caravanning & camping - Discover Northern Ireland

caravanning & camping - Discover Northern Ireland

caravanning & camping - Discover Northern Ireland


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<strong>caravanning</strong>& <strong>camping</strong>northern irelanddiscovernorthernireland.com

contents7 Belfast8 AntrimLondonderryAntrim15 ArmaghTyroneBelfast17 Down24 FermanaghFermanaghArmaghDown28 Londonderry32 Tyrone35 Other Licensed Sites36 Information on the Go38 Tourism <strong>Ireland</strong> Officesuseful publicationsFor a range of other freepublications contact theBelfast Welcome Centre,Tourist Information(Belfast & <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>) on:+44 (0) 28 9024 6609or order online/download from:discovernorthernireland.comFor further information on things todo in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> visit:2discovernorthernireland.comnorthernirelandvisitor guide 2009experienceunforgettable scenery,cities and peoplediscovernorthernireland.com

CARAVAN AND CAMPING GUIDECaravan and Camping Parks<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> has <strong>camping</strong> parks to suit all tastes. Some aresmall and peaceful while others are busy and lively; some areremote while others are in tourist resorts. Parks close to theferry terminals of Larne and Belfast are convenient for overnightstops. For the visitor travelling north from the Republic of<strong>Ireland</strong> via Newry, the parks around Newcastle at the foot of theMourne Mountains or on the coast of County Down are alwayspopular. Travelling from the west, there are many attractiveparks in the Fermanagh Lakelands. Caravanners and campersentering the country from Donegal have a choice of parksthroughout the Causeway Coast region.The caravan and <strong>camping</strong> parks on pages 7–34 have all beeninspected and given a rating under the UK Caravan and CampingStar Quality Grading Scheme. All caravan parks have mainswater, flush toilets and provide pitches for touring caravans andmotorhomes, but do not always take tents. The type of pitchesavailable is indicated by symbols in individual park entries inthe brochure. However, you are strongly advised to use thetelephone numbers and e-mail addresses to get information inadvance of your visit (including availability). Also, some arebetter signposted than others, so remember to ask for directionswhen you contact the park.Amenities and prices have been provided by the parks and maybe subject to change.A list of non-inspected, local council licensed parks is given onpage 35. The <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Tourist Board has no control overcaravan and <strong>camping</strong> parks.BRINGING FOOD INTO IRELANDCampers and caravanners are advised to buy their ham, eggs,sausages and other meat products in <strong>Ireland</strong>, as there areimport controls on these and some other foodstuffs. Detailsfrom: Department of Agriculture, Dundonald House, UpperNewtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3SB.☎ +44 (0) 28 9052 0100.BRINGING THE DOG?Being able to bring the family dog on holiday is a bonus forvisitors from Great Britain who come to <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> eitherdirectly or via the Republic of <strong>Ireland</strong>. There are no restrictions.3

ELECTRIC HOOK-UPSMost parks in this guide provide electric hook-up points forcaravans, and this is indicated in the entry. Voltage is generally240v. If you think you may need an adaptor, ask about it whenyou book. It is sensible to make some provision for your ownlighting, and heating if necessary.THE CARAVANNING AND CAMPING“STAR QUALITY GRADING SCHEME”The UK Caravan and Camping Park ‘Star Quality Grading Scheme’reflects the overall quality of the park and not the range offacilities it provides. The highest rating of Five Stars is reservedfor those parks of exceptional quality which also provide specifickey facilities and services. In <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, the scheme isadministered jointly by the National Caravan Council and theBritish Holiday and Homes Parks Association and is supportedand endorsed by the <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Tourist Board.Each park is visited by an independent inspector and assessedon the efficiency of service, general maintenance of the facilitiesand the layout and landscaping. Particular emphasis is placedon the standard of cleanliness throughout.★★★★★ Parks providing an ‘Exceptional’ level of cleanliness, service, overallmaintenance and groundmanship. In addition, certain key facilities and services arealso provided.★★★★ Parks providing an ‘Excellent’ level of cleanliness, service, overallmaintenance and groundmanship.★★★ Parks providing a ‘Very Good’ level of cleanliness, service, overallmaintenance and groundmanship.★★ Parks providing a ‘Good’ level of cleanliness, service, overall maintenance andgroundmanship.★ Parks providing an ‘Acceptable’ level of cleanliness, service, overallmaintenance and groundmanship.CAMPING – UND WOHNWAGENPARKSDas‚ Qualitätseinstufungsprogramm nach Sternen’ fürWohnwagen - und Campingparks in Großbritannien spiegelt dieallgemeine Qualität des Parks, nicht die Palette dervorhandenen Einrichtungen wider. Die höchste Einstufung, alsofünf Sterne, ist solchen Parks vorbehalten, die nicht nur einaußergewöhnlich hohes Qualitätsniveau aufweisen, sondernauch spezifische wichtige Einrichtungen und Dienstleistungenanbieten. Für das Einstufungsprogramm sind in Nordirland dasNational Caravan Council und die British Holiday & Homes ParksAssociation gemeinsam zuständig und das Programm wird vom<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Tourist Board unterstützt und gefördert.4

Sämtliche Parks werden von einem unabhängigenSachverständigen inspiziert und nach Effizienz derDienstleistungserbringung, allgemeiner Wartung derEinrichtungen sowie der Aufteilung und landschaftlichenGestaltung des Platzes beurteilt. Dabei wird besonderer Wertauf das allgemeine Sauberkeitsniveau gelegt.★★★★★ Parks mit einem‚ außergewöhnlich’ hohen Niveau an Sauberkeit,Service, allgemeiner Wartung und Platzpflege. Außerdem werden bestimmtewichtige Einrichtungen und Dienstleistungen angeboten.★★★★ Parks mit einem‚ ausgezeichneten’ Niveau an Sauberkeit, Service,allgemeiner Wartung und Platzpflege.★★★ Parks mit einem‚ sehr guten’ Niveau an Sauberkeit, Service, allgemeinerWartung und Platzpflege.★★ Parks mit einem‚ guten’ Niveau an Sauberkeit, Service, allgemeiner Wartungund Platzpflege.★ Parks mit einem‚ akzeptablen’ Niveau an Sauberkeit, Service, allgemeinerWartung und Platzpflege.CAMPINGS ET CARAVANSLe système britannique de classification des terrains de <strong>camping</strong>et caravaning utilise des étoiles pour différencier la qualitéglobale des établissements, et non pas la gammed’équipements offerts. La classification supérieure - cinq étoiles- est réservée aux terrains de qualité exceptionnelle qui offrentégalement certains équipements et services clés. En Irlande duNord, ce programme est administré conjointement par leNational Caravan Council et la British Holiday & Homes ParksAssociation, avec le soutien et l’approbation de l’Office duTourisme de l’Irlande du Nord.Chaque terrain fait l’objet d’une inspection par un expertindépendant, qui base son évaluation sur des critères tels quel’efficacité du service, l’entretien général des installations,l’agencement et l’aménagement paysager. Une importanceconsidérable est attachée à la propreté à tous les niveaux.★★★★★ Terrains à caractère exceptionnel au niveau de la propreté, du service,de l’entretien général et de la gestion. Des équipements et des services clés sontpar ailleurs offerts.★★★★ Terrains offrant d’excellents résultats au niveau de la propreté, du service,de l’entretien général et de la gestion.★★★ Terrains offrant de très bons résultats au niveau de la propreté, du service,de l’entretien général et de la gestion.★★ Terrains offrant de bons résultats au niveau de la propreté, du service, del’entretien général et de la gestion.★ Terrains offrant des résultats acceptables au niveau de la propreté, du service,de l’entretien général et de la gestion.5

CAMPING CARAVANNING“Plan de Clasificación de Calidad por Estrellas” de los Campingsy Campings de Caravanas del R.U. recoge la calidad general del<strong>camping</strong> y no el abanico de servicios que proporciona. Laclasificación máxima de Cinco Estrellas está reservada para los<strong>camping</strong>s de excepcional calidad que también proporcionaninstalaciones y servicios determinados. En Irlanda del Norte, elplan es administrado conjuntamente por el National CaravanCouncil y la British Holiday & Homes Parks Association y cuentacon el apoyo della Junta de Tourismo para Irlanda del Norte.Cada <strong>camping</strong> es visitado por un inspector independiente queevalúa la eficacia del servicio, el mantenimiento general de lasinstalaciones y su disposición y paisaje. Se pone un particularénfasis en el nivel de limpieza de todas las instalaciones.★★★★★ Campings que proporcionan un nivel de limpieza, servicio,mantenimiento global y personal “Excepcional” Además, también se proporcionanalgunas instalaciones y servicios determinados.★★★★ Campings que proporcionan un nivel de limpieza, servicio,mantenimiento global y personal “Excelente”★★★ Campings que proporcionan un nivel de limpieza, servicio, mantenimientoglobal y personal “Muy bueno”★★ Campings que proporcionan un nivel de limpieza, servicio, mantenimientoglobal y personal “Bueno”★ Campings que proporcionan un nivel de limpieza, servicio, mantenimientoglobal y personal “Aceptable”6

Belfast AreaPark LocationsBELFAST AREA1 Dundonald2 JordanstownJordanstown2BelfastDundonald11Dundonald Touring Caravan ParkDundonald Leisure Park, 111 Old Dundonald Road BT16 0XT.☎ +44 (028) 9080 9101 (Castlereagh Borough Council)sales@castlereagh.gov.ukwww.theicebowl.comOPEN 13 MARCH – 31 OCTOBER.22 Y & 1 @ £17 per night (includes electric, water and wastehook-up). 30 T @ £10 per night. Prices under review. Charges arefor up to 4 persons.Closest park to Belfast City centre. From Belfast follow directions to CityAirport on M3 – then A20 outer ring to Ulster Hospital – at Hospital turnright and follow road past traffic lights – turn right – Ice Bowl is left.Caravan Park is adjacent to Ice Bowl, which contains an Olympic Ice Rink,30-lane 10 pin Bowling Alley, children’s indoor adventure playground,pool tables, fast food restaurant and coffee bar.C ^ y P I 5 c ^ ( 9 ! - I 2 m k v d € 2Jordanstown Lough Shore ParkShore Road, Newtownabbey BT37 0PY.☎ +44 (028) 9086 3133 Mobile: 07775 687 356(Newtownabbey Borough Council)www.newtownabbey.gov.ukOPEN ALL YEAR. (Booking essential October - March. Maximum Stay 2 nights.)6 Y & 1 @ £9 per night. Hook-up £1.50 per night.2 T @ £9 per night. Prices under review.5 miles North of Belfast on Shore Road (A2). Close to University of Ulster,Jordanstown, bus routes to Belfast, ferry terminals and the CausewayCoast and Glens of Antrim. Picnic and children's play areas nearby.C ^ P y P I 5 [20amp] c ( 9 I m EPlease confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.7

CountyAntrimPark LocationsANTRIM3 Six Mile WaterBALLYCASTLE4 Watertop FarmBALLYMONEY5 DrumaheglisBUSHMILLS6 Ballyness7 BushCUSHENDALL8 CushendallCUSHENDUN9 CushendunLARNE10 Carnfunnock11 CurranPORTRUSH12 Ballymacrea13 Bellemont14 Carrick Dhu15 Hilltop Holiday ParkPortrush12 13 14 15Bushmills 6 7Ballycastle 4Cushendun 9Cushendall 8Ballymoney 5Larne 10 11Antrim 3Antrim38Six Mile Water Caravan ParkLough Road BT41 4DQ. ☎ +44 (028) 9446 4963(Antrim Borough Council)sixmilewater@antrim.gov.ukwww.antrim.gov.uk/caravanparkOPEN 27 FEBRUARY – 2 NOVEMBER.20 Y & 1 @ £17 per night (includes hook-up & awning).24 T @ £11/£17 per night.Located 1 mile from Antrim Town centre. Follow signs for AntrimForum/Lough Shore Park on Dublin Road (A26) - take the turn off forLough Road passing Antrim Forum on right. Park at end of road adjacentto Six Mile Water River. Situated close to Lough Neagh. Attractionsnearby include golf, riverside walks, leisure complex and watersports. TVroom, games area and family wash rooms. The Park’s central locationmakes it an ideal base for touring <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.m o C ( ^ y P I 5 [16amp] c 9 ! - I m n K JL 2 k v d EPlease confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

COUNTY ANTRIMBallycastle4Watertop Farm188 Cushendall Road BT54 6RN. ☎ +44 (028) 2076 2576watertopfarm@aol.comwww.watertopfarm.co.ukCARAVAN PARK OPEN 10 APRIL – 31 OCTOBER.FARM OPEN 1 JULY - 31 AUGUST.13 Y & 1 @ £14 per night, (includes hook-up and awning).4 T @ £8 per person. (2 man tent). Prices increase by £3 perperson upwards.18 miles east of Giant’s Causeway on A2 between Ballycastle andCushendall. Signposted from Ballycastle 6 miles. Entrance oppositeBallypatrick Forest. Park located within a working Open Farm-open Julyand August. Farm activities include pony trekking, fishing, boating, pedalgo-karts on site, quad train, assault course, farm tours on the paddiwagon,walking, small animals and a museum. 40 year anniversary in 2009.m o C y E P I 5 [13amp] c ^ ( I m n K v d EBallymoneyDrumaheglis Marina &5 Caravan Park36 Glenstall Road BT53 7QN.☎ +44 (028) 2766 0280/2766 0227(Ballymoney Borough Council)helen.neill@ballymoney.gov.ukwww.ballymoney.gov.uk www.visitballymoney.comOPEN 17 MARCH – 31 OCTOBER.55 Y & 1 @ £18 per night. No charge for hook-up and awning.10 T @ £13.50 per night.On Lower Bann. Off A26 between Ballymoney and Coleraine, turn left atSeacon crossroads and follow signposts for Drumaheglis Marina. Familywashrooms. Volleyball, table tennis, nature walk, barbecue and picnicareas, children’s play park. Boat park, 32 berth marina, on CausewayCoastal Route.m C ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ^ ( 9 2 m n L kd E Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.9

COUNTY ANTRIMBushmills6Ballyness Caravan Park40 Castlecatt Road BT57 8TN. ☎ +44 (028) 2073 2393info@ballynesscaravanpark.comwww.ballynesscaravanpark.comOPEN 13 MARCH – 1 NOVEMBER.48 Y & 1 @ £19 per night. No charge for hook-up.Awning £2 per night. 6 T @ £15 per night. Prices under review.500 metres south of Old Bushmills Distillery on B66 towards Dervock.Multi-award winning park on the spectacular North Coast. Wellmaintained quiet park set in a beautiful location. Close to BushmillsDistillery, Giant's Causeway and Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge. Heatedtoilet block and family bathroom available. Wildlife paradise withponds, wooded areas and meadow. Pubs, shops and restaurants nearby.Awards - 4 pennants AA and David Bellamy Gold Conservation.m C ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ^ ( 9 I 2 m n Kk v d E € 7Bush Caravan Park97 Priestland Road BT57 8UJ.☎ +44 (028) 2073 1678/7034 3040Fax: +44 (028) 7035 1998bushcaravanpark@tiscali.co.ukwww.bushcaravanpark.co.ukOPEN MARCH – 4 OCTOBER.50 Y & 1 @ £18 per night 2 persons. Awning £2 per night.10 T @ £10+ per night. Prices under review.Off B62 Ballymoney to Portrush Road. Park is approximately 275 yardson B17 road to Bushmills - signposted. Large meeting hall available forgatherings, crafts and entertainment.m o C ( ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ( 9 I 2 m nL J L v d E €10Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

COUNTY ANTRIMCushendall8Cushendall Caravan Park62 Coast Road BT44 0QW. ☎ +44 (028) 2177 1699(Moyle District Council)cushendallcp@moyle-council.orgwww.moyle-council.orgOPEN 1 APRIL – 31 OCTOBER.20 Y & 1 @ £17.55 per night. Awning £1.20 per night.4 T @ £8.60/£12.85 per night. Prices under review.3/ 4 mile from village centre towards Larne. Situated beside CushendallBoat Club. Park overlooks the sea.m o C ^ P y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ( 9 I 2 m nL K J L v d ECushendun9Cushendun Caravan Park14 Glendun Road BT44 0PX. ☎ +44 (028) 2176 1254(Moyle District Council)cushenduncp@moyle-council.orgwww.moyle-council.orgOPEN 1 APRIL – 31 OCTOBER.12 Y & 1 @ £17.55 per night. Hook-up £2 per night.Awning £1.20 per night. 10 T @ £8.60/£12.85 per night.Prices under review.Located 1 / 2 mile from village centre on Glendun Road, leading towardsBallycastle. Park is close to beach.m o C ( ^ P y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ^ 9 - I 2m n L K J L k v EPlease confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.11

COUNTY ANTRIMLarne10Carnfunnock Country ParkCoast Road BT40 2QG. ☎ +44 (028) 2827 0541/2826 0088(Larne Borough Council)carnfunnock@larne.gov.ukwww.larne.gov.uk/carnfunnockOPEN 13 MARCH – 2 NOVEMBER. (See website for opening times).28 Y & 1 @ £15/£17 per night. No charge for awning.10 T @ £8/£17 per night. Prices under review.On A2 Coast Road, 3.5 miles north of Larne between Drains Bay andBallygally. Walled garden, maze in the shape of <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, uniquesundials, golfing activities, outdoor adventure playground, family funzone (with 18 hole mini golf, bouncy castle, bungee run, laser claypigeon shooting and miniature railway), picnic/barbecue areas with giftand coffee shop. Regular weekend events, biodiversity trail, orienteering,mini cars and trampolines.m o C ^ y E P 5 [16amp] c ^ ( 9 I 2 m n L kv d E €11Curran Caravan Park131 Curran Road BT40 1BD. ☎ +44 (028) 2827 3797OPEN 1 APRIL – 31 OCTOBER.30 Y & 1 @ £13 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.17 T @ £10 per night (without hook-up). Prices under review.Situated 400 yards from Main Street on Curran Road towards LarneHarbour, on right. 400 yards to Ferry Terminal at Larne Harbour.Park located on edge of Larne Town Centre. Owned by fellowcaravanners who also own shop beside park. Putting and bowling greenare adjacent and leisure centre is a 5 minute walk away. Localrestaurants are all within walking distance. Ideal for long walks along thecoastal path or relaxing on one of the nearby beaches. Local countrypark and golf courses are 10 minutes drive away. Train and bus stationare nearby.m o C y E P I 5 [10amp] ( c ^ ( 9 ! - I m vE12Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

COUNTY ANTRIMPortrush12Ballymacrea Touring Caravan Park220 Ballybogey Road BT56 8NE. ☎ +44 (028) 7082 4507info@ballymacreacaravanpark.comwww.ballymacreacaravanpark.comOPEN 17 MARCH – 31 OCTOBER.45 Y & 1 @ £18/£20 per night (includes electric, water andwaste hook-up).On B62 Ballymoney to Portrush Road (Ballybogey Road). Approximately1 1 / 2 miles to Portrush, signposted at junction to Ballyholme Road. Familywashrooms. Family run park set in grounds of Ballymacrea House.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ^ ( - I m n KL v E €13Bellemont Caravan Park10 Islandtasserty Road BT52 2PN. ☎ +44 (028) 7082 3872OPEN 1 APRIL – 30 SEPTEMBER.28 Y & 1. Prices on request.Signposted off A29 between Coleraine and Portrush.m ^ y E P I 5 [10amp] ( c ^ ( 9 I 2 m n K JLANTRIM COASTPlease confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.13

COUNTY ANTRIM14Carrick Dhu Caravan Park12 Ballyreagh Road BT56 8LS. ☎ +44 (028) 7082 3712(Coleraine Borough Council)leisure@colerainebc.gov.ukwww.colerainebc.gov.ukOPEN 1 APRIL – 30 SEPTEMBER.45 Y & 1 @ £14/£29 per night. No charge for awning.20 T @ £14/£29 per night. £29 high season. Prices under review.1 mile west of Portrush on A2 coast road to Portstewart. Situated onNorth Antrim Coast, close to main resorts. Many activities nearby.o C ( ^ y E P I 5 [15amp] ( c ^ ( 9 - I m15Hilltop Holiday Park60 Loguestown Road BT56 8PD. ☎ +44 (028) 7082 3537info@blairscaravans.comwww.blairscaravans.comOPEN 1 FEBRUARY – 31 OCTOBER.60 Y & 1 @ £13/£18 per night. Awning £2.50 per night.50 T @ £13/£18 per night. Prices under review.Signposted off A29 between Coleraine and Portrush, about 1 mile fromthe centre of Portrush. Caravan holiday homes for hire.m o C ^ y E P 5 [16amp] ( c ( m 9 v E k € R 14Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

CountyArmaghPark LocationsLURGAN16 Kinnego MarinaTANDRAGEE17 Clare GlenBelfastLurgan16Tandragee17Lurgan16Kinnego Marina Caravan ParkKinnego Marina, Oxford Island BT66 6WJ.☎ +44 (028) 3832 7573(Craigavon Borough Council)kinnego.marina@craigavon.gov.ukwww.harbourguides.comOPEN 1 APRIL – 31 OCTOBER.10 Y & 1 @ £13 per night. Hook-up £2 per night. No chargefor awning. 12 T @ £10 per night.Signposted off M1 motorway at junction 10 for Oxford Island. Situated onthe shores of Lough Neagh within the National Nature Reserve. Caféclosed Mon/Tues; open Wed-Fri 10.00 am-3.00 pm and Sat/Sun 10.00am-5.00 pm.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [15amp] c ( I m K J L k vEPlease confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.15

COUNTY ARMAGHTandragee17Clare Glen Caravan ParkMarkethill Road BT62 2DF. ☎ +44 (028) 3884 1110(Armagh City & District Council)trc@armagh.gov.ukwww.visitarmagh.comOPEN ALL YEAR. (Excluding Christmas)25 Y & 1 @ £12 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.Booking by arrangement. 25 T @ £9.50 per night.From Tandragee take the B3 Markethill Road, proceed approx. 1 mileand park is on the left. Park is an ideal location for those seeking arelaxing break. Located within a winding river valley in an area ofconsiderable beauty, enhanced by mature trees and bordering theCusher River. The river is popular for fishing and pets are permitted.m o C ^ y E P 5 [13amp] c 9 I - m k E v €OXFORD ISLAND16Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

CountyDownPark LocationsANNALONG18 AnnalongHILLSBOROUGH19 Lakeside-viewKILKEEL20 Chestnutt21 Cranfield22 SandilandsKILLYLEAGH23 Delamont Country ParkNEWCASTLE24 Murlough CottageROSTREVOR25 KilbroneyBelfastHillsborough19Killyleagh 23Newcastle24Annalong 18Rostrevor 25Kilkeel 20 21 22Annalong18Annalong Holiday Park38 Kilkeel Road BT34 4TJ. ☎ +44 (028) 4376 8248info@chestnuttholidayparks.comwww.chestnuttholidayparks.comOPEN 17 MARCH – 31 OCTOBER.11 Y & 1 @ £19 per night. Awning £1 per night.On main Newcastle to Kilkeel Road (A2) in centre of village. Beachfrontpitches, with the convenience of a large village. Booking advisable.o C ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c - 2 m n ^ ( 9 vE € Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.17

COUNTY DOWNHillsboroughLakeside-view Caravan19 and Camping Park71 Magheraconluce Road BT26 6PR. ☎ +44 (028) 9268 2098lakeside-view@hotmail.co.ukwww.lakeside-view.8m.comOPEN EASTER – 31 OCTOBER.20 Y & 1. 10 T. Prices under review.From M1 and A1 travel to Hillsborough village. Take Ballynahinch Road(B177) for approximately 3 miles, signposted at Magheraconluce Road,Annahilt. Quiet countryside park with scenic views of both lake andmountains. Hard and green pitches available, children’s play parkequipment, picnic and barbecue areas on site. Modern centrally heatedfacilities block. Children’s games room and watersports spectating frompark grounds. 30 minute drive to Belfast City centre, 2 hour drive toLondonderry.m C y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ^ ( I 2 mK d € RKilkeel20Chestnutt Holiday Park3 Grange Road, Cranfield West BT34 4LW.☎ +44 (028) 4176 2653info@chestnuttholidayparks.comwww.chestnuttholidayparks.comCARAVAN PARK OPEN 17 MARCH - 31 OCTOBER.MOTORHOME PARK OPEN 10 APRIL - 31 OCTOBER.60 Y & 1. 10 T. Prices on request.4 miles south of Kilkeel - signposted Cranfield West, from Newry A2 toKilkeel. Adjacent to Blue Flag beach and surrounded by mountains.Booking advisable. Caravan holiday homes for hire.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ^ ( 9 - I 2 mn v E € R 18Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

COUNTY DOWNKilkeel21Cranfield Caravan Park123 Cranfield Road BT34 4LJ. ☎ +44 (028) 4176 2572jimchestnut@btconnect.comwww.cranfieldcaravanpark.co.ukOPEN 17 MARCH - 31 OCTOBER.40 Y & 1. Prices under review.Off A2, signposted Cranfield West. Family washrooms.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] ( ( 9 I m n K k vE €22Sandilands Holiday Park30 Cranfield Road, Cranfield East BT34 4LJ.☎ +44 (028) 4176 3634info@chestnuttholidayparks.comwww.chestnuttholidayparks.comOPEN 17 MARCH - 31 OCTOBER.27 Y & 1. 5T. Prices on request.3 miles south of Kilkeel, signposted Cranfield East. From Newry (A2 toKilkeel) - signposted Cranfield East 4 miles. Adjacent to private beachwith Mourne Mountains as a backdrop. Bookings advisable.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ^ ( 9 I 2 m nE € Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.19

NORTHERN IRELANDTOURING CARAVANPARK LOCATIONS35 4015 14736 37 13 12 383954432827293130434142263233PARK LOCATIONS1. Dundonald Touring Caravan Park2. Jordanstown Lough Shore Park3. Six Mile Water Marina &Caravan Park4. Watertop Farm5. Drumaheglis Marina & Caravan Park6. Ballyness Caravan Park7. Bush Caravan Park8. Cushendall Caravan Park9. Cushendun Caravan Park10. Carnfunnock Country Park11. Curran Caravan Park2012. Ballymacrea Touring Caravan Park13. Bellemont Caravan Park14. Carrick Dhu Caravan Park15. Hilltop Holiday Park16. Kinnego Marina Caravan Park17. Clare Glen Caravan Park18. Annalong Holiday Park19. Lakeside-View Caravan andCamping Park20. Chestnutt Holiday Park21. Cranfi eld Caravan Park22. Sandilands Holiday Park

17NORTHERN IRELAND4891011321161923242520211822This map is a guide only.Please telephone for exact route directions, before you set off!23. Delamont Country Park24. Murlough Cottage Caravan Park25. Kilbroney Caravan Park26. Rushin House Caravan Park27. Blaney Caravan Park andCamp Site28. Lough Melvin Holiday Centre29. Loaneden Caravan Park30. Castle Archdale Caravan Park31. Drumhoney Caravan Park32. Mullynascarthy Caravan Park33. Share Holiday Village34. Ballyronan Marina and Caravan Park35. Benone Tourist Complex36. Deighan Caravans37. Golden Sands Caravan Park38. Ballyleese Town & CountryCaravan Park39. Tullans Farm Caravan Park40. Juniper Hill Caravan Park41. Clogher Valley Country Caravan Park42. Dungannon Park43. Round Lake Caravan Park44. Sperrin Mountains Caravan Park21

COUNTY DOWNKillyleaghDelamont Country Park Camping23 and Caravanning Club SiteDelamont Country Park, Downpatrick Road BT30 9TZ.☎ +44 (028) 4482 1833/0845 130 7633www.<strong>camping</strong>and<strong>caravanning</strong>club.co.uk/delamontcountryparkOPEN 12 MARCH - 9 NOVEMBER.63 Y , 1 & T @ £17.90/£23.30 per couple, per night. Hook-up£3.20 per night. No charge for awning. Prices under review.1 mile south of Killyleagh on A22, 4 miles north of Downpatrick. Situatedin 4 1 / 2 acres within Down District Council’s Country Park on the shores ofStrangford Lough, an area of outstanding natural beauty. Non-memberswelcome. Silver David Bellamy Conservation Park. Free entry to thecountry park for campers.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c 9 I m n kNewcastleMurlough Cottage24 Caravan Park180-182 Dundrum Road BT33 0LN.☎ +44 (028) 4372 2906/4372 3184info@murloughcottage.comwww.murloughcottage.comOPEN 1 MARCH – 31 OCTOBER.26 Y & 1 @ £20 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.Approximately 2 miles north of Newcastle on A24 Dundrum Road,signposted. The Park has been run by the Truesdale Family for 70 yearsand the one thing that remains totally the same, is the warm andfriendly welcome you will receive when you stay with us. The idylliclocation is in an area of outstanding natural beauty. An ideal centrallocation to explore many of the local attractions.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [10amp] ( c ^ ( 9 - I m n vE22Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

COUNTY DOWNRostrevor25Kilbroney Caravan ParkKilbroney Park, Shore Road BT34 3DQ.☎ +44 (028) 4173 8134(Newry & Mourne District Council)kilbroneypark@newryandmourne.gov.ukwww.visitnewryandmourne.comOPEN 13 APRIL – 31 OCTOBER.52 Y & 1 @ £14 per night. No charge for hook-up. Awning £1per night. 30 T @ £7.60 per night. Prices under review.Park is located in the village of Rostrevor and can be accessed from A2Rostrevor/Kilkeel Road. The Park is located within Kilbroney CountryPark, in a landscaped area overlooking Carlingford Lough. It offers anexcellent touring base for exploring the surrounding countryside andcoastline which is designated an area of outstanding natural beauty.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] c ( ^ 9 - I m n KJ L k v d EMOURNE MOUNTAINS, COUNTY DOWNPlease confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.23

CountyFermanaghPark LocationsBELCOO26 Rushin HouseBLANEY27 BlaneyGARRISON28 Lough MelvinKESH29 LoanedenLISNARICK30 Castle Archdale31 DrumhoneyLISNASKEA32 Mullynascarthy33 Share Holiday VillageKesh 29Garrison28Belcoo26Blaney27Lisnarick30 31Lisnaskea32 33Belcoo26 Rushin House Caravan ParkHolywell BT93 5DU. ☎ +44 (028) 6638 6519info@rushinhousecaravanpark.comwww.rushinhousecaravanpark.comOPEN 13 MARCH – 31 OCTOBER.24 Y & 1 @ £20 per night. No charge for hook-up. Awning £2per night. 30 T @ £12/£18 per night.[7 nights for price of 6 in low season, excluding bank holiday weekends].From Enniskillen take A4 road west for 13 miles to Belcoo. Take B52(towards Garrison) for 1 mile, signposted. Park is located on the shores ofLough MacNean, close to the village of Belcoo. Scenic views of the lough,the valley and mountains provide a spectacular backdrop. Local attractionsinclude Marble Arch Caves European Geopark, Belleek Pottery, CuilcaghMountain Park, Florence Court House, Enniskillen Castle and Museums.There are many pubs and restaurants within easy walking distance. EUFlower accredited.m o C ( ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ^ ( 9 - I 2m n K L k v d E €Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.24

COUNTY FERMANAGHBlaneyBlaney Caravan Park and27 Camp SiteBlaney, Enniskillen BT93 7ER. ☎ +44 (028) 6864 1634info@blaneycaravanpark.comwww.blaneycaravanpark.comOPEN 17 MARCH – 31 OCTOBER.17 Y & 1 @ £14 per night. No charge for hook-up. No charge forawning. 5 T @ £10/£14 per night.8 miles west of Enniskillen on A46 road to Belleek.m o C ^ y P I 5 [5amp] ( c ( I 2 m K LGarrison28 Lough Melvin Holiday CentreMain Street, Garrison BT93 4ET. ☎ +44 (028) 6865 8142loughmelvin@btconnect.comwww.melvinholidaycentre.comOPEN ALL YEAR.9 Y & 1 @ £20 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.9 T @ £15 per night.In Garrison Village on the shores of Lough Melvin.m o C ( ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] c ^ ( 9 I 2 m nK J L k v d E €Kesh29Loaneden Caravan ParkMuckross Bay. ☎ +44 (028) 6863 1603loaneden@aol.comwww.loanedencaravanpark.comOPEN 1 FEBRUARY – END NOVEMBER.34 Y & 1 @ £21/£22 per night. Hook-up and awning £1 eachper night. 4 T @ £15 per night.Located just outside Kesh at Muckross Bay, signposted.m o C y E P I 5 [10amp] ( c ^ ( 9 I 2 mK Ld EPlease confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.25

COUNTY FERMANAGHLisnarick30Castle Archdale Caravan ParkLisnarick, Irvinestown BT94 1PP. ☎ +44 (028) 6862 1333bookings@castlearchdale.comwww.castlearchdale.comOPEN 1 APRIL – 31 OCTOBER.[BAR/RESTAURANTS/SHOP: OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY APRIL, MAY,JUNE, SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. DAILY JULY AND AUGUST].108 Y & 1 @ £20 per night. No charge for awning. Hook-up£2.50 per night. Fully serviced pitches £25 per night.50 T @ £15/£20 per night. Hook-up £2.50 per night.10 miles north of Enniskillen, off B82 Enniskillen – Kesh Road, adjacent toLough Erne, signposted. Fully licensed bar, restaurant and shop. Walks,picnic areas, nature reserve and marina nearby.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [6amp] ( c ( 9 2 m K J Lk d v E € R31Drumhoney Caravan ParkLisnarick, Irvinestown BT94 1NB.☎ +44 (028) 6862 1892/07740 508 270drumhoney@btconnect.comwww.drumhoneyholidaypark.comOPEN 1 APRIL – 31 OCTOBER.41 Y & 1 @ £20 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.6 T @ £16 per night.10 miles north of Enniskillen, off B82 Enniskillen/Kesh Road.18 miles from Omagh via Irvinestown or Kesh, signposted. Centrallocation to restaurants and friendly pubs. Family facilities include: gamesroom, fun carts, playpark and football area. Caravan holiday homes forhire.m o C ( ^ y E P I 5 [10amp] ( c ^ ( 9 I 2 mK L k d E € R26Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

COUNTY FERMANAGHLisnaskea32Mullynascarthy Caravan ParkGola Road BT92 0NZ. ☎ +44 (028) 6772 1040OPEN 1 APRIL – 31 OCTOBER.43 Y & 1. Prices under review. No charge for hook-up or awning.25 T. Prices under review.Approximately 1 mile from Lisnaskea on road to Carrybridge. Situated onthe banks of the Colebrook River. Marble Arch Caves European Geoparkand Crom Estate nearby. Picturesque location.m o C y E P I 5 [5amp] ( c ^ ( 9 I 2 n K JL k d € R33Share Holiday VillageSmith’s Strand BT92 0EQ. ☎ +44 (028) 6772 2122reception@sharevillage.orgwww.sharevillage.orgOPEN 1 APRIL – 30 SEPTEMBER.10 Y & 1 @ £15 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.24 T @ £10/£13.50 per night.3 miles south of Lisnaskea on B127 Derrylin Road, signposted. Purposebuiltfacilities for less-abled visitors. Activity programme available tocampers and caravanners during peak season, including temporaryleisure suite membership. Chalets for hire.m o ( ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] c ^ ( ! I J L k €CYCLING IN FERMANAGHPlease confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.27

CountyLondonderryPark LocationsBALLYRONAN34 Ballyronan MarinaBENONE35 Benone Tourist Complex36 Deighan Caravans37 Golden SandsCOLERAINE38 Ballyleese39 Tullans FarmPORTSTEWART40 Juniper HillPortstewart40Coleraine38 39Benone35 36 37Ballyronan34BelfastBallyronanBallyronan Marina &34 Caravan Park99 Shore Road BT45 6JG. ☎ +44 (028) 7941 8399(Cookstown District Council)opservices@cookstown.gov.ukwww.cookstown.gov.ukOPEN 1 APRIL – 30 SEPTEMBER.12 Y & 1 @ £14 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.3 T @ £9 per night.5 miles south east of Magherafelt B160 road, 12 miles north east ofCookstown A23/B18 road, signposted. Watersports, walks and picnicarea. Picturesque area on shores of Lough Neagh. Includes play park,games area, woodland trails and wildlife.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [30amp] ( 9 I mK J L v E€28Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

COUNTY LONDONDERRYBenone35Benone Tourist Complex53 Benone Avenue BT49 0LQ. ☎ +44 (028) 7775 0555(Limavady Borough Council)benone.complex@limavady.gov.ukwww.limavady.gov.ukOPEN 1 APRIL – 30 SEPTEMBER.101 Y & 1. 5 T. Prices on request.On A2 coast road approximately 12 miles from Limavady and 10 milesfrom Coleraine. Park offers two outside heated splash pools (seasonal),play area, golf practice range, putting and bowling greens. Admissionfee per activity. Family washrooms. Café seasonal.m o C ^ P y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ^ ( 9 ! - I mn k v d E €36Deighan Caravans5 Benone Avenue BT49 0LQ. ☎ +44 (028) 7775 0557info@deighanscaravans.comwww.deighanscaravans.comOPEN 1 APRIL – 30 SEPTEMBER.50 Y & 1 @ £13.50 per night. Hook-up and awning £2 each pernight. Prices under review.Off A2 coast road between Limavady and Coleraine. Follow signs forBenone. Adjacent to 7 miles of sandy beach. Ulster Gliding Club nearby.m o C y E P I 5 [10amp] ( c ^ ( 9 ! - I m nk v E €Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.29

COUNTY LONDONDERRY37Golden Sands Caravan Park26 Benone Avenue BT49 0LQ.☎ +44 (028) 7775 0324OPEN 23 MARCH – 30 OCTOBER.50 Y & 1 @ £17 per night. Hook-up and awning £1 each pernight. 10 T @ £15 per night.Off A2 coast road connection between Limavady and Coleraine (9 milesfrom each). Situated adjacent to Benone Blue Flag beach. Glidingnearby.m o C ^ y E P I 5 [10amp] ( c ^ ( 9 ! - I m nk v E €ColeraineBallyleese Town &38 Country Caravan Park34 Agherton Road BT55 7PJ. ☎ +44 (028) 7083 3308bonalston@btconnect.comOPEN 1 MARCH – 31 OCTOBER.16 Y & 1 @ £18 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.6 pitches suitable for trailer tents.Off B185 road from Coleraine to Portstewart. Agherton Road is on theleft approximately 3 miles from Coleraine. Park is 700 metres on right,signposted. Situated in a quiet rural setting, the park is on the edge ofbusy Portstewart. The tourist can enjoy all that the Causeway Coast hasto offer.m C y E P ( 5 [5amp] c ^ ( 9 I 2 m n K v E€30Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

COUNTY LONDONDERRY39Tullans Farm Caravan Park46 Newmills Road BT52 2JB. ☎ +44 (028) 7034 2309tullansfarm@hotmail.comOPEN 17 MARCH – 30 SEPTEMBER.36 Y & 1 @ £17 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.5 T @ £10/£15 per night.Off A29 (ringroad), 1 mile south of Coleraine, midway between LodgeRoad and Ballycastle Road roundabouts, follow Windyhall sign. Workingfarm and pet lambs in season. Barbecue and pool table, table tennis andsnooker. Family washrooms.m C ( ^ y E P I 5 [10amp] ( c ^ ( 9 ! - I 2m n L K J L v EPortstewart40Juniper Hill Caravan Park70 Ballyreagh Road BT55 7PT. ☎ +44 (028) 7083 2023(Coleraine Borough Council)leisure@colerainebc.gov.ukwww.colerainebc.gov.ukOPEN 1 APRIL – 30 SEPTEMBER.80 Y & 1 @ £14/£29 per night. Hook-up £1 per night. Nocharge for awning. 6 T @ £14/£29 per night. Prices under review.1 mile east of Portstewart on A2 coast road to Portrush. Splendid viewsand modern facilities. Fishing, boating and horseriding nearby.o C ( ^ y E P I 5 [15amp] ( c ^ ( 9 - I m kv ETHE WALLED CITY,COUNTY LONDONDERRYPlease confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.31

CountyTyronePark LocationsCLOGHERFIVEMILETOWN41 Clogher Valley Country 43 Round LakeDUNGANNONOMAGH42 Dungannon Park 44 Sperrin MountainsOmagh 44Dungannon42Clogher41Fivemiletown43ClogherClogher Valley Country41 Caravan Park9 Fardross Road BT76 0HG. ☎ +44 (028) 8554 8932info@caravanpark-northernireland.co.ukwww.cloghervalley.co.ukOPEN ALL YEAR.40 Y & 1 @ £15 per night. Hook-up and awning £1 each pernight. 20 T @ £15 per night.400 yards off A4 between Clogher and Fivemiletown, signposted.Nestled in 18 acres of parkland with remarkable scenic beauty, forestwalks and lakes. Local villages with shops, nearby.m o C ( y E P I 5 [16amp] ( c ^ ( I 2 m n LK J L d E € R32Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

COUNTY TYRONEDungannon42Dungannon ParkMoy Road BT71 6DY. ☎ +44 (028) 8772 8690(Dungannon & South Tyrone Borough Council)dpreception@dungannon.gov.ukwww.dungannon.gov.ukOPEN 1 MARCH – 31 OCTOBER.12 Y & 1 @ £12 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.12 T @ £8 per night.From junction 15 on M1 take A29 in direction of Dungannon. Continuestraight until second set of traffic lights. Turn left, signposted DungannonPark. The caravan park is situated in a 70 acre park with woodland pathsand a tremendous view over a rainbow trout lake. Modern visitorfacilities maintained to a high standard. Tennis, angling, cricket andfootball facilities. Lounge area, laundry and chemical disposal: March08.30 - 22.00 (23.00 April).C ( ^ y E P I 5 [16amp] c ^ ( 9 ! - I 2 m nk v d E €Fivemiletown43Round Lake Caravan ParkMurley Road BT75 0QS. ☎ +44 (028) 8952 1949/8772 7327(Dungannon & South Tyrone Borough Council)dpreception@dungannon.gov.ukwww.dungannon.gov.ukOPEN 1 MARCH – 31 OCTOBER.12 Y & 1 @ £12 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.5 T @ £8/£12 per night.Signposted 1 / 2 mile from Fivemiletown on Fintona Road.m o C ( y E P I 5 [16amp] c ( 9 I 2 m n v E€Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.33

COUNTY TYRONEOmagh44Sperrin Mountains Caravan Park1 Lisnaharney Road BT79 7UG. ☎ +44 (028) 8166 2288Mobile: 07813 957 563mail@sperrincottages.comwww.sperrincottages.comOPEN EASTER – 30 SEPTEMBER.24 Y & 1 @ £15 per night. No charge for hook-up or awning.10 T @ £10 per night.6 miles north of Omagh and 3 miles south of Gortin, signposted on theB48. Most pitches bounded by hedging to offer privacy. A spacious andsheltered, purpose-built grass <strong>camping</strong> area has been provided to caterfor tents and trailer tents. There are three mountain bike trails situated inthe adjacent forest accessed from the park, graded from ‘Basic’ through‘Moderate’ to ‘Expert’. We are situated 4 miles from the Ulster AmericanFolk Park, an open-air museum telling the story of emigration fromUlster to America in the 18th and 19th centuries, providing visitors witha ‘living history’ experience on its outdoor site. Chalet hire available.m o C ( ^ y E P I 5 [20amp] c ^ ( I 2 d E k €AN CREÁGAN VISITOR CENTRE34Please confirm with caravan site if shower facilities incur a charge.

Other SitesThe sites listed below are not inspected but are licensed to operateby local councils. Contact the local tourist information office (TIC) forinformation on facilities, availabilty and location.Ards Borough Council☎ +44 (0) 28 9182 6846 (TIC)www.ards-council.gov.ukBallyhalbert Holiday ParkBallywhiskin Caravan andCampingCloughey Holiday Village & SpaRingbuoy Caravan ParkRockmore Caravan ParkRosebank Caravan ParkSandycove Holiday ParkSeaview Caravan ParkSilver Bay Caravan ParkTara Caravan Park (static hireonly)Woodlands Caravan ParkCarrickfergus Borough Council☎ +44 (0) 28 9335 8049 (TIC)www.carrickfergus.orgBlackhead CarparkCarrickfergus Motor HomeService Units (Service Only)Coleraine Borough Council☎ +44 (0) 28 7034 4723 (TIC)www.colerainebc.gov.ukBlairs Caravan ParkGolf Links Holiday Home ParkMillfield Holiday Village(Caravan Park)Portballintrae Holiday HomeParkThe Skerries Holiday ParkDown District Council☎ +44 (0) 28 4461 2233 (TIC)www.downdc.gov.ukBonny’s Caravan ParkBryansford Caravan ParkCastlewellan Forest ParkConey Island Caravan ParkEdgewater Holiday ParkLazy B J Caravan ParkMourneview Caravan ParkStrangford Caravan ParkStrangford Holiday HomesSunnyholme Caravan ParkTollymore Forest ParkWindsor Caravan ParkWoodcroft Caravan ParkDungannon & South TyroneDistrict Council☎ +44 (0) 28 8776 7259 (TIC)www.dungannon.gov.ukAltmore Caravan ParkFermanagh District Council☎ +44 (0) 28 6632 3110 (TIC)www.fermanagh.gov.ukClareview Leisure (CaravanPark)Edgewater Caravan ParkLough Erne Yacht ClubManor House Caravan ParkLimavady Borough Council☎ +44 (0) 28 7776 0307 (TIC)www.limavady.gov.ukFairways Caravan ParkMoyle District Council☎ +44 (0) 28 2076 2024 (TIC)www.moyle-council.orgFairhead Caravan SiteGlenmore Caravan andCamping ParkGlenville Caravan ParkHayes Caravan ParkMaguires Strand Caravan ParkSilvercliffs Holiday VillageNewry and Mourne DistrictCouncil☎ +44 (0) 28 3031 3170 (TIC)www.newryandmourne.gov.ukCranfield BayLeestone Caravan ParkShanlieve Caravan ParkSilver Cove Caravan Park35

information on the gofor up-to-date informationwhile in <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>email: info@nitb.comvisit: www.discovernorthernireland.commobile: Text the word FIND or FIND HOTEL to83333 (local mobile networks) or004477 8148 020 (international mobile networks)browse: m.nitb.com (normal network charges apply)Networked TouristInformation CentresBELFAST CITYBelfast CityBelfast Welcome CentreTourist Information (Belfast & NI)47 Donegall PlaceT: (028) 9024 6609Belfast AreaGeorge Best Belfast City AirportSydenham BypassT: (028) 9093 5372Belfast International AirportArrivals HallT: (028) 9448 4677COUNTY ANTRIMAntrim16 High StreetT: (028) 9442 8331BallycastleSheskburn House, 7 Mary St.T: (028) 2076 2024BallymenaThe Braid, 1-29 Bridge StreetT: (028) 2563 5900BallymoneyBallymoney Town Hall1 Townhead StreetT: (028) 2766 0230CarrickfergusTourist Information Centreand Museum11 Antrim StreetT: (028) 9335 8049Giant’s Causeway44 Causeway Road, BushmillsT: (028) 2073 1855LarneNarrow Gauge RoadT: (028) 2826 0088E: tic.lisburn@lisburn.gov.ukLisburn15 Lisburn SquareT: (028) 9266 0038Portrush (seasonal)Dunluce Centre, Sandhill DriveT: (028) 7082 3333COUNTY ARMAGHArmagh40 English StreetT: (028) 3752 1800COUNTY DOWNBanbridge Tourist InformationCentre200 Newry RoadT: (028) 4062 3322Bangor34 Quay StreetT: (028) 9127 006936

DownpatrickThe St. Patrick Centre53a Market StreetT: (028) 4461 2233HillsboroughThe Courthouse, The SquareT: (028) 9268 9717KilkeelThe Nautilus Centre, Rooney RoadT: (028) 4176 2525Newcastle10-14 Central PromenadeT: (028) 4372 2222NewryBagenal’s Castle, Castle StreetT: (028) 3031 3170Newtownards31 Regent StreetT: (028) 9182 6846Portaferry (seasonal)The Stables, Castle StreetT: (028) 4272 9882COUNTY FERMANAGHEnniskillenWellington RoadT: (028) 6632 3110COUNTY LONDONDERRYColeraineRailway RoadT: (028) 7034 4723LimavadyCouncil Offices, 7 Connell StreetT: (028) 7776 0307Londonderry44 Foyle StreetT: (028) 7126 7284MagherafeltThe Bridewell, 6 Church StreetT: (028) 7963 1510COUNTY TYRONECookstownThe Burnavon, Burn RoadT: (028) 8676 9949Killymaddy190 Ballygawley RoadDungannon (off A4)T: (028) 8776 7259OmaghStrule Arts CentreTownhall SquareT: (028) 8224 7831StrabaneAlley Arts and Conference Centre1a Railway StreetT: (028) 7138 444437

Tourism <strong>Ireland</strong> is the international marketing body forthe island of <strong>Ireland</strong>. It covers the Republic of <strong>Ireland</strong> and<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>. For further tourist information, call theoffice for the country where you are based:UK ☎ 0800 039 7000 (Call Centre)USA ☎ 1800 SHAMROCKCanada ☎ 1800 SHAMROCKGermany ☎ +49 69 66 800 950Switzerland ☎ +41 (0) 44 210 4153Austria ☎ +43 (0) 501 5960 00Netherlands ☎ +31 20 504 0689Belgium ☎ +32 2 275 01 71France ☎ +33 1 70 20 00 20Italy ☎ +39 02 4829 6060Spain ☎ +34 91 745 6420Australia☎+61 2 9299 6177New Zealand☎+64 9 977 2255Denmark☎80 60 15 18Finland☎0800 41 969Norway ☎800 35 018 Sweden☎02 0015 9101South Africa☎+27 11 339 48 65Japan ☎+81 3 5367 6525China ☎+86 21 6279 8788Israel☎+972 3 695 1827Dubai/United Arab Emirates☎+971 4 341 6764India☎+91 22 3296 1624Poland ☎ +4861 855 3226Getting to <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>Excellent sea, air and road links bring <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> within easyreach of just about anywhere.Visit www.discovernorthernireland.com for the latest travelinformation.38

The information contained in this guidehas been published in good faith on thebasis on information submitted to NITBby the premises. While every effort hasbeen made to ensure accuracy in thispublication, The <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> TouristBoard can accept no liability whatsoeverfor any errors, inaccuracies or omissions,or for any matter in any way arising outof the publication information. Whereerrors are brought to our attention,future publications will be amendedaccordingly.

KEY TOACCOMMODATIONSYMBOLSSpaces for touring caravans YSpaces for motor caravans 1Spaces for tentsTRural settingmArea of exceptional natural beauty oDogs admitted on leadCLounge/television room (Public telephone^Gas/electricity charged by meter PWashing facilities on siteyDrying facilities on siteEShowers on sitePElectric shaver points on site IElectricity supply to pitches 5Gas cylinders for hire (Booking recommended in summer cGames/sports area on site ^Children’s play area on site (Food shop/mobile shop onsite/nearby9 Indoor swimming pool nearby !Tennis courts nearby -BirdwatchingIFishing arranged 2Golf booked by manager/owner mPony trekking/riding arranged nGame shooting arrangedLBoat hire/cruising arranged KSailing arrangedJWatersports arrangedLCredit cards acceptedkRestaurant/eating place on site vCooking/barbecue facilities on site dConvenient to walks/waymarked EEuro accepted €Caravans available to rentMotorhome Service Points available(to non-guests) at a charge WiFi availableFor further tourist information call:Belfast Welcome Centre (Tourist Information)Belfast and <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>47 Donegall Place, Belfast, BT1 5AD☎ +44 (0) 28 9024 6609f: +44 (0) 28 9031 2424e: welcomecentre@belfastvisitor.comw: www.gotobelfast.com<strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Tourist Board16 Nassau St, Dublin 2☎ +353 (0) 1 679 1977CallSave: 1850 230 230 (ROI only)f: +353 (0) 1 679 1863e: infodublin@nitb.comNITB would be delighted to receive comments on thisguide. Please contact:2009publications@nitb.comThis document may be made available on request in Braille, audio,large print, computer disc and PDF formats. Contact VisitorInformation Unit for further details.Every care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the compilation of thisbrochure. NITB cannot accept responsibility for omissions or errors butthese will be rectified in future publications when brought to ourattention.© <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Tourist Board, 59 North Street, Belfast BT1 1NB.☎ +44 (0) 28 9023 1221 f: +44 (0) 28 9024 0960textphone: +44 (0) 28 9044 1522 e: info@nitb.comISBN 978-1-86193-252-5AC09ENG103NITB40m/3/09Front Cover: Downhill Beach, County Londonderry.

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