8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University

8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University

8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University


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ORGANIZATION DYNAMICS (BA) (OFFEREDONLY THROUGH ACCEL ® PROGRAMS)REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREE COMPLETION• Liberal Arts: English (6); world civilization (3); foreign language(3)*; philosophy (6)*; theology (6)*; designated humanities (9)*;social science (9)*; laboratory science (3); mathematics (3).*Three credits each of foreign language, philosophy, humanities,and social science may be met through successful completion ofmodules within ACCEL ® .• Major: ORG 301, 303, 304, 307, 312, 320, 342, 343, 344, 345,382, 383, 390; CCS 341; ENG 242; PHI 384; THE 381.• Electives as needed to complete a total of 126 credits.ORG 301. Group and Organizational Behavior (3)The study of group behavior and how group functioning affectsorganizational effectiveness. Emphasis is placed upon decisionmakingand conflict resolution. Students develop strategies for efficientand productive group management and determine which tasksare handled by groups or by individuals.ORG 303. Organizational Concepts (3)Students examine the formal and informal functions of organizationsand analyze an agency or organization based upon a systemsmodel. Students also explore and solve organizational problemsusing a step-by-step method. This analysis will be applied to students’research proposal which typically is work-related.ORG 304. Organizational Communications (3)Investigates the role of communication in creating a productiveorganizational environment. Aids students in developing andstrengthening their communication skills by focusing on interpersonal,group, and presentation skills.ORG 307. Adult Development and Life Assessment (3)Introduction to adult development theory, linking concepts tolife experiences through a process of individual reflection. Classicaland contemporary adult development theories are examined to provideparadigms for self-analysis and life assessment.ORG 311* Methods of Research and Statistics (3)An introduction to the research design process and its tools.Content includes research design, and descriptive and inferentialstatistics using Microsoft Excel ® . Students are encouraged to critiqueresearch studies and to discuss and analyze managerial decision-making.*Please note: Students must have a workingknowledge of Microsoft Excel ® software prior to the start of thiscourse. Many employers provide relevant learning opportunitiesin the workplace.ORG 312. Introduction to Applied Research (3 credits)This course introduces students to the research design process andhones analytical thinking skills. It includes one on-campus meetingdevoted to library orientation, investigation of campus resources, andan introduction to the writing center. Students begin their researchproject with a literature review and receive assistance in establishingtopics for their research proposal. Students create a researchproblem statement and consider basic research design elements.ORG 320. Research and Analysis Using Statistics (3)An introduction to research and its tools with specific emphasisupon helping students with the requirements of their researchproposal. Content includes research design, descriptive andinferential statistics using Microsoft Excel. Students are given theopportunity to critique business research studies and discussmanagerial decision-making.ORG 342. Managerial Economics (3)A focus on the principles of economics as needed to be understoodand utilized by managers and supervisors in all fields. In anera of “downsizing” or “rightsizing” resulting from internationalcompetition and globalization in our American way of life, managersat every level must understand and be able to use the principlesof economics in making sound decisions.ORG 343. Marketing in a Global Economy (3)This course provides basic marketing theory and terminology asapplied to real-world cases exploring domestic and internationalmarketing opportunities and problems. Students gain the skills andconfidence to identify and evaluate critical marketing data so thatthey can develop workable and successful programs to solveproblems and capitalize on opportunities.ORG 344. Accounting and Finance for Managers (4)This course explores fields of accounting and finance critical toevery business situation. Many of the topics are interrelated, butsome are studied in isolation. The focus of the course is on understandingaccounting and finance principles as reflected in financialstatements, their relationship to each other, and how data in financialstatements are used in evaluation, planning, and control in anorganization.ORG 345. Issues in Management (3)An examination of motivational theory and its application toindividual and group functioning in work and home situations.Leadership styles related to particular circumstances are analyzed.Negotiation and analysis of productivity are included. Generalissues of managing change in organizations are also considered.ORG 382. Human Resource Issues (3)An analysis of policies and procedures relating to recruitment,selection, training, development, and compensation of employees.Special attention is given to Equal Opportunity Employment andthe Office of Safety and Health Administration legislation through aseries of case studies and simulations.ORG 383. Strategic Planning (3)This module introduces students to various managementplanning models and techniques and applies them to business cases.It stresses the concepts of strategic planning and strategicmanagement.ORG 390. Research Methodology (3)In this course, students formulate a research problem statement,identify a hypothesis, possible interventions and analyses. Studentsmake a professional presentation of their own research topics.CCS 341. Cultural Modes of Expression in the GlobalCommunity (3)An exploration of the nuances of intercultural expression for anawareness and sensitivity needed for mutual understanding in internationalaffairs.47

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