8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University

8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University

8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University


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GRADING SYSTEMThe scholastic year is divided into two semesters in the Collegeof Undergraduate Studies and into three sessions in the College ofLifeLong Learning. At the end of each semester or session,examinations are given as indicated on the college calendar. Gradereports are mailed to all students at the end of the semester or session.Grade Point Valueper Credit HourA Outstanding Grade given for work 4.00of highest achievement; evidenceof consistent ability and originalityA- 3.67B+ Above Average Mastery of subject matter 3.33B considerably above the 3.0acceptable standardB- 2.67C+ Average Standard performance 2.33C 2.00C- Passing, below standard performance 1.67D+ Below Average Passing, but inferior work 1.33D 1.00F Failure No credit given 0.00I Incomplete For some legitimate reason, allcourse work has not been completedHP High Pass Equivalent of B+, A- or A 0.00for course taken as pass-no credit optionP Pass Equivalent of C-, C, C+, B- or B 0.00for course taken as pass/-no creditoptionW Withdrawal Not included in grade point average 0.00Requirements for a degree are expressed in credit hours,indicating the amount of work, and in grade points, indicating thequality of work. The total grade points earned in a given course areobtained by multiplying the number of credit hours assigned to acourse by the grade point value of the grade received. A threecredit-hourcourse in which the student receives an A carries 12grade points; a B carries 9 grade points; a C carries 6 grade points,and so forth.The grade point average is obtained by dividing the total numberof grade points earned by the total number of credit hours carried.GRADE APPEALS PROCEDUREFaculty members are responsible for outlining grading policies tostudents at the beginning of each course. If a student wishes toquestion a grade, the initial step is to discuss the grade with thefaculty member teaching the course. If that step does not result in asatisfactory explanation or resolution of the perceived problem, thestudent may bring the matter to the attention of the department chair,or, in the College of LifeLong Learning, to the Assistant Dean.Documentation regarding the appeal should be provided. Should thestudent continue to contest the grade, additional documentationshould be brought to the appropriate Dean. All grade appeals mustbe initiated within three weeks after the issuance of grades.INCOMPLETE COURSESA student who has done satisfactory work in a course, but hasnot completed the course requirements because of illness or someother emergency situation, may request a grade of “Incomplete” (I)as a temporary mark. The authorization to issue a grade of I isgiven to the instructor by the Dean of the appropriate college. Allcourse work must be completed within the first three weeks of thefollowing academic session, or on a date determined by theinstructor and the Dean. The instructor must submit a final grade tothe Dean’s office within a week of receiving completed coursework. If the student fails to complete the required work within thetime allotted, the instructor will replace the temporary “I” with apermanent “F”. Incompletes are not granted in any of the ACCEL ®programs.PASS-NO CREDIT OPTIONStudents have the option of taking 12 semester hours of generaldegree requirements on a high-pass, pass no credit option. Onlyone degree requirement per semester may be taken on this option.In addition, juniors and seniors may take one elective each semesteron a pass-no credit basis. Once the pass-no credit option has beenselected, the actual grade will not be shown on the transcript. Theelective may not be within the student’s major field. Credit will begiven for a grade of C- or better, but it will not be computed in thestudent’s grade point average. Any general degree requirementcourse taken under the pass-no credit option must be repeated if apass grade is not received. The student taking a course on a pass-nocredit basis will notify the Registrar within the first three weeks ofthe semester but need not inform the instructor. The pass-no creditoption is not available to students enrolled in an ACCEL ® program.REGISTRATION-ALL STUDENTSStudents register on the dates noted in the academic calendar.To carry more than 18 credit hours during a semester, approval ofthe appropriate Dean is required. Students in the College ofUndergraduate Studies will be charged in addition to comprehensivetuition for any credits beyond 18 in a given semester.<strong>Immaculata</strong> has a fixed comprehensive tuition rate for full-timeCollege of Undergraduate Studies students. The tuition rate willremain fixed for the four year program (eight fall & springsemesters). If a student withdraws and then reapplies, the tuitionwill be assessed at the current annual tuition rate. Full-timestudents taking more than 18 credits per semester will be chargedthe current per credit rate for each additional credit. Music lessonsare billed separately.ACCEL ® REGISTRATIONThe courses of any ACCEL ® program are scheduled in thetraditional fall, spring, and summer semesters (please see yourACCEL ® schedule for details). Initial registration for an ACCEL ®program takes place before the beginning of classes. Students registerfor all courses scheduled in the first semester at this time. The nextregistration takes place at the end of the first semester, at which timestudents register for all courses scheduled in the second semester,and so forth. An administrator conducts the registration for eachsemester and is available to respond to academic or policy concerns.REPEATING COURSESIf a student repeats a course, the last grade earned will be used tocompute the grade point average.TRANSFER CREDITSCourses accepted toward an undergraduate degree will betranscribed without the grades that were earned at prior colleges;only the credits earned at other institutions in courses equivalent to<strong>Immaculata</strong> courses will appear on <strong>Immaculata</strong> <strong>University</strong>transcripts. The transferred credits do not impact the cumulativegrade point average. Only courses in which students earned a C orbetter will be accepted in transfer.28

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