eBanking Suite for Microsoft Dynamics AX v4, AX2009

eBanking Suite for Microsoft Dynamics AX v4, AX2009 eBanking Suite for Microsoft Dynamics AX v4, AX2009


Import Positive Pay File Formats (only if using Positive Pay)1. Open Microsoft Dynamics AX v4 or AX2009.2. Go to eBanking Suite -> Setup -> Setup.3. Click the Import File Formats… button.4. Enter or browse to C:\SKS_eBankingInstall\Formats\SKS_PP_FileFormats.csv.5. Click OK.6. The data will be imported. An Infolog message will display showing the number of recordsAdded, Updated and Deleted.7. Click Close on the message.Setup Permissions1. Go to Administration -> Setup -> User groups.2. Create a new group or use an existing group. If creating a new group make sure you selectUsers into the group.3. Click Permissions.4. Click the Permissions tab.5. Select eBanking Suite.6. Choose the Access level for this group. Click Cascade. It is up to the Administrator todetermine what level of Access each User group should be granted.7. Repeat steps for additional User groups.8. Close and re-start Microsoft Dynamics AX v4 or AX 2009.9. eBanking Suite will now be available on the menu.Virtual Company SetupThe eBanking Suite supports the use of virtual companies to centralize processing. eBanking does notrequire the use of virtual companies but can be configured to take advantage of any virtual companysetup you may have.To set up virtualization you need to create or update a table collection. This is done via the AOT(Application Object Tree) -> Data Dictionary -> Table Collections.If you need to create a new table collection it will need to be added to a virtual company:1. Go to Administration -> Setup -> Virtual company accounts2. Choose a Virtual company or create a new one.3. Add Company accounts if necessary4. Add the new Table collection to the selected table collections.Positive PayUsing virtual companies allows selecting checks and processing files for multiple bank accounts acrossmultiple companies.Updated: July 20, 2014 Page 10

The following eBanking tables must be placed in the table collection: SKS_PP_FileFormat SKS_PP_HeaderTrailer SKS_PP_File SKS_PP_FileDetailThe following table is optional as to being placed in the table collection (it would only be done if alsousing eBank Rec Advanced and/or AR eSettlement w/Lockbox):SKS_PP_Setup - this table links to the LedgerJournalName table. If this table is virtualized or ifthe journal name that you are using in all companies is the same, the SKS_PP_Setup table can bevirtualized.Electronic Bank ReconciliationUsing virtual companies allows for processing a single file that contains transactions for multiple bankaccounts across multiple companies.The following eBanking tables must be placed in the table collection:SKS_BR_FileFormatSKS_BR_FileFormatDetailSKS_BR_BankHeaderSKS_BR_ErrorLogThe following tables are optional as to being placed in the table collection:SKS_BR_FileFormatMapping - this table links to BankTransType, LedgerTable and Dimensiontables. If those tables are already virtualized, the SKS_BR_FileFormatMapping table can bevirtualized.SKS_PP_Setup - this table links to the LedgerJournalName table. If this table is virtualized or ifthe journal name that you are using in all companies is the same, the SKS_PP_Setup table can bevirtualized.AR eSettlement w/LockboxeSettlement/Lockbox allows processing payments against invoices within any company when AX isconfigured to allow for centralized processing. It uses the same rules as the AX Payment Journal as tocentralized processing.The following tables are optional as to being placed in the table collection:SKS_PP_Setup - this table links to the LedgerJournalName, CustPaymMode andNumberSequence tables. If these table are virtualized or if the journal name that you are usingin all companies is the same, the SKS_PP_Setup table can be virtualized.SKS_LB_FileFormatUpdated: July 20, 2014 Page 11

Import Positive Pay File Formats (only if using Positive Pay)1. Open <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>AX</strong> <strong>v4</strong> or <strong>AX</strong>2009.2. Go to <strong>eBanking</strong> <strong>Suite</strong> -> Setup -> Setup.3. Click the Import File Formats… button.4. Enter or browse to C:\SKS_<strong>eBanking</strong>Install\Formats\SKS_PP_FileFormats.csv.5. Click OK.6. The data will be imported. An Infolog message will display showing the number of recordsAdded, Updated and Deleted.7. Click Close on the message.Setup Permissions1. Go to Administration -> Setup -> User groups.2. Create a new group or use an existing group. If creating a new group make sure you selectUsers into the group.3. Click Permissions.4. Click the Permissions tab.5. Select <strong>eBanking</strong> <strong>Suite</strong>.6. Choose the Access level <strong>for</strong> this group. Click Cascade. It is up to the Administrator todetermine what level of Access each User group should be granted.7. Repeat steps <strong>for</strong> additional User groups.8. Close and re-start <strong>Microsoft</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>AX</strong> <strong>v4</strong> or <strong>AX</strong> 2009.9. <strong>eBanking</strong> <strong>Suite</strong> will now be available on the menu.Virtual Company SetupThe <strong>eBanking</strong> <strong>Suite</strong> supports the use of virtual companies to centralize processing. <strong>eBanking</strong> does notrequire the use of virtual companies but can be configured to take advantage of any virtual companysetup you may have.To set up virtualization you need to create or update a table collection. This is done via the AOT(Application Object Tree) -> Data Dictionary -> Table Collections.If you need to create a new table collection it will need to be added to a virtual company:1. Go to Administration -> Setup -> Virtual company accounts2. Choose a Virtual company or create a new one.3. Add Company accounts if necessary4. Add the new Table collection to the selected table collections.Positive PayUsing virtual companies allows selecting checks and processing files <strong>for</strong> multiple bank accounts acrossmultiple companies.Updated: July 20, 2014 Page 10

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