8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University

8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University 8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University

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However, students already matriculated in the College ofUndergraduate Studies must receive prior administrative approval totake courses off-campus; permission is obtained from the Directorof Academic Advisement for summer courses and from the Dean ofthe College of Undergraduate Studies for fall and spring courses.Grades for these courses will be transcripted and included in thecumulative GPA.TRANSCRIPTSStudents may obtain transcripts of their academic record fromthe Office of the Registrar. This may be done in person or bywriting to the office. Telephone requests cannot be accepted. Oneweek’s notice is required. The fee for each transcript is $5.Transcripts will not be released for persons who have a financialobligation to the university. Each student will receive acomplimentary copy of her/his transcript at the time of graduation.Recognition of AchievementACADEMIC HONORSEach fall, an honors convocation of faculty and students is calledby the Vice President for Academic Affairs to commend studentswho have attained high academic standing in the previous year. Ata spring ceremony, official recognition is given to seniors who havebeen elected to international and national honor societies and whohave achieved departmental distinction.Baccalaureate degree recipients who have completed a minimumof 60 graded credits at Immaculata University will be evaluated forhonors at graduation. Honors at graduation will be awarded for afinal grade point average as follows:summa cum laude 3.95magna cum laude 3.85cum laude 3.65COLLEGE OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIESIMMACULATA HONOR SOCIETYThe society was founded in 1959 for the purpose of promotingintellectual and cultural enthusiasm, accomplishment among itsmembers, and contributions to the intellectual and culturalexcellence of the entire college community. A student of theCollege of Undergraduate Studies, who has achieved a Dean’s Listrating for any three semesters, is eligible for membership in thesociety.COLLEGE OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIESDEAN’S HONOR LISTNomination to the Dean’s Honor List at the close of anysemester is an official recognition of superior academicachievement during the semester. The nominee earns all rights andprivileges of honors standing at the college. Full-time students(those registered concurrently for 12 or more credits in a semester)who maintain a grade point average of 3.70 during the semester arenominated to the Dean’s List.COLLEGE OF LIFELONG LEARNINGDEAN’S LISTDean’s lists are generated two times each year, in January andJuly. Those named to the Dean’s list have completed a minimum of12 graded credits in the preceding six months while maintaining agrade point average of 3.7 or better. Courses in which a grade of P(for Pass) is earned cannot count toward the 12 credit minimum.The two six-months periods during which students’ performance isevaluated are for courses completed between January 1 and June 30,and between July 1 and December 31. Students are notified byletter and a notation is posted on their transcript.INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL HONORSOCIETIESTo give recognition to students of exceptional accomplishmentand to promote intellectual and cultural achievement, a number ofhonor societies are active at Immaculata.The order in which the honor societies are listed below isdetermined by the date on which the society was chartered atImmaculata University. The society with the longest tenure at theuniversity is listed first and the most recently chartered society is last.KAPPA GAMMA PI … a national post-graduate honor andservice society open to men and women who have graduated fromCatholic colleges with honors and have been leaders inextracurricular campus or volunteer off-campus projects. Thenumber of candidates who may be nominated by a college in anyone year is limited to ten percent of the graduating class.DELTA EPSILON SIGMA … a national scholastic honor societyfor students of Catholic colleges and universities, established for thepurpose of recognizing academic accomplishments, fosteringscholarly activities, and providing an intellectual meeting-groundfor its members. To be eligible for membership in the society,applicants must be persons who possess good character, have arecord of outstanding academic accomplishment, have helped tofoster intellectual activities, and give promise of becoming leaderswithin the scope of their activities. The Alpha Epsilon Chapter wasestablished at Immaculata University in 1940.KAPPA OMICRON NU … a national honor society in the field offamily and consumer sciences and related academic disciplines.The purpose of Kappa Omicron Nu is to recognize and encourageexcellence in scholarship, research, and leadership. The honorsociety fosters the spirit of inquiry and promotes attitudes ofprofessional responsibility. Students who have completed ninesemester hours in the department of Fashion — Foods and Nutritionand achieve a 3.00 cumulative average and a 3.20 average indepartment courses are invited to membership.ALPHA PSI OMEGA ... a national honorary dramatic fraternityfounded in 1925. Iota Nu Chapter was established at ImmaculataUniversity on September 8, 1944, to encourage and foster dramaticactivity. The aim of the fraternity is to develop dramatic talent, tocultivate a taste for the best in drama through study in course andcollateral reading, and to encourage the writing and production ofplays. Eligibility for membership is determined by a national pointsystem. Election to Iota Nu Chapter is a recognition and a rewardfor notable achievement.LAMBDA IOTA TAU ... an international collegiate honorarysociety for students of English and foreign literature. Its purpose isthe recognition and promotion of excellence in the study of anyliterature. To be eligible for membership, students must major inliterature, maintain an average of B+ in literature courses and atleast a B in general scholastic standing, be recommended by thefaculty, and submit to the local chapter, Alpha Tau, a paper on aliterary topic to be presented orally or published by such means asthe chapter itself will determine.29

However, students already matriculated in the College ofUndergraduate Studies must receive prior administrative approval totake courses off-campus; permission is obtained from the Directorof Academic Advisement for summer courses and from the Dean ofthe College of Undergraduate Studies for fall and spring courses.Grades for these courses will be transcripted and included in thecumulative GPA.TRANSCRIPTSStudents may obtain transcripts of their academic record fromthe Office of the Registrar. This may be done in person or bywriting to the office. Telephone requests cannot be accepted. Oneweek’s notice is required. The fee for each transcript is $5.Transcripts will not be released for persons who have a financialobligation to the university. Each student will receive acomplimentary copy of her/his transcript at the time of graduation.Recognition of AchievementACADEMIC HONORSEach fall, an honors convocation of faculty and students is calledby the Vice President for Academic Affairs to commend studentswho have attained high academic standing in the previous year. Ata spring ceremony, official recognition is given to seniors who havebeen elected to international and national honor societies and whohave achieved departmental distinction.Baccalaureate degree recipients who have completed a minimumof 60 graded credits at <strong>Immaculata</strong> <strong>University</strong> will be evaluated forhonors at graduation. Honors at graduation will be awarded for afinal grade point average as follows:summa cum laude 3.95magna cum laude 3.85cum laude 3.65COLLEGE OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIESIMMACULATA HONOR SOCIETYThe society was founded in 1959 for the purpose of promotingintellectual and cultural enthusiasm, accomplishment among itsmembers, and contributions to the intellectual and culturalexcellence of the entire college community. A student of theCollege of Undergraduate Studies, who has achieved a Dean’s Listrating for any three semesters, is eligible for membership in thesociety.COLLEGE OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIESDEAN’S HONOR LISTNomination to the Dean’s Honor List at the close of anysemester is an official recognition of superior academicachievement during the semester. The nominee earns all rights andprivileges of honors standing at the college. Full-time students(those registered concurrently for 12 or more credits in a semester)who maintain a grade point average of 3.70 during the semester arenominated to the Dean’s List.COLLEGE OF LIFELONG LEARNINGDEAN’S LISTDean’s lists are generated two times each year, in January andJuly. Those named to the Dean’s list have completed a minimum of12 graded credits in the preceding six months while maintaining agrade point average of 3.7 or better. Courses in which a grade of P(for Pass) is earned cannot count toward the 12 credit minimum.The two six-months periods during which students’ performance isevaluated are for courses completed between January 1 and June 30,and between July 1 and December 31. Students are notified byletter and a notation is posted on their transcript.INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL HONORSOCIETIESTo give recognition to students of exceptional accomplishmentand to promote intellectual and cultural achievement, a number ofhonor societies are active at <strong>Immaculata</strong>.The order in which the honor societies are listed below isdetermined by the date on which the society was chartered at<strong>Immaculata</strong> <strong>University</strong>. The society with the longest tenure at theuniversity is listed first and the most recently chartered society is last.KAPPA GAMMA PI … a national post-graduate honor andservice society open to men and women who have graduated from<strong>Cat</strong>holic colleges with honors and have been leaders inextracurricular campus or volunteer off-campus projects. Thenumber of candidates who may be nominated by a college in anyone year is limited to ten percent of the graduating class.DELTA EPSILON SIGMA … a national scholastic honor societyfor students of <strong>Cat</strong>holic colleges and universities, established for thepurpose of recognizing academic accomplishments, fosteringscholarly activities, and providing an intellectual meeting-groundfor its members. To be eligible for membership in the society,applicants must be persons who possess good character, have arecord of outstanding academic accomplishment, have helped tofoster intellectual activities, and give promise of becoming leaderswithin the scope of their activities. The Alpha Epsilon Chapter wasestablished at <strong>Immaculata</strong> <strong>University</strong> in 1940.KAPPA OMICRON NU … a national honor society in the field offamily and consumer sciences and related academic disciplines.The purpose of Kappa Omicron Nu is to recognize and encourageexcellence in scholarship, research, and leadership. The honorsociety fosters the spirit of inquiry and promotes attitudes ofprofessional responsibility. Students who have completed ninesemester hours in the department of Fashion — Foods and Nutritionand achieve a 3.00 cumulative average and a 3.20 average indepartment courses are invited to membership.ALPHA PSI OMEGA ... a national honorary dramatic fraternityfounded in 1925. Iota Nu Chapter was established at <strong>Immaculata</strong><strong>University</strong> on September 8, 1944, to encourage and foster dramaticactivity. The aim of the fraternity is to develop dramatic talent, tocultivate a taste for the best in drama through study in course andcollateral reading, and to encourage the writing and production ofplays. Eligibility for membership is determined by a national pointsystem. Election to Iota Nu Chapter is a recognition and a rewardfor notable achievement.LAMBDA IOTA TAU ... an international collegiate honorarysociety for students of English and foreign literature. Its purpose isthe recognition and promotion of excellence in the study of anyliterature. To be eligible for membership, students must major inliterature, maintain an average of B+ in literature courses and atleast a B in general scholastic standing, be recommended by thefaculty, and submit to the local chapter, Alpha Tau, a paper on aliterary topic to be presented orally or published by such means asthe chapter itself will determine.29

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