8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University

8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University 8529 Cat.qxd - Immaculata University

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103-104. Fundamental Chemical Concepts I, II (4,4)A systematic study of the theories and principles governing thecomposition and behavior of matter. 3 hours lecture, 3 hourslaboratory. Pre- or Co- requisite: Math 207-208. Prerequisite:Secondary school chemistry with at least a B grade, or Chemistry101-102 with a C grade, or permission of the instructor. (Chem 104Prerequisite: Chem 103).105-106. Forensic Science I, II (3,3)An introduction to the terminology and techniques used inforensic science. The course will include basic, analytical, andorganic chemistry as applied to DNA evidence, trace analysis,laboratory equipment, analysis of data, crime scene analysis andother relevant forensic topics. (Fulfills core requirement.) 2 hourslecture, 2 hours laboratory.110. Lab Techniques in Chemistry (1)A two-hour introductory laboratory course for those who need aone credit laboratory course.112. Topics in Education (1-3)Special topics courses focusing on aspects of science andchemistry. May be used to satisfy Act 48 hours.200. Chemical Literature (3)An introduction in how to retrieve and understand chemicalinformation from print and electronic sources. The course willsurvey current chemical issues and research. 3 hours lecture.201. Introductory Organic Chemistry (3)A basic course in the study of carbon compounds. 2 hourslecture, 2 hours laboratory. (Open to students who are notconcentrating in chemistry.) (Prerequisite: Chemistry 101-102 or103-104).202. Introductory Biochemistry (3)An introduction to the study of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates,and nucleic acids in relation to metabolism. 2 hours lecture, 2 hourslaboratory. (Open to students who are not concentrating inchemistry.) (Prerequisite: Chemistry 201).211-212. Organic Chemistry I, II (4,4)A comprehensive study of the structure, reactions, and reactionmechanisms of organic compounds. 3 hours lecture, 3 hourslaboratory (Microscale). (Prerequisite: Chemistry 103-104).(Chem 212 Prerequisite: Chem 211).303. Independent Study (1-6)Independent study of advanced topics in chemistry withpermission and guidance of a Chemistry department faculty member.304. Instrumental Analysis (4)Gravimetric, volumetric, and instrumental analysis withemphasis on application of analytical separation techniques. 2hours lecture, 4 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Chemistry 103-104.310. Structural Organic Analysis (3)Qualitative organic chemistry presented via a spectroscopicmethodology supplemented by classical chemical and physicaltechniques. Topics include mass spectrometry, infraredspectroscopy, 1&2D NMR, multi-nuclear NMR, advanced NMRmethods, and electron spin resonance (ESR). 3 hours lecture.(Prerequisite: Chem 211-212).313. Physical Chemistry I (4)A qualitative and quantitative study of the properties of bulkmatter. Classical chemical thermodynamics, fundamentalthermodynamic functions, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws, electrochemistry,equilibria, properties of solutions, colligative properties, applicationof thermodynamics to biological processes, and chemical kinetics. 3hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 211-212).314. Physical Chemistry II (4)A qualitative and quantitative study of the microscopicproperties of matter. Quantum mechanics, chemical bonding,molecular symmetry/group theory, spectroscopy, IR, Raman, ESR,and NMR. Chemistry 313 is not a prerequisite. 3 hours lecture, 3hours laboratory. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 211-212).315. Physical Chemistry III (3)A study of the solid state, statistical thermodynamics, partitionfunctions, and the role of photochemistry and photobiology. 3hours lecture. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 313-314).317. History of Chemistry (1)The evolution of chemistry from alchemy to nuclear reactions. 1hour lecture318. Advanced Organic Chemistry (3)Physical organic chemistry, the thermodynamic and kinetic basisfor organic reactions. Mechanisms of organic reactions and,methods for studying them. 3 hours lecture. (Prerequisite: Chem211-212).320. Inorganic Chemistry (3)In depth study of atomic and molecular structure related to metaland metalloid compounds. Review of acids and bases. Study ofthe structure and reactivity of the main group elements, transitionmetal, and organometallic complexes and compounds. Use ofspectroscopic data in interpreting structure and reactivity ofinorganic compounds. 3 hours lecture. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 313)330. Biochemistry I (3)Physical and chemical behavior of biomolecules,receptors/signaling mechanisms, and a consideration of metabolism.3 hours lecture. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 211-212).331. Biochemistry II (3)Selected topics in metabolism, biosynthesis, hormonalregulation, and information pathways of biomolecules. 3 hourslecture. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 330)350-351. Seminar in Chemistry (1,1)A two-semester senior capstone experience. The focus includesthe different aspects of chemical research such as: choosing anappropriate research project, writing a research proposal, writing aresearch paper, and presenting research results to peers. Studentswill obtain experience inthese various areas through experiences with research either on- oroff-campus.401-402. Advanced Research in Chemistry (1-6)Student works on a laboratory research project with permissionand guidance of a chemistry department faculty member.SCI 351-352. Preprofessional Internship (No credit)Field work in hospitals, health, or research centers. Thirty hours asemester. (Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors byarrangement with staff.)50

103-104. Fundamental Chemical Concepts I, II (4,4)A systematic study of the theories and principles governing thecomposition and behavior of matter. 3 hours lecture, 3 hourslaboratory. Pre- or Co- requisite: Math 207-208. Prerequisite:Secondary school chemistry with at least a B grade, or Chemistry101-102 with a C grade, or permission of the instructor. (Chem 104Prerequisite: Chem 103).105-106. Forensic Science I, II (3,3)An introduction to the terminology and techniques used inforensic science. The course will include basic, analytical, andorganic chemistry as applied to DNA evidence, trace analysis,laboratory equipment, analysis of data, crime scene analysis andother relevant forensic topics. (Fulfills core requirement.) 2 hourslecture, 2 hours laboratory.110. Lab Techniques in Chemistry (1)A two-hour introductory laboratory course for those who need aone credit laboratory course.112. Topics in Education (1-3)Special topics courses focusing on aspects of science andchemistry. May be used to satisfy Act 48 hours.200. Chemical Literature (3)An introduction in how to retrieve and understand chemicalinformation from print and electronic sources. The course willsurvey current chemical issues and research. 3 hours lecture.201. Introductory Organic Chemistry (3)A basic course in the study of carbon compounds. 2 hourslecture, 2 hours laboratory. (Open to students who are notconcentrating in chemistry.) (Prerequisite: Chemistry 101-102 or103-104).202. Introductory Biochemistry (3)An introduction to the study of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates,and nucleic acids in relation to metabolism. 2 hours lecture, 2 hourslaboratory. (Open to students who are not concentrating inchemistry.) (Prerequisite: Chemistry 201).211-212. Organic Chemistry I, II (4,4)A comprehensive study of the structure, reactions, and reactionmechanisms of organic compounds. 3 hours lecture, 3 hourslaboratory (Microscale). (Prerequisite: Chemistry 103-104).(Chem 212 Prerequisite: Chem 211).303. Independent Study (1-6)Independent study of advanced topics in chemistry withpermission and guidance of a Chemistry department faculty member.304. Instrumental Analysis (4)Gravimetric, volumetric, and instrumental analysis withemphasis on application of analytical separation techniques. 2hours lecture, 4 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Chemistry 103-104.310. Structural Organic Analysis (3)Qualitative organic chemistry presented via a spectroscopicmethodology supplemented by classical chemical and physicaltechniques. Topics include mass spectrometry, infraredspectroscopy, 1&2D NMR, multi-nuclear NMR, advanced NMRmethods, and electron spin resonance (ESR). 3 hours lecture.(Prerequisite: Chem 211-212).313. Physical Chemistry I (4)A qualitative and quantitative study of the properties of bulkmatter. Classical chemical thermodynamics, fundamentalthermodynamic functions, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws, electrochemistry,equilibria, properties of solutions, colligative properties, applicationof thermodynamics to biological processes, and chemical kinetics. 3hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 211-212).314. Physical Chemistry II (4)A qualitative and quantitative study of the microscopicproperties of matter. Quantum mechanics, chemical bonding,molecular symmetry/group theory, spectroscopy, IR, Raman, ESR,and NMR. Chemistry 313 is not a prerequisite. 3 hours lecture, 3hours laboratory. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 211-212).315. Physical Chemistry III (3)A study of the solid state, statistical thermodynamics, partitionfunctions, and the role of photochemistry and photobiology. 3hours lecture. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 313-314).317. History of Chemistry (1)The evolution of chemistry from alchemy to nuclear reactions. 1hour lecture318. Advanced Organic Chemistry (3)Physical organic chemistry, the thermodynamic and kinetic basisfor organic reactions. Mechanisms of organic reactions and,methods for studying them. 3 hours lecture. (Prerequisite: Chem211-212).320. Inorganic Chemistry (3)In depth study of atomic and molecular structure related to metaland metalloid compounds. Review of acids and bases. Study ofthe structure and reactivity of the main group elements, transitionmetal, and organometallic complexes and compounds. Use ofspectroscopic data in interpreting structure and reactivity ofinorganic compounds. 3 hours lecture. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 313)330. Biochemistry I (3)Physical and chemical behavior of biomolecules,receptors/signaling mechanisms, and a consideration of metabolism.3 hours lecture. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 211-212).331. Biochemistry II (3)Selected topics in metabolism, biosynthesis, hormonalregulation, and information pathways of biomolecules. 3 hourslecture. (Prerequisite: Chemistry 330)350-351. Seminar in Chemistry (1,1)A two-semester senior capstone experience. The focus includesthe different aspects of chemical research such as: choosing anappropriate research project, writing a research proposal, writing aresearch paper, and presenting research results to peers. Studentswill obtain experience inthese various areas through experiences with research either on- oroff-campus.401-402. Advanced Research in Chemistry (1-6)Student works on a laboratory research project with permissionand guidance of a chemistry department faculty member.SCI 351-352. Preprofessional Internship (No credit)Field work in hospitals, health, or research centers. Thirty hours asemester. (Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors byarrangement with staff.)50

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