8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University

8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University 8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University

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with a small enrollment fee. This is a 10 to 12 months payment planthat runs through April 1st. Using this plan, students budget Fall andSpring term expenses into equal payments. Enrollment with TMSmust take place no later than one month prior to the beginning ofclasses for the term. For more information log on to:www.afford.com.Immaculata University Installment PlanImmaculata offers an installment plan which allows CUSstudents to distribute their payments over 3 equal installmentsduring a traditional term. Please refer to the course guide for terminstallment due dates. To enroll in this plan you must contact theBusiness Office prior to the term payment due date; please call 610-647-4400, extension 3053. There is no enrollment fee. Installmentsnot received by the due dates will be assessed late payment fee.Payment PolicyCollege of Lifelong Learning (CLL students)Tuition and fees for Continuing Education and ACCEL studentsare due in full by the term payment due date. Registrations receivedafter the term cut off date must be accompanied with payment infull or according to the installment plan. For further informationregarding term registration cut off dates and installment dates,please refer to the course guide. Students are not permitted toattend class or occupy University Housing until all financialobligations have been met. Accounts not paid in full by the termpayment due date will be assessed late fees and will beautomatically enrolled in the installment plan explained below.It is the responsibility of all financial aid recipients to ensure thattheir financial aid is available by the term payment due date.Students who are reimbursed by employers are responsible forsubmitting their receipt of payment information to their employerand for retaining all bills and statements for their records.Immaculata University does not provide individual employer billing.Students with outstanding financial obligations will not bepermitted to register for future terms, receive grades, teachercertifications or transcripts.Immaculata University reserves the right to assign outstandingaccount balances to a collection agency. In this circumstance, thestudent is responsible for all collection agency fees.Installment Plan Option for CLL StudentsImmaculata offers an installment plan which allows CLLstudents to distribute their payments over installment payment datesduring a traditional term. There is no fee to enroll. Installment plandue dates are based on a traditional term, not upon time ofregistration. Accounts not paid in full by the term payment due datewill be automatically enrolled in the installment plan. Installmentpayments not received by the payment due dates will be assessed alate payment fee for each late installment payment. Please refer tothe course guide for term installment due dates.Withdrawal Policy and Financial ChargesTraditional Length SemesterCharges will be assessed for tuition and room on thefollowing basis:Withdrawal within the first week 20%Second week 40%Third week 60%Fourth week 80%Beyond the fourth week 100%Board charges will be prorated weekly. Date of withdrawaldetermines the charge assessed and is considered to be the date onthe official withdrawal form. The cessation of attendance does notconstitute an official withdrawal. These forms are available in theoffice of the Deans for the College of Undergraduate Studies,College of LifeLong Learning and the office of Residence Life andStudent Development. For further information concerning theWithdrawal Policy, please refer to the course guide.When a financial aid recipient withdrawals from all classesbefore the 60 percent point in each term, a return of Title IV orother funds may be required. For further information please contactthe financial assistance department.Accelerated or Condensed ScheduleTuition refunds for courses that are offered on an acceleratedor condensed schedule are made according to the below table.Notification received:Prior to the first class meeting 100%After the first but prior to the second 80%class meetingAfter the second but prior to the third 20%class meetingAfter the third meeting of the classno refundRefunds are calculated based on the date a written notification ofwithdrawal has been received. Detailed instructions regarding thisprocess are published in the course schedule guide.FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE POLICYImmaculata assists academically capable and qualified studentswho might otherwise be unable to obtain an education atImmaculata. The Office of Financial Aid provides aid to allstudents with documented financial need without regard to race,color, creed, gender, handicap, and national or ethnic origin. Allstudents are encouraged to apply for admission regardless offinancial need. All admission decisions are made without respect tothe applicant’s financial need.Immaculata expects parents and students to contribute towardthe cost of the student’s education. To the extent that funds areavailable, a student’s financial aid package will contain both gift(grants and scholarships) and self-help (employment and loans)forms of assistance.Applicants for financial aid must meet federal criteria of U.S.citizenship or be eligible non-citizens to receive need-based aid. Toqualified students, Immaculata offers financial aid in the form ofscholarships, loans, grants, and campus employment on the basis ofthe applicant’s academic promise and financial need, and within thelimits of the funds available. About 90% of the students in theCollege of Undergraduate Studies receive some form of financialassistance.The Office of Financial Aid acts on the applications of enteringstudents only after a candidate has been accepted for admission.Applications from veterans should indicate the extent of eligibilityfor Veterans’ Benefits.APPLICATION PROCEDURESFinancial assistance is awarded for one year only and renewal isnot automatic. All forms of financial aid must be reapplied forannually. In addition to complying with renewal criteria for thedifferent aid programs described in the following sections, studentswho wish to be considered for financial aid must submit all requiredapplications by the filing deadline of April, 15th of each year.Filing Requirements for First-time studentsAll incoming first-time students are encouraged to complete theFree Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the priorityfiling deadline of February 15. The FAFSA can be obtained fromImmaculata, from the high school guidance counselor, filed on theinternet at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov, or by calling 1-800-433-3243.Students who wish to borrow a Federal Stafford Loan must alsocomplete and mail to their lender a Federal Stafford Loan MasterPromissory Note (MPN).18

with a small enrollment fee. This is a 10 to 12 months payment planthat runs through April 1st. Using this plan, students budget Fall andSpring term expenses into equal payments. Enrollment with TMSmust take place no later than one month prior to the beginning ofclasses for the term. For more information log on to:www.afford.com.<strong>Immaculata</strong> <strong>University</strong> Installment Plan<strong>Immaculata</strong> offers an installment plan which allows CUSstudents to distribute their payments over 3 equal installmentsduring a traditional term. Please refer to the course guide for terminstallment due dates. To enroll in this plan you must contact theBusiness Office prior to the term payment due date; please call 610-647-4400, extension 3053. There is no enrollment fee. Installmentsnot received by the due dates will be assessed late payment fee.Payment PolicyCollege of Lifelong Learning (CLL students)Tuition and fees for Continuing Education and ACCEL studentsare due in full by the term payment due date. Registrations receivedafter the term cut off date must be accompanied with payment infull or according to the installment plan. For further informationregarding term registration cut off dates and installment dates,please refer to the course guide. Students are not permitted toattend class or occupy <strong>University</strong> Housing until all financialobligations have been met. Accounts not paid in full by the termpayment due date will be assessed late fees and will beautomatically enrolled in the installment plan explained below.It is the responsibility of all financial aid recipients to ensure thattheir financial aid is available by the term payment due date.Students who are reimbursed by employers are responsible forsubmitting their receipt of payment information to their employerand for retaining all bills and statements for their records.<strong>Immaculata</strong> <strong>University</strong> does not provide individual employer billing.Students with outstanding financial obligations will not bepermitted to register for future terms, receive grades, teachercertifications or transcripts.<strong>Immaculata</strong> <strong>University</strong> reserves the right to assign outstandingaccount balances to a collection agency. In this circumstance, thestudent is responsible for all collection agency fees.Installment Plan Option for CLL Students<strong>Immaculata</strong> offers an installment plan which allows CLLstudents to distribute their payments over installment payment datesduring a traditional term. There is no fee to enroll. Installment plandue dates are based on a traditional term, not upon time ofregistration. Accounts not paid in full by the term payment due datewill be automatically enrolled in the installment plan. Installmentpayments not received by the payment due dates will be assessed alate payment fee for each late installment payment. Please refer tothe course guide for term installment due dates.Withdrawal Policy and Financial ChargesTraditional Length SemesterCharges will be assessed for tuition and room on thefollowing basis:Withdrawal within the first week 20%Second week 40%Third week 60%Fourth week 80%Beyond the fourth week 100%Board charges will be prorated weekly. Date of withdrawaldetermines the charge assessed and is considered to be the date onthe official withdrawal form. The cessation of attendance does notconstitute an official withdrawal. These forms are available in theoffice of the Deans for the College of Undergraduate Studies,College of LifeLong Learning and the office of Residence Life andStudent Development. For further information concerning theWithdrawal Policy, please refer to the course guide.When a financial aid recipient withdrawals from all classesbefore the 60 percent point in each term, a return of Title IV orother funds may be required. For further information please contactthe financial assistance department.Accelerated or Condensed ScheduleTuition refunds for courses that are offered on an acceleratedor condensed schedule are made according to the below table.Notification received:Prior to the first class meeting 100%After the first but prior to the second 80%class meetingAfter the second but prior to the third 20%class meetingAfter the third meeting of the classno refundRefunds are calculated based on the date a written notification ofwithdrawal has been received. Detailed instructions regarding thisprocess are published in the course schedule guide.FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE POLICY<strong>Immaculata</strong> assists academically capable and qualified studentswho might otherwise be unable to obtain an education at<strong>Immaculata</strong>. The Office of Financial Aid provides aid to allstudents with documented financial need without regard to race,color, creed, gender, handicap, and national or ethnic origin. Allstudents are encouraged to apply for admission regardless offinancial need. All admission decisions are made without respect tothe applicant’s financial need.<strong>Immaculata</strong> expects parents and students to contribute towardthe cost of the student’s education. To the extent that funds areavailable, a student’s financial aid package will contain both gift(grants and scholarships) and self-help (employment and loans)forms of assistance.Applicants for financial aid must meet federal criteria of U.S.citizenship or be eligible non-citizens to receive need-based aid. Toqualified students, <strong>Immaculata</strong> offers financial aid in the form ofscholarships, loans, grants, and campus employment on the basis ofthe applicant’s academic promise and financial need, and within thelimits of the funds available. About 90% of the students in theCollege of Undergraduate Studies receive some form of financialassistance.The Office of Financial Aid acts on the applications of enteringstudents only after a candidate has been accepted for admission.Applications from veterans should indicate the extent of eligibilityfor Veterans’ Benefits.APPLICATION PROCEDURESFinancial assistance is awarded for one year only and renewal isnot automatic. All forms of financial aid must be reapplied forannually. In addition to complying with renewal criteria for thedifferent aid programs described in the following sections, studentswho wish to be considered for financial aid must submit all requiredapplications by the filing deadline of April, 15th of each year.Filing Requirements for First-time studentsAll incoming first-time students are encouraged to complete theFree Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the priorityfiling deadline of February 15. The FAFSA can be obtained from<strong>Immaculata</strong>, from the high school guidance counselor, filed on theinternet at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov, or by calling 1-800-433-3243.Students who wish to borrow a Federal Stafford Loan must alsocomplete and mail to their lender a Federal Stafford Loan MasterPromissory Note (MPN).18

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