Sniffer dogs to find Anoplophora spp. infested plants

Sniffer dogs to find Anoplophora spp. infested plants

Sniffer dogs to find Anoplophora spp. infested plants


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<strong>Sniffer</strong> <strong>dogs</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>find</strong> <strong>Anoplophora</strong> <strong>spp</strong>.<strong>infested</strong> <strong>plants</strong>Dipl.-Biol. Ute Hoyer-TomiczekDepartment of Forest Protection, BFW<strong>Anoplophora</strong> SymposiumMilan / Italy 09.05.-11.05.2012

The Dogs• Jackson:– born March 2007– trained as man trailing and cadaver dog– trained on ALB/CLB since February 2009– he is the “pro<strong>to</strong>type” of an ALB/CLB detection dog• Andor:– born September 2007– trained as hunting dog– trained on ALB/CLB since May 2009• Jolly:– born January 2009– trained on ALB/CLB since March 2009– trained as man trailing dog since May 2009– trained on drugs since August 2009• Aline:– born June 2002, Andor„s mother– trained as hunting dog– trained on ALB/CLB since March 2010

Possibilities of use of detection <strong>dogs</strong>ALB/CLB infestation areasInspection of:• (young) trees• base of the stem• roots• stumps (after (preventive) cuttings)• search in the height with more experienced<strong>dogs</strong> (so far proved until 6 m height)• public collecting places for green cuttings• public parks and public green areas• private grounds• avenues• agricultural and natural environment• nurseries

Possibilities of use of detection <strong>dogs</strong>Import of <strong>plants</strong> andwood packaging material (WPM)Inspection of imported <strong>plants</strong> at:• nurseries• garden centres• do-it-yourself-s<strong>to</strong>res• discount markets /-centres• airports, harboursInspection of imported WPM at:• airports, harbours• places of cus<strong>to</strong>m entrance• packing-centres• consignees

Use of the <strong>Anoplophora</strong> detection <strong>dogs</strong>of the BFW• in the ALB infestation area in AT, Braunau since 04/2009• in nurseries <strong>to</strong> check imported <strong>plants</strong> from third countries orfrom EU-MS with CLB infestation since 03/2010• in NL on request of the National PPS NL checking aconsignment of 40.000 <strong>plants</strong> from China, in which CLBinfestation was found visually, 03/2010• presentation at the “German Tree Care Days” in Augsburg, DE,04/2010 and again 05/2012• in the ALB <strong>infested</strong> area in IT/Venetia, Cornuda and Maser, andin the harbour of Venice, 07/2010, 05/2011• in the CLB infestation area in IT/Lombardy, Milan andsurrounding, 07/2010, 08/2010, 10/2010, 05/2011, 10/2011• in the CLB infestation area in HR/Dalmatia, Turanj (nearBiograd) 06/2011, 07/2011• in the new ALB infestation area in CH/Can<strong>to</strong>n Fribourg,Brünisried, und harbours of Basel, 10/2011 and again 05/2012• in the ALB infestation area in DE/Bavaria, Neukirchen, 11/2011

Use in the ALB <strong>infested</strong> area in AT/Braunau• Inspection of stumps and shoots after preventive cuttings

Use in the ALB <strong>infested</strong> area in AT/Braunau• Inspection of suspicious trees and cut tree parts

Use in the ALB <strong>infested</strong> area in AT/Braunau• Inspection of <strong>plants</strong> in nurseriesWhere visual inspection is impossible,there is sniffing obliga<strong>to</strong>ry!

Use in the ALB <strong>infested</strong> area in AT/Braunau• Inspection of cut plant material at public collecting places‣ Dogs are able <strong>to</strong> <strong>find</strong>ALB/CLB scent despite of theheavy smell of rotting

1. Success of the detection <strong>dogs</strong> atlevel of ministry in AT• 09.03.2010: Decree of BMLFUW for all offices of the federalstate governments and for all Official PPS of federal states:Recommendation of detection dog inspection in nurseries!

Use in nurseries in AT:Inspection of imported <strong>plants</strong>• imported <strong>plants</strong> from China, NL, IT, DE, BE• investigated plant species:20 plant species acc. <strong>to</strong> Decision 2012/138/EUandCLB host plant species listed in„Revision of <strong>Anoplophora</strong>“Lingafelter & Hoebeke, 2002• amounts of <strong>plants</strong> <strong>to</strong> be checked:100 – several thousand per nursery• 2010: 17 companies, 9000 <strong>plants</strong>, 11 days• 2011: 3 companies, 2000 <strong>plants</strong>, 3 days‣ so far no CLB infestation was found in nurseries

Use in nurseries:Inspection of imported <strong>plants</strong>Delivery note of imported <strong>plants</strong>

Use in nurseries:Inspection of imported <strong>plants</strong>Imported <strong>plants</strong> staying separately in halls

Use in nurseries:Inspection of imported <strong>plants</strong>Imported <strong>plants</strong> staying separately in halls

Use in nurseries:Inspection of imported <strong>plants</strong>Imported <strong>plants</strong> staying outside mixed with other <strong>plants</strong>

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer<strong>plants</strong> imported from China• on request of the National PPS 15.-19.03.2010• high urgency because of SCPH meeting end of 03/2010• 40.000 young Acer <strong>plants</strong> from China• 1. investigation directly at import without <strong>find</strong>ings• 2. investigation during repacking of the <strong>plants</strong>:‣ 2 <strong>plants</strong> <strong>infested</strong> by CLB found visually by inspec<strong>to</strong>rs:1 living CLB larva per plant‣ visually no further CLB <strong>find</strong>ings• NL PPS:- How does detection with <strong>dogs</strong> work?- Are there more <strong>infested</strong> <strong>plants</strong>, if yes, how many?

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer imported from CN40 crates a ~ 1.000 <strong>plants</strong>from 14 different producersroots treated with 4 different pesticides

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer imported from CN

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer imported from CN

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer imported from CNLine up

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer imported from CNdestructive investigation

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer imported from CNX1 pl. marked,14 pl. destructive 1 pl. marked,XOnegative15 pl. destructivenegativeKisteA11 4X AndorX JacksonO Jolly4 pl. marked,18 pl. destructiveXlarval gallery withfine saw dust,no larvaXXCLB larva0,9 mm, dead1 pl. marked,14 pl. destructive1 pl. marked,1 pl. destructiveroot crown:fine saw dust,no larva

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer imported from CNAndor found CLB <strong>infested</strong> plant

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer imported from CNAndor found CLB <strong>infested</strong> plant

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer imported from CNJackson found plant with CLB larval gallery

Use in NL/Boskoop 03/2010:Investigation of CLB <strong>infested</strong> Acer imported from CN• Result of detection dog investigation– in 3 days ca. 15.000 <strong>plants</strong> checked– 1 plant with 1 dead CLB larva (sequence analysis)– 2 <strong>plants</strong> with CLB larval galleries, no larvae, buteach 1 head capsule (sequence analysis)– 1 plant with 1 residue of dead Lepidoptera larva– 3 <strong>plants</strong> with larval galleries without insect(parts),no CLB evidence possible in the labora<strong>to</strong>ry‣ <strong>dogs</strong> are able <strong>to</strong> detect also dead CLB stages andempty CLB galleries

‣ one of the deciding aspects for the import ban of Acer <strong>plants</strong>from China in<strong>to</strong> the European Union2. Success of the detection <strong>dogs</strong> up <strong>to</strong>highest EU level of SCPH• 29.03.2010: Presentation of detection dog investigation inNL/Boskoop on meeting of SCPH done byBram de Hoop, Delegation Leader SCPHNetherlands Plant Protection Service, Wageningen

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/VenetiaALB <strong>infested</strong> area in Cornuda + Maser 07/2010 + 05/2011• Cutting of all known ALB <strong>infested</strong> trees incl. bordering treesduring winter period• detection dog moni<strong>to</strong>ring in the surrounding of felt trees <strong>to</strong>detect overseen trees• 13 infestation points were investigated with detection <strong>dogs</strong>• at 8 infestation points the detection <strong>dogs</strong> indicatedsuspicious trees• 90% according indication of at least 2 <strong>dogs</strong> (Andor+Jacky)• immediate verification wasn‟t possible due <strong>to</strong> lack of treeclimbers• IT-PPS und Forest Service investigated during themoni<strong>to</strong>ring during autumn 2011 the indicated trees,► in most cases the <strong>dogs</strong> correctly indicated <strong>infested</strong> trees

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/VenetiaALB <strong>infested</strong> area in Cornuda + Maser 07/2010 + 05/201105/201107/2010

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/VenetiaALB <strong>infested</strong> area in Cornuda + Maser 07/2010 + 05/2011Investigation of an<strong>infested</strong> tree by JacksonIndication of asuspicious tree by Jackson

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/VenetiaALB <strong>infested</strong> area in Cornuda + Maser 07/2010 + 05/2011

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/VenetiaALB <strong>infested</strong> area in Cornuda + Maser 07/2010 + 05/2011Investigation of a windshield andvisual cover stripe in agriculturalenvironmentMarking of the trees indicatedby Andor and Jackson

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/VenetiaInspection of WPM in harbour of Venice 07/2010

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/VenetiaInspection in a bonsai nursery 07/2010

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/LombardyCLB <strong>infested</strong> area in Milan + surrounding 2010 + 2011• several city and natural parks in Milan and Legnano• agricultural areas around Milan• Presentation of the detection <strong>dogs</strong> 05/2011– in Legnano <strong>to</strong> 30 inspec<strong>to</strong>rs of European PPS– in Minoprio <strong>to</strong> colleagues of the local PPS‣ in every location the <strong>dogs</strong> detected so far unknown <strong>infested</strong>treesLombardyTeam© Matteo Maspero, Minoprio

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/LombardyCLB <strong>infested</strong> area in Milan 2010 + 2011: city park

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/LombardyCLB <strong>infested</strong> area in Milan 2010 + 2011: city parkCity park in Milan: cutting of CLB <strong>infested</strong> trees ,but additional <strong>infested</strong> oneswere overseen and found by the <strong>dogs</strong>

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/LombardyCLB <strong>infested</strong> area in Milan 2010 + 2011: natural parkDogs should have noproblems with water

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/LombardyCLB <strong>infested</strong> area in Milan 2010 + 2011: natural parkCLB infestation of trees at the waterline of lakes

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/LombardyCLB <strong>infested</strong> agricultural area 2010 + 2011cultivation of rice needs water supply► water associated trees CLB <strong>infested</strong>

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/LombardyCLB <strong>infested</strong> agricultural area 2010 + 2011Investigation of trees along wateringditches needs strong <strong>find</strong>ing willingof the <strong>dogs</strong>

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in IT/LombardyCLB <strong>infested</strong> agricultural area 2010 + 2011Investigation of trees at a hill requiresself-dependent work of the <strong>dogs</strong>

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in HR/DalmatiaCLB <strong>infested</strong> area in Turanj 06 + 07/2011Introduction of CLB in 2007 ► limited <strong>to</strong> area of nurseryVisual monthly moni<strong>to</strong>ring from May until Oc<strong>to</strong>ber of all potential host<strong>plants</strong> by PPS inspec<strong>to</strong>rs ► support by the detection <strong>dogs</strong>Outdoor areas of the nursery in the near surrounding ofthe former CLB <strong>infested</strong> green house

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in HR/DalmatiaCLB <strong>infested</strong> area in Turanj 06 + 07/2011Investigation of hundreds of roses andother host <strong>plants</strong> with the <strong>dogs</strong> at38ºC and high air humidity in thegreen house‣ risk of injury due <strong>to</strong> thorns‣ save physical resources of <strong>dogs</strong>and humans under extreme conditions

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in HR/DalmatiaCLB <strong>infested</strong> area in Turanj 06 + 07/2011Investigation of Lagerstroemia <strong>plants</strong> in the outdoor areaof the nursery

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in HR/DalmatiaCLB <strong>infested</strong> area in Turanj 06 + 07/2011Jackson proved positive one Lagerstroemia plant► no CLB symp<strong>to</strong>ms at base of the stem ► symp<strong>to</strong>m at base of the crown

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in HR/DalmatiaCLB <strong>infested</strong> area in Turanj 06 + 07/2011Destructiveinvestigationof thesuspiciousLagerstroemiaplantIn the gallery aCLB larva in the2. year ofdevelopmentwas found

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in CH/Cant. FribourgALB <strong>infested</strong> area in Brünisried 10/2011Infestation points: hedgeand Acer tree (former standing place )

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in CH/Cant. FribourgALB <strong>infested</strong> area in Brünisried 10/2011Investigation of the hedge;Jackson and Andor indicatedadditional Acer tree on the rightside of the hedge.

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in CH/Cant. FribourgALB <strong>infested</strong> area in Brünisried 10/2011Maturation feeding symp<strong>to</strong>ms of ALBbeetles in the crown of the Acer treeand oviposition sites at the base of thestems.

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in CH/Cant. FribourgALB <strong>infested</strong> area in Brünisried 10/2011Moni<strong>to</strong>ring in private gardens by Jackson with Dr. Gabriele Sauseng:The Acer tree (right) was indicated and should be proved by tree climbers.

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in CH/Cant. BaselALB moni<strong>to</strong>ring in harbour of Basel 10/2011Due <strong>to</strong> the <strong>find</strong>ing of 2 ALBbeetles in 08/2011 in the harbourof Weil on the German side of theriver Rhine the inspection of woodpackaging material imported fromAsian countries by the detection<strong>dogs</strong> was requested in one of theharbours of Basel.

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in CH/Cant. BaselALB moni<strong>to</strong>ring in harbour of Basel 10/2011Jackson was lifted on thethird level of crates <strong>to</strong>investigate also the fourthlevel.Andor controls WPM fromChina. Nails, metal straps,instable s<strong>to</strong>rage endangerthe dog.

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in CH/Cant. BaselALB moni<strong>to</strong>ring in harbour of Basel 10/2011Independently working of the<strong>dogs</strong> is necessary if the doghandler cannot follow the dog.Andor and Jackson indicatedaccordingly one area of cratesfrom Vietnam.

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in CH/Cant. BaselALB moni<strong>to</strong>ring in harbour of Basel 10/2011Powderpost beetlesDuring verification fresh saw dust of living stagesof Powder post beetles (Sinoxylon spec.) werefound despite of treatment with Methyl bromideaccording <strong>to</strong> the ISPM15 stamp.► Indication of the <strong>dogs</strong> due <strong>to</strong> overlapping scent► Consequences: repacking of 133 units,destroying of 133 crates under control of PPS,reclamation, report on Europhyt.

Use of detection <strong>dogs</strong> in DE/BavariaALB <strong>infested</strong> area in Neukirchen 11/2011ALBovipositions atstump of willowlaid in Oc<strong>to</strong>ber,found by the<strong>dogs</strong>

ALB/CLB detection <strong>dogs</strong>training courses at BFW since 02/2011• Training of <strong>Anoplophora</strong> detection dog teams by BFW /Department of Forest Protection• Basic training in 2 consecutive basic modules of each 1week, each with theoretical und practical examination• Spring 2011 Vienna:► 1 inspec<strong>to</strong>r and his wife with 3 <strong>dogs</strong> from PPS ofNorthrhine-Westfalia/DE: for the ALB <strong>infested</strong> area inBornheim/DE• Autumn 2011 Ossiach/Carinthia:► 1 dog handler with his dog from PPS of Baden-Württemberg/DE,► 2 dog handlers with each one dog from PPSCarinthia/AT• Spring/summer 2012 Ossiach/Carinthia:► 4 dog handlers with 5 <strong>dogs</strong> from the PPS of Switzerland► 2 dog handlers with each one dog from PPS Styria/AT

Europe’s ALB/CLB detection <strong>dogs</strong> trained by BFW

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