Sola Mayor Ole Ueland and ISS Pre-School students get to know ...

Sola Mayor Ole Ueland and ISS Pre-School students get to know ... Sola Mayor Ole Ueland and ISS Pre-School students get to know ...
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From the Direc<strong>to</strong>r:It is with great pleasure, (<strong>and</strong> a healthy sigh of relief!),that I can write <strong>to</strong> you describing how much our<strong>students</strong> are enjoying their new surroundings. Wehave now occupied all of the new classroom spaces,the dance/drama studio <strong>and</strong> the new primary schoollibrary. And since the middle school <strong>and</strong> two sectionsof third grade have migrated in<strong>to</strong> their new classrooms,we are underway on the process of preparing vacatedclassrooms for other classes <strong>to</strong> move in<strong>to</strong>. We expectthat the entire process will be completed in the nextmonth.We will have some weeks <strong>to</strong> wait yet until the newprimary school gym, kindergym <strong>and</strong> IT room arecompleted, but those spaces will be a great asset for usonce all the equipment has been installed.I cannot say enough positive things about the greatfortitude <strong>and</strong> patience our <strong>students</strong> <strong>and</strong> staff havedemonstrated throughout the construction <strong>and</strong> themoving process <strong>to</strong> date. Throughout the construction,I am proud of the fact that flexibility was demonstratedin so many ways. Neither <strong>students</strong> nor staff typicallyallowed the sound of the general construction noises<strong>get</strong> in the way of learning. There were many examplesof collegiality while we were squeezed for space. Tomention just one, Ms. Jane McCusker <strong>and</strong> her highschool <strong>students</strong> have spent this year as the lone highschool class in a corridor surrounded by pre-school<strong>and</strong> kindergarten <strong>students</strong>. Not only did the oldest<strong>and</strong> youngest <strong>students</strong> survive the experience, I thinkthey mostly enjoyed the change from the norm.Over the past few years, we have seen a tremendousamount of upgrading of facilities. From the newplayground, artificial turf fields, the upgrades <strong>to</strong> thecafeteria, new seating, carpets <strong>and</strong> sound system inthe theatre, <strong>and</strong> now the additional classrooms <strong>and</strong>special purpose rooms, the <strong>ISS</strong> Board of Trusteeshas continually taken decisions <strong>to</strong> provide the bestpossible learning environment for the <strong>students</strong>. Ifwe add <strong>to</strong> that the remarkable increase we have seenin the availability of technology for <strong>students</strong> <strong>and</strong>employees, it is no surprise that we continually hearfrom new families wishing <strong>to</strong> send their children <strong>to</strong><strong>ISS</strong>. An excellent recent example of this innovativeintroduction of technology <strong>to</strong> positively impactstudent learning outcomes is the iPad pilot programthat the eighth grade is currently involved in. Ourmost valuable resource we offer the <strong>students</strong>, ofcourse, is our world-class teaching staff, <strong>and</strong> it is sucha pleasure for me <strong>to</strong> watch the magic that occurs whenmotivated teachers <strong>and</strong> <strong>students</strong> have the chance <strong>to</strong>learn <strong>to</strong><strong>get</strong>her in a well-resourced school like <strong>ISS</strong>.Vigorous testing of the new dance studio!!We will be arranging an official marking of the newfacilities <strong>and</strong> inviting all parents <strong>to</strong> see this marvelousaddition <strong>to</strong> our educational offering, but we will waituntil the gym is completed before scheduling thatevent.2 · The Informer 21 March 2012

High <strong>School</strong> Counselor’s NotesQUESTIONS FOR THE COUNSELOR? Email KCarolineStrange@isstavanger. no or call 51 55 43 13Calling All Tu<strong>to</strong>rs!Spring is Here!All 8th, 9th, 10th, <strong>and</strong> 11th Grade <strong>students</strong>Everyone should have turned in their course selectionform for next school year. If you have not done so,please see Dr Kim as soon as possible! Classes arefilling up <strong>and</strong> you risk not being able <strong>to</strong> <strong>get</strong> your firstchoice classes if you delay.NOTICE TO ALL 12th GRADE STUDENTSYou will be receiving a sheet in your mailboxasking for information on college acceptances/offers. Please make sure <strong>to</strong> fill it in completely <strong>and</strong><strong>get</strong> it back <strong>to</strong> Dr. Kim.NOTICE TO ALL 11th GRADE STUDENTSAND THEIR PARENTSOne of the many services offered by the High <strong>School</strong>Counseling Office is the maintenance of a list of namesof parents who are both willing <strong>and</strong> able <strong>to</strong> serve astu<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> <strong>ISS</strong> <strong>students</strong> in need of additional academicsupport.As our dem<strong>and</strong> for tu<strong>to</strong>rs is greater than our supply, wewould like <strong>to</strong> invite parents with backgrounds in coreacademic areas - especially in mathemathics<strong>and</strong> science - <strong>to</strong> join our pool of men<strong>to</strong>rs/tu<strong>to</strong>rs.If you are interested in assisting, please contact Dr.Kim Caroline-Strange at 51 55 43 13 or KCaroline-Strange@isstavanger. noThe Counseling Office provides a list of area tu<strong>to</strong>rs as acourtesy <strong>to</strong> <strong>ISS</strong> <strong>students</strong> <strong>and</strong> their parents. All scheduling<strong>and</strong> private tuition arrangements are the sole responsibilityof the tu<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> student.If you are planning <strong>to</strong> apply <strong>to</strong> a US, Canadian, orAmerican-style university in Europe, it is stronglyrecommended that you take either, or both, theACT PLUS or SAT Reasoning Test once this nextsemester <strong>and</strong> once during the first semester of yourtwelfth grade year. Check the registration deadlinesfor international <strong>students</strong> <strong>and</strong> make sure you registeron-line prior <strong>to</strong> the deadline. Also check <strong>to</strong> see ifthe College/University you are planning <strong>to</strong> apply <strong>to</strong>requires the SAT II Subject Tests. If these are requiredthen it is recommended that you take these duringthe fall semester of your senior year. However, manyuniversities are now allowing you <strong>to</strong> substitute theACT Plus in lieu of the SAT Subject Tests.To register online for the SAT exam or SAT SubjectTests that will be offered here at <strong>ISS</strong> on Saturday, May5, 2012, go <strong>to</strong> Registrationdeadline is April 9, 2011. Spaces are limited <strong>and</strong> havefilled up in the past. Do not risk not being able <strong>to</strong> takethe exam because of waiting <strong>to</strong> sign up <strong>to</strong> close <strong>to</strong> thedeadline.The registration deadline for the April 2012 ACTPlus exam has passed. If any student is still interestedin taking the exam, see Dr. Kim. St<strong>and</strong>by places maystill be available for the April 14th exam.4 · The Informer 21 March 2012

High <strong>School</strong> Counselor’s NotesQUESTIONS FOR THE COUNSELOR? Email KCarolineStrange@isstavanger. no or call 51 55 43 13For <strong>students</strong> interested in applying <strong>to</strong> study Medicine,Dentistry, or Veterinary medicine in the UK, it isimportant <strong>to</strong> determine whether you need <strong>to</strong> takethe BMAT or UKCAT admissions test. Informationcan be found at <strong>and</strong> Please make sure <strong>to</strong> check fordeadlines <strong>and</strong> exam locations. Reference materials onpreparing for these exams are available in the library.NOTICE TO ALL University-bound highschool STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTSCheck out the following opportunities!Open Days - Open days are currently scheduledfor UK universities. Go <strong>to</strong> forspecific university Open Day dates.College Week Live - Many <strong>students</strong> take advantageof their Easter vacation <strong>and</strong> summer holidays <strong>to</strong> visitUniversities <strong>and</strong>/or attend college fairs <strong>and</strong> opendays. This isn’t always possible for our international<strong>students</strong>. In response <strong>to</strong> this, an on-line service hasbeen is the world’s largestcollege fair <strong>and</strong> online admissions event website.It’s free <strong>and</strong> supported by the U.S. Department ofEducation Federal Student Aid office. Registration isfree. Examples of upcoming events are listed below.March 21-22, 2012 . CollegeWeekLive SpringApril 3, 2012 .. .. .. ..CollegeWeekLive Study inScotl<strong>and</strong>April 24, 2012 . .. .. . CollegeWeekLive Science,Technology, Engineering<strong>and</strong> Math DayApril: Colleges include: DePaul, Sacred Heart,Univ. British Columbia, UC Irvine, Davis, Berkeley,UCLA, West Virginia, Georgia Universites, New YorkInstitute of Technology, University of Melbourne <strong>and</strong>many many more.University Taster Course Programme 2012The Taster Course Programme aims <strong>to</strong> provide<strong>students</strong>, looking <strong>to</strong>wards starting university inSeptember 2013 (currently in grade 11) with a taste ofwhat life at a university in London is like.Through your chosen course you will experiencethe different teaching methods used by universityacademics <strong>and</strong> gain an insight in<strong>to</strong> the additionalfacilities available, whilst meeting <strong>students</strong> fromacross the UK.You can choose a course from a variety of subjectsat various university institutions, including coursesorganized by The Careers Group, University ofLondon. Courses range from voice <strong>and</strong> drama, <strong>to</strong>medicine <strong>and</strong> nursing, <strong>to</strong> computing <strong>and</strong> business.Check out: University <strong>to</strong>ur Next Fall - Consider a fall tripnext year <strong>to</strong> visit universities in London <strong>and</strong> SouthernEngl<strong>and</strong>. Check out the following flyer <strong>and</strong> talk withDr Kim or Ms Park.SUMMER STUDY PROGRAMS – all <strong>students</strong>GAP Medics are offering an exciting project for<strong>students</strong> that are looking <strong>to</strong> apply for universitycourses in medicine, nursing, dentistry, or midwifery.Placements operate in Tanzania, India, Thail<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>the Caribbean. Students can spend from 1 <strong>to</strong> 4 weekson placement. Placements are designed for <strong>students</strong>aged 16 or older who are thinking of applying fora health care-related degree program. Check out: have also received a wide variety of brochures <strong>and</strong>information from other summer study programs inChina, Europe, the U.K. <strong>and</strong> the U.S.A. Pleasecheck in the Counseling Office for more information.Welcome the daylight that spring brings. Enjoy yourEaster vacation <strong>and</strong> keep up with work <strong>and</strong> studying.Dr KimKim Caroline-Strange, PhDHigh <strong>School</strong> CounselorKCarolineStrange@isstavanger.nowww.isstavanger.noThe Informer 21 March 2012 · 5

High <strong>School</strong> Counselor’s NotesQUESTIONS FOR THE COUNSELOR? Email KCarolineStrange@isstavanger. no or call 51 55 43 13U.K. University TourInternational <strong>School</strong> of StavangerSunday 30 th SeptemberArrival at London Gatwick Airport <strong>and</strong> transfer <strong>to</strong> hotel in LondonMonday 1 st Oc<strong>to</strong>bervisit Kings College London, University College Londonovernight in London hotelTuesday 2 nd Oc<strong>to</strong>bervisit The University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes Universityovernight in Oxford hotelWednesday 3 rd Oc<strong>to</strong>bervisit Bath University, Bris<strong>to</strong>l Universityovernight in Bris<strong>to</strong>l hotelThursday 4 th Oc<strong>to</strong>bervisit the Bournemouth University, Southamp<strong>to</strong>n Universityovernight in Southamp<strong>to</strong>n hotelFriday 5 th Oc<strong>to</strong>bervisit Brigh<strong>to</strong>n University, University of Sussextransfer <strong>to</strong> Gatwick for flight homeCOST: 7030 NOK (SUBJECT TO CHANGE DEPENDING ON NUMBER OF STUDENTS AND EXCHANGE RATE)The cost of your <strong>to</strong>ur includes Univists guide, flights, all ground transportation,accommodation in hotels (based on two sharing), breakfast, <strong>and</strong> all <strong>to</strong>urmaterials.MEALS NOT INCLUDED (LUNCH & DINNER) – ESTIMATE £30/DAYTour Leaders:For more information, contact:Dr. Kim Caroline-Strange (HS Counselor)Ms. Lynn Park (IB/IGCSE Coordina<strong>to</strong>r)UNIVISITS LTD, Millhouse, Costa, Evie, Orkney, KW17 2NJ, UK Tel: +44 1856 751460 Fax: +44 1856 751460E-mail: Website : www.Univisits.com6 · The Informer 21 March 2012

News from the Exams Coordina<strong>to</strong>rSome updates on the IB Diploma Programme at <strong>ISS</strong>The Hexagon CoreAt this time of year, we introduce the ExtendedEssay <strong>to</strong> our 11th graders. This is a key componen<strong>to</strong>f the IB Diploma, in the heart of the ‘IB Hexagon’<strong>and</strong> allows <strong>students</strong> the opportunity <strong>to</strong> complete aresearch project chosen from one of the IB subjectareas. This gives IB Diploma <strong>students</strong> experience inuniversity-style research in the supportive setting ofthe school. One teacher acts as the supervisor forthe student, fulfilling the role in very much the waythat a university professor would do so – providinggeneral guidance, support, <strong>and</strong> encouragement.However, the Extended Essay is truly the individualwork of the <strong>students</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the supervisors (or parentsor friends) can only provide limited advice within theIB regulations. 11th graders have now been asked<strong>to</strong> submit their research proposal (by Friday 9thMarch). We are using the ManageBac system thisyear <strong>to</strong> help us <strong>to</strong> organize <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r the processmore closely. Students are expected <strong>to</strong> work on theirExtended Essay throughout Quarter 4 <strong>and</strong> over thesummer break, <strong>and</strong> have a first full draft ready whenthey return from their holiday. The final due datewill be 19th Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012.The 12th graders have all completed their ExtendedEssays, <strong>and</strong> they have been sent off <strong>to</strong> examiners allaround the world for marking. However, some of theessays also have a ‘second life’ as many of the <strong>students</strong>have submitted their essay <strong>to</strong> the Norwegian YoungResearchers Competition (Unge Forskere 2012) <strong>and</strong>have been invited <strong>to</strong> the regional final <strong>to</strong> be held atJærmuseet on 22nd March. The national finals willbe held in Oslo on 20th April. We keep our fingerscrossed for success in both the regional <strong>and</strong> nationalfinals again this year!!CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) is almostcompleted for 12th graders, with Ms Hulks holdingfinal concluding interviews with all 12th gradeDiploma <strong>students</strong>. Students have gained so muchby participating in a whole variety of activities inside<strong>and</strong> outside of school, <strong>and</strong> reflecting on their personalgrowth through their involvement. I have been soimpressed by the commitment <strong>and</strong> enthusiasm ofmany of our <strong>students</strong>, <strong>and</strong> thank Ms Hulks for herdedicated work as CAS Coordina<strong>to</strong>r for about 120<strong>students</strong>.On a personal note, I am completing my firstyear of teaching ToK (Theory of Knowledge),another component at the core of the IB DiplomaProgramme. This critical thinking course makes<strong>students</strong> <strong>and</strong> teachers really ask themselves thequestion “How do we <strong>know</strong> that?” My ToK class haveparticipated enthusiastically in lively discussions <strong>and</strong>activities exploring the four ToK ‘Ways of Knowing’(perception, language, reason, <strong>and</strong> emotion) <strong>and</strong> Ihave enjoyed the class enormously!The Extended Essay, CAS <strong>and</strong> ToK – the heart of theIB Diploma programme - making it so much morethan just a collection of academic subjects.I wish the 11th grade joy of their Extended Essay,<strong>and</strong> the 12th grade all the best as they move in<strong>to</strong>final review for their Mayexaminations.Lynn ParkExam Coordina<strong>to</strong>rLPark@isstavanger.nowww.isstavanger.noThe Informer 21 March 2012 · 7

H i g h S c h o o l N E W SA sprinkling of this year’s SeniorsThe past weeks have seen the last round of parent –student/teacher conferences for this academic year<strong>and</strong> the third quarter ended before the break. We areseeking <strong>to</strong> mail out reports our reports just before thebreak <strong>and</strong> you should receive the reports home shortlyafter this date.As I write we have a number of our high school<strong>students</strong> returning from the NECIS varsity basketball<strong>to</strong>urnaments in Antwerp with our girls receivingthe fair play award <strong>and</strong> Tugberk Sengezer <strong>and</strong> LisaKoninx being nominated as MVP’s. A big thank you<strong>to</strong> coaches Armstrong <strong>and</strong> Russell <strong>and</strong> well done <strong>to</strong>the athletes for their efforts over the season.As I write <strong>ISS</strong> is preparing <strong>to</strong> host the NECISswimming. We wish them <strong>and</strong> our coaches all thevery best for the <strong>to</strong>urnament.Sports in a slightly different capacity – In Welsh wewould say Pob hwyl, Trwy chwarracon, adeiladwn,gyfeillgarwch, which roughly translated mean, throughsports we build friendship.Overthe past <strong>and</strong>coming weeksa group of highschool <strong>students</strong>have organizeda fundraising<strong>to</strong>urnamentcalled Stephane’strophy in memory of Stephane, supporting theCameroon Service Project goal <strong>to</strong> improve livingconditions in Stephane’s village near Yaounde inThe Cameroon. On Friday8th March we had over150 <strong>students</strong> <strong>and</strong> teachersparticipate in a volleyball<strong>to</strong>urnament, followed upwith a basketball <strong>to</strong>urnamen<strong>to</strong>n 16th March.There are another two sports <strong>to</strong> come, namely FlagRugby <strong>and</strong> Football with events taking place onFriday 30th March, Friday 13th April <strong>and</strong> Friday20th April.8 · The Informer 21 March 2012

H i g h S c h o o l N E W SIs changing at <strong>ISS</strong>.…Plans <strong>to</strong> develop Assembling the a Design Mousetrap <strong>and</strong> Technology car facilities at <strong>ISS</strong> are now well underway. In the last fewweeks we have secured an order for some state of the art machinery which will be used throughMiddle <strong>and</strong> High school <strong>to</strong> explore cutting edge technologies <strong>and</strong> introduce some exciting newproject work for the <strong>students</strong>. Here is a taster of some of the things we have on the way…..Laser CutterThe laser cutter is an extremely versatile <strong>to</strong>ol<strong>and</strong> will be used in many of the projects withinthe department. It is capable of cutting orengraving sheet material. It can also be used<strong>to</strong> cut or engrave tubes by fitting a specialattachment.Possible project ideas Engraved leather key ring Acrylic bag tag Mold for casting pewter Acrylic key ringsSublimation PrintingSublimation printing is a method oftransferring colorful designs on<strong>to</strong> a variety ofproducts. Using special inks <strong>and</strong> a heattransfer process, the color is bonded withinthe polyester molecules of the pre-coateditems. This creates a vibrant <strong>and</strong> long lastingfinish.Possible project ideas Decorative mugs T shirts Drinks coasters Vacuum formed trays Chassis for model carsAnne Crump10 · The Informer 21 March 2012

Middle <strong>School</strong> News <strong>and</strong> EventsHendrik, Juanita, Eric <strong>and</strong> Pey<strong>to</strong>n with a ROVSo, in addition <strong>to</strong> the very successful MS Ski Day<strong>to</strong> Sirdal, as well as the 8th grade leirskole <strong>to</strong> Trysilthis week <strong>and</strong> the entire MS working <strong>to</strong><strong>get</strong>her onthe move in<strong>to</strong> our new MS classrooms, teamworkhas been very much in evidence recently. It is alwayswonderful <strong>to</strong> see teamwork in action with all groupswithin a community cooperating <strong>to</strong><strong>get</strong>her <strong>to</strong>wards acommon goal. Thank you <strong>to</strong> all involved.Q3 Recognition CeremonyYou are all cordially invited <strong>to</strong> celebrate all theachievements <strong>and</strong> events of the middle school during3rd quarter. There will be entertainment, studentrecognition <strong>and</strong> a picture slide show from Q3. Theceremony takes place on Thursday, 29th Marchstarting at 8:45am in the theatre.D.E.A.R Day (Drop Everything <strong>and</strong> Read)This is a day specifically designed <strong>to</strong> celebrate reading<strong>and</strong> literacy! Classes will all be focused aroundreading/drama/reading buddies (from all subjectperspectives) that day. This event will take place onFriday, 13th April, so the schedule will be a littleFrederik, Jimmie <strong>and</strong> Raul studying an oil rigdifferent on that day.The Primary <strong>School</strong> will have this event on the sameday, <strong>and</strong> for some of the sessions the MS <strong>and</strong> PS willwork <strong>to</strong><strong>get</strong>her.HomeroomThe Advisory theme for March has been ‘Cooperation<strong>and</strong> Teamwork’ (exemplified with the MS musical/Trysil <strong>and</strong> all the team sports) <strong>and</strong> we will be movingon<strong>to</strong> the theme of ‘Coping with Change <strong>and</strong>Communication’ during April.Every middle school student will be experiencingsome form of change as we approach the end of theyear: grade <strong>to</strong> grade, 8th <strong>to</strong> 9th grade, moving schools<strong>and</strong>/or saying goodbye <strong>to</strong> friends. All <strong>students</strong> will begiven the opportunity <strong>to</strong> discuss their feelings at thisemotional time <strong>and</strong> be given strategies <strong>to</strong> help themcope with their feelings.6th Grade Trip <strong>to</strong> OsloThis exciting curricular trip for the 6th grade is comingup soon – 2nd <strong>and</strong> 3rd May. You will be hearing moredetails of this trip from Mr. Taylor soon. Please note12 · The Informer 21 March 2012

Middle <strong>School</strong> News <strong>and</strong> Eventsthat the Parent Information Night for Oslo takesplace on Wednesday, 11th April starting at 18:00 inthe theatre.Math Tu<strong>to</strong>ring for 7th <strong>and</strong> 8th Grade StudentsFor your information – there are two HS <strong>students</strong> whoare offering tu<strong>to</strong>ring for Mathematics on Thursdaysafter school from 3:30pm until 5;00pm. This takesplace in HS classroom 204. If you are interested in thisoffer, please ask your son/daughter <strong>to</strong> speak <strong>to</strong> theirMathematics teacher.As you can see, the Middle <strong>School</strong> continues <strong>to</strong> be abusy, vibrant place. And now we have our very ownspace <strong>to</strong> explore <strong>and</strong> learn <strong>to</strong><strong>get</strong>her. Thank you <strong>to</strong> the<strong>ISS</strong> Board of Trustees for making a vision our dailyreality.WANTEDOld white sheetsfor the forthcoming primary musicalGo for GoldIf you have any <strong>to</strong> give away,please send them <strong>to</strong> Mrs. Whar<strong>to</strong>nin the primary art departmen<strong>to</strong>rleave them in the main officefor Mrs. Kemp.Kind regards,Carol WallaceMiddle <strong>School</strong> PrincipalCWallace@isstavanger.noThank you!Noah <strong>and</strong> Taddeo operating the rig from the control roomwww.isstavanger.noThe Informer 21 March 2012 · 13

Middle <strong>School</strong> News <strong>and</strong> EventsImpressions from the Middle <strong>School</strong> ISTA trip <strong>to</strong> Brussels14 · The Informer 21 March 2012

Winter is not over, yet!Primary <strong>School</strong> NewsJeremy Strong will visit the <strong>ISS</strong> community on16 <strong>and</strong> 17 April. While reading his book, TheHundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog, I thought about theidea of taking responsibility as a community.Strong writes that when the dog, Streaker, doessomething wrong, Streaker is only the main character’sdog <strong>and</strong> not the family dog. When Streaker doessomething right, he is our dog. “Actually, it’s interestingthat whenever Streaker does something BAD then sheis MY dog…but WHEN she does something clever,suddenly Streaker is OUR dog, according <strong>to</strong> Mum <strong>and</strong>Dad.”Most of our <strong>students</strong> are mostly perfect enough mos<strong>to</strong>f the time, but they are still our <strong>students</strong> even whenthey aren’t almost perfect.Children learn <strong>to</strong> take responsibility from follow-upfor their actions at school. It is a hard lesson sometimes.During those lessons, it is more difficult <strong>to</strong> say thechild is our student than when the child makes allthe right decisions. Just the same, every student isour student—especially when he or she makes aquestionable decision, struggles with mastering anidea or struggles <strong>to</strong> <strong>get</strong> along with others <strong>and</strong> needs usmost. It is part of being a community.You are welcome <strong>to</strong> join any of the presentations bywww.isstavanger.noJeremy Strong. Here is a table showing when <strong>and</strong>where he will make presentations <strong>and</strong> be available <strong>to</strong>sign books. Please note that a few presentations are inour new library!Monday, 16 AprilTime Group Location10:30-11:15 Grade 3 Theatre12:45-13:45 Grade 5 Theater14:15-15:00 Grade 2 TheaterTuesday, 17 AprilTime Group Location10:30-11:30 Grade 4 Theatre12:15-12:45 Grade 1A PS Library12:45-13:15 Grade 1B PS Library13:15-13:45 Grade 1C PS Library14:15-15:15 Middle <strong>School</strong> TheaterBook SigningMondayTime Group Location12:00-12:30 Anyone PS Library12:15-12:45 Grade 1A PS LibraryTuesdayTime Group Location12:00-12:15 Anyone PS Library15:15-15:45 Anyone TheatreThe Informer 21 March 2012 · 15

Norwegian culture comes alive in 4th Grade ArtMaren is a picture of concentrationPrimary <strong>School</strong> NewsMoving InWith near completion of the expansion of facilities,we have been busy moving. You will also notice roomshave been renumbered so it is easier for newcomers <strong>to</strong>find their way. Grade 3A <strong>and</strong> 3B moved <strong>to</strong> Rooms 158<strong>and</strong> 157. Grade 2C moved <strong>to</strong> Room 165. Grade 1Awill move <strong>to</strong> Room 151. Now the Grades 1, 2 <strong>and</strong> 3are all in the same corridor. This leaves more room forour <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>School</strong> <strong>and</strong> Kindergarten in a separate wing.Our new EAL room for the Primary <strong>School</strong> is Room259. It is easy <strong>to</strong> find—just beyond the library <strong>and</strong> upthe steps. Grades 4 <strong>and</strong> 5 stayed in the same rooms,with new numbers: 232-237.The big move as well was the new Primary <strong>School</strong>Library. Please come visit any morning between 8:00<strong>and</strong> 10:00, in Room 163.We are waiting for completion of the new kindergym<strong>and</strong> Primary <strong>School</strong> gymnasium, <strong>and</strong> we hope <strong>to</strong>make use of this in May.Dutch Visi<strong>to</strong>rsWe have a special presentation from visi<strong>to</strong>rs from TheNetherl<strong>and</strong>s for our <strong>students</strong> who take Dutch classes.This will be in Dutch on the afternoon <strong>and</strong> evening of26 March. The evening is sponsored by the NTCStavanger Board, responsible for Dutch education at <strong>ISS</strong>.Outdoor Education WeekGrade 5 <strong>students</strong> will be at outdoor education week atGullingen Leirskule, 19-23 March. This is a fantastictrip when <strong>students</strong> learn about Norway in a veryh<strong>and</strong>s-on way. They also learn how <strong>to</strong> cross-countryski <strong>and</strong> build skills both in working independently<strong>and</strong> as a team.Extracurricular ActivitiesTrack <strong>and</strong> Field will start soon. Mrs. Medaas <strong>and</strong> Mrs.Hvidevold will send information shortly about this.Children continue <strong>to</strong> enjoy dance classes on Fridayafternoons.Many <strong>students</strong> in Grades 3-5 are practicing for thenext musical, Go For Gold.In addition, there are a number of activities sponsoredby parents, including baseball. Enjoy the fun!As the days <strong>get</strong> longer, there is a tendency <strong>to</strong> stay uplater. Sleep is essential for effective learning at school,so please keep the regular bedtime hours, even whenthe evenings <strong>get</strong> brighter.Len Duevel, PhDPrimary <strong>School</strong> PrincipalLPDuevel@isstavanger.no16 · The Informer 21 March 2012

Dance Class is on ......!www.isstavanger.noThe Informer 21 March 2012 · 17

.. <strong>and</strong> on.... <strong>and</strong> on ..!18 · The Informer 21 March 2012

News from the Health, Security, Safety <strong>and</strong> Environment (HSSE) CommitteeMs Sølve Ims Ottesen SiOttesen@isstavanger.noWe have a high focus at bus safety, <strong>and</strong> we will have a meeting withthe bus companies this month <strong>to</strong> discuss bus safety, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> plan aTraffic Safety Day <strong>to</strong><strong>get</strong>her. To achieve a high level of safety, allparticipants have <strong>to</strong> do their utmost. The <strong>ISS</strong> employees on bus dutyare trained <strong>to</strong> watch the situation <strong>and</strong> take initiative if a hazardoussituation should appear.The bus company instructs their drivers in thinking about safety atall times. What we expect from the <strong>students</strong> is that they keep seated<strong>and</strong> keep their voices at a low volume level during the drive <strong>and</strong> usethe seat belts. In that way, we hope <strong>to</strong> have no injuries.Last month we also had a safety audit in the cafeteria <strong>and</strong> kitchen. Achallenge is the waste in cafeteria. Our goal is <strong>to</strong> reduce the amoun<strong>to</strong>f general waste. This is both an economic <strong>and</strong> an environmentalchallenge for the entire school.An extended HSSE inspection of the building expansion <strong>to</strong><strong>get</strong>herwith representatives from the contrac<strong>to</strong>r, gave a good impression ofthe project. There have been no serious accidents or incidents duringthe extension project.Sølve Ims OttesenHSSE Coordina<strong>to</strong>rwww.isstavanger.noThe Informer 21 March 2012 · 19

International Friendship Group – SWEC – YEPAMs Christine Kemp CKemp@isstavanger.noSpring FlingDo Your Part – Be Climate SmartSWEC <strong>students</strong> (with their parents) try <strong>to</strong> tick off asmany of the following as possible. They invite you <strong>to</strong>do the same!A Talent Showfor Primary <strong>School</strong>Students&TeachersFriday 27th April 201218:00 – 20:00Entry: kr 20Sign up in your classroom.Closing date for sign-ups is 13th April1. I decrease the temperature at home by 1 Celcius<strong>and</strong> turn off the lights whenever I don’t needthem.2. I don’t leave my TV, computer or stereo in ast<strong>and</strong>-by mode but switch them off when I don’tuse them.3. I change our light bulbs in<strong>to</strong> energy-saving bulbs.4. I change our electricity in<strong>to</strong> one that usesrenewable resources.5. I don’t waste in vain – I prefer <strong>to</strong> fix <strong>and</strong> repairrather than buy new.6. I sort my waste <strong>and</strong> recycle whenever possible.7. I use products that have as little packagingas possible. I use public transport <strong>and</strong> walk orbicycle instead of driving a car.8. I eat local food <strong>and</strong> less meat.9. When I buy food I use a bag or an old plastic bag10. I favour environmentally labeled products.11. I plant a tree <strong>and</strong> ask my friend <strong>to</strong> do the same.12. I make my own pledge that ….Special Dates Coming Up20th March: UN Earth Day22nd March: World Water Day31st March: Earth HourEarth Hour: Join the global effort!Turn off all lights <strong>and</strong> electrical appliances from20:30 – 21:30 on Saturday 31st March.Chocolate Egg RaffleWin one of the chocolate eggs!Only kr 10 for 3 chances <strong>to</strong> win!SWEC will be on duty in the foyer eachlunch time from 19th – 28th March.The Raffle will be drawn onThursday 29thMarch <strong>and</strong> winnerswill be notified on that day.Remember <strong>to</strong> bring kr 10 <strong>and</strong> have a go!*Coming Soon*Go for Gold‘Go for Gold’ is a very funny <strong>and</strong> his<strong>to</strong>rically accuratebr<strong>and</strong> new musical comedy with the modern <strong>and</strong>ancient Olympics as its theme.“The musical has gone down a s<strong>to</strong>rm in pre-publicationperformances – especially the songs – <strong>and</strong> is a brilliantway <strong>to</strong> enthuse your children about the greatest sportingevent on earth.”Wednesday 16th May at 18:00Friday 18th May at 19:00Saturday 19th May at 14:00Tickets, kr 20, will be on sale from Mrs. Wintersin the main office from Monday 30th April.Tel.: 51 55 43 0020 · The Informer 21 March 2012

I do house cleaning in private homes - during day time. Please call 404 88 816More information coming soon ...!www.isstavanger.noThe Informer 21 March 2012 · 21

Chef: Jean-Pierre DucLunch MenuIn addition <strong>to</strong> the daily HOT MEAL <strong>and</strong> the soup of April the day, the menu cafeteria also offers a ve<strong>get</strong>arian option for lunchNB! The symbols V <strong>and</strong> GF means ve<strong>get</strong>arian <strong>and</strong> gluten free, respectively - <strong>and</strong>, all our beef meat is halalThe menu of the Valhall Cafeteria is regularly updated on the <strong>ISS</strong> website: - CafeteriaMonday 26: Fried rice curry with chicken <strong>and</strong> ve<strong>get</strong>ables.Tuesday 27: Chicken pasta with spinach pine nuts <strong>and</strong> parmesan.Wednesday 28:Chili con Carne served with rice.Thursday 29: Lapskaus , Norwegian hot dog stew.Friday 30: Baked salmon in foil with lemon butter sauce.Easter break from Friday 30 March <strong>to</strong> Tuesday 10 AprilTuesday 10: Pasta with bacon <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong> sauce.Wednesday 11: Mexican Lazagne served with salad.Thursday 12: Norwegian meat balls, Hanne´s kjøttkaker.Friday 13: Breaded pollock served with pota<strong>to</strong>es <strong>and</strong> carrots.Monday 16: Pasta bolognese .Tuesday 17: Chinese chicken stew.Wednesday 18: Beef tacos served with mexican garnish.Thursday 19:Beef stew Norwegian way, Kjøtt og suppe.Friday 20: Tagliatelle with smoke salmon <strong>and</strong> lemon chive sauce.Monday 23: Wok away noodles ;-) pork <strong>and</strong> a lots of ve<strong>get</strong>able in a noodle wok.Tuesday 24: Mushroom risot<strong>to</strong>.Every day we serve either a ve<strong>get</strong>arian option or a ve<strong>get</strong>arian soup.The soup variety is announced on the on-line menu dailyWednesday 25: Fish Nug<strong>get</strong>s with bake pota<strong>to</strong>es.Thursday 26: Creamy chicken korma.Friday 27: Salmon Teriyaki served with bake pota<strong>to</strong>es <strong>and</strong> cream.To have CLASSIFIED ADS published in The Informer, please e-mail: edi<strong>to</strong>r reserves the right <strong>to</strong> edit ads <strong>to</strong> fit the space requested by you.Prices: Companies 1 Private persons 2 their parents 3*<strong>ISS</strong> Teachers/Students <strong>and</strong>Full page (260 x 180mm) NOK 2400 NOK 1200 NOK 6001/2 page (130 x 180 mm): NOK 1200,- NOK 600,- NOK 300,-1/4 page (125 x 88 mm): NOK 800,- NOK 400,- NOK 200,-1/8 page (60 x 88 mm): NOK 400,- NOK 200,- NOK 100,-1/16 of a page (28,5 x 88 mm): NOK 200,- NOK 100,- NOK 50,-1. If you run a business/company/activity that makes your living, you are a “company” price-wise.2. If you have a small activity, a non-profit foundation, organise a charity, advertise your belongings forsale, insert small personal ads, etc., you are charged a “private person” price.3. *These prices are valid from January 2010Issues of the Informer in the school year 2011-2012 are due: 31.08, 28.09, <strong>and</strong> 23.11 2011.In 2012: 08.02, 21.03, 25.04 <strong>and</strong> 30.05. Deadline is one week before.If you do not wish <strong>to</strong> receive the Informer any more -or if you have changes <strong>to</strong> your e-mail address,please notify Liv N. Høie at 51 55 43 22or e-mail: LHoie@isstavanger.noThe Informer is issued on the <strong>ISS</strong> web-page: www.isstavanger.noEdi<strong>to</strong>r: Liv Nærl<strong>and</strong> HøieGo <strong>to</strong> “News” <strong>and</strong> then <strong>to</strong> “Informer” <strong>and</strong> current issue.Phone: +47 51 55 43 22 E-mail: LHoie@isstavanger.no22 · The Informer 21 March 2012

Calendar of Events <strong>School</strong> year 2011-2012High <strong>School</strong> event Middle <strong>School</strong> event Primary <strong>School</strong> event All <strong>School</strong> event2011-2012 <strong>School</strong> YearThe Informer is published byInternational <strong>School</strong> of StavangerTreskeveien 3NO-4043 STAVANGERNorwayTel: +47 51 55 43 00Fax: +47 51 55 43 01E-mail: info@isstavanger.nowww.isstavanger.noHigh <strong>School</strong> Office: +47 51 55 43 43Middle <strong>School</strong> Office: +47 51 55 43 11Primary <strong>School</strong> Office: +47 51 55 43 23Direc<strong>to</strong>r: Dr. Linda DuevelHigh <strong>School</strong> Principal <strong>and</strong> Assistant Direc<strong>to</strong>r: Mr. Gareth JonesMiddle <strong>School</strong> Pricipal: Ms Carol WallacePrimary <strong>School</strong> Principal: Dr. Len DuevelBusiness Manager: Ms. Brynhild ÅsheimIB Coordina<strong>to</strong>r: Ms. Lynn ParkHigh <strong>School</strong> Counselor: Dr. Kim Caroline-StrangePrimary/Middle <strong>School</strong> Counselor: Mr. Matt Armstrong<strong>School</strong> Nurse: Ms. Heather MelhusThe <strong>ISS</strong> Vision StatementThe <strong>ISS</strong> vision is <strong>to</strong> prepare <strong>students</strong> for greater globalparticipation by helping them become responsible,empowered learners.The <strong>ISS</strong> Mission StatementThe International <strong>School</strong> of Stavanger is dedicated<strong>to</strong> providing its <strong>students</strong> with English languageeducation in a supportive, academically stimulating,<strong>and</strong> multi-cultural environment. We strive <strong>to</strong> fostera love of learning, the development of individualskills <strong>and</strong> talents, <strong>and</strong> an awareness of the value eachperson has <strong>to</strong> society. Our goal is <strong>to</strong> enable <strong>students</strong><strong>to</strong> succeed in continuing educational programs <strong>and</strong><strong>to</strong> live as responsible <strong>and</strong> contributing citizens in theglobal community.The International <strong>School</strong> of Stavanger (<strong>ISS</strong>), foundedin 1966, is an independent, non-profit Norwegianfoundation accredited by the New Engl<strong>and</strong> Associationof <strong>School</strong>s <strong>and</strong> Colleges <strong>and</strong> the Council of International<strong>School</strong>s. The school enrolls <strong>students</strong> from ages3 through 18. <strong>ISS</strong> offers an international universityprepara<strong>to</strong>ry curriculum that combines the best featuresof many national educational systems. Both the InternationalBaccalaureate Diploma programme <strong>and</strong> theInternational General Certificate of Secondary Educationexternal examinations are available <strong>to</strong> <strong>students</strong>.In 2011, the school has an enrollment of over 740<strong>students</strong> who represent nearly 50 nationalities, including<strong>students</strong> from six of the earth’s seven continents.March18-23 8th Grade <strong>to</strong> Trysil19-23 Grade 5 Outdoor Education Week <strong>to</strong> Gullingen22 UN Earth Day23-24 NECIS Swimming at <strong>ISS</strong>29 MS Recognition Ceremony for Q3, Theatre, 08:4529 Kindergarten field trip <strong>to</strong> Stavanger sentrum, <strong>to</strong> 13:4530/3 - 9/4 Easter HolidayApril11 Oslo Parent Meeting (6th Grade), Theatre, 18:0013 Drop Everything <strong>and</strong> Read Day13 Grade 1 Assembly, 10:3013-15 International Award - Coastal Qualifying Walk14 PA International Festival16-17 Author Jeremy Strong visits Grade 1 - Middle <strong>School</strong>18 Grade 5/MS/HS B<strong>and</strong> Concert18-22 Middle <strong>School</strong> Honour Choir20 StuCo Elections20 Middle <strong>School</strong> Activity Night25 High <strong>School</strong>/Middle <strong>School</strong>/Grade 5 B<strong>and</strong> Concert30/4-21/5 IB ExaminationsMay1 May Day holiday - no school2-3 6th Grade trip <strong>to</strong> Oslo7/5 - June IGCSE Examinations (dates TBA)8 Grade 11 Group 4 Project10 High <strong>School</strong>/Middle <strong>School</strong> Choir Concert10 Middle <strong>School</strong>/High <strong>School</strong> Choir Concert10-18 MS Barcelona Exchange part 211 Middle <strong>School</strong> Dance, Cafeteria, 19:00-22:0016 <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>School</strong> Constitution Day Parade16 Primary <strong>School</strong> Spring Musical17 Constitution Day - half day of school18 & 19 Primary <strong>School</strong> Spring Musical22 Grade Kindergarten Assembly, 10:3024-25 NECIS - boys Rugby <strong>and</strong> girls Football28 Ascension Day - no school29/5 - 4/6 High <strong>School</strong> Examinations31/5 - 3/6 NECIS Track & Field (Middle <strong>School</strong> only)June2 Prom4 CAS & EE Day for 11th Grade5 Modified schedule - all classes <strong>to</strong> meet5 Primary <strong>School</strong> Field Day, 09:00-11:006 All Primary <strong>School</strong> End-of-Year Assembly, Theatre, 14:006 Awards Assembly, BBQ & Baccalaureate7 HS Activity Day7 Last day of school - half day7 Graduationwww.isstavanger.noThe Informer 21 March 2012 · 23

Ingenious solution for a Crazy Hair Day!

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