July - Mike And Key Amateur Radio Club

July - Mike And Key Amateur Radio Club

July - Mike And Key Amateur Radio Club


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<strong>July</strong> 2010M&K General Mtg Minutes… [Cont‘d from Pg 9]Frank NA7O has name tags for those who ordered them.Michelle WA7PVE announced results of the ARRL 10-metercontest. Dean N7NKO earned 1 st place in WesternWashington for Low Power Phone (3 rd in Northwest Division).Michelle earned 1 st place in Single-Operator QRP Phone (2 ndin Division).Hal N7NW noted that 6-meters has been really good, check itout.David KC7FSR would like to work Torchlight but needs a ride(lives near Fairwood).The next <strong>Mike</strong> & <strong>Key</strong> Board meeting has been rescheduledto the first Tuesday (instead of Wednesday) of the month,<strong>July</strong> 6th at 7:00 pm, at the Salvation Army in Renton.The next <strong>Mike</strong> & <strong>Key</strong> General Membership meeting is thethird Saturday, <strong>July</strong> 17, 2010.Daniel KL7WM made a motion to close the meeting, secondby George AE7G. The motion was passed. Meetingadjourned at 1054 hours.7 guests; 58 members, 45 ARRL membersAttested: Robert Grinnell KD7WNV, Secretary_______________________________________________________M&K Board Meeting MinutesMeeting Held <strong>July</strong> 7, 2010Officers presentX_President – Ivy Nelson-Groves (WA7IVY)X_Vice President – Steve Cook (KD7IQL)X_Secretary – Robert Grinnell (KD7WNV)X_Treasurer – Dave Smith (KB7PSN)X_Activity Manager – Jim Aigner (N7MU)X_<strong>Radio</strong> Officer – Hal Goodell (N7NW)Trustees present__No. 1 – Tim Kane (K7ANE)X_No. 2 – George Thornton (AE7G)X_No. 3 – <strong>Mike</strong> Dinkleman (N7WA)X_No. 4 – Alan Hughes (KB7SVU)X_No. 5 – Daniel Stevens (KL7WM)Other officers (non-voting)X_Relay Editor – Gary Bryan (KG7KU)X_Webmaster – Jim Etzwiler (KD7BAT)Chairman of the Board George AE7G called the meeting toorder at 1904 hours.Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of the previousboard meeting was made by David KB7PSN and secondedby Ivy WA7IVY. Motion passed.Officer ReportsChairman of the Board – George AE7G: Nothing to report.President – Ivy WA7IVY: Nothing to report.Vice President – Steve KD7IQL: Membership applications:Thomas L. Voss, N7WLE; Arlene Hand (no call); DaveSwenson, KD7YJL; Gary Greve, W7TRJ; Chuck Burgess,KF6TWK; Dave Tebrink, K7NZU; all recommended forapproval.Secretary – Robert KD7WNV: Mail was picked up anddelivered to the Treasurer.Treasurer – Dave KB7PSN: Distributed a budget statusreport for review, verbally noting recent significant expenses.Some discussion of Wagonwheel fee—Dave indicated thathe has not yet received a bill for the actual number whocamped this year. Carolyn WV7Q expressed deep concernabout the Board‘s action in June to leave additional funds inthe Fleamarket account, and suggested it be rescinded.10K7LED RelayGeorge AE7G ruled this to be Old Business, and tabled untilthat section of the meeting.Activity Manager – Jim N7MU: Our next big activity is thepicnic in August; things are ―under control.‖ Surplus food andsupplies from Field Day will be used there. The <strong>July</strong> programis not yet determined; George AE7G ruled we will pick upthat under New Business. Sold 140 door prize tickets inJune, a bit lower than recent months. For <strong>July</strong>, door prizesinclude a digital multimeter, DC power cord with <strong>And</strong>ersonPowerpole connectors, and a 2-meter half-wave dipole. Jimwill not be present for the <strong>July</strong> meeting; <strong>Mike</strong> N7WA willcover. Lee KE7NBN donated a 56‘ military pole kit that willbe a door prize at the September meeting. Jim expects tohave a good pool of money for end-of-year door prizes, anddiscussed some ideas for the prizes, emphasizing havingsome radios.<strong>Radio</strong> Officer – Hal N7NW: Repeaters are still operatingwell. With Field Day and other time demands, has not yetbeen able to go up to the site to do further trouble-shootingon the mixing port, but still plans to do so. Mentioned thatSteve KD7IQL is working on battery backup, expected inplace September-October. Steve expressed thanks to SkipKE7MPO for providing several very substantial backupbatteries, retired from commercial UPS service.Relay Editor – Gary KG7KU: Not present. Jim KD7BATnoted that Gary had been asked to take a 3-monthassignment in North Carolina. He declined due to othercommitments, but if it is offered again, he may accept and wewould need to find a substitute.Webmaster – Jim KD7BAT: Web site is up-to-date. Has notyet obtained materials from Gene W7AKA; Jim is busy for acouple of weeks and Gene will be busy with RAMROD afterthat, so Jim will pursue later.Standing Committee ReportsStrategic Planning – Daniel KL7WM: No report.Facilities – <strong>Mike</strong> N7WA: Has completed about 90% of anaudit/inventory. Have identified five cabinet keys and sixSalvation Army door keys. One cabinet key is not accountedfor.Education – Tim K7ANE: Not present.Public Service – George AE7G: Would like to see a closerrelationship between the <strong>Club</strong> and RAMROD support.Technical – Alan KB7SVU: Nothing to report. Will bemeeting with Steve KD7IQL.Other Committee ReportsPicnic – (Covered above under Activity Manager.)Field Day – Ivy WA7IVY: Will be meeting with bonus pointschair to wrap up score submission. Writing letters of thanksto Icom for pamphlets, and to the State Park staff. Amongfeedback received is concern about the number of peoplewho are coming up for the weekend, but not helping witheither setup or cleanup, and so those critical functions arebeing performed with too few people. How do we get morepeople to come up for setup on Friday, and/or stay and helpwith cleanup? Richard N7MER will co-chair next year.Discussion moved to admiration for the achievement of arecord number of contacts (approx. 1,150) on 40-meterPhone, and for band-chair and primary operator, DeanN7NKO. Robert KD7WNV suggested devoting some <strong>Club</strong>programming to contesting techniques, to help bring alongother operators.Flea Market – <strong>Mike</strong> N7WA / Hal N7NW: Steve KD7IQLmentioned that bulk mail rates are increasing by 8%--willraise the cost of mailing the flyers.[Continued on Page 11]

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