 kicks)Runner-up: Jayden Mews andJordan Saccoccio, Landsale PS(51 kicks)GIRLS YEAR 6/7Winner: Amy Ehlers and MelissaO’Connor, Halidon PS (20 kicks)Runner-up: Tahliya Norman andFransien Snyman, Secret HarbourPS (12 kicks)BOYS YEAR 6/7Winner: Oliver Parish and AaronSenzion, Richmond PS (43 kicks)Runner-up: Connor Engelbrechtand Aden Dielesen, AranmoreCollege (42 kicks)LONG BOMB WINNERSGIRLS YEAR 4/5Winner: Kirralee Shepperd,Lathlain PS (23.7 metres)Runner-up: Khloe Hicks, CampbellPS (21.7 metres)BOYS YEAR 4/5Winner: Lucas Allendar, ForestCrescent PS (35.2 metres)Runner-up: Harrison Webster,Aranmore College (32.4 metres)GIRLS YEAR 6/7Winner: Kaitlyn Beaton, WeldSquare PS (30.6 metres)Runner-up: Jasmine Rule-Watson,Secret Harbour PS (30.4 metres)BOYS YEAR 6/7Winner: Nathan Lazzarini,Cannington CC (40.1 metres)Runner-up: Aden Dielesen,Aranmore College (37.8 metres)FREO FAST BALL WINNERSGIRLS YEAR 4/5Winner: Secret Harbour PrimarySchoolRunner-up: Assumption PrimarySchoolBOYS YEAR 4/5Winner: Aranmore CollegeRunner-up: Assumption PrimarySchoolGIRLS YEAR 6/7Winner: Secret Harbour PrimarySchoolRunner-up: Assumption PrimarySchoolBOYS YEAR 6/7Winners fromSecretHarbour PSWinner: Secret Harbour PrimarySchoolRunner-up: Quinns Rock PrimarySchoolCongratulations to all ourSkills4Schools participantsthis year and the winners.Thank you also to theschools, teachers andparents for their supportof the 20<strong>09</strong> Skills4Schoolsprogram and the finals series.<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>’sCommunity DevelopmentProgram is proudlysupported by PlatinumLevel sponsor Alinta.Alinta have a longstanding relationshipwith <strong>Fremantle</strong> and arecommitted to investing timeand resources to continueto grow the CommunityDevelopment Programwith the club as well asaiming to teach childrenlife skills and values usingAustralian Rules <strong>Football</strong> asan educational tool.FOOTY FUN WITHTEAM FREOThe ‘Freo Factor’ program isdesigned to utilise the <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>’s resources andplayer expertise to assist schoolstudents in making informeddecisions for a responsible,healthy and active lifestyle.The program, is deliveredby Team Freo ambassadorsincluding Chris Mayne, ClaytonHinkley, Andrew Foster, Luke Prattand Brent Connelly.The program is conducted overthree sessions and includes anintroduction to the game whichis an interactive session with afun, practical football component.Students and teachers are alsogiven a unique opportunityfor a first hand look behindthe scenes of the <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong> by the Team Freoambassadors, which includesa skill development session on<strong>Fremantle</strong> Oval and a tour ofthe facilities.The final session involves a TeamFreo ambassador visiting theschool and discussing topicssuch as leadership, bullying,healthy lifestyle, goal setting andsocial responsibility, with thetopic being determined by theschool.“The Freo Factor program hasagain been a great successthis season,” said CDP ManagerDavid Crute.“The program has becomemore popular each year andthat’s a credit to the Team Freoplayers who embrace theirresponsibilities as role models,ensuring that the participantslearn some valuable messages.“Thanks must also go to all theschools for being involved andwe look forward to having ourplayers involved as Team Freoambassadors again next year.”The Team Freo players alsoconducted a number of trainingsessions with our Partner <strong>Club</strong>s,conducted presentations atprimary school assembliesand visited several of ourmajor regional centres (Albany,Bunbury, Kalgoorlie, Esperance)where they conducted clinics inprimary schools, took training atlocal football clubs and visiteda number of hospitals.26 Finalists from Madeley PSfremantlefc.com.au

Hi kids,Thank you for all of your support over the season. Seeing all that purple in the crowd and hearing “Freo”chanted so loudly during our home games was fantastic.With the emergence of some of our first year players such as Stephen Hill, Nick Suban, Greg Broughtonand Matt de Boer, I am sure that you have enjoyed the excitement that these young guys have injected intothe club.All the players are looking forward to season 2010 and what’s ahead and we hope you are a part of it.Keep an eye on your letterbox for your membership renewal notice in October. Get mum and dad to signyou up for next season. If your friends are keen Freo supporters and wantto become a junior member get them to call the Membership ServicesTeam on 9433 7111 and we’ll send them out a membership pack too.Thanks again for your support this year, keep safe over summer,keep an eye on the website for team updates and I hope to see youall again next year!TEAM TRIVIAAnswer the following questions and addthe answers together. The total of theanswers should equal 2390. Good luck!How tall isZac Clarke?What number doesHayden Ballantyne wear?How many games hasLuke McPharlin played?What football season didRhys Palmer debut in?How many debutants has<strong>Fremantle</strong> unveiled this season?TOTAL:(write your final answer here)Email your five answers alongwith your name, membershipnumber and contact details tocompetitions@fremantlefc.com.au togo into the draw for your chance to win aKidzone prize pack.Spot the differenceSee if you can spot the ten differences between the two photos whichwas taken in round 5 when we beat Sydney.I hope you have a keen eye! Good luck!KIDZONE: RESULTS FROMDOCKER EDITION 2, 20<strong>09</strong>Who am I? Hayden BallantyneWhich footy is it? Ball number 3Team trivia answers:1. = 100; 2. = 40; 3. = 21;4. = 20; 5. = 26; 6. = 18; 7. = 2<strong>03</strong>;8. = 200; 9. = 31; 10. = 14fremantlefc.com.au/kidzoneSeptember 20<strong>09</strong> 27

CLASS OF ’<strong>09</strong># 8NICK SUBANDebut: Round 1 v Western BulldogsFirst AFL goal: Round 1 v Bulldogs22 AFL gamesNAB AFL Rising Star Nominee: Round 21STEPHEN HILLDebut: Round 1 v Western BulldogsFirst AFL goal: Round 1 v Bulldogs22 AFL gamesNAB AFL Rising Star Nominee: Round 6GREG BROUGHTONDebut: Round 3 v AdelaideFirst AFL goal: Round 19 v Port Adelaide15 AFL games# 32# 48MATTHEW DE BOERDebut: Round 6 v West Coast EaglesFirst AFL goal: Round 6 v West Coast17 AFL gamesMICHAEL WALTERSDebut: Round 11 v Port AdelaideFirst AFL goal: Round 11 v Port Adelaide3 AFL games# 40# 38CLANCEE PEARCEDebut: Round 11 v Port AdelaideFirst AFL goal: Round 11 v Port Adelaide8 AFL gamesZAC CLARKEDebut: Round 13 v Collingwood5 AFL games# 46# 30HAYDEN BALLANTYNEDebut: Round 13 v CollingwoodFirst AFL goal: Round 14 v Carlton8 AFL gamesTIM RUFFLESDebut: Round 15 v AdelaideFirst AFL goal: Round 17 v West Coast3 AFL games# 17# 35JAY VAN BERLODebut: Round 17 v West CoastFirst AFL goal: Round 17 v West Coast4 AFL games# 47fremantlefc.com.au

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