eBanking Suite for Microsoft Dynamics AX v4, AX2009

eBanking Suite for Microsoft Dynamics AX v4, AX2009 eBanking Suite for Microsoft Dynamics AX v4, AX2009


SKS_PP_FileDetailThe following table is optional as to being placed in the table collection (it would only be done if alsousing eBank Rec Advanced and/or Lockbox Processing):SKS_PP_Setup - this table links to the LedgerJournalName table. If this table is virtualized or ifthe journal name that you are using in all companies is the same, the SKS_PP_Setup table can bevirtualized.Electronic Bank ReconciliationUsing virtual companies allows for processing a single file that contains transactions for multiple bankaccounts across multiple companies.The following eBanking tables must be placed in the table collection:SKS_BR_FileFormatSKS_BR_FileFormatDetailSKS_BR_BankHeaderSKS_BR_ErrorLogThe following tables are optional as to being placed in the table collection:SKS_BR_FileFormatMapping - this table links to BankTransType, LedgerTable and Dimensiontables. If those tables are already virtualized, the SKS_BR_FileFormatMapping table can bevirtualized.SKS_PP_Setup - this table links to the LedgerJournalName table. If this table is virtualized or ifthe journal name that you are using in all companies is the same, the SKS_PP_Setup table can bevirtualized.AR eSettlement w/LockboxLockbox allows processing payments against invoices within any company when AX is configured toallow for centralized processing. It uses the same rules as the AX Payment Journal as to centralizedprocessing.The following tables are optional as to being placed in the table collection:SKS_PP_Setup - this table links to the LedgerJournalName, CustPaymMode andNumberSequence tables. If these table are virtualized or if the journal name that you are usingin all companies is the same, the SKS_PP_Setup table can be virtualized.SKS_LB_FileFormatSKS_LB_FileFormatDetailUpdated: July 20, 2014 Page 26

APEFT Plus!APEFT Plus! allows processing payments against invoices within any company when AX is configured toallow for centralized processing. It uses the same rules as the AX Payment Journal as to centralizedprocessing.The following tables are optional as to being placed in the table collection:SKS_PP_Setup - this table links to the LedgerJournalName, CustPaymMode andNumberSequence tables. If these table are virtualized or if the journal name that you are usingin all companies is the same, the SKS_PP_Setup table can be virtualized.SKS_EFT_Setup – this table is linked to other tables that also may need to be virtualizedSKS_EFT_FileFormatSKS_EFT_FileFormatDetailSKS_EFT_FileFormatLookupsSKS_EFT_FileFormatNotesNotes to existing customers – switching to virtual companiesIf a table is setup for individual companies and then later, the table is virtualized, all of the existing datawill no longer display in the screens. It is still in the database, it just won't be displayed.An example: File format in company CEU and company CEE. Create a virtual company CCC and placethe file format table in the virtual company. Now if in CEU or CEE, it will only display record for CCC.The dataAreaId field in the file format table contains the company id. If the dataAreaId was changed toCCC on an existing CEU or CEE record, it would start displaying in the virtual company. So a user wouldneed to decide if they wanted to change an existing record or create a new record. If they changeexisting records, they will most likely need to also eliminate a record. So CEU would become CCC andCEE would get eliminated.Here’s a blog post that gives more information on this process: http://blog.colesys.com/?p=15Updated: July 20, 2014 Page 27

SKS_PP_FileDetailThe following table is optional as to being placed in the table collection (it would only be done if alsousing eBank Rec Advanced and/or Lockbox Processing):SKS_PP_Setup - this table links to the LedgerJournalName table. If this table is virtualized or ifthe journal name that you are using in all companies is the same, the SKS_PP_Setup table can bevirtualized.Electronic Bank ReconciliationUsing virtual companies allows <strong>for</strong> processing a single file that contains transactions <strong>for</strong> multiple bankaccounts across multiple companies.The following <strong>eBanking</strong> tables must be placed in the table collection:SKS_BR_FileFormatSKS_BR_FileFormatDetailSKS_BR_BankHeaderSKS_BR_ErrorLogThe following tables are optional as to being placed in the table collection:SKS_BR_FileFormatMapping - this table links to BankTransType, LedgerTable and Dimensiontables. If those tables are already virtualized, the SKS_BR_FileFormatMapping table can bevirtualized.SKS_PP_Setup - this table links to the LedgerJournalName table. If this table is virtualized or ifthe journal name that you are using in all companies is the same, the SKS_PP_Setup table can bevirtualized.AR eSettlement w/LockboxLockbox allows processing payments against invoices within any company when <strong>AX</strong> is configured toallow <strong>for</strong> centralized processing. It uses the same rules as the <strong>AX</strong> Payment Journal as to centralizedprocessing.The following tables are optional as to being placed in the table collection:SKS_PP_Setup - this table links to the LedgerJournalName, CustPaymMode andNumberSequence tables. If these table are virtualized or if the journal name that you are usingin all companies is the same, the SKS_PP_Setup table can be virtualized.SKS_LB_FileFormatSKS_LB_FileFormatDetailUpdated: July 20, 2014 Page 26

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