PORT WORKS DESIGN MANUAL PART 3 Guide To - The University ...

PORT WORKS DESIGN MANUAL PART 3 Guide To - The University ...

PORT WORKS DESIGN MANUAL PART 3 Guide To - The University ...


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126dd'D ree 0e maxe minFHI pK aLength of longest drainage pathDrain diameter of a vertical drainRelative densityVoid ratioInitial void ratioVoid ratio of the soil in loosest conditionVoid ratio of the soil in densest conditionFactor of safetyLayer or fill thicknessPlasticity indexCoefficient of active pressure/ Length of vertical slices along the selected surface in slip surface analysisL enTRRsS cS c ,t(residwi)S pS pttSp,t(resid U ai)Sresidua^S sLength from the toe to the crest of embankmentspacing ratio of a vertical drains systemMoment arm for ^in slip surface analysisRecompression ratioSettlementSettlement of fill due to creepResidual settlement of fill due to creep at time tUltimate primary consolidation settlementPrimary consolidation settlement achieved at time tResidual settlement of a sub-soil layer due to primary consolidation attime/Residual settlement of a reclamation due to the sub-soil and fill at time tSettlement due to secondary consolidation

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