The first booke of architecture : entreating of geometrie. Translated ...

The first booke of architecture : entreating of geometrie. Translated ...

The first booke of architecture : entreating of geometrie. Translated ...

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AACKINT03HLlDRAFOfFOLIOREFERENCEGlasgow School <strong>of</strong> Art LibraryBookNumberSubjectNumberAuthor/Heading\

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TO THE HIGH ANDMIGHTIE PRINCEH E .TV %%Prince <strong>of</strong> Wales.sf%,Ovaine ambition <strong>of</strong> mine owneDefire, much lefle prefumption <strong>of</strong>my none Defert,incited me to prefent this Volume to your Princejyview 5but rather, the gracious Countenance, which (euen from yourChildehood) youhaueeuerdaigned to all good endeauours, invitedMee alfo (after fo many others) to <strong>of</strong>fer at the high-Altar <strong>of</strong> youtNot with pretence <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>it to your HighnefTe ( who want notHighnefle fauour, this new-Naturalized VVorke <strong>of</strong> a learned Stranger:more exquifite Tutors in all excellent Sciences) but,vnderthe Patronage <strong>of</strong> your powerful!Name, to benefite the Publicke; and conuay vnto my Countrymen (efpecially Architectsand Artificers <strong>of</strong> all forts ) thefe Neceflary , Certaine, and moll ready Helps <strong>of</strong>Geometrie : <strong>The</strong> ignorance and want where<strong>of</strong>, in times paft (in m<strong>of</strong>t parts <strong>of</strong> this Kingdome)hath left vs many lame VVorkes, with fhame <strong>of</strong> many Workemen; which, forthe future, the Knowledge and vfe <strong>of</strong> thefe Inftru&ions mail happily preuent, if the euentbutanfwere(inanymeafure) to that Hope <strong>of</strong> mine, which alone both induced this Defireand produced this Defigne: Wherein I muft confefle my part but fmall,fauing my greataduenture in the Charge, and my great Good-will to doe Good .All which, togetherwith my beft Seruices , I humbly pr<strong>of</strong>trate at your Princely feete, as befeemesYour Highneffem<strong>of</strong>t humble SeruantItybert Tea{e,

To the Loners <strong>of</strong> Architecture.Vr learned AuthorSebaftian Serly, hauing great forefight to flew and ex-*thine the common rules <strong>of</strong>'Architecture; did Jirfl publifi his Fourth Booke-,<strong>entreating</strong> <strong>of</strong>Architecture, and after his Third Booke, declaring excellent Antiquities.Fearing that ifhee had begunne with Geometrie and Perjpectiue,common workmen would haue thought ( that the two former although fmall)had not beene fo needefull to fludie andprattife as the other :Which friendlyReader, considered, hindered mee long either fromTranJlating or Pubtiflringthe tw<strong>of</strong>ormer, beingperjwaded by Jundry friends and workemen,to haue defifled my purp<strong>of</strong>e, both fromtranflatingorpublijhing . <strong>The</strong> which / hadfurely effected, if I had beene ouer-ruled by their requefis andperfwafions) alleadging flrong reafons, that the common Workemen <strong>of</strong>our time Vwtle regarded orejieemed to Worke with right Simmetrie : the which is confuted and erronious, in the iudgement<strong>of</strong>the Learned Architect:, ifthey will follow the Order <strong>of</strong>Antiquities hereafter enfuing.Whereforeleafi my good meaning, together with my Labour in Translating and PublifJnng ,[hould notbe regarded and cfleemed ( as worthie ) confidering it not onely tendeth to thegreat pr<strong>of</strong>it <strong>of</strong>theArchitect or Workeman, but alfo generally to ail other Artificers <strong>of</strong> our Nation : I aduife all generally,not to deceiue themfelues, nor to be felfe-conceited in their owne worke s, but well ynder-Jland this my labour (tending to common good) and be per(waded that who fo fiall follow theferules hereafterfet downe,JhaU not onely haue his Worke well ejieemed <strong>of</strong> the commonpeople,butaljo generally commended and applauded <strong>of</strong> all workemen,and men <strong>of</strong>iudgement. Vale.

.0§Line.parable.S po^nf.OfGeometrieFI R S t,i?oh tnufi snoerffano tbat a popnt is a pjictte matte to tba ptno?CQmpau"e,toSHeb cam not bee Dcuioesinto ant parts,ijccaufeitcontctnetb neitt;er lengtlj lis? bjeotl) no bjeotb.OTben ttoo!Lines are tela? placet) <strong>of</strong> a little feogseneffe one fromtbeotbir,tb<strong>of</strong>etfe!o lines, accessing to tbenatinepb?afe, are calicoparable, ano bp Tome mentbegarenameD CquioiSances.Superficies.©Hben tb<strong>of</strong>etfoo fimt Dp, are eal*leo Superficies o? plainncs.1.perpendicular.CSTljentrjcrc is a ttraigbt bp?igl)t nine places in tbe miSDle <strong>of</strong> acr<strong>of</strong>fe ttratgbt line,tben it is calico a perpendicular o? Catbeta nine:ano tbe enos<strong>of</strong> tbecr<strong>of</strong>feojffraigbtnineonbntbfiaes<strong>of</strong>tbeperpen*Dicular, are calico Straight comers.e fame nine bcnoctb,fomucb fijall tbe comer <strong>of</strong> tbe firaigbt iLtne be narrotoer beloto, ano tbeotberfomucb bjsaOertben a right oj eocn comer: ano tbe ttraigbtcojner in tLatine is calleo Meatus, foljtcb fignifictb ttjarpe,ano tbe toi*ser comer £>btnfus, toljicb fignifictb enllt .3 comer oj point calleo piranribal, anD alfo 0cntns in Hattne, ie sfcfeen tvoo cuen long firaigbt lines meet o? iorne together at tbe topperenM* tbe figure rigbtagatnfi Ujfs oeclarety.an<strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ienfoeb a figure tscl<strong>of</strong>e<strong>of</strong>ogefl&er at tbefsBtctbereBf, foirba long firaigbt line, it is (ben calleo a SErfongle, becaafe it batb tb?csfijarpe cojners.TOben a triangle foitbttoo enen firaigbt lines , isdotes fog e«jcrhritlj a longer line tben tbefe ttoo are, it fijall bane fucb a fojme asjjereSou fee.I. ,|LWtxt

<strong>The</strong> firfl Booke.e firfl Chapter.FoU.jgnf a2Crtaitgle fcfjfcfi its maoe <strong>of</strong> tbjee bnltfee luie*, fttpallaltoIjanetbjeebnU&ecojncrs.®m^ti ttoo long ano ttoo Direct ketone rt'gljf lines are topes coge*iher attliefonrerojmrs , it ie calico ©uaojangle toitb eucnfioesojcojners, bnf tobcn tlje fonre lines are all <strong>of</strong> fcnlifce oj contrary length,then it isa®Hao?angleBffcneucnfit>cs,ast!jls figure ffectoetlj.SSCrrangle;^.\©uaojangle. \You mud note that although all fourecornerd figures may be calledQuadrangles:neuertheles,r'or that the dirett foure carnerd figuresarc called Quadratus : for difference from them, I mil name all figureswhichareliketntoatable,(thatislongathen broad) Quadrangles,^TT^enfourecncnlong ffraight lines are iopco together at tbe* V co?ners,tbeparecallED©nao?attis, to&iclj arc fonrc cojnerD:tobcn pen matte the ttoo cojners there<strong>of</strong> fbarpe, ano tl>e ether ttoo co?*ners fometobat blunter, ttoeo it is calico a mmbas.Although pon map fucne anb mafee all f&e figures afo?cfafo rightfoure fquare: fPetibe toozfecmanmap finoectrjEr figures toitt)afaers corners.fonre fqaare.2Ebe tobjeb (as 3 toill hereafter ffieto) bee mag mafeeWfecnamantoitbbts4Dompafi'e Djatoelb a bntoc, ano after tfjatojatoefb an other boto rigfet againfi it,tbat is calico aMM<strong>of</strong> crooaeo 3lines,toitb ttoo UUe corners : ano then ojatoetb a ttragbtline from the one cojnertotbeotber, anb from one poi>nt oj centert<strong>of</strong>eeretbeCompaffeffoob to the otbcr,anotber ffraighame. %%«&bBPUUjallfinoetljen^t foure parts there<strong>of</strong>.^uperficitie<strong>of</strong> acroc-fees line*BWi.% ifamanojatoe ateboleronnb line toitb iji*Compare,thatiscalleo afiill Circle, o*rouno^upetficiticsj,anetbepopnlin tbe miDDleis calleo the Centre. 2CS)C utm<strong>of</strong>f line is calico Ctrcurr.*ferentte: anDtftfouoiatoaftraigbtnne tl»eng& the Center, tt weakleft a diameter ; becaafe it ocuioetl) il)c Circle m ttoo eaen parts.BH!};e:l

:.Of Geometric\tJT 9«i $e Iralfc Circumference fs t<strong>of</strong> t&oagf) f^e Cea*Vy fcr<strong>of</strong>t^e {Diameter, tbm it is calico tjalfen Circlesana if poti mate a ffraigb* line tmjigbt in tl»s balfeCircle, fijen tbstltae mafeetb ttooeuen quarters <strong>of</strong> aCircle, ana oeufoen) ttje£Diametec alto into tujo ^alfe j5Dul»meter?*(Kfafftnrefqoattt\7\T©ehaman ojafoefyfonrecnenlongluieMno icpietfjtbcmtQgetber,tbepmaKeapeifect£omer&&uaa?atas:t^K ifvett ajaU) a Ifrata tit line from f be one corner to tbe ottjer,it is caltcti Di aamia*; tocsufe it Denioetb tbt fonre eotfwwiatettooeuen parts.N®6fobenafeo}KcmanbatbfcencafojmeDf fome <strong>of</strong> them<strong>of</strong>f nectffarif gmpcrficies, rjec mnftpjececa further,flnalearne to augment o; cf aiinilb. tbe fame, ana to turtle ftjem infoott):r fojmes: bnt pet in fact) fo&t&at tbep map bans enen part*irttbem.A ^ H) firtt,tf sat <strong>of</strong> tbe ltnr;tb <strong>of</strong> tbe 2>ia** gonuaafojefapo, bptfeeaaaing <strong>of</strong> tbaeectbercucn long lines, bee maaetb i netberfa are fquare : ttjut foare fquare fljal be onceas great againe as ttje fiift, fobicb is to beetmaetffaaa in ibis fojt : 2Cbn 1 1 foare fquare<strong>of</strong> A. B. C. D. bvtbeSDiagonasis Dent?©eo into ttoo SDcianglca , ana n)e greaterfnure fquare A.D.F.E. contained fourefdeb triangles i but foi tbat tbe ttoc firflfour: fquircs bang onettritbin tbe otber,fberefojs fa? tbt better vetoing tbere<strong>of</strong>,tbcparc brre once againe fet o<strong>of</strong>onc feoerallpt<strong>of</strong>cerebp poa mapf&tbat tbeSJuaajateG.(as sfaia brfa?e) cctaiwth ttoo SEriangles,dnt) tbeiSuaajsts H. contained fonre fueb;SCriangles, fo tbat ttjs pjo<strong>of</strong>e there<strong>of</strong> isclearelptobcfeene.toitbta a fonre fqaare pou mafic aCircle tobfcb (oucbetb tbeI^Ffoare fines <strong>of</strong> tbe faia foare fqusrc, ana toirboaHbc faio foarefqaare an otljcr Circle tobicb toucbeib tfec comers marfeea A.B,CD. &bcn tbe outm<strong>of</strong>f Circle mutt bee once as great sgamaas tbe innsrmoC! : ana tben if about tbe greafeft Circle poatnaae anotber foare fquare as C D. E. F. u>n tbe ttoo fenrefquaresmnflinlihefo?t be once as greatagatneas t&p other.2Cb« P?mfe tobcref ttanaetb berebv martua fciitb tbe letters K.Lfo; clearer t»,*~« ----»-"

t<strong>The</strong> fir& Bo<strong>of</strong>ee,t&is alfo, t^e pjoiecturc o? tbe taote <strong>of</strong> tbeBf&y&tits <strong>of</strong> the Sibafcane Colnmnes o? pillars,anb alfo t&e bjebtb <strong>of</strong> tbe ftmoation <strong>of</strong> tbem bnser*neatb br» Glertramtw bedareb , tat fet foojth.<strong>The</strong> firil Chapter. Fol.$,D® teejfeeman mad pet pjoeceb for fber,aneT^ learne to knoto bote to cbange a SDriangle in*to a ©uabjangle, ana alfo at Ia8 bjing i i t a a rfgb©.nabjaie , to the tabic!) 31 toill fct ootone Dinersfo;mes. JHrft, take a triangle fnitb enen coj»ncrs , as A. B.C. ana benibct&e iSaOe (tobicbis tbe name <strong>of</strong> all lotoec lines) B.C. in ttooeuenparts, anb ttjerc place tfee letter E . SCben from tbepoint £. to A. ajafoc a line,fobicbti)illDemDeu)etriangle into ttoo enen parts, artjen if pontafeethat part tobicb is markcD A, E.G. anb i<strong>of</strong>ti^tt totbeotber part, market) A.E.B. it taillmabe a©uabjangMs A. D. B, E.mabe <strong>of</strong> a SCriangU.map alfo cbange tbis Ertangletn othermanner, ocuibing tbe lines A. B. anb A«C.Y£>aeacfj in tteo like parts as F. anb G. SDben bjatoea line tfcongb £>- £• as long as tljeffiafe B.C.SDben (but bp tbe ttuo €qmbittancc8,cojner toife;anb tben tt)c©nabjangle B.C.D.E. contained) (qmncbinitastbeCriangls A.B C.anbtbepjo<strong>of</strong>ethere<strong>of</strong> is,tbat tbe ttoo triangles B» C. F. anbG.E.C. containe fo mncb tntbem,astbettoo o«tljcr SErianglcs A,F.H.anbA.i,G.A SCrianjle foitb enen points , mag be ficaiaetsibjice into ttoa eqaall parts, oeuibing cacb Gbein ttoo parts, as in tbe agtire P.,Q. R it is femetbjoughtljc trjjcc lines, tobicb on eitjjer fibs massttoo great Xrixigles.

:Of Geometric a line cirect Defonctoaro from T. U. to cl<strong>of</strong>e it tp: and ttjesitbat iinaDzanglje container as mnrb fpaee toitbin it as tbe SCctangleafejefapa, betaufc tbat the SCr tangle tetfjic^ is cut<strong>of</strong>f P.S. V. is <strong>of</strong>tfetlibe p;afneffc toiflb tbe oiljcr JCnasgU tsarbcD V.R.T.A ^baltbcugb there is aSCrtanale <strong>of</strong> tonequall fiB«-wt a man* mapmafecita€iuab?anglc,tafac^rc|tfis 3 fapB before <strong>of</strong> tljetig^tSCrionglej foj alt&ougb ttjc too 2*tangles tbat arc cut <strong>of</strong>f,anc ttjote ttco ttjat are abacs *ntoit,arenot<strong>of</strong> oneareatneffc, pett|e triangles A.F.l.attDB.D.F.areonc as great as tbectljcr, anDagaine, tbe Strangles A.G.K. f G.C.E. are alfo <strong>of</strong> one grcatnesto tljattfo<strong>of</strong>e tbat are cut<strong>of</strong>f, anD tb<strong>of</strong>e tbat are aDOeD t&sreunto*are<strong>of</strong> one quanttttc. ffii? tfjcfe alterations afojefapo, a man map eafilnmeafure boto mane fete , ellcs 0; rmscs faurciqaarc,are wntaincDin a tbjcMoznetD Janpu flcics.B53 S tt fallen) ocr,tbai a2Criangle(ft>btc& istbJaco;nerDUo>pet ficte 0? plat«e,muff be parteD er<strong>of</strong>fefoife in tluo equal parts Jtben ont <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> tbe uDes tbat jou bull cuttb?eegb,rou muff mabea ttgbt foure fquare, as from tt)e fiDe A. B. anD o:ato tberin too 2Dtpiece anD alter ttmto a ffiuaDjenglc, ano after into a ©uaWatc, asthereafter ffjall beujetoeD, atutbeffjallfittfutttue.jfc$ aircbtfertoi mutt alfo bntergoe <strong>of</strong>ber bnrtbciw , fojtbat beenr<strong>of</strong>ffenefob<strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>oDemDe apircc<strong>of</strong>grounvbatnomanmapbefjinDjeDtbercbp. :3siejrpamplc,tftjjereimeaptcce ufsratmDtbatlag tfeja rojnero fclfe ,toitb bnequall pat ts, bamng on tbe one floethere<strong>of</strong> aMIell, butnot In tbemiDDle : ano tbis grounD,o? tfcjfctojnerb piece <strong>of</strong>lLanD is to bee DeuioeB tnta too cqaal parts,in fort*fojMbateacb <strong>of</strong> tbemmap^auetbcute<strong>of</strong>tbetKlidlattnuft beeBone in tbis manner. Slmabe aSCrianglemarfecDA.B.GanDtbe©Ecll is marbeDtoitbCi. $ete DeuiDe tbe line B.C.uufbaDaraeItneintbetoo equallpartsas u)e letter D.fbefoetb, anD tben Sjato*ing a line from D. to A. tben tbe triangle is DcuieeB into tuio cqaalparts: butbotb<strong>of</strong> tbemcannot pet come totljeliftelhfljruDjaiueanother line from tbe ©Bell G.to A.anDfrom tbe popnt D.pou mufffei an QDqtuDiffancic againe G. A.marbeD toitbE. $ Draining fremG.tobicb istbc»lUtbe blac&e line to tbe letter E. it toill DeuiDetbegnumDin toocueHfeueratlpaits,anD cacb<strong>of</strong>rbemfballljanefl)e Well at tbe enD <strong>of</strong> bisgrotmb,fej tbat part A. B.G.E. cental*netbitittiuS as manp fate o? rams, astbatpattfcljirbtsmarKCDG.E.C.

<strong>The</strong> Hrft Books* <strong>The</strong> iirft Chapter. F0I.4..1&>betoeb befoje , bate a man fberila make a fonr rqnare&Bperff*cicg once as great again as it »$,bat it map fall ou t,tfeat a man isto make it but ftalft as greatagatn,ej mote o? Ieffe,acb8 tbfnfeetbgooD,e?aso«afionf£rurtlj,tot)kl)^e3rt^tcctojt*alfo to learncaf mceffiiie. JEtt&icb to ffceto, 3 fet o<strong>of</strong>tmc a rigbi fonrefquarc thing,warkeo A. B.C. D.tobicb 3 toiH bans tb;cc quarter* greater :tbefame tb?ee quarters 3 fet bp tbe Goe tt)ere<strong>of</strong>, fo that tbe fame foitbtbe ©aaojatctosctber make a&naojanglc A.E.C.G.ffiabjingthis ©nabjangle into arigbtSHuaojate ,t?cn maS Icnctben tbeline A. E. pet aqnarter longer , ojfrow the floe <strong>of</strong> the ©uao^an*gleE»G.ans plate F.tberertbcn fcpon tbel-rie A.F. mafeebalfe aCircle: tob-ifb line tet' flieto pen ibe on: uoe <strong>of</strong> tbe SKnabjate toljicbpan feeke fo? : i»b«b ©nabjate being maoe, brill contain? as mur jjinit.sstbe-©nabjangle. alreaDvmaBs. anointbis maner f ou magchange all ©aab tangles tarcb are long foarc cojnero pieces <strong>of</strong>luojfef, into a iaftanb true 2iHao?ate.Ng)t<strong>of</strong>t>fjsinetbatjfojbtcbH fas&befojc, poBmBflfapnetbc©uaojangle ferirb the©dao?atetcgetbtr,inenefottrefquarefopcrfitie asQ^.S. T.ano from tfec comer R.to tbe corner S.ojato a Diagon as, one it is certaine that t&at SDiggomis foill makettoo cnen parts, #ci» d&uc'incs faitt),tbat fobena man fabrtb an?enen parts from eucn par t *jttp refl <strong>of</strong>tbe parts alfo rem nine alike:then take tbe SCriangle K.L.anb tbe triangle MN.tobttb are botbalike:tt)erigbf fourecomero fttperft'eic P.is<strong>of</strong> tbe famegreatneffc,jtsTA^\ DKBthat the longer fapcrfoieO is.1/xH I1 JSA€5aine,pou m i? eafinj change a ©aaajafeinto a ©tatjjangTca's bng s? as iirro% as van oeflre to bane it, booinj ttjifiV^afte pour 25iiao?ate A. B. C. D. anb Unjtben poor line A. B. an? tbe Use B.C. saibtcij l oif- *benfet tbelengtb<strong>of</strong> tbcSinaojangle, n>bicbpouoefiretobau:b?ontbe UneA.G. SIDbenfrom tbe popittG.ojato a line a?long b? tbe comer af the 2JuaojateD.ro tbe line C.F. ana tbcrepaa am toc»tji:t. a line <strong>of</strong> foe ©a sbjangle t anafa to toe contrary pon % alio? t&: ieaS 3ae <strong>of</strong> tbe ©aafiiangje anas tbe longei alfo, as t?on map alfo p?ome bp ujf fogc*fa jo .figure: fo; to!) m gou take a aa g tbe triangles M, N. auo O.P, io.juh ace botb alike, iben t ji e t ujo parts iububare K.L.are alto alike.

Of GeometricKfi2SS2»2£SK^^3^ all toi«,rigbt cojners,tafee«)emout WJtat* *otuanfin&V ^-T.Le line E. F. ant) (be line £. G. are tobcrr t be v Bap c? tenet) tmorr t be great Una*wangle L.ffcere fetan I. from tfcte 1. a SDiagcnall line, being eastern lbjcneb tbe tcjnrrs b, H, tbe fame line fiiatlbeOjatoen to tbe point: tbat.,bpibe tbtittmg <strong>of</strong> tbeCaraetersB.ML.D. feiUfljeto pumotbtr&uaojangle, <strong>of</strong> tbelifceqawstitielbat tbe©naojangleM.ts:fo trjattbelsbole ©uaojanglc D.C.L.M. eontsinetlj fi;e tbo afejefepDSnao jangles, fondling tbe triangles , tebtn peu bam ebangeo f fte fame (attojfcfog to r our fojmer tnQrtxttcn)into &naDjangles, as pen map fee by tbe £r tangle N. fo map pou put tljat SluaOjangle alfc in tbe grrafrff® uaojan*glesCfoj leffc trouble.) Sbc great ffiuaojangle A . L M.C. is ence agatne plaeeo tbtus irttb tbe fmall^uasjatigle O.P.Q.R.fctbponit,anD tbe jaDtagcnall line is plaeeo betajurt tbe greater (UbubisL.M.T.S.botbmarfe£OfcttbN.fot^atfbefiaaiijangle A.C-S* T. tontatnetb tbjeefiuaojangles L M, N. snfras manymojeajB tbereare: pcumagin iijis fojt bjing tbem all in one sSuacjangle : if tbe re fa lie tb eut snp era fecD lines, ti; c S a iffel! Subitet tcj cj tr cjbc?man map alm<strong>of</strong>ibjmg tbemints a (quare, anctb<strong>of</strong>e^uat>?anales,ifmet)bc,mapal(&ba(tu(comtot!erfetff£urefquarespasafojefapo.

<strong>The</strong> firft Booke: <strong>The</strong> firft Chapter. $ \j 42>

OfGcbmetrie\»V^na man bat& a,ine * oq>«rtW«B0 <strong>of</strong> bnequallpart*, anBtbcre iff alfo another ;lcnflitURe,o} femeotfeertiling* t<strong>of</strong>eitb a man toonie alfo Benibe into bnequall pacta, atcotfing to the pjopojtion <strong>of</strong>fice ftojtcr (tnt,tbenlet ibe Ojojtett Hnc be A, B. ano tbe greateft line A. C. note it is neccflarp that from the bppermoll pepni A pon Ojeniemafee a corner as A. B. ano A. A. fflTben tafce pour Jonger line, ano fet it teirb tbe enb C. Upon B.ano let tbe otbecenbreuattbebanginglme A. A.tben fromeuetPfopnt <strong>of</strong> tbe bppermett line A, B. let a banging line fall Open theline A.*-. 10 that tbepmap bt eqtrioiffant toitbtbe line A. A. < teberef>faio line* tot tbjougbeach other, thereto tberight S3 cntOon pjapo j t i o-neb, acco?oing to tbefmaller. rCbts rnlelbalnet onlp feme the archi*rettoj fojraanptbingf,asJtDillpartlpfljcUjf:but toill alfo ferae ma*ng artificer* to woucotbrirftnaUtoejoeoutfogreater.F&SerbSSC.ffZ3Sl2£2S bfN6 A SJWpwft* BPfireo^arrearefobeca^tbat in tbe **irtMt5o>l » B WH>WUm<strong>of</strong>tbefco>felr> B iae*t»e^^S%c long line%%% %m ttncvSCfco

<strong>The</strong>ifirflBooke. <strong>The</strong> firft Chapter. Fol.jr.T©«&3rc&tfecffl? rmiffbmieatoell pjopo5ttmt8&Cojmce,ttrt»fchif b^toaatoma&egrcater^eepingtyefamepjo*portion, beemspeoc if ashetsfounerls taught, as in tbta jFigwe fnUotoing tsftetefsbg ffacfitatluu marbe©A.B. ano the longac tine martrt A.C.man , twnff Ifeetoifeleame Co angmcst g mabegreater a belotoeeeatfine,t<strong>of</strong>oicbbee map alfoooebgthe ttoo lines afojcfapoe aano altbongb tbcColumncfijanlD be a®o?ica (per t£10 to bee btfterffooD <strong>of</strong> allfeinosoHEotamnes. 2Cbtsrale toil alto feme (int on*I? fsj tbe tbjee figures fefKetone) but alto foj as ma«w , as if 5 t&oulei ibetoe«bem,ittoenlDcontefoeatobole bstce ottbtm alone,ana tberefoje tbts fijall fuf*fice at tljts time fo? tggiwjteman.JCbf

Of GcometrieTT&rfuttfcrr fl&afsng material!tS,fngffanBef?j frcm car ?tgl;f»fo ttitit!) it fcemeft; Jo IdXen, sna ei»minify hfmtmts eft^e ap?e, U&iefjcsnfBmttb oar figljt ; tljctrfo?e t<strong>of</strong>cna man toll make oj place one tyingabcuc another, aeair.lt anp plate o;tual! , $ tenia tjsae tfcefame tbinstc flifitti slwu in t!)emiDDU,ani) be*neat!), 22 great in cnepart as in U;etiljtt ,follflt<strong>of</strong>bisit is rcmununt fo? fcim tonsle, tobjebis, fojtbatcur figtyt rimnctb in circumforcnte:tbcrcfcjcamaom«fl fitffcbufe ifeefettleplace, fromMencebe toiilfame : t&m flfcim a Center, anatben cjato a rj«a? ter <strong>of</strong> aCtrcle fromFour efe tplwaras. Kfekb. aerfcting in eiten?nrts,ptjfi;an,bv5iljelines tbat gee out cf tbe Centertfocugi rttjcCirtlcogaintt^eiral!,finati* tnequall parts: fcbeiBljirbalti)ouB^ptearDsarcainfttl)cU)aI,tb«p fljsl feemc greater: |4t in gonefigbt tbej? taillfljefo al <strong>of</strong>one great.neffc. J5p tbts role pou ma? altoaneaforc freights, a?aing sonrfeltefrttbuje numbers.

1'—i-*<strong>The</strong> firft Booke. <strong>The</strong> firft Chapter. F0I.7.racr are <strong>of</strong>opinion,M3nsthat Oraigbt lines, in f<strong>of</strong>cat maner foeuer tbcp arc clefco, con tamw as many (paces onetoapasanonjer, (fbat tstafap) if a manbaba cojd <strong>of</strong> fojtp forte long, ant> ftaulo lap it etuerflp in a rotmo,lon^tbmojnerb.foure fqnarcojaue rojnerb fojnie : but. tbefuncrfaks are not <strong>of</strong> one felfc fame fpicctobicb' mar befeenebpcbefefomtfqHare figures foUotoing }fo:tbcfl:ft iineholoetb on either fiocics?, tobicb is foitp : anubffpacecontapnes ten times ten, tob'cb is an bun a?ep. Coe- otycr line Upon Jbc ttea lonptt Goes comities ffit&m fpatfs,aneontbeftojteftfioe»fioe,wabingfo;tpalfo \ butfiuctlmesBftaneniabeliutfcnentic awfiuc

,Of Gecmetne? a man ftonlD mn&e its?,* pefot t (infcaclje,t!jecompaHc mnfi paSe along tepo caclj o J t^efspoynts. EToooeitfrom tt>c porotQne,tollje popnt ttoo, bee mull: P?ai»a In?, anafromtfeepcynttiso-.tatbrpopRtttoeeano'tijer : tobicb ttoo linra fijall each <strong>of</strong> tfeem be1Druftebmto ttoo equal parip, snefetttngthe fquicrs balfe toay w tfa m. as von Teeit in tbe figure, by that cteffe it toiilfbttoyou tbe Center, ixi^crcin peumeftfetonefate <strong>of</strong> ibe Compare, ancuitb tb? ottitrbjato the Circle ibjongb all tyzlaid $!;;&pojjnts.Yarn ma? fino tbe Center <strong>of</strong>tb}« points another tear,fmtfaont ^anr Compaffc, ma*Ising a ttoo tomcro faperfinefrem tbe otu poynt to tbe tfherthough tbeUbkb Cojncrett<strong>of</strong>lftraigfct line* being ojattnelong enough cotontoaroB tvl)ccetbep crolTe one ouer the other,the? toM (beto rcatbe Center<strong>of</strong> tbetbj* po^nta.TLMt fejj&atoojfcmawbulos this to beafiwpetSuena fpcrrfae,ant>aftt g <strong>of</strong> no moment, ifmapbetbatatoojlsmatimap fame apfcee <strong>of</strong> arorno toojfee to tor,tobtcbheisroprrfitanomafer full rennh Ipibistol: bee mrp finoe theCenter, Circumferece,ano SDiametrr there<strong>of</strong>,U tbe figure $etoetfrEe

1<strong>The</strong> firft Booke, Thsfirft Chapter Fol.8.cr:A\ft7&fftiQin8Nt{(piif

jIOfGeometrief$ afoojucmantoiU mafeealB2iDge,JJ5olBe,oj anp.otber rouno arches piece <strong>of</strong> too?6e, tebicb tstogcertbcn aIjatfc Circle, altbougb Sfafons pjactife t&ts tott^ t%t\x lines s tot)erebp tbep make fuel) butts <strong>of</strong> tooifecs, tobicb itjir touicUtomenafigbt^ettftbetoojkeman will folloturbe rifcbt fCbeojicse ano reafon tbere<strong>of</strong>, bee mutt obferuc ty*^ otter beret<strong>of</strong>oje fljetaeo.EJH^en be bat| tbe fovDeneffe <strong>of</strong> tjje height, trjen be mull mafee balfe a Circle out <strong>of</strong> tljcntinole :after lbat,Dpon tbe fame Centre, bee mini mafee another letter Circle, fobieb ma& benogreatertbcnbetoillmake trje bctgljt <strong>of</strong> tbe JBoto o j 0rcbe: then be mutt benine fbe greatett Circle in equal part*,tobicb mutt al be ojatocntoitb lines; to tbe Centre? tbw pou mutt bang out otber JBerpcnsicnlars bpon pour JLcab: ana tetjere tbe lines ffcat goto tbe Centre cat tbjoagb tbe letter Circle,rrom tbence pou mutt bjato tbe erotic lines totoaro tbe $&crpenoicular, anab>beretbepcloretogetber,tberetbe JSoice o;0rcbeU)btcb is mm, OjaU be cl<strong>of</strong>eo:as bptbe points at patches bereori*feeriittjeteeo.B5HC if ?oubeficetomaBetbe»8teoj!3rcbelou)*r,fbrHpou mutt folloto tbe rule afottfasM»tt mafee tbe tnncr*moll Circle fo macb leffe,fobicb is to bee bffl>crttoo9,tbat tbe mo?e parts tbat gou make <strong>of</strong> the greater Circle , fomucb tbe eaaier]?ouliallo?atoetbecrooKeB lines tubjebpou&galo baue:fromtbis rulctb«« are manp others obfer*net* as hereafter pou ttjallfse*

<strong>The</strong> firft Booke. <strong>The</strong> firft Chapter. FoI.&(~* aUttigtbe fojmer rale to mtttoe, 31 oeaifeb flje manner Ijoto to fojme ans fafljion Diners ftinncs <strong>of</strong> beffels bg^fljcfamc, ano g tbinbe ft not amide to fet ootonefome <strong>of</strong> fbem : SEhis onelp is ta bee marfeeD, tbat as t<strong>of</strong>De as poratwill wafee tbe beffels toicbm, fa great pon matt malic tbe wnermott Circle. STtje reffi , the £UiIfaittoo?feemanmagmat-he bp tf>e figures jf. bat is, bote tljtlints are Djatone to tbe Center,ans tbeparables, ano oat <strong>of</strong>trjcfmaU Circle.Wl)t pcrpcHOiculavs banging:-, fbe bef

IOf Geometric| E ism crceHcut thing fo; a man to CuOp 03 pjactifc to ea a«p Jbirtg foti& (beCompaffe, toberebg in!tmettiftttiiap-* foi&out tl;at i»b"b ibeg nener imagincD : as t%i* nig^t it boppciirt fcnto me, fo? tbat fctEing to 8nt> a ncrrerrn!c,tamafee $ fojme <strong>of</strong> an Cgge,tbcn aibertos jDiirens ban) fet ootene:3 &nn& tbia fcap to mabc an antiefeebeael1,plattlijjtrie forte beneatb at tbe tout <strong>of</strong> an Cgge,anD tye necfee toif^ tbe fjancl gb abone fcpcn tbe tbicfeetf part <strong>of</strong> tbe Cgfic HBntfirff^cn mBttframefheCgge in ttjis manner: ^afce aarats&tcr<strong>of</strong>fc<strong>of</strong>tfeaItnw,antn«HtoeMHr«oJfchiwm tinsquall parts: trjat ie :on eacb (Ice fine.SCtjrr , fet (fee ConipatTc bpon tbfiCenter A. and fottb.tbe ottjer faststtjerr<strong>of</strong> , Djato in ttoa parts, ttjat is,to C, making rjalfe a Circle bp»tearDa, SCbat Done, let onefoote <strong>of</strong>tbe Compaffe Upon f porjnt marbeOB.ano tatittj tbe ottjcr Djate in n)e bt*term<strong>of</strong>t pavnt Chaining a p6ce <strong>of</strong>a Circle noton*tDar»fi totuarD f $civpenDicniar,awD Doing tbe lihc on ttjcDttjer Bee,i»oa mad mahe a point be*ioto. Cl)en tafee% tjalfe <strong>of</strong>tbe tjalfeCircle abone ttjat tree parte, anoplate it attbebnDermoll point <strong>of</strong> tbe^erpenbitular bptoaroa abone O.inhere tbe Centre to tlcfefbrCgge,fijalffanoUbereSbnacrti,-;befo? |fate: nje nccbe, toit?)out DDcbt,maplie mabe tuio parts bigl), anD tbe rcttatcojttngto tbe tonjlunians plea*fare,m accojoinu to tbe figure t»crg ?UnOcrfetcctone.\r$to urai alto make anotber nwme <strong>of</strong> aCnpe?bef&«,aftcc tbe rale afciefapo. 25nf ttmtfyv&0A> (bbfc|aoctblbetothebjeatb<strong>of</strong> tbefertc, ano the uriDtnctfe <strong>of</strong> tbe month) pw> mo0 make font Circle tpfcarbs, ftoaiIC.fcntotbe tbo lBerpenDUBlars,toberetheboD*flwUbecu>frt>bp.tyifib 5^henecferflfntirg sbt-cei^MlUOMOWt*fenitfeetettflf tbetoajfeemanfljip 6jaUbfimaDea«pjbi«gtttb«MlanDbe«te«f the taejtowani^—»-*» | Wf- I**

<strong>The</strong> firft Boob, <strong>The</strong> firft Chapter, Polio*BH fbusmeanesrai mwmiftcotycr Different felnae* <strong>of</strong> C«p s o; tjetFuls: bat t^cfs tf}atfoll<strong>of</strong>e,paumtt& matte totbtafejt : bow matt aeaioe pour crafo line m tioslne parts tbjongb tbe pswt A. making ttoo §erpenaiealara tafljetotljtfsatcatio tbe necae: tben retitn^o tr fjotc <strong>of</strong> tbeCampatte bponB.ano t&eot&erfootebpanl.ojafoing apiece <strong>of</strong> a Circle D<strong>of</strong>onetoarDS.totoarDS tbfJJtapcaoicnlar : ana tbe Hfte being Dene on tbcotijeraoctat^ jFjgare<strong>of</strong> i. tben place pour Compaffe npon tt)e popnt C. auo fouling the Goes £ . ana 4. tben ti>z bottom <strong>of</strong> f fje turffdl tnillbe clafeabpttijeti place t&cCotnpalTe bpontbepopnt betteeene i.anb A.anaittuillbeetbe ronnoneflfepf ibe brfftllabette;fbe sf^erfonrepartd ferue foi tUe necke <strong>of</strong> t^tseffcIljtBittjf^rett<strong>of</strong> ^e»o?&e-) •J . *& «a Ma« m(«, «,*!« a foc&H oncfobpa&iKalcr fojme, making tberetn a^ircoleccr<strong>of</strong>ie,anD»coibiHg wcrgtmsmfZlSLeKK^«,«?^tata«S2tt- mbSc pattfballbc tbeieigbt<strong>of</strong> tije nccfce,ano anotberparttbeconenan<strong>of</strong>ojtbefoote,firea manSSXmb^flyt part tottbout m nmna:anaaUbougb S bane fetootone bat9 » a

,OfGeometne..A 99an map make 3Duale fames in Mucrs fafbion^bat 3 feilt onclpfet B<strong>of</strong>one foticc.Co make Ibi* feu (sptrc,u/ * poamBtf let ttoo perfect EEriangfes one abouetfie otber,ltbea Wombus,ano at tbc towing <strong>of</strong> .trjem togcUjcr,poumatt.ojato tbelmestb?ougb to i.a-, 3.4. anDtbe comers A BX'D.'fliallbctbefoarpCcatei^tijeitffU'nac&te<strong>of</strong> tt»e Compalfe l»pow B. ano tyc ottjer upon I. ano Djalo aline from thence to ti^fignw a. after tljat, from tb* .pot-Kit A. ana 3. to 4, pou nmft alioa#toalinc: tebttt) bcirw; Done, fgftbe cne.en&e <strong>of</strong> tbe Compare in tbjg,popntCanDtbcn ojritoapiece <strong>of</strong> aCircle from 1 . to 3 ans againe, .tt>cCompare being in ttje Center D.fejato a pirce <strong>of</strong> a Circle from 2 .to 4.ana tben tfyc foame is maee. |?3Umulialfo fonDer8anD,tbattl)e newertbat tfje figures come to their Cen#tcrs, fo mucb. tbr longer tbep are: a»Dto ttjecantrarp- tbe fuctber cb?.t tbeparc from tbrir Centers , tbe routinertferp are : get tbjcp arc no perfect 4to&irb Done,from tbe points G. ant) H. make tbetto<strong>of</strong>icrsfrcm i.fo 3.5110 frem2.to4.anbfoOjutbptbe€)Kale.3f

,'<strong>The</strong> firft Bookc, <strong>The</strong> firft Chapter. FoLii.1JF pan toil! mafee this forrfij iSDnale, ft>cnmake tbm Circles that map cat tb?ongbracb others Center , f tt;c otijee ttso Centersfo; tbe doling <strong>of</strong>ttje Circle be N.O . after tbat,fobetyer pou ojatotlje rtjj^t Imesoj not fromtbe points O.N. pou (ball fgut topfrom1.anoa.an<strong>of</strong>rom3.to4.3no alfljotipb oaf 9utbourfaptb \ there aretbe (toesfonre fojmeg <strong>of</strong> iDuales : pee fbts latt figure issf tbe fame fojrae n tbe firft, antlp tbt» if e#fiertomsfce..TCurbing the Circles , tberearcrnanj? 6*gores tohirf)areromiD,ano#tfome bane5. ant> 10. comers , «. Bat at tbt*lime, 1 mill fpcake enel? <strong>of</strong> tbcfe tfcit pjinevpMl?: becanfe tbcp are mott common.Tl^isgDctogor «s, 0? eigbt printers c-jato*tn out <strong>of</strong> a right fonre cowetb fquare,ejatoing tbeSDiagonns" to^tcb Urillujetoeroutbe Center: fbenfetone fate <strong>of</strong>four Cbmpaatpon tbe cojners <strong>of</strong> tbe &uatuatc> ano leacingtbe other fate tbjougb tbe Center, Directingpoor Circle to'uaro tbe fine <strong>of</strong> tbe S2 nac;ate atbere pour right popnts (ball fonts to mafee ittpgbt cojncnjjano althoagb a man migbt onlp,toe tt bp tbe Circle , matting a cr<strong>of</strong>lPe therein,ano r.cn:oing eacb-vjn irtci in ttoo , pet it tolUnctbefo toell ?na tberefeje tots is a fceer an®moje perfect fcwg.T%€$ej:«onnf,tbatts,t&et«Jf roineroCircle, iseafieft mane in a Circle: f»)toben tbe Circle ismaoe.pon mapocuioetbeCircumference in fire part* rq«allp,toitboutfitrrtng tbeCompaffie, ano ojatoing tbe linefrom onesoinUoanutber, tbe flKccon»cf artwaoe.•jtjr©

aOf GeometrieR Wl % tbe pn lagomis t&at is fine £ o;ntrD,i6 not fe cflip to be mafic as tbe others are,b£tau(eit:s<strong>of</strong> anineumnumber <strong>of</strong> corners, nottoinbttanoing pon map maae,it in this maimer : tobentfee circle is maDe,tben mane aftraigbt cr<strong>of</strong>fe tberimtben beutDc tbe one balfe <strong>of</strong> tbe cr<strong>of</strong>lfeline in two patt^Wmb te marks d tottb tbe fignre 5. thenplace tbeonefoote <strong>of</strong> tbeCompalte fepon 3. and ferity tbeother, placing it bnoer tbecr<strong>of</strong>le,o?atoe botone«toarb totbe croiTe line markeb 2. from thence alio from bnoer tbecr<strong>of</strong>fe,poa (ball ftabe tbe length <strong>of</strong> enerp fine <strong>of</strong> tbe Rents'gonn s . 3tfthis fignre alf pon (ball finbe tbe 3>ecagonns,ti>dt is, ten comers: fo;,from tbe Center to tbe figure 2.tbat Hall be one fine there<strong>of</strong>, pon map alfemabc a firteeaecojnero fignre oat <strong>of</strong> tb»s totoeneffe 1 . 2 , ano place a garteniaeline Upon tbe popnt 3 . ano aibertus SDnrens faith,that tbe fame alb krill feme to mate a (men comero fi#flare..1TlHis fignre foiil feme fucb men as are to part a Cir«enmferrnce intobnequall parts,bolnmanpfoenertbi fte butnorio bjing tbe KeaDerintBconrafeisneire,feit 'j making <strong>of</strong> manp fEjmeg, Jtoillonelpfet botonefbis b : niDcB into nine cowers, tebirb (ball feme foi anerample<strong>of</strong> alltbercff,U)bicbt8 thus: SEabe tbe quarter<strong>of</strong> tbe £ircle,anb beuibe it into nine parts, and fence eftbefe parts mill bee tbe ninth part <strong>of</strong> the whole Cicemn*ference: von muff alfobneerftano tbe famefo,ifpoube»tribe a &uaB2ateintoelenen,ttoelne, 0? tbirt&nc parts,fc. fo) tbat altoavcs fonre <strong>of</strong> tfcefe pacts bee the inSfrgbiwtte <strong>of</strong> gonr parts requires. C\ ^1-f f— HC7*^creare menp &nab?angle p?opejtf»* oiig,bot31toiUberefetb<strong>of</strong>einfentfenen<strong>of</strong> tbe pjinupallett <strong>of</strong>tbem,tobicb dial bedferae foj tbe »fc <strong>of</strong> tbe toojfeeman •tbisfojmeiB cflllfiD a right footsI-^jrtt, JcojnerD0naOjatf.i 1 1 if&>cT»3aef«0nDfojnieoj fignre in i-atme*!*calif B ^tjtqr.iqnar ta, tbat is, tobicb &mane<strong>of</strong> a fonre cojncrD £>nae3atc,anb anepgbt part there<strong>of</strong> t<strong>of</strong>neb tmto if.on^etWrD fignre in ILatine, isealleba•*• &>erquttettia,tfeat ts,ma&e<strong>of</strong> afonrafqaareb ©uabjate, anb a t biro part thcr <strong>of</strong>iapneb into it.C7*^e four tb M calico S>iagonea, <strong>of</strong> (lieIme ©iagonuo: tebitb line benfbetbtb*fonre fqnare ©nabjate cr<strong>of</strong>le thjongbtbcmi&ble , which SDiagenall. line beta!tsutbt from bnoer to tbe enb there<strong>of</strong> op»toarbs toitl) tbe Compaffe, anb(o &?n»m stoillfljeto pan tbe lengtb <strong>of</strong> tbe HDMgonall©aabjangle : bnt from this pupojtian,there can bee no mUinitKmb-ttoc.il fetSonne.£&e

<strong>The</strong> firft Boolce,. <strong>The</strong> ftrfl Chapter. Fol. i&»T$& fiff tsate is fallen a feeitqutaktera,*bat is,a fence fqaare,ana I^alfe<strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> Op foursquares aooeDfwi*fait.i'v.-«— -*-T$efttistalU6&uperbitiaturrrt?i0,tfttat ts,a fooce (qoare,anD five tbuoparts <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> (be foure fqnarcs ao»•eo t$mnnio.& fenen'b ana latt figure, is cal*Tl leo SDupla, fijat ia, Double :fo? it iamatie <strong>of</strong> tb)o foure iquare fujmc*t<strong>of</strong>iico together -.ana toefinbe not inanp ftt '.iqaUies,- np fojme t(jat pafletb it>ettoo fence fquares, bul effe it bee in ©all?/ties , entries ano otber to UalUc in: an<strong>of</strong>ome gates, oatjrs, ano touioetoes bansfiooo in tbeir b igbts : but fucb as are teifetoil! not paffefoclj lengths in dumber?ej Sialics*-1 H 4-I pi. "ItM7n?aectotntsifte bnto fb:s,o oo oo oo oMoooomap fall into fjtooja*mansbanD,u)btebis,tbatantanCjoulolnpafielmg<strong>of</strong> abonfeina place to^icrj is fif*teene fote lonj, an&aswanpfootebjeao,9 fbe rafters f&oulabe tint fourcteenefoote leng,ano noRio;etett>Mobe»-P02then in fucb cafe, tbebiming there<strong>of</strong>mullbe ms.ee in fucb fojtaaroafeit bare fcteobme, tbattfcij rafciers map fense,anotbis tnill nifo beefirongEnongb.ooooooocoooOoD9 °o osioooooo1foooIoooooooIi1© a 3f

OfGeometne1 5J27« 1M lamannjoul&finbea SCable <strong>of</strong> fen foote long, ana fbjfc foote bjoaoe: foitbtbiu fcableanuma*SSi « -22? i? H pa !"!6 fe"m00,e rf/^ ftote *feMn*foaref0otetepBr. #oto to toe it,aman foealtfatoibe STable longe *&*« «w fcntcranotber, ana fo tbep foon'B be bat lire foote btgb, ant it fiionlo beef« 1 k • asa»nf,w tbcp feoBlo ct,t ff t^e footc £Bt< * am> fo mahe n fmt f otcbjoate,tb?« tbe one fioe [ball beSSB'tvSf«W!»" ff*e «tintWsffl?t: a:abetbe2rabte<strong>of</strong>tcnfo)telonct,fnatb2*fGotb3oaB,fmarfee,fni«L£««*I 7.1 ?'? . ,^wsonall foifc,tbat i«,from the rojner C to B, toijj ttoe eqaal|parf«,tben BjatorbeS£S rTT ?? *°0t£ i"* toartw totoarMtfte eojncr B. %n tbe line A. F. fl^all be tare foott bjoathant (o fl&altrSSSSR a,f^olBfonrefo»fc ^w6: bpt!)i«mearte((tc6Ml ba«e*>oar*co5c A.E. F. D.fcnen foote leng, anBawbpoutbaUset bane tjje tbjfcccjnerD piece* marfeebE,B.G. aneC.F.amC.Uft fo? femeoSSSte?£X bappen ?rb wan? ttntw, f&af a tooalsman ban) an rw 02 row* tefnrrfe fJ ;watte in a Ctwrb , as in SncfonfUmisfeep bfro to matte fbem,am> be BonbteB <strong>of</strong>tbe greatneflc fbrrref,ir btrb ' t b

<strong>The</strong> firfl BooJce. <strong>The</strong> firft Chapter. Fol. 15.r Jr a fooiUeman Ml matte a (Sate cj a SDeoje in a SCempie oj a &burcb, fcbicb is to be pjopojfioncB accoutring fo fl>eplacemen be muff take the foiDeneffe toitbtn the £bnrcb> oj elfe the b?tDtij <strong>of</strong> tbe wall tottboat : if tbe Cbmcb beefmali,anB bane gflaftersoj^illars tottbin it: lften be ma? take «)e uriacneffe bettoeenc tbem, f fct tbe fame b?cctbM«afoiirefqnare,tbatig,as ^ig^ as bjoao, in tnl)iclj foute fqnare, tlje SDiagounU lines, auo t&e other ttoo rr<strong>of</strong>lecutting lines toilln<strong>of</strong> onelp Ojeto pou tbe toioenes <strong>of</strong> tl)e oroje, bat alfo tbe places ana pepnts <strong>of</strong> tbe ojnaments <strong>of</strong>tbe fame SDcoje, as ?ou fse bere in this jTigure. 0nB altbougb it fljoulB fall cat, that pou bauc %ee Bgj?cb to mabe fn aChurcb, anD fo tbat Nenoe cuU|i?ffibo£es,pctpoamagobferuefbtsp?opojfioiifoitbefmaUeli<strong>of</strong>tbem. 3no altbougfj(gentle Keaoer) tbe cr<strong>of</strong>fe cutting tbojoto oj Beuioing is innumerable, ret to} tlris time, IcQ 3 tboulB be ten teBiouSjatjeresiiDing^eometrp,3£ere cn&etb fbe firff Sgafee <strong>of</strong> arcbifeefnre, treating <strong>of</strong> Geometry, franflafeuoui<strong>of</strong> 3|taua8into $Dntcb: '#nonotu cut <strong>of</strong> SDnfcb,into d&igliflj, foj tbe benefit <strong>of</strong> cueCngltft) Ration, at tbe charges <strong>of</strong> Robert Pcake. i«i,-


i<strong>The</strong> fecond Booke,A Treatife <strong>of</strong> Perfpe&iues ,touching the Sup erficics.<strong>The</strong> fecond. Chapter.Lthoughthefubrilland ingenious Arte <strong>of</strong> Perfpec'tiueis very difficult andtroublefomct<strong>of</strong>etdownein writing, and Specially the body,ormodell <strong>of</strong> things, which are driwen out <strong>of</strong> theground for : it is an Arte which cannot be fo well exprjfledby figures or wiitings>asby anvndcrfhewing, which is doae fcuerally ; Notwithftanding, feeing that in my tuft Eookel hauefpoken<strong>of</strong> Geometry, without the which Pcrfptctiue Artcisnothing? ] will labour in the briefeftmanner that I can in this my fecond Booke, to fhewe the wotketnanfo much there<strong>of</strong>, that hce (hall beeable to aide and htlpe himfclfe therewith, ry - ?->*In this worke I will not troublemy klfe^c^dijpUit^pbHoXojphicaHx whafPerrpecliuc is , or from whenceit hath the originall : for learned Eucftda writeth' darkeiy <strong>of</strong> trie fpeefllatiorrrhere<strong>of</strong>.But to proceede to the matter, touching that the workeman (hall haue caufe to vfe, you muftvndcrftandfthat1 i erfpcaiue'isihat>1teh"f r //r*«w^dingor<strong>of</strong> anySuperhacsotbodks. i i v all things haue their beginning, <strong>The</strong> fecorid]ineistha^,whichgc*thor reachethto the point, which fomeI'llcall light, others, the horifon: But the horifon is the tight name there<strong>of</strong>, for the horifon is in euery placewherclocuer fight endcth. <strong>The</strong> thirdlinCjiS the lihe<strong>of</strong> the diftances, which ought alwayes to ftandfo high 4asthehoulon is farre orneerejaccordingtothefituation.aswhcntimcferueth.I willdeelaire.This Horifon is to be vnderftood to (fond at the coiners <strong>of</strong> our fight , as it the workeman would fhewa piece <strong>of</strong> woikc againft a flatwall, taking his begtnnfeig from the gnuuud, where the feetc <strong>of</strong> the beholdersfhould ftand. In fuchicileit is requifite,thatthe Horifon fhould. bee as highas our eye, and the diftanCcto (ee or b:hold that worke, fhalloe frt or placed in the fitted pfaee thereabouts, as if it Were in a Hall, or a;Chamber, then the^ifhnce fhall be taken at.the entry there<strong>of</strong> : butif it bee with in, on at the end <strong>of</strong>aGallcsyorCourt^henjthcdiftanceihallbe let at the entry <strong>of</strong> the fameplace, andif itbcemiStrecteagafnft'awajIlBut if in (nth a '^afc trieor an houic, then you mud fet your distance on the other fide, tight ouer againft it.ftreete is very harrow; then it were good to imagine a bread diftance,lcft the fhorteningfall out tobeisuertedipusosvnpleafant vntoyou: for the longer or the wyder thedifhmccis, the worke will fhew fo muchtl.ebct'erandpleafarcter.But it you Will begin a piece<strong>of</strong>wetke <strong>of</strong>fiue-pr fixe footc high from thegroufrd whereon you ftand,thenii is ftquifite that the Horifon fliould ftand eucn with your eyes (as I fayd bcforep^it if; a man fhould fee boground vt the work .whereon the vpperm<strong>of</strong>t part doeth ftand (and a man would vvbrlce Very high) it wouldnot be coirtfpOTident with the eyes ; In luch a cafe a man rouft wke vpon him to place the Honfon fomewhathigher by the aduijee <strong>of</strong> fome fkilfullwotkman,whichm3kethhiftotics or other things vpon Houfcs,thitticor fome fooie high aboue a mans fight, which is vnfittingly. But cunning woi kmen fallinto no fuch errors;— for where they hauie made any thing aboue our fight, thae you could fee no ground <strong>of</strong> the fjme.workc J .forthat the notabkPerfpecliue Art hath bridled them: and therefore (as I fayd befc*e> PerfpeftiueArtis very.nccfffitybraworkctian.- AndnoPerfpedme workrnaa can make any woikefWith©ut Architecture, h$r ;the A rchitedufe without Petfpecliuc...y- To prouethis> it ajppearcth by the Architectures in outMayes, wherein godMr^hireaure'b'afh begunto appear; and (hew itielfe : For, was pot Bramant an excellent Architcclor, an

<strong>The</strong> fccond Booke, <strong>The</strong> fecond Chapter, Folk,T!3> the entte Hjat men bp tot all snittcra map attaine to greater , therefore g toill begin to fl&eto &oto to fl&ojten &foareeoiitero tbtoj, from tol?cnce all the reft frjail beeomueD. Chen the iSafe <strong>of</strong> this foure fquare thing, flballbe A. G aao ttje hcijbt <strong>of</strong> tijc ^ojifoh (as 3 favo before) G&all b it imaotmeo aeco?oing to tbe.figbt,ana tljattftallbeP, thereunto all tytlinea cos runtie, aa.tije lines <strong>of</strong> theses A. P. anoG.P.tbenattbeont:.enDe<strong>of</strong> theSQnattjantc roti nintf fet a^crpeitoienlar lms,tobt'cb is G.H. tebicb oone, then ojatoe f he SBale A, G,K. long iuongb,ar.& tbenout <strong>of</strong> the ^ajifon ojato a^aralell o? anfcqutbtaant ! trie frem the 15afe,as far a* von toill tbat tbeepe ojfi(£l)tfiinllffanbfroro t!jatUJbicbpjUii)iUloo!iCo;i$ fa b^tomjcbtjemojepou toil! bane the fanre faaare thing to fecmefl)02ter,romncj) farther poumaltgaetoitb.pain-figbtUremH.tobebolo the foure fn,uare thing, ano then, fakingH.l.fojt!)?bift5nc:frointbepointI.t3thecijj!ierA. Djatoa-lwe, ans tobere fye line eatteib though the ^erpentrt*tutor line & G. tb\i in c fljiitmins <strong>of</strong> the fo>K£fqnare thing flisU bee ,aspon magfee in the figure foUotoing. S5ut if poa toill malic mojcfaurij fqaaresoncabaue tbeotber.bpotttbc^amj^ojiftnejpirnt : then VOBtnsi&Jjaia another line from the ityr.ten nj yprg <strong>of</strong> the fmire fquars oidanasjaitf, to the letter I.fln^tobereirtu'ttcthtb^ns^bJ^erp^oicn'-arline afb:cfaio, ts>iti* atC, there the recono&ijaojaMfbalbstai.<strong>of</strong>f,atwmlttsefojtr/ou mufi ojato another linetotbcpgpnt<strong>of</strong> tbenia.ince: ana where it toncbetljtbc iLcau.oj terpen*atcular Ijnetbatis an D. poa fln'.l raafee the tbira li u a.nnt e, th -'Cam; aug bs aone ujitb E, ano fo ?oa mnS goc,bn»till rca t'onw fnft bnoer the l£c;ifon.T^erufeafojefaiD t« the perfected, an&pettmaspjMmeit bp the lincG.H.tohicfets calico flje line <strong>of</strong> ihc&uaibjante: but beennfe it i?cumb?eo tott&agwatcr number <strong>of</strong> lines, att&fomoje teaioas : therefore the rule en*famgff)allbefl)03ter,anoeafilpcrtobeD6ne(hcnt!.)cother: foi fiihcn tbeJBafe A.G.ia ojatone, anotbettoaGOcUncsma&eaErnmjleA.P.G^henppnmalttjatotheparalelflotthe^afef<strong>of</strong>the^ojtfonlonginoughsano asfarre as sou hull ffano from the toojtse to fo> it ,f<strong>of</strong>arre pou ntutt tct the ^crpcnoiculars I. K. from the popnt G.then ?an mnft ojato a line from tne po*nt 1. to tbcpopm A . a.ia usher* it cuttctb tbjougb £bc line G. P. there foall bedetermination <strong>of</strong> the firtt me;tcneD .fflaaniant1 ana it pou Ml p&tj mm flnaojanta toptoaros from tbatffifcia*D*a!tt,roumuaBoe aagfapo bsfojc; ana aKb~~

OfPcrfpeftiucA^nmattalfob&bnafelfefcnto 8iaers biflantrs anb gronnM„*«bfi)CKfoje pro mogmafee tbe gramafoilo towg, tobfcb is ef tb:e ©aaDjantec feigb, in ibis manner, i^ttft , pnu mutt ojato tt)e line A .B. aslong as tye b}efetfc af Apr toojhe fljall be : tobKb line o? SBafe, nrafi bet oembeo into fo manp eqnail parts a*arence<strong>of</strong>ull, tobicb being all a?afcrnttotbet£ojitonoj point, rbcnpou mutt plate the oifianafl as farrcas pen oeOrs, at cojotng to tbe rnle afojefayt); fo> bere is no place 1 fet it in,altbongb it is a lengtb bho • balfefromttfe iBafc, as pen tee ft marfeei toitb 1 J. EBbttb 15afe,bttanfctt is <strong>of</strong> fonre parts,Cb£refo»^efirtt©oaDaanla«»tainetbfirteene fmall ©oaejantts , tobicb are fcono bp tbe line B. D. fojtebere ctjat tine cnttrtbtbjonab. tbt torn*lines ,tebkbsoe to tbe popnt j t&ere nonmaskable tbe |Bar«Ul oner, tbat tfcerebp u)e firteae ©uaojantr*wapbefomjcii: »nttf jnutoiUfetotber ©naD?antfssponit,tbe« (acafojefap^poamDa bjauanotberUne!*tb*bittaweIXanbtobe«tbateatUtbttooHgbtbeotberlmes$^^•r njefeconbsBnabjant , containing in it alb fonre times fonre ffiuab?antes: Ebelifcemuft bet bninSeab<strong>of</strong>tiirfjm*®w^t,(aninw}s befioestfneebbce.) g«t graittf «lfotiiinffan^tbattbiliitf# marsibC. raane

if figure is afiDtreujant, ecnfatomgmT$ft aKtctecj an <strong>of</strong>fecr€Hiat)2anr, f<strong>of</strong>citbfottb ttepcr-nts f here<strong>of</strong> tcutbttbtfcefice* <strong>of</strong> rfccbfttr,weff ffiuabjant; fcbtrtbp it jant ,as 3 bane taughtpommhc firttffiebe <strong>of</strong> 0eometrie,ancUjcmanerto mafer t|jjii,i8 Una. 5? irtt, poa mnfl make a €5na*•»nt( as pea art taught btfoje) bjitbhisbiflantrs*ana in this ffioa&jantpcu muff D;afo fix &>iagcnalllinen, rua aifo tbc right twlTe lines, tobcrtbppoamapesfilpftRbe tbeltote, aspouffcttin lbr figureOtrtctlt agamtt this, jn tbis fotf pas map mafee theJSotes in tbe cthtr ® aatwntes befeje fet Dotonr ,tbatiMffDjatBjDtagtnaH rnb trefle lines in tbemteitb*enttefcmg other liflante*.Of Peripetfiue1$ mtmtfbmis acrflflteffiekiebfffl mafeempa mutt Bcoibe the Icfctffi line 0? iBefe <strong>of</strong> ikeifcuafijam in flaeparts ; <strong>of</strong> tbc frbitb flue parte,one fartcistbeb;et)tb sf ttjecrtffe: bbitbLbtbjwg&jatorntotte points, tfce&fcgcraaiiHTrstotl!,VA,.>T$€ epgbf popnfeb 6gnre pcunrapftti»per#fpeci<strong>of</strong> fcsojfes m Diners fDjmrB,feMcbfo;u^8are all rtfficnlt incugb buttbat Jma5fe.bethe eafitfl teapfotmea£3Uantntt)i*fnpl03i>ting: SEbf refeje 3 batse fttb<strong>of</strong>cne ttjr manner there*<strong>of</strong> hereunto anmrtfc, hfifrb is berp eafllp ; anti tbat isfbns.. Khf ©ujiDjf nt being muc in fbostening,poomnfl bruieetbe JBafe into tin cquall parts, anD enei$ee fine pen ffeall leane thjee parts , an» in themfoblefoere parts, thcr. tljctino lints being bjafornto%i£sjifon,tDu flialt fine the terminations <strong>of</strong> tbelaarattlUnes, tptbcSTiagcnGlllnes, Uhercbpponmaptl<strong>of</strong>ebp the epgbt to?ners,as pea map fee it intbe figure.

Tij2/ccoaJ BoDke r iagonal!Iinefi,aHO in tfjc miDDlplu^ercrocpnt0?t together, i>oq inutt^atoa paraletfth« ^!L C **W» b?rbo tobicbgou fljallfitto* all tbe poHlt0 (o malte tI tsmmmN^to3 t»aoc ffjcfoeo lata pots fcaltmafee Gmplc ? pSaim ^erfpectinitoo?bcj5 <strong>of</strong> foure cojnera, <strong>of</strong> fire co*n c rs,anDepgfetfqnate cajnerstfiotogaitllCjEto, boto paufijaSt matte themooti*He, tbat ic,t5)at euerp ffmple figure fljal pattefasbano, mitjcn pou feauc mafic a plain*©nperfictes<strong>of</strong> erepopnts, accusing to tberule afe^fapo t\>tn;as mud) as rontoillnane tbebanoojftfe to lie inbjebttMbatpoanraB B?aiD opoit tbe iBafc, ana o?ato tbat alfoJp to tbe ^oj(fon • ano hsbrretbe SDtagonalllines tut tbjougb it, tbere 50n mnffDjatojparnlel lines both. butter ana aboue:anb tbenJwhi tico SDiagonal lines mew* out or* ibefonrcinncrmoQpoinect,? corners <strong>of</strong> tbe fire£c?nero Superficies , attb fo roufpaUfittocpour terminations to fl;ut 02 tlore tip pouriroalca firepoprits o; cojneto Superficies.«SJ1bi£bfccorH)£>ig 3 onal , ^aralel.anD^o*rtfontall lines are all &:iaUien toitb prefers,to? a otffcrenccfrom tbefirfl lines ;tbat pottwapfenotot^mone frmn answer*^CDufcc rmifibec oorie foritb the epggtco;ncrD Superficies ci perfpecttuetoojkfo? Iwbcn ttjc fame is maDc U" tfcinafourefquare, making tbe Compas6f to!;at bjeoi!) pou toill, acroising ts rbetulc afojrfapo: tVii out <strong>of</strong> euerp popnt ojcojner <strong>of</strong> tbeepgbt fqarr, a ftnalllmc bringS?al»en to tbe Center, pan finll fin ?c tbe ter*mination to (but bp tije tnitentiol cpgbtfqaarrj ana tben, tol;en frompagnt to popnttl)EiinzsareDj:uu.t!,tbenortefquareQ;

Of Perfpe

<strong>The</strong> fecond Booke. <strong>The</strong> fecond Chapter. Foi.4..V* If $eu pou UnDerttano fte figure afojefapb perfcctlp, tben pon muff pjoeeeb further, anD fljn! fbe rotmb Circle\W alfo toitb an eoge o: bojser, acrojoing to tbc bjebth that you mill bane ? port matt alfo mahe tbe bttcrmott" balfe Circle, ano tbe afojefapa part* <strong>of</strong> tbe great Circle Djatocnf<strong>of</strong>cMrBs the Center, totll come into tbe(male Circle: tbetobieb parts <strong>of</strong> tbermall Circle being alfo fetootowe wperpenoicttarlmeBtoitbjmtfeesnot toOacfcea tbc ctber lincs,ano tb<strong>of</strong>e liKeteffe tbat are ojts&en to tbe !&o?ifon.a;ben bp cutting tbjougb <strong>of</strong> tbe SDiago*nail lines, v?ou ftjall finoe the j^aralel lines. 2Co mahe the inncrm<strong>of</strong>l fho;tetring a rouno oj Circle , accojotng to tbeSrS example fet ontime, as sou mag fee 5tbe fli ft roiinti tuitb. perfect lines, ano tbe fecona tsttb pfakes , as pon fee fathis figure.516ut, fricnMptteaOer, pou muff not be foearp to bee long in learning tbis /Figure, oj in matting it <strong>of</strong>ten fimes ;fen*fill von can to? it perfcetlpanoonoerffana itteell: foj J amfnrcano ccrtaine,tb^tittmUbeet>erpbaro&ntomanEmen, pet untbout this ,rou cannot Doe mucb ;ano be tbat can ooe it Usell,ujaU eafilp. bnoerftano ano mafce all tlje thingshereafter enfuing.

02m1%O^ Peripedliuefallcfb ont mmv ftmrs ftjaf a foojlteman inill ffccto a ^onfc lief|t tDttijcnf snb tcitfjm toijidj to »ee, be muff placetbegrouno in IDtrfpcctine fojme, tljat be map tt>c farer ant) better ojato tJiat Dp l<strong>of</strong>ctcb bte hull bane fane, ano tolease tbe reft on tbe gt oont 3 if tfecn pon to ill place a founoation in pcrfpectiue manner, to tnabe it well, pan multfittt fet it on a flat fo?me, tfia t c ti 1 i tbat 1 co map oj & to it into a p e t fpe ( t ne fojme.%a Dee tbis, 3 bane let Dou nr a felnec <strong>of</strong> open JBailoing , tbat a man map tbe eafelicr canceiue ft fo* a beginning,to? t<strong>of</strong>cen a man can not this tor 11, be mac after tbat place manp otb er ano {jarocr t btnp in perfpetftne fejme . 3 netnot tota^eanp great pain« to tojtte 0? i|<strong>of</strong>ob<strong>of</strong>otbi«fl)Ojtentng flboHlDbeeDone,becanfetttsfoca(u>ano (oopenlpplaces in a figure tbat a man map p jei'cntlp cenceene it :fo? tbat leacing alt rt)e lines tbat got from tbe comer* ano cat'fioeo <strong>of</strong> tbr flatgionno totbe ii5aCe,U)biwg tbe paralel lines ,p;efentlp pon (ball fine tbe torp bomto ; e tbe Colnmnes ano pilatters, fo tbat it is tinp<strong>of</strong>fible to farte tberein , oho cfp eciallp fo; t^<strong>of</strong>e tbat boe toell con*ce&ag ano trnset ftano tbat, wbicb $ bane fet ootone beto;e»

:f^—<strong>The</strong>fecondBdoke, Jhefccond Chapter. F0I.5.'T, $

Of FerfpedliueigurefcIlotDingts fometobat barter then tljatbcfojcbut fei&cnpoa goc ftom £l)£ fmalett fa fbe gtcatcfi,TWfpou conceauc things the eaficr,anB fpcciallp be t&at U>ill learnc tijis arte ; be mutt not leans no? rcfufc to erercifeany <strong>of</strong> the figures befoje fet ootonr,but muS fcfe alltbe Diligence^ can to be perfect in tbem all , ano bee mu3alfo fahc a plcafare to Doe ttjem ail, otbertoife fee that toill omtt noto one, ants then another, becaufe be ran fraroiptonbeiffanooKcnceauetbem (although 3 labour an<strong>of</strong>iriae at all times in fetttng D<strong>of</strong>rne tbcfc rales to fbcto all oiffi'rallies) fball little pr<strong>of</strong>it btmfctfe in this 3rte. 2Ebe manner boto to place this gratmo hi perfpectne fojme, is cam?tonceaneD,toitboutanv other oemonffrationt foj poamuff folloto tt)c manner o? opperaticn <strong>of</strong> the figure befojefettiotone, foitb Ibis aoneriifement j that ttje ttoo ^Diagonal lines euermoje Direct the toojise, togetber fcitb the *£o?ifen>tall lines :anb although a man map fheto man? fojmes <strong>of</strong> gronnns that are to bee places in fbojtening , pet tbefe tfoafballfafficefo? this time, becaufe 3 hauc other things to entreat <strong>of</strong>f : fo? a flstlfull foojbemarc , bp the belpe <strong>of</strong> tbefe,mag fojme others fo? his purp<strong>of</strong>c, anb fneb as he ftall baue occafion to tfe. 0nb if be toill ecect anp peece <strong>of</strong> too&e to?a fheto, he muQ neceffanlp firtt meafuce the Cjtograprjie toitb tbe fame meafnre t^at fje meafureth the gcounD tuitbal,ano then place it in a tbojtcnlng manner, m tobcn time Ccruetb, fijall be fhetoec.

lie fecond Booke. <strong>The</strong> fecond Chapter, Foi&

Of Perfpe&iue workes ,Bodies or Mafeme things,,<strong>The</strong> third Chapter.touching6T2D uebmg the grotmbs ana other &ap«rficies <strong>of</strong> outers fojmeis,1 tbmlie 3 bane fafficieMlp fp<strong>of</strong>cen. $<strong>of</strong>o 3 f<strong>of</strong>ufpenfee <strong>of</strong> i5ooic0 tobicb arc »;afame 6p out <strong>of</strong> tbegronno : ana firft,pou fenoto tbat J bane fangbt brfoje bob*F°u {J?BlD frame an CP8W fqnare fejme platnelp in it felfe ;ant> tljcn, 3 bane IbefoeD botu pa iboalc com'psffe— this figure about^toit&aboa&erojeuge: butifatoojRemanfoillftjeteanepgbt fqnare figure in ^Erfpcttincfcife,a8aiil6lljt^ni)emutt fisff make thegromtt),asbetst0ngbfbefoje, as high as beefoiU,n)attbefapo«Hi!ellfball Gsno cleuatco a»bone the grctmo o^faitethere<strong>of</strong> : there bee muffmafee the fame fo?meonceagaine,02atomgttto t|e fame ^o:tfon ;tl)cn from all the tipper*Bi<strong>of</strong>t coders oj pointsiotbelei»eff}pou»rimltsjatoe ^erpenojcnlaclines as ioell from tbeimterm<strong>of</strong>c figures , asfrom the totterra<strong>of</strong>f,U'berbptbe though cot#tirg rpgbt fqnare booiestoillbe fo?mco, aspoanta? fc in the .figurghereunto aimcreo.Iteane fp<strong>of</strong>cm befoje <strong>of</strong> tbeopen frame <strong>of</strong> a Well totth epgbf pornfs o? rojncrs, fobich is ne«ffar» to b* ?«.««..*bote to make tt,bef«e poa make tbe folios bo» there<strong>of</strong>^ this figure fcetoetfcteSfcb t<strong>of</strong>lfifiSfaiSSSft,. bifference betioeraeanopen boopano afohbe, astbereis bettoernelbemobell<strong>of</strong>a mansbobp ttaH^t?^tamtffWfWmaftiii: anoa lining taiafi wwoumow&i^>^flnoastb<strong>of</strong>e^apntersaremnrbperfertrr thathauefene,EnopicfMt!pbrhelo right Anatomies,then other* that onelpcontent tbrmretaesfoitbtlje outfoaro barefhEio<strong>of</strong> tbe Superficies, fo«3p Imth perfpttttoefoejbes j foj tfyg thatfeel bnocrffaneeno per*ftrttpbrareinminteibetieecn lines, tljrpjbaiibetter br.cerfiano tbe2rtcfben others, tbatcentrist {ftcmftlnepcnlBtoitt^ffetfocf cultnaroSuperficies, jt is terptrue (bat tthtn a manbatb tafilmntlp crpcrfcBtrntto, pjactifeo anaferaretbinbisminbtbefcintociD bitten linrs,iben hriptng ^tmfelfrkrto the principallytt'cp mabr man j» perfectfolate,*

<strong>The</strong> fecond Booke, '.the third Chapter, F0L7.tfjefc iljjs figares folloioing, cucrp ens is Djaltme ant <strong>of</strong> fljf fourrfqnare , inflict, manner ai g baas trngfttbefo?f} anotbepffoeall ttes to c'nel5e?Konojpcpnt astyepGjcnloeojO? asneeis uquiretb •, bptb/tebidj figuresFf mfelfe in man? twinge, as $ ijaue further ordares : mid be t^ac isperfect in tbtfc.inap raaheall mnfic <strong>of</strong> roun& f0?:ncs,atft foitbout fenotoing <strong>of</strong> tl)cfe,!)ec can ooe little in rousts fojmes, JFo? ont <strong>of</strong> t'^rfc fi>gurrspoa mapBjatoaromis&DluBc oj piraminall JBnitomg iuiti) pillars, 03 toitbout pillars 3 ana alto aroanoiuiiomg pairs <strong>of</strong> £>t8i»ijrs:foj^i3iFigurettiill t&etopoa boiBtomaiie tfce fetapcrs roans, tsMtbotbec lyings me;e,ano petnottott&outpourotonctnDuSrE: foitbetbingstbatbptbefemapbsmaocareljaonoerfull anoingnttc, fo tbatpoutoarenottocarp,an<strong>of</strong>pare nopapncstiltpon are perfect intern, bceaafe tbat the bouitKgaj arcbea<strong>of</strong> gates au»otber things toill fecme sara touto poa , as 1 toill Ijereaflev fibeto ?ats 5 notiBitbttanoinij tbat ibe^ taae tbctr beginningaltogether from tbsfe*ffiHtif an^mantbatbefiretbto learn? tbisSrce.tatU at tbefirff bnDerffanMbefefigureMsfomebtontlftoilltafeefcponbimtoqoeif. jbeleeuecertatadt, be toill bee pntta an nonplus, ana Dcceanebimfelfe; bat if b? learning allthe former things, bepjoeerDeib tmtotbcfeas&ielljn^eomctrieas in^srfpectiae3rte: $nbert,3faB,beis<strong>of</strong> abcrpgr<strong>of</strong>fe 'cnDcrfianotng, if be cannot tmssrlfanD 02 conccanetbcfe figures ,1 0: ?be figures thereafter falloto.SCbefe tbjee figures, to fpeafte tructi>,are bat Superficies }neuertbeleffe, if vea s?ato perpcnoiculac lines from allthe terminations, as tocll toi^tn as toittjont: tbcn pou fyalt bawir a though cnttiHg o? open boop, ana the innerm<strong>of</strong>iilines coaereD,tbentijcptoiil6e ai^affp bosp ! 3ns iuonDcrn<strong>of</strong>,gsntle Keacet:,no?letitbcttcangefc{ttopeu,tbengl?goocfomettmesmafce along alfcourfe<strong>of</strong> foiae things, fa? (as 3 fapa before) thcparenotonlp icarneobpmaroj toojs.sana great paines,but it is aire ncceffarp that ti;cp, taere fljctoeu t?ntQ Camsmm piagnclp op. Bearing tbem befoj? tbeni ?tbat tbcp map tbc better epnwaue tb tm ,


i.1'hckcond Booke,xhe third Chapter, Fol. 8,^Hp I!? © m<strong>of</strong>f part <strong>of</strong> great ttfaeft o; tea*tzr-Mks that fall cotmie from |>igb4 f5i!s 03 £j?oun£amSi bp meanes <strong>of</strong> tern*peffs tenth great fo;tc ana pQ*uer,te)beiifbeprntcrinto a tHaUet>,tbenfomciittKfi tbeprun oat <strong>of</strong> ffheir Channel, ano fa much grouBas fbey tfcea <strong>of</strong>arpe tipon on tbc ene uDc , faraucfo tbcgl<strong>of</strong>cagainecn tbe otber fist 5asicf<strong>of</strong>ccetb ^erfpcttuie too;ie in cowerd thing*,;to fbat as much as a man S<strong>of</strong>etb <strong>of</strong> tbc povnt0? corner tnbercon be loolietb, fo much urea*ter tbe otber point oj ccjr.tr Ojtuetb tija£rlanef tb cue, tobicb is techno in tbe jhgarrgtjercanfa ancrcD.2Tbc KeaDcr mini! tbm tsnacfec tfjat (befquarcinifjcmiaoie ugntfiethtbi tbiefceneffe<strong>of</strong> afonrcfqoarc CoUunnc oj pillar, anb tbet'lXisrr; tijiitis without ano gortb about it*fignigetfo tbe tbic-fenrffeo? bearing cot .<strong>of</strong> tbe30 afce ano tbe Capital, ffi%e JHgurcbnoeclitis platfojtnc ig tlje ffiafc,anb tbe tppcrraoSc5?fsureis tl>e Capitally the manner bote) faK;o?tcn tbcm 3) mill fijetei vbus f^ou mnfimake tije pillar flat before toitbent fbufcne*,ano tpin it ponfball fojmc tbc JBafes anoCapital, mating ihc|pjQiccturc 0; bearingouttberecfon either udc alike, but pou muff&3atotbenHtgbt!p as tbe pjiclses herein feetDiJcnesoe Sjctu row: then ojatotbeuoe <strong>of</strong>lbc ipttlar tobitb pon toill baur f«nt totoar&gthe^ojifen; ana baning forma bom rbictsetbeSftreafiigo^uiojtcningfiDetMnttbee, bvtbc rules tnat arcfliciitcDmtljeflrttpait <strong>of</strong>per fpectitse li oib,fo vou fbal batie tbe flio?tc»nwig grouno <strong>of</strong> tbe pr !at\Ubvrcin yen mi 6lightlp fcjatoe tbs tiroSDiagonfcH lines tonsincngij though, ano from tbe Safes below,to'b'.cbisfffnc in tbe fbojtcning; pan muffojato aline tc.ir.arcs tbc lPojifon,tobicb penfljsl! alto let gocOotoue 0? fmche f<strong>of</strong>arrc,t IIttreecbitb beneath tbc EDiagcnaU lines, anathere fimilbctbe terrmnatirns <strong>of</strong> tbefpejtecninglBafcs: eno thus von fee t^at theater*fijrctiuetiea u fectb lomrtobet<strong>of</strong>f from tbem,that & the Cpacr.- betuicrnetbe points ana tbefullblathetw ; then from tbc terminationstotbc otber btterm<strong>of</strong>t povnt <strong>of</strong> tbe HEai?s,l>m muff Bjatoc a $>ara!el line tmocr tbegrounD <strong>of</strong> tbc pillars, fo long that it maptouch tbc diagonal lines, ano there pon fljsllSnoetbatirbitb is ta&cn <strong>of</strong> from the IBafcjien the one aee, ana gum to them on the 0*fber 0oe , ano tbe $a;otetturc <strong>of</strong> tbc Wsk&fljettictb, tljr.t tbe one popnt is Detune in*tDaras,ano (be other eommetb further out,then the ftppemuft line cf tbeHBafes brinja!fo to the Igoj^on: then Upon tt)e ffcojtenino;Coebpaltne pou finoe tbc tbirD parte <strong>of</strong> tbe323afesbcl<strong>of</strong>r, anD that Vnhsth is here fpotsen<strong>of</strong> tljeffiafcs- poumnftonJierttanOtbc famsalfo<strong>of</strong> tb? Capitals.«

OfPerlpetfiueT$.bers , ana aUbsngb tbat to tt>c figuresbefore 3 bane not flbemeo bote pou fbonl<strong>of</strong>rnme ana fratrte t^cfc members, U)bicb intruetb tooaia be a berp confufeo ana troBblefometbingto fet oatone m tojif-.ing«jtberefoje 3 Jjaac onlp fljetoea tbe firff ter?ruinations, tbat a man mapkeepe tbemmellinbismemojp, anaintbefe pjefent5%nres 3 bane fbeteeo bote 'brpfbouiin a man 3 flgbt, tbat pou map fee tbe effecttbat fbe?tt>ojt;e: but from beneefo;toarobecaufc (as | faia before) it is a troubledtome tbing, 5 will mahe anotber (o?mesf ttjctn iottb all tbeir members bpaarbelines :ant) tjm (aecojDing to mp abilttie)3 mill fet Bourne tbe manner bom to finaetbe terminations <strong>of</strong> tbe members oneaf Capita' s on tbe one Gee glne uitoaro,ann on tbe otber (fee bearetb out , t<strong>of</strong>etcbpan muff null remember, tbat poumapfirff bee toell tnffrncteo berein touchingtbat tobitb 8"u will make. iFojtittstrustbat tye SCijcojtc&e conSffetb in tbe bnbecffanaingj but experience is gotten bppjaetife ana rigbt <strong>of</strong>eoj banal tng: Cbereefojetbe moil notable gaunter LeenardusVinci, teas neoer pleafeo noj fatiffieotoitb mi tbing tbat !je maae,b;fngfngbottttle toojfee to perftct)on,rasing, tbe caufetbere<strong>of</strong> was tbat bis ban j conlo not effecttbefriderffanatngor bis mmo: ftao.fo;m? ?art, »f I ffiouia 00 as be Mb, 3 fboalonot , ncitbsr tooula 3 fuffet anu <strong>of</strong> mptoojbs to come fejtb t fo? (to rap tbe trntb)wga'focner | make 0; to.i?te, it pleafettjme not: bat(as3fapa in tbe beginning<strong>of</strong> mp tooitte) tbat 3 b*b rather ererrife intoojfte tbat (mall talent, tobtcb it ban)pleatea 45ab to bellow t»po me, tben faffecit to Ipe ana rot bnber the eartb toittjootmv fruit-, ana altbongb 3 ftjall not pleafetbercbp focb as are curious ,to fet Botenetbe a>o ino ana perfection <strong>of</strong> al n)mgs,petat lead 3 ftjail bdpe pong beginners tbatb^c .» little 0? notbing tbereor,tobicb batbilwapeabeenempmteHk

<strong>The</strong>fecond Booke. <strong>The</strong> third Chapter. Fol.p,f©?8jatfoje) <strong>of</strong>(as %(sftb&ij^ottcftre ingj<strong>of</strong>pectitie toojfce , ittooHlD bee great labourtnomncb §»o;fec t<strong>of</strong>inoeslltbe terminations <strong>of</strong> $ partsfi? members ,ant fpct;al>becaufe tbep boe aiissptslove greater as ttjcp comefarther suttoaro , as tallitsfetohKlj toe be^olD frombeneath toptoaros , as if;csfbat toee bebolo from abcieBotomtoaros 5pet 3 t«uenot (pares tomahetbisi^3ure,anoto fo?me anb pjo*fatten it totb ad tbe mem;bers ano parte tftfte<strong>of</strong> , tbatjou map tbe be ttr tmftcr*Sane it. jntbefitG ftgursbat one, nert to t bis , 3 bt nefljetoeo tjBto poa ffcall finitet|e terminations <strong>of</strong> £ points<strong>of</strong> tbe ^ettcturt tobicb areraaoe plains tottboiu an*?members; tbe eafilper toconceane bote Kjtogs tocrebigger tobentbegeome fur*tbec cuttoarDs. lEut nolo & .tbinbe ttjat mentmecrGar.B.it bell , 1 toill u> to tbemeaues and manner bote t<strong>of</strong>inotbeinlaroglng<strong>of</strong> all tbemembers panuniartg bvfbemfelnes,eucrp one acvpsing to tbetr gtcamr (ft 03fmalnes <strong>of</strong> tbetr ji&otcttm e,2no firll , pou muft frametbia SBafe Uritb all tbe mew»'» ssaanaIfll.imji

:Or:Perfpectiue «-Vbcrs, anDteitU^tig^tpjDtctUu'Eltifrf<strong>of</strong> , folefitoiihout anp fijojfei ing biitjt, peipoumuS Djaii: itligbtl?feri'bapiece<strong>of</strong> itras, oj torac oSf)er tijing, as it is flicbjeo fcuto posi bete iEUi; p;t£ks 5tljetnin tfeegromtb ojfa<strong>of</strong> ohbepillar pou mutt ojote the tSeo SDsagonall lines long insugij out, ant> therrbp (as 3 fagrti befi^e). f.ou fijajiiieftJ&a. Oj-nfe3nifbing ano the increafng <strong>of</strong> U)c parumlcr. parts <strong>of</strong> tbe crcifs <strong>of</strong> the CaiD SB.tfc, tobere asj^tiDerrri<strong>of</strong>t line 0; facts <strong>of</strong>th£cicfls<strong>of</strong>thel5a(e,bearc5nti£b wo?c b;caecranDlc tiger ttjtn fbcfe that ere mercfeeoto^ the pnckes ; then attachcojner <strong>of</strong> ibcCrcaft<strong>of</strong> thelEafcpQn mnfi ojatoanlipjigl-tunealmolf^sbigbas tbcfkfttreait <strong>of</strong> ibeli5afe(aUbougS33ta«E6or.eit)batt)ponU)cfcJtermcftpopi3tnottoco!iibertbctoo?he taHtbin: tsjen pmunuir- coato fbe.nppcrmoll;comers <strong>of</strong> tbefirftCreaft fc-itt?p-ichcs alto, totoarotbeB?o;nfon, tobttbbotonetesrOB^^Tietjtliites ; ano t^ere fbail be tbe terminations to tlafc 0; ffout bp t^c fecono grrat Cr eaft tsi'tb a fall blacfee line: thenDjatoanotber blacfee line from tbeinnrrmcSpcpnt <strong>of</strong> fje'CreaS bptearos to fbe|h>?ifo», enothsreibefbosicrungCrealifball bccl<strong>of</strong>cD.anb as this Crcaff oj plmUjns te cl&fcs ano bjatecn an all Gees teitb blacfee lines , fo peu muff'8c*l»H$.al| fbss*fher lines <strong>of</strong> tbe 25afc,fo? fcben from the bppcrmttt comer Df t?e firfi niatfecD iftafe pen Djato a belotngline tottje in*nermeff comer <strong>of</strong> tbe gecatcfi Crcaft &jltg tbe blacfee lines, bp it pou fljall ligbtlp fine the terminations <strong>of</strong> all tbe partsa? members, ojatotng tbecojncrs <strong>of</strong> 11)2 fiYftlSafe fotoaros tbe^ortfon. Sim toben pott bane (ojm'eD all tbe inner"mod tojncrss <strong>of</strong> tbe Wes, bp tb i l^ojifcnfall line you map eafilp boe tbe fctonb,ano top t&e pacalel lincii tbe bttermoS<strong>of</strong> all 5although dp tbe lines <strong>of</strong> tlje oiSantes, pen map bjtng tbe faib corners femetobst fleeter as pou map fee bp tbeSDtagenall lines. But atthrs time jiudlr.ot fpeafee cf t&atDia'icnUo; Ijarfc U^o^be, foj tjc tr/at fcaty aRj?£nssereanpDing herein, map fccrittoitb tjeJpe bimfelfc.aibat tobich is bete fapo <strong>of</strong> tbe BSefcs, pou nmff alfo fcnbcrffana <strong>of</strong> tbe Cojmces,onclp that enerp tfcfngis contraryano Uj^cre pou fet perpendicular lines bcloto, tohicb cat tbjcugb tbe lgojifenfall a? KaBiall unes,fo pen mjifi alfo fallaboue tbe lleab lines 0; Catbitaifepon the t^ojifcntall lines-, as tsu map better fee it anD leatne it in tbe i%ure, thenit can be crp;c Geo bp toojs:? : ano \ on mnft not be afraio 3; abafljeb, although at ft tR pen cannot conecauc it, fo? f bat bvpjactifing pou QiaiJ in tims fmoe it} fcj it is not fago tljat a man ftall 0} can learnc all tbings a t or.ee in one cap : bp tbidCojnice pou map matic all Cojmees, bee tbep bigbec oj lotoer, ^atbet o> eaCerjaltoapes cjaisiing ewerp member andpart tctoarD«%^o?ifoR as it Gpalo be bone.1Aatfjosrgb iljere are aiecrs mawners 5 tooprs tc placeColnmneg one bebini) the ct!)cr,(Jansing tpen onegre«at&in perfpectiuciuiff, tbfi'^f'^wafeep^talSjCD^ilmcg ano otber tbings, pet tijssbccctintoanneireBisibeeg*fieff.i?irft,poumi!R mflftcaptsn^mcntteitbariuantitie<strong>of</strong> fonrecoaner<strong>of</strong>finacjenfSjasttiflalf<strong>of</strong>fietoetittitbe beginning <strong>of</strong> tbisll5ffli5e;to5}U^mapbecf fnrb b;cbtrj,as\:on\BiU : S>ap tbnt tbefe fonre fcm ire Hones sr*tiB<strong>of</strong>(DtebjoaO,li>biebuiaUbetbetl)icljCRiEff«<strong>of</strong> apiUnr ; betu;4netb.c ma firltpiUarebsneatbintiiebjtBtb, tbjext\sno tbcp bting'raifeo to» Ifball bs fpgbj fqnace Cones ano tbe freight <strong>of</strong> ttjc pillars maoe <strong>of</strong> tobat qaantitis pon twill-,itiarBtbe^ojtfon.ttenpoumntt fiiato fto<strong>of</strong>cnsraUUneeouerbotft the pilars, en Ubenont <strong>of</strong> tbemiobls<strong>of</strong> tbeflrHline pou meft mafec tfeo balfe Cinlcs abous bpon the flat fibc before , ano beuioe tbem in as manp parts as pea brill 5tolncb parts fhall be Batons to the Ccntr r <strong>of</strong> tbe balfc Circle, ftanbing in the bpjjerm<strong>of</strong>i; line : then out <strong>of</strong> the minis<strong>of</strong> the t too fenecall lines pen muS o:afe3 ttjc hds balfc Circle, anD all termination s <strong>of</strong> the flat £ircb being o?aUun to the^o^ifon, then t\)t fk8 Srcb-oj dDntc is malic: the otber ttoo pillars bptoarus bjatons ftbe ^ojifen, then the fieff arch;0; cj?ate is n?abc: *he otber f too pillars tptoaros fljall alfo flr nc cpgbt SJuabiante otflant from tbe ficQ ^itlars,tobtc^taill mafee a foure comeb plat aj on all fiDcs: containing 64.. fquare floncs : ano pou mufi coe toitb this gate as pou Dinisiitbtheflrff.cnetp (t<strong>of</strong>ten tbcp arc all <strong>of</strong> onctopacneflcas thtfe are)pounccbnctccmoe tbearcbesagaine, foa theIfiojtftRtall lines <strong>of</strong> tbe Cones <strong>of</strong> tbe Sift 3rcbtotfl fijeto pon tbe terminations <strong>of</strong> all the other Grebes, anb alfo batolong tbe CaUcrpmuttbe,anDbotomans Arches it mnftcontaine. ghaucplacce no Srcbcs here in tbe floes, becaufc31toonlo not cumber pen fa nmclj at tbto time ; but 3 UjjU fpeahe tljere<strong>of</strong> hereafter pcrticnlarlp.2Cbetrco2Da)jescnea£hfii5carebotbpart!ptoucribtoith tbe pillars, but tbe fcpBencffe <strong>of</strong> fhemts <strong>of</strong> foareffina*b^nteSjbcflbes that from the corner <strong>of</strong> tbcomjesfo the Miliars on each floe there ts ttoo €JBao?antes , as son fee thebalfc there<strong>of</strong>; ano the other balfc pou muft fupp<strong>of</strong>e to bee behind the pillars,firfje beanies abouc the Srrbes tohtct)3 bane not lifer toife fetUeare bp the Chamber abon?, pou map toell smGe, although 3 to?ite not parruularlp thtrr<strong>of</strong> :the Waks no? tbe Capitals bpon thefe pillars, b ecenie the? Ojonlo not oaefcen tbem too mncb > but in another place 3hull alto entr eat tbweef.

Tbefecond Booke* <strong>The</strong> third Chapter. Folio,

Of Per/pediueCoo iSoiBts e? arches arc cnelp mafic to ktto'cb<strong>of</strong>e to iopnc t^cir 5Bafr» ant; Capitals fefbcm,b)i)frref inT^cfetine feuerrU places 3 bane fp<strong>of</strong>een be fo;c, £mt> ffcibtc ijoto tier rife en tbe one tide, and fall o? trees rate in flgbt ontic otbec fine; tt)at a man map tljr better learnc hi to to toe tbrni : re? in frcctt? tf a man couiD fln unt bnto penin effect, poubjonlo tbe enflrer tincr rflar.6 it ; tnttcfet It coirur infrjiting o? j^earfsa* J Doc, tbatmenthereafter migkt hnobi ano learnc tljem : it is rcquiOte to entreat <strong>of</strong> tbem wojt at large , si d tfjst pen map tbe betterttfeerne tm percetae thepopntscf tbe thm lines from the otber popntso* comers ef tbcblacfeeUncs} tberefojc bcre3 bauc placet tbepepnt <strong>of</strong>theoiffanccsanBtbelSojifon bebntbiaro ; ant> bane placet) tbe pillars tnotljer mannerbponthisgnmnotou:boitf€JaaDjant ffencs: 3ln this manner fettbe bjeotb cf theffo<strong>of</strong>irff pillars bpontbefijale <strong>of</strong>fuel) tbicheneffj as) t>ou b ill, ano ojabJ tbem iBb)aros,teb?arDs the ^o^ifon , tben pen mntt imagine tbe oifinnrcs, as3 bane alrcabp tauabt pan : ano tbi fc Dtttsftees are fct on botb fibee, ano on egtber p Dint <strong>of</strong> she siSances pou mutt bjabjalmcbotbtobuirb ttjerigbtanosleftpepntoj comer <strong>of</strong> eacbpiHar.£Ebcfe diagonal! lines bull not cnelptbcbipon ttjcttjicfecncDTc <strong>of</strong> the ficfi oj fomi<strong>of</strong>f pillar s tobentbepfbejten, butatfo tbe tbicBcncJJe <strong>of</strong> tbc tbiootber pillars lutficbttano intoarb, tobicbareallmarheB tottb prebes (ano as) bentlibebiifefaio before) tbat btljUbts berefapb<strong>of</strong>tbciBafes <strong>of</strong> tbe pillars, tbc fame alfnmnll be bnecrftooDbptauB <strong>of</strong>tbe Capitals : touting tbe thicken r ffc <strong>of</strong> tbe botoes oj arctics tmoerneatb , 9 banc tbetoeD in tbe figure beioje bob)pou mult place the Center in the tmooie <strong>of</strong> tbrfonre trotTepotnt lines, to o;aw tbe balfe Circumference: SCbefonrefquare o:^aacj..nt abone,isasgrcatastbatbctou;on tljegtouno ;Jueeonqt t&etobobjponfbaU mate it, foj jonfee it plameenougb in n)e insure.

Jhcfecond Book*. <strong>The</strong> third Chapter. Fol.ii.f ^

OfPerfpediucVl$ii figure is lifte t&e fojmcr, enelp tbat tftc members <strong>of</strong> the H5afes ?nb Capitals are abbeb tberennto ;to make tt moje perfect tmto pon, ant) t & fi ; . to pon 90b) a tfcng toill Bar d toben it is full mabe and firttibcfc ,tbongb 31 bra > BjetoeD it before jt&ercbpneuertbeleOe, toben a man is perfect herein, tben be map bp p,:act ; fc belpe bfm»felfe toell inoasb toitbontall ttjts fcbear - bffng tifecction tint) bearing in memojie tbat, tobtcb be bat & tmpjtnteoin bit mind: 5?o2intraetb,bptbismeanes(jmeanetbcgr0unD) amanmapbppjactife mafeemenptbingS} tobicbif tljep be maoe t<strong>of</strong>tb Discretion , anb bp a too?fecman,toill altoapcs bcaotifie fyt too;fee , as t befe b<strong>of</strong>prs o? 0rcbes bo,tobicb tinner are fieoioeo to ittj ©aabjantea as pou map for tbem. Habere arenas pon fenoto, fir ft t too Centers ta fojmetbe arct/c bufiemeatb; no up a toife toojfecman muff not altoapes feebe foj tbe perfection <strong>of</strong> tbe cogc <strong>of</strong> tt>cfc

Thcfecond Bookc. <strong>The</strong> th ird C hapter. Fol.ii.

•r-Tl£eOfPerfpediuemanner bom to make acr<strong>of</strong>fe rmfco^a^allerp o ? Bimfewperfpectine twoj^c , is ahjoapcsberBfren&Sc*fomet<strong>of</strong>hctotttontoanpmarHrnD tbcriffojc a'fa , it is mucbmoje troublefeme to Crrlare it in butting fcjmcnhereafter toSwcerQaniitt. #eucr?b:lcffe, brcaufutu) berpheceffiirptobe&notene^teitl&oe the belt i canto ^efoit.5?tr£!,fen muff c^ufc tbe b?t&tb an& betgfct <strong>of</strong> f be grcrteff Srtb o? Bow tbat von oefire to matte, a«0 tben bp tbe ot*Sauces pou muff make a perfect fljajfemng ©a J&jant, sna a' fa a Irffe JBoIb 03 3rcb. SChe greateS 9rcb befeje Sjalbee*«!i&e& in'o epcbtrquall parts ,a«Da>fe paw* muff b r Djium t 'iBarDatbe^o3tr ontotbEfmale.9rcb , tobicb beingnone then pou muff let tgtfeparts <strong>of</strong> tbegreat:tt3rebi b'loto bpontbe."J||afe;an3toiib fbebtlpc<strong>of</strong> tbr ^o?ifentallaio SDiajcnall lines, pou map malu afi)03teniug Circle tvttbtn tfee Sluaej.nt, as in U)e other pi aces befoje pou baneban taught. 3Cbe terminations bere<strong>of</strong> mail be 1 * .34, 5. mbicb (hail be fct Ijptoar&s btfioctbc great arcbe,as ponfa it time alfo marltce tpittfl.2.3.4 5- ^ttbont tbisrouna betoiu 3 baueojatone tfee'^&aralcls foitb pjtcttes f theU)al!,i>n')tuberctl;cpenti,tberc pou muttfiit all vour^ttpcHtitntar lines bp?igtit,tei;:c^arccomeout<strong>of</strong>tbegaralellines cf this Circle.STben pot: muff D?am the terminations atee'apOjt<strong>of</strong>eKb-arc plrceb aben?, along bvlbe ^erpen&icular line* taitbHries'o tljel^ojifctij an&tebeta tbefapalgojifrn'all tines ruttbjougb tbf^erpenoicularlines^nblcbmajatotiebpfrom brloto j tbere pc u mutt make b.lfc a ftojtcninj Circle: ano that tobicb is msrkcD en this Obe toitb Ctpbers,muflalfo be bnorrffeo5 to (tana on tbe other, as poo f& it in the j%nrc.Hi&efetmobalfeftojfnngCirclrs being mate, tfcengoumuff&'afoarigbt blacfte line aboue ont <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> tbetmookfVj)Hti) arc market) j.anDfob ere tbatcuttcfb tbjongb the micolrm<strong>of</strong>f Unc, tobicb goetbfremthetgrcateffJ3rcb to tbe IfyjjnTon, t'jcrefbaibe tbe terminations « alfo tbe miDDlc <strong>of</strong> tbe er<strong>of</strong>fx toojkC; anu t)en out <strong>of</strong>till tbe termina*ticnscftbetnobclfeCircleSjpoamuffDjabaercffclineflontbefi^egjanDbJbcreeuerponc<strong>of</strong>tbemfollotoingan^ojpfenfalljtnKcbrtb tbe a>;cb markcoiuitb 23.4. ftyre tbe terminations IbalfianD t<strong>of</strong>omtc tbcbalfe Circles in tbe cr<strong>of</strong>fe,t&^ugtjtijembicbamanmtibattebfafftano from termination to termination (ball make afbojtening balfe rcoiisetr<strong>of</strong>fe iBitb pjtrkes, as both on tbe right ana left banu pou map platnch? fee in the figure. ?n this manner tbe toojhel>ii>nl5 goe, although it ff000 famefaabat e«t at the fines ;but It is better 6>tt to pilnt it toell in pour mcmojp,befoje poufehe an otbcE f^meaiberc tbe^ojifon Car.betb on the ons fin, that tben pou map the eafilper make tiiat tobicb istens ontbat fioe.

<strong>The</strong>iecond Booke, <strong>The</strong> third Chapter. FoJ. 13.®»4

HStoingfljetoeoinQf Per/pe&iuecreflctoejise on both ficcs, tjato poo fbonlo place the Srcrjcc on tljc fitics in frjojfemng mannerr no ojatenc tbfm bp ont <strong>of</strong> the grouRC, although that tbep be fintlf : note teilt 5 facto poa a Ijolloto ardje, anDtijc mancr bote to ft oifen it : SBut before 3 p?oc«o thcmw to (foj it is beep comber feme anD Difficult) firft 3 toilfljeto ?ou tbt^ilaiQers that OjoulD carrte t^c fa^b airctjes : tobttbpiaiOers CanD foplatnelp in tbe figuretbat 9 Qjall not neeb to tafee much paines to to?pte or tljcm. 3n tfeis figure 3 banc not mace tbe firfi arrf), tbat Smight not barken tbe figbt <strong>of</strong> tbe 2tt\-,ts on tbe Gees, tebtcb flrcbes on tbe (toe*, 3 t>aue alio tut marfer e bote tfjcp (ballfianb,sno arc alUwvese?atoncout <strong>of</strong> tbe fonrefquarcfi}na&?ant,as pen fabp tbe ojticr cf tbcfeurefqnare€2nab;ant,but tbe htabermosarcb tobicb ffanoett) not in tbe tear ,3 bane hjatr ne fallp,anb placeit alto in bis fourc fqnare.Sboue in tbe top oj r<strong>of</strong>e, g brnc maoc tbe rotmB fi»me,toberr<strong>of</strong> too map mafee a fctttel 0? ECribnnall ; ana pen mapalio mafee it fbus , toben it is fomrtoba t foncfee. Eonrbing tbe fence gilaiffrrs , ttjcp (as 3 banc taught bcfo;e) artformbbp tbt SDtagonall lines comming from tbe popnt <strong>of</strong> tbe oittances, ano afro tbat eacb pitattter ts tb?a tcancro jtfan&ingU&eatb?eecomerobooBe,anboneaebenB (thcarcferctictb tobetr<strong>of</strong> tberefljatlbefonrc) ttoo arches befoje,anb f too on tbe Qoes, fo that tbe ro<strong>of</strong>e toill be right fcur e fouarr, to'jer tin poo map mafee er<strong>of</strong>fc toojfcc oj other mannerf tto<strong>of</strong>c too?lM. 3ne ifpon toili mafec other binocs <strong>of</strong> foojfce bp tbe fame ;pon tnuS altoapes foltoto (bis rnie: item,t<strong>of</strong>cerc pon can nat toell bnocrffano mv tenting, pon mnS belpe ponr Iclfc toitb tbe figures ,toljtcb flcarc alfo fiantiet^open, fo tyat toitb a little labonr- a man map eafilp conceanc it altogether, althcogb tberc tocre nothing fooben <strong>of</strong> it.

<strong>The</strong>fccondBooke. <strong>The</strong> third Chapter. Fol, i^.SI f-'lIIP 'Ik,*PmmimL^sm

^TOf Perlpedliue€• to von fee . tobat few pu mnff foiioto to place arcbe* on tljc fines in fljo jfenfttg manner: 0no Self, pott mutt. t»mbe bpen tiic thiru former manner Superficies, tobercinJ% tjnuc fafftcienilp fljetoca poo n)c manner be to to' frsir e a rouno bodp ; Uot in tbts figure J bill (beto it mojc perfectly. SGiberefDje a man mull imagine tfaatthe rouno liBicp tying beloto in bis fonrefquare is maDe, ano Stall feme foj tbc tbio 15otoes on tbe Goes. S3bts25coptbenbeina:msDe(a6 J franc Ipetocb befoje) ano aspoafee it better nolo, pou matt firff fet if , tobcre tbc 3rcbrsbrgin about tbc l^o?.fon. flno tfce fame perpcnoicnlar lines toljicb Sand corner toife from tbe miDble <strong>of</strong> tbe fonretojncro bo?p,nuitt be fct litce ^aralel lines on tbe right $ left (iocs bp marcs from tbe ftoo arctjes, tbcre (at it is afoje*fais) to Direct tbe H^ojtfentaU lines, as pou map fee it plainelp in tbe figure. $5nt pou mutt bnoerffanb ttjat tbe ttoocr<strong>of</strong>fes beloto tntbisll5oop :arc tbe ttoo Centers to ejato tbe ttones <strong>of</strong> tbe 3rcbes botbabane ano beloto, tbeg alio fig»Hific tbeCenters<strong>of</strong>tbelSotoesbpontbe^o?irentall lines toifbfn tbe Srtbes.^Qo»;n't alto tnactffan&,ita: tbc biache lines ooefojrae tbcCucamfcreneetoitbont,an!>tbe pjicfecsojfbm linesbetoken tbe fojmc tottbuiitobtrb is coueren in tbc arcbes:fa tljat tbe Srcbes oo fiiete tfcougb to be maoe <strong>of</strong> picces,<strong>of</strong> tbe•xecs a man map learne to mabc Diners Compartemtnts bnbemraf b in tbe 2rcb. iSoto toben a man can mattefeljicb 9ti?is atct?tuclUtt)cnt)cc Qjalln<strong>of</strong>neeaeffill to tafee all tbis labour, bntbf ttoo pjineipa'l lines belpingbimfelfetoitbpjtcfc s, be map frame tbc 2rcb ; ano fpcrtallp, becaufe tt>a t tbc 3rcb tobicb ttjoulD come befoje, coueretb a? bioctb a greatpart <strong>of</strong> tbe Skcbes on botb Goes : tobicb 3rcb HI banc not maoe bere,tbat f migbt not barken oj feacote tbc etber fliojte*ning Srctj. jSntber neeo 3 tojpte anp thing <strong>of</strong> tbe Circumferences aboue in tbe top o* Uo<strong>of</strong>e, (no: tbc cpgbt cornersfottbin)fejthatin tbc nert/igurepon ffjall fee them* neitber toill) fpcafce anp'tbing <strong>of</strong> (be Circumferences in tbegrown) , foj tbep are mabe (as g foaue tangl) t pen beret<strong>of</strong>oje <strong>of</strong> all others ) and <strong>of</strong> tbe ronno bocp briefs (<strong>of</strong> f^e lot; icbtbsre ha tj bcencmoje fagb) a man map mate tnanv. otber tbinga tobicb arc not hereto be fp<strong>of</strong>een <strong>of</strong>*

Thcfecond Booke. fhe third Chapter. FoUfy

-,Of PerfpedliueT£>plficepillars toitb their 3rcbes bpsngrounb8o;platfojmes,3ti)inketbcreis fafficietstfpoBenbefojc; anbtnbat fccuer | 'n«u? fpoben <strong>of</strong> foure fquare pillars, is alfo to \ar t nberdoob <strong>of</strong> rounb Colunmes, foj ttjat a manmud take all roono things, out <strong>of</strong> foure fquare tbmgsastoelltbc&piratftbfrtfrTfejastberotHtbflf tbe Capital.^c that can make all the jhgu s:cs a fa jefapb perfec tip , anb parttcniarlp i^ts lad bobp , fljall tjslpe bimfelfe to IIana net onelp to boc trje like tbings, bat alfo to ba men? mojc . 5cfJ rtjou !a in this fmall Creatife fljcie all that 3 coulbfetbolane,rt toaulb matte a mod great Slolutnne ; ano perabuentnre 3 (qoalo toant timet<strong>of</strong>ct foojtb the reG <strong>of</strong> me315ooke,tobtcb3lbauealreabppj0ini{cb;fo;t&erearemanp tbings tfcat belong to HSurtbing, tobiebneee nottobeefctBotone in pcrfpectiae toojbc ',..ile I be nolo begin to rayfr tbe jSuilbtng rjere f : t botone out <strong>of</strong> the gr ounb, tobich. befoje, anb at the one ficc is fane,as 3 pwmifeb before to fqetopout£Ebe fbojtcffi aw? far cd leap is,fo matt a gretmb toitt) manp ©uab janfs ; anb imagine tbat it is mete toith fbe fat ,toitb fbr ettta(o}t t that is, rjoiu thsp matte their corners agalntt tbe ttoo diagonal! tint s,ano bpJljelike rale you djall alfo make tljc bppermed Cojihcc , as van nwp tee in tbc bppermod part, tobere the fmall SBuabjanCtoitb ttje SDiagonall lines ftanb. 2Ebe boojes fbat ftanb bnber tn the €>allerp, are racb <strong>of</strong> tbem ttoo &uab?ants bjoab,anb foure ©nab?ant6 bigbs keloto in tlje grounb tbere ate cettaine tokens tobtcb fbeto like Naples, tobicb fignifietbstopbeneffecf tbe toinootoes aboue tbcCojnicc : tobicb toinbqtoesif tbep ffefe ajbolenjere, then tbeptooulfibettoicsas bigb as tbep are b;oab. %hz other Naples bptoaros bettoeene the fljojt cning piilars,are alfo t\^ bin tb <strong>of</strong> tbe uio?«tening pillars, tobicb (as 5 faro before) areall foure gfcaabjants high, but tbep arc parti; conercb toitb tbe Cejnite*.2Cbe part <strong>of</strong> tbe arcb tobicb danbetb at tbc ence, is feparateb from this ©illerp, as tbe gr cant alto fbetoetb if*3 bane bere mabe no SBafes no? Capitals, tbat tbe otber things migbtnotbec-confeanbeb: bnt pou muftbnber'ttanb that tbep muff be placcb in tbe too?tic, as is fumctcntlp before fbemeb. anb bp this rule pon map bjato binersliBuilbings ont <strong>of</strong> tbe grounb, k* in tbe .figure foliotomg (ball be fbetoeb in bintrs fcjaies. SCrje Centers <strong>of</strong> tbe arcbespon fs tbem macaco, dancing all bpon one ^ojifentail line.

Thcfecond Booke.<strong>The</strong> third Charier. foh S5., .

,O/ PerfpedtiueN®fo 3 feaue JUtees the manner bcto to malse a ©sllcry it itb 8x, fc? that it centatttttb f too ©oaosanfs anaa balfc in the Hostelling : rnt> tbe bright tbcrrcf fl;cl! be <strong>of</strong> tenf©te,btcaufe ttis fine snuafcjuntsbfcb :l9er plaiBers02 SnttpagmrMum ttjaii bet a fcote bjoa&,bt taufc tbcp eenfaine a halfe ffcojtc ning flUtefejantj tbe jftife fijatl atfo cmt«taint as much s swo theCejnkcfljatUontatncfomurbkfle^ao tbe fencer part tbmorbeatmgeuer contained, anoOjall be mace arrowing to tbe rule afojeftjetec d. Ecutbing t|e part getting ouer the oooje, tbe ^cgbilicncg o? S0ivuirs,ft]al Qn»ifc ttgbt r t one He § tlaiGcre 03 flntipaj inc t turn c f tbe cocje. 8ne tbat title 6co;c fepon tbe petting, fftallfiena right in tbe miobleabcue tbe totoeftre^^?nt (ball be tb.o fate b;oafi. Jntfce other cojetr<strong>of</strong> tbtsfirtt^oafc,U)ere (ball fee another t oo?e, tt t iruccnt ffc there<strong>of</strong> ttalt be fire ft ote ;pou map malte it rt two o? fqaare abeue as you toil.25ut toby eoc 3 fpt no mp time to (ct cob tie all tbcfc meafures, U Inc b iou map To pla;nelp fee in tbe fi&me ;c nelp it ismcefiarp to teat ne fuel) as are flucu os berfin, iba tobat Ucjfee for tier a ir r n i apfttb out <strong>of</strong> tt»c grcuno , cenfifleth intb?ap?««tpalltbings,tl)GttB,inlergtb,b:fDtb8nt)beigbt. 2Lbciiugtbis<strong>of</strong> cettaine!l?oufeso?ttoMncs, containinga certawe number <strong>of</strong> fat. STfee b;i d tfe confiitc lb <strong>of</strong> 22Hin ootor s, SDozes, Oat t s, ^boppes , ano fo(b like things. Sheheight crnuttctli <strong>of</strong> ^o3t£0,TOinootocs, Settings, Cornices, Columnes, Ko<strong>of</strong>fes, ano rucb like thing*. S5ut there ispetanctbcr,trjati£<strong>of</strong> tbe li.nfeemfTc <strong>of</strong> tbe Walks, pillars, ColumneganD^tlatffers: SLbekngibis takenfromtbe ttjotfening ffiuaejants , tm frc m thence alfo ten take tbe bjet il\ S5ut the beigbt is taken out <strong>of</strong> the b?cDtb in theflQHa»3Ents,Uhkbb3tttbnitflbctabenfromtl;£ffluafc3ano? balfe^uabja^ferjicbtowbctbitonlheljttberinottfiDe:asitttatioctb: asall<strong>of</strong>tctntbe bitbcrrocfi oco;r,tob:c^is ten fcote btgb , there pcu mutt take tbe meafure from tbe©uao?an6,tobitbfoinetothc|2ir-rakiccn the nctbermott to?titr e? popt t <strong>of</strong> tbccoosc; foj if tbere pou take fine fina*ejans in bjtotb, it Cjali be heiglt Uutbttt the 3nttpagt mentam. Sinn that tobub 3 l^ue fa^D <strong>of</strong> tbefe boojes, you nmSalfo fencer flano <strong>of</strong> alliljc c tber things : ^hc tbicaeneffc <strong>of</strong> t^eW ail is t mo feote, fo j pott fee it tontainetb a fflnaD;antffihe bearing eue r <strong>of</strong> the fctont ^cufe is <strong>of</strong> fire foote, mcafnrtb Upon the grotmo : tbe Ufce alfo the beating oaer o? ict*ttng <strong>of</strong> fbefiiO^oufe ennfairetb. %a ecncluce alt tbingB,as3hnue fa»o, rtuiigont <strong>of</strong> tbe gronno on alt Jtocs,S |aue(etnoCoanices, no? enr otbcrejncmtr.ts in thisi^igure, that vou map tbe eaflerfcnserflano it; but a man sf ripeiuogcmtnt ana fenocrttanfetng bnolring the trrmtnatkno , canfepfeifl otene inuentton helpehimfclfctomabe fatreISmlDings. anDfojt^at3mapnotfpEnotocm«chtfmehe«in,3|totUmaheotberstogtwepumo2eligi)ttljercin.

lie fecond Booke. <strong>The</strong> third Chapter, FoL 17*

Of Per/pedtiueT3£«&&fegjcs, ocgtttsoj goings bp, are torrpwteffarp in J£uttotngs,atto tfeerefcje 3 foillffjcto6iners ninesthere<strong>of</strong>,ano 6rtt 3 toill begin totib the eaOeft. 2cco?oing to common cuffome a &ta#e o % ttep is about balfe afate feigb, ano about a foote bjoao topon tbe ffep 5 then let tbe fqnare ffoncfi <strong>of</strong>tbfs grounb be a foote fqaarc,tbere*fciifbtoetotllniafcea paire <strong>of</strong> ffaircs <strong>of</strong> fine forte bfgb, ano {&& fate bjoab: aftbe forte <strong>of</strong> tbe groimo toeetmHfa&e tfee meafnre <strong>of</strong> tbe bjebtb, toblcb botb on tbe rigbt ano left Cdcb fl&all be let m ^erpenotcalar lines on the Cojn era<strong>of</strong> ttje&tapa^tobtcbftallbeDenioeouitotenjafitbelmes A.B.wetopon. ffben alltfeeparts<strong>of</strong> A.B.f&allberaifeiJ£0% ^ojtf«i»aaD t&enpou Ojall taseroned&aaojantcsbpfoaros in length ? ano fertjere a<strong>of</strong> toe lines arefet bp cuttingtbjongb tbe $o?ifental lines <strong>of</strong> A. B. there tie co?ners D. C. <strong>of</strong> fbe bppermott Hep* foalbe, containing a fonw rqoar e<strong>of</strong> tb?«&aaa;ants on eacbfioe. .from tbebitberm<strong>of</strong>f points <strong>of</strong> the fame tppetfleptf,?oa Ujal Djata ttoobel<strong>of</strong>ng linesta tbe Sotoett ffeps ,agafott tbefobieb tbe $ejifentall ano tbe gerpenbicnlar lines <strong>of</strong> tbeffiuaojannjalleome togefberanb Gnat Dp tbe &tapjes.Cbefe £>ta#es are fl&ojfeneo on tbe one 6dc, anb tbe tber is plaine oj p;o8Uano conlainelb a Sep leffe in nje befgbffobfcbmaBetbfonre foote ano abate} it is auotb?ee rote b^oab, as it is marheobnbec itontbegronno. JBpfbtsrntepou ma; matte &»(apje* 0? oegr&s as btgb as ton toill, ano make fome retting places in tbe tea? : altoaves taking fbemeatnre from tbe forte <strong>of</strong> tbegrmmb,a0tneUortbe ttjo;tening,af <strong>of</strong> tboCetbatarebpjig&t.

Thcfecond Bookc. <strong>The</strong> third Chapter, Fol. 18.T$ « going dp being platne o? p?<strong>of</strong>il matscfl) a greet ffjufo, atto pet are bcrp caQe to fet in all places, 3 mcane intbe taming, ano mag ferae fo; manp tt)ings, fpeciallp in IBuilDings , tobere a man going bp f<strong>of</strong>tlp ano toitf) cafe,giuetbtbebeboltiewa bin?) <strong>of</strong> plcaforc to Dicto t|>cm ,pjincipallg in common places, fojtbatcbere is a going Dpon ept^er fioe,fo tbaf bpon tbe one floe men map gee op, and on tt)e otiber floe tbep ma? goe Qotone ;ibete are onlp bnt ttoo goings bp, pre bp t bts a man bp bit oton mnention map oentfe others.ano altbongijl£oto tbefc gstapjes aremaocanotottb tebat reafon,pou mapbp tbe figure percrane tt)em , attbeagb Jfbonlo fav nothing there<strong>of</strong>: foj as itis fopD before, tbe fiaaojants are <strong>of</strong> a foote bjoao, ano tbe fteps balfe a tot bigb, ano To tbe b jeo tb <strong>of</strong> tbe Sep is one feni.2:be bjeotb <strong>of</strong> tbe &tagjes is Sue foote, botb tbe firff ana fecono : 2Cbe retting gate contained in toioeneffe tbj* facte,and is fire footebigb ; tabid) altbongb it fcemetb to b; fbnt, ano a ftnall doojc opening in it : pet it may be maee toboteopen ano otbertotfe cl<strong>of</strong>eo. SEbettuo floes abooe the ttnee fteps are fine foote bjoao, altbongb bere it is bnt one foote,becanfe <strong>of</strong> tbe narrotencfle <strong>of</strong> tbe paper. 22>e J&erpenounlar lines on tbe fioes,figninc leaning place^nb tbeg QjogIbferae bell alfo to tbe flcps, bnt lett tbep fljoulo comber tbe toojfe e, 3 bane left tbem ont.r0• s

OfPerfpe&iueA5)5ongtt ctljcr *l)ing3 to^fcl; fl&oto'tucll m^erfpecUuctoojke, 39 rmaetbatg<strong>of</strong>nga bp •? Heps are fccrp feemelp,ant: toe <strong>of</strong>tner tljat tbep tarne, tbe better ttjcp fljeto }tljerefoje 3 baae trace tbefe ttno goings bp taming, lubub^ftanDtnpj<strong>of</strong>i!,^et vcuiet tbegrennaanothetteps. SI b is firfl going top tdflrifootebigbanDtbieefootebjoaMSpop map fee it mat-feci) in tt»c crcono toittj pjictis : ibe 1 tiling place btttoeene tljc ficfi ano fetonb going bp, ie tto<strong>of</strong>eme fquares t0ng,tobitb t* ncreffarp, becaufe ef the tinning. £U ttjc tm tljcrc<strong>of</strong> pcu fir.be a Jdoatale-ths dojg ttjeceoCis CUjii fatfetopfic, tbe antipagmentum ts S^aifc a foore on eptber fioe, fo ibat the place is tbjec fotefnll. £Ll>e ^erpen*McntanutesontberigbtGoe<strong>of</strong> tbtptaitte,figntfiececl:attie leaning*, t&bicbmaf beemabe <strong>of</strong> Jren, OTfl5B,o?S>tom }the lifce map be mabe along tfce^Capjeebct'o bptoarbanDDatonenarD, fettingalgalBfterbposituerp&tapje x SEbet)tig£t <strong>of</strong> t&is raile 0; leaning, Bjallbe two fsoteano an yaifc ; fo; fo it is eafie to lap a mans banb bpon. ^eto ttjefc^tap^csaremabctoptoarDsout<strong>of</strong> tfccgrocsriD, although itmapvnell be fenebp ib^ /Figure toitbout seriating it: pet3 rcill fap fome tying there<strong>of</strong>, to cafe tbem tbat ace Qjojt <strong>of</strong> memojp. SEfje reffmg gate 02 ronnb ba?e bnbet tbe plain*ne ffe bettocene tbe fctonc and tbe tbtro going bp, is no Deeper tyen to tbe mall : abouc tbe fame Boeje ttjer c ttanaeib an*fltbi r going bp, <strong>of</strong> fourc ff cp», tobui) to make, 3 jjau ; f<strong>of</strong>ficienUy tyetoeo j otbei: toife a man tyoolb continue tye groundat ^ereifmgocojejtoojaujcgembpr'rom it.

:ihcfecondBboke.<strong>The</strong> third Chapter. FoL ipT^ncbing tbe fcueral! JtinD* <strong>of</strong> %>'ar ?cs, % am flffareo tbat tbcp map parti? be bnberffoob tsitbonf ticfcribMg fbentin*Bjptingg,enafpectallptbemibbiem<strong>of</strong>t U^td; qoetl> top on bctl) Sacs j anb to (ball the bppErmott au*o,bee nfeit id rapfeo tip from tl)C grennb 33 toel! as tbr ctber,anb is (vet fo-Jt b; ao, as t ou map foe anb tell tt on tbe rronnaUpon t|)e plainc ttoncs. 2Cfjt ttuo arc^stmoet tbe t&o co ngs tip are eacb a foot in thkitmcffe, fobct ebpa go#fag botonc i* foure feote toitbin, ant) is alfo o;aiB£n oat <strong>of</strong> tbe grnuno as tbe reft are. SEbe etber goings ttpjtuljicb vonftt(l)jongbtbc3rcbcair oumapfnSicient!pperceiue bptbeinbototbep arc mabe: anD fait is mttb tbe ttoo pake <strong>of</strong>|&tapjes on the leftbanb,fo? from tr>e fictt flips at tbe retting cm??, psu map eafilp fee feoie tbep are rapfeo topoat <strong>of</strong> ttjegrounb,anbaboueattbccnb<strong>of</strong> tbemtbcpbaueapiece<strong>of</strong> plaineorGutib to costita tbe otber Staples, tobtcbalfo isDjatonebpciit<strong>of</strong> tbe panementas tbe reft are, tbat is,escbffiepbalfe aftotebtgb.anbafflotebjQaD. HI5ntiti3bf.ro tomcafnrc in fo fmall firings, but it fuffifetl) tbat bcrebp pou mas fee ttje manner there<strong>of</strong> : ano tebcrt pen make tbem greatyon ftjall finb t^at ttjpp unit come tocll tnougfe ta pafle. SSaber tbc fetipjes (aft nsmcD,tbere ftan&efl) ntfo a roimb bosjetohict) 10 flue feat tngse : bpon tbis gronno, anb on tbefe &tap?cs a cunning papntcr migbt place Diners j^tuxs tn fe*oerall fajmesj eptber ftanbing oj fitting 'opou tbe §>tapjes $ anb Iping bpon tbs grouno in ftjnjtcmng in.;,naer srstip tbatiritbisteife: |3onmap place tbe ifftgurestolicre^on toill toitbfifcte, anb trjtn tafee fire fete o^rquarestiibereoKtbcnftanb, anb tbat Ojal be tbeir betgbt fd? tijat it is tbe bcigbt <strong>of</strong> a common 0} ajbinarg man : tbis pou niuft otfe rne betbbefoje anb bebinfr, anb in cuerp p'ace. Jf tbe /fgure be bpon a Sep, tben tahc tbe meafure <strong>of</strong> tbat Sep *bn-con itftanbetb, anb matte itttuclac ttcpsbigbi tubtrb (ball be fire faster an* is tbs j%nre Iping, boe tbe lifee jIbojtentog manner bpen tbe grounb, tbenpau mutt tafce tbe length bp tbe fbojtening ® naejant.bat if it tjab injrii i^t)rt j^w!jffiBBjfcg^pyg^^e#tfBi ifaBMMa^SSg^^iSaS^

! toil!! an&,Of Per/pedtiueI&ane0)efe>ct>ttump1titrt*or goings fep»lju'tbftcare oMjerfeinto, anHje t^at is not tecll infErncfeDin fljc fojmcctjarc'v bnocrftaffl) tljcfetlrolttjici? 3 tjcus beteftt Ootone. W.bz fittt fftall be toinsmg &>tap;es in fourc fquarebe '.bat tan matte fbcfc fonre fquare fet avjes , map toe 11 mate tbe rotino &tap2es,foj tt is all one rbmg, fpcciallp- if be t<strong>of</strong>ett) tbe tale before fet ootone <strong>of</strong> tbe ronnc bac tes.Cbc .figure P . to tbe grouno <strong>of</strong> this toimring &tapje, but it is tnucb leffe tt)cn tbe topprrm<strong>of</strong>t to get gr ottnt>. Cbiafourc fquare grounb in nWcning pott mnft mate fcalfe a fore btgbjtobicb fftalbe foj tbe fit Q ftep. 2Cbcn befoje at eithereno, pen-muff make a per pcnotcular line tp:ight, ant) in it matte as mans balfc ferte ao pan Oeflre to mabe tbe j&tapjcsbicb; von muff alfo place tbe like perpenoicular lines bettoeene tbe mioele, « tbe comers : tben pon muff oaato tbe ier>minatians botb on tbe itetbt and tbe left fities tptoaros to tbe t^ojifon, mbicb mutt cut tfoougb tbe i^rpr noicular lines,Mikb are oja tone ont <strong>of</strong> tbe tet minations <strong>of</strong> tbe ftt p s •, anb <strong>of</strong> tbe fame bright that tbe t too cojnerb perpendicular linesare : and <strong>of</strong> tbe fame meafure pou mnft mabetbe otber raw perpendicular lines bcitiwme tbe comers and tbe micolc,SLbcn in tbe midoiemefi termination <strong>of</strong> tbe gronno pou muff place sn otber perpendicular line, ano tieuioe it alfo inbaife feet, as tbe other perpendicular tine on tbe0dei« :&o out <strong>of</strong>tbts perpendicular line <strong>of</strong> tbeCentrrsagainff tbeneereff perpendicular line beneatb on tbe left band, pou mutt frame tbe firft Sep toitb tteo lines : %be fecono Sep pondial alfo frame ano fbut bp ont <strong>of</strong> tbe ^perpendicular line <strong>of</strong>tbe Centers in tbe comer fallowing. Cl;c n frem tbat popnf0} comer pon muff tuato a line to tbe igojifon, tobicb againft tbe fecono perpendicular line frill make tbe termination<strong>of</strong> tbBtbtrDftep,tebicb$atlalfe bee mat aboue, accoutring to tbe afojefaid rnle : from that popntoj comer <strong>of</strong> tbe fteppon muff alfo mabe an ^o?i(cntal tine, tobicbwill toucb tbe termination <strong>of</strong> tbe fourtb 8ep }tobieb being cl<strong>of</strong>eo, tbenpon mnfi raife tbat comer alfo to tbe t£ojifon, ano t bat mill facto pou tbe termination <strong>of</strong> tbe fif t Sep. And toben tbatSep is alfo cl<strong>of</strong>eo roitb linea : tben pou muff o:a to tbe popnt totoards tbe ^0 ji fan, tobicb line mill fbeto pon tbe ter mi'nations <strong>of</strong> tbe firtffep againft tbe binoermoQ perpendicular line : ano tr>at being alfo cl<strong>of</strong>eo tip toitb lines, tben out <strong>of</strong>tbe fame comer pon muff o?ato a pararel tine to tbe termination <strong>of</strong> tbe (euenfb ffcp, ano net totoaros tbe ^ojifon, be*caufe it is another Ooe at tbe fonre fqaare. 2Cbus pou muff &o?ftc round about from Hep to ftep, altoages followingibis rule bp tbe tobicb pou cannot fails.

<strong>The</strong> fecond Booke.<strong>The</strong> third Chapter, Fol.zo.

lOf Perfpe&iueT^at J map not fojgct to fef boton all feina s <strong>of</strong> &tapje0,ant> fpeciallp fucb as <strong>of</strong>ten times fall cot to be maoc; ttjere*fo?e3banemaoetbefefetsp?es,tobereon a man map got bp on a! "goes, tobere<strong>of</strong> tbegrounottanBetbaboaecntberigbtbant>,bntpett>erpfmall. SCbcfcjfefapjcsir.-a Quebec maoc, i^irff, pou matt make afonrsfquareO)0?tfning boop <strong>of</strong> balfc a foot bigMpon this pou muflcjato f too £>taganall Ur.es ;ants from tbe cajner intuarosf Siere ©all be a foots bjoao left on eptt)er floe, ano tbe terminations there<strong>of</strong> sjatone to the ^o:tfon ,an3 fo from tbe B ta«gonallliws poutballfcctbe corners <strong>of</strong> tbcfcronoQep. i&oto j neco notfetootone bntosoa bote pou (ball finoe tbeleOemng corner <strong>of</strong> tbe fecono Bep, tbe tobicb is ronno about (bat tip ferity pacalel ano IRojifentail lines : tbm upon thefecono plaine pon mnff D2atottoo2Dtagonall lines, tot}«xl) Poing (as 3 Tav& befojc) toilltbetopoutbetbirD8cp}tobicbalto being cl<strong>of</strong>eebp toitb lines, pou (ball alfo fins tbe font t b ano fiftb, fcritb tbe Ithc tales : Cbis g^ramibes is fantafii*call? frameti bpon tbem to fill Dp tbe place, alio 3 ncco not fet baton to tobat trfc s tbefe & tajpjrs map fgruc, fo; tb at tljet»alfe <strong>of</strong> fbem is commonlp fonno in Diaers pieces <strong>of</strong> toojfee, as tbe gates <strong>of</strong> pallaces,Cburcbei»,ano otberotoellingIjJonfes, ano tbe afcenoingbpto altars: SBptljfstpavalfe pon map make roun&J&tag;es, ano alfo&iap?es<strong>of</strong> Cycoj*H5btwwrM*bp tbeic formes 3 bane (betoeb.^D'O^JVi.'1'XWV.T. •>M.* G>m>

<strong>The</strong> fecond Bo<strong>of</strong>ce. <strong>The</strong> third C hapter* Fol %i.^anepjomife<strong>of</strong>beffubioas Kcaocr bp jj^is nip labotii'to l^ctu ct^ ranclj toucbmg^crfpcctiti8too?fee,as3Cc!njtljat^«ttitg^JQjeio (its conceit touting l^onfes oj iSailoings in perfpeciine urifc, meaning to fet Dotouc forac fimple manners there<strong>of</strong>, as ifbe ftuulo faimt a finale oj oonlJle groans, thereupon to tnyte a faoop , ana tberetoitrj meane to mafee an eno. ©tit falling fromone tnujfee to another, 3 am entreb into a iLabojinfy tobicb pcraonentore is tm farce abonc mv reach : tohicb commetb to pafFe bpmeanes <strong>of</strong> fame men that banc entrcateD me thereunto. Stab therefore, as 3 thought at tbts time to msfce an eno <strong>of</strong> mp feconiiSB«oke, % begin to banole a barber matter, ttjbub rule is onsl? called an ontioarD foure fquare : nenertbeleSe, \t is qftoell ojatonebpu)e ipojffon asbptbeWfianceSjasponmapteetntbe iFtgHrefoUatoing ; tobicb fljeoietb artghtfto;tteningtoui:efqnare,con as much mo;.: as pou totll bane this fonre fqnare to fijstfen , fo mncb pon maul8jate tbe oiBancci from tt)e l£o?tfon ; ano as much as pon toill tbajtbe eoges<strong>of</strong> the fonre fqnaretballbe bjoac,fo manpbjectbsQ. t mice ojatone. ail the terminations <strong>of</strong> this fonre fquare ftanbing aboae the copwuO pon D?ato bpon the llBafe, bettoeene A .nets goe all to tbe balances, ano none to the l^ifon, bat enelp the fonre fquare that ts fet therein.JJ£>te 3JbanefheliieD,l)otDpoaa)onlDuiojtena&n!jer8ctef,oacrpoTOi ojonttoarb foarc fquare : fierc 33 totllf&ct<strong>of</strong>tote to itticb<strong>of</strong>le oj beare onf tbs bob? there<strong>of</strong> toitb the fame #ojifon an a siftances alfo,tobich bobp baitbin is bolloto, ant> pou map beaueit bp as bigb. as pon : but 3 bane pnrp<strong>of</strong>elp left it fomcUibat loao ,tbat post might fee the groano there<strong>of</strong>. 0nb bp this Insure poanap conceane to boat man? things this map ferae-, ana alfo bo ifl pon map increafe 0; bimfoifb it,accojoinct to fail ano inbgemen JSbis uwll fufficefo? thefe foarcrqnarc mobeis o;boU<strong>of</strong>o things t but | mill fqetoboto oon iliail make tbera to Crefts 0? Cojniccs.'

TJNsOf Per/pedtiuefigure is alf<strong>of</strong>rflmeDjjp tbe afiojefapD ^ojifon, anD tbe lifee SiSances as tyt other befoje, onelg that tbcp Cants a littlenearer: #ototocrcaff ibis boDp both afeones beneathvotm»<strong>of</strong>t imagine tbegrcatnes <strong>of</strong> tbecrcafi, anD D?atort)e fame great*neffe botb abaue anD beneatb tbe boDp ; then giur tijc Cteffs abem tbeir oue pjoieeture,anD from tb<strong>of</strong>e povnts pon muft let|9erp NDirular lines fall to tfe? povstts ej corners bc?oto,trber ebp rou fbaS baue tbe pjoircttnes <strong>of</strong> tljelijafe ano top there<strong>of</strong>,fcfcfcb muff be ojatone totoarfcs tbe SDitSances, anD not toharos tbe IBojifsn- $oto job fee bote tbe Cornices ftanD imtbont tljefcure fqnarcboDp : but tbts is onto fo; Co?niees t&3t are maDctottbout members^tot to co mber vou Untb tbe IfcaOotoing <strong>of</strong> tbem,fc?3Jteill fpeabe <strong>of</strong> tbem b&ceaftcrparcicu!crlp.| £>pafcc befoje <strong>of</strong> Cojniccg foitbeut members, irbtrfc rmgljt ^nte fbis bottom SBuaejan, anD bote ponlballmafeet&eterim'Hsti':.ns there<strong>of</strong>. $ c to in tijls .ftguri § ft oto pou t&e fapo Co;nices tottb i|>eir members^bub P°o map alfo mafce in otber maneres5ttpleafetbt'4eU)o?heman,tbat is,t£!mafcetbcm bigger o?leffer,as 3 bauefp<strong>of</strong>een<strong>of</strong> 8tber Coxites , atoapes bfing gooDfcsfcretion ar D iufgemen* to cbufe ansmatic foci) members tisercin, as map tttoto well in mens 6gt)t. STberearefome CojnicesWhit b reset to farre oner, ti>at men tan not fee t&e members there<strong>of</strong> bnDer tbem ; tljerefoje in tbat tafe tbe number* are fo to 6eKis5c,tljat tfceg mag be fcemelp anD plcatant inmcas figbt.

'^rhefecond Booke. <strong>The</strong>third Chapter, Fol. n.^c foore /figures afojefapo banc f^cir Biffances. equally bjosti from ttjc ^o;tfon, tbat is, as ir.aclj on (be one useWt^tot^cr }bnt tbe jFtgare fblloteing (s <strong>of</strong> an btber manner ;fo tbat tlje ^cjifcntaUinefifci-ccbcthfoi^fenc.s,* gCabnoerfianb it ?bcg(ntbns: jFutf,t{je3I5ateA.B. is mabcaubis platto irt fourecquall parts, asCD.E. ti«ImesC.D.arwatoneontbertgltf bano totoarbs t&e.^a?ifon, aab tb? lines A.C. are ojatonc iotBarru? rb'c l^nufoh <strong>of</strong>t tbe left fit>e,i$}icbfo2me a perfect Aliening foarc Cquarc ; ibbicijfoure fqaare wra feemo?r. on ti)C en 2 fioe, tiir;ion tbeotber. 3E$c foare points o? corners <strong>of</strong> tbefefourefqaare tbiugs, arc F.G. H.C. §f pou DruiDc tbcfc S'o;kc fqw.retbings in two parts, tben pou mnflt oeaioe tbe 115 ate D E. In t&o parts, ami tbe terminations tfte'reiefbeing ojairns totbc ris^t floe, tbcreuau (ball flnoetbeb^ff <strong>of</strong> ponrfaure fquaremarfcea tott'ottoa Stars. HSctifgon fiatillfrigibfrt «anotber balfcfoHrefqBace,tbm ujato a termination E, to tbertgbt Ba;i'on, tlje lines at I. K. the aty.t balfe fctire fqttare,fotbaffbefeSsuperftwestballbe<strong>of</strong> fUiopsrfcctfoarccojusrs: a.ia tijis arillfcrac tbe ingenious toojisemanfojtfiangibings, tobicb I toill not berc fct bourne fo? bjeuttie fane.Wjjraafter foHotoingis rapfefi bp sot <strong>of</strong> tbe fojmxr figure befoje fct, Jjjf JDotone , ana is mine toitb c!k fattfeli^;tron;tobu&£wDp^^isfctmlPcr^pencicularmaner bpou f&eneajermou}coj*2r, tatyeron tbc atbsr Superficies are fefct&as tben tbis boo? is <strong>of</strong> teauacefi ^S^^netto<strong>of</strong>onrefqaarcs in lcnitt^,anoom foare fqnarcbieatifc-ftiJ^"an!) bt5b, 3nq tins fesop (as 3 faiaBOTjtjfljailferue'fojmanptbings : ffiutif t?outoill banc moj? cubits in tbelertrtb, fbeft'teflgtbeu tbsffiafe in fo mam>parts mo?c, ano jdh (ball aliases Sale t'oe tructb here<strong>of</strong>. 3rtD if w»it uiiU maSc a bowser o; creaS about this bebP,tbsnton niuCfciloio this rule afojefaps.

^Of Perlpedtiue»BTH IE toil pon mane btaer* things bpon one grounb, then if is cctramient that firttpon mate a payment as, pfito it bcrefeto<strong>of</strong>cn^ano thereupon frame tebatpontbinfeegaiD Upon tbe©nab?an«, ana the leffe tbe©uabjan«arc, sno the moje in number, ponmap U>e eafler frame tbmssbpon tbem. Ebe cr<strong>of</strong>femabebpen tbiigranwtbereanto-* but fa? fuel) a fojme, pon wagmafec afojme<strong>of</strong> aCp«tt««»iconelptoQjotopoo the leap anu entrpCfcnrcb ac they are note bnilt. SDte otbet fojmc b« it, fljctoetb a piece <strong>of</strong> a fonnoation <strong>of</strong> a ^oufe, bntall tb«e thing*ten map mafec in a greater fo;me,ano fet tbem fojtt) a« pon tmll; fomctimcplacing the fotfentaU lins* in futb mannerthatponmapfeemoje<strong>of</strong> tbeoiitaoes.bnt petthel&ojifonsmntt ttano all <strong>of</strong>one height.r\.')^r^et0cwB0?SiJfwra«to*rw*,3l feauerapfeb.P'fIbefebebteM<strong>of</strong>cetohototbefeojlToM<strong>of</strong> ttem N»oano tn the toejae as tecll abone as beloto, as pon flsall finoe bp experiences* in trnetb ttefe Irejfeea Wbicb fobfee oner the popnts O)co;ncr0,rontflineatfo<strong>of</strong>cealonebp tbsn-iLluta: but(asjfap& befojr) mp meanSfltoaafa^ir. 5[? 8to J Bttb»« 8 ?*n«^tenw <strong>of</strong> tbem, jet 3 toillftotntrn<strong>of</strong> tbem, intenoingtoUanetbe finoent foma

.ITicfeQndBooIfee. <strong>The</strong> third Chapter* Fol. % j„Vpon ttya $aumtnt (afl 1 fapo) pan ma? fojme o? frame fobat j

-.Of PerfpedtiueBotanic §{ meant hereafter to entreat <strong>of</strong> Cheattxtmhscenes belonging bnt<strong>of</strong>bein,as Webfetberauifbefc capes. 311 tbe toijicb fecenes it brill beefcer p tjat fsj a man to flje to bom, f toberc a manfijotslSHlatetbe^orifon berein, becaufe it is an otberK)ifig tfeen tbe rule bef je oeelareo : SDberfo?e 31 tbongbtit gono fidtto make fbis pj<strong>of</strong>il , tljat tbe grenno bgtfjspj<strong>of</strong>ili mas btttb tcgefber be tbe better fciiBerttoob $petit tocreconncnjetttfiittto ftotsictbegronnb, ana if itf<strong>of</strong>atletboot tijat a man cannot attaine to all witbtntfjegrowna, tbm bee mull pjaceeoe to tbe pj<strong>of</strong>illfobeetbe better inSratteo therein. JFirff tbcrcfo;e, ftoill begin toitb tbe ^eaffslD befoje , tobicb as tbe epe*ibal f ano deuatso from tbe eart&.ano ft>albe flat,mabefep tbe Wafer compaffe,markeD toittjC. ana u)e &caf>foia from B, to A, Qjalf flanb beauec bp bnoer tbe fameA, a nintbpart <strong>of</strong> tbe tengtbtberc<strong>of</strong> , ano tbatttanblngfcpbrbinBtbefeatemarkeo'witban M. aboaeif,istbesnail <strong>of</strong> «b^ tjjall o? other glace, againtt i£t^ic^,o? tobereroJE^cene fballfoe mabe. ST|at which ffan&etb a littlectSanl from tbe OTali ^erpenbilar tetfe, is markeg P.final be f^ebscfee ajSpbolot rag bebinD <strong>of</strong> tbe &cene, tl>ata man msp go b ettedne it,ane tbe otber teal!. HCbe ter*imnafion O. is tbe $0jifon. SCije lines with pitchesn? wining cr<strong>of</strong>febpon tbt water compaffe from L. toO.fcbtjre it (cachet^ tbe baeke P. fljere pon (ball placetbafeUfononelp t<strong>of</strong>eroe faj tbefapbaacke. 0nBcom*Bjing.foittiarbfl to L, tbis lute (ball altoapes be tbe ^o«rifon,f«; ail tbe ©jtogjapte <strong>of</strong> tbe l^oufes tobicbfballSanef<strong>of</strong>uiarBaxjj outtaar<strong>of</strong>i : Bat i|e ^eenograpbtea0; !lic?fou«g flees <strong>of</strong> tbe IS^oafes, tbe? mnS baae their$ 3jifsti5 Sanding farther to O. ano it is reafon,tobicb»n dfectbanettoe li9es(astbcf muSbe built that menmag fee ant <strong>of</strong> tbetnon bolbSocs) (boalo happen f too*9o?tfon lines, this is touching tbe p joSfl <strong>of</strong> tbe Reciteysnt tbe plate tobicb .is caUcB|3;oceHteisfbattobicbt«m.utea with P'. ana tbs part markeo witb B. is calleb^jebeffra,tel)ic& is capfco balfe a foot e from tbe earth,teijere pott f® F. fmarfcea,. ate tb; s places fo? Noblemenanal&nigbt$toiU-ow. Stan f&e firllfeateojffep, mar*fees G. arefcjtbe $ablewotnenanB&aBpestoliton:o'.i&Kclitstepb'igber, there matt tt)e meaner fo?t <strong>of</strong>&aeblesiiit. SEljeb^oaoerplsce, market) H. taatoap, anbfoi^tljeptacemarkeB E. ®jrtoameH.anoE. rauQfittSmtiemcn <strong>of</strong>qualttp. 3n<strong>of</strong>romL. bptoacW meaner

ibotbo<strong>The</strong> fecond Books.<strong>The</strong> third Chapter, FoL z^,,- ..._CI.c^/ Treatife <strong>of</strong>Scenes* <strong>of</strong> places to play in.^oHg all the things $** map bee mafic bp mens banas , therebp ia pais admiration, pleafure to fight, ana f tontmtt\)t fantafics <strong>of</strong> men ; 3 tbinfee it is placing <strong>of</strong> a &>ccn2, as it is ffjetoea la pour fight, teljere a man in a fmall place mat?f& built bp Carpenters o? spafons,fRilfull in |9erfpectiue too?he,grcat palaces, large JEemples, ano oiuers ^onfes,ncere an<strong>of</strong>arrebff ;b?oao places fillcotoitb ^oufcs,long ffterts cr<strong>of</strong>t toitb other wages : trpompbanf SLttfys,. tl)tgbpiUafso?Colnnmes,ptrami6ea,fl)belifcens,anD a tboufano fap;e things anD bntlotwss , aoo^neB tDttl; innn*merable ligbts,greaf,miDDle fo?t, ano fmall , as pan may fee it plaeeo in tbe figure , which are fo cunninglp fet ont, that trjep fbet<strong>of</strong>ooatb anD rep?efent a number <strong>of</strong>tbe b?igbteff ftones* as ©iamonas,ttubins, &ap&trs,£>maragBes,3aeintbes, anD fucb lifee. 2Eberevon map fa:theb?igbi fblning spcone afcen<strong>of</strong>ng onlp Witt) her bo?ncs, ano alceaop tilcn bp,befojc the fpectaio?s arc toarc <strong>of</strong>,e? oncefato it afceno. |n fome other Scenes pou mar fee tbenfing <strong>of</strong> tbe&unne toitb btscourfe about ttjc Uio?lo : ano at the enoing <strong>of</strong>the ComeDic, pou raaf fee it goe Datone m<strong>of</strong>f artifieialtp » tab*" at manp bebelBers banc bene abafbt. 3nD toben occaffonjeraef \* ,pou (ball by arte fee a tage, rittjlg aoomco Initio Diners Grange formes ano manners at i!pparell botb to Daunce fporifncoes ano plap flpuOcbe. Sometimes pon fa ffrange beads, therein are men anD cbtlo?en, leaping, ratming, f Cnmbling, as tljafcfetno<strong>of</strong> beaffsbfctoDoe,nottoit^DUtaDmiratiott<strong>of</strong>tbebebolaccs: tobicb things, as oceaQon feruefb,arefopleafanttomen0cpes,that a man conlD not f« fairer maDe toitb mens banoa. Jgu.t fo? (bat toe are entrt d into another manor <strong>of</strong>$erfpectiqe toojhe,tberfc'fo?e l will fpeafee mo?e at large there<strong>of</strong>. 2Ehis ^erfpectiue too?fec toljer<strong>of</strong> f bail fpFafe'e,altbpugb tt bceontrarp to tb<strong>of</strong>ernlcs tebtr^arc fhetoeDbefoje.becaufe tbcfe afo?efapo are imagineD to bebponaflattoatUano tbiso!berrti!c bgcanfeitis materfall anD imb<strong>of</strong># /fCD o? rap,fee outtoaro, tbercfojc if is reafen toeobferue another rule therein, accojoing to common caltome; iff rff ,pen mnff ma&ea &caff<strong>of</strong>c, which nwfi bee aa bigba* a man* ess tciU reach, looking Dfrectlp fs^ojarD ;fo j tlje firff part tbere<strong>of</strong> tobitb is marbeD C.HBat tbeotber partbebinfl it, to&ereon t^e ^oufesflanD, uou mnttrapfe 6p bc^itiD againtt tt)e toallat leaff a nintbpart there<strong>of</strong>, tbstis poumuff DentDe tbe plapnc £>tage o? fecaffolD in nine pacts ;anbtljen ron jnpft mabe tbe^caffolD Sjigbcr bp a nintbpart bebino:tbenbefojeatB.wbict) rauttbeberp. euen * ffreng,becanfe<strong>of</strong> tbe S|5ojifco.Dancers.s:in8 banging DotontuarD <strong>of</strong> tbe S»caflble,3 banetmmD bp experience to be twp plcaOng,fo? in Vincccte tobicb is as fumptuons ana ricb a i^<strong>of</strong>one as ang in all Italy; tbere 3 ma»ea SEbcater anD a ^>tage <strong>of</strong> SnmD, tben tbe tDbicb,3E tbinfee, tljcre teas ncuer a greater maae in our time, in regarD <strong>of</strong> tbe toonBerfullOgbt« tbat tbere toere feene,as <strong>of</strong> OTagons,Clepbants ano otber ^"o?:fcoes. 2Cbere 3 ojoaineb, tbat befo?c tbe banging &eene tbereflKiBlDbea&caffolDmaDc bptoatercompaffe,tobcaffolo,bccaafe it tuas rigbt, t&erefo?e tlje panement t&er<strong>of</strong> ;muS not obep tbe ^o;ifon, but tbe ©uao?ants,ttiberc<strong>of</strong> on euerp fioe tocre fonre Tquarc, from tebcuce at tbe beginning <strong>of</strong> tbe rifino;Ifecaffolo B.alltbc!2iuaDjanstocntfotbcouttermo1I^o?ifon0.ti)l)fcbtoitbtbeir6ueDiflanecsi30^o?fcnberptoelL 3nDfo? tg&t(ome men bane placeD tbe ^o?tfon <strong>of</strong> fbis feciograpbies againtt tbe Wall rigbtabouetl;efe>caffolD , toljerebpitfeemetbtbe^oufesronneall in on?; tbercfoje 3 DetermineD to place tbe ^o?ifon befo?e tbe Do>;e ,U)l;icb pleafea me fo toell, tbat 3 bfeD tbe fame feinD <strong>of</strong>o?cer in all tbcfe binD <strong>of</strong> too?fcs t anD fo 3 connfell tb<strong>of</strong>c tbat tabc pleafure tit fuct? arts , to bf e anD efteeme tt)is toap fc? tye beff,as 3tmllfbeto in Hjis i^ignrefollotting,anD bane alfo occlareD in t^e p?<strong>of</strong>ill <strong>of</strong> t\)t 2Ebeatcr anD &ccne.flno becaufe tbcpjeparationfoaComeDfesare Done in tb?tt fo?ts,tl)at is, Comical,a:ragtcal anD§>afiricallj 3 foUlfirG entreat<strong>of</strong> tbe ComicalU tobere<strong>of</strong> tbe ^onfes mntt be waDe as if tbep toere fo? common 0? ojcinarie people, tobicb fo? tbe moll part muff bemaDe bnocr ro<strong>of</strong>es in a liall,tebicb at tbe eno tbecc<strong>of</strong>batb a cbamber foj tbe pleafure 0? eafc <strong>of</strong> f perfonages : ano tbereit is that ft)e >sronnD <strong>of</strong> tbe ^caffalo is maDe (as 3 faiD ano fbetneo befo?e) in tbe p?<strong>of</strong>il. 2Cberefo?e C. is tbe firff part being tbe flat &caffo!D; ahafnpp<strong>of</strong>e tbat eacb €Juao?an contalnetb ti»o fast e on eptber fiae,fo ©al tbep bpon tljc banging fecaffalo befo?c on tbe SSafe be alfo tfe<strong>of</strong>fflt b?08B, tobieb i* niarbeD B. anD (as 3 fapD befo?e) mp meaning is not to place tlje ipojifon here<strong>of</strong> againff tljc bacbe bebinD in tb8fecaffoio, bnt as farre as it is from tbebeginning <strong>of</strong> the panement B. to the toall, fo farrc 3 tooulD alfo that men Ojalt paffe bebinDetbjoHgbtbebaalUanD f<strong>of</strong>tjallalltbebaufes ana otljcr things fboto better m the fljojtening: anD toben by conucnicnt Diffances poohaue D?abane all the ©naDjans fotoarDa the ^o?ifon,f fbo?teneD tbem, then pon mtsff ftjo?tcn tbe boufes right toitb the foure fquareffones- fnbicb bonfes are the great lines marfeeD bpon the greunD,aftoellfe?tbore that ffano tjp?igbt, as tfe<strong>of</strong>e that fbo?ten, aufntbbonfes'3 alteapes maoe <strong>of</strong> (pars, o? rafter -y, lathe, concr cd toitb linnin cloth ; mailing Do>?es anD tpinDotnes, both bcfo?e anD in thefl^)jtcni«g,asoccafion fell out. 3 haneaUo maDe feme things <strong>of</strong> haifeplanbe <strong>of</strong> tooon, Which toere great belpeto the^apntcrs t<strong>of</strong>et ont things at life, ail the fpaces fro the bacfee to the toall marfecn A, (ball be fo? the perfonages, to the Which enD the hinserm<strong>of</strong>fbacbe in the wiiDlle fball ffanD attbe leaft ttoo foot from the toall, that the perfonages map goe from tbe one Cde to the ctber,anD notbe fane. 2Eb 8** P° a mBa rapfe a termination at the beginning <strong>of</strong> tbe panement B, tohicl) (ball be the pepnt L. anD from thence to tbs©ojifon tbere fbalbe a line oaatone, as it is matbe'D in tbepj<strong>of</strong>il With p?icfees, tobicb (ball be <strong>of</strong> lifec height; anD tobere that toncrjetbtbe hinDsrm<strong>of</strong>f bacbe <strong>of</strong> tlje g«ene o?&caffolo, there the ^o?ifon <strong>of</strong> rfat bacbe fball ffanD : ano that ^o?ifon (ball feme on:lp fo? t hatbacbe. IBntif pouffretcb a co?Deo?anp other thing to the termination L. then poumaBfaSenath?eaDtoit,toth?nffbacfetoarDo?fo?toarD, to bfe it ont <strong>of</strong> the ffeDfaff l^o?(fon , f all the €>?tographte <strong>of</strong> the bottfes befo?e. 25nt the ©ojifon Which goeth th;ongh theWall, fball feme fo? all the fbo?tcning floes <strong>of</strong> the boufes: ano fo? that men fhonlD b?rafce the toall, if ther tooula bfe all this lg>o?tfonin gr<strong>of</strong>je, tohicb ^ap RDt bee Done, tbercfo?e 3 banc altoapes majic a fmall moDcll <strong>of</strong> tooD ano ^Japcr in'i <strong>of</strong> the fame bigncs, anc bpthe fame moDell fet itDotoneingr<strong>of</strong>fe,frompicccto piece. i5nt this toa? Will fall out barDfc? fome men to buoerffano,neuerthr#leffcit toill be neceffarpto too?feebp moDelsano erperimcnts,anD bp ffnoica man fljall SnD the toap, : anD fo? that a man can bar^lpfinDeanp^allsboto great foener,ft»l)erein he can place a CheaEcctoithout imperfection anoimpeDiment; tbercfoje to follow amt*S3berefo?c tfcet}uiries,acco?aing to mp potoer ano abilitie, 3 hane maoc all fuel) parts <strong>of</strong> thefc Cheaters, a3 map ffanD in a Igall.part marbeD D. fball be the pott fccne,anD the ctrcular place marfeeD E. fijall bee the &>?cbcff ra : rouno abont this dDjchtttraflfjall bethe places fo? the nobleff perfonages to fit, markcoF. snbefirffffepsmarfccaG.fQifhenoViCfitocmentafit bpon. fDhe'plaecH^is a iuap,fo is the part marheD I. 3n the miaole bcttoeene tbcfe Degrees arc fteps the eafser to goe bp. £Chc places marfeco K-mufi bee maoe So great bacfetoatD as n)eW.ltoiUaffa?D, Which w mnDefometohat flooping, that tlje people map fee ortcsu-^eothers bcaD.

O/* Perfpedtiue

Thcfecond Booke.T^urntngtbeaifp<strong>of</strong>iton<strong>of</strong> Sweaters ana other &cene^fpsafte <strong>of</strong> tbe «s>cene in iJJerfpeccins teo.jfee :&ragicaU,fo?S£ageates,ana&atiricallfo;t §>atir«.<strong>The</strong> third Chapter. Fafe.i$;be batigfags ouer oj fbmttng ouUljoto tocll in fljojtening toojfte, ana fome Cozntceg cut ont at tbe enojs ; accoropa*ittea toitb fome outers tbat are pnin t cs,a: to teell intoojfee : fo ooe rfce bOHfeo fcbtcb bau? great bearing out, lifts loggings 0; Cbsm*bers fo? men, antt efpectallp abaac a'.l things, pou matt fet the fmaleft boufes befo?c,tbat pon map f& oujer boufes oucr 03 abeuc tbem,agponfatf bere abouetbebafoDpr/Oufe: fo? if pou place tbjgrealcttbefojejanoibecegbtbWDff ill kffai, tbrn tbe place <strong>of</strong>tbe&ecnctoonlonotbe fotoellfilUD,anoalti)ongbtbefe tbrngebpontbeottcfiaebemaaeallbpononc floje: jiieuertbcleffe,fbttbtc inabe, 3 will fbcto tbe manner in ttjelaft<strong>of</strong> tbis SSrolte.SElje tornaouieg totjwb ttana before, taere gooa to be maoe<strong>of</strong> ©laffe 0; paper, toitb Ugbt bebina tbem. S5ut if 3 f&aula Gere tojft z all tbat 3 fenoto to feme f0: t bis teajfec, it atonic bg oner longtow&carfej therefore 3 referee tbat tottjctoitaita Btfewtionsf t&<strong>of</strong>e that erercife ana pjactifctbernfelueisbeergin.

;Of Perfpe&iueHUnites fojlDragcBies, maS bee mate fo; great perfenages,fojtbat actions <strong>of</strong> lone, ffrange a&ttenfures,ano cruell murfbers,{as pou reaficm ancient ano moDernc SDragcBies) happen alUiapw in tt)e boufes <strong>of</strong>great 3LojDs,EDnBes,pjmces, anD Wings.Efcerefaje in fact) cafes pou muff make none bntaatelpboufes,asr;ou fee it ijere in this figure jMjerein (fo? tbat it is fo ftnal)3 cotilo make no gjincclp. Wallaces: but it is f<strong>of</strong>ficlent foj tt>e toojfceman to fee tbs manner there<strong>of</strong>, toljerebp^e map belpc bim*felfeasttme ano place rernctb: anD (as 3 fapDeintbeComicall) beemnfl aU8ar>esttaDgtopleafet&cepes<strong>of</strong>tbebebolBer8, anatojgct not btmfelfc fo mucb as to fet a fmall builBing in fteao <strong>of</strong> a great, fo? tfee reafons afojefapD. 2nD fo? fljat 3 banc maDe all mpfctcne* <strong>of</strong> latbs,couereD toitt) linncn, pet femetime it is neceffarp to make fome things rifing ojto<strong>of</strong>fing cot; to^ic^ set to bee maDeef twso&jtifce the benfes on the left fioe, tobere<strong>of</strong> t^c pillars, although tbep fljo3ten,ffanD all t»pan one 25afe,teitb hmt ffap?es,all eo*HereSDuertoitbtloefeIEaitotngs,poumnff&nBCTffanDnf alltijcreU,bnt in the ffimlBtngs tobicb ttano far bacfetoarD the painting too?l$e, mutt fop*jpite the place bv fljaDotoestoiibout mv bearing ont : touching the artificf all lights, bane fpokm tbeic<strong>of</strong> in the Comicall too?fes. :

<strong>The</strong> iecond Bo<strong>of</strong>ce.<strong>The</strong> third Chapter. Fol. z ftr "F^e &Jtfiricatt §>csnes arcto repjefent §>atirs, foberefa pou maff place all tb<strong>of</strong>e things tbat bee rifle ano rnfh'call, asm ancient§M?irs tbep Were maoe platnetoitbautanprefpect,tohereb?men might feuocrffanD,tbatCucb things tocre rcferceo co iSa3i ;** call people, tobiebfet all things out ruD.lpana plainelp: fojtobtcbcaufe Vicruuius flatting <strong>of</strong> S*ccnes,faitb,tbepfl)oalabemaoe With Cr«s,Ua>tcs,l£erbB,lBilsan3 jf iottues, ana toisijfouic conntrep baufes,as pou fs ttjem berefet oatone.3no foa(bit in ouc D ipBfl tbefc things Were maoe in Winter, ioben there teere but feme greene Ccss,t|erbs ano if io imes to be fount); thenvou mutt make tbefe things <strong>of</strong> &tlijc,tobub UjiUbetnojecoinnicnbabletben tbcnaturalltbfftctst^infeln^s : ano as in other scenesfoj Comebfes oj 2Dragebies» the boufes o j other antSciall things arc painteo, fo pon mull matte ffirses, ^earbs , ano otber things intbefe $ f the mo?e facb things coQ, the ma?e tpeg are effeemeo, fo? tbep are things tobicb flatelp a»u great pcrfons ooe, tobub arc encmtes to nigarolineffe. &i>is bane J fane in tome Irenes maoe bp Icronimo Genga, fo; the pleafure ano Delight <strong>of</strong> bis lo;o ano pa?(ran Francifco Maria ,2>ukc <strong>of</strong> Vrbin : toljcrem ) fato fo great ItbcraliUc fcfea bp z bs pjincc, ano fo gceo a conceit in >'be We?tteman,ano To gob art ano proportion in things therein repjefenteo,as ener 3 fain in all mp life befoje. £Db gooo Hojb, tobat magnificenceteas tbere to be fane, fo; the great number <strong>of</strong> £rees ano ftnits, t<strong>of</strong>tt) fanbJB ©erbes ano jFlobws, all maoe <strong>of</strong> fine kiltie <strong>of</strong> oiuerscoilajs.fflJbe water conrfes being aoomeovottlj /frogs, ^laileSjCortufeSjCoaes, aooers, &na tics, ano ctberbcatts: ttoites <strong>of</strong>Cojrale, motoer <strong>of</strong> £earle, ano otaer Cljelsla ;a a-io tbjnti tbjougb betWeene tbe Sams, With fo mant fewcrall ano faire tbings, thatif i i!> aula Declare tbem all, j Iqauio net bane time tnougi). f fpeafee not <strong>of</strong> ^atirs ,jiStmpbes ,q&CDmaios, niucrs monffi crs, ant)otber ttrangr beattes, maoe fo cnnninglp, tgat tl)ep fames in Hero as if t&eg Went ano ttirreo, accojoing to tbeir manner. 8r\o u |Were not tt.fi.ons Co be bjki'c, § Wonio fpeane <strong>of</strong> tbe cottlp apparel <strong>of</strong> fame frbepbearDs maoe <strong>of</strong>clottj <strong>of</strong> goto, ano <strong>of</strong> #>ilKe,cannmg!?mingle j teubsmbjotijerp: | Wauioaii<strong>of</strong>peafce<strong>of</strong> fome^fcermeii,tobfcbtoereno leu^ricblpapparetteD then the otbers, baumg^etsano3ngltng'roD0.all gilt: $ Ijaui<strong>of</strong>pealie<strong>of</strong> fotne Conntrep mapBs anD$UHpbe0careieflpapparclleot<strong>of</strong>tboutp?i9e,but

Oi 'PcrfpeftiueOf i^ArtjiciaU lights <strong>of</strong>the Scenes,$?amu*tb in t!:e£rca£ife<strong>of</strong>kmtes t<strong>of</strong>et Botonetlje manner fceto fo mafeetbsfe lights ffcining fbjougb, <strong>of</strong> siucrseoltouvs, f Gift J toil! fprafee <strong>of</strong> a fare rollour tobub is like to a zapbir,anb pet fomete&ct fapjer. SCake a piece cffeaiamoniaefce, a«C put it info a Barticre 5Safen, oj fuel; Uttc tiling, sn5 put toater into it : then bmfe anD cruOj theg>al ameniacue f<strong>of</strong>tlp therein, t til it be all molten, alioapcs putting raoje Usater bnto it, as pou ocflrc to bane itoj fas collouf; tobicb' coat , tf pen iui.ll bane it fap?canB clearc, then ffraine it tbjougb a fine cloth into an other bef*fell,anBtbcnUtotUbca dcarc€ek2iallb!rto,teb£re<strong>of</strong> pou map make Diners kifflws <strong>of</strong> bleto toitb toater. Willtlu stake an ©mrraulD collour, then put forne ©affrsn kg pou toill bane it pale o? high colleureD: fo; beerc it is not neteflarp fo p?e»fcribc pou an? tecigbt oj mcafare, foittit experience, ted! teach poo bote to ooe it. gf pou toill make a IKnbbic colloar, if pou bee ina place teijere pou map banc reo WLint,'tbmyba neca not isle an? ot'qer thing; but to tnake it pall teitb toater, as nees require^: bntif pots cangetnoteine,tbtnraBe*3?a5lll beaten to i pouJ5ei:,f?putitinEoa!l»cttcll<strong>of</strong>teatertoitbaUum,lctitfffitbe,anDffeuinit toclljtbmftravnc it, ana bfetf toitb toater anoikrinegcr. If yDuteillEoutiferfcitai5ailapcs,pou muft make it <strong>of</strong> reBanDtobiteMSineroingleD tpgetbet ; but tobite 3R5inc alone toil! fisotoe like a 3Copas oi a Crifolite : 2Cbe Consult o? common toater being ftrapneo,fcjill be like a SDiamotiB, anD Co Doe ft is toell, pou muff- bpon a glaffie groan® frame ccrtainc points o? tablets, ana fill tbem toittj tea;ter.2El)e manner ic fct itjcfc ftjuung collours irtt'&eir plates, is tbu£,S5cbino the patntcD boufe tobercin tbefe pain! eo collonrs ffjallfcauB,pou mvU fct a thin bsartucut cutw the' lama manner that tijefe lights fijall be plactO,tebrtbcr it be lotmD o? fqaarc, cojnerb ojow.li, like an $2P sana bebinD tbe fame bcajD there fball be another ffecnger boarB lapD flat bebinD tbem,foj the botfels anD ol^ermanner <strong>of</strong> gla&Vo toitb fbefe teasers to Slants fnynnft be placco againft tbe boles, as it fljali nccr ffartlp fall out,but fbep muft be fct faff,left tyep fall toitb leaping anD Dancing <strong>of</strong> the sgosifcota. Sinn bebtiio the glatTes pou muft fet great itampes , tbat tbe ligbt ma? alfobcficDfaflf : anb tft^c botfds 0? otljet btffcls <strong>of</strong> glaffe on the fioe tebere fije light ftancs toerc flat,c; ratljer tjolloto, it toouSD ftjoto tljeclearcr ssni5 £1)6 collours 010ft erccllf nt auD fapje • the l;be muft be Done toitb the betes en tbe ftjojtcning lice : JSBut if pou neeD greatligljt to fboto mojc tben tbe reft, then Ctf a tojtb bebinD, anD bebinD tbe tojcb a bjigfct S5afon ;tbe b^igbtncB toberc<strong>of</strong> toill f&eto UKc tbebeames <strong>of</strong> tb c ^unne. ^ou map alfo make glafl* <strong>of</strong> oil coliours ane fejmes-, feme foure fquare,fometeifbcrou"efl,f anp otljcr tojmefajitij ttjeir l»st)t beljini? ttjem. ^ctoalltbc lights fecaingfo?tbc colleurs,flmlnctbef! fame tobicb muft light tbeS)ccnc,fon'ou mullDane a greet mtmbtt <strong>of</strong> tojrbss befoje tbe fecenc. ^ou map alfo place ccrtainc canDleftickcs absue the £>cenc toitb great canWcstherein, ana abnuc ttje caiteleffiebs pou map place fome beffels toitb toater, tebcrctn yo\x map put a piece <strong>of</strong> Campbir>tobicb burning,bill mote abcrpgooD light, anD fmcllteell- Sometime ii map chance that pou muftmahe fome thing oj other tobicf) ttjoulo tkmt tobu'rne,tobKb ton muft tot f tbjcugh'ip toitb excellent gcoD aquauite $ ano fciting it on are toitb a canaie it toill burnc all oucr : an» akthcHfih 3 comId fpcake moje<strong>of</strong>theic ftres,pet this fljaifiuTiee fo? tbif time } f 3 totllfpeabe <strong>of</strong> fome things that arcpleafing fo the bchal*Ders.srrjc tebile that the &ccnc is emj-tie <strong>of</strong> pcrfonages, then ttje toojhwan muft baue certaiue figures oj foimts reabp. <strong>of</strong> fach greattits as fM pi ace tobcr e tbc v muft Sano, toiSl affojD Item to be, t<strong>of</strong>eitb muft be mase <strong>of</strong> paffc baarD, cnt out rounb anD papiteD $ agnin>ing foch things as pou toill, tehici; figures muft leane againtt a rn'c 03 lath <strong>of</strong> toooa, cr<strong>of</strong>le ouer the fecene tohere anp gate^mje, ojtear is mate, snD there fonic one o? other bebina she cmje ma2 make the figures paffe along, fometinu in fojme <strong>of</strong> Jpufitions toitbiuftt umintcatiD fome like fingers;^ ana bebinD the Skene fois?e muft plap 011,'opon certaine inftmments anD fing alfo: fomrtime poumuft mate a number <strong>of</strong> footc men anD Ijsjfemcn going abont toitlj Ccumpets, fjJbifes anD 2D;nmmcs , at tobitb time pou muft plasitiitb 2>jumbc0, SDrumpefs eno ]3bifcs, «c< berv f<strong>of</strong>tlp behirtD, tohid) toill keepe the peoples epes occupieb, anb content them toell.3f it beccquifitctomakca|Diamt oj anp otljcr ttjfng to paffe alcng in tbefl^e, it muff bee frames anD cut oat <strong>of</strong> paffcboarBjtbjnintbebinocrmoCan^bacfeepaitcf tije houfescf the Scene, there muft be a piece cflBiiebjatencaboue infberfljfe<strong>of</strong>tbeborjfeauo ninse faft toitb certain rings bchtnD to the pr.ftoboarD paintsD toitb a planet 02 anp other thfng that fkalbe bjatone f<strong>of</strong>tlp bpa manii>itb a blstl:e th?«o fro*" on* e "6 t0 1& Dl h^lightbut it muft be farrefrem mer»s Oaht> that neither <strong>of</strong> tbetbaisDs map bcefcene. S»ome««tim'epoafballhaueoceauont<strong>of</strong>lietothunDer anD ligbining astheplap requireth; tbcnHOuimift makcthunDerinthi^maniicruomi'mcnlp all kttwi arc maDe al the «no <strong>of</strong> a great ^all,u hercas bfuallp there is a Chamber abouc it, tohcreln pon muftroule a grtafSBnllet <strong>of</strong> a Cannon oj <strong>of</strong>fome ether gnat ®;oinante,ariD tbsn counterfeit Shm?eer. aigrj^ning muft be maDe in this m«ner,tberemuft be a man placet bebms the fecene 0? fecaffolD in a high place toitb a bore tn bis banD, the couer tohcre<strong>of</strong>muff be fall toitb boles,snDiittbe miDDle <strong>of</strong> that place there thall be a burning canDle piacco, the hope muff be fillco toitb potoBer <strong>of</strong> bcrnis 07 fulphirc, anbta*fting his bans toitb the bore bptearDs ihepotoDer flping in the canslr, toill fheto as if it toerc lightning. But touching thebcame*<strong>of</strong> tbc lioh f mRg, pou muft Djatoapirce<strong>of</strong> tepje ouer the &cene,tel}icb muft hang DotonetoarDs,tobcr£cn pou muftputafquib com>rcb oucr teithPW"gslDoj fhimnot laUin tehichvoti toill: anD tohile ttjeitTuliet is routing, poumnftfhoote <strong>of</strong> fome piece <strong>of</strong> ®ptinanccanD teith'the fame giufng fire to tbt friuibs, it unll toojkc tbe effect tolncb is Dcfireo. ?t tooulD be ooerlong if g ttjonlo fpeahc<strong>of</strong> all things tobith ar£ t0 be brcD iwt & cte ^aitt^ tfjerefoje 3 toilllcaue fpeabing<strong>of</strong> ^erfpectiue tbing0.FINIS.^ci-e cnbctb the feconb 515ccke <strong>of</strong> architect ure, <strong>entreating</strong> <strong>of</strong> perfpecfinc 0rfe ;tranflafrti onf <strong>of</strong>Italian in:o SDutclj, anD out cfSDiUcbintoCngutt), at the charges <strong>of</strong> Robert Ptakc,fo^ the benefit <strong>of</strong> the Cngl iff) Nation; anD are to be folD at hishourcnarc^olbojrseCouDmt, bnbetthe ps>anncEancrnc. \6 ji.

<strong>The</strong> third Booke,Intreating <strong>of</strong> all kind <strong>of</strong> excellent Antiquities, <strong>of</strong> buildings <strong>of</strong>HoufcSjTempleifMrxpbithedterSjPataeetyTbermet, Obelifces^ Bridges,Arches triumphant, &c. fee downe in Figures, with their groundsandmeafttrei : astlfa the placet where tbey'jkitr.dy&idwbemadiibem.3®P>^^Y tTi r~S ^Ej^/S&tJjissi+ii

To the Reader.llthough diiters Authors Wr'ttemanyfirange things touching i^trchitefiure, as the Egyptians, ihi^ people <strong>of</strong> i^dfia andcrecta.mth divers ether nations, and bane left them for our ex ample ,(o that rea-A ding tktmjxe may fujjuitntljfatisfe our tares, and fill them with thegreatneffe there<strong>of</strong>jkat isjouch-^ingthe length, bredtb anddepth^tkat certain* places b&ne containcd-jct we can not fatssfttour eyes^nor the dtftre vet haste t<strong>of</strong>eefueh incredible works, vnlcfie it had beene our bap to ham the contcmpla-5= * tion there<strong>of</strong>> for that the rehauts <strong>of</strong> 'fitch works are alm<strong>of</strong>l>or for the m<strong>of</strong>l part vtterly defaced orvn.•leffe we might hauefeene them drawne in proportion vnto our eyes, as in this Beoke we may not onely read,what the Romanesat the la(l y after other nations had built , but alfo the fame Authors baue fit downe vntovs in Figure {atyoumay fee them here) piece by piece, not only how many rolsfUs feet& palmes, but alfo the minutes there<strong>of</strong>,and what comfasthey contained , all perfettly defcribed. i^ind although it was no part <strong>of</strong> my intent,totranflate this Booke <strong>of</strong>utledin the aforefaydfourth Boekejwhere all the Orders are wetlfetfoorthand declared, be may <strong>of</strong>bimfelfeiudge what is wellor ill made }that at cue timed man may twithout anyfurther labour,make agetdand incorrigible peece <strong>of</strong>worke t<strong>The</strong>

<strong>The</strong> tliird Booke <strong>of</strong> Antiquities<strong>The</strong>fourth Qbapter,Mong all the ancient building to bee feene in Rome, I am <strong>of</strong> opinion, that thePantheon (for one piece <strong>of</strong> worke alone) isthefayrcfi, whokft, andbeft tobe vnder flood; and is fo much the more wonderfull then the reft , becaufe ithath fo many members, which are all focorrefpondent one to the other, thatwh<strong>of</strong>oeuer beholdeth it,taketh,great pleafurc therein,which proceedeth fromthis, that the excellent workeman, which inuented it , ch<strong>of</strong>e the pcrfiteftforme, that is, the round forme, whereby it is vfually called, Our Lady <strong>of</strong>theRound : for within, it is as high as it is broad. And it may be, that the fay dworkeman, confidering, thatarlthingsproceeding orderly, haueaprinripalland onely head, whereon the nether parts depend, was <strong>of</strong>opinion, that thispieceot worke fhouM haue onely but one light, and that, in the higheft part there<strong>of</strong>, thatitmight fpreadabroad in all places alike,as in erfecl you fee it doth: for belides other things which haue their perfed light,there axe fixe Chappels, which ( for that they {land within the thickncfle <strong>of</strong> the wall) fhould be darke, yetthey haue their due light, by the meanes<strong>of</strong> fomedrawingwindowes, aboue in the top <strong>of</strong> the fayd Chappels,which giue them kcond light, taken from the vpperm<strong>of</strong>t hole, fo that there is notany fmall thingin them , but it receiueth a part <strong>of</strong> the light ,(and this is not made without great Judgement ) for thisTemple, inold time, beingdedicated to all the gods, by which mcanes there flood many Images in it,(which the diuers Tabernacles, Seates, and fmall windowesfhewj itwasneceffary that eueryonehadhisWherefore fuchastakepkafuretomakelrrsges, ard other imbeffed or grauen worke, rnufldue light.confider, that fuch a Cabinet fhould haue his light from aboue, that euery one, (landing in his place, needenot looke for light to fee, but that they may bee feene altogether at one time. Eut to cemeromy firflfpeach ; For that the Pantheon feemeth vnto roc to be t he perfedefi pecce <strong>of</strong> worke that eucr I fa w,there«fore I thought it good to fet it firft in the beginning <strong>of</strong> this Booke, andfcraprincipallhead<strong>of</strong> all otherpeeces <strong>of</strong> worke. <strong>The</strong> founder <strong>of</strong> this Ten-p!e (as P//»/« writeth in more then one place) was CWarcusc^«/»/»4,toaccomplifh ^ugujiusCafarsXz^. will,w ho being intercepted by death- could not firsifb it : andlfb it was built about foureteene yeeres after the byrth<strong>of</strong> our Lord, whichis about 5203. yeeres fromthebeginning <strong>of</strong> the world,In this Temple ( as Pliny writeth) the Capitals were <strong>of</strong>Copper; and hee writeth alfo, that Diogenes, theImage-maker <strong>of</strong> Athens, made the excellent Cara&et s in the Pillars, and that the Images placed aboue theFrontefpicium were much commended, although by the highneffe <strong>of</strong> the place they could not be fo welldifcerned.ThisTcmplewasconfumedwithIightening,andburnt,aboutthei2.ycere<strong>of</strong>theraignc<strong>of</strong>theEraperoar Traian twhich was about 113. yeeres afterthebyrth <strong>of</strong> Chriff, and in the 5311* yeere <strong>of</strong> thecreation <strong>of</strong>the wotld : and Lucius Septimus Seucrus, and CMircu* Aurelius Antonius, repayredit agayne,With all the Ornaments thereto belonging, as it appeareth in the Archinaue <strong>of</strong> the fayd frame ; which Ornaments,you muftprefume, were all new made sotherwife the Caraders <strong>of</strong> Diogenes would frill bausbene feene there. But in truth, the workman that made it,was very iudicions and conftant; for that he pro.portioned the members there<strong>of</strong> very iudicioufly to the body, and would not fupprefTethcworkewithmany cuttings: but as I willfhew, when timeferueth, how to place and deuide them excellent well.Alfo, in all the worke, hee hath obferued the worke <strong>of</strong> Corinth, and would mixc no other wi'hits andwithall, the meafures<strong>of</strong>all the members are as well obfetued as euer I faw or meafurcd in any other peece<strong>of</strong> worke, whereby wc may call this Temple an example <strong>of</strong> workemanfhip. Butleauing this matter (forthat it giueth the workeman little, orno inftruclion to the purport Iwillproceede to the particular measures:andthat I may goe forward orderly in the fe Antiquities 1, the fiift Figure fha'I be the Ichnography.<strong>The</strong>fecond» the Orthography,<strong>The</strong>third, the Sciogr3phy.A 2 . Tin's

Of Antiqufiie1This Figure following is the Ichnography, that is, the ground <strong>of</strong> the Temple aforefayd, which is meafuredfay the ancient, or old Romifti Palmes placed along by the fide here<strong>of</strong>. And firir, fpcaking <strong>of</strong> the Portall,where<strong>of</strong> the Columnes are 6. Palmes & 29. minutes thicke. <strong>The</strong> Intcrcolumnes (which arerhefpacesfrom one Columne to another) arc 8. Palmes and 9. minutes : the breadth <strong>of</strong> the Portall is 40. Palmes:the breadth <strong>of</strong> the flat Pillars <strong>of</strong> the Portall, is like the Diameter <strong>of</strong> the Columnes : the breadth <strong>of</strong> the Seatesbetweene the Pillars,is 10. Palmes: and the Pilafters on the fides are 2. Palmes: the widcheffe <strong>of</strong> the Gatesis 2tf . Palmes and a halfe the widenefle<strong>of</strong>the whole Templefthat is.<strong>of</strong> the Floore within, from one wall>•to another) is iP4« Palmes: and iuftfo much is the height from the Floore to the vnderm<strong>of</strong>t ftone <strong>of</strong> thewindow abouc. <strong>The</strong> fayd round hole is 30", Palmes and a halfe broad : each <strong>of</strong> the fixe Chappelsthat are made within the thickneffe <strong>of</strong> the wall, are25.Palmes , and 30. minutes j and goe halfe as deepeintothewallasthethickneffc<strong>of</strong> the fourefquare Pillars on each fide. Butthe principall Chappell is thir-<strong>The</strong> thicknefle <strong>of</strong> the Columnestie Palmes broadband alfo is an halfe Circle, befides the Pillars aforefayd.<strong>of</strong>all the Chappels, is 5. Palmes, 3. minutes lefle :the fourefquare corner Pillars alfo <strong>of</strong> the fayd Chappels,contayning as much. <strong>The</strong> Columnes <strong>of</strong>the Tabernacle betweene the Chappels are two Palmes thicke .•thicknefle <strong>of</strong> the wail that goeth round about the whole body <strong>of</strong> the Temple, is 3 1 . Palmes. And althoughthat the Chappels make the walles hollow, yet betweene them there are hollow places made within thewalles, which fomc fay, were left for places to receiue wind,becaufc <strong>of</strong> earthquakes. But lam <strong>of</strong> opinion,that they were left fo vnfilled,to fpare ftuffe.becaufe they are made circlewife, and are ftrong inough. <strong>The</strong>going vpjWhich you fee here on the left fide,was alfo on the right fide, to go vp the Portall : men alfo wentfrom thence round about the Tcmple,ouer the ChappeIs,through a fecret way,which is yet there.* throughthe which alfo , they went without on thefteps, to clime vp into the higheft parts <strong>of</strong> the buildings, withmany goings vp which are round about it. It is thought, that this foundation was all one mafle otlumpe,and without, many places hollow, fothatfome neighbours marking it, and feeking to build, haue foundfucha foundation when they digged.theThis is the old Romilh Palme, which is deuided into twelue fingers, and each fingeris deuided into foure parts, which are called Minutes, by the whichrtm * ^j^^/AS^/^^mealure this prcfent Figure, with all the parts following,was meafured.

<strong>The</strong> third Boo!;e. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter, Fol. %<strong>The</strong> ercui'd <strong>of</strong> the Tamhcon called Rctonde.

Of Antiquitie<strong>The</strong> forme <strong>of</strong> the Pantheon without.T$ & .figure bereunber, dietoeib tfee to&ole fajnie <strong>of</strong> tbe $ an tbeon rtg!jt befo jc, anb aUbongb at ibis timt men gob otone into it b p ccr tainc fteps ; prt as it toas mafce at tbe firQ it tons fenen ft t ps abone t be gronno. 3|t is no toon*Dec that fucb ants fo olo a piece <strong>of</strong> to o jijc is vet ifbole ana fianctng Gill, fo; tbat tt»e founDation teas not fparinglpoiae ej fa; it is ttjoagbt that it teas once as bjoab again c bnber as tt is aboue,as it b a o fees ne fotrab b p tbe neighbourtoojfecsricH : butlctbs pjoceeoto tbeparticular mcafarc there<strong>of</strong> from tbe eartbbptearos. % iavo bcfojM&attbeSDia*ter <strong>of</strong> the Colomcns <strong>of</strong> tbe jaejtal ts (ire galmcs $ nine ano ttoeistp minnces,but the beigbt is fence ano fiftie palmesano nine ano ttoentie minutes, ioitbortt tbe iiBafesano Capitals: tbe 25afes are tbjee Palmes and ninctane minutesbigb,nno tbe Capitals feucn galmcs and fcuen anotbutie minutes bigb$ tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe arcbitrane is flue ^almes,tbe ifrafe is fine primes anb tbtrtene minutes bigb ;tbe Co;n xt w fonre p aim cs anb nine minutes bigb,aboue fromtbe top o? Ssdna <strong>of</strong> tbe Cojniee, to tbe popnt <strong>of</strong> tbe €>euell, are fonre ano fbirtie Palmes, ano nine anb tblr tie minutes.SCbe Cimpanum,tbat is, tbe flat part <strong>of</strong> tbe

1 * t, 1/<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol ,$„<strong>The</strong> inner part <strong>of</strong> the Temple or Pantheon..figure foll<strong>of</strong>owg fi;ewcfbthe*3nntheau wifbm, wbuljfojrae (wl fata) is tafecnfrom&phera, becaufciiteT^isfo toioe from one Wall tinto the other,? o it is Ijigtj from foe fBaucment to the open place upon t|>e top there<strong>of</strong>; to^ic|pfiDioeneffc ano he igfet are both a bnnDjre ninettc ano feu re pal mes bptoaros, from tlje pauemen? to the tjigtjett ?ano from the Cornice to tlje tnghctt part <strong>of</strong> tt>e rmfe is alfo uje fame meafure, that to, each tbebalfe <strong>of</strong> encbuntaeBninetie ano foun palme s. Che ©uafjanto in tbc r<strong>of</strong>e are alt lifer that in tbe nubble ; an& it is thought that tbn> merealfo beantiSeo aucr toi tb Silucr plate bt> err tame remnants there<strong>of</strong> vet remapmng to be feene : fo; if tbcp bao beene <strong>of</strong>Copper, tbep Woulo pet be feene there, m elfe t liefc ouer the po pals tooule alfo baac becne tafeen atoap.net no man wanner that in thefc tirnp ( requiring perfpeetiue arte) that there is no pausment 02 other Siojtenfng;fane, but 3 matte it one Jr oat <strong>of</strong> tbc grouno to fneto the meafure <strong>of</strong> the height there<strong>of</strong> , that pou might not miffe it bfffiojtcnm 1 : 55ut in the SBo<strong>of</strong>ee <strong>of</strong> perfpec tiuc arte tbefe things are fyeroeo in their right fljojtening manner (ano thatin oiaers toapes) tba t is ts fap, in fe>ajjctficit s , an» maniboaies, ano outers fc:ts<strong>of</strong> b0nfcs,feruihgtt)ercunto:3willnot now fctb<strong>of</strong>one the meafure <strong>of</strong> Cojnltes BownetoarbMoj hereafter iWtllfbew the figures piece bp piece., anethere<strong>of</strong> fet oetone a fcuerall meafure*SCfee Chappellin tfjc mu)5lc, although &ere ft fljowefb well with the other foojfee, pet man? men are <strong>of</strong> opinion thaiit is not ancient, becaufe the arch there<strong>of</strong> tean^tb the flue pillars, Which is a thing nencr t<strong>of</strong>eo b>> goob antiquities jbutit is thought that it tons mace greater is the Cbjiffiatu time, ft the Ct»iftians Srntples alwaves Ijaue one principal!altar tohjeb i* greater then the reft*

Oi i^ntiquitieT^is 3D?nsment is yetttanemg abone thrpo;.ilujr , foj tbe rea>fcnsafcjefaiDj but lirijcr<strong>of</strong> itteas, it is not fvell fcnctenc;but itis true, it was excel*lent fairc tuojfce ,confi&e*ring trjat totjub. is set to beefane.li?fe figure rjeretwBer tet uefone, ffto1»efb tbe manner <strong>of</strong> the prajtallfeiibinjibeb^icbb<strong>of</strong>fjontbcfiDesantibe*foje is tuell fet oat tint!) sparble, aim alfo Untbout, alt! ;ougb bp continuance <strong>of</strong> time iff nncb befacee. SOje fonrepillars are canelco tetttj fuel) a number <strong>of</strong>C3ne!s,aspcufceitberebnt)er fet coumcj snabccanfetlrtgronnDColnmne is thinner abone Vy. n tncSDJameter, inhere tt>c eege oj bojoerj<strong>of</strong> tbe 3rcbitrabe is as tbicfee as tbe Co*lumne: Sfamantoculomabe tbe 3rcbttcabe cqualt ttritb tbe ft nrceojnere pillars, tobitb leffennot abouctljenttjecogctooalDbaucbaDuoperpcaDuu'ar, fa; it tu^ulD ba?te toantcoas mucbasthe leffenf'ig <strong>of</strong> tbe rounbColumnes.2Cbus tbe fUilfuUtoajfceJKaij fjalb. piiinotbc3rcbitrf.be fo mac1)rig5)tabouctbetbefonrcpiUars, becaufe fucb tbfag*Cjojo tocll.SEoucbtn<strong>of</strong> tbe Drones, tbeg are tteentppalines, ana ttoo minutJS Untie tanD fojtie JMrass an* foa« mi*uutciB Ijigb. gDr' t&e atyer ft uixall meafurcs 3 &)iil thereafter fpcahe at large.

<strong>The</strong> third Bo<strong>of</strong>ce.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter.FoI.^SCbis'iijjifeis<strong>of</strong>lefianBEtS) fafi totb6 flat pilars,in tbe fecano oj'Der , tu&icb fa)that the* ffatrafarre from mensflgbt , baae oneflttragclns fo>two, not to fr,opten ttje tto:hv.TI£epjopojtion <strong>of</strong> fI>t«H>ao3cisalreaopfet ooton toutingb2ect^ ano l^etg^f, but ibe|Jilaiffer* there<strong>of</strong> is the cpgbtpart <strong>of</strong> tfcebjeotb<strong>of</strong> fbetefoeneffe<strong>of</strong> tbe lisbt t *»«> altbongb Vitrnuiliimaketb ppilaiftet <strong>of</strong> £Do?icaano jjjonica abont the fire part, pettfeis is not onf&melp , becanfe it isCojintbt 5 foj tbe Cejintbian Co*lumnes ate mm figbtlp tben o*tfeers, pet ft femetb to be fo mucbthicker tben the floes are <strong>of</strong> a goooe&penefle, fo that a mans &gbt be*hol&ing tbem all at one ttme,tt fee*metb not to be fo fmall as in effecttt is ; tbe yilattters on tbe Goesano tbe ^aperficies 02 9rcbftranefepeii tbem is fain to be all <strong>of</strong> onepfece,ano ] fo; mp part baae teaeno oiuifion o) patting therein-, tbeparticular meafures Cane bete on(be fides.fTbcCojnue.iFfafe, ano arrfevtraue flanDsabeaetbelDB}e<strong>of</strong>t$epawbroti, touching the meafarethere<strong>of</strong> , t§e 9rtt)itrane 0; feuper^ftctcts the eight part <strong>of</strong> the light $tbe jTreefe, brcaufe it is t>ncut,is ati)iro part leffe then tbe &aperfi>uHIuii'iuiiiHties, tbe Cornice ie as high as the£>upert?eie ; tbe otber membersare pjopojttonco accoutring (0 tbegreacneffc, tobercbp a man mapfm&etbe rettfcuththeCcmpsfte.,C

T®Of AntiquitieGjefo all the parts <strong>of</strong> thtsm<strong>of</strong>irrtcKcnt ano beantifnil pi«ce <strong>of</strong> ino^fte it i* tonaenunt fotameif oncaerpGer,ano therefore baaing flic toco tbeoutGcc there<strong>of</strong> maiefftcaUp as itfiantrtb, toitb all the tinngs to&uh pen r* be*foje: noiu tutll 3 Oicto tt>c looge, ifte po?tall ana tbe cntring into the temple, fioeUmpMas it Qanoetfe. Stench-*ingtbemeafare,ibetbicHnefie,an6tbe bctgbt<strong>of</strong> iheCctamncs anetbe pillars, it is befajcretDctoncanDtbere*foje naoeleffe to be rebearfeb , it fafftcetb encly to fee the bifpaGtion <strong>of</strong> the things fantbin, tohub^uboagt) ibegbe una!,tbcr'areDjatoneanSpjopojtisneefn their meafure aa«6ingtotbegrtatnrffe. 33be fmall pillars' at tbe going intonetemple are fonre fqnare, in manner <strong>of</strong> pillai&cr*, tbe meafare there<strong>of</strong>3 bill hereafter fet cotone , foj the? are alfo attbe Cojners <strong>of</strong> the Cbappels toiUjin rotmo abont the temple, anbasmuefcas the fpaee<strong>of</strong> thefetbjee inter Colatnneaholes, to faro reacbrtb V.)t Copper raifc, tohere<strong>of</strong> | fpabe before.rz?&bc rnfrtaginto the innerpart <strong>of</strong> theSimple.

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter* Fol.^Wiill not take bpon me ta te?ite <strong>of</strong>iuccp feaerall tutting 02 boliotoing <strong>of</strong> ttjc Colurmtes here<strong>of</strong> tberc are raanp inn)e pan tbenu, tut onelp <strong>of</strong> the Columneo before tbe great Cbappell, beratife tbep are &cry fapjr ana rtcettf nt toojhe,3 toill fljcto fometbing, to tbe tebicb cnD tbe jFigurcs marhco toitb A. and B. (hcto (be outtoarfi tecjfcr <strong>of</strong> tbe grauing<strong>of</strong> tbe Colnmnee <strong>of</strong> tbe great CbappeU, that is.tn tbe fiatana in tbebpjigbtncffe ana Sensing fep: tombing tbe fojmeanD tbe faUjion it is fumcientlp fbetoeD inttjefc tteo /igurcs ; ant tiros Mali % (bete pou tbe meafuresiberc<strong>of</strong>. W$s }atsbnber tbe attragal is balfe a minnte,fu is tb etber abcu? tbe aflragal! fbe tteo aUragals are 8re m.nates ana'a balfe, anb fo each Sttragaii is ttyat minutes ano a quarter.SCbc fcconD &eptie ej .Ttocbiie atfoue tbe a»ragals is ftceH bat Oq>mtnatts, tbs fenpercilie (fo names bp Vieruuius) oj tbe ©a -6 :ate bnber tbe fecona £Zi> ojus -.a bite minute :ras is fenen minutes am) tteo tbtro parts bigb, tbe Cincte, fbat is tbe bana <strong>of</strong> tbe Colamne a': ane Ut £l5c?us,altb(togbtbe 313afc be not one, is thjs minutes j tbe poiectare <strong>of</strong> ibis 3tit is fb?& ana tteentp minutes pjspojtionco in mannersstttebeKtmDttfljetoeD*

Of Antiquitiefigure following repjefentctb a part <strong>of</strong> t&c ^antljcou tait^m,

<strong>The</strong> third Bookc.'^^^^^S^SS5§?^"yS^sMtEMc •J?fc^r^sz^^iMz^^zi^fc^^^^S^^^^^f*PSS®SS»?S?!^

•""•=^-"-^Of AhtiquitieT 8** ffonre ttefoefb one <strong>of</strong> tbe SCab t macks tobicb dans betteae tbc Cbappels, ana tbe pillar* on fbe 5oee repjefent tbc fonrefqinrf tojnerb pillars <strong>of</strong> tbe Cbapplee, bere againe run mat te tfec notable tnDgement <strong>of</strong> tbis toojfeeman, totjo fabing to tognetbe arcbitraae, iFreefeanb Cojntce tl<strong>of</strong>e to the toall, anb matting tbat tbe fenre fquare pillars flawing on tbe Ones , foere not T<strong>of</strong>arre ciffant from--~i--=r= tbe Wall , tW aroan might wafeeIbetoboie^jaitc?ture<strong>of</strong> tbeCojmVces trjsrfin: t^ere?fotffftemaittttpferine theron,;awtberetteftbeothatmember* b« fuc*nm into a ifafcfe,toberbv tbe toojkfoasmojef&melpanb accompaniedtaiitb Bjecr. SCh*tiro bhr.oe toin*Domes are thogbttobaacbeeuepla*«<strong>of</strong>o? tools. Efcefcote<strong>of</strong> trjeSLabrr*uacleisp. palm*anb ii* minateshigh, tbe tbicknes<strong>of</strong> tbe Colattmesare ttoo primes,tbe bt igbt ftntfnepalmes tmtbontIBafes oj Capttals,tbe56afesareone palme bffib,tbebriebt <strong>of</strong> tbeCapitals are ttoopannes fa halfytbe arcbttrane isapalme,fiFr&Cealio is as much,iubicb ts altocffine p;cfti,bnt tbebcigbtor tbcCoj*niceisapalmefabalf?,tbefrcntttgt? 5f Srcbitraneaboac^ttoogrea*ted pillars, is apalme anb ttyAquarters, tbe 0*tbermeaforesftjalhereafter be Ibeto*eb; f aftbefeJCa*bernatlesthereare tbjfc toltbfljarpegenels,anOttftk with rounftBCOcls,tbat is thefonrtb part or aCircle*

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol, 7.T^efe fonrc jffgareefar emtio enncrtD, aremembers <strong>of</strong> tlje SEaberna*tlcfi in great 5 as tbe lettersA. B. C D. fbctoe tyem.I ffijjucljtng t5)cit mtafurrsin^igl;t, itte JIjtlBfDbe*fa?c, anD fo? the rttt it is i\\Vfitient fcjtbe tocjtumsHtbat all tbfog* frcm mewber to member areft t oet ingreat ,anb pjopojtionablo.toitb great Hligtnee bjegfetinto ttits'oime , altbougb itmap bee tbstfncb asttnopVicruuMu totll • tbtnfee tbisCornice to bee tes bigb fojtbe pjopojtion <strong>of</strong> tbe9tcb>traoe ant; #r&fej aitt> 1 fnmv part iioulo net mahe itfo Mebnbu t to i « f be fame ina plare tbat, featfc swat &vttanrro,ano tobtcb tiar.DUbnot berp fesgb, it fbetoetb tobee in gtcD pjopojtion, ET^cCapitatl is farre from Virniuiuso :oer <strong>of</strong> tojiting, fo jit is btgbcr toitbotit tbe abacus, tbenVittuuiusma;feetb it toitb tbe ^.bscrs. notUntbSanoing, acco:oing tocommon opinion) tbep aretbe fapjefi Capitals (bat arein Rome, (ano not onelp tbeCapitals <strong>of</strong> tbe SEabernacleg)but tbep alfo <strong>of</strong> tbeCfctppels are <strong>of</strong> tie Ufafoirac, ano ttj<strong>of</strong>c <strong>of</strong> t|e |0o;*tal( alfo in fucb fo?f,rbat 3inbge(as 3 fa^o at tbe beginning) that 5 banc notfouno abmloing <strong>of</strong> greaterobferuaticn <strong>of</strong> ojoer tbrntbissbntif ifljcnloto^tealt tbat arc in it,botbtoitbiiiano toifbout, j? (bonis peesfinenturebe ttscrttstons,tberefojo 3 toil mafee an eno<strong>of</strong> ibis teonserfnlJiScnlsing,ana fpeahe <strong>of</strong> etber 2nti*quitics.

Of AntiquiticTii3is SCr mplc <strong>of</strong> ISacthue is blip ancient, anD alfo tobele ittouBb, ano alfo fo? he; fee, fapjetuffe <strong>of</strong> ficnec, piaiQer, faot^ in fye pam>ntent ano in foallcs, alto in tbe&rtbnnes cjrenno t<strong>of</strong>esinttemtt)tlc,atiovn^etc<strong>of</strong>eDf tljc roonD toalbe, mece altogether after i^cejerr <strong>of</strong> Comp<strong>of</strong>ita: tye ivt»olc diameter toitbin from Wall to S£all,iB 100. Ratines long, tobtrc<strong>of</strong> tbe mibblemoa boep fet abectt- if !; pillars, coKtmnctt; 50. palmes : in t^c fctcrtolomne* 9 finb great Difference to tihen $ one to tbc otber,beeanfe tljat Uje mioDleow<strong>of</strong>f in tcrcolitmroes 0; fpacrs betteane ttje Cotnmncc fc tjcr c pen c r me in , anc out <strong>of</strong> tbe pojtall t rr p. J3e Imes ano 5 o. muwtcs $ ano tbeatberrigtjrenecagainfftbeni are but p. palmed ana 9. mtnntf ej tr,cfe tbatare rccr s&atrft ibr giratcCCbeppclarr S.^almesanoji.mimstrs,anb tbe otber foute Coluntnes reding bole 7. palmes 8. n.inutrs, anb feme 7. palmc* 1 j. minute*. STbe fcstDcnrffe <strong>of</strong> tbet ntrp bitfein ana <strong>of</strong> tbe foureco?nrrt> Cbappcll oner agair.ll it, folleto tbe intrrconmmre, cr.tj fo tst »btlji toi&tncffe <strong>of</strong>trje ttso great placesonotroBCbappeletbeir intercolnmnes. SErjcottjcr pieces ttCfawtism 7. pdmrc rm>5 rmntitcsbjoeb. £be:mcfif«re<strong>of</strong>ttae$ta2>tall be fL-jr ,n av be taken bp tbe mcafnre <strong>of</strong> tbe SCrmple, Utjirh ^cjiall if rctme iiccfi : n tirjeut brfcje tl;e pcjtalt, tbere tow a Umlbingrtarr maoe in fo;me <strong>of</strong> an dgge, tebicfe teas $ 8 8- palmee (c ng, nt in tbc rmtcie it u as 1 4 o. palmcs b;cac »fei£agctmonHmcnts,ittoasltjllflf pillar^ as it nwjbefaneui tbe figure.anb as it spjearc tb bf lie***

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol.S,bcffljc 3H Cfcetort f&egromrt> <strong>of</strong> (IjeH^creCempletoit^e tncafare tfjerc<strong>of</strong>, n<strong>of</strong>u in tl)f iFignre31 fsill djefn ib«® jtograpt) te tbcrc<strong>of</strong>tuitbm, fcj toitbQut it is toijolp oefacso j ttie bcigbt from tlje ^auenuttf to tfce topperm<strong>of</strong>lpart ef Vje ro<strong>of</strong>e is 85. $almesM&c tbidsneffi <strong>of</strong> tbt-Columnes is two Palmes anu 14. minutee j tbe ^etgf)i <strong>of</strong>tbemts aa.palmcsano ii.nrinnto. £be W&A °f tt>e 15afc iscnepmne anD 7, minutes. SEbeiieigbt<strong>of</strong>JbeCapttallic a.pahncsanoaquatter. SEbebeigbt <strong>of</strong>tbear£bitranctS0ne|3almeanDaqnarter 3foimub alfo tbe#rafe boloitb. i£nt tfce bcigbt <strong>of</strong> rbr Cojnices are ttoo palmes ano a balfe. JEbe particular member B,afl <strong>of</strong> tbe TSSdXia.,Cojnices ano Capitals, pou fee bere oncer pjqpojtionco, occojDing to tljeir grcameffe 3ana snarfeto in tb«ir femeraUplaces* JC&is temple ftanoetb, tottbont Rome, ano is Bjoicatco to £>. A w»e.,IS£H!


<strong>The</strong> third Booke,<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter,FoL fX^isCcmplc<strong>of</strong> peacefteCmpeEO? VefpatiaotaorcBfo beemaoe fag t^e S&arfeet to Rome, tobjrbCcmjitels eonytncnoeo<strong>of</strong> Plioie,fojittDa« mut^beantifieatoitJjgrattcntoojheanaplniQcroi g>tncco }on 1 ) bifeses i&efegvjna*nients <strong>of</strong> tbjE fata Cetople, after tbc bea t& <strong>of</strong> Nero, Vefpatian caafea all tbc images botij <strong>of</strong> Copper ana Seattle tfe secplacet) tberefo, toijicb Ring Nwo baD gatb*reo together out <strong>of</strong> bitters places, tojjug tocce no foali number. VefpatianalfonlaceBfaitbotbb>oumcanD&is£btfDjen3 3raagesmabr<strong>of</strong> anctv fcinacf garble bjouc^t cut <strong>of</strong> Ethiopia, callebBafTalco, being <strong>of</strong>an 3roncol!onr,aBino <strong>of</strong> ffuffe mucbcammeHCeOmtb<strong>of</strong>e times, jn tbeiaifc SCcnipie auDtficpjtn*eipall Cbappell tbcre<strong>of</strong>, tbere Coos an image <strong>of</strong> Utyite garble ttsrp great,maoe <strong>of</strong>man? pieces* <strong>of</strong> tobjc^ reliques ttjercare tnewp pieces pet to bee fane in Campidoglo;anb among <strong>of</strong>ber pieces rbere is a fote, iwberc<strong>of</strong>tyt nag le <strong>of</strong> tbe great 2Eoe is fd great tbat 3 fate^*r-~»j»n^sff^f/Mimffifys.8aBl? to P° itj to & erb l?a wan ma P BoeuTejM&^^^^^K maoe bp an ercellent tooMmm.ttjc grcatncOc <strong>of</strong> the 3magc, ana U teas

Of AntfquiticTfte2tcmpUtemeaturjDfeirt)C£U«,ano tye ©llcisoem'Delfote is. parte, calico ounces, igtmcnfaretobKbftanoetb in tbe miDDle <strong>of</strong> tbc grounc <strong>of</strong> the temple is balfe an ©Ik i 5Firff , t|»c length <strong>of</strong> the looges about is 1 22.(fries, t!)CbicMbtsi5.

<strong>The</strong> third Bo<strong>of</strong>ee. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol. io.TWs 515utloing istalUD Tcmplumpiecatis , it is maoealtogether <strong>of</strong> afetnDcfrough done , foljicb istijeic calico Tibunium,after t^c Hiner <strong>of</strong> SCi*ber ;but foj (battlefionc is fpcrtgic ana fnl<strong>of</strong> boUfijit was conereoall ouer itutb a kino <strong>of</strong>planter calico ^ttirco,it isocrp iuft*9tis,fc?therein pn fee no pjo*portion at ' teiaootoce:mnertbcffc^baucpUvceb tbcmtn n)e grounDfel)ere |tbongbt tbcmfitted to ttano. SD^isSBnilDing is lneafureottrifb an other CUe,jtobicfjjis beutoeo inta

Of AntiquitieSEtjeljeisMrt fbeCotamnes toi(^ lljc CapitalUs % .mtmitesleffstbcn 10. jfejc)ia i.^Ueana i3. minotes;ani>tbefl)ul«ic8aboneis i.Cftle ano 15. minutes. STlje ^ctgi}t <strong>of</strong> t^ir Capttalis 4.7.mine tr$Mt tfce bo?tl f tbc cinctte sf tbe Colutr.ncs-« arealfo rcefeoncD toitbitj u)e fceisbt <strong>of</strong> tbe ardji'ktraneis 35.minnfcs,tb.ebEigbt<strong>of</strong>(be^t8tfcBt0 1.GiMle $ tfj, minutes. ^beCosnice is 1 .dftlef 8.mt»nutesbigb, * from tbencebphmros, tbe fflJtmpanumis ttoo Cits ami ttoo minutes Mgb Ebc. fljer parti*cnlar members marked t<strong>of</strong>tb $ earacters are in grea*tcr fojnte, ano acccjcitiglB pjopsjttoneo.

Tnc third Bookc.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter^ Foltt.St Tinoue fljis temple ffantirti) fcucti a Kiner,f is calledtbe Ccmplc<strong>of</strong> wlcfla,tlje m<strong>of</strong>iparttfjerccfts ruinafeOjUUtastoelt vojongttjt after £Cp:intbta manner: befoje it israffed bp front (be car tb as tbe ff»sfe tfoere<strong>of</strong> Ifansetb, bntbsbinb ismc?etbtn7. Cites <strong>of</strong> SETallbntirrtbeffiari?.

——tbc,Of AntiquitieT$is tail'Cemptp is mtaferestoit!)

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. Vhe ter.FoLu,£i

OfAntiquitie\^ 7/ jibout Rome tbfe ruinous SCemple fianDetb, anbfoj t&eniorfpartis mabe <strong>of</strong> S5?it6e;ponfsf nane <strong>of</strong> tljefe\w ognamems therein tobicb 3 tjaue tjtrc placco in figure ; but as tt maj be concctujB b-pttje grouno it;crf<strong>of</strong>,snaa!fo confiBeringtbe pjopcjtionefc fteigbt, it toasmabe <strong>of</strong> tbatfaHjfon as the pieces mstfceo A. B. ffanfiingbgtbc grcunti bee ibefo. 23>us toe baue the meafare <strong>of</strong> tfee Scljnograpbte <strong>of</strong> tbe grounb cf tbe temple , b{? thetotjirtj tKcafure a man tuny conteaue the toojUe <strong>of</strong> tbe:©jtngrapbie: Stbis gtbnograpbte e? platfo?me,is meafureo bptt)8olaeJKomane^alme : ana firtt\tbe booze cf tbeSEcmplels 24. palmeo toiDe, tbc diameter <strong>of</strong> Ibis temple to €9.JMmes anbabalfe: tbe ttoc places on tbe fioc* are as bribe asttjeSDcoje} tbejSDooje<strong>of</strong> tbelefferCemple if alto <strong>of</strong>H ^_, tbe fame bjcbtb, fo are tbe foure C&sppels alfo to&crc men goe in, <strong>of</strong> tfie fame toibeneflt,but batfctearb tbev ara tetDer,P?betaufe tbe toalle* <strong>of</strong> the fioe rismie tc the Center <strong>of</strong> tie temple, anb fb<strong>of</strong>e foure Cb.appels (as if map be conceaueo) re*tetue ttjetr Ugljt* from the gees : tbe diameter <strong>of</strong> tbc (mall 2Ce tuple is 53 . patmes long} tbe little Cbappels, both tbeg^almrs bjcab : but <strong>of</strong> thefe ttoo eleuateb 0? rapfco Cljappels,4bat are bollotoeb out, anb tfe<strong>of</strong>e fbat are elcuateo ,at e 1y31 cannot tell bom tbe? ettbeb aboue, fo; there Canoe tb not fo mucb bp;ig^t as a man ma? conceaue an? tiring there<strong>of</strong> ter*ii" "" tainelp, but onelp a beginning aboue tie eartbj ano(afl3baaefaio)altbougbamancamwtte ititobataiancr tbislButl*s fciwgtfoob aboue tbegrouno, pet accojoing tamp ronceipt, 3 bane mace this SP?tograptjie. £3nb therefore on the onefibemarbeo B, repjefenfetb a piece <strong>of</strong> tbc great Simple, ami t&eotbHrmarfeeD tmtb A, tbctoctb a part <strong>of</strong> V)t letterSCemptcasS0933"s. I1

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Foi.15.

Of AntfquitieTl^ts SCemglc placeb btrturtfeis is toityout Rome, ano is bervnitiebrninateo, anu fo}fdeaioSparti0ma&e<strong>of</strong>ibiicbe,it is not berp great, it cannot alio be DirccrnED,(tj«t it ^aD anp light in it but attbecoojes, an<strong>of</strong>romtbefoinootoes aboae'tbe Cornices. 0nD all the reff <strong>of</strong> the boles lucre placet) fa? 3Do(s oj fucb Ufee things ; fbe meafnre<strong>of</strong> this Sample teas loll bptbctoap,batvrt 31 remember toe!! that tbe temple teas a fall €Jnab;antanD a bjrtfe,as foell on t&e grouno as aboue , fbcr efo;c % M Dotone no otlicc mcafare , bat a (Htlfnli toojfeeman map bclpe, btmfelfetjjereUritbbp muention.

TMs<strong>The</strong> third Bo<strong>of</strong>ce.fmall STcm*pel is <strong>of</strong> no greatcompas, atio allmaBe <strong>of</strong> HBjicbe ; it ismcafarcb bv tl)s olCeMontane palnic , tijcIrngtb <strong>of</strong> tbe Iccgcoj

Of AntiquiticT^is SCcntple ifltomcat Rome,mane part <strong>of</strong>©arble, ano tt>crca<strong>of</strong>©3Jck,iti8mn^aetata , it l» fljcogbttbatittoasa&epu'cbje,ano on all does tt isrtgbtfourefquarc;fr§the one Wall to tbentl)cc is ?o. ^almesbjQao,tbetbUhmffe<strong>of</strong>tbefoaHecisi. palmsano a balfc, the toibe#reffe <strong>of</strong> tl)e C^appclistmpalntf*, tbeSDtDjefincpalmcB b?oaO,Istbc bcijtft <strong>of</strong>ibe $ifc>larss foitb IBai'cc anoCapitals is a a.palmsanoabalfe-.tbetbtcftc?neffc <strong>of</strong> tbc pillars titrot murb abctte toopalmrs : ffibe arcbt*traacj^rafcfCojniceare 4 ^slmes bigb,from tbe Cojmce totbe height <strong>of</strong> therocfeis 11 palates : tbebefgbt <strong>of</strong> tbc JEotees<strong>of</strong> tbe Cbnpyel is 30.apalraes.

<strong>The</strong> third Bo<strong>of</strong>ee. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol. 15.T^is&ciiiplcberennocrrct bobme is A Tiuol! by tbcKiucr, mud) oecavet>,f<strong>of</strong>;h'b ban tljefronfifpt'cebrfaje anBbcbtno the CoUimnes, on tbt fines arcmm tijcn balfe loitijout tbs mail; tlje UneericOe <strong>of</strong> tije Kmp\z from tbc one(Elks meafure b^ ttye fame mcamre tbat Tcmplum ptecacis \b meafuteo tBit&all,tbe kngtbtoall to tbe otbrr,is 1 1 ,<strong>of</strong> tbc ffemple is 8 CElles, tbc tbicfecncffc <strong>of</strong> tbc mall is ant (£! le ano 1 1 . minates,tbe tbicfenes <strong>of</strong> t1$t Colamnes<strong>of</strong> tbc pojtall is an©Uanoatbu-opart,fbcbetgbtBf tbemittt'dSBafM ana Capitals is about 1 1 . Clles , tbe beigbi <strong>of</strong>tbcartbitraaci^refcanUCojniceistbjeedBlleSjtbeifrontfp'ce from aboae tbe Cornice fe tbc betgbtiJ ttjinootocsin tbe toalesna? fi3es,nojpet bebino, altljougb 3 baneplaceo tbmt b?tetn tbc grounDjtobsre Jtbougbt beff. SCbemcaCureo? tbe members botb <strong>of</strong> tbe lfiafsment ano tl)e Cornices aboue 8 3toill not namepatti£«larlg,fojtf)ega«:epjdpoittoneDa«o;oittgt8j3ntiqH»«c,i^erc<strong>of</strong>pou mag fafome parts.SCbcibirDparf <strong>of</strong> fbedMl afojcfayDt,"I- 4-

Of AntiqumeA&t&8Hg§ at ffce feeguimng <strong>of</strong> t\)i s JBookc, 3 fate 3 tooute fpeafee onclf <strong>of</strong> 0ntiqnitit«, pet BLtoill not omit toithallSoenfccat <strong>of</strong>Come motjerne tbingsmauc in cor time,snb fpcciallp, becaufe cor age ^atl; flomtrtieB fje.t?) fo msnggosa toittf fo; isracnticn <strong>of</strong> <strong>architecture</strong>.Chcix feiaa tn tbe time <strong>of</strong> pipe lulio tbe fcrono, a too?bcman cal»fee Bramant <strong>of</strong> Cafteldurante in fbe SDuiKbame <strong>of</strong> Vrbinjtobo foas a man <strong>of</strong>To great tmocrffanijfng in archttee*fote,t^attt raig|t be fapo(bpmcsncs <strong>of</strong> fheapbeanB perfojment* tehtcfi tbe pope gene bint) that bee ragfrb bp goon2r£bifectarcag8ine,tDbfcb from ancient time till tbenbao bene fcibben anblscptfecrct: tolt'ehBraraaRtin bis timelap© fbe fcanoafer 0; beginning <strong>of</strong> the tooneerfull toojhc <strong>of</strong> fe. Peters SEempcl in Rome,but being pjeucnteb bp ccatb,Bionotonelp leauerttn6nifbeD,bnttbemobcil there<strong>of</strong> alfo teas left bnperfect, tisercin biurrs ingenious tocjfecmtnfought f buQe tbemfclues both to perfect ano fimffj it ;anb amongft manp others R aphael Durbin,^ajntcr, a man alfot>erpffeilfnllm3rcbitc£tare,foHo^ingBramantsacpg,n)ai)cperfecttbis o?aHght,tbetobicbinmyopintflnisone<strong>of</strong>tbe fapjeff bjaagbts ttjat are to be founo, out <strong>of</strong> the totjictj the ingenious toojfccman mag belpe btmfelfe m many? things.gtoiUHCtfeteotorteaUtbemeafures<strong>of</strong> tbtsXempri (bcraufctbatit is tocll pzcpojtioncD) anb a man map bp part <strong>of</strong>tbe meaturc tint) out tbe reft. 2Cbw Ccmpel is mcafarea tettb tbe o'o ttomane ^alme,snb tbe bjoaoett toalfccs thereinis $2 , palates bjoa&e, tb<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> tbe Goes are but Ijalfe as much : bp tbcfe ttoo meaturea son map gueffe the red.

<strong>The</strong> third Bookc. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter, Fbl, \6>

OfAntiquitie"» & rtjc ttntc cf Iffl&DBfl^ftft»ia»,t^tt fcas in Ronx one Balthazar Petrucio <strong>of</strong>Sienat, not enelp an efcwflcnt $tagftttt '-| butclfotitrffiTllteaasJlMlitfttcrr, Se|o fellcteingtfeecoctttne<strong>of</strong> Branttnt,mafieamci)tllinf»3niebereunceri'jiketone: t<strong>of</strong>jtfe mrawsg to, Qiat ttje STcwple Omuls Ijane fonre gates to go into it , ana fyat u)e tygb fllfar fljoule flanain t^e mtooie fymtf : eti^e fioorc Corners be wane foure £>acrifies,t»pcn tlje top toberr<strong>of</strong> men mfghj place tJEjc Clochetotee rs ttoj r n c jBarosKitfcfraroto 5ano tbt fitft pact cj i^acie there<strong>of</strong> lookeo into ttje Ctttc. £;& is STemple is mcaftiKDSSBit&tI)eoloel?:onir!if^efroc^nEfiitt, it is in s&emlDDle from cntpUsffer to another 204. jklmes, tbe SDiaimttt<strong>of</strong> t!)t Circle in t!jt v*vtAt is 184. $5atauB long. s SC(je SDiamcfer <strong>of</strong> tbefcnrefmall Circles 1**5, palmes. fl^cEC be fonre flatters in tt)e mfoale make foure JSntoes e; 3rcees telnet? ber.ee bp rfce£>c criffre are 1 co. $--*£j»ts totae.3Lari$o;me,nnDttjffe&^^nt)ss a STribimr ««ESit'E?ftt foo;tb ti)itbColumncs,&rit& a rsuno JSocfe bpon tt, tobjeb Bramauc osoapcD before beeaic5, there<strong>of</strong> %s saraasfl is &fre (ft (alone*

,,T c third Bo<strong>of</strong>ee.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter, FoLi^Tl£cJ%:' -.5lrcjt»cs C Utoojfeejtbenc n&crpfatt,ano• - -.ocr fet n<strong>of</strong>atMs tbe grotmo af f&s fftbtme tbat ftoulo Ijarie goocabaae oaer £^e fcjo itrfoje^toberebp a wait map percent, tbat Bramanjtn fncb cafetoas bolber to ojaui apiece <strong>of</strong>•.*ft .'(jsreui; becaafe to great am maffie a piece <strong>of</strong> toojfce ftjonla baae an excellent fotmoatton to Qcrtu'_>maoeapon foare SBotoe* o? 3rtfje0 <strong>of</strong> foty aa I^eig^t. £JM> raj confirmation <strong>of</strong> m» (p&cb, tbejo the arcbes toitbotltanp <strong>of</strong>ber toafgbt open tyem, are alreaop fcttleo ana ftmcae, pea, ano cent tmfome places: G tv;icir«, becaafe tbeimisnttoms fapjeanocottlp.ano atbingtogiae goos tnSiacticri to atuo?He»>wan:Jt&oug a ; } to place it bete in a maoell: but not to be teDioas in retting ootenc ibc meafarer. , g toil! iaimter<strong>of</strong> t&s fmallJtant^ome tottbtn tbe raioole>te 2&©almes i tbe restpott map gurfc,^ ;}c fmallplmfc''/•3

gT^t* fetbr&jfhograpbfe both W*inww toittioat , njatone out <strong>of</strong> tlje 3>cb/negraphte afojrfft Dotem,frI)rttbg penicapajftccfneiljc {treat malls c tonightl* t.u») ftonlD brae ffoob bpon the foareS'-clfr.} frfcfrb lraigbt map gin* an? toifetoojfeeman matter to conGbeMbat it fcabfcacc fitter to fet it bpon the gromiMn»Kfl i ittttje apje bpon furb a brtglt* an*therefore 3 counfdl alt toejkfmen ratherto beftcntffolitfeen to raft: fo? if bee beefconbtfnU, fje mill make bio toojke farer,pu not eefytfo anotijtt maw counfelljOf Antiqqitictobit!)5oms,beeaaU (eltomc fatte: bntif beeberaOjanottMrt, bee toUlnot takeany other mens atmfe, bnt mill trail enlto his oton innention,toherb5 <strong>of</strong>tcntraw»bwtoojfeeDoethbimmozfi fhamctbenho

<strong>The</strong> third Booie*<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter.FoliS*tooj&e : G>e place matftgfcC. fljjmfistbaCiaUerijtott&foare coappeiemtge coders, opiate b» EeuiEtbtwtye ap?«: tie part matfeefc E. is a litle t:tB;pte,fcbtcb tfce fail) Bramant »aDr :tbc wrafnres tobercf ftatbe J^etotc trmuch greater fcjmc in tSjeleafe ending. Sfcaaefaiti nothing tottcbuigthcmcarurc<strong>of</strong> ttocgrfiunB, bat 3 bancfe.tt)\B bere onelp foj tbc imur.tion.

IOf Ant'quitiejj£t&eIatt(?&c3p2ormfeMo fljfto Br*roaats £nr})!etttgreat,fenifcascrie!vnrafcein remembrance <strong>of</strong> fe< Peter tbe %tsftle , fo? tt t» (aft tbrt brr i' p>p crnctfiee in the! plate: ffef fsvD Ktmplt te to beemeafarec bpfbeolo iceman? fro f e, b fctcb foots telfrlaru er^cr^cntrtutpfirseriBfcBrf mmutcs;U.b£ircfaJfcvc«ITfce diameter <strong>of</strong> tbteSTtn^leRiaSlSnoctbe me?.fare bptbs&Lmftie|g>aime,ft>eri .rv.tsrig tfcr'[ai&foure fingers.is <strong>of</strong> flue awtt fluent? ftnfe, an* ttoo mh tfrenfp minrUe s.STfee totoeueffe ef tbe U alfef rcuro abeut (be SCrrrpk is fc*wen teotes tbe tbitUerteffe cf tbe Cotamnes arc one foete anf 1 5, thimtteii Sbe iitfrnttTc <strong>of</strong> ttjt JSDccje is tbjee footeanDabalfe: cic©uat!j£iitBb.tt&tberfcnCil)'tott!i'n,teVitb e cf v ottKt»abo<strong>of</strong>tl)c2Cei«p!e}ibrbafbeiiafnrarp<strong>of</strong>tbe2Ci tnple aboue the Columnar, tbe tfcufcneff* <strong>of</strong> i&t U.s5Ue liue fceU; ttje reft <strong>of</strong> (be cttjtr meafor, cb gen meg tttueaue bg

T><strong>The</strong> third Booke.Tl^is is ttje fain SCemple ffatrtingtip , f<strong>of</strong>ytclRjetoetl) tlje one fcalfe toitfcout,ant> the oii»ec|alfetoit^m,anai*matic altogether after t&e$o)ica,s8 sou fa bptfte /Figure.(pcafee <strong>of</strong> tije3 WH netparticular nteafatmfojbg tijz<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fcl/f^; 1S^mpoa «!« eatwejkis tftis M)*tft jfenj*fi^fe^f, fufhrti $W ^iljoaffbitbcrMalOi^ ^Bo?»ncb5 t!j« mMurg ££jttiea{ ?ano rV0*w*9 cgitat .eiatgo mta ItjeunaU.

N®Of Antiquitiefa tfete 3 toill fljeto t^e iimermcS part, fobfcb to mate toitb.So 3( &atw tfjefecb tye outRue <strong>of</strong> fe. Peter* STcntple ,frcfcpjopojttott , ttjattbevpojtemftti^ theteioeneift <strong>of</strong> tqz grcmrti, maffintaallfhe meefure*! snoaltbonsbtbat U]'j3 HTemple Cjctoeft t© bigb fa tlje bjc Dlb,fo; fSjat it is thopgyi- ano ftetert to be af biab aa it to bjoao: ^otteitb*RanDiiw , bp tbe openneffe <strong>of</strong> tb« toinootoes , ano iljc $ itbcns P ; Cbappeb tbat are in it, tbe betgfe t there<strong>of</strong> ifnot amide,smc cfpccfellpbymeaneo <strong>of</strong> tbe oooble Cojnicef , fcbubgoe tonus about, anbeoner imtt$i<strong>of</strong>H)ebetgb,tf0getbtt toitbthjl^otetttirc, tbt SCempleftctottb mwb mcjeasttte.T<strong>of</strong>a--

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. i he fourth Chapter. FoL %6,T^t5£Sr?liB:'t:g t3tBit&cut Rome. at^». 5£j»fiianj,£tttis all fallen Dotene to tljc groitnVfpccisl'ptbe&Jalfeaabrut,but tljc JEuilsmg in the miBDlc (becaufe tt is betpfarc ttojfcc) is pctfobole , anD is mafie<strong>of</strong> ISjicfcc : pou fere o^>nauuhts in it at all, $ it is Bathe, becanfe it ball) no lifibl but at tbe 2Dmje; anD abotir ibefourc bolloto places in% toall,feme finall ©LiinE oltics. £bc grouhD <strong>of</strong> tbis tuojfee is mcafareD tottb tfy: ols KomiOj palrae sann tbe Icnjjfljs tilth tbefa;eo ;i)S are meafureD toitb cos tics, anD caerp rate is ten palmes. jptrtt, tljc toalhe oj Caller p marfeeD A .is 4 $.r«oBe&'ana 3 . palmcs , the ctber tteo longer, are 50. rookies anD 3 «JMmes: tbe bjcetb <strong>of</strong> the Uralhcsis 3 2. |@almes : tbetbkfecncffe <strong>of</strong> tbe cojner pilars, toitb all tbeir nu ntbcrs,is 1 2. ^almes: bp tbe tobirb meafures poo map ecnceaue there2.SEoncbing tbe I5u doing m tbe miDDle, tbe place B. is ttscouerce, a«e is in lengtb 7. roooes atin 6- Palmes : ftobjeoti; is 3, rococs anD 4.}3a!mes: tbe part marfeeD C. is conereD, ant) contained 4. ro<strong>of</strong>es in foure fqnare. SCbe fonre^Matters arc ten palmes tbiefce: tbe tbicftenefle <strong>of</strong> tbe toal! rounoabont tbe roans ISutlcitig, is 24. |Mlmes : tbe placemarfoceE, fsro<strong>of</strong>t: anotbat part in tbe miDDle is a maffe,tobicljbearetb tbe roefe; i\\\':,i miDDle there<strong>of</strong>, t; ;ecc is anspening: anD tbts mails is beautifieb toitb manp bolloto fcates in t f ,toi)icb Qano right , anD accompany mtfc<strong>of</strong>c fctjat transtbe wall:toncbing tbe bcigbts (becaufe <strong>of</strong> tbcbjoUc!'ine£Tc)3mea[nreDit not; anD eCpcciallp, becanfe there teas nobeauttfulneffe<strong>of</strong> ffiuitoing.1 1 :is^ife»fei^ifa^B^tI

s»T^wS<strong>The</strong>alcrOfAntiquitieAuguftusmaecmfhe tiamc<strong>of</strong> MarcellusH)'s^rp{)cto,a«t)tl)ercfoje{tte38caUfB Marcclfes 3rfcea>ter, it ttanottb tottbm Rone, pou map at tbis nap fa part <strong>of</strong> it ffanaing bpjigbt, tbat is pat t <strong>of</strong> the o?ieaanB 3onica,atoo?fee,in truth, tbat is much cemmcnBeB,altbcng!$fbe S>o jirall Colnmnes fcpu e no JBafcs, no? anp Cmctc c? paiectntc tnser ttje m, but ffanB plawelp tei tbout aiipthing bn&ec, bpon tbe flat grouno <strong>of</strong> ibe.CUaUcrp. SCcncbing tbe grettna <strong>of</strong> this Cheater, men eouls not toeil conceausft : bnt not long nv.ee, tlje great patrician <strong>of</strong> Rom e, going to matte a boufe, ft>e (citnation totjere<strong>of</strong> toas to be fct bponr? foil <strong>of</strong> members, ana loell tojGugbt , pet 3 forma it to aiffer much from Vitruuius inffrnrtions : fa? being licencioasinengb <strong>of</strong> tr embers, teas <strong>of</strong> fact) a befobt, tbat tbe ttoo thiro parts <strong>of</strong> fad) betgbt fbonla bane beene inougb to tbe 3rcbutraueanctbeifrafe. S5nt lam <strong>of</strong> opinion tberefo?e, (bp tbe licence <strong>of</strong> tbefc,o? other 2nnquities)tbatatoo?fecmaniritbefe asprs fijoula not erre, (&bub rrro?, 9 meane, is to Boecontrarp to Vitruuius p?ccepts) no; fobeeperemptcjp tbatbee tetll make a Cojmee , 0; otber thing tuff <strong>of</strong> tbe fame pjopojtit n as bee batb ferne ana meafarea , ana tben let it inii 0; fc ; becanfe it is not fumet cm f j tan to fas , 3 map Boe it : fa? ancient toojfecmen bane Bone it, tottbout conficera*tion lubctbci it be p?opo?ticneo accojting to tbe rr ft <strong>of</strong> the buiioing. IBeftacs, although an ola too?heman teas fo bcia,pet toe moQ itjcrcfojc not bee fo, (bnt as reafon teaebetb fes) toee fftouto obferne Vitruuius rnles as oar gniBe, ana m<strong>of</strong>fcertapne ana infallible Birecttons: fa? tbat from that time <strong>of</strong> great flntiquttp, till now, there is no man forma to baneto?iften better,no? ir oje IratneBlp <strong>of</strong>aubrtectnre tbenbe : ana as in euerp 3ttc ibewis one mo?e IcarneB then anotber,totobomfucbautrjO?it?tsgin£n.tbatbistoojBsare fall?, ftoitboHtBoubtbeletaeD. a&botbnt toils aenpfif be be nottgno^wtjtbatVKruu»us,fojarcbitrcture,istoo?tb)'<strong>of</strong>tbeb i gbcQ^ra^anDtt)atbtstojitings (tebcreno other nota*ble reafon c? rsnfe is to mane bs) ongbt fa? the fcojtbineffe there<strong>of</strong> to be wmolablp obferncB, ana to bee better crcBitcB,then an? too?B* <strong>of</strong> the Uomancs i tobicb Momanes, altboagb tbep learneo tbe bpjfgbt maner or bailoing <strong>of</strong> tbe €>recfano, neaertbelcffe 3aftcrtoarB ta bm *tjtp btcamc Knlerionet tbe €5reeians,ie map be that fame <strong>of</strong> ibem tberebp becamelicencictis: but ccrt3pnelp> ifamanmigbt ffetbe focnacrfnll toojfes tobtcb tbe (Grecians trjen Bio make, (tobitbarenow almoQ all fpoplca ana caft ootone in time <strong>of</strong> toarre) bee tooulB afTttretilg. iaagi tbe (Grecians too jltc to farpaOe that<strong>of</strong> tbeiLatmesforrc.SCbercfoje all tb<strong>of</strong>e too?fecmen fbnt C&all conaemne Vitruuius tojiting, f fpcctallp in fneb cafes as are clcarr'.p bnBer*OcdB, asm tbe o?aer <strong>of</strong> S>o?ica, tobcre<strong>of</strong> 51 fpalse, fboalb erre macb in tbe 0rt ora[rcbitectnre,to.gainelap facb an antbe?,as fo? (omanp pares batb bame, ana pet ts app?omeB bp wife men, icarutB. ^otobarsirgmpDe tbts BigrctTion,tobitb toas ncccfiarp fo? (be gooo <strong>of</strong> tb<strong>of</strong>e that toonla not bane cenfiacrea fo mncb, taming agatne to the purp<strong>of</strong>r , 3 tap,tbat this grcana teas meafarccbp tbe olaltcmsnefootfjanDfirffj tbeplaccititr)emiBBle,marbcB A. t»i;itb is railed&?cbc£ra,t5M tbe E>tameferip4.fout,anBisbalfeaCfrcIefromone co?ner to tbe otber: <strong>of</strong> tbe ftages 0? feates,marfeeoH. itis 417. facte: the ptace marbeh B. callcBp?cfccmutr,is tj?rp fpacionsi ano fobcre C. jfatitctb-.ietlie0allerp, to|ieb tbep call |Do?ticns <strong>of</strong> ttjr fexene, in the nuBBle toberc<strong>of</strong> ttodd tbe palpif : tbat part marUcB toitb D teatfa ^e?tall,toitbS>tap?es on both fiaes, tobicb toentfep°to tbe places marheD E. caltea f <strong>of</strong>pitalia : tbe ttoo Galleries ontt;e fiDes marbefi Gttbep tifec to toal&e in : &>f tobicb things men can fee no mo?e abone tbe gronne, fo? that tbcp artccncrca toitb oiber Ijoufcs. ECoccljine tbe frncrall meafnres , as tetll <strong>of</strong> tbe &>ccne as <strong>of</strong> the STtjcetre, f.na <strong>of</strong> tfote*loberebv a mangreeSa 3tDnUapnomo?etfo?tbat in 'tbe ampb't'oeafrecailea Coll eo,3to ,'loeclare it moje at large ,map conceane bote this ffooa : bnt foat part tottbout, tobicb toent about tbe Hijcatr e, 3 toill (beto in the feeonh fi gur f,tobicb toas meafarca (before tbts) toitb a common (Ell, tobicb is BenibcB into ttoelae parts, tobicb parts art calledonnces: ana cncrgomice batb fiue minutes j <strong>of</strong> to|)trtj €11, this is atbirBpart.a^efbiraparf ontje^ll.part <strong>of</strong> tbe Sweater (this boafe teas mate bp one Balthalar <strong>of</strong> Vienna , an erccUent toojfeman) ana as be caufe* thefoundation to be Biggeo, there toerefouna manprctiqucs <strong>of</strong> Biuers Cojnices <strong>of</strong>tbis SCbeater, ana a great part <strong>of</strong> tbe fameSEbcaier teas Difceuerea,tebcnrt)p Bahhafar concevtea tbe tohole fo?me there<strong>of</strong>, sna mcafocca it toitb great circumfpe<strong>of</strong>ion, placing it in tbe m?me foUotaing : mpfetfcbeingattbatnmeinRorce, falB manp <strong>of</strong> frje Co?ntccs, ana faunafricnDfljiptomcafaretbem, ano in troth, there 3 fauna as excellent fo?mcs as euer 3 fato in anpolBKtiins, ana mott inIbe Capitals <strong>of</strong> H>o?ica, ana alfo in tbe tmpolls <strong>of</strong> tbe Grebes, tobicb, me tbinfcs, agrc toell with tbe astf rfne <strong>of</strong> Vurouius.Hifeetoifcthc jf rare, arrtgltpbcn, ana ^etbopen, agree toell inongb: bet the E)o?tcaCo?mce, although it bebc*-i—-I-

the iU *i <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter.Fol. 2t..'. :" • .-::4 *

^.Of AntiquitieT^is JFtjure foll<strong>of</strong>mng Mp?efer,tetb tfiaf part foirbouf , cf n)e fojefapD ST^cafcr , ant) ts meafarcD fattl) (fa (511nfojcfapo : ano Stir, tbe tbickenc He cf tbe Coitmir.es beneati) in t be netrjrr part <strong>of</strong> tl)e firG ojoer, is an Cll ano 4 5minutes in Skiameter: ano tbe tbithneflc <strong>of</strong> tbe Skiameter abouefonBertbeCapitall,ts an Cll anc 15. minutes:t b e beigbt <strong>of</strong> (be Capttall , is balfe tt>c trjiclscnciTe <strong>of</strong> fb c Colamnes beneatb, tye to^tcb Cap? .all is mojc p cr fetter,tnarfeco in the fonrftj i5o<strong>of</strong>ee,in ttje o^oer <strong>of</strong> ©03 tea, in jrolio E. 3 ano . tr>e fame Capitall is ir.arftcD ioi tb B. mfcetoifealfo tocitrpjffjtobcreon ttje arcbreifetb, is as bigb alto os ttjc Capitall, ano ttancetbalfo in tbe fame leafe E. 3. 2CbepilaSf rs,bruDctbcCo!umnes,arcip» minutes : tbetri^eneffc <strong>of</strong> one flrcb, is 7. Cllcs ano 9 minutes: ano tbc&eigbf\a eleaen Cllcs ano fire tecne minutes ;tbe tjcigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe 8rcbitrane, is 49. mtnntes: tbe tietgtjt <strong>of</strong> tbej* reefs is oneC :i ano epsbt minutes. SE&e fjcigtjt <strong>of</strong> tbe to'oolt Cojnice , is an Ci! , ano fourtie minutes : tbe totoettefL' <strong>of</strong> tbefcccno 3rd? <strong>of</strong> (be fecono ojocr, is as totoe as ttjat beloto ; bnt tbe fceigb* is ten Giles ano fourtie ano epgbf minutes ttbe beigW<strong>of</strong> UepeoeeaUbnscr (be Columwes <strong>of</strong> ttjis fecono ojocr, is an Cll ano fourtie ano eggbt minutes : tl)ttbirfecne He <strong>of</strong> tbe Columncs, is an Cll ano ttocntp $ four c minutes : tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe faio Colamnes toitbout Safes 0?Capitals, is 1 1 .(Biles,: 7. minafes: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong>tbe JIBafcs is 44. minutes:tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Capitall, tbat is toitbintbe ciclu Us, from tbe lift <strong>of</strong> tbe Columncs, to about tbe Capital, is 3 6. minutes : bnt n)e t3o!u te bangs ouer tbe 2?fJra>gall o? HSojcll 20. minutes ano a balfe, tobicbiu all, from beneath tbe Uolutcs,to aboueHje 0bacu0,is 47. minutesano a balfe : tbe bjcaot b <strong>of</strong> tbe abacus <strong>of</strong> tbe fapO Capitall is one Cll ano a balfe : but tbe bjeaotb <strong>of</strong> tbe Solutes is ticscllcs: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Slrctjitraue is 5 p. minutes: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe j^rafe is 5 8. minutes: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> n)e Cojnice is mCll, $ 48. minutes: tobicb Co;titce,in trutt),is balfe fo mucb mo?e asitflboulQ be(if toe toill crcoit Vitrumus p;ecepts.)lout j pjappoa, gentle HeaOer, effememe nctpjcfamptuotis, nettberpet account me fojacojrcctoz<strong>of</strong> n)e tcejfeso!Sntiqmtie, from &bmc c men learne fo mucb ' (0? mp meaning is onelr ,toillinglp to let cou Bnoeruano ano knots thattobicb is toell mate from tbat tobtcb is ill matte: ano ttjat 31 toill not eoc after mg otene conccite , as if pou toere tangbtbp me, but bp tbe aatbo?ifp <strong>of</strong> Vitmuius: ano alfo or gcao antiquities, tobicb are tbefe tobicb beff agree toitb tbe Ooe

<strong>The</strong> third Booke.<strong>The</strong> Fourth Chapter, F0L2 i

Of Antiquitie'Dalmatia tbere 10 an ancient t oten calico Pola,lping bp tt;c &ra CBckiljcrtn pan map fee a great »art <strong>of</strong> a STbeatrci(n tbe making tobere<strong>of</strong>, tbe crper t toojaeman Dfa belpe btmfelfe loitt) tbe bill tobercon it ftanoctb 9b &ng tbe bit! fa} pact<strong>of</strong> tbc ficgrcra 0} dtps to goe top , anb in Itjc plapne beloto, be mafic tye 4D?cbeffra, &ccne, ana other buttoings belonging to fuel) a piece <strong>of</strong> tooahe. 3nfi in truetb , tbc ruincs anfi tbe pieces irbitb ace pet at tbts cap fountt, Hoe Kjeajthat it iras a mod beautifull anfi famptuonc piece <strong>of</strong> toejfc e <strong>of</strong> Cone anfi too;fetmanfl>tp $ befifiee tbi0»tbete pon map faa grcat numbec <strong>of</strong> Columnes,fome ftanoing alone, ottjers toitb filacers, ano fome Corners tottb feuce fqnace pillars ,anfi fome faalfe connfi, all bounfi togetber , anfi toell tojougbt, after tbc Cojintbia foj t&6 tobole uwft,bctb witbOHt ana•,teitbin , teas mafie after the Cojmtbia manner. 2Ebt6 SButlfiing teas mcafurt o tottb a mefiecne cj tfuall foote : tobicbfoote is ficniocfi into ttoelue parts, namefi ounces, tobere<strong>of</strong>tbe one balfe bereafter follometb. %\>z 3?igure bereafterfollotoing,ujetoetb tbe Jcbnoarapbicanu aifotbcpj<strong>of</strong>iU<strong>of</strong> tbe2Cbeatre,tobcre<strong>of</strong> ibis is tbe roeafnre : tbetoifieneSe<strong>of</strong>tbc ^jtbrffra litjict) is balfe a Circle, to in Skiameter about 130. foote itbecegreesojffeps counfi about, tottb tbettoatrapes o? urettes,are <strong>of</strong> 70. foot: tbe toap marfcefiT. cemes euen toitb tbe plaine <strong>of</strong> tbe pulpit <strong>of</strong> tbe &cene to tbe foure»teen tl) Sep. &be toifieneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe posticus ronnfi about t!)e STijeatrc, ii I 5. foote, anfi tbe fines <strong>of</strong> tbe pillars intoarfi,is <strong>of</strong> 1 7. foot « a balfe $ but tbe f je*r an t\\ t <strong>of</strong> tbe pillars connfi about tbe (Bailer p, togetber Uritt) tbe ColumncSjbolfictbabout 6ce fat in bjefitjj, anfi from tbe one pilaffcc to tbe otbcr.it is abont 1 o. foot toifie : anfi ibis is touching tbe grounfi<strong>of</strong> tils SEbeater. SEbc tioo grcatc8 finac jane market) O.are tbe l^<strong>of</strong>pitalia, from tbe tobitb plates men tocnt into tbcentrr 02 patting tfcougb, marbefi T. torjicb tomes top to tbc flccct, balfe toap to tbc tteps,acpon map perceiuc bptbe^oSIl maraco T. anfi bnfiec tbe going tb?ougb, is part <strong>of</strong> tbe going in. &be ©<strong>of</strong>pitalta is fine ano fcurtie foote,tDf bjeotb <strong>of</strong> tbe&cene,isai.fcor, ttje bieDttj<strong>of</strong> tbe posticus o^allerp bcfo?e,tsa7foote,anfitbe Ungrtjislihe tbeboufe 5tbe SBuilfitng tobtcb ttanfiett) aboue tbe gronno <strong>of</strong> tbe 2Cbcatrc,Cgmfietb tbe pj<strong>of</strong>ill, tobitb i» cnt tb?eugb tbe fifiea<strong>of</strong> tbe STbeatce. &\)t arrbmartjcfi toitb A. fignifietb tbe going in, tbe faouo 3rtb C. anfi B. are bnfier tbe ffeps,tbeCom ire befifies marbefi tett{) D .is tbe fmp<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> tbe Grebes ; tbere net ficfi no going tp to tbis 2Cbeatre,fo ; tbe bill afojte*fapfi eafcfi tbe toojfecman tbecein, anfi men migbt alfo goe bp to tbe SCbeatre from tbc fcccne, becaufe it teas topnefi totbe fago SCbratce : but tbe SCbeatre <strong>of</strong>Marcdlm i§ federates from t&e .feccne, anfi tberfoje tbe goings fcp toere neceffarp.SCbis is tbe balfe foote <strong>of</strong> meafore, iobrrebp. tbtsEbeatretoasmeafarcb tottb ail tbe ojnamtnts.jj i »Ji 11 J

<strong>The</strong> third Bo<strong>of</strong>ce. 7 tie fourth Chapter. Fol.z^FKO S-c £TnLg» &_& © g « 1 T J® © i»,?CENAa £ S & B Si H S @ EI Epop rrc.I £! 13 f3 y ^ Sf ' S3 s ^ i S S @ i I! E B S

.Of AntiquitieTtj^s tCfjEafrr (as | \>mt fapb) was fcerp rich <strong>of</strong> ojnamesifs, all <strong>of</strong> fione, ano maD? <strong>of</strong> Cojtathia toojfee , teerp weltane rit hip tojougtjt, ano b'p as mnctj as is fenc bp tt;e mines which !jc bartering about ibe fecene, teas bcrp beau*t full <strong>of</strong>Columnes topon Columnes, both Double ano Gngle,ano alfo in the inncrm<strong>of</strong>t ano cutterm<strong>of</strong>f parts , toitJ)Diners ojnamento <strong>of</strong> SSDoojes ano 5fr iwc tors. Che mncrmott part <strong>of</strong> the SBui'bwg is much ruinateo: ano touch*fag the meafurcs, | est) Tap little; bnt <strong>of</strong> tbe outtermeff parte, 3 Will tap famewhat <strong>of</strong> Heir mcafures. 3Cbe firff , a ru»flicall oj ctountfl]O20er,wherem there is noColunificg,is clenatec fromtbeearth,togetber totb the tetjeleCojniee,msi>fe r d E . about 1 6 . focte : the height <strong>of</strong> the firfi pc ocffall , is fine fcote, t br b.etgbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Colnmnes tenth tbe JlSafes anaCapital;,^ %2.foot}tbetbic6ene(Te<strong>of</strong> the pillars, with tbe Colamnes, is 5. foots; the tbtctmeffe <strong>of</strong> the Col twines a>lone , is ttoo foot? ano a balfe: tbe Wtoeneffe <strong>of</strong> the arches, i 5 abont ten foote: ano their b eight t ajentp foote: the height <strong>of</strong>the arcbttraue^rerfcanoCojmce, is about fiuefootr, the frcon&pcoeflaU marhro X. is <strong>of</strong> fourefooteatiDabatfntheheight <strong>of</strong> tbafe C olutnncs ate about firtaene foot, the ^rctjifrauc 7 ftMt ana Cojntcc, is foure feat bictb. 3 fet not ootonetbe meawres <strong>of</strong> tbe particular member s,but in tbe figure pou map conceaue them; fcj the p are tuff <strong>of</strong> tbe fame pjopo>tton : 3 fet not ootone tbe meafure <strong>of</strong> tbe 6>cene, no; <strong>of</strong> tbe other parts luitbm: onelp ] bane bete fet foojtb a part <strong>of</strong> the§&o?ntUd <strong>of</strong> tbe &cene, Mjjcb is markeb P. 2lntt alfo the Cornice, iFrcefe ano 3rcbitraue market) F. teas in the bigbeffthere<strong>of</strong>; the Capitals marfeeoS. ffojae within, with fame balfrrouno Columnes, rapfeoont <strong>of</strong> fame ptlaGers, thingsthat toete bcrp Well Wrought : all Which things (as J fapt) before) are fo fumptuous, both fa? Sone eno toojfeemanfinp*aethepmaptneHbe compareo tenth th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> Rome: the Cornice,jFrafeanbarcbitraue,marfteo A. W*s m the higbcilpart <strong>of</strong> the Cbeatte:the Cojnice marfeeb B.istheimp<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> tbefeconb 3rch: the arcbitrane,fr&feanD Cornice, mar*feco C. is the Cornice aboue the ftrff ilrch, the Cor. ice marlteo D. is the tmpoQ <strong>of</strong> the 3rcb :the Co;nice marfeeo toitbE. goeth aboue the rafficallbafcmentrouno about the SBuiloing: tbislmehereftnoer tr»t?a!fe atote> <strong>of</strong> the Whole footeir herewith this SEnileing teias meafarec. 3n» toonoer not, gentle Ueaoer,tbat 3 fet not ootone all the meafarea mojepjecifelpjfoj ttjefe tbinga <strong>of</strong> Pola,toeremeafnrgbbp one that j>ao moje te

<strong>The</strong> third Booke.<strong>The</strong> fourth Ghapter 4 FoI.24--

Of Anti'quitieASCFcrentcn, an olb SDomne tping bp Vetcrben ,being <strong>of</strong> no great toojfee ainnfbip , ano leffc ornaments, fo? an? thing a man mas perreane bp tbe fame ;tbcrefspettobcefime tbefomie<strong>of</strong> aSCbeafreiimubBeeapeo,for therearc no pieces to be fanetoberebp a man map concept anp matter <strong>of</strong> importance. 13 at poumap pet fee in tbe posticusgoing from tbe JEbcatrc, there mere fonrefquare pillars, alfotbe&iap:cs there<strong>of</strong> mere fccrpfimplcanoplapne: ano becaufc it is fo motpOcrapeOjponranbarolpOifctrne bowtbepttm0» STbe &cmenf this SEbcafreismntfeDifferent from others, as poa map fee in tbegrouno there<strong>of</strong>: nether is there fo mncb flanoing aboue greuno,tbaf a manmap perceane bob) the §>etne ano tlje pnlpit there<strong>of</strong> fiooo. SCbis grotmo was mcafores fcp tbe ancient forte , ano firff,fpeatung<strong>of</strong> the &>:cbeffra A. bjbicb is ijalfc a Circle, tbe Diameter there<strong>of</strong> is 141, fet ano a tjalfe long. SCbeboop<strong>of</strong>tbe SEbeatre, that is, from tbe £D^befira,to the out tcrnt<strong>of</strong>l <strong>of</strong> tbe €0 jnrr pillars <strong>of</strong> tbe ]3o?ticus,is 3 5. foot :tbe pillars<strong>of</strong> tbe comer oncptber fioe,i« 5.fatcb;oaD:fbccntrp<strong>of</strong> tbe^ojttcuson tbeflee<strong>of</strong> tie &eW, is 8. fate : fbcftaalt bn«bertbe&>tapjcs,i022. fate: tbetbicbeneffe <strong>of</strong> the Mall about tbe ieDjcbeflro, is 3. fate ait) a balfe: ifje^<strong>of</strong>pitalia,marfeeo X. is fa length 40. foot ano a balfrj ano in bjeotb : o. fcote: tbe toieeneffe <strong>of</strong> (be opticus afeotitJ3 tbeSIbeafre,is 1 i.foote: tbe pillars are tt?icf?e ano bjosa, 3. fects ano 3. quarters; tbewiheneffe <strong>of</strong> fljearcb, is 9. foote: tbe inffbjcotb<strong>of</strong> the ^Djtbtftra marfeeo B. is 20, foote: the place <strong>of</strong> fbcfJuIpitC. is in length 40. feste ano alialfe j butthobjcbtb is 1 2. foote : tbe going though, is 9. foote. Che place marfeeo D. Qjonlb be tbe gorttcus be&tno tbe &ccnc: peethere is no fbeto <strong>of</strong> anp Cslnmne* ;bat tt ajctuctrj tbat there teas a mall fiancmg bp tbe mater fine, 2Cbc bjeotb <strong>of</strong> thiffptacr,is ip. foot f no a balfe. ©Mtffccnt this2Eljeafrc there fianoetb u)c fotmoationcf tta>51£ailDings,buttrjepare fomuch becapeo,tbat peu can fins no cnb <strong>of</strong> them: neuertbelcu*e 3tbe SBuileing marbeb F, fo; as much as pou fee <strong>of</strong> tMfoeUwttb that it teas iepnei? toother things. ST^jc icioenrffe Ictjercin ttjc F. flanDct^, is 51. fcote. BEbe 2. fmall places cj{fancies boloitig bp tbe on e fibc, are epght foot ano a balfe ;ano en the other Gee, ten foot ano a balfe, fflbe Grebes toberetljefoureColumnesSanb(u3b»b3Stabsbe maoc in that manner) atcin length 27. footanoa balfe, ano tabreotbteiifoot ano a baU"e. EEbebjeotb <strong>of</strong> tijeHSuiloingmarfeebE, isttoentpfc<strong>of</strong>j tbe bolloto places in tbe fioes,are 17. foote:tbelengtb <strong>of</strong> all together, is do. foote, ano is biffant from: tbe Ebeatre one tiunej«D ano one ano fojtte foot ; ano fromthe other 3lSuiloing 3 feucntie foote ano a balfe.ffibe balfe <strong>of</strong> t|e olDe fo<strong>of</strong>e.-m

-<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol. l%-.

Of AntiquitieJHguretnfccrfhfo,tnarfect> A. 3tbmfietobtneIw«tbefecciie<strong>of</strong> a£beafK,if ffan&etbbett<strong>of</strong>fneFondian*TECTrracma ;bnt fhere is fo VWe to be fer tit <strong>of</strong> tbc SEbeatre, tbat ] meafarcb it not : nettber fits 3 meafote Ibis part<strong>of</strong> tbe fetcjie,1»titb is mcje tecapcb tbcn it ffcctn tb bcre- tmt as 3 fate on Ijojfcbe tt?,3( mate a fltgM Djau^t tbe :c><strong>of</strong>. STbrJDajematbeD B.ffanDetbatSpoIeta,andi0bcfpot»*,inabeaftertbf»D*ieai»iancr, t»f»ic^U^rtoifc 31 ctonotmwftitt,bntinaBe cnelptbe innentionanDfojme there<strong>of</strong>. Cbe ©atemarfeeeC. isbettoeeneFoligasanoRorce,ontin tb< ffrfct : anb alt|ongb it feme a Itcrnttcas anb bnfsmelp tbing, tbat (be a«b ftenlo bjeake tbe paffage <strong>of</strong> tbe arcbi*tranfjftWeantiCojniccj ptneuertbdcffc, tbe inurnticn Diflifeeb ween<strong>of</strong>. § meafurra cnelp tbebjc&tb ano tbeItn tb, !b« frbttb i foimotobceeigbtttne fete, ano cntrnBttotntpfoctcanoabalfe. atljm&citbabbene a fmait«ewpl£,o?a$>tpnlfb?ejbHt be Hat itu>i:l,it Ojctoctbtoell toaman»fi2^',^Mif))/!Fii/v'¥'!l/ l)llll)l/)l

<strong>The</strong> third Booke*<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter, Fol,z£,I3Cisfapo,t&at tbte bailoitigtoaseaUko^ojhciis, <strong>of</strong> Pompeo : otfjers fap,t^al tt toas tbeboafe <strong>of</strong> Mario j but ittscaUea bptije Common people, Cara*feario: vsincb bniioing, as farre as | canbarne, UB3sen:lpmaocfc?mcn fa cafetbemfelaestii: fa? there is no o wellingin 'tat all: anbaltbotigb this bailingat tbis bag ts almoS bscapeo, pet it toastjerp great,anO contapneo man; places,as poo fee bg maim boufss<strong>of</strong> f^is b(ttl9?tng tobicb are toon a in the cartb. MbsrctJtr lUtt c ft- nBctb, is nob) tb£ toap to goefrom Catnpo #lojo ,to tijs Vetoes plainano toberc *bc Ccdffe is nottytbc boufessf Lancia CrefeftanO J tobercG.ftios,is tbc Jetoss plate: toberetbeM.ffait'B*etb, bee the ^arcellacit: tobercibeC.flanottij-. istbcCbnrcb'parb<strong>of</strong> &.&al*nato?te:ana to^rrc trjc E. iecntcb?cugbiis tbe jFojecficont<strong>of</strong> tbe tjoufes<strong>of</strong>Celifig : fo tbat tberebp pou map fee tbe greatlompas tbcre<strong>of</strong>. aClje ttj:6t rounb tfjmgsitoere &>tap?es to goe bp to tljc ttoo emptie Uomiblcs* Stoo fo; tbat t^crets n<strong>of</strong>ljem <strong>of</strong> fetagjes to be feme m tb<strong>of</strong>e ttoo,it is to bee conccsaeo , tbat tb cp a 're o

^Of AntiquitieTStacking ttye Jctynograptyie, | tyane fatts inougty s note 3 mnS fpeafec fomeltytng eft^c fejmie abijue f$e grouno , al>tfcoagb ttycre is not ninety there<strong>of</strong> tube fane: neuerttyelefliMtyeteispetfomucty Canning bpjfgbt (altljoog^ tt beHtDrn) ttyat tfjercbptije batbe pact ttycr<strong>of</strong> fotttyont, is to be conccaueb ,lotyicty,ta tract!? is an ingenious inncnticn.fc? a fatt toojfee, p.no efpeeiallp in ttye firtt ojoer,totytrty pou call E>ojica,alttyOHgb it batty ne?rtyer arttyirrauCji&rfg'liph n«i Cornice : JBut pet ttyereis ttye fojme, ano ttyat berp fubtillp maoe, toitty great ttrengtb ane fapje JButtoing (a*toell <strong>of</strong> tyaro Bone as <strong>of</strong> EBjtcfts) aspon map fee In ttye figure follotoing.2Etyc ttyicfeeneffe ant» bjcotty are ftyetocb befoje tttye tyeigtyt <strong>of</strong> ttye Colnmnes toitty iSafes anDer feemctty tmiupp03tabte,fo? ttyat ttyere ts atoatgtyt <strong>of</strong> $3 ilattcrs IfanDing aboue an open bole : a ttying totyirty in f ntetty (s falfe f errcmons to fpeafec in rcafon. 0tnn>ttycicTcfs) ttyat ttye fir^^?oet is f<strong>of</strong>sS arm ffrong,bpmeancs <strong>of</strong> ttye (butting Hone aboue in ttyearcty; asalfo t<strong>of</strong>ttyttyetro& Cone *pon it, toitty ttye fatt facie bpon ttyat, anobp rcafon <strong>of</strong> ttye gooo ftyouloers <strong>of</strong> ttye3rcty, totyicty altogetherQjr& to be fatty a ttrengtty (as in effect it is) ttyat ttye platters ttyat rr tt bpon it, fame no t to oppjeffe ttye tcojbc , as ttycg«u._i?. ifit «ti»**a ttntnle Clrrh \r\ifh sn CTrrhtfranr itrettv sinrt rf"r.'nirt> • fnilnliifh rnnfp3! hlntttp Hint ihia tmtfttttntt,vw—.«..-, .- «..w» w..-»«j.. r«*«,

<strong>The</strong> third Bodice.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol.z^

:Of Antiquideether fatre antiquities in Rome, there arc ttt'o Columncs <strong>of</strong>garble, all cut full <strong>of</strong> #iffojtes,brr|> good iw»Aspongbe81r»o;be« ETljc one i0 calkD Amoniaaa* Coltitt ne , tjtjc c%r Traiaos Colnmne : anB foj f^tt TraiantColnmne is flje ttbatett, 3 iotU fpeafce tomctobnt tfcer r <strong>of</strong>, S'bis Column: , asmen fap , (be Cmpercur Trauaeaufco to be mao£,tobicS) is all <strong>of</strong> S^atble, and tnabe <strong>of</strong> nt my pieces* but fa ctafclp icvniejjcttjer, that tijep formeto bee all one piece : ano to gtne the particular mearare there<strong>of</strong>, 3 toitl begin at the foete or the ffiafement there<strong>of</strong>: anturtt^bedcgraajacplntbefirfirrff, ts tbjeegalme* bisb> tbe^Unthusbf the 515afe, is ajBalmc anoejgbt mirntcs|igb; the earned 0; graoen SBafe is as mncb: the fiat <strong>of</strong> the ISafemenf is 1 2 . palmes ano fire minutes high : the grauenCenter it a ^almc and an balfe high- SCbe place inhere the feCin bangctb m, is tire \j3almes ano ten minutes hightyt teboleSBafe<strong>of</strong> tbeColumncs,isf»re^almfsan&28,minafes,andisdcuideiMn this manner: the piinthus irbrreibe Cfcagle ftanoetb bpon one corner (but j?on mutt imagine tbat there Is one at cucrp corner) is tb j a- palmes and ten mi"nates btgb-: tbe Cbo;ns aboue it, is tb?& Palmes ano tpght minutes btgb: tbcCincte is ten minutes high. Shebeight <strong>of</strong> the Colnmne, tbat is, the boosts 1 8. fabrics and 9 minutes :n> aflragall tei tb the Sinaojants 03 litte tweecthe (Serine, is 10. minutes. &fye beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbeCcbine, is a.palmes and 2. minutes: the tjeiglat ef fbeabacus,is 3*Palmes $11. mmnfes:aboae bpon this Columne, tbrre is a $*edettal <strong>of</strong> a round fojmc, tl»oogb the tobtcb men crept frothe winding %> t apjes ,ano map goe eaiitp rouno abo»t,becanfe the platne ground the re<strong>of</strong>, is 3 . Palmes ano a balfe bjaao:the height <strong>of</strong> this ^edeff all is 1 1 . palmesj tat tbe Bafe is two ^almcs, ano tl;c Cojnice aboue, is a |B alme btgb. STbeCrotone aboue the pebeffall, is thjtt Palmes ano a balfe high the tbicbeneffe <strong>of</strong> this ^eocttall, is 1 1 '•• ^almes ano tenminutes: tbetbicBeueffc<strong>of</strong> tbe Columne aboncts 14^almes, ano tbe tbicknellebeloto, is 1 6. Rainiest tbe roend*nsffemarbeo A. in Sat fomie, ttjefccctb the tbtehneffe aboue: and the Circle marfeeDB. is tbe tbtehneffe below, SDhetirideneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe Winding fetap?es,is 3 . palmes, ano the &pillfonre palmes. STbe bjcitb ef tbe SBafcmcnt, ts 34.pal mes ants c< minutes ;in tbe Which tpace are cut two Compartements, therein is contained an o?icall manner: in the fltnttngs the figures are made in fuch fo;t,that riling bp 0; bearing ont<strong>of</strong> tbeifigure, tbefe:ine <strong>of</strong> the Columnes anb fiinting,is nothing Btfparageo j bet toecne tobicl) figures there ttano feme Winso 03es,lDbicbgine ligbt to the tuinoing £>tap?es : ano although tbe fate Winoomes are placed ojocrlp ,v 1 1 tbep hinder not the l^tCojtcat all, and pet tbcp are 44. in number , ana 3 urill fbctu the lubole Columne in the figure following : but tbefe are themembers fbere<strong>of</strong>, openlp tojittcn end fct toume* Sin tbefe members art meafuredtoic^ tycoldeKomanc^alme, as»cu find it befo?e bpon the round.

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter, FoL 28.» V_'-

Of Antfquitiebefoje faffUi-nilp fp<strong>of</strong>een <strong>of</strong>I^mjc$e bjebtb <strong>of</strong> traiam ©clnmne, ano <strong>of</strong> tbc particular owner fbcreef, note? torts;fljelu (be tobolc ©olnrane pjcpojtioneo as it is : &o tben, t^e Columnc marfeco tsttb T , npjcftntetb Traiam Co*lamnet brt srorc townee tvc^Dyelifccfifpjmcs ojpjocttoe , anObou>tbcpb>ereb?ougbitoKomc, anotot<strong>of</strong>oatenotljepferue,3JtotfUiotrp2afce<strong>of</strong>, fo;n)at Pliny eedaretb it at large; onelp atotUtcttljcrncafore&ere, an&Ojcto tbefojme<strong>of</strong>ferae f&tngstobub Jbaucfeene an»meafareotoiu)inKome: 0nBfirtt,tbe©beltfce,tnarBeB O.istoitijouttbe Cape"na, art- is al! grauen anc cat tatty ©gpptian letters : ttjc tbicfemffe ttjeceaf in t|e fate, is ten JBalmesano a t»atr« ; tyebeigtjticSo.^aimcs: ano tbls onelp teas wicornrcD tettt) ttjc ancient ^almcs but tbeot&trtbjaibptttoerentiarnreabp a mcoerncojWnall©U <strong>of</strong> tfo. minutes, toberc<strong>of</strong>tye line t&at is bettoane tbe&bcltfces, is t^e ^alfe> and is DcniDcsinto so. part*. Cbe^DbeliTce marbeo P.ffaHDetb intBaticans (trjat t#) at &>.£?tcre,anttie<strong>of</strong> ©gEptianttone: In tfcttop u ijcre<strong>of</strong> (t^eprap)tbeatbe0OftbcQ6mperonrGaiHs CaeCarOano: tbctyicbneiTetbere<strong>of</strong>belotD,i04.®Uesani4i.minutes : tt»e be tgbt is 41 . ©lies sbd a £alic : tije part abaue , is ttj;« ©lies ant fonre minutes tbiefce : ans bnoer at tyctote fianoetb tljcfe letters,D1VI CAESARI. DIVI IVLIl. F. AVGVSTO. TLCAESARI DIVI AYGvSTl. F. AVGVSTO SACRVM.%\}t "©btllfce osarSio Q.lpetbat£. Rochus,bjoken in tbe miwle <strong>of</strong> tyeffreetin tb;et pieces, ano men fa? ltf»efci(V 8fberelpeibbnruo inttioearrbalaDie catUo A U Augulta: tbetbicfceneflebeneafy<strong>of</strong>tbefaio £>beliftecnearl)/aae,i»ttojCllesatro 24 minutes: tbe beigbtif atf.©lfes«no»4« minntts: t%t ttjlcfeencffc abeae,boloetb an©Uan»3$,minutes : n)eS5afewent teas all <strong>of</strong> one piece, ana tbetfDbelifcemarheo R.is in cireo Ant©nuaoCaracalla,ano isbj<strong>of</strong>cen,as pou ia in tbe fojme. SCfce tbfekenes <strong>of</strong> tbe ® belifce, is ttoo ©lies ano 2 5, minutes beleto,an& abone one ffill ano 3 3,minutes: n)e beigbt it* 8. ©tles,ano itf. minutes: anoall rlje pescttaU are p?cpo;ttonco n)ereaftrr. 2nt> alujangbCper«uentore) tbere are mo*e <strong>of</strong>tbcm in Ro mc, tobicb 3 &aue not feme, pet tbefe tebtcb 31 W< tentjut berc fct ootrncfo goorfigbt, as being betttaJiUme.Kss

<strong>The</strong> third Bobfce,i<strong>The</strong>fourth Chapter, Fol.zp

3cbiwgri'Of Antiqwtier~2.23*tyn3$ flmp^catrc etttome,Vcfpafanus tyeflleDColifCCO,roar ca<strong>of</strong>ct to bee mane in (be<strong>of</strong> tbe Citp, a3 Auguftus banitcDttbe^c: ttje Scfeaograpbteaeuiacb into 4j;atts (asibeisis<strong>of</strong>4.^btrsjt&atpoB ma?Janott tfjebcitu\bctaufe<strong>of</strong> tbe[artuuiatafffe there<strong>of</strong>] Ebisis mcafrreci bp tbe ancient!: ana firtt, beginning at fbe cntfS parts : £]}? $i?aGers bcfcJfiij[ almcs ants 6 -mir.utts bjcau:jknrs<strong>of</strong> tbe Columncislfciure!S} but tbe JDilaficr on tvty.tib;ee l&almcsatifca. minufrsicunrg tottoane § ^ilafWrs is.iims> buttle 4. pjHip&igoi^cn3bbol!>2 2.pa!mfS,: tbe,.m!<strong>of</strong> tyc pi afti rs in tbeffOrs-(.palms. 5E|r.HoemBe«ftJ)8jijticus is 22.pa!mrfl. SDlje a.};is intoar'os , is 20. jpalm?gi;1 bott) <strong>of</strong> \\)ita tffir'Et), SEbeetbrcrs tah-arsstb^ Center, bftaufefffti tbemfduES , 3 feW fls^tkbutbptbcfe onttmDfpf map« it, btcaufc flje B ere a(l pj9*;?D accojotng to tbeMti|: tbe:n<strong>of</strong>t part <strong>of</strong> tut 2• opbp4)6 1. bottle WTMr**!Ibjoaoer : foj tb JJtlatMB are'•»f-•5?a^7#fw/Hot to tbftKC on tfee Goes as ibebnacr* fbe<strong>of</strong>bcf In.nfl: tbe tntoaroeft ©alter £ if cr<strong>of</strong>fe ra* noSaoiDfifro. 3no in tbis posrtens tbcre are feme flat * its tb)fmall CribnnestmrhebX. in tbe mio* arttouwoblcbtbrrr<strong>of</strong>* tberefiano fonrc fqmrcboIrSjanoS^nHealtotbtiaremnDetoSine llgbt to tb<strong>of</strong>e places.^ 5 . gr>tmDtoithoat is alio like tbe 2. but tbeltmlbfng places are to macb toiocr, as tbe pi*tatters aretbinner: ant) tbe ont'ermotttoalkuijj place is cr<strong>of</strong>fe rc<strong>of</strong>t5 ;ano (be i&wcrmottroarjfc. flilfnowsnHrbep V.came totfte&tapjes, that tberebpeue*r? one migtjt goe into bis place, aieco^dins to bis »co,r«.2Cbe 4- gMtmb ts liketbograpbpiH?mrn 00*bettoeenetloereDojniitifieat>eD,tbai inlatter* toilkpoamspftsittiin cr<strong>of</strong>fe,lo|%as tbe grotalong tbe tjmH3PjJ1SHbe 2?c$retsloyneo tl,tji%il fl-—-i.-|___J .1 - jLW

,IKSTkethird Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter, Fol. 36foit&oaf,baf tbcw arilarcbes, ^Colunes are[esbettoeenebotb, thereiaflBonfljallfaeisiiD^lis 4. flattgroana, ma*'betbcr tbe whole fpaeeDaihing places to s co«III/ Mtiifclg tot $ it is fo mjcb d*>^iM|< icanfarH<strong>of</strong>ipes<strong>of</strong>^aj toil bat in the omtoara pactlufpwfflte beginnings at arch, $V.flirt*octSitl|ffAIbojt forties to tbe trail,letoeuj;? mm Diu climeIP StocrcfntttottoaHas1 ;aflD 7 .totbeoiiUfcra'^imn&flfoeg,as pon map better cencefae <strong>of</strong>tttn § pj<strong>of</strong>illjon § fine <strong>of</strong> § Qa^ts in § 5*gore fotlotoing. Cbe fpaces,astnrll astfa.(l)afts,comognc§aepgcjBegr*s kamtnto fit en;f entrp Begree was fo tyoeaj5 a man. £Begr&s, tbtre ere; cme bollcteCU'-'E s,from tbe fop to $ bottom ,f o ancis tbe tea*ttje ^Degrees*-

Of Antiquitic^aue SbttaieD tye Ttbnogcapbic <strong>of</strong> tftc MomiOj Colifto, in fonre lojls, euehllfceas tbebniloing is or foute fojts oj o;»|locrs: note 3 mnftmtto tbe JBj<strong>of</strong>itl there<strong>of</strong>, b$ the t<strong>of</strong>efcba man maptonceauea gfeatpart<strong>of</strong> tbcmtoariitbmes:* therefore tbe figure follotoingfbtfcktb the to^lc builDuiijaboae § eartb,as if itfaerecut tbiongb iHtbe tmUDle. Jntbere alfo pon map perceincboto man? toapesteb«b jfign«, firtt pou te all tbe Degrees tobtrcon tbe jkpcrtatojs fate «tbe goings tip toere,totjicb(in trotb)faere ftrry eafle to go bp f Do tone, fo tbat in uW time tbe Smpbitbeater teas fit'.eDtoi?b a great number <strong>of</strong>men,tottbcnt binDjanee cne <strong>of</strong> another, ^onmap alfo fee in tbe outtaarD part^oto tbe tbtcfencs atthe platters, anD (betealleobpU)atDslctteneti,li}btrbontbelnQOearee>?atonetn, nnobeingfo tyatenetn, giiatbtbefeuiloing great ttrengtb t ano to Ojcvn it to be true, pon map f« tbcre, at tbts Das, foinc part <strong>of</strong> tbe partes teitbont.pcttobole,from tbe top to tbe bottome, ano pet tbe intoarD parts are DrcapeD, ana tbat batb tt)e Draining intoarD ui itje£mtree Bone,tob

<strong>The</strong> third Booke.Tlie fourth Chapter. Fol.y«£3"

.!,Of AntiquitieouttearD pact, that is, ttje &?fbcgrapbie <strong>of</strong> t(re Komiflj Colifcco, ts mafic <strong>of</strong> fourc GojicsT@&: anfi itje 6tC ffojsnert about tbe grotmfi,ts mafie after the manner <strong>of</strong> JDojica: anc although there arc in tbe iFreefe neither SErvglipbes no j Spetopbes,no? pet oats in the Gtpitt olie o; arcbitrauc; neither JFulmtnes ano guts bnfier tbe crotonrpet it map be calico SDo;:ca , Cbe feconfi £>;oer, is after tbe manner <strong>of</strong> Monica: anfi although tbe Columnes be notfluifeo, pet in effect trjep map be calico jontca. 2Cbe tbuffetojp, is after tbe manner <strong>of</strong> Cojinlbia , fautfirmc too;ftetoitbout cutting, bnleffe it be tbe Capitals , tbe tobtcb toitb their beigbt are not crqmfitclp mace. Stjc fourth £> to;p,4sComp<strong>of</strong>ita; other call it &,atuia,bccaufcittoas imicntc&bp the Romanes : fome others caUitJtalica. 315utitmap tocllbe calico Comp<strong>of</strong>ita, tacr c it but fo? tbe mutilcs tobicb ffanfi in tbe jfr&fe,fo? tbat no other fetojp bane tbeir mutiies intbe frcefc, but that. St&anpmcn affcetobp tbe Romanes mace tbislBnilcing<strong>of</strong> fourc ;©:oers, anfi mace it not all <strong>of</strong>one fojme o j ojDcr as manp otber 3 are, as tbat <strong>of</strong> V erona, tobicb is all <strong>of</strong> ruff icall toojhe, anfi tbat <strong>of</strong> Pola alfo. 2 manmap anftoerc tljercunto, tbat the olo l\eniancs,3S rnlere oucr al,f efpeciallp <strong>of</strong> tb<strong>of</strong>e people,from fobence tbe tbja formers^cere hao tbeir beginning ,tooulD (et tb<strong>of</strong>e 3. generations oneaboue an<strong>of</strong>ber : $ aboue all tb<strong>of</strong>e ojfiers, tbe Comp<strong>of</strong>ita,as fount) bp tbemfeluesj tbercbp fignifping, tbat tfjcp astrpumpbers oner tb<strong>of</strong>e people, tooulfi alfo triumph toitb tbeirlooses, placing anfi mingling tbem at tbeir pleafures. SBot omitting tbcfc reafons,toc toill pjocecc to tbe meafures <strong>of</strong>tbe outterm<strong>of</strong>f parts anfi fitetbograpbie. SEbis ffiuilfitng teas eleuatefi from tbe eartb t toe Degrees: tbe feconfi Degree toasfine palmes bjoao , anfi tbe firfl ttoo palms; tbe beigbt teas little leffe tben a palme: tbe 3i3afe <strong>of</strong> tbe Colttmne bias notttoo palmcs, no mo;c is tbe 2Do;fca ; tbe Columne is foare palmes tbicae anfi ttoo minutes : tbe beigbt is 3 8. palmsanfi 5. minutes, toitb iSafc anfi Capital! : tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Capitallis about ttoo palmcs : tbe pilaffers on eptljer fioesf tbe Columnes,aretb?ffi palmes anfi tbjee minutes :tbe toioeneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe 0rcb is ttoentp palmes, anfi tbe beigbt is3 3ttoo palmes anfi *pgbt minutes : tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe JFrecfe is tbzsj palmes ano ttoo minutes: tbe Cojnice as mucb.. palmes : from tinner tbe 3rcb,to tbe 3rcbitraoe,is fine palmes anfi fire minutes : tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe 3rcbftraue is2Cbe pefieffall <strong>of</strong> tbe fecono ©jficr, (sepgbt palmes anfi ten minutes bigb: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Columnes, toitb JIBafcsanfi Capitals, is fine ano thirty palmes, tbe tbiebneffe is foure palmes: the pilaffers anfi Arches are line tb<strong>of</strong>e be*neatb : but tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong>tbe a rcb is tbirtp palmes : from fencer tbe 3rcb, to bnfier tbe 2rcbifraue, is fine palmes an<strong>of</strong>ire minutes : the beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe arcbitraue is tbjee palmes : tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong>tbe IFreefe, is ttoo palmes anfi nine minutes:tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbeComice, is tbjeepalmes ano nine minutes. &be peoeffall <strong>of</strong> the fourth ®jocr, caUeo, Comp<strong>of</strong>ita,(beere our 0utbo?batb forgotten tbe tbiro gDjfier, butbot<strong>of</strong>ocuer, it Differ etb not mucb from tbe 30 nica) tbe pefieffall<strong>of</strong> tbe Comp<strong>of</strong>ita, is ttoelue palmes bigb? tbe bnfier-ilBafe there<strong>of</strong>, is fourepalmes : tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbepillars, toitlj315afes anfi Capitals, is tbirtp epgbt palmes anfi fire minutes : tbebeigbt<strong>of</strong> the 0rtbttraue,.frecfe, anDComice, isa*bout ten palmes, ficaifiefi in tbjec, one part foj the Co;nice, tbe feconfi fo; the i^eefe, toberem tbe ^utiles ffanfi, anfit^t tbirfi fo; tbe arcbitraue.I5ut fo? tobat caufe , 0; reafon,tbe toojfeeman fet the ^utiles in tbe ^refe, (things,tobicb,perafiuenture, befoje that time toereneuermafie) 3 bane ocliucrcfi mp opinion there<strong>of</strong> in mpfonrrbS5ailJc, in tbe be'finning <strong>of</strong> the 3D?ocr <strong>of</strong> Comp<strong>of</strong>ita. £0>e pillars <strong>of</strong> the fourth ^Difier are flat, anfi rife but a little: all tbe reff are rounfiColumnes, (tbat is to fat?) tb;ee fourth parts, rifing out <strong>of</strong> tbe pilaffers: the ^utiles aboue the toinoo toes fcpbclfi femebeames, tbe tobicb arc boajefi though toitb boles fo; men to D;atoco2fis to coucr the bole Srnpbttbcater, as toella*gainff tbe Sunne as ti>t rapne: fo; tobat caufe tije Columnes are all <strong>of</strong> one thicaneffe, anfi leffen not one mojc then tbeother (as it fismetbtbepfboulfi; ano as Vitruuiustoculo) as tbe feconfi !3D;Der are Icffcmfi a fourth pact, 3 bane alfoDeclarefi mp opinion in tbt fourth iogjUc, anfi the nintb Chapter. 3n tbe treatife <strong>of</strong> making Columnes, longer 0; ffjo;

\<strong>The</strong> third Bodke. <strong>The</strong> Fourth Chapter, Fol^i,

fj^ifpclloj c bctrp olt> SCetene in JfalMfcctti* aberp,clDcfBajtcjdJfite, tfeefoojle tabcre<strong>of</strong> « SDotfta, al teas mfafarcDtoiibtbe ancient fmte:anDfront one BCotoer totbe ottjer, arrtfo.nntiio. fate: tbemtDOlc Octets a o.ftoteuiiDe: eacb$outrncatcs ?are 10 fcotcbjoao: ttje tjctflbt ] fet not e<strong>of</strong>one, but omlptbs inuention, breaufc it pUsfen meunll. Cbefctapje*fcnocr tlje STotoera, toitb *be gronno , E. are bp onr £ntbo)K'.aoc on botb flues : but acenjotng to bis gronno , tbe£>fapjcs muff come as rtjrf ffano abone n)e grouttDCejrife net, tijentije grcunQ muflbrcmaoe libe D. 3O}t0,snootbertbingsmoje (altbcugb

<strong>The</strong> third Booke, <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter, Fol 33T^tft «tccs;anoBlfotoitl)tbcli5afcmentaboae,to^cl)toai5aU<strong>of</strong>oneflDtie:tI}e^cigf;t there<strong>of</strong>toasu ancient tot, pjci|«jticiir& tatljat mam r,it teas fomiD toitbontftBme bptbe ttfuer <strong>of</strong> Eiber. 2Cl)e ojoer market) B. teas fount) tn tljcfotinDattcn <strong>of</strong> fe>. Octets, ant) bramant caufcD it to farebtmeo againc in the grounb ,in t&e fame place: all tbe members alfo toere <strong>of</strong> one piece; it \ms6. ancient tot l)icb,« pjogojtion'cB thereafter. C&c J5afcmarheo C . is at £>. Maikes, nerp well to;oagbt,<strong>of</strong>

Of Ami. ntiqumc <strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong>fotA $ct!g tnanp f^Stothjtritto fbat are m>calico La arena , tobtrcef tine is the g roamfrjerrnf , $ alfo bote the (rati o? Ceps Qooa 1 tljfrem fcnfrjouttnent top tpon tftc intaaro Qapjidtpto fit in,rucrp one arcojting to bis eflate ant ei,9 fact ano atjalf6b?Dat 5anOa!foroBnoro<strong>of</strong>£Db j ca & , an& ro<strong>of</strong>ee alfo. ffint at the too p jtnripalaDcrs, as it appeared in tbe gronua ;tfcemetfnrtfipeuniaf conceane.oho tb

iti"a,tljerc ism Sitpljttfjjatjr <strong>of</strong> raifnltonkc\ &?ttietb alio a part ffsmtng bpjig&t in t^ ^ e:$s tipon ly fteps tacre little oooics, toljci-tb^ mr tltAefeat3,anBftotbenrs to?m to (Replaces foj n?e;iIf. SLbcj^igure mar^b A . tyefnetb tjotot^r Dmje«ode galngc D8Uine« flep* turrt maftf,tti tfjeorg tlj,j.legators on tije GDe* o' § Capjes toete to anopaidlis anp man: tijc fiepa nlfo toere mnoe fometobaf|>em. 3n tbe inner part are maitplittletxBjes.uiteital | ruec toojfce.Oje grcatnea <strong>of</strong> fyis BailDttntPola is meat ureBianc firS, (fpea Sing <strong>of</strong> t&e out*a 3 .par?: ti>e flat $illars,are 3 , font $ a 3 . part?ot anD a batfe b.ioai> : tlje UuBesies <strong>of</strong> tie arrbesJOje jMaScrs on tlje Goes,arf 6. foot f&ic&c'rs<strong>of</strong>co coutiD : ttjts ^ajttcns fn tye mtDDle ,felajtitas in the lotoeJ part, is 8. foot f «m batfe#|ng»in,t^re are 5.b;oa0ro<strong>of</strong>es bpont&ejatVai|olemoa is b.:oaocr tben t$e otber. K^e reff<strong>of</strong>

:TwitchingOf ^ntiquitiethe Jcljnoarap^ic cf K)c fayD Amphitheater, 3 ijauc fctootenc the pjmcipaUmcaft!rcs,anD parti? (poken<strong>of</strong> tbat part tobicb ttanoetb. upjigbt :r.oiu 3 viiill fpcafec <strong>of</strong> the outtenro part, tobieb teojfcecan no otberbife bfecallcD,tJKnruDcanDruutcall,8nobau8lihe^moje; cnclp <strong>of</strong> the height 31 teillfap fome thing: 3no full, the height <strong>of</strong> tbefirttarcbtsaj. fcote: tbebcight<strong>of</strong>tbcptlia«S27 fcotc: tbeiFejmc<strong>of</strong>ebearchitrauc, jfrcefeanoCojmcc, tscfcconDarcbis24. fete, ano bis tetoencffe i»,fa>te: tbcbeigbt<strong>of</strong>the pillars is 2 4. feat e anD a balfe: tbe height <strong>of</strong> the Cojnice, frccfe tno foim <strong>of</strong> the arcbiti-aue,is 5 . fcote anD a tjalfctbeffiojateeringo? (Eilacebjeff high <strong>of</strong> tbe tbirDgDjocroj&tojp, ig4. f ffl'ean3abalfEbigb: tlje teiDcncs <strong>of</strong> the 3rcbis p. fate ano 3 . quartern : the height cf the ilrcb is 1 7 . fcote ano a balfe : t ':,c heigh t <strong>of</strong> tbe bjoaD fillers is 20. fmf c anDabalfetagainfftbrfe pillars, asfarreasamanmappcrceiuc, there lucre images, <strong>of</strong> gctiDbigncifc,fct: tbe tbirDanolatt Coaniceis 5. fate bigh JBnt J ioilt not fet Dotone the patticalar mrafurcs <strong>of</strong> tbe Cornices, foj that 31 banc fet tbemDotone toitb great Diligence, accojo'ing to tbe greatmffe in this fmall ^ojmc, tebicb Iball be the firff figures in tbe Ooefollowing, anD there beIoto,tbep<strong>of</strong>ill 02 cutting eftfje outcrm<strong>of</strong>fpart <strong>of</strong> the Amphitheater Iftall Cano. )3nD tbtrDlp,t^erefollotoetb tbe®?tbograpbie <strong>of</strong> a pace <strong>of</strong> the fart) amphitheater teitbout,tehicb is all tozcugbt after the rufficall manner,teitbuWescfOcronn, being bcrp barD: but the Cojniccs arc fometobat better maDe: tebicb Co;niccs fcauc DiuersanD fcucratl iFo;mes <strong>of</strong> t&e l£omane3,ano arc tie rp like tonto the Cojniccs <strong>of</strong> the Amphitheater <strong>of</strong> JDola- Slouching theplapncneffe <strong>of</strong> ibis amphitheater, tebicb bp tbe Common people is calico, La arena, (tafeen from arena) tobitb isfanD,irbicbujastbcrcinfti-otocDfojccitaincpiates o3fpo;ts,ut'tchlPcrctbctcpjcftnttDojactcD: anD therefore 3 conlbnot (a the grouno there<strong>of</strong>: batasittoastolDmebpfomcolDmcn<strong>of</strong>tlBerona, when the papes lucre there maBebponthe fanb, tijen pjcfcntlp there came teater, in the fight <strong>of</strong> all the beboloers, tebicb pail though fome Commits, anDtnfbojt fpace filleo all the place full, fa that there thes might matte battailcs, ano tbjutt one at another With £>cutesanDIBoates, in the tenter , ano the place ejpcD fcp agapne, as at the firff. Ktys, anD many ether things, men mas belts ue,if tee confloer the great magnificence <strong>of</strong> the Romanes, in the antiquities <strong>of</strong> Verona. SCbcre are pet upon the great Ki»ner <strong>of</strong> Soir-e tteo fapje ancient S&iDges, beltoeene tbe t<strong>of</strong>oicb tteo Bjiagcs, there teas a molt fapje anD notable spectacle,teberecn there might ttnno a great number cf people , to bcbolo the piapcs ano fpojts there maDe in SSoates, upon tbeteater : lubicb Spectacle teas maDe along bp the teater fioe, againtt abill : anD higher foptoar Ds, aboue this Spectacle,there teas a ^beater, the j&cene tttbere<strong>of</strong>, ano the Spectacle iorneD together: (anD t'03 that, as 3) fapD befo?c, the Eiheaterteas mabc tierpartificiallp in the t>ill,fc isit aboue tbe&b?atcr in the height <strong>of</strong> tbe bvU)tbcre teas a great builDing, tebfebfnrpaffcD all the other : bnt the ruined <strong>of</strong> tbcfc builDings are fo manp,ano fo cafcoctene in p;oceu*e <strong>of</strong> timc,that it teouldfoe great charges anD l<strong>of</strong>le <strong>of</strong> time f finD ebcm out : but fo? that in manp places <strong>of</strong> the bill 3 bane fetne fome parts there;<strong>of</strong>, therefore it maUes me teonber thereat. 3 1 teas alio, teith ficeD reafon, that the Romanes maDe facb things at W&rona(fo3 that, in my optnion,Uis the belt fcituatco place <strong>of</strong> all i5falj») as tetllfo;plapnci8 as billet anD alls fojtoaterssanD fpctiallp, the men <strong>of</strong> that Cotene are berp familiar anD frienolp people.

<strong>The</strong> third Bdoke* <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter.Fol. %$^

1GKck£ twinge, ana in Btuers rojsstes, toere maoe bj tbe fsm tOf Antfquitiehs Kemttnes } tut bp t|futnes there<strong>of</strong>men can not inege tobm nnto tbcp (croto.f p?incipallf this IBnilowyt,<strong>of</strong> tobtcb X5oil«ing ?ou fa a corner <strong>of</strong> tbetobteb teas names Lefecte Zone di Seucro j^cufe fit ttanbing, tohirb is <strong>of</strong> 3 robe, all Csrintbtct toejfee. JiBut ft map be fane,tbaf from tbc rorfe it teas mane <strong>of</strong> another manner <strong>of</strong> ffimlotng*, brtanfe rame pillars weretjoUotaro ano trifles, ano feme immtb ; befiocs , tbe Capital ano ortjer fount* are not all<strong>of</strong> one toojfee.3 banc not mcafcrt o the betgbt <strong>of</strong> tbis HBnilmng, but enelp tbe grsuooanBtbUlmtffe <strong>of</strong> tfcmgPt anb fojasmocb as 3 ran conceaue,fbe ro<strong>of</strong>es about kflen one mfjt thenanother , tbe fonrtb part, an Vkruuiui twites in bis ntftt ipttcn or Sweaters,2Cbts jfigaratjeietmorr, ujetottbihe groono<strong>of</strong> tbcJSmltmtg,* alfottjc flue ojrosfc <strong>of</strong> tbe &actm*n> a?fconetbeCouimnc*: it teas mesrurcD tutb tbe tootc that rreafurto tbrJEbeater<strong>of</strong> P«4«

<strong>The</strong> third Bo<strong>of</strong>ce,<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter, Pol, j&£6e gronnb <strong>of</strong> ibt 3mpbttbeafer In Pola.A X Po'a,a toton in Dalnwtia.tbfa ampbifbeaferIs in the mtodle <strong>of</strong> flje Co ton , f petMew toboletfobieb bzrttoing batb noting but § Srff totnga tottfcotit,«)tf8} ?&e 4.coafiterfojt« , ecbemaoe<strong>of</strong> 3, pulafferaj tobicb, 3 bel«ae,toere maoe foj f Srengtb*m'ng there<strong>of</strong>, becanfe this toall Ooo tbatf alone : fatbatnotbingat all m* maoeaf tbeiSntloing tottfcttt.bnttbeoatterm<strong>of</strong>f toall, toitb tbe 3tt&eamjr*feeo A, iBnt bp tbe ffieto <strong>of</strong> tome bale* to^ic^ aretottbin tbe toall, men matinbge, njattbere tbcpmaoe f Sapjcsano feats <strong>of</strong> tooao, s>ben tbce maaetbeir fpo;f* , ano belo tijeir feafta; neaertbeleffe,fo?a beaattfpwg <strong>of</strong> rbej*iga;es, J bsnefet oolnn Jijepatt to rbtn, as in m? opinion, it fljaalo bee maoe.Cbif S.npbtfbeater toas meafarcb toitb a \m>oernefajte,a»jicb it fbetoeo bere bitoer t!>e grouno:tbetoioenea<strong>of</strong>cbe grebes -is 9.fa»t,? a.onices,butA*be ^.pjmcipal 3«bea are 1 5 .fat toioe, $ fojefrotit<strong>of</strong> tbf pilaftera is 4. fmte 1 2 . onneea : t&e a« pil>'ar, is » . fete ano 2 onneea b;oao : fa tbe^ilaieraon eacb Goe, areonefootebjbao: tbe pilaffera intbc Coca, are 5. fate ano 3. ounces : beitoamstbjpilaffera sf tbe caanterfojta , ano tbe <strong>of</strong>bsrgtlaQcra,ttia 5. foote ano 4. onncea.isHe

Of AntfquitieTltacbingtbe&jtbBgrapbfooifljegroBnb<strong>of</strong> t&e ampbifljeatcr <strong>of</strong> Pola,3 tjaue fuflKdentlg fp<strong>of</strong>em: batwote^uwfiftctoi&etfDjtbograpbie <strong>of</strong> tbc part Cancing bp,, beginning at tbenttfcer part: as foacbing tbe Baremt nt, tba»b no terminations <strong>of</strong> me<strong>of</strong>urcs, (ttjecaufcttiftp, it,) foj ify4 tbe gillie not euen: ?o: in tbe {|slltl)epeocftaiI isnoi onclg i<strong>of</strong>l, bat alfo ttj» totjolc firttojber<strong>of</strong> tbc arcbcs,mitb all t&tirCo2niccsbpontbem,anotbc^illts tbcijetL•. fct <strong>of</strong> tbc plaine <strong>of</strong> tbe fecono S»ta^{ tberefoc | will fet boidh : no betgtjt <strong>of</strong> tbe meafare <strong>of</strong> tbc Bafemcn to : bat millbegin from tt erne bpinarb*. SCbebeigbt <strong>of</strong> ttje peacttaH tinker tbe pillar, is a . foot ano an balfe : the tjeifftjt <strong>of</strong> tljepillar, 02 flat Columaetoitb tpc Capitall, is about I tf. foot: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe 3rcb, is 17 footano an batfc:ttcX5rct>t*traue is a foot and p. ounces bigb 1 tbe bcigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe f r eefe is g. ounces : tbe beigbt tbe Co:nicc,ts one foot * 1 o ounces:tbe &eigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe bojtt-merlng 07 place bjcC-btgb (tf there bee an j etber) aboue tbe Cornice, is as bigb apt Cornice; theIjcigbt<strong>of</strong>tbe ptUartsai. foot t p.ounces,mitb tbe Cap'tait: tbefcetgt>t0ftbe$rcb,is 18. foot anb one ounce: fbetbitfe*neffe or tbc &cb, is 1foot ant p. ounces: tbc avcbtttaue,f r&fe ano Ce}mce,are<strong>of</strong> tbe famebcigbt ttjat tbebnbcrmeffis: tbe Bafement marbeo X. is 4. foot anb 4 ounces, i*rom tbe Bafement to bnder tbe Cojnicc, is 1 p foot: tbe pcigfet <strong>of</strong>tbe Cornice is one fat ano anbalfe. ftno tbis is touching tbe ®»tbograpbie <strong>of</strong> (be 2mpbitbeater,tbe mbicb £>;tbograpbtcis on tbe nrtt fioc, marbeo P. ano fo: tbat (as in tbe Creat p <strong>of</strong> $ iicbnograpbie 3 banc fapo) tbe amphitheater tjott) fontspiieftr re on foure fioc0,tfibicb mere mace fo; flrrngtbcntng c eounterfojting <strong>of</strong> tbe walls: tbe mbicb mall Coco toittm,without anp tbing clfejanc therefore J meane to wcto bote tt Cod: tbe figure tnarfeec Q.. fljemttb tbe fiees <strong>of</strong> ttjts conn?trrfojt: t tbat part market) H. repjefenteib a pilaftrr: tbat part mat bed 1. fbetoetb tbe ^j<strong>of</strong>ill <strong>of</strong> £ mall <strong>of</strong> tbe ampbttbe*atcr: betteeene tbepiaffer H. ano tbe mall oj flatter marked 1* is a going ttjjougb <strong>of</strong> tb?« foot and an balfe teiot : fotbat imo men map goe though toge tljer. Cljcft counterforts bane tbeir ground in euerp o;der oj fro2?,Uiberccn tijc pco J

<strong>The</strong> third Booke.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter ,Fol. yjm£££t£p*fa.tSwSP 'ill aril. ' lllat-T __^^v. i

Of AntiquitieA sr^onntCaballnfoitiinUcmc, teijcrc n<strong>of</strong>o tbe Gone bojfes pjajritilesano piiBiaffnnMstbernmes<strong>of</strong>amcttcottfp* 9f allace,teberecfcnc part Cr<strong>of</strong>t bpcn tbc bill, but tbe part <strong>of</strong> tbe goings top toasmaoetlgbtngainatbtBcfcenomg<strong>of</strong> tbcbill, as poumapCee in t^e pj<strong>of</strong>ill bcreunoer. 2Tbe 3cbncgrapbte<strong>of</strong> tblsbmloing teas nieafarefttottb a common (Ell, tbctbttBparttobere<strong>of</strong> ffanfietb bereimoer. anbfirff in tbc /pict;eso;^altol» places, marfeeft T. ano N. tocre fotmft tbcfigurcc<strong>of</strong> Tiberius ant> NiIuj, &btcb arenot<strong>of</strong>ettn)l5c!trnerte : tbe place marhco A.fs a Urate ojtoavot io.GUes baoaoe : tbc,partmarfccrB.tsia.GUesfonrefqnare: tbepartmar&coC.is3c»,Gueg in length anoiS. Giles bjoaD: tbe placeD.ie35. Giles fcmrefquare: tbetralfees roun&abotitare4.Gllesb?oao: tbe place curr^againtt C.B.is <strong>of</strong>tbehkcmeafare.Slbetrloencffe <strong>of</strong> tbe fence p^jc <strong>of</strong> fctapjeets 4. Giles eacb <strong>of</strong> tbem: tbe plates E. are Courts, tobere<strong>of</strong> eacb <strong>of</strong> tbenare 1 14.Giles icng, enft to bjeotbcTiGHcsanftabalfe. SCtjc fapjts. SEbeplaceG, ts a Court, tobittj gane ligbt t<strong>of</strong>be place toitbfo: tbe ttoo goings in mar feeo I.tDeretogcebptl;eJ»tap?es,ano tbe bmlotng began tobcre tlje &ta^?es flano.ECbeB^atOatclp^roiitifpicetntbemiooiecrtljebailDliig.toas<strong>of</strong> facbb?eaotbj as tbe mtDDlem<strong>of</strong>f part beib tmtbouttbcCoorfg 0? ©allcrtcs. IV ttoo fi&mts, K. anb *. tohwb tfanD toitbont tbe bnilDing,tbc one Ojetoetl; tlje Conner K, in greateranD ptrfitcr fo?me, auo (be <strong>of</strong> Ijcr ts a Conner <strong>of</strong> tbe Ceurt D.

<strong>The</strong> third Booke.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. F0I4S.'J^efcS.^snre* are members af § afoi«fato]aallacc:t^e part bnberncatb In faiatl fajms.Simact^ tbe$?<strong>of</strong>iU<strong>of</strong>tbcftcS pact <strong>of</strong> tije piltaceitbati3,tbs tt.^csto^rcl)?recti toeul tt;j f j=J^ plainc<strong>of</strong>tbeffiutttins.bccanfe ittoasbuoi tije abilUanotbepierc magnificent anafiatelp.&batpartS* bpon tbe bill, ^flf fobere tbe jf0H-CalnmneF. femarWb,ie t^c Cdc <strong>of</strong> t^cfaifibnilDittg'STl)i*great pillar marfetoF,is $co;ncr pillar <strong>of</strong> tbefnmtifpicc,to#cijt34»- fnuare*butaUtb3rctfarerotmo, fojtbat roimb pillars are not fitfultbclotoeffpatUnbabcnCjit tsa.C'llsanin. iHtblrb parts: tbe bright, toitb Bate ant>Csp>>tall i« 29. ©lies, ant> is flaitco feomtbefop fo (betome &be & c'$t <strong>of</strong> tfte ^'cbUraue , is too

:man"Oi Antkjukie^ong Amines <strong>of</strong> mome,, there aremro? things founa one,t&s*t

<strong>The</strong> third Bodke. Tlie fourth Chapter. Fol. 59*

6:OfAntiquitie•y ii?e Mon»anM(becanfctif^cirgrfatp;otiBmin6C0)alli)Bpf»rrBgf)ttobaiIi! things <strong>of</strong> grCw-t mattfffe, tobicb mightfiji h. tbeir great potoer be b bp HBQiater ant iant : ant to tfcat cnt t|ty mate the toonterfull l^antn <strong>of</strong> ©ft la, fo? thecafr <strong>of</strong> the Cttte <strong>of</strong> Borne. U-btcb, in trtscib (inrcgart<strong>of</strong> tbctonmiotttieano grcatncftepf the ffitrilting there<strong>of</strong>, antfpec Jallp, tfce great ffrength there<strong>of</strong>) map U til bee eallet toonoerfull. St is <strong>of</strong> fojme ^eragoniicK, that is, 5. tojm reanteacb i^acie is I itf . roooee long, ant each root is 10 pa!tws:bp ttjrfe ptfmipail mcafurc s, vou map bnterQano (tiegreatnefletber<strong>of</strong>; euer? jtatie bat a large teaming place,toitb Galleries rennt about, f 4. appcr tiincntti a!fo,compafftteitb Galleries, ant a toalfcing place in the mittle. along the tr atcr Cte ttjtre toere truntbes <strong>of</strong>Columnes ojoerlp pla«rco,teber r u to the ff.tps teere faffenct \ ant at trje month o( tbf fatten, tbrre tr ere towers to tefent it from the enemiein time <strong>of</strong> net. 0nt fo; tbatpou can baro'p perceaae tbe 3ppettiments in f<strong>of</strong>mall a fojme,tbercfo?e 31 bane placet ttjembrneaft) in greater fo;me, ant market tbem itftb A. ant B,a a laooaao DjirioooaooaDaajgHanog uaa

<strong>The</strong> third Bo<strong>of</strong>ce. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. FoL |a{BfllNicstnlcrtstfeantt tnbjeDtb

1a1Of Antiquiiiefe pjcfpriiiBg.fijlfte face tefjcrc flje teatrt <strong>of</strong> tt>e £bcrtms <strong>of</strong> TkuMfie tonne <strong>of</strong> Vefpaeianus foa« Scpi.u fee*inthcsK poo fa flttcrtWwrts,bttMpsr&s ano fo:etoaros, altoapeu ?. in number :anat be tbtctsneffe <strong>of</strong> the toaUg,t* fonrc totanttan1>a!fe:tljal»totnerfe<strong>of</strong> HciBreljcsiijjftcfoot: font one 0rcb to tbe otb«r,«rei7. foot: tfaetoiaeneffefrom otis1oalU<strong>of</strong>l)c<strong>of</strong>t)cr,mfiS?5ar0glaiftjr»Sbc oie ttomancgalras,*]n tin t] 1 11 1 1 1 [ 1 1 1 [ 1 1 1 [i 1 1 ] i nl mil 1 1[i nl*-J-*ft i. ii —-J li . i-. mh.^-imiV, -. _J I-- - ......:^-.J-. X|.-../lv:l

•<strong>The</strong> third Bodke.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter, Fol.^t.f^Uosns ana clfe tuyere t^erc arc mam? Bzioges mate bp the Romanes, but 31 tuiU l>src Rjcixi t^e ittttsittiortcnslf, tbst pomtw fa tSjeic manner <strong>of</strong> making <strong>of</strong> ffijiDges.sf fonre2C5iffS5?tpjj« wca!teD,^9nte&.atigel03,bEcaufeitttanaet^bponlCibcr,bD tbeSTbfoneo? BJKgbelctsbp^i^: bp fSjeancient fconunesr, it teas ealleojaonte^Uo, <strong>of</strong> cMto gojianus. 1",s»&I

Of AntiquitiejA^ongotjiefcSDtjcrmcs tobtcfeare in Kome, JGnDcft)ig <strong>of</strong> Antenianoto betbetter to bee no*teotbentbmff}mo altbongb ftbe 'Ctjetmcs <strong>of</strong>Diocleiian aregreater, pet intbi0 | fino mttcbfapjcrcujrefpon*tencie ano fenit*ting together ineuer?part,tbeninttjfotbtrfijfo?tb«t in tbe placeC tbe? migbtmafteallbino <strong>of</strong>plages 0} fpojtjloit^otttansb>n'oerance. 9n<strong>of</strong>ojtbat i JEberme*loere fpectallfraaoefajmen tobatbeta,astbe?oerBfpojts to botna9eintbem,foteas roe pjefepnation <strong>of</strong> tbeto*ter iwaoe feebinebitficing, mar*§kcDA,tob«e»bfmeaneo <strong>of</strong> tbefSfpe«,tbei?toereattoapes fillet) t<strong>of</strong>erae fo? focb, teCto.

Hie third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol. 41K\)\s grotinoismcalurco tuttt?ft»c common (£U,tt?e tbiro pactU»bcrc<strong>of</strong> is here*turner fet eotonebt> (be fiDc <strong>of</strong> tfcsSSuiioing. SEbeHneintbeiJiioDle<strong>of</strong> tbe place , isioo.Cllc0, bfctbe febicb panftall almoC fineatUbc mcafurcs,lDbcce<strong>of</strong>, fojbjc^aitte, 3 toill notfpeafcebircctlp*but cnelp <strong>of</strong> tbeprincipal things.^irC, cne<strong>of</strong> tbeplaces ft) tbebftptng <strong>of</strong> tbefoater, ietbirtteQ&tleslong: anoitf.dlesb^oatuICbe part X. is$ 1. ©lies long,ano tbe bjcctfr44. ©ilea : tbercuuo HuilotagD. w in S>iameiittt 26.

•Of AntfquitieTHdDj ibattn tbe grotmb befeje fet botcne,bp res*IT fon <strong>of</strong> tbefmanwffe <strong>of</strong> tbe Genres » U>tjtct^ coulonot be made greater in ibis ffisohe, a man cannotfo tod unoto tbe particular partes, therefore 3 banein tijrfe ttoo ftoes fet bob. ne feme parts mo-e plainsip, as trjc ingenious tonjHeman, b? tbe letterstol.erctoitb tbcp are marfceb,mapte anb finottjem,Swbe n be compare!b them toitb the toboie grouno.•. -aI J X> 7. X i --t -f ill 1

<strong>The</strong> third Bo<strong>of</strong>ce.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. F0I.43A£tl)oagbtbefe fisnreaGano tbo* toitbtm? ojeer ,arrt in man? pieces »peffbcMe toojfeeman foall Un<strong>of</strong>o,tbatfbcpare members <strong>of</strong> tbeCbermes afo;e ftesoeo, beholding the letters tobicb liana in tbe:n (tubieb comparingtotl)tbeotbers;be (ftall finDtobatpattatbep arc. aifo.bemnttfenoto, trjat tbe parts H. anaX. belonguot totbe part F. fo? the fi^attB hereunder arc thw fcaerall part*} altbcorab,fb? neceffifie fabr, tbtp are fct one bp an"otbsr. JbaaeaUonotfctootoBethe particular meaforeflsfo? tbe toajbemanft r albe(g«.r§?lpeljinifelfcii)itMbewnenttorf,t&enttitfety?Rtcsfar*

Of AntiquitieAffiout fcaen miles from 0kairc tljcrc is a firanriaes.foberecf 3 toiilf&ctotbe fojme, ana alfo fet a<strong>of</strong>cne tbe mcafore,as 3it)aOitfroma

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter, Fol. 44.Aa,^ang^e©cakcjit0erct^gji»:(paUf8»rjDc» aria toaeatos <strong>of</strong> gaob Strctytectare (a* oar jailer Vitruuiuj,"anBtnanpotberfltrtboj* toitaelTe)neaertbeleffe,b? reafon <strong>of</strong> tbetr great Ujarre0,anotbcirl,anti fo <strong>of</strong>ten ouerrunant» fpoplco b? ttjc citeattea , a mm can barol? fiase anj> good to<strong>of</strong>teffanaing tobolefrt allCtocia: batasfomemeribauetola me,tbere are pet tbc mines <strong>of</strong> a 35uilQing,tobicfj,a8 mencoriceatie,toaB<strong>of</strong> one btmojeBdColtitrincijjtjobere<strong>of</strong>no anii can b? calling &!iatotbebeig!)k 15ut Ctoit^ oar aal^ojs licence) fa? that be mafcestbwbp report, anobatb naraesfare there<strong>of</strong>, i bane anelpfetcbefoartb part f tbegroanobptbe fialfe <strong>of</strong> tbeBatloiag(tohic9&e&atb thereto pla*m) tobereb? fbe toojftciwaii ma? sonceaae tbe tobolc grouiw, ano the indole jFtgnre thewf.

,Of Antiquities /Bp g>. Qsorge Bdabro, you m9tf& tljts btrilbuig l>(tf mtoct, foHcb tone mane fc$ fy* 25anfeicrj5 f SD]tenfdlers,ui ffee time ©fLuci^Sepdir.usSeuefus,snB Mauus Aurdius Anrenius : &>|>trt> IdSuilDtne is <strong>of</strong> Comp<strong>of</strong>ita itcjfec,tocHCit fioojtb on eaerpfioetoitbgratring. &etncmantoontJtrtbf.ttbc jiWct ft!c£r£t)tfK!nr8recD0ttci)bjitHl)'»tsbU,fc;t^attberEbctngmwt)tiijiJmg to bee Cet into it > tfcc jfrafciuasnot great inongbtetentaifee k mang letter* : tbmfcje tbe tocjfecmsn matte it (6, ano bjabe nit itje o;ccr <strong>of</strong> grc^tfcture at all,lutui^ttjt tun jj^^uuu t^crtoi tntyetojnrrs.iT 15?!!! tirtfet tbemtf!fi rs. tst thi UBi "rtrirjuf 'atfr,fefranfe it foa$ t<strong>of</strong>f aftf ittoas mcaforeb? butagf rtmcmbcr,t!jetDit>eneffebctfo&nitbf rmfr.Dtbertsrtftoi rforaja olfcfate. 2 t,f Ijcie^t<strong>of</strong> ftatfaioencGetDasao.ftot^tljctbictefnes<strong>of</strong> t^e^ilaScr£«,U)itl)alK^cC6^Joiwu8&i)itfe£reflat,i5 4.1. i ants at^alfe: si* fc mutt) tbe #rcbttra«e,i|Tffrcan&Cojm«e contained! in__Hillu'PII11 111!f!iIS," ill! I III ; Iil!liiiylull ilvnlilili——'£&i«i«?&?gromtfjef ttirfato5I5utUntl?,inflic roefertiereare ^.©uaDjans, toelltojcnubf.

<strong>The</strong> thffd Booke.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter.Fol.4.7Tie Xfyzmz rnjDe b? Diocletian, toas fcfeo foj btaeea comnan ano open fua?t3, ana fpeciallp fo battje in $toherontifoit bebauetbfobaae great quantttic <strong>of</strong> toater, tobicb teas bjoagbt bp j^tpes a great tuap <strong>of</strong>f }ano it toas feepe incec£ain?(C2ttcmt8,tobitbtt(Bi)tnt^?Ci)ct!nefl<strong>of</strong> Djoclefian.int^iaraannicas isbereunoerfetootone: it teasnuoe toitb50iSa!ler3,anD aboneit toascr<strong>of</strong>fe ri<strong>of</strong>eb, toicfc toalles absnttbem, <strong>of</strong> beep soot) ttuffe; totfcb toa* T<strong>of</strong>icme,ti&at at tyigoaBitispetfobefenr.tbet^cltenctre<strong>of</strong> tbe patters is <strong>of</strong> each floe fonrefaote: botojameeacbttengiladers is 1 1 . foot? <strong>of</strong> tfre alb ttomane fot/altbongbjbe fago SCberme w msatareb fottbfalme$:anQtbii;Urtsb«ga^Densbalfeatiolosfoote.1I'Sfyefcalfe ancient fc£.

£be grouno <strong>of</strong> tbe ffgnre fo!lou>ing.\Of AntiquitleWome tbcrcav?mnn? ancient HCrpompbant flrcbe*, among % foMrkftf* Builuing, bp ffee greafeQ HumbertsaccountcoIS?.ftw a JErtumpbant 3rc& : pet by tbe fenotoleoge t&at men baue<strong>of</strong> it, it is tbougbt to be a pojticu*, oj a ©al*lc » P#c buto aUBurfeb; n&cljange fo? sparcbants : it map be it teas mafieby tome one nation alone;as pet to ttjiscap in great SCotonco ano Cities ..cuers nation bail; a feueratl plate , altyongi) tbrp are not bv> that tneancc dchidcd.ffibis peittens o? CDaii ?rp ffooD in Net foro Boario ;anD (n ancient time teas calteD,Ci)e temple <strong>of</strong> Iinusttobirbiomea*torco toitb tbe ancient palnte* JBLrjiB IBniloing ban) fonre gate a , as tbe groom) berennocr boetb fbeto t fc ttoone n)eone ana tbe otber pilattcr , Ibere are 22. palmes: rouno about trjte pojtirus.tbcre are 48 . niches 0? boltato places bnfctfcere arc no moje tljen 1 ff. to fet jmages therein ; all tbe rett are bot foj Ojetoes, as being not o&pe tnnngb cut into tbefeall:\Bi)id) places toere beautified toitb fmal! pillar* fomcujbat bearing out from tbe trail, as you f« ti)em,ano UiereCojint(jiatoo;!te,butnotoitkirporleD<strong>of</strong> all focb ornament*.\Vy,-'v••'\* T T-i-rfH-rf'\x• * -\:„Jy /I 1J 1 1 J J I I 1 J I 1 1 1 KJ iJ I ! I T |..| II i\\'l

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter.FoI. 4.8T©cf)CtsI)t<strong>of</strong>t!)eaKb is 44» palmcs : tt»e ^cigfjt <strong>of</strong> tl»e H5aft?0 bcncatb,marbeo E.is i.\0abraanoanl;>alfe» 2T(jc facte D. toit'oin Hje cpj*ners,is tuweo into a Cojnicc, atw is tl>c Ufee Ijetgljt. Ct»e iuogement <strong>of</strong> fl)e toojfeman pieafeo me toell in $pirce,tet)ici> is , tljat l)e maoe110 Comicein the iimerm<strong>of</strong>f parMbat tntgtjt trouble tbe people tbat Ojoulo be therein :cbe beigtjt <strong>of</strong> tbe otjjer Cornices ace not mcaforso^utitijc fojmes <strong>of</strong> tbcm Diligently eotmterfojteD , folloto thereafter.

Of AntiquirieTD?efittJpiec?s<strong>of</strong>#«mee« ?)?reanocrtctootone,aretl)? Bjntmtertfg<strong>of</strong>tfte^ojticttflafojefa^ &beS5afeE < ari&the .facie D. -ustE imarure3,atiotat

<strong>The</strong> third Bbote, the: fourth Chapter.Fol.I^aue fpoben <strong>of</strong> ttje toioeneffe ant) tint&tieffc, note 3 toill fee botone tlje beigbt : am> firtt, tlje height ef ttjc JEoto 0}Orchis as much agapne as the b?eaDtb. SCbe HI5aie<strong>of</strong>tbe|a8DeSaUis».fm!e 4- minutes leOe in height. Che c«'nice <strong>of</strong> the pcoetfall is 3 j. minutes btSb' ECtjc height <strong>of</strong> n)e Bafcs<strong>of</strong> tfje Columnesis about oncfmtc: allibefeparts, ano alfo the Capitall <strong>of</strong>t&e Colamnc, well piapojtiotieD in meafurcttanD in the beginning <strong>of</strong> ttue CompoQta £Dj>ficc, in mv fourth 55e)fee. 2Ebc fiat <strong>of</strong> tt>e $cttettall (0 fonre foote and a halfe b Cbe height <strong>of</strong> tyc Column e toittjoutHBafeanoCapftall i7,f»teano 1 j mirmtcs JE&ebeig|t<strong>of</strong> tbeCapitaUis 1. fate anbl7. minutes, Cbebeigbf ifttjeatebitraue is one foteanblp. minutes. &\)tfticte is onz fate ana 17. minutes. 2EbeCojmeeisa»fffltean0tf.mtrttrtesbigb' SCbeiBafement<strong>of</strong> t&e Cpitapbis<strong>of</strong>tbefametoitbtbefrfcfe. ECrjefjctgrjt uf ttje c£p;tapb is p.fatean*12. minutes :tbeb;eaDtbis 23. fate: Wbi$ members JfcaU bereafcerbefet ootortc,nr»3 Source msjeat larg**m %

1Of Antiqume'T2C femrtbbe froubiefome both to u)e fejiter anb to the ftcaoer,tf g nicnl<strong>of</strong>ct eowtte alltije parts <strong>of</strong> tty?fei©?tiamchfiV'from member tomember,P8 ttjep arcbiligentlpmeafareo; « that not onelp toitb foote, but elfo kt/itfj parts <strong>of</strong> minutes:bnf § rjane taken the papnes onelp to fet the fame ttotone ont <strong>of</strong> ttje great into tbe fmalt fojmc, in fncb fojf, that he that isDifcreete, map with bis CompaflefinDtbepjopojttoit there<strong>of</strong>. Jtis twe, that tbe ©jnaments <strong>of</strong> fbenusRpa~t<strong>of</strong> ti>eSCrpampbant arctjes in Uoms are matt) contrary to VuruumsVDjUtng} ano tljte, jthinhe, istbe ranlc, that the rapbSrrbesare, fa? trjemol! part, maoe bptbe&o<strong>of</strong>co <strong>of</strong> etber bniloings, (tbatis, <strong>of</strong>as manpfojta<strong>of</strong> peccesas tbcpcenlaget :) anb it map be, ttjat tbe Wojfcementn tb<strong>of</strong>c bapes Were fclfe willeb, ano Boon not much, tpon obfctiiatien, bctattfetljep Were things fcruingfo? Crpumpbs,anDitmapbcc (as it bapnetb <strong>of</strong>tentimes) mabeinbatte. SCbat part here enthefibefetboWiie,marfeeb A.isthelSafeDftbeCBpifapb. B.istbebt«bc(i Cornice, ifrjcfc, ano 2rci}itrao?: WbicbComice,tnmpopin'on,isfeerplicencioHSfoj Diners reafenet SCfcefirff, it is pjnpojticnco tea Ijiglj : fremtbe nether0rcbitrane, anbaboucit, tbereare too man? members, anb efpeciallp Settles ana ©entiles , Which fianomgalifee in one Cornice, are oiaibebbpVitruuiBj , nottoithffanoingitis bcrpWelltojongtt, anbfpcciail?ttje?3>aiiaa»bone: buthab3fucrjaCojnicetomabe(obferaingtherightoiCrr)atoontDmatsetbe&ctmaleffe, nnb the Cojnicemojc: 3 toooioleane fgeSfntilesastbepbe, ano3WoulbnotcnttbeS[>enttcales,bnttbeCuHaf£b. SCbearcht:frauehcte<strong>of</strong>pleafcibmccWcllinougt). She ttoo members marbrbC.ttjeto the .fatie ano the pj<strong>of</strong>ill<strong>of</strong> tfjc i^enfota,tobich is the doting ftone <strong>of</strong> tbe 2rch. SEbe members marfceb toith E» are, in trnf.b, rich fojWo;fee, but pet to rich, thatthe one barfcenetb the other: bntif the parts were fobeaibeo, that tbe one Were grasen , anbthcotfjcrplasnc, 3wonlb eommenb it mo?e. )3no herein tbe to«Uemant§at maoc trje pantbcon,Was bcrsiuoiciocts s foj that pon fe n<strong>of</strong>acbeonfunonin bis Ornaments. &bewo2ftcbn&frtt)isarcbisbcrp well maoe ano beuioct; itisalfoa fapjcCcm'partment , anb rich <strong>of</strong> Wo- be. Wut it map be, ttjat fucbas are tm much conceitco to commmo antiquities <strong>of</strong> Home,will (peraoaentare) tbinfce that 3 am too balb ti cenfarebpon that tt»bicl) t^artj b&ne maoe bpfuchffeilful! ancient fto*manes* but in tyis refpect 3 tosulo fcaue fbcm tafec mp fp&cbes in goob part , foj tbatall mp intc nt is, to fljeto it tbemtbat ftno Id it not, anb fneb as Will fubiett tbemlelncs to bcare mp opinion : foj it is not faSficient to make ancient thingsas tbcptfam>,bot it is another thing with VitruuMisabmcetocbttff onttbebeff anbfapjeft, anb torciecttbeh'ojfc.ft is true, that the cbvcfeft part <strong>of</strong>anvlrcbitccto? is, tbatbeemifiaMbnotbimMfeingining btsceafare, as man?bbc, wrjo being obftinate in n)ar opinions, mafecaU things as thepbauefeene them, ano hcribpcourrtheirbnCbtlfabneffe.witbontgiuinganpotberreafcnsflftbings:, anb tbereare fome that fapjVitruuiusfcpasbntaman, anbtrjatthe?alfoarcmenfafifieicnt r tomaUcanbtnacrttneW things, Witbontrrgatbing, that Vitruuius confeffctetobaue WarncDUfrom fomanptbUfnli men, parflrj tnbisDtonetime,aS8UobpmeanfSDf£rjeWjiung sf otbtrtocjfc men*1& Lrh3

<strong>The</strong> third Booke.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter.Foljo

Of AnttquftieBCn catb tbe Campiocg'fo there f s a Erpnmpfeant 5lrcb,fob

,almcs ano 3 ©.minutes in SDiametst beneath: but aboue bitter t&e CapitaU,tbep are a.palmjsalio icT.minutrs. Cbebeigbt<strong>of</strong>ttjem.is 2$.palmc5anD2 5 minutes. :Cbehctgbt <strong>of</strong> tbe artbitraue,!? one palm*ano 3O. minutes. 2Ebe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tfjc ftate-,\& one $alme, ano 3. minntrs. SCbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbeCojnice, is tiro paUnesan0i4.minpt.cB. £be beigbt <strong>of</strong> !bc piiutbHS, aboue tbe

jOf AntiquicieY $ £b? Gee before,3 Ijmt kt Doirn? all tlje tictgfcts sna b^ctttis <strong>of</strong> fftc Srcb Sdriuropfcant, <strong>of</strong> Lucius Septimus Seuerus:| note § tolll tbcto tbe par tic»lar,anO f«uerall parts trjcrecf,as g fato before, SCbere is no meafarc <strong>of</strong> tbe JSafe <strong>of</strong> tbe J0e*I oeffalsybutii map be tbougbt, ttjat tbep cpntamc as mucrj at sbc lead, as tbe Cornice <strong>of</strong>tbe ^eoettalsj tebicb Cornice^ is a palme , ano fo mart) lite SBafe map l)0lc: <strong>of</strong> tobtcb part, tbe forme ttcnoetb becre in tbe niiDcslc,marfeet> G. 2CbeSlBafcottljeColunmcaanBEtbtberebp market) F. tbe tebicb Bate batb affoncorcouuter-SBafe bntirrtbeplintbus:CbeCapi*anotbisniEtpcrabnentnrebB Doric, betaufc tljc Colnmnes ccuto not rcartj to fact) a ijeigbt a& tbepfboute.tali isbmtiotfctEistene, bcreufc ^cufiiaHfe tSjtl ifecin -tl;e beginning <strong>of</strong> tfce®rt*r,cai!cDCcmpcu"ta, inmpfourtbJJBoikc, for fbisisCompoGfaU'Ojkr. SCtjc lieig^t <strong>of</strong> ti»s Strrt;itratte, is one^alme anti 30. minutes: tbefreefeisp,fBalmcg ano 3. minutes : tabid) i?r&fe,for ttjat it is full <strong>of</strong> grauing,rbctoctb <strong>of</strong> afmallbcigbt tebere itffanottb'. ana bpVitruuius torituig,it ougbt to GanD tbe fourth part bigbcr (\)tn tbe ^rcbitraue-, ant) tbisis leflc. SEbc beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Cor*ntce,is tteo|)almcs anti 14. minutes : uiitcbin tracti) tsmucb tmbigb > atcojoing to tbe proportions <strong>of</strong> tbe otber mem*bcrs; anfi if Ojcfcctrj fo mw& tbe greater, beraufc it hath mo re pjcu tture <strong>of</strong> tjeigbt 1 ano ttjis makes me fpeciallp beleeue,tljat tljis 3rcb is matte <strong>of</strong> sitters pieces <strong>of</strong> otljtr builtimgs,brcaufe <strong>of</strong> tbe fbrtnking <strong>of</strong> tbe members. Crjc forme <strong>of</strong> ttjcSrcbitrane,fret fe anc Cornice,ts maiUttoittj B. iTtjc beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe 1iafe,abone tbe faiD Cornice, is b^ife a pahncifrjcbeigbt <strong>of</strong> tbelaG Cornice, is a ga'me ano ttoo minutes, an<strong>of</strong>jatbfucb a great preiecture,ano banging ouer, as poufein ifce .figure : a no in futb place,? blame not tlje Cornice 3 but affirme tbat it teas mane toitb great tuogement : for ttjattbe great protectare makes tbe Cornice (bets greater, becanfc it is fecne frcm bnocr bptoarts, ano for ttjat ttjerc is likema tec r-it is not in batne for tbe building. STrjts Cornice bete is market) toitb A . SCbe Cornice tobicb bearetb bp tbegreatefi 3rcb,is market: foitb C tebcrc<strong>of</strong> tbe proiecture is muctj tea great: ano for mp part,tn facb a fubiett, 3 foonloratrjer giue tuDgement ttjat it frjonlD be big!) ,ttjat teitb tfjc bearing out, it fboulo not binoer tbe fig'it <strong>of</strong> Abe Srcrj. 2Ttjatfoojke market) D. commctrj rigi)t on tfjc #acte,l»bicb ^actt) from Columne to Columne,aboue tbe ttoo little Srcbisanotbisaccompanietb tbe Cornice C. SEbcCormccmarheti te.trj E. is ttjat mljicb bpbolocttj tlje fmal0rcb, tbe tobicbCornice bath a s circa, tobiclj J (bonis not make in fucb a piece <strong>of</strong> tucjke : for tbat all Corntces,tob<strong>of</strong>e crotones baue nottbeirinftproiectore, are bncomeip: for tbe faprcfl part <strong>of</strong> a Cornice, is, tljat tbe crotonebee <strong>of</strong> agcoDbeigbtianD<strong>of</strong> agooo pr oicctare- inbercfore 3 fet it Dotone for a common rule, tbat tbe croroncs ttjat are tjiatjct tljen tbeir &cima , anottj<strong>of</strong>e at leaa,"t;at fball baue as mucb proiectureas rjcigljt ^all altoapcs be commenbeD bp men <strong>of</strong>bnoerQanoing.aCbw3jn)ougbt$ooD to fctDott}ne,toa9uertifetrjemtbcre<strong>of</strong>ttjatknoroitnot.

<strong>The</strong> third Bookc.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol. '$%%

Of AntiquitieTfitbefeingbflnie<strong>of</strong> Naples, viz. bctfoam Rcme ?ni> Naples fbcte are manp 0ntftmttte fl \foj tbafffce Romanes batt1 great plramre in tb<strong>of</strong>e places: among tbe toWtfAi* Sttpuinpbant 3rcb is r eene, being pet all toljolcano fapje to fig^t:antitljerefojcajttougWitfinjlit<strong>of</strong>etitamongtbcnamber<strong>of</strong>tfterett<strong>of</strong>t^e SrcbcBftobicbteeremaoebptbe&omajies.)S^te0rcbJsatBcneuente,on ibisfioe<strong>of</strong> Naples, ano tuasmeafureo toitbamotierneCSlliliberc<strong>of</strong> tl)e tljiro par t isfcerrmrtcr fet fcotone. fflbe figure berebclobMs tlje jebnograpbic <strong>of</strong> tye fame arcb 5 ano to fbctobp itbomtbts arc!).jBagmaMjt*n«DUffe,beraufeitmapbebnBeifloo»bp^*Egbt €llfb: tbe tbltfenefle <strong>of</strong> tbe Columnes is an ©11- tlje ^"letter tenser tbe 3rri), is alfo as bjoaiu tbe inter-rolumneboles tbjcetlfrleB: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> t^e arrets almou" as mucb egainc as tbe bjcctb: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> t&e JSafc <strong>of</strong> tlje $3roettalI,toitb tbebr.Dcr'S5afc,is one (Ell, ten onnces ano fire minutes: tlje flat <strong>of</strong> tbe peoeflsll, is ttaQ (£lles,tcn ounces ano fireminutes: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> bis Cojnice,is nine ounces: tbe bngbt <strong>of</strong> tbe iBafrs <strong>of</strong> tbe Columnes,is fcucn ounces: tbe beigbtColumncs,toitbout 5!5afes o? Capitals , is. nine €llcs sno fcurc ounce?. SEbe tbiefcneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe Cotumnrs be*<strong>of</strong> tbetwatb,isanc£llin SD!ametr,an5>sboueis leffencBafirtpert: tbebefgbt<strong>of</strong> tbe Capitalists r,n®U,fiue ounces ano anbalfe: tbeb*igbt<strong>of</strong>tbcarcbitraue,i« 1 5. ounces: tbe ^reefe is feaentJenc ounces b'Sb' tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> U>e Cornice, isone CU, tb?a ounces ano an balfe: tbeptn'bas.tobicbfiatioc'bascounter-igafc aboue tbe Co?nicc,ts 19. ouncesan&a quarter bigb:tbeffiafeBanBing upon it,is 1 1. ounces big&: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbcdEpitapb , is? four e ©lies anD ttooounces: n> beigbt <strong>of</strong> Qe outtermott Co^ice,is one dll ano tbsfc minutes: tbebcigbt <strong>of</strong> t&e impoJl <strong>of</strong> tbe arcb, is balfean (MLiBbereuntbfbc3rcbismeaforrTi,isDemt5eD into 12. ounccs,anb facboun«info5.minu(es,tobiebcomes fromn* ounces to 60 minutes: anotbte is tbe tbiropsrt<strong>of</strong> tbcfapDGftl.jt— *- ^ 3 3r -*-& rt •+ v t tr

<strong>The</strong> third Bo<strong>of</strong>ce. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol $\ii

TtytOf Anticjuiiie©laments <strong>of</strong>tbe0rc& <strong>of</strong> iBenturaten, fobkb 3 baueffjetonc in fljeleafe befejc, etc here, acroleins to t&e mea»fare fct oobme,toitbtb«*PjtginalU 2C^515afc<strong>of</strong>t^ep£Dttta!I,anDtl)eCo;mteH>£re<strong>of</strong>,marfeeDF.atx,tntiut&,fV?o pates <strong>of</strong> got) pjopotfion, ano fapje pics fo? Coanictments. £Ebe 13afc <strong>of</strong> Ctjc petit Cali, together toitb tbeCoonterbafe bnOerit,isone©u\ i&.^untesanstf.minutcsbigb: the C*?m«<strong>of</strong> tf>c fapo JScOiflallis j>. Amiceshigh? ff)cS5afe<strong>of</strong>tt)eColamneig7,Siisti£fSl)igb,r.nD if <strong>of</strong>Cojinttjtoteojbe^erpUHllpj<strong>of</strong>ojttcrcopt^oine to theColumn?* an<strong>of</strong>fan&et&becrcfnarbeeteitbl;. 3 t>awe«otrrt ttje Capitallbetc: foi ttjat men(as 3 fapobefojeyfoatlfin<strong>of</strong>uebaone m tbe beginning <strong>of</strong> tbc Comp<strong>of</strong>ita, in mj fourth )£«Dbe, feecaufetl)ia2rcbis Comp<strong>of</strong>ita toojfee. £be3rtb,iFrafe,anoCo.mite,tobttbftaMabi)netbi8Co!onme,areljcce'inarbeo teitbC tobub pact* arc alfo tocllpjcp;tioneD on tbe remnant <strong>of</strong> this butltring: anoattbougbtbattbeCemtceisfomjCtobatbiBbertben Vicruuius tonul<strong>of</strong>eaue it, muertijcletft tt is toeil p?opojticneo <strong>of</strong> nrmbers, anb tbe fame flat is net m it that is focno in other Cojnicee,tobitbb£netbe^utitefiant)tbc2DtnUieisaanomBio6etber: bnttbistoo;*emRn 3b£mgcircrimfpcct therein, tooulb nottut cfce tatb m tbe ©•- ntile s, although be bstb fct tbe tome the reef in tin- Cornice, to fl.tnmc fucb a fiaunocr. Che tameconsecration the ttojfeeman t^at maoe tbei&intbeenhao, intbefirliCojniccabouet&eCbappels, rounoabouttbcJOTempleUitbin: anbtberefeje Jrcnnrellaluojlmnan, ftauopOcfacbafcanDall, snonotto rep<strong>of</strong>ebimfelfebpentjjeDoing <strong>of</strong> licentious anD toilfull teo?feemen, ano erc<strong>of</strong>c tbcmfelarg, facing, Ancient bwfeemeu msbe it, anb tberefoje §nrapmafeeitastocllasthep. SnBaltbeuBb f«ne trill arguean<strong>of</strong>ap, Wbp>fomanpteo;fccmcn, ano info manppla*its <strong>of</strong> the toojlo, .not onclvin Italy) but alfo in oiorrs other places, bane matcCcjmccs, with ^utiles, ano ingranen£>ci;rilts , anotbatlucbacuGcmeisnototurneOintoa&abJ, pet 3 tooulc not obfernc tbc lame in mp toojfcts no;tcanfell others tbcrcrnto. 2Lbe € on. tcr bale, bncer tbc ©pltap'b, abone tlje Cojntce, marfceo B. is 1 p. Ounces anb abalfc bigb ' tbc beigbt <strong>of</strong> ttjelEau ttjcr 1 upon is 1 1 . ®nntcc j tbc blight <strong>of</strong>the dtpitapb is 4. Giles 4. Ounces : tbc bcigbtOt tbe Co;nice is dne (Ell anb ?. Ounces. 9 nmcl; commtnu tbellBafe <strong>of</strong> tinsCpitapb. iccmmrnotfeeliBafe<strong>of</strong> tbis©."pitaph, toitb fo little pjotectnre, tojtbefaingbp tmorrir, but the Cornice toberc<strong>of</strong> 3 uritlfpeabe, is much too high, accoding to the p;opojutn Of tbe Cprtapb bnt lucre it <strong>of</strong> Itffc bcigbt '• , anb tbc Crotone mojc, anb <strong>of</strong> mojc pjoicttute, 1.-iuBge, it tooulo llano better, ano 3 Qjculo ccmnuno it moje alfo,if there tut re not fo much earning 0; grf.umg in itsJd-% members ougbtlo tobe Ocutoco, that tbe one lucre plapnc, ano tl.jc ether granm. liBut ttjerc arcmanp too:be*men, anb moll atttjis Dap,tbat,to make men take pleaftire in ttjeir bao teojbt mantfeip, mane fo manp cuttings in it , that'tbcr8bptbeP Ion i oano teoJbEn,a' |ft i P.'toaP tbcticaut P <strong>of</strong> fojmefcomit: ario if cutty in times patt, that faffan5tafeCi:'ano fingle tbings, toncut, mere b? ibilfull b ojbemen commenoco, at this time tbep are not fo.; Cbis figure, raarbcoD. is tbe Jmpott <strong>of</strong> tbe 2rcb , ano is toell hnotene fojfucb a member -, the fame Cojntce crjattgetb it felte in a i^acie,tobicb goetb round, as pou fee, ano is batfe an (£11 bigb • ano alrbongb tins Jmpott <strong>of</strong> tbe 3rcb fbetoetb no Sculpture,fit (s it graucntobcreitttanoeitjjbut jfo&ot to D?ato tt fo.> s,

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol, J£7m

B#Of Antiquitietf>e ampbttyeatce <strong>of</strong> ttomc,fo|icbb|> the people is calleo Coiifceo, tfaere fianoetb a btrpfaire SErpmnpfeant 3rcb,tobicb is toonocrfaU rub <strong>of</strong> laments, swagrs, anooiners ^ittojicc, it teas oeoitateo to Condantinc, anois fefnallp called , Larco dc Trafill. 2Cb»s fapje 3tcb, altbougb it is note burieo a great part teitbfntbe tartlj , bpntcants <strong>of</strong> tbe taint s-, ano rifing <strong>of</strong> tbe cartb. is ncuertbcUffe <strong>of</strong> great beigbt, ano tfce (Sates ano paETagcs tbjougb it,arepet bigber then ttoo fourc fquares, Cbis 0rcb (as is befoje fapo) is pairing fap?e to tbe eve, ano frcnQerfell rub <strong>of</strong>laments f grauing. 3t is berp true,tbat tbe Comfecs are not <strong>of</strong> tbe belt maner,altbona,b tye? be errfcoing ritblp gr#uen, toberec-f i toill fpcafee bereaftcr. Cbis grouno bcrmnorr , (bettetb tbe atbnograpbp <strong>of</strong> tbe fape flrcb Crinm*pbant ,ano teas meatureo fcitb ttje olo Komtfb $almc: tbe bjeaett) <strong>of</strong> tbe greateff 0rcb is 22.^a!mesan» 24. minutes:tbeimoeuetteaf tbe leflTer 2ttbcs on tbe florsis ii.$almes,ii»minutesanOabalfe. 2Cbct&icfcneffe<strong>of</strong> tbcpiiafltrsare 9. palmcs ano 4. minutes : tbe tbtafateffe <strong>of</strong> tbe arcbes in tbe fioes,is 2 1 . palme* ano a batfe : t&us tbe place toit&*in tbe arcb is almcft fenre frjuar e : tbe tbubneflJr <strong>of</strong> tbe ^eoeffals is 3 [galmes ano 29. minutes : tbe fbitten ffc <strong>of</strong> tbeColumnrsiS2.)9almesano25.mmates; tobicb Coiumnes areftnefceooj boUoVosOj bg tome calUocbatulo, ano aretDbole rounb toit& tbetr pillars bebino tbem.--,Cbcgrotmo<strong>of</strong> tbe;3reb Crrumpijanf <strong>of</strong> tbe (fcitipcrcurConftainius.-

B<strong>The</strong> third.ook= <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter.Fol. 55X^e toiDcnclTe ano ibiclmctfe cftljts artlj,ts fetticicnflf fc( U<strong>of</strong>enr 5 note 3 Srtll fpcaftc <strong>of</strong> tbebeigbf there<strong>of</strong> :ti)e^atCDftl)£l0cefftaU,tBttl)tl)cpiintD,ifioncpalmejini5 30.minurrsbigfe.ano firff,HTtjc ^cieijt cf tlje ffat, ig 7.p2lmsanD 5. minutes: tbe beigbt<strong>of</strong> tbe Cojmccs cf the $tebcHais,is 41. minnt£g:ft)«b«eht<strong>of</strong>(bccountfr-)!5arir,i3ncertbeJBafc, ojtbepifntbus <strong>of</strong> tbe Conine , is uYricanottoo minutes :t)ebeigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe'iSafeistfo. minutes: tbebeigbt<strong>of</strong> the botip<strong>of</strong> tbe

OfAntiquitie'J£ane fpoken<strong>of</strong> tbe pjopojtion <strong>of</strong>t^c meafures <strong>of</strong> tbe Crpampbant 3rcb <strong>of</strong> ffee <strong>of</strong>cmperonr Conftamine : naw 3 willfpeaite<strong>of</strong> ttjctcRC all parts ano Cojnicements,anD fctt&cir meafures ootone, 0n<strong>of</strong>trtf,tbe55afe marfceo F. is <strong>of</strong> tbe$)etcffall<strong>of</strong> t'icfato flictj: tlje Ijcigttt t<strong>of</strong>cce<strong>of</strong> , is apalmeano so-minutea* SDjcijeigljt <strong>of</strong> ttje piint^as tinOf r t^c-Wtii is 2 8 . minutes: il?e reft <strong>of</strong> t!>c parts arc meafurablp oeuioc t>, ano pjopojrioneD arcojcinglp. SZtit \)ti$ht <strong>of</strong> tbeCojmcrs <strong>of</strong> tl?e pcoettaU,u>ijtct> (Lino marfceo t?noc r tbe is.ifc £. is 41. minutes,ano is alfo pjopojtiowo accojomg totbc pjin t ipall. 2Cl)c conntr r-i5afc,UnOc r tbc JEafc f t be Column's ( tobicb 3 tbinfte Were place© trjerc accioentallp) toItetgtjteii ttjr ColunincSjts 3 1. niinuics Ijigtj; ttje tot)olc t)Cigl)t <strong>of</strong> tbisIBafc <strong>of</strong> tbcColumncs,w 5?. minutes: tonctiino;tfje ljcts!)t <strong>of</strong> tljc Columncs, J fpafce befoje, ano alfo <strong>of</strong> tbc Capitals? <strong>of</strong> Myxl) Capitals, ibe fojmc ftanbet!) notbere,fo?tbat tt)e libe ootb ffano in mp foartt) ffi'mfce, <strong>of</strong> tbe SDjoer <strong>of</strong> Compnfita: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong>tfje arcbittaues, i^rftfes ano Co?*nices,isalfo fpoKsn<strong>of</strong>bcfojc: ano tbts Cojnice is bcrpfremelp,ftutbattbere isno liccndoufncffciiut, wbicbis in fomcother 3l5afcs<strong>of</strong>tijis 9rcb ; asit is in the imp<strong>of</strong>t<strong>of</strong> tbc miDOlcmoil 3rcb, marfeee C. tibe wbitbimpottis greater ano <strong>of</strong>mow members ano parts , Unit *.!jc great ano principal! Cojnice, ano is altogether ronfufeD in members, anc trjat Urtucbts m<strong>of</strong>f intolerable, tbc Den t tic s ano Shuttles are one aboue tbe other : ano altboaglj tfjc Dt ntiles were not tyere, pettljc re nortec not fneb a Cojnice t j beare up an 3rcb. herein tbe inojbeman <strong>of</strong> tlje Skater <strong>of</strong> Marcellus was mojc cir>enmfpett tben this: fo? tbe imp<strong>of</strong>fs <strong>of</strong> tbe arches <strong>of</strong> tbe faio SCbeater,are tijc fan^eft ano befl <strong>of</strong> Qjeto fo; impotts tbat eaecg fato,ano facias from the tobiclj a man mas learne to make tbc like. 2C|je imp<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> tbe leffer flrcbes markeD D, is 0110Palme ano 3 3 .minutes ano an Ijalfe:big tbe t»b«b tmp<strong>of</strong>t toonlo ffano mncb bet tcr ,if tb ? ttoo flats betweene ttje 3ft ra^gall aboue, ano tbc (Ecbine bnot r, were turneo into plapnneffe onlpj torjicl? then wonlo feme fo? an abacas , o? alfo fo;arrotone,bamnetbcDnc}3}oietture. &beli5afeunBertbefecom>tto?pmatkeO A. is iolpc it not; bcraafe tbeu are feeing bpwart>s,frombnoernratb,wbtc&fljetoctb it to be mud; greater tben it is t tJbcr cfc :t 3 mucb commeno tb:c Cojnice in tbis refpect Sinn truelp, all tbeCo3niccs,Uibcre<strong>of</strong> tbe crototic batl) tnc;e p^oicrturc tt^ctt$efgbt,anftoere always better, ano map be maoc thiimrr <strong>of</strong>ftone, fo tbat ttje members <strong>of</strong>rbc bniloing ensure leffe teapgbt nenertbeleffe, pon mutt not make tbcm <strong>of</strong> too manp licen?Ocr <strong>of</strong> crotoncs , after ttje mancr<strong>of</strong> iionira ano JUojica; fe? be t'octij trjere teaelj pou elearelp tneugb./

<strong>The</strong> third Boolce. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chaptcr.F0l.5drw wi- rg^^Bj^pj inn* ifi--"lljftUKfljOUlDftano in/olio ji.anoifye /i*Burstiijfa*lio 52. iTlOUlOlano titdisplace.

:T\ 7/Of Antiopitie3tt)etst Anconen bpon ttje banm, tbctf is anbcaDtobicb reaebetb it felfe a gcoc few into $&c £ca,ii>fcul) toe*\¥/ not mane tambcuf great t<strong>of</strong>t anB cbarges : it teas to Ccfena t%z foips from ttje JLeuant ff a. ©pon tbe cnt> cf tbew tcigb* thcre<strong>of</strong>,ffant)ctlj an arcb trpnmpbarit, all <strong>of</strong> garble ano Cojintbia toojfee ; anb tbrre is nothing in itbpttljcCapltalg,tot)tcbareDcncinber^goootBojfeC! anoin t«ie?b, tl»tB brnftma is fo ban<strong>of</strong>ome,snD <strong>of</strong> fogoes tojretpnnoenttc-.tbe memters alfo agreeing toitb t&e te&ole bo$r>, tbat a man, alt&ocgb be bnSErGan&no ^r ^toonfoItiocribeletTe tabe pieaferein tfcc beau tie there<strong>of</strong>.Smb tb<strong>of</strong>e tbat bnberftano fowctebat, fixing (ucb ccngruitie,arcnotemtotoe'.l contented, but alfo tbanftetfee gooo toojfccman, that featbgiuenbs fometobatintbele caves iokarneout <strong>of</strong>tins taw ano toeli rnabc bniltms : in tbe ojnaments tobcrc<strong>of</strong>, tijerejsthe 02&ct <strong>of</strong> CoiinJb-a as teellobfcrac o ano feept,asinanpottierarctytbattsto befonno,anbbpKafon<strong>of</strong> fbeflrengtbibsre<strong>of</strong>, tttsaUtoboie;cnelyit is bnfnrnifljcD <strong>of</strong>man? ojnammts. lEbis fairc £rtb,as it is eoncejuee, Netoa Traianus taufco to be btnlcco : tobereupon,in tbe bigbettpart <strong>of</strong> tbe 3rcb (as it is fapt>) bis image teas erecteo, fitting on botfebaefee, faming to tbjraten tbe clones anc people,DuertobombelffiRccanDgouerneD,letttbe^outorebcllagaine: ufljicbSttiage teas <strong>of</strong> Copper encllenttptoelt mane.SLbere toere alio bett<strong>of</strong>cne tt)e Colnmnrs.abo<strong>of</strong> {fie Cornices, tertaine Smagts <strong>of</strong> Copper, as ttje Utters in tfe<strong>of</strong>e pla*testt)?itten,Doefl!eto:tfcere are alfo tokens <strong>of</strong> »}oics,tebitb ftetocs tbat tbere toere Kings <strong>of</strong> Copper, c?otberfacfrlifee tbings banging in tbem , tebicb miglt bee tafeen from iheCotbes, tHanbals, o? o'ber enemies. SEfeis bniioinsteas raeafureB bp ibe ancient fcote, tbe gronno b; bereot ffanto tb bewnnser. S:be tniBcncfie <strong>of</strong> tbe 8rcb ts tm totetbetbicfceueffeintoarBs is nine fate anu ttoo minutes: ibe tbirfmefle <strong>of</strong> tbeColumnesis cfe<strong>of</strong>mte, n. minutesttbe jnterrolcmnes,'ojfpacfsbettoenetbeCDlnmms, is 7. fete, 5. minutes: tbeCclumnesffar.D tottbonttbetoal^ifote ana 11. minutes: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbeSlrcbis ii/otm 1. tbtrbpart : ano t^is ^ete^t,altt)ougt} itfjoloettytno;e ttjen ttoo fourefquareS, is not fljerefotf miffijapen, toben pou bcbolo tbe indole matte together : tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe|2cBeaa!steitbatttbcirCo5nkes,is 5.foste: ibebaeaBtbtstbZttfste., 15. minutes an& a balfe: tbebeigbt <strong>of</strong> tbelBa*fes <strong>of</strong> tbeColnmnes, togctberteitb tbe tHnocrbafes,are 1. fcoteanfc 36. minutes :tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Columnes to tbeCapitals, is ip. fcotc, 21. minutesanB abaUe: tbetbicbnellebnbtr tbeCapitalUtsonefasteant) jtf.minntes: tbebeigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Capitall ts 2 . fdte 3 24. minutes, tottb tbe SbattiS; anc tbe Sbaras is 10. minutes: tbe fapb Capitall ?fi«ftalienBinmpfourtblBoohe,intbebeginningortJbeojt>er<strong>of</strong>Co;intbta: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe arcbitraaeisone fmteartlia. minutes: tbe betgljt <strong>of</strong> tbe i^recfe is one footeano 18. minutes: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> n)e Cojnice is i.foote ano 2 2.tmnutes : tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong>tljepivntbasaboue tbe Comice,is one foote,5.rainEtfsansabalfe: tbebeigbt<strong>of</strong>ibeSBafeabcueft)efa?opintbus,is 39. minutes: tbebeigbt<strong>of</strong> tbeCpitapb btn.tr tbe

<strong>The</strong> third Bboke.PLOT1NAE AVG. CONIVGI AVG.Ifh'c fourth Chapter, Fol. 57DIVAE MARTIANAE AVG.SORORIImp. Csefari Diui Nerux. F. Nferuse TraianoOptimo Augufto, Germanico Dacico. Pont,Max. Tri. Poc. xix. Imp, xi. Cos.vii P. P. Pro*videncifsisr.is Prmcipibus. S. P. Q. R.>J

Of Antiquitie10 mp opinion, 3 fcaue fapo enoagb <strong>of</strong> tbe meafure <strong>of</strong> tlje 3reb <strong>of</strong> A ncona, ^ct tfcat fbe pacts <strong>of</strong> tbe Cojnices map betbe better tin cctttooD , 3 Will ftiew tbem bete greater: anc fir ft, 3 toil! fet Dotene tbe lotoeft parts, as ttjcp ftana abouefbegronuD<strong>of</strong>tbetoosfe^ Ojebetgbt<strong>of</strong> tf)e$£Deftall,marfeeD G. is rapD to be tef 5. feat, U)it^ alt t^c Csjtttccs ttjere?<strong>of</strong>: but tbc bctgrjt <strong>of</strong> tbe pinibus <strong>of</strong> trie I5afc,ts 1 8. minutes : trjc JiBafc aboue tbe pintttis.is 19. minutes, artb atbjrspartbigb: tbeCojnice<strong>of</strong>tbepcoettall, isao. minutes, anoa tbirDpart bigb^fomuebboetb tbe ttonealfo hole,Canning tbercoEjmarfceD F. wbirb, bpmp atuice, isptaceo tbrre , to brighten tbe Columncs, ano Ibetoetb not baolp,bat mojc, btcaufe it is fet fo*( b with a lift rouno about it; Wbcrcbp tbe SSafe Differetb from tbe piintbus : ano fo, in mr»opinion »flanDctb well. STtjc Scafc, ixij-tcb is Co?inft)ta, together tvitb tbeCincfe cf tbc£olamnc,is 43.minutes btgb tano tbe poiecture,is tiff, minutes ano an balfe in bjcctb: tbe tbicfeneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe pDeftalUs ;.foote,i f .minutes ano anbalfe: ttje tbicfeneffe <strong>of</strong> tbeCoIumne,is i.'footc, 1 r .minutes : ano, tt)ereffanu 1 3. rjstlototngsc » 0; tbartele, toitbotit tt>e^tlafter:tbci»ioencffeflf onccbanell,»S7. minutes ano a balfe: ano the lift wbirb partetbtbem, is 2. minutes and sbalfe. STrjc btifibt <strong>of</strong> tbc Capitats are ttje trjtcfenetTc <strong>of</strong> tbe Columncs below, toitibouttbe abacus; wbitb Capitallhatbabfrpfapjefojme,Wb£rcbpWemnpbc perftoaoeDanb beleeue, ttjat Vitruuius Dextrine is-fatfe, anotbat VitrauiusbnDcrttooD ttje Ije tgljt 1 tbe Capitall toitbaut abacus : (ano fo; tbis caufe) fo; tfcat tbe m<strong>of</strong>t part <strong>of</strong> tbe Capitals that3bauefaineanomeafureD,arem<strong>of</strong>t<strong>of</strong> fucb hctgbt, alio btgber 7 anbfpectallg tbe Capitals tbatfianD intbelSotunDitojjerc<strong>of</strong>,in ttje beginning <strong>of</strong> tins JiSmfee pou map fee one. Cr;c beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe 3i cbitraue aboue tbe Columne, is one fcoteano ttoelue minutes, sr be beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe jf ret fc, is one footc ano ergbtene minutes. SCbc beiflbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Cornice,is one fcote ano t too ana twenty minutes. Cbefe tbjr* are mariteo fogeiber tottb an A . SEbe piintbus aboue tbe €opnice is one fcote , fire minutes ano an balfe btgb • 2Ebe 25afe upon if , is thirtfe minute & : tbe fpace Wherein tbe let*tcrs are written, is fire fcote ano two ano ttucntp minutes, ano is marfeeD ttitb *. 2Ebc 3mp<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> tbe 0rcb is marfeeoD. tbe beigbt Wbere<strong>of</strong> is 1 . fete ano fiftene minutes : but tbe bppei m<strong>of</strong>f Cornice, as 3 bane fa pd , Was not meafures.SL^bcigbt<strong>of</strong>tbeajJenfolem place <strong>of</strong> tbe cl<strong>of</strong>ingttone,marfeeOB. aboue tbe Srcb, ts tbjee foot anb 30. minutes: anobatb a foote ano 14. minutes uritbouttbe wall, in ttje nppcrm<strong>of</strong>t part; ano in tbc parts beloW,it comes out a foot. £befoure tables toitb the Cojnices topon ttym , tobicb OanD be tWe nc tbe Columnes, are tbougbt to be placeo there, fo; boWBingtsp <strong>of</strong> balfe images: tbe fojme where<strong>of</strong>, ffanoetb bete marfeeD E. ano is ttjere alfo bp tbe JD joull on ttjefl De,tobere*bpsmanmapf&bototbeparetejougbt: fojtbepare full <strong>of</strong> wejfee, cum to tbe Center. SCtjcbctglit<strong>of</strong> tbe Cojnices,Canning aboue tbem, is % a . minutes : ana although. 3 bauc not fheWt D all tbe JJ;<strong>of</strong>ectures t rjeigbts from part to part,ret 3 bane toitb great Diligence reoucco tbem from tbe great, into afmaUfojme , anb Were (as 3 fapD befoje<strong>of</strong> tbereftjmcafureD toitb (be 0I8 Womanefoot.4'1

<strong>The</strong> third Booke.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter.F0I.58

Of AfttiquitfeT©c ketone <strong>of</strong>Pola in Dalmatia, is sfiaw* britb man? antiquities be0Des the Sweater t f ^mpbiibeater,tobete»fpabe brfojc, tberc arc otber ISuiloittg s,tober e<strong>of</strong> noto j toift fpeafce. SDtjcre 10 art flrcb iCrpumpbant, <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong> JCojintbta toojfee^trb <strong>of</strong> laments, foj iHgures ,too2fes,ano Orange ocuteeS;fo tbatfram tbe peoeffal fepiDaros,tberc is no toojbc no? fpace let imgrawn,not om\v before, but alia on ti?c fioes,ano tariibiu, ano bnoer m tbe accb,fobereinare in np anDBiucstoo^fo rbat It u^do require longtime to Declare tjjem particularly : tbe.refojc 3 toil!fbcto fucb parts tbrrc<strong>of</strong> as are nccc Jt >ri> fo? a toojaeman, fo; inuention mb arte, &be grounb <strong>of</strong> tb* Srcb follottfngSantetb bcr*unoer,mea{ureO toitb a $9oorrne 0.1 common foote, tebe're<strong>of</strong> tr>e balfe is bere fet Dotrnc. KX>t Ercb 10 1 2.fat ano a balfe bioc: ttjc beigbtisabfiiitai.fajt. Cbepilattcrfiintbefiwsintoaroare^.foottbicke. SCbetbiclme*<strong>of</strong> a Columns ie btie tote, 9 ounces anti a balfe. 2Tt)c 3ntsrcolumne is 2 . foot, 3 . ounces ano a balfe. 2Cbe |Maffec<strong>of</strong>tbearcbis one foot, 2.ounrcBbjoab. STDc bcigl) <strong>of</strong> tr>c \minttiH5 unecr tbe TiBafe ef tlje peDettail,i5 on* foote, £beIBafe is 4 ounces b'gb. Stbe flat <strong>of</strong> trjc p to: foil is %. fout : tbe Comue 4. ounces- 2Cbc pintbus warfeco D. bnbertbeCfilumnes tS4.otmcc0. STbetcig&t<strong>of</strong> tbe IBafclittrjtrjc piirtttjUB to 10. ounefssno one quarter, SCbebetgbSef tbe Cotumnc is 16. foote , one ounce ant 3 quarters. SLfcc tjetgtjt <strong>of</strong> tbe Capitall is 2. foot ano one fiance. ftbebeigbt<strong>of</strong>tbearcbitraue is one footc ano one ounce. ^bebeigbtDftbe^retfetsonefoote ano 2. ounces. SObebeigbteTtbe Cornice is one footc ano 1 © unces. 2Ebt bcisU <strong>of</strong> tbe pintyt 1 s aboac tibe Cornice is one foote ano 2 . ounces. Ebebetgbt <strong>of</strong> tbe IBafc <strong>of</strong> tbe p ec eftali,analone is io.ounces.aifo <strong>of</strong> tbe p in t bus bpbn it, is one foote ant) a . ounces: but tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong>tbe XBafe2Eb £ tjcig^t <strong>of</strong> tbe flat <strong>of</strong> tbe^eocftaU is 2. foote ant) one ounce. Wat Comics is

<strong>The</strong> third Bboke. e fourth Chapter. Fol. 5923>e meafwe <strong>of</strong> t&js pjefent 3rcb is kt o<strong>of</strong>otic bi'foje :• in tbjs fioe folSotoing , (be particular parts fljall bcc fljcfoso;SDbefc great letters bcrcanaec^flanD 111 t{ic^i-ffff,mail;:D Y.SALVIA. POSTVMA. SERGI, DE SVA PECVNIA.2LbcfctjnDccrtiat6cB,fianum tb;eB}BcDcCalfi, marfeeB X. H. A,L SERGIVS. CF. L.SERGIVS.L.F.LEPIDVS. AEpi C. SERGI VS.C.F.AEP* II. V1R. TRI. MIL. LEG. XXIX. AED.II.VlR. QV IN (^1 .4. J*i 4J B ,JU-i.

:. OfAntiquitie/'•il5tbeu't>ebefo)e,3 bace fp<strong>of</strong>etn <strong>of</strong> tbetmiuerfall mcaiurecfttc^rcfetriumpfcaKt <strong>of</strong> Pola, nnsbavealf<strong>of</strong>ljctoctiibef t t w c itjvrc<strong>of</strong>, anPpait'p fet count feme <strong>of</strong> the richer? ano faitett ojnatmnts <strong>of</strong>tycfame: $oto 3 toill (ctootonethe par ttculat m a: ur s <strong>of</strong> the parts there<strong>of</strong> : anb fit 8, 3 toril begin teitb ? m tber parts, as tbat teas placco firCt abcuc^ tticfrcunu. atcljcigbttr thepintbustnDfrt^e^afe<strong>of</strong> tbE^tCcaali, iecntfooti altbongbttjotbnrjtcit tbercUefb another <strong>of</strong> mucb moje bright, but it is t»nt>cr tbeeartfe: tfeefecigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe CiroatfeturricD about aboue it, tottb tt>c3QragaIu0,is jounces : fljr flat <strong>of</strong> the |Bct>t ft all,ir 3 . foot bigij: tfce Cimattc about, it is 4. ounces, ( To mucb a! fo is tbefenBcr-lF a e,abeue tbe Ctmatte : tbe I ctgtjt rf there<strong>of</strong> tbr€oiumnes,is io.ouncrs,8nDisberptoeHcntan6grauen:^moalbougb tyefomteis SDojica,pcttbe nelicatc tro;ts there<strong>of</strong> fbctotfeatit is Cojinttjia: trje Colnmnes etc §uuco 0}tbanelet) from tbetcp fo tbe be lh m ano there are ado man? bolletoings totttjout tbe JMaCcr , as tbe jfigure hereafter;2£fjr t>etg^t <strong>of</strong> tbe Cap tall toitb tbe Sbacus ,is ttoo feote ano one ounce : tbe to-bid) Capitall is higher thentoetb fljeto.the tyiritneffe <strong>of</strong> fljcColumne beneath. |2*urrtbelcfre,it ts berg toell, ano fbetoctb pleaengtoGgbtjitfs atfo ricblpto;mugbt,asttisberefbetorijin n)e figure there<strong>of</strong>: anDattoa^es, as tt>c Capitall <strong>of</strong>

<strong>The</strong> third Booke.<strong>The</strong> Fourth Chapter.Fol, fo

tbeO' i\nt:quitieYil5 Vcrona,t^trcsrcm3nrfrpi!tr.?i;attt3rtl!6S; rjnonxibereu\ turrets one^ate,ra!!eBCaftei Vecchio : il)s iU)ic!;,|tr«rtp,ts <strong>of</strong> goo p;opcjticn : tbis 2rrMs men C6nc«iuf,u as ft yottgl tbotlj btfojc ano-bct>ih»,f-nBfilfo cm ibc fftcs:|it feao? too goings in, asvou map prrceaaEbp tbe promo itbitft iS8 f tten?,aItl;cugb3fi)ek*D biitcn:fiDccndv«^ Sty's bmtoing teas mcafarco bp ti>c fstns fc-6t,ti>brr- toitb tbe &reb <strong>of</strong> P°la afa;;iapo teas ntrafureD. at be totfienrs<strong>of</strong> rt)is 3tch is tenfote sud anljalfe: fbc thicfemffe <strong>of</strong> tbe CohmmeM* tteo fast anc itoo eunccs: tbe int rreoinnmes are4,f !?.tanD3.oancts:t'iEpi!att0roj'}9i':!ar<strong>of</strong>tI?caccb It3 2.fcotcaH?i 2. ounces b;oaa. Efce tb'drncfrc <strong>of</strong> tbe arcl; intbefiocs intoarMs 4. foot ana an bslte : tbe vuonirffe <strong>of</strong> tbe Cabernade befctjsne t^e Coluttims,ts t uo foe? anc ten<strong>of</strong> tlir BOf tbc Coltanncjtottbeiit leaf? ojCfptalMs i7.fcot?anotb3efomiccs: tijsgctaljt <strong>of</strong> ti>c Capita!!, istuj<strong>of</strong>mt,•fouce ounces ano an balfc. £Cbe b*i?bt <strong>of</strong>tbr SSrcbitrauc, is cm foot rno an ba'fe beigbf <strong>of</strong> tbe .fretfc is enc btc^.ouncesano an ^aifc: tlje Ijetgljt <strong>of</strong> t^c £o;mce, r son? fat ano ten otsnew. ano a'tbougbf&iitmtbgjHgmtbrrs tsttei^ronttfpicc^et pou fee it not in tbe Srcl?; fo; from tlje StSCojmce up Scares tftere is noting at all : mu-rtbrteffe , art*tbougb tbevaall is tbis pare confumes p:t pou mar tee fyere feme ftgnrs .teljer by a manrcup it ncea&cjtb&t ft r jfrrewj*fptce b tb becne tbcre. SCbe bpperacli Cojnice is n:t tb.ere, anD tbcrcfoje ? fct no im a ures, accojctng So a!' SWtiqttf*tits: bnt 3 ban; maoe one, toitb fneb mrafurc ano fojtftirg^ sits fclfe teoule baue maoe it,b umj fo? a re nupcui rule xfjattbe bppcrm<strong>of</strong>f ibings fiano tbe fonrtb part irffctbcn tbr nrtbmn<strong>of</strong>t tbts Cojniu t;; rrefoze f: all be tl)c fo< rt> part leffct&en tbst toljicb ftansetii bnocr it , vm is tbns Beatoco,tba? ttje lybole bcigbt fbrn'.o b;- fct in foure p -rts Rrts

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter»Fol. 61fojme <strong>of</strong>tfec arcb Wtjnntpbant <strong>of</strong> Cartel Vecchio in Verona, is mabe as it is bere let o<strong>of</strong>onc: ano altboagt)T^isfromt^eJFraffestjptoaros.tfiereawn<strong>of</strong>ignES<strong>of</strong>ojnamEntSintuertljeleffe^UJoaanDfo. an<strong>of</strong>oj tbat tbepartgbere<strong>of</strong>are fo fmall n)at wmcan bars!? tHioerifana tbem.in the nert fioe tfcep Ojall bee fet ootonc tn a greater anaplapner fojme. Cbte 3reb trptmtpbant (bp tt)at tobicb «0 fonho tojitten toitbin tfce inner parts there<strong>of</strong>) b> > t fome10 fapo,tbat Vitruuius ca<strong>of</strong>eo it to be maoe: bnt 3 bcl&ue it not, ano tbat fo 3 ttoo reafans 0? taufea. f irft, tbat 3 fa nottn tbe jnfcriptton,tbat it faitb,Vitruuius Polio:bnt it is pefftble tbat it teas anctber Vitruuius tbat caufeo it to be maoe,2tbc feeono reafan is tt)ts, tbat Vitruuius PoIio,in tjis touting <strong>of</strong> 2rcbiterture,oiietb btterlp conDemneano relect 3pa*files ano 3?entilc0,GattDing together tn one Cojnice, ano fneb a Cornice is foano in tbis SIrcb\ anotberefoje 3 eoncluDc,tbat Vitruuius, the great ano learneo iJrcbt tcctoj, maoe it not: bat bee it as it toiil, this 3«8 batb. a goao fojme ano p?o>pojtion.SDIjefe letters are trnoer tbe Saber"naclein tbe$3eoeffall.C.GAVIO.C.F.STRABONI.SCbefeletters arecutinfheintuar<strong>of</strong>ioecf ttjeareb.SCbefc letters are alfo in ( be pel*BaU<strong>of</strong>tbe&abcrnaclc*L. VITRWIVS. LL.CERDO M. G A VIO.C.F.ARCHITECTVS.MACRO,z 2

Of AntiquitieBCEcaufelhaue not full^itren the particular mcafarcs <strong>of</strong> tlje members <strong>of</strong> tbe afo}efar*2rtb, neither baue 3H)eiueo it in fact) fo imt that a man mas coneeau the particular meafures . therefore pou map fa them here fet out ingrraterfo?mc,anoinfacbfo?t as tbegare: ano fr. ff, fbe beigbf <strong>of</strong> tbeiDlfotfcus , oncer tbe iSafe <strong>of</strong> tbe peoettall,matfeeoG. ie a fcDteanDtbjae ounces. Ebebeigtt <strong>of</strong> tye ffiafe aboue bpon it, is £. ounces. 2Cbe flat <strong>of</strong> tbe |0e#»e(lalt,marfeeD F. is4.fo<strong>of</strong>, s.ouncesanoanbatfebtgb. 2Cbe Cornice toponit,is 10. ounces ano an balfe bigb'&beSSafe <strong>of</strong> tbe Columne,is enefoote bigb. ttbepiintituB <strong>of</strong> this Me turnetb iuto a Corona Iifis ; tobitb me tbinfces , isto tv pleafant: foi t'M 3 baue fan feme © : Jdse ptodra! s fo. 2Ebe Columns 3 SrgcUcD, cbanelleo 02 boltouieo,fei8m tbetop to tbe bottom. Cbebeigbt <strong>of</strong> tbcCapifaU<strong>of</strong> tl)isColumne,is one foot, 4. ounces anoanbalfe: but tbe fo:metsnaif}cre,becaufeitis fljctoeb in tbe beginning <strong>of</strong>tbc^Djoer <strong>of</strong> Compfifita: tobicb Capitall, in effect,is Comp<strong>of</strong>lta,aletbougb tbe 3rcb map be tnrjollp aceompteo to bee Cojintbia: sno tbts Capitall QanD 1 th in tbat placc,maUeD C. aifo, intbe fame plate . cu fa tb e Capitall <strong>of</strong> tbe imp<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> tbe ai cb>tt l)icb is mai fcco with D. But tbe Uttle Capitall <strong>of</strong> tbe S>bernaclebettDsnctbcColnmn(S,isberemarbcD H. 3ud tbe Cojnke alfo,toitb tbe Jl£afe,nrnrfeeo E. is tbat tobfeb i&bnoer tbe STabcrnacte. 2l^e figure C. is tbe tabic aboue tbe faro tabernacles , ano tbe figure marbeo D. is tbe3rcbitraue,.freefe anb Cornice, <strong>of</strong> tbe i^rontifpicium <strong>of</strong> tbe ITabernacle. Cbe figure market) ttrttb B. is tbe itojfectobicbgoetb about tbe 3rd): tbe Cojntce nurfeeD A. is tbepjineipall Cornice aboue tbe Sir th; tbe Inbkb, in effects terpconiclp,anD tinlluijougbt vet it is toicious,as 3 bane <strong>of</strong>ten fapfc; tbatts, tbe guttles atiD ttjc 3? entiles therein are bpVicrumus rciecteo, toitb m

<strong>The</strong> third Books. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. FoL 6%

Of Antiquitie1$ Werciia, at tbe ©ate Dei Leoni, l&cr s is a Crpumpbanf ^rct>, t<strong>of</strong>f b (too like goings fbjoucb, tobicb 3 neuer fatein anp otber place befiocs,but man? toi * 3 . £rctjr,r : fa bub bmlctaf ,altlgrt'£.b it batb (be figure <strong>of</strong> tf.usmDotaes ,vt 1 g<strong>of</strong>ljt p no ! tb?otigb,ncptbcr pet ter t> o&pe in (be toall : Ubcrebp pou map iuoge, tlmt fome rouno 3Hnag cc fleobe in th j m.Sbcue the firfi Cornice tbts butlDtng is rjolIoto,fn manex <strong>of</strong> a $icrj c ? feate , bat not birp BApe in (be mall , bnt pet to i bIjelpc <strong>of</strong> the pjoictture , 0; firming out <strong>of</strong> tbc Cojnice , men migbt flano tbere to toe fome tbine 0? etber ,tobilc t'be SEriampblaffeo:but fojtbattbistonttrnetb the toojbemanberp little, 3 toillfpcafee<strong>of</strong> tbemeafaree. an<strong>of</strong>ittt,tbcope*ring sftbc 1 .9rcb is 1 1. forte toiDe,ann 1 8. fcote fcigb : tbe JBlocfec bneer ibe pee rffall ,10 one forte bigb : tbe ffiafc <strong>of</strong> rbepeccfiaUis 3. Ounces: ttjc flat <strong>of</strong> tbegrecftaU is iJwtt ant> one gDuncehigb : anb the Co:nice is 3 Ounces : tbc$eigbt <strong>of</strong> tbc iBafcs<strong>of</strong> tbe Columnes is S. Ounces ants a balfc: tbebctgfctcttrc€o!umncs, toitbcut 15afen o;£a;pital»ifci2-fo!t ano 1. thire part: tljeir tbicfencs is i.f

T*he third Bo<strong>of</strong>ce. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol. 6\rfr^B

Of AntiquiticHttt* faefojc, 1 foafec <strong>of</strong> the imtacrfaUnuafare <strong>of</strong>f^c fapft i3rcb, and thfteanto fet eotane tbe fo}me,a«ojBhig to tbepjopojtion<strong>of</strong> the fame, feat cannot giac perfectly fbe pa ticuSar parts tnf<strong>of</strong>mall a fojme. ^flubicb members,to? that tins pre triocw ornaments in tbcm , 3 frill in tbisleafe Declare tbcm : touching tbebcigbt ano tbitfmeOe,% will fpeafee no mco.c ; fo j 3 bane bone it alreaop: bnt 3 toill emlp (beto tab leb tbep are. SCtje figure mariteo G.toti)eficffpeeeftaU,foit^t^eSSafe0,aniitbebeginHing <strong>of</strong> tbeColtmtnr0 > tbe tobicb id bolloluco : all tbe membersare pjopeuioHfD actojbing to rbetr grcalnefle* 2Ebe Capitall marfee o E . bauing tbe 0rcbitrane bpon it, follotottb top*•ntjjeJrtt Colamnc,a0t&ebeU<strong>of</strong>coingujeteEtb. ffibe jfignre marfeeb D. is ttjc Srcbitraae, fr&feairtComttetoge'tber,tefaitbttanoabone tbefirttColnmne: tobtcbCo?ntce,bttbeantbejitfe an» sample, tobicb is bp me tnmanp pla*tcsallcDgeo, tbeiuotctoa0lSeabctmapbnol»,lnbetbcctbeebeerroneon0o;sa>&. £Ltje Capital! marbcoF. is tbaf,tebicb topbotoctb tlje ant) topon tl>e fonrefqoate pillarej tbietc ttoo Capitals are calif o, iLatinc i»o?fee, ano bcrp fapje.]toill nat,as 3 bane faio,fp?afee <strong>of</strong> irje meafarc3,fo; that this ifignre is pjopujtieneo after tbe principal! , anb toitb greatDiligence tranfpojteb from tbe great into tbe (mall.STticbalfe <strong>of</strong> tbe common fatt^tobereteitbtbeafojefa^b bonble 0rcb, toitbtbefoll<strong>of</strong>vutgo;nament0,i5 meafnreo.MHHBaMI^IXnL

<strong>The</strong> third Bobjce.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol.'oj.I

Of AntiqukieA&lfapbbefojMbeSrchfsbcrpricb<strong>of</strong> o;mamcnf0,anD among tbem,fome bcrp fap:e arto perfect « feme altobrrp biciaus « ill maDe: anD in trurtb, 3 fince not birtg t^at moje midfeet b. me,Qen tfce Cojnite rcarfeeo D. in tbeotberleafcfoj tbe reafonss bcfojclbetotD : but all tbe reft befojefet cotencare <strong>of</strong> eooDpjopojtiot^astoell tbctoojKfsastbcCojnicrs. anoastbepsrts <strong>of</strong> tbefirttffo2pare,foaretbefefollotoiiiBorn)ef£conBBojp, SEtjc^utiles marfeco H. are m the beginning <strong>of</strong> tbe fecono ffojp abotte tf>c i^ronttfpicte : bpon tobicb Images (as 3 bancteclsreD; there tot re images fattenco againtt tbe fiat platters. JLfee tomoctomarbcol. iBtbcfo2mc<strong>of</strong> onp<strong>of</strong> tbeOut Dotocs toitb the Cornice bpon it, anc tbcrefo je tntt <strong>of</strong> bis meafare. STbat Capitall ano tbe iSafc marfecD K. is<strong>of</strong> tbe fame urinoato es, ffjetoeo in greatcB fojmc, tbat the members map be tbe better bnoerft000. SCfjat ffiafc ano Ca?pitall marfeeo L is tbe little pillar bcttoauc tbe pilatters ano tbe tointsoto : ano in tr«ctb,iti tbcfe ttoo liBafes, tbat is -tbat <strong>of</strong> tbe greatett <strong>of</strong> tbefmall pillars iogncD toitb tbc teller, tbe toojfteman toas berg taoittouBto accojoo? agrotbeone toitb tbe ctbrr, t|at tbe greatett pillar Qjcnlo bane bis Due ISafe, ano tbe letter ftjoulo alfc bane a icffe Bale, aero?*King to pjopojticn, tobicb 3 commenomucb. SDbcarcbifrane,JWe ana Coinice,marKco C. flbetoefb tbat <strong>of</strong> ifiefcVconotto?p*abouetbefmall pillars: t&isCo2mceisber?temelv,attD not confnfeo toitb cutting. &bepeoeffallmar*fteOB. Ojetoetbtbat<strong>of</strong> tbelattttD2p,tobere<strong>of</strong>tbc2BafematfeeDM* ootbrett: nlfo tbc Capitall tobicbttanOctb abonetshis companion, anD tBtrnlpCojtntbia, tbe tobicb is confirmco to tbe pjtocipall, foj toojfec ano fatten, ano in mp a*pinicn,tterp feemebj.&W 2rcbtt; aae,#rfcfe, ano Cfljnice, marfccO A . fl) t toctb tbclatt C02nice: tbe Jlrcbitraue is notbictouB,bccanreit batb onelp ttoo^actes;fo2tf it baDtb2ee, it toonlo, bp tbefarre oittance, fl-ano cumbjeo : tbe €02*nice toin) tbe Unities, IAc tb me toell, becaufe it batb no &>entiles $ ano is alfo toell dcuidcd toitb members : neither isit confufeo toitb mntbgrauing,bni haty a fomclgpj^iectHre, tobicb beauctb bp tbebngbttberr<strong>of</strong>ahttte:Shebatfe <strong>of</strong> the common foot./

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol. 6$$?-iM

Of AntiquitieTftMsVALERlVS.Q. CEClUVS ' Q.SERVIL1VS; P.CGRNBL1VS. tt te t^oogSt lttaasfctftp in tfee time <strong>of</strong>Sriljfrt'tinTp^asitirasmaDcbefeje^cflrcljafojrfapt)-, tobicb flic fable £feetoetb,trber?(« ftcre tlansetb P.Hanibal. STtjis is mcafureDiEttbtbefamemearurctbattbcotbcris : tbe&iccnessfcacbaccbw ii.footejtbebcicjbtis 1 7. fa re: tbepilaffers <strong>of</strong> tbe 3 ret) are one fote,8. ounces b?oao: bcttoeene the 2 . Jdilatlers are 5 .fate, 4ounccs: tbefices, ccbe fcolnetb 5 . fort.21 be Cimatie bnoer the C. in place <strong>of</strong> an arcbitrane, is 6. ounces anD an balfe: tl)e bcigbt <strong>of</strong>the .f reefers onefcote.7. ounces ano an balfe: tbe Ufi aboue tbc i^rerfe is j. ounces: tbe Cimatie tinner tbe 3?enhlcs,ig4. ounces ano a qwartcr:anD tlje Cimatte abcue it,is one ounce ana an balfe. Cbat aeragall ts one ounce. Cfee Cima?tie fencer tbe crotone,is one ounce ano a tbirD part: tbe croumc is 3. ounces anD an balfe iuabrtbc Cimatie tbm<strong>of</strong>, 102.ounces anD a quarter. SEbe £>cime is 3. ounces ano an balfe :b»sb but tbe lift is 2 . onnegs : tbe jpjoiecture <strong>of</strong> all, is asmucb as ii)t btigitf. 2Ebe iBafement aboue tbis Ca mice , is one fate, one ounce ano an balfe in beicjbt: tbe tbicfeneffe <strong>of</strong>tbebollotoeDColutnneSjis i.feot^.euncrsitbe t)ctgt)T uatbout Capitals, is 7.fcet,anc ounce anoanbalfe. 2T.be Capi*tallisio.cuncesbigb. CbtsCotumnebatbroiRafcnojCmtbe. Careccus,toboalfocounterfeitco tbisarcb, tectbbut foure places toijere ^ittojies are grautn, anD 5 Coiumn.s in tbis tbirD ttojp: in tbe (eenno ffojy but 4.toinooujcs,anD 5. gilaftcrs: ano abotiett)em,5. Columnes : toe ttjirDCojmce pou cannot come bnto.

,( 1<strong>The</strong> third Bo ok e« <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol. 6&TJBte figureb. is mStafejtraueJfreefc f CopnucabouctbettoinDatog, p.natt)c bright <strong>of</strong>irje firffijFacicis 8. ounces, $aj.part.SEbefcconoiractc,ts p. ounces fan balfe. CbcSDrniais tljjeeounces. 2CfeeJ?rcefcis i.fmtano 4. ounces<strong>of</strong> § triglypbsis one fast: ttjelie thereabouttea 3. part <strong>of</strong>an ounce. JOjeotyet abouetrjat,isi. ounceano a 4. part.SCbe CimatiefcnDer £ SDcn*til,fs 2.ounces!30034. part. ISOjebeigbf <strong>of</strong>i'tbejDentile is'4. ounces ano ra 3.part. EbcCauet aboueit,is 1. ounce.23:1)2 caracalsarc 3. quarters<strong>of</strong> an ounce: theCimafte abctieit, is 1. onmcano a quarter:lljc f)2tgf)t cf £Co;ona is 4.oancts.'EieCt-._jnatt'is2.otin:- te'srtbctycig&taftb.eS>cinicis4.ounces: the-. .UH-IS2.OUCC0sanljalfc: tljcP?oiect'.irc<strong>of</strong>ai!,!s Itfee thetfhSjt:^ tsbcleSttigntmap besallel 3Xnca,onlf tt>c graueafirafisii'l : bistit baas a ton f w/"vfjlfeIftatts3gam>a>o;fcs

Qi AntiquitieHSuing fpcftcn <strong>of</strong> man? antiquities,anb platen them in .figure; it is requflife that J alfo ffieto fomc <strong>of</strong> thcfe thatmere mate mtfeereDapes, anD fpeciaSIp, <strong>of</strong> BramantsuuwK?, although jbauc not altogether omitteQtt, bauingfbctuebtbe toonocrfuil teo.fec <strong>of</strong>£>. Peters Cburrkant" other things belonging to boly 2Cenn;les. 0no in truth,amamn3ptoellfat>,tbat be rc&ojcDgeBDarDpesfettartbitcctnrf^isre^bptbemranes<strong>of</strong> Iulio P. M. man;faw pieces <strong>of</strong> too^fec tecic mabe bpbim in Rome, Co toitneffcj<strong>of</strong> tbe totntb,tbts fet here, is one: ttys is a ©atlrrp mabein Bclucdcrcjin the popes Court,toberein are tteo far?e things to be tone :the one is, tbe ttrengtb there<strong>of</strong> j tye tebicb,fbj thai tbe pilatt: r s are <strong>of</strong> fo great b:cDtrj anc tbiefcn :ffe, ten! laff, tebitc tbe tt*o;lD enourerh : tbe ot\)tt, fo? that tfcerearefomanp aceompagments fo tocllfetout,tottbgoDbtmu?ntion,ano rjccrllrnt p?opo?tion: this utojfee is meafureoIsftb tbe ancient palme. 2:beb?ct>tb <strong>of</strong> the 3rcbcs,is c8.paltms. an^ fo mncbare tbepilaffers: tbe b?eotb <strong>of</strong> tbe pi*laffers is beuioeo into 1 1 . parts: one part on either doe <strong>of</strong>tbe pilafter,tobicb bearctb tbe Srcb fball bane, tebicb is tteoparts: other tteop arts (ball be giuenbnto oneColumne,tbatiS4.parts;2.partsfhallbe giucnto tbe little pilaffer*<strong>of</strong> tbe Jpicbes, o: hollom featcs,ano s.parts to tbe jpfebes tbemfelucs :fo are tbe 1 1. parte Diffribnteo. SChe height <strong>of</strong>the peoettals (ball be halfe tbe teioencue <strong>of</strong> tbe pilauers. 2Ebe height <strong>of</strong> the H5aie <strong>of</strong> ttte pebettals, (ball bane one part<strong>of</strong> the befojcfapD 1 1 parts. ffiijeCo?ntceistbe9.part!etretbentbelBafe. ^ebeiabtcftbcColumnes,toifbJ!5afesanDCspitals,areoro.2Diatncters, ana thereunto alfo the feucmb part. SEbeBafe isbalfetbetbicfeenEffe<strong>of</strong>tbeCo*lumics. Oic Capitall is <strong>of</strong> the fame tbirhem JTc:s no the fcucntb part fo; the 2baru *. STbc height <strong>of</strong> the 3rcbitranc,#i'afcsncCojnue,isasinucbasthepcDcffaH4«tbonthi5l5afe. 0no this height is oeniocb into li parts, foursfo; the 3rcbitraue, 3 . fo? the i^reefe, becanfe it is fengrautn , ano 4. fin the Co?ntce, as tbe halfe Circle ef the 3rcb ismaumcj then the heights <strong>of</strong>the lights teill be Double : after tbat,tbe impotta being a? amine tn their places, the tobicfe art<strong>of</strong> halfe a Columns tbicfee, ano fo tbe Riches 0; feates,anD tbe &uao?ans abous them, baae their certaine p>opo?tJon

<strong>The</strong> third Bo<strong>of</strong>ce.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter.Fol^jeca<strong>of</strong>c 3 cede not (bp reafon <strong>of</strong> tbe fmalnefle <strong>of</strong> ffee figure; perfects fi&eto ttjc parts <strong>of</strong> tbe €>allerp afojefapO,tijercfoje 3 Ijaae fljetoct) tbem beremtter in greater fojroe: J^e part C. is tfee]peDetfaU<strong>of</strong> tijts

Of AntiduMethe Icafeljefo?e,3I iljeojeb a piece <strong>of</strong> icojfec <strong>of</strong> Bramants making: and state 3 toill Ibefo atmt^cr <strong>of</strong> bis foo;fecs ,fi cmgnIjji uiljenccaliiife tocjfecmanmam bclpefemifclfemucb,bpmranc3 0f ttjcDiuere ano funDjppjnanicnts tbatarefn it.tbis'viJalUrPjtftcuiojhfmaniBoulDflietot^^ttojuB ojojoers oneaboueanotber, viz. ©o;ira,3pnica,8»iDCojin'tbta : anD in true tb,ffte ojoerg mere fairc, tosll fct ant, ano ptacco i nottoltbCanoing , tbattbc^lafrcrecftbefirftan<strong>of</strong>tojrj 0} i)?o« being JDojica, lucre feme tobat to tocafce, ano the 2rcb«s too tnioe, to tbc pjopo; tion sf ti> pilaffrrs ;*be retoitb the toctgb't <strong>of</strong> tbc wall <strong>of</strong> the jonica ojDer ftanoing bpon it, teas an orcaficn tbat it teas bj<strong>of</strong>cen, vuinatro anaDecapeo in djojt time. ffiut Balthazar <strong>of</strong> Scieae, a fttilfull toojfeeman, reparjeo tbe ocravcD mines , making c conferpilaffers , toitlj titter-drcbes ;tberefoje 3 bane faio, toife toojitemen map learne <strong>of</strong> this bmloing; not 2 Help to imitatefep;e ano toellntaoe things, but alto to betoare <strong>of</strong> t rrojs, ano altoaprs toconCDec tobattoeigbttbc rictbermottfloup isto faffainc : tber efo je 3 counfell a too jUcman rather to be timerous,tben ouer-bolD jfo ; if be be timerous,be will altoaprschute tbefaretttoa?, ano mate fcts wojftewitbconfiDeration, ano toillbfe counfell, pea <strong>of</strong> fuct) as orclelte ffeilfulltbenbimfelfe , <strong>of</strong> inborn fomettine men <strong>of</strong>ten learner but if be be t)igt>minDeD^nD truQett) to mutb to bis nirn (bill ano know*leoge, then be will fcoinc another mans comifcll,toh«ebj> <strong>of</strong>tentimes be oecepuetban&aucr-f&otctU bimfelfe ; fo tbat<strong>of</strong>tentimes bis toojfte fallttb ont baolp. $oto 3 will turne to fpcate <strong>of</strong> this «Uerp, and (ct e<strong>of</strong>cme fome notes <strong>of</strong> tbep?opojt ion there<strong>of</strong>. ffihetoiDcneffe<strong>of</strong> tbe Srcbfball bee ocutDeD into epgbt parts, tobcrc<strong>of</strong>tbjteprtsfljall be fo? ttjtbjeotb <strong>of</strong> tbc platters, ano tbe bcig&t <strong>of</strong> tbc arch (ball containe 1 5. <strong>of</strong> fucb parts. SDljc fojepar t *f tbe pilaffers fnallbe Deuioeo into foure p ar is , tobm<strong>of</strong> ttoo parts Ojall be fsj tbe JDilaffces <strong>of</strong> tbe arches , anD tbe other two ((all be fo; tbefytrfeneffesf tbe Columnes: tbe height <strong>of</strong>tbe^eaeffalsfijall contains balfe tbewiocneile<strong>of</strong> tb* lights: the height <strong>of</strong> tbcColumnes (ball bee epgbt parts <strong>of</strong> their ti,u&neu"e, toitbtbe ISafes anD Capitals. Ebc height <strong>of</strong>the 0rcfcttraue,fretfcanb Co?nlce, is a fourth part <strong>of</strong> tfcs length <strong>of</strong> tbe Colnmnc. SCbe fecono ffoj? (ball bee leffe tbeo thefirtt b? a fourth part , viz. SCbat from the pauement <strong>of</strong>tbe 2Db;ica flojp, to the bigbelr <strong>of</strong> the Cojntce, ffjall be DcuiDcDint0 4.parts,ant> s.<strong>of</strong>tbemfhaUbefojthetobQleffojp<strong>of</strong> tbejeuita tnc?ac, anD fo (hall ailtbe parts particularlp beeleffeneD in tbemfelucs a fourth part. STbe lifts atfo fball be Done toitb the tbicb fto;p , which is Cojin thia , in regard <strong>of</strong>fbefcconbsjocr, although it ttanoetft ftot hcre,bccaufe the figure is ojatonc to great: bntnottoputtbci\taDcr(namajjc? Doubt at the Columnes tobicb ffanobere intbenuoolc,as DeCrousf<strong>of</strong>tnolnhotnthepenbatthetop; rottrnddftnoer Cani», that toufnallnnDe fucb inucntion in tbc fourth ffibobe, in the £>?oer <strong>of</strong> 2?ojicainthefioe H a. ibatal*thon^h thatth<strong>of</strong>eColamnes are jonira in tb/efapb U5<strong>of</strong>te,n<strong>of</strong> ttJi'thQanbing, pou map mane tbcmCojtntbia. Sim thatthe toojiieman might the better twaerttanD the members ano Cojhicements af this too*e, 3 bane Ojetoco them in grca;-ter fo?mc,ano pjopojtioneo them acrojoing to tbc pjwcipall: 3 fpeafee<strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the firfl tto?p:fo;amaw coutomt eafilp terne to meafare the otber.J

<strong>The</strong> third Bboke.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol.68;•..->

Of AntfquitieAm B duederc, af f tie snt r p <strong>of</strong> *be popes Ccnrt, tljjcugb tbe ©allerp, fobfcb 3 bane fct Bo tone befoje, foj t f>e pla*res alfoarcs goe foptoarcs, there it a going tip tobieb is bcrp fap?e : at ibe bea& tober<strong>of</strong>,pon tome to a pl«iue,fBbicbbatbtbefojtne<strong>of</strong> aCbeater;tbegronnDlobere<strong>of</strong>is tbefoeo tower this ; ann thereto 3 bauefet tbe g?<strong>of</strong>ill,tfeatponmaptoiDerOanDlf. ^erejbane feeptna account <strong>of</strong> tbemeafares, oefiringcnelp to fteto tbe inaenrion <strong>of</strong>tbe ffap?es,ano tbe balfe Circle as it ffanoetb. 2Ct>ts tjialfe Circle is berp mncb eleuate<strong>of</strong>rom ttjcConrt<strong>of</strong> the popesbonfe to tbe palace- tear 0: ano bebino tbe balfe Circle, poo fittb a great plap nc toitb fapje appertcmenf $ at tobtcb place*pou gee tbjougfc tbe ttoo ©ategjtobicb ton fee in tbe floes <strong>of</strong> this balfe Circle; in tobicb places tbere are man; fAire 3m*ges., an9 amciig tbe reS Laocoon, Apollo, Ty ber, Venus,Cl«opatra,an& Hercules.

.T<strong>The</strong> third Booke.Tlie fourth Chapter. Fol,#9Bis is tbeiD^cgrapbp<strong>of</strong> tbe grcunti fbefoeD j?olio 69, anb a0 31 bauefapo, gferillngtrpeake<strong>of</strong>tbemcamrethere<strong>of</strong>, but onelp <strong>of</strong> the inuention : anb altbougt) that here on eptber aoe,onelp oac JMaffer,toitb bis Columnes,is OjetoeD, pet is it not bnlifee feme dUatlerirs, teberc<strong>of</strong> a banefp<strong>of</strong>cenfeefoje,ano that appearctb b'B fbe Double Co*lumncg, together foitb the Jptcbes o? bollote rcate s , toitb tbe ©uabjane aboue tbem. 3Cn JISclueDeretbere aremanp other things, tobkb 3 baue (bourne, f among other tbings, there are toonberfull toiiiDtng Sa>fap?rs, in tbe grounsJubtre<strong>of</strong>, there JranDetb a iFounfspne, flouring erceeDinglp toitb toater, tbe tobicb going up is all full <strong>of</strong>Colutmus in thetnnermottpart: n>bicb Columnes are <strong>of</strong> foure £Djeers : viz. SDojica , fonica, Cojinfina, ana Comp<strong>of</strong>ita : but thattobicbism<strong>of</strong>ttoonoerfaUanDtngemous,istbatbetto*ne oneanotbeot!jer!©?oer,fljfceisno Difference a% Diffance,but men goe from tbe SDojita to tbe aonica, ano from tbe gjonica to tbe Co?intbia,antt from tbe Gojintbia to tbeCompo«fita, toitb futb cunning, that a man cannot perceine tobere one ^oerencetb ano goetb into tbe otber: fo that 3 am <strong>of</strong>opwion,tbat Bramanc nener maae a fairer no? coQlier piece <strong>of</strong>toojfee theJ$btf~..-$3b t

,Of AntiquitieW|i)(ii!t &ome,at Metric ^ario.tbere is a tjcrp fat?je plate, toitb all things belonging to a plate <strong>of</strong> pleafcrc* <strong>of</strong> tebicbparticular parts 3 mill rather refra^ne to fpeafee,tben not fljew them faffici£ntlp,onelp 3 toill fpeabe <strong>of</strong> a €fel!cry,toitb the ^facics there<strong>of</strong>, mabe bp an excellent toojbman Raphael Durbin, t»bo bath msoe biuers appertements ant) be*ginningsto other fcoojfetiMC the Ccnrtitl, although that it is fourefquare, peti>c bat» fafbioneoit rouno,as the founoa*tion parti? fljetottb* STIjat SHettibutam maibcD A. ana tbettoo plates, B. anb C. fianb not in fatb fojrac, bat 3 baueplaceDtbem thereto fill bptbe grnunb:foj tbe pact C. etibetb hi an bill, as alfo the part E. but intbeotberfibe <strong>of</strong>tbcWaller? marbeb F. there is no Ijalfe Circle, anb that teas left ont , not to pincb feme <strong>of</strong> tbe appertements, bnt to actcm*jianp other members bp it. SCbeojDer <strong>of</strong> this

<strong>The</strong> third Bobte.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. F0L70

A^ongetberCitics <strong>of</strong>stalp, jiiaples is calleo,Of AntiquitieLaGentik, anb that not onelp in refpect <strong>of</strong> the great ffiaroHS,&e?os,©arlcs,HDufees, anb great numbers <strong>of</strong>Csntlemen therein, but alto, becaufe it is fo tocll farnflfteD toit^ffatelp Routes anb palaces, as anp other parts <strong>of</strong> $alp. 2too among other pleafant places that arc toitbout theCitie, there is a place calle&p oggio tteale, tobicb !tsing Alphonfus caufeo to be mabe fo? bis pleafuee,in tbat timg(then m<strong>of</strong>tfo?tunate) when Bltalp toas in peace, anb noto tmfo?tunate, bp reafen <strong>of</strong> the bifeo?bs therein. 2:bis pa»tacebatbaberpfairefcituation, anbis tocll beuittcb fo? fccomes , fo? that in each co?ncr there<strong>of</strong> might bee loogcb attrongtompanp <strong>of</strong> men: in the mibole there are Ore great Chambers, befioes the Koomestin&er the groano-, togethertottf> fome fecret Chambers. SEbe fo;me <strong>of</strong> this faire bmleing in the grounb, as alfo,the builbing that ftanocth bp?igbt,is bete let botoneintbetiertleafc: the meafnre there<strong>of</strong> Jfet not ootonebntopou, onelp, becaufeltoillfnetogontbeintention : fo? a too?6cnian may imagine <strong>of</strong> tobat greatneffc be toill hane a Chamber, being all <strong>of</strong> one greatneffC} amitobicb builoing the #oble feingthen from fb<strong>of</strong>e Chambers he maptmagine all the meafnres <strong>of</strong> tbe reft <strong>of</strong> the bnilbing :SfcD fo? bispleature, becaufe men arcuffomeb to otoellintbe Countrep in the featrmer time. SDbc Court <strong>of</strong> thispalace is compaffeb toitb Doable Galleries : ana in the mioolemott place, marfceb E. men go botooe a pap?e <strong>of</strong> §tap;esinto a fap?e eating place, in tabid) place, tbeftmganDbisiLo?os t<strong>of</strong>eo to banquet anbeate at pleafnrr ;in tobicbplace hecaafeb eertapne fecret places (o bee openco, tobercbp in the ttoincbling <strong>of</strong> an epe, theplace toas fall <strong>of</strong> water,fo that they faf e all in toatcr: lifcetoife at tbts Hingis plcafure, all § toater bopbeb cut <strong>of</strong> the rcorne againe, but there toan*4eo no Ojtfts <strong>of</strong> clothes to pat on,no? yzt rich anb coSlp bebs fo? them ta Ipe in, that toonlo reft tbcmfelues. £> boiuptn^ons Italians , boto ar«pou impouetf(heb bp pour btfco?osi 3 toill not fpeafee <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>of</strong>t bcautifull Crarbcns,fillcb toitball feino <strong>of</strong> floto?es,toith biuers coinpartements <strong>of</strong> the £>?cbarbs ano Crees <strong>of</strong> allfeinb <strong>of</strong> fruits, toitb great abunbance<strong>of</strong> jHuVpenbsano fifoes, <strong>of</strong> places anb cages <strong>of</strong> atucrsffiires both great anb fmall, <strong>of</strong> fap?ettables,fiUeb toitb allfo;ts <strong>of</strong> ^ojfes; anb <strong>of</strong>manp other fap?e tbings,tobicb 3 toill not fpeabe <strong>of</strong>, fo? that Marcus Aneonius Micliadl,a (ten*tleman <strong>of</strong> that S£otone,ucrp learneb in <strong>architecture</strong> , hath foene it, awb hath tojitten <strong>of</strong> it at large in a ilatine GDpiftle, 1tobich Ijcfent io a frieno <strong>of</strong> his. 55ut to tttrne agatnc to the parts <strong>of</strong> the fato palace, tobicb is right foure fquare, it istoitbin,(Paileru3fl reuno about, one aboae the other : in the foare Cojners , tottbin the tbicfeneffe <strong>of</strong> the walls, ftanb thetotalling ftwifs fogoe top into the bniloing. Che foare €alUriestoitbouf ;tnarfceD&» arc not there, but fo? t^c com=moeitie ano beantffsing <strong>of</strong> the houfe, tbeg toouib ftanb toell t^erc*//1

<strong>The</strong> third Booke. <strong>The</strong> Fourth Chapter, Fol. j\\ $ this J^tgarc fcewunocr, 3 baue fljctoeo tbc ^Djtliosrapbic b<strong>of</strong>^ foitbin ano foitbont t t|»e part marfceo A. fi&etoef$t&eparttoittjout : tbepartrttarfceo B. repjffentetfj tijc

,Of AntiquitieCSDnfsfiering nje fapje SBnilfimg <strong>of</strong> JSoggic Kra!,3j bauc tboogbt goon to fct Boionc fucb a« ottyv fjrte tn tbis placcybut in otber fcjine fo; appert6ment2,anb peraDacntucc tottb mo; c eafe, fej tbat tbe places arc all <strong>of</strong> one greatr.esmfeitb is uat fa gcea a fojmc: bhtit is nee effarp. that tbf firft Jtcalo be arcater ttjen the fecono.^n tljls plate 3 maftsgoti no place fo;Ity.biisUtttbn,fo; tbat It Ida place in tbe countrcp, being nat cumb^cD on ttjc fiocgj it fjatl) !igl)ttnougb on all tbe fence corners : but fom: men map fnv>,tljat tl)i ^all tutf b ttjc fonre Chambers , becaufe tbep bauc noh'gbt but tbjau&&tbegalleries,are oarbr, foj it is no perfect coutr : to toljicb | antoerc, tbat tbcbonfe being maoe to betoko in ttjc time <strong>of</strong> great beat, baling no place in tbe mictjle , the f£all ano the Cbambers mill atVt apt g be colD,bp reafontbe &iume cannot come tmto tbem. STijcfE p inccs tot It be b e r p plcafan c at nan c time, fo; ttjat t&e faiD places b au e not fogreat tagbte as tbe ctber ou>elSuigs;pef baue tbep fo macb ligbt as tbep n&O: fiub like map be fane in Boioma, Uibub aretnabe in tbis manner toitb (Merits , and bailp inbabites.SEbis SSuilDmg is fo oifpoleD, that tbe corner places being;<strong>of</strong>grra t tbute n t He, t&e refl fball be fining incugb>pea, attbongt) tbe malls bag no g teat tbuiuteffcin rcgarB tbe; are ailcouHtcr&jfs one fo tbe other, pet ftali tbep be <strong>of</strong> fufficient ftrengtb. 3 uiill not fpeafee <strong>of</strong> tbe meafures, fo; tbat tbis be?in$ p;6pejticnco, tfeetttilful fc. o?Sman map imagine (acco?oing to bis pleafnre tbat cahfeo tt to be built; firft tbe greatnrs<strong>of</strong> tbe rtrnte, tften oeui&e it into fotnanp feet oj ctbermeafarcs,tbercbptoineafnreautbereli<strong>of</strong> tbcbtJtlDtrig,gs ttjcfltaation<strong>of</strong>tbe place map btace it. STbm tbis builoing,abone all things, uMbepUceD,t&attt)e&nnnemap rifefeponone <strong>of</strong> tbsco;ners,an&f<strong>of</strong>btnebpon autbefioes tbere<strong>of</strong>:fej it it Cams loitbonefieetotbeCaft, anft tbe other to tbe8KSea,tbenitU)(ll follow, tbat tbe $ojn) ficefball mner tntog tbe ^tmn<strong>of</strong>ljtae&pon i^tobubUjcrertJBiaticfct anobntobolefomc,

<strong>The</strong> third Booke.<strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter. Fol.72,Mflfti map fauilD in biacxs ano ftmfijp fo:(s bpon f|e groans afojefapo : but fa) tbat this is a place <strong>of</strong> pleafnre , 31fbought gcDO,foj (be bjautnellc there<strong>of</strong>, to make it after (be Co?intbtamaner. g totll not troublcmpKcl.e tafpcafce <strong>of</strong> tbe mcafores no; betgbfSjfo; in mp fonrtb Brake , in tbe €>jaer <strong>of</strong> Cojsurtbia,0 a . pon ibal fine a 2Crea#We,tobicb,togctbf r toitb tbje inogement <strong>of</strong> £ tetfe toojkman, totll ferae to fet Doton this meafore. 3no,fo? tbatin tbis fmi tbere is no fljotfening at all , tobrrcbp pon map knoto tt>e (Galleries » tbe flat ano cl<strong>of</strong>eD places ecbe (com o.fljer j tbecefoje 35 totll fet ootone tbe ttoo bigbefl floes at eche cnb: pou mufl conceaue it to baue flat ^pillars from beneathbptoaros; tbat part bettodene. betb, tobtcb is lotoer,pon mntt fapp<strong>of</strong>e batb ttoo Galleries, oneabone tbe otber, the Co*Inmncs tobere<strong>of</strong> toonlo be ronnO: tbe fame is to be bnoerflooo to be botbbebinO,snO on both floes, spen map alfo makeabonetbe Galleries a SCarracc o?f5ancment,to oefeno tbe raine, tbe Wallerp being mabe toitb a 3Leane-to,o; ISailcontor tbe Cojnices <strong>of</strong> tbe firff o joer <strong>of</strong> tbe j%nres afojefapo : ano fa alfo tbe l£all in tbe mloole, together toitb tbe 4. Cbanubers <strong>of</strong> f fecono ttojp, toonlo baue mojc ligbt. f ? 2. cacfes ] bane maoe tbefmail toinootos aboae tbe great,in tbe firfliUoyg,ffibc i.ts,ifpou toill make tbe toinooteca fo loto, tbat a man fitting, mag cafilp fee ont-<strong>of</strong>tbem, ttjen Cif pouftouio make tbe totnbo toes no btgber tben tl»e cin;e> tbere toonlo bee tmmacbfpace bettocene tbe toinootoes ano tber<strong>of</strong>e<strong>of</strong> tbe bonfe,toblc& toonlo gtoatlp Darken tbe boufe:anDo$bertopfe tbe toinootees tying mnebmoje ligbt into tbeINI* ffibea»Wj tbat t§e Chambers bp tbc^all nab not bee <strong>of</strong> u«b height, bnt pan map make banging Cbamberstherein, tobereto tb<strong>of</strong>e toinootoes toill feme, 3 migbt fpcafeg <strong>of</strong> man? other things, tobicb J referrc to tbeiuogementaftbetoijteman-,yfMi&

,&Of Antiquitiefit 8, 31 fras net minora to f«t tbie gtounb, no? pet tbe buifoing <strong>of</strong> tb« i ob. Cblamnr0,pl«cib in M. iAS. in tbu*XEocbBjfoj^attl)^acctl)itig«tt^t^cautl)ojli«t^mai)e bp reports ario bea«^a!su>b>l>jefiame ttotuioj;ttjp to be Tet bp things tljat ate tountctftpteb ano mcafur t o: pet teat it fboulb not be fapo , tbat § bant pubiifljttijis 55a fee lame ano bnpt rfe ct,nno not fall a? tbc Sutbaj mace it, tobtcb migbt bane giutn flanbercnf are tnuwennpetfrRf otcafion to ftojne ano rcanca'ije this ffimhc 5 tbercfo;e 3 bauenbt enelffet m* bare, bat aUaaooco tbts o-tbcr/wutefolloVDtngbpbimfetDoUincmt^ctcafc R. 3. anonoto to tnrne to tbisgronnD, but autbojfeplb, tbat m3etufaitm fas it toac tolo bun) on a bit! , tbrtx is a bmieing tut out <strong>of</strong> a tcafonable rj.reatmffe, in mannet betsw tier kttioh ne : anc fci tftat bp meant s <strong>of</strong> tbe toioeneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe mtoolem<strong>of</strong>f part, fbe toOfc (boulb net fall in , tbertfoje tbc ttuopi afters teere left in tbe mioDle, ano tottbail ttea <strong>of</strong> a nubble fo;t bp tyem , toitb ttoo leifc'alfa before , tin&crboiDttt %tberfflfe,tebtcbaltogetberto(retutcut<strong>of</strong>tI)e rotfee toitb isffrnmrnts. jnfbe ftrtt entry arc tome little Cbappete.?n tbe miMle tbete ate 1 8. ano bebine tbete Sanb s.ano « bceje locate, tabu b ftjetDetb.tfont men torntfuitbetiibegtea'tctt Cbappel is totbe tb.e lengtb <strong>of</strong> a man, tobeteh? pou ma? iubge tbe gteatneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe butl<strong>of</strong>og. %ty$ place featl) nolight , noj tan be perceaut » tbat it bao any light.Xbe Cbappcls ate tafecu oat, as tbe $ ignres A. ano B02^£-~pgaJIf §§§§ibjlljj. 1^lifer —~' ----z~'*5?S|

<strong>The</strong> third Bdoke. <strong>The</strong> fourth Chapter; J?ol. 73pdD) tt»at oarflutboj befojc,ipeafectb <strong>of</strong> an 0rcb triumvFbant in Verona , calico DeiBarfari,k>bubfee tennrtbtobe barbarous ano confute o <strong>of</strong>parts ani members, as (ac*co;Dingto rbeto?ttingpf Vi.truuiui <strong>of</strong> goo antiquities)in effect it is : jpeuertlieleffe,(e% tbflt Iohannes Caroctus(toljicb our auttjoj alleogetb)barb ret it boione fo; an o;na*merit <strong>of</strong> Verona,in bis boneat antiquities, mucb better,ano toitb mo;e deliberationtt)£it all $ reft <strong>of</strong>% figuresfef bimmaoe (fo? intrnetb,{ ret are terp gr<strong>of</strong>Xe : 3Cberc?fojc 3 tbougbt it goo to ttietoitberetotbe curious Meanertbat be map fa ano alio note(bp Vrcruuius rule afojefaio)tebat is got) 03 til in it, tobicr)map peraouenturc pleafefeme <strong>of</strong> tbts cotintrev bettertben anctbrr,betaufe tbepbfeto fetbe foj rnntb, too ;kc intbeir awbttecturc. ano foj#tt)is figure teas to greatin fojme,tbrrfo;e 3 fcaue tjerefet boUihe but it>e baife }anapou mutt ronceaue ttje otterfloe, tbat is, an arcb tour)toinDotoes ano oil;erojnasmerits, lifee tfeefe: ttje frot<strong>of</strong>Verona, tobertoi'fb tbis bail'Bins (6 meafureo, ftansetrjfeere on tbe Goes in fealfe pie*pojtion : o? tobtrb foot, onefmall ftanoefb in tfce {ScOr*flat, bnfier t great Coltsmne jtoberebp tbenicafurcistsbetoneeptcb : re? tfje fa?D Caroctusgtues no otbrr toar*rant <strong>of</strong> all tjis figures' (butcnelp ef tte jrigurc <strong>of</strong> tt)etoonetrfull fpectacJe" , cs beetennetb it) toitb tt)eCbcafrraboue it: but abcue all, toitbtbc goings bp to tbe bill,tnijere a SDemplr <strong>of</strong>laausftanoctb,aB our autljoj fbeto *ttbaftcrtoaroinfoliol.j.iiitb'.spjefcnt ffioae. ©t tbtsbuilctn$,Caroccus fattb mo;etben <strong>of</strong>afltbe reft: ano fojtbat 5 map fatiffic cr> Uca*BeratfnU,<strong>of</strong>ailtbatisf£ptifntbisfficBe, tberefoje Jt)aue caufeo tbts figure to beepjittfco alone, becaufe it teasto great, ano (in mp spin:*on) to grefe, to fct Wcbp.Vale.

i i £KVti<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke.Rules for Mafontry 5or Buildingrcitb Stone or Brid.e, made after theJiuc maneisor orders <strong>of</strong> Buildings we, Thufcana , Dorfca,Ionics , Corinthia and Comp<strong>of</strong>ita : andthcreisnto arc added examples <strong>of</strong> Antiquities;which , for the m<strong>of</strong>t part , agreewiththeinftrudiions<strong>of</strong> Vitrumx withfoine Figures more added vnto then,which were not inthefir(t,andibrrxdcuiccs <strong>of</strong> the Author, which arecorretf ej , and hereuntoannexed,?JIMTranjlated out <strong>of</strong>jftajian intoDutch, andoaf<strong>of</strong> 'Dutchinto Snglifb.mI?LondonPrinted for Robert Peake,and are to be fold at his fhop nccrcHolborne conduit,next to theSunneTauerne.ANNO DOM. i(5ii.V

\To che wel-willcrs <strong>of</strong>Architecture,VItruoiusftjth, that/iteb as haue built without leaning <strong>of</strong> inflruclion (although workemen) could ntuef nukeanyfawous or commendable pieces <strong>of</strong>worfano more can others , being no workemen , fitch as basse followed theletter or writing one ly,and made nopro<strong>of</strong>eWfwhich ,/ome haste prefmmed t<strong>of</strong>ather their doings vponVixxu*UiU» .' jeti n diuers places <strong>of</strong> their mitsngt wbich arefound, they couldnot clefe vp their rules orderly, but haue left mornthings doubtfull, and (mere) haueefieemed that to be good and commendable, which in rvcrke is not to beetendured'jhecauft<strong>of</strong>this crrour,is,thattbelaftBo<strong>of</strong>c<strong>of</strong>tbefjydVm\*U\us 7wherein ikcFigures are> waslojl : reherebymnmight haue knewne andfound out his meanings', fo that hereby it appeareth, thatfame Antiquities haue beene very.bare in their workes.and ejpeciatly,m their Orckrs <strong>of</strong> Dorica, becaufc Vitruuius namtthno Dorica Safes: butinfieadthere<strong>of</strong>\fpeakcth <strong>of</strong>anA ttica.Now it may be, regarding that he therefpeaketb not <strong>of</strong> my Order <strong>of</strong> Attica^ therefor*they durll not make any Dor tea Bafes orColumncs : on the contrary,othtrtp&l'Ay contemning the darkneffe <strong>of</strong>the vfti-^ter, (or for want <strong>of</strong> knowledge) haue Jo far 'exceed, d thegjA utlorin many, things, that they haue not ontly forfaken,]and left the examples and reafens <strong>of</strong>gwdA ntiq ntt^-^n t alfo (more then that) haue Made their workes vnfeemely^i..er> amunt wvks . whereby ,ge'ntle Reader, many workjncn i%eeB.feeni .and ridiculous to mens eyes, as may befew m .inboth, haue beene cumbredth.rein, and ej}ici. Hi in thiiourttme\ Bramant ^Cafile Duranc, Balthazar <strong>of</strong>Scienne, and many othersfor that (not enely by rm.inei ef I uhus the 2 . Pope, but) alfo by others,good Archtteclure-was bettered in their times: who/iftcr lerg difputat ion an&feat chtng <strong>of</strong> many %afwell Authors and Commentaries^together with the examples <strong>of</strong> good Antiquities haue with authority, (to make an end <strong>of</strong> all doubts) not only addtdthhSpire Attica^ <strong>of</strong> the Dorica, but alfo as man) orders as now are vfed ibeginning at the Thufcan , as thegr<strong>of</strong>feff andfiendereft <strong>of</strong>alltbereft, andhauereducedthefameintoacertaineandcommonforme,together-w\th their ornamentsandmeafurest which rul:sSzbzfthv\Szdi\i%,aworkem*n andfcholer eftbefaydBalrhazat,katb w,ittentand fetout in figures;fo that,ltauingthe ohfeurities <strong>of</strong> Vitruuius^TWBWj make an incorrigible worke. Andfor that alltb<strong>of</strong>e •that lone werkemanfhtp, vnderflandnot the Italians , therefore (in my opinion) 1 haue tranflated the m<strong>of</strong>i certajntandbefl rules out <strong>of</strong> Italian into Dutch, and out <strong>of</strong> Dutch into Engtifh^ enely the names <strong>of</strong> all Procelt, Bafts, Capitals,Cornices, ejrc which are not namedin Dutchnor Enghfl),fcrthat Baftian, by Vitruuius termes,vfeth the commonandmoderne Italian words., which by fotne fhoald be Its hardly vnder&oodas the Lattne. But [would commendhim, .thatfeei»gwettikevponvst<strong>of</strong>ol2owVitT\iWU%writings/hatwegiue bimtbe name <strong>of</strong> Vhmuius , that the learnedmightbeen!ndci(lood<strong>of</strong>theworl^man,andtheworhpnanalfovnierfteed<strong>of</strong>the learned, And for that the mrketnanmight the better read it, lhaueprinted itjnour ordinary "Dutch letter. And although this fourth tooke <strong>of</strong> \feuetzwasfirflfetotttfbecaufeitis'thebefttyettkeotberalfoareno teffe ft and (onuenicnt to further Architcflurc \or Art <strong>of</strong> Building, as in the enfuingEpifile yon (halljee.I

Seh/lian Serlius tot/be ^Reader.LOuingand friendly Reader, after I had collected certaine rules <strong>of</strong> Archite^ur^thinking that not onlyth<strong>of</strong>e<strong>of</strong> deepe conceyt would vaderftand them, butthatalfb each indifferent man <strong>of</strong> wit might con -ceaucthem,ashe is more or leffe addicted to fuch an Art; which rules are deuided into feuea Books,as hereunder (hall be fet downe: but for that this Artrequireth it, therefore I thought it rcquifite to beginwith this fourth Booke, and to fet it out, firft, which is more to thepurp<strong>of</strong>e, andmore neceflary then theted, for the knowledge <strong>of</strong> many forts <strong>of</strong> Building and ornaments there<strong>of</strong> , to thecndthat eueryonc mayhaue fome knowledge <strong>of</strong> this Art, the which is no leffe pleafing to the mind <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e workmen that thinkevponthingsthatarctomake,thenalfotomenseyeswhentheyarernade. Which Art,by thewifedome<strong>of</strong> the famous and excellent fpirits that are now in the world, doth flourifhin thefc dayes, astheLatinetongue did in the time <strong>of</strong> Ittlius Cefar , and Ctcert. <strong>The</strong>n with glad and ioyfull heart receyue at lead mygood will j (though the effect enfucth not; which, in trueth, I haue (toplcafure and fatisficyoUr minds)in this refpcft.Inthefud Booke, I will entreat <strong>of</strong> the beginning <strong>of</strong> Gcometry.and <strong>of</strong> diuers cuttings through <strong>of</strong> lines,in fuch fort } that the workman may yeeld reafon for that he worketh.In the fecond Booke, I will fhcw in £igure,and by rsafon, as much <strong>of</strong> Perfpcdtiue Art,that if the worke*man will, he may declare his conceyt or purp<strong>of</strong>e, by rcafons and figure.In the third Booke, workmen fhall fee the Ichnographie, that is, the ground the Orthographie, that .•is,the rayfing vp <strong>of</strong> a Building before. <strong>The</strong> Seenographie or Sciographie,that is, the infight, by fhortcning<strong>of</strong> the mod part <strong>of</strong> the Buildings that are in Rome, Italie, &c. diligently meafured, and fet by them inWriting, with the places where they are, and their names.In the fourth, which is this, I will fpeake <strong>of</strong> flue rriancr <strong>of</strong> Buildings, and <strong>of</strong> their ornaments, as Thu£fcana, Doric*, Ionica , Corinthia and Comp<strong>of</strong>ita, that is to fay, mingled. And by thefe, the whole Arteislearned.In the fift, I will fpeake <strong>of</strong> diuers kinds <strong>of</strong> Temples, fet downe in diuers formes, that is, round, fourefquarejfix-cornetd,eyght-corherd,Oual!-wifc,ando:<strong>of</strong>le-wife,with their ground, heights and fhortenings,diligently meafured.In thefixt.l will fpeake<strong>of</strong> all dwellings, which, at this day,may bee vfed, beginning at the meanefthoufe or cottagcand (o from degree to degree, proceeding to the mod rich, fay te and princely Palaces, asWell in Countrie villages , as in great Cities or Townes.In the fcuenth andlaft, fhall be fct downe many accidents, which may happen toworkeaien in diuersplaces, ffrangc raaner <strong>of</strong> fituation,repayring <strong>of</strong> decayed houfes, and how we fhould helpe our felucs withpieces <strong>of</strong> other buildings, with fuch things as are to be vfed, and at other times haue flood in worke.Now then, to proceed readily herein, I will begin with the greateft and rudicke order <strong>of</strong> Building, thattS| the Thufcan, being the pfay[ie(t ;rudeft, and ftrongeft , and <strong>of</strong> lead grace andfecmelincfle.<strong>The</strong>

tT^e<strong>The</strong> Atithor to the Reader.ancient too&emrn in limes paff (as Vitruuiusaffn:metb)aeBicatca t&rirtoojfees anBffiuilBmgsf<strong>of</strong>jbcgDDg,acceding to tbeir naturcs,firengtb oi tocafcc neffe; fo is tbcfcjme callea SDojics afcribea to tfee goBs,Iup'ner,Mars,ana tonUant Hercules, taking fneb fojmes from ftrong men. 3E$e fojme calico Soraca, is «fcribea to tbe gobBetfe.Diana, Apollo ana Bacchus, as <strong>of</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong> patrons, tljat is, <strong>of</strong> twife * fenfiblc teomtn,tobicb are bctb fenacranaffcong: fo?Diana,bpbcrfeminiHenatai-iWtcnacr,batbgt>fjngto^unt,ftPcii8arong: Apollo, bpreafon<strong>of</strong> hisbcautpjtstenBerjbut bcingaman,bc tsftrohg: tbirlifee<strong>of</strong> Bacchus. 55cttfecCojtnthiaistafecn<strong>of</strong>majas,anBthegafcribeall to tbe gooaeffe Vcfta, ana bcr jljattc mnpts: pet at this time 3 thinfee it gats to pjcc&a in another fnjt,aotbingaifferitig from tbc ancients afojefapa. spp meaning is,to folloto tbe msner aiia cnQemes <strong>of</strong> the Cb»&ians, tbat 3 (asfar as 3 map) toill afenbe fjo'f ffiuiiaings to iFoa ana to bis faints: ana pjefane buiiaings,as toetl publicise as pjiaatc,3 toill afcribe f men accojatng to tbeir pj<strong>of</strong>emons. &o fap 3 tben, trjat the Ebufcan marter (after mp opinion) is fit fo?ifrcngtbs, fo? (Cafes <strong>of</strong> Cities, SCotones ana Caffles, places foj treafare, mnmttcn ana 0rtillcrp to feape them in•fojpjifons,ljanens<strong>of</strong> t&c&ea, anafueblifec things, ferning foj tbetoarrcs. 3t is trne, tbat tuft^c&e ana plapnetoo&e,tfjat ts , fuel) JBuiiaings as are maae <strong>of</strong> rougb ttones, ana a tbc re tbat are made fometebat fmcotber, act 03 e tng to tbc plea*fare tsbicb tbe &tonc-rutters tribe therein , are femetimes sr.trca toitlj SDojica , ana fomttimes toitb SDojica ana Co?in*tbta. $euertbelc0,foj tbat tbe acbafran ojarr ts tbe rougheff fetfrojtb , farre mo?e tljen tbc otber are, 3 am <strong>of</strong> opinion,tbat theCountrp IBulaing (0 rooje like imto tbc Sbctfcan,tbeR any <strong>of</strong> tbe reft : tcbtcb pou map plapnclp fee to baue bantcbferuea bp tbc 2Dbufeans,as toel in tbeir ebiefe Cities ana ETotones <strong>of</strong> Florence, as toitftout in their Country ©Wages,tnfomanpritbana fapjelBniloings, maae after tfjs rutticaUmancr,** mapbef«neinallCb;u*cnBcme,mifl:& toithfacb a flight manner <strong>of</strong> tooj&e, as tbe tocjfecman ttjongbt good. STbercfoie 3 tonclnae , tbat fntb jguiiaings are mojeagreeable to Xbufcan ojacr, then anp otber. Sfyerefirce , alteriug fometobat from antiquities , ana fame othersflf ours, 3 toill in aincrs fojts fhetoe <strong>of</strong> fnrb toojfers , viz. fcato ta mabc (Bates <strong>of</strong>Cities ,SCotones, ojiFojts jasalfo,in publifte ana p?mate places, f?orjfe3,dMtertes, TOinootees, $icbcs ojfeates,bollotoea in toojBC,5Bnoges,OTater-courlcs, ana facb like feaerall ©ytaments , as map bappen into a too^bemans bonas to aoe. ^en map alfo(not Differing from tfte ancient rules) mitt tbis ruffiicall maner Soitb tbe 2Do?ica,aua alfo toitb Jonicaj ana fometimestoitbComJtljia,attbepleafure<strong>of</strong> tlj<strong>of</strong>etbatfafee to pleafc tbeir oteic fantaOf s, tobicifj amanmapaffirmetobeemo?efojpSeaforetbenpj<strong>of</strong>it: tbcrcfoje tije tooatjeman onghtto pjocecae toitb goaa aantce, tXpeciaUpinpublifeebniiaings,tobrreincoiHelineuetscommenaable.jn tbc beginning <strong>of</strong> tbis5!5fl>fee,3(obre!:uc33 tbcComeaianso?6er,tobo (tobentbep mfeno toplapanpCfimeap) firfffena ontap?ologue, Jjoboinfetotoojaesgutctbtljeaaaience tobnacrffana totjat t^ep intent) fo nittxatoMn tbctrCocmecie. &o 3, meaning in tbisllBe<strong>of</strong>ee to entreat <strong>of</strong> fiucmancr<strong>of</strong> IBnilaings, viz. SCbcfcan,S?ojtta,3o'nica,CojtH#anafia Comp<strong>of</strong>ita,baue tbougbt gcDa,tlgat in Va/t beginning tbere<strong>of</strong>, men ftjoola foe tbc jftgures ef aU t^e feueral feinasberc<strong>of</strong> $ purp<strong>of</strong>e to entreat <strong>of</strong>. 3na altbougb tbat in tbc Columncs ana tbeir ojnamen z, all tbe nicafaren ana pjo

Fme maner <strong>of</strong> Buildings,FoLQomf<strong>of</strong>tirk

\Ofthe order and maner <strong>of</strong> Thufcan workcs 5andthe Ornaments there<strong>of</strong>.t<strong>The</strong> fift Chapter.N Vitiuuiusfturth Booke andfeuenth Chapter wefnd,tbat a man fhcutd make a Thuftan Columne <strong>of</strong> feutnpartthigh, with Capital/ and Safe, wbith meafure fhnuld be taken from the ibickneffe <strong>of</strong>the Columnc below. <strong>The</strong> height[*f (be Safes or Bafement, jhouldbe the halfe <strong>of</strong> the tbicknefje <strong>of</strong>the Columne, which (halt bee deutded into two equallparts, where<strong>of</strong>one (halt be the Flintbus, the other deutded in three, two parts there<strong>of</strong>fhall bee the Thotus , the thirdthe Cincla, <strong>The</strong> Protect"ureyou (hallmake in this manor : Fs>fl,make a Circle as great as the Columne is thicke below,placing it in afcurefquare: without thefcurefquare draw another Circle>cl<strong>of</strong>e about the cornets <strong>of</strong>thefourefquare twhich (hall bee the Proiefiure, Ana although all ether Safes bane their Ptinthus fourefauare, yetthisvfTbufcan muft beround,asVhtuuiusteacbeth. T be height <strong>of</strong> the Cafttallmufi bee like the Baje : thatdeuidewttPkrtefarts : onepart {hall be the Abacus', the ether [hall be deuidedinfoure parts, thretftrthe Ecbino, the fourthfor thexylnnulo or Cintho, which man be called\ & Gu die, Band, ar Lift in Englifb . <strong>The</strong> thirdpart refling, (hall beefor theffypotracbeUum, er Freefe. <strong>The</strong> t^Aflragdl with the Ctnfta, is halfe the Freefe,- but that deutded in three, tw<strong>of</strong>hdllbefor the Round\the third bis Liftjhebemngeutmuft bee as tbehetgbt: and although this Lifl it here named withthe Capitalljet it is 4 part <strong>of</strong>the Columne , which Columne ought to be made thinner aboue afourth part; alfo the Capitallinthe vppermtflpart (hall not begreater then the Columne below. <strong>The</strong> maner to lejfen the Columne is thus :the body <strong>of</strong>the Columne ledtuidedm threeparts: the thirdpart btlcw (hall hangattkeleade, andthe other two thirdparts youjhalldeuide into as many equal!parts as you will: then at the thirdpart <strong>of</strong>the Columne draw halfe a circle,andfrom the lines that hang there, from the outtermefl corners <strong>of</strong>the Capitall inwards , meafure the eyght part> which in allfhall be afourthpart : from vnder the corner [where the Columne is thinnefl)youfhaUdraw two lines by a leade, to thehalfe circle-, and th<strong>of</strong>eparts <strong>of</strong>the circle outwards, you fbillfet below, in as many euenparts as the two thirdparts <strong>of</strong>the.Columne holdctb: which being dene on bothfides ,then thereJhallbe as many Paralels or cr<strong>of</strong>fe tines, drawenfrom the onepoynt <strong>of</strong>thehulfe circle to the other, each line being marked with number, from the top downtwards , and the like vponthe lynesthat deuidethe Co/umnes; which numbers being orderly flaetd_ then it is certayne, that the firjl linefhall agreewith the tbinneftpdrt <strong>of</strong>the Cclumne aboue :afterjtaketheftcondline <strong>of</strong>the balfecircle, andfit it vpon thefecond line<strong>of</strong>the Columne, tten tht-third vpon the third* and thefourth vpon thefourth : when that is done, there muft be a lyntdrawnefromthe Bafetfthe halfe circle, tothelyne ^..andfromthelynt a-.tothelyne ^andfiemthe line 3. to the lynt2. andfrom the line 2. to the lynt 1, alfo a tyne: andf<strong>of</strong>rom thefecond fide <strong>of</strong> the columne : and although that the lynetin tbemfelues are right, yet they make a crooked lyneX which tbeiuiicitus workeman knoweth htw to regeire and moderate at bis will on aSfides in thegathering <strong>of</strong>the lynet. x^ind although this rule is made for the Thufcan Columnewhich is leaned aboutafourth part,yet it mayferuefor aBforts <strong>of</strong>columnts- )and tht more the deuiiing <strong>of</strong>the CtlumtittandthebalftCireleartinnumber,fo much the leffentng will dimynijh,Let

i. , .<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke* <strong>The</strong> &£t C hapter . Fol ,4.Bf?A. Zbasvmoit&illatt*B. Ctbmng.C. 0ratu!ttiso?Cincfa«D. $ipotracbtliwn o; ^f&fe.E. Sttfi-agatos.F. anmikts oj Ctntta.G. ftbe tbicfeeneffe <strong>of</strong> t&e £&lmnncsafaBue.H. flTbe fijftfeneffe <strong>of</strong> % £*.•^1 ft f facta.K.JCojus.L.pntbo*.lumite btlotOf:. . .-M. |9?oicrtoreoa bearing eu*<strong>of</strong>tbeJEafe.K. 2Lbc tbttfeneSg <strong>of</strong> fyeCo*.Umtneebeiato,O, SCfcetl-fctmcffe<strong>of</strong> tyeCaojHrnnegabone. .

G/theThufcanaTfceCotamne being gnilbe<strong>of</strong>oltb rbeCapitall antiXBafe, tt;en tbearcbitrato,^r*fcara) Cojnifearefo feeefettbcrcfin. SCfcat C-piffo!nmo? artbitraneranttbeasbigb »* t&e Capitale,anatbeKHuaej*ift,tbefirt part tbere*<strong>of</strong>. JEbat fcopbojas o? jFretfe <strong>of</strong> tt>e fame beigbt. ffibe Cornice alfo, toitb ber memberg,ratJtt bee tbe like : anatbe fame being Benioeo in foure pact*, one part flfcall be foj tbe Cimatie, ttuo p«rtffc^tb*Coafi!»9i«nW|el«tt fojtbe facie oncer tbe fame, SCbepjoiertnceoj bearing out <strong>of</strong> tbemall,muffbeatlealt^oraucba9rbeirbctgbt. anobrU»erm rfce Cojona pon map cnt cfcannrts oj boHfifo^ffint, foj tbat tfcig foe?fce is gr<strong>of</strong>le, ana plaine <strong>of</strong>menibrfM man (tn mp opinion) map tafee bpcn bim (o afcfce fome partsUnto it, tobicb map feme to belong bnto tbe fames tobitbmntbe 6oneiD|mmenDeflrerdmaltetb«tt«totn«Dlbettir,ad pon (kin tfcis bcrcfencct fet ootone. 3 comtmno alfo tb<strong>of</strong>e tr<strong>of</strong>cnes tbatbanemoQ potectnre c? bearing out,toitt)onttbEirfoocefqaare(!;efp£CiaUp,tob« :n tb« ffoww8r^tto bea'* tt * W!lbicb|5jotectnres are Uotbcommoown»,a«6 bexn*eommotifotto in tbt*,t|wt tie toalking plate bport tbemtoillbee b?*rt>er,anDittom alfo turpetbotifie tbe toojfee':Swjftefromtoater: beautifying in tbi*, U>at tobm men bebolo tbe toojta toitb cottrieniiBU 6(Canctfrcmlt,it toillOjetntbe greater j anbtoberetttftoncsbesfcanteb, bp rcafon <strong>of</strong> tbfir tmatneCe, tfae£)oicctaretoiUfuppl|»tbaitoaitt,btVetoing greater.I^QiwAtim^fmJbyTQtmAfum^^opfoeus,s':CHniK>t^jff^(um>j

:<strong>The</strong> fourth Bboke,Z><strong>The</strong>fiftChapter.Foi^can Coitwme (accojuingfa Vkruutusrule) ougbttobe<strong>of</strong>fencn Skiameter*bigb,tcin) I5afcs awD Capita! s,&)bicbpjopo:tionis appjamcD goo ; neucrtbclcffe,fo; tbat tfje firS Cokimnes ( as pott ^aaebearDmmpfmallBcoBe) tocre maoeui Sirsparts, tabling tbe meafart from mens fat,tetyicbistbefirtpart<strong>of</strong>tbefame:2nc aifa,fe? tbat § Colnmnes calico SDojica, arc nolocf fiucn parte, tbe ancient toojiamn baninganother part bnto tbcm , to betgbten tycm,tbmfojc,in m^ opinion, bp ttjc fame authorritie,fo; fibat tbe SLb<strong>of</strong>can Colomnc is firon*get tljcn ttjcotljcr,5 iuogc,it migbt be maoelotocr tben tbe S>o;ica; ano,bpmp abui«,bemabe but <strong>of</strong> See parts , hritb SBafes arts Ca

Of the ThufcanaI'i&tvt pjomifcD in tfefs ® coke, astl j> to in treat <strong>of</strong> tbe ornaments an* different maner af 5Eoiibtngs: ttjers/a;c J toiUnet at this time, ffee to feotomenffeoulo place the Catrs <strong>of</strong> BDotonesano jPejts,tottfetfectr Goes* places to lap oat£snnors,\mtb other ctttHmfianccs <strong>of</strong> Dcfcnce,leaning forbears t<strong>of</strong>feeteejfeemen bclcng'.n6toh)arrcs 4acco;inng'.£attjc fituatien and anisette <strong>of</strong> lime ano place. liSut 3 toll ffecto f tfeat tebr n tfee €>ates <strong>of</strong> the Cttie^SCottne ejcn-:#23 trclfc arc placet) .fee to men, in mp opinion, ffeoulfi fct them fojtfe , fetting colon force figure s tfeere<strong>of</strong> . f^ou mutt b»vteiCrnt»,tbat rr«rfeatcojpejt is to bee after the Jtalian maner, arte ought, <strong>of</strong> n:ccfiitp , to feaae a p<strong>of</strong>tcnrc^atf,iBfeicfe are ralleb Pouen van Secourfe,u bicb are ttjc fmall po;ts on tfee Goes , Ent to obferne the ^emetrp, that is,*fine meafnre, (fcc-v ought to be otabe in tfeis manner* 2Cr>e meafure <strong>of</strong> tfee>

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>ei . .' :t- S.I '<strong>The</strong>fiftChaptcr.Fol^A $to to) tf)af fbc too;teman ouabt to be capidnss o( inucntions, to pleafc tjimfclfc atio others , t&e Cafe <strong>of</strong> tbe Citp,/\ SCotonc , o; fojtreffe, mat be fct oat in tbis matter, obfcraing this rate : that To bjoao as tbe going though <strong>of</strong> tbe* *ate. lBut fa? tfat the Colnawe is a ttjtro part fct into tbe taall, ano isbomibfatt tottb otter Oones,moje f0; ftjeto tt)en bcarins,

OftheThufcanamap, make Cfatca <strong>of</strong> SCotones anft .fojts in another BUHer,bfltb plainer an& tSrongsr, foliouring tljc o;bmA$anfceeutiDer fet ooinne: aao tsepjopojtiott o? tbetoioeneffe cf tt»e (Sate Qjallbe as mncbas tbe beigbtistmccrtbei^acte,fn^icl) beared top tljr ro<strong>of</strong>c : atti> from tbe facte toptoarr s ,ag mart) btgber ass the f>alfe Cicele-, pet altoapc5at tbe too; Jsemans tetii to be VHcreafco o » Buaini&eD,anQ efpeeiattp, as he is bp accioent rettrapntD. ffibe tteo $3o<strong>of</strong>ientes are to be mate , as 3 bane bcfoje QetecB :SCbeic tote eneffc mod be tbe balfe <strong>of</strong> tye-midBle in)tbeb#Btb,anB tbe#aeie,tobKbbfbolDetb tbe 3rcb,taall alto feolsbp tbeCnnei <strong>of</strong> tbe fmall&ates. ftetmntttoeetake faebojBer,tbattbe ifanetbcDtmg tb?ongb ? iboniobeetie^»^ceilie,tobtcb,as3 fagb,map,beealtet«o attbetoiU<strong>of</strong> tbe axeman,tein)oat altering tbem from tbe jFtgnre,"5^""KJT

<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke. <strong>The</strong> fift Chapter. F0I.7feinUS <strong>of</strong> o?naments,raanp time*, pat lb« foojfeeman in mint) <strong>of</strong> tbings tobicb tjcpers&acnfarc ironic mtD$ttcr*bauetbongbt<strong>of</strong>: SEberefoje t^rc jHgarcenfotng toill reructl,eteo?be;ran to gmbe;rt> in buiU>ing,a0 occalferimallfcruetastntbcttiall <strong>of</strong> afiwtreffc, toberetbe wall being <strong>of</strong> agooBtbtctmelTe, ttjic too?fee mui>in it tooul<strong>of</strong>icfl feme fo? a place to llano ojic tn,mabmg the teaming place aboue bjoaor r ; aim eafitr foj Defence in time <strong>of</strong>toarre- ana fo) raoje fecuritic, it might ttifyin be fitleo bp toitb cat*. 3t mtg'jt alb be tbe toojfeemans cbancc,to bailoabsnt an $iil: ano to free tymftlfe there<strong>of</strong> from the toatecs, tbat allies tuitl) tbe raptte fall from it, % mafcetbc earth toCube it is therefore neceflstp fo? tbe toojfceman to fet tb« like btuloings agaf<strong>of</strong>tfucb an l^ill, tobercbp be malt be affure<strong>of</strong>rom'fucbrufpJcion,anDitVDillalfobea great ftrengtbentw* to tbettJojfce. STbeliac indention Raphael DorbuttfeaatMomcMatio,alittleaboncRomc,in tbe taineparo<strong>of</strong> Clement tbe fcrtentb,bpb«n began in tbe time <strong>of</strong> tbe Cat"6toaUIeronkmGenga:ani>ti}rtboutPilera,foj tbe Defence <strong>of</strong> toatec asainfta^Ulitoad rnaoetheiifce;

!O/ the Thufcana/% i|5ftent t»o?kemen,in tJita feiwo <strong>of</strong> rufficall toojfee, baue bfeo many anD fcurrall Kinds <strong>of</strong> JBuilbihgs , as peu niapA$ fa bereunovr, iKberetoith a toojfeemap map bclpe bimfelfe in manp things, as neeeffitic requfretb : tijemeafureupercilie fballbe lapo an beUeCirrlc,octileeDmmne cquall parts,tbe lines being alfo ojatonc Upon tt»e Center. 2Ebe Cuntf oi flrcfcBone bjeing fojmeo,anB tbe tjijce pieces lapo bcttoonttt,imtb tbe i?acieaboue tt, toill in tbis fojtbe an euerlafiing teojhc. JIBat fo? that tbe Cunei or tbe arcbttrauc mutt IgefaB, it ftjall be neeflfnll to fill tbe balfe Circle toltb HBjicfeee. 0nb foj tbe moje beautifying, pou map bfe Kotes , as tieancients bfeo to oec, as pou map, at tbis cap, uje income at j&C<strong>of</strong>miatisem)£>amian ;U>buh,altbonal) tbe flows beol&jpetttisberpftnmgi

Cbc<strong>The</strong> fourth Bodke. <strong>The</strong> fife Chapter. Fol.8AQ> in t&e beginning 3 fai&, fbc tooriieman mag bfc ft>fs

OftheThufcana^"^epjopojueno? tyuCtaft. viz. %opmingt»ttoifeafl^gl)aj8bjonij:t|e^UaOetanD $e Stab are a 6ft part <strong>of</strong>tbe b?totb <strong>of</strong> fbe ligbt : tye gr«at pillar (fail be once fo bjoao agatncanD tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> 8je bjeotfes. 3Ebeb*igM <strong>of</strong>t**iBafefl)aUbeafourtbpart,anDtbeC«pitdllatbir6 part, anotogreat tbeCapifaUoiimpoabnocr tbeflrcbajallbee.3Cbe fade in tbe place <strong>of</strong> tb* arcbitraue {ball be as bigb a* tbe Capitals : tbe JJrafe alto as much, an* alfo fteC/Knice*follotoipgtlff toleafojcfafO: tjjerettmapbee foanOtoitbtbeCompatt!?.

<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke,eiifcChapter.Foic?AlLQonft the

OftheThufcanamatter <strong>of</strong> $afe i* ssami bp tbe firt part ef tlje Circle, ana is toerp firing toojke, yet tfce pennant* toill nefcvagrs faith other JEtattoings <strong>of</strong> ^tencT$%: fymioitit a man toill mate fuclj feejfee, it frwufefiane toelltn a tooll <strong>of</strong>'SBjtute. touching tl>c pjepejtton , 3 tirili not fpeafee , f o j that it is eafie tettb a Ccmpsdc to fino the meefurethere<strong>of</strong>. SBat the jpicles o? feaies, plaeca bp it to fill bp tlje place, rtc teoiferman wap, at M$ plesfnre, fe t fe%reI)£tljmfe«tbbeff,aHDtUcpoiapnotonslpfernefo?i^Kbcj8 Jbt!t,Jf<strong>of</strong>o? teinbctm: if tt)Ei'fl ;os5c beetjfee fo?$ich«e toplace jmages therein, ft is acccfrarp,tr-at ffje bctgb? Ifeaulh ncc«B the Bcublr pjopcjttcn <strong>of</strong> fiht bjeitb o; fowttohat rr.»jc,that tijep map be moje fit ano coiKtpmwtnt foj 3(msge* t<strong>of</strong>iano injtobicfe is al&apeg referreo to the toojbeman.

<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke. Tne fift Chapter. Fol.JoJ9 times palf, tbe Uomanes tfco to mingle £>o}fca,3onica, ana fometiaie Co;wtbta, among fSjcir t<strong>of</strong>fiul builoinasju i! fJ^ trrDu ,f a anme balfe Circle <strong>of</strong> the arch, Ojall beeleutoio In eleuen part«,foj tbe Bones <strong>of</strong> tbe 3rtb 5but the cloOnfrttone ttjall bee greater: U> tobirb ttone the too:kemanma*,at bis totpang fomctobat out. Kbt i^acts tobirb oottb bpholo the artb,Ojallbec ftalfe tbe tbiebneffe <strong>of</strong> the Co.lwnes: from tbence ootonetoaros,pou (ball oeuioe it into nirte parts, tobereol too parts 8ball bee foj tbe nether part <strong>of</strong>tbeColturme»,tbeotbcrfeuenoemoeointo eqnall parts, *a'l be tt>e ttonestobieb bino tbe Colrmrnes, ojatomg crotteerf«lallpibeftonwtbatbtttbt|ieColHntnc«anoau-otbe^jnnantj5.rWr**€ 3


<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke,<strong>The</strong>fifcChapter.Foi,iiM»'WSt&«a«&,wfWpart ft^^

OftheThufcanathat v\tnturc is fomethm* torneu into beautifying, an* fometimcs to ojnartunUi furpaffing ntccffitic,to ffjeto^rt, atcoVina to tbt auealtb ef tbr bnilber : ffibtf inoention is mabo to$ pltafare,ftrenBtb and beautie :foj plea*F02 furc,m reaart <strong>of</strong> ttje openncffetbere<strong>of</strong> : ficengtb , fojtbal bctUritfbotb, there i* Caobtte>c <strong>of</strong> toaMKUbronotoacVrtano ftr.bfaotie,b«auftit iflrttborojnamentf j toitbtobifb muenticn atoojfewian map belpebtmfelfcmath iri»iaergtbina0,a0t|hane fat*. ftbc»2op0?tiontbereafn)aUbce,tbattl;etloteBo?mametoo?fee ibaUbeeaumffe,anoa,eCotamnr0tbetoncH,pac!. ICbeint^Colamn^.tftatw.t^^fnMbrttowi. &W*%9tiglbe the tbitkencfte <strong>of</strong>one Columns. SCfebeilbt <strong>of</strong> tbt Columnta, toittj ©aft* ana Capital*, fcatl be <strong>of</strong> *P8btpatt5. 3ntbelKWraue,iPr«fe,Co;mce,15afeanoCapitaU,tbtcaUafo>cfa? BfbalbcobferHeo. C^^tnttanttanootberbin.otngiaKfanemtbJfiguretaatal^^^fAtjaam mawfaatntbtbM^moaifcibaaattctlttifllcini^itOTarpattJtortl uwujMi tbjaatbajitu <strong>of</strong> an*^Bi tWmmwmmMMa

<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke. <strong>The</strong> fift Chapter. Fol.i:TJTifl inMmtitiw inatoojfeemantobefuU <strong>of</strong> indention, uitesart <strong>of</strong> tfe Wiwfcw <strong>of</strong> accents t<strong>of</strong>ctcqI fcnto bmloins: foj ?eimti»es a man (ball finb Go;*<strong>of</strong> CoUranus, but ta late oj OroWW the* fen» netfoj tfiat pnr»,belongeffinSb&pcSi 'ttetS!"tare not (o bjoau bnt that it migbt be eoncreu toitb ttonee that tern all<strong>of</strong> one p;e«,o? elf* to msfce (tangSSwS^^fomcUntatthc firft, in the treat? <strong>of</strong> t*m&ham.isuiiiiiiuiimii^^ wMwmmm MMimiu m

•A£»OftheThufcanattjts 3wt) te fiery ffreng, ronfiocruig lfee f onrDjCsncc <strong>of</strong> tljc btncirg, fa alfo it is ttrgau'cus anD pkafmg fo fckir.BHS^uineHtiDnl|aUniitoml|fctuefoj jc ttjun tl,c oi^ec ; Ujm ft map be fotmo tettb ttjt Compaflr.. ft. .^: - - - -> •, "jv -. ~ -:.iffi.- I *••- '*

<strong>The</strong> fourth Ba<strong>of</strong>e (<strong>The</strong> fift Chapter" Fol. 13JXtiia^fomcfsmcsfall oat,tba£ a tmjfceamti Ojonlo neea man? t^iesiti great italics, fojtbebuiloing <strong>of</strong> busl&ouft,frbeceunto tbisJtoojke bciangct^, tacatrp the toapgbt fa? flrengtfcmng here<strong>of</strong> : anitoere there n<strong>of</strong>fo much ncca <strong>of</strong>Hgbt, fome <strong>of</strong> tbent might be filteo Op toify iS;icfee

!•OftheThufcanaI ithaDnotbttttemawbtfojehi feme otiitt plate, ano fa, at fonie ihthc^oh Ojall f& waCcorto? dftfcbereafitie or|a^aH,t|)atftatt^awnept^cr®(C?eno?WlniJoU)fBinU5 ani3?£ttttjEi tecIlfEtMittn fbifl rnbenumeranDbBjirfj* bins <strong>of</strong> to<strong>of</strong>te: bp tobttb iiraentton^a too&cman ma* bcl»f bwnfelfe : 3tffefeubpIa«*«tot2litwinniavfft3magE»,o? otbet reliquea<strong>of</strong> anttqaitie. SCoac^tng tfe$mtafarrsan»*joiJD)tt»w tberwf,3««Htwt fit itoriwie,fojiUMt«itto tbe foojtamanfo? tobMgbisnijmaiwbjeaB:, as<strong>of</strong>caganfenietb*IjiMjiimiiitiiflTniTniMfTrnfflFnnniTHHWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllilli;il.lllllil[|!!li!li!i:iIW[[|||lillilllHllibiHyi!H^;^\tmmmm:!m!mmMfiZ£?'

'1?<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke, <strong>The</strong> fift Chapter. Fol .tljat 8^c m<strong>of</strong>i part <strong>of</strong> tl}« §>upcrcilic£cj 3rcbiiratics.as fee call t^ient, t&at are fet otter «Dafee 02 oi£crti)tncj!j,F£D? bptcafon<strong>of</strong> Ujcfoioenejs (if{> Boms be not <strong>of</strong> a goo bigncffe)mapp&lDfo the toatgbt , tabcrcbp in time,ti??p bjcafceanb Decap,as^oaraapfffi in manp places: Etjerefojepoafljalljaitijotigbitbce in great oiSatice (fotbatffceftoui;Dens on tbe does be ffrong) mafce fuel) toajkc <strong>of</strong> peeccs, as hiremiDer are in afucrs \aayt$ fct DOtone; inftcij, tojtljcnt&oubf,tpiU&cberpffroBg:ano tfie Ranter tj>e foatgijtis aboue,tl)c longer it Unll laff.14.1r1•1T,._...J111f3D 2

OftheThufcanaAiu^oogbtbatin Vitruuiuitujitingfi terete no mention mate in tD^atmanermeninancienftiitugmaBepIa^cc* inflates ano common bote's to makefile in, pettnenfinDinoltisbnilmnpfomefijEto<strong>of</strong>CijiwncpfSjt'Jgins a toap to DepD unoac, tug tber caR 3 finb bp an? foo;fceman ttje trntb. <strong>of</strong> anp fartj nutters :nenerttieleflfe, fojthat nun man? ufrres fince bauebfeB, not onelp to make fins in dalles ano Chambers, to? tljeireafe, bat arealfotoonttemake triner* ejnamtntsin, anficner fart) places; ano foj t|at jlntenBintbjslSesfeet<strong>of</strong>peake<strong>of</strong>aUtye^nament 8 that a toojtoman map haue canfe to tfe in butl&ing , tbewfojs § to til r&eto fonu fojmes <strong>of</strong> Chimncpes o jfire places, after the 2Ebufcan mancr,aa dalbc n«5fall in fart) bniltnngs ; t&e one Dcltcatclp mate toitfiont tlje toau,tbeo tbcK rafft call too;ke,maBe toitbin tfce teall. i f^Hi'mumm mu^un^jj y

I.<strong>The</strong> fourth Bookd. <strong>The</strong>fift Chapter. Fol 415S^rffr^iwUtoojfcratoere massing Ijetucn cut; bat ttjc iopning tosctljer toerc p;o^#fter, tbcp Bcuioeo t^e Hones in mo?e pjojjojtien ana CjctB, tufttj flat UGs, r.tio foj utojc bsautie att<strong>of</strong>fcs in tyent.£Dtfeet toojUcmcn b?onoj&t in tojsug^t SDianten&s, ana tataee tbcm asecntlv in t'gs's manner.ano fo^ o^Rarnf ri&is fake mafic tijtfeW"im!WfW\LlJtMJJJMjMMJJtlMlmm*^ \fcjJ/MjJJMJJM)»,>Uj.-u,,f%k Wm/JMMUJ)W1^,JJM1,M.'MJ2nB in pjctcffe <strong>of</strong> time, things altered : iuojfeemeitfoj Sal SDiamanw, fri Sat tables, ana rwfeo t>m fomctobat bis>;rr, as in tbisfigure is tobc fane.S)cajeotljcrii3D;fecracnbfeDH'.oje Differences aaBfamelper koojke, neuerttjcliffe, all fuel) tro?fces tjauctbeir otfguwllfrDrarufiicaUSw$e>U>bict) is pet ccmmonlp calico,

.:THe<strong>The</strong> maner <strong>of</strong> Dorica, and the Ornaments there<strong>of</strong>.<strong>The</strong> fixt Qhapter.Ancients (as we haue heard.) confidering the (late <strong>of</strong> their gods,ordained Dorica worke,and dedicatedthe fame to Jupiter }

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>ce,<strong>The</strong> fixt Ch apter. Foiquittes; tbercfoje, after ibis Capitally toill matte anotber after mpfanteCe, toitb tbe particular meafows tbcreaf^et"ter ocfcatco, fojtljat Vkruuiusooetbitffflbjteflp.^bcCapitall being Beutbeo into 3 ; parts, as 35 faro before, 3S fav alto, tbat tbe piintfcus 02 abacas ffioulo altabe oe*uiDco in 3 parts, onepart. foj tbe C-imatie toitb ber Mule, Lift, oj jf illct : bat tbe fame tbufeneile ocnibeB in 2 . Qjall beelbciLttt,anDtbeotbcrttootbeCimatte. SCbe CBcbinus fball alfo be oeuioeD in 3, parts,anD2,tbirb partsbeing fojtbe Qfrbtaus, anb tbe reft foj tbe annnlo, tobicft fball alfo be oenioco in 3 . parts, gintng eacb <strong>of</strong> tbem one.STbc ^reefefball bee as tbe otbers. SCbc $3jotecture <strong>of</strong> eaeb part fljalbe lifee tt

VponOf the Doricafije Capital! pon place tlje

»7<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke, <strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter. Fot . 1iFpputeill ttrkke fljcfoanncUibcCQ;lnmnes,poumuft mafee ao- innnmcr:m tt)c fpaccs <strong>of</strong> ttcffr.Ucs there mutt a ftrapgbf line bee.JOjatottc, tehicb f&all bee tfe fi$e tf ore4,fquare: tobifb 4. fquarebeing maBe,placing the pne fo<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> tbcCampas.iutbeCenter, anbuntbtbeotbwtpwbingJbotJMb* one anb the other thb <strong>of</strong> the line,bjatoittg ft about , it tintl ;r.sU: Ojc rigbtho! lotoing, twhirb (nail be Ojc fourth part<strong>of</strong> a Circle, as it is b&rcunber flbetoeb.3notfjfojtbeMpnngtjp<strong>of</strong>Columhcs,p?fpjotbet oceafions, it lucre neceffarp to-bnuetbe fetitobatum o?$cDettall befog110 1 bigbcrtongb, 1 be mao e bigb cr , tbentljr flat <strong>of</strong> ttje fetilobafum rtjallbce liketb« i^lintbo 0? tbc 15afe <strong>of</strong> tbc Cotnmnc:anb tbc beijjbt, that ttjtbjeucnojflat(balbe tbno: <strong>of</strong> tbc bjebtb S»U be maee aperfect^* fgjarr janfi from tlje Dne cojnerto_?bj othcr,sline bjafrn? fa? EDiagOiuisanb rbetentrtb <strong>of</strong> tbeSNagortuBRmllbeetbeibcigbt <strong>of</strong> tl>e flat, as pou map f& itIjeile beneath, tobicb beingJJcuiDeo into5. parts, ttyerc fbalbe one part let abonefo?flje Cimatie,toitb thntbclpngetb tt»ce«Unto, «no one other part fhalbcgiuentotfoJBafe; an<strong>of</strong>o this pcocfrall ftjalbe <strong>of</strong>7.p«rts,as the Columne is. 2no al*tbongb tbispjoiectnee <strong>of</strong> the £«pitali«eontrarg.ta Vitfuuius rule, becaafcit isperpendicular tottb tbf^Iintbo <strong>of</strong> the15a1c: set foj that 3 banc fa nc tbe Wainfome antiquities, ano banc nlfo placeDfpme<strong>of</strong> tbe Ufce fojt in pieces <strong>of</strong> toojfec,3 thought it not amiffe to fct this here,fo? tbe bfe <strong>of</strong> tb<strong>of</strong>c, that ft>il» make flaw,although fome <strong>of</strong> Viteuuiui fcbollera,nethautngfecnetfce liiwinanp antiquities,toill contraoict it: but if tbep marfcetbe abacus <strong>of</strong> tbe Conntbia » fobtfepjoicctarc alfo bangctb pn tbe piuitbue<strong>of</strong> tbeffiafe,iecttbis^joiecture.tbep toill not Cobathlpcc'i.— --.. ,®

? t- iQfthe Doric*i®jt^at?{k«)grc8tciffctctpetEttoecn2t!)eto5¥ttngs<strong>of</strong> VitrUoias,«mb tbc t^mtrs<strong>of</strong> Roirt7arrD75tl)cri)l?rr* <strong>of</strong>Ji«iy itbercfoje Jtjaue b«ruet Botoane rome,fert)iclj are pet ertanrfn too2ke to b\fane: tobicb, altfcougb tbcp bee <strong>of</strong>fmall fe3me,U!itl)out number* oj meaforriB,pet »>?? arepjopojtioneo accojoing to m greats ano-toittj grrsttiU»gr nee rrDitccD int<strong>of</strong>tnalt fojmc. Efce Capital! R. teas fomto toittjottt Rome bpon a tSjtoge, Canning oni r T>beri ffihat Capital! V. ism Verona, in an arcbtrpumpbant. aHjatCapitall T. fsinRomcinaBDojicaUCcnt*pleycallco AI career Tulliano. 2Ei>at Capitall P. tons founo in Pefaro,teittb diners other comnunDnble antinnitiwthe fearing

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>ce* <strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter. F0L1S

OftheDon'caT£e parts <strong>of</strong> tbe SDrtgUpbe* zm Sj3e tbopbr* being in tbis o?6er tnpjepareD , anD pet bsrp neceffarp, l toill takepapncs to Declare To toellas § can. #irtt, although Vitruuiut afficmetb, tbat tbe #oBels <strong>of</strong> the too?fce l^eratrU<strong>of</strong> fire Columnes,map be Biffrfont cb anD DcuiDeD into 3 5 pacts: pe . 1 3 fino not, that tbe parts map ttanttIds, viz,fo, foj tbis twit, tbat gtning tbe mtenUmeG inter ^olumnc 4. $ctbopbes, ano tbe otber fpaces 3• tbe fapl nnmber foill not matte tbe tobole: but,as j|coweaue,if ponfct 42. aspouwap f* anorecfeon in ttjisJFigorefoUotoing,as alfo in tbetoojfee2i;betrnfiilos,tbatis,<strong>of</strong> 4. Cotamwe*: tbe $o>fcefaitb,tbat tbe fo?efcont <strong>of</strong>tbetobolefawfeefrjonlDbeoeuiB£titntoi3. pacts, f»bicb,3affurcpou,cannotffanbfo,if pon m\\ ginetbemiOBlefpace^jpetbopbeMnB tbeotberttDoecbe<strong>of</strong>tbrms. 15nt,bpmp a6uice,tbcrcftoulDbe37.aoponmapfei in tleftgncefolletong. SCben, ift&ep?inrtpall<strong>of</strong> tbe ffemples be Deuibeo into 27. parts , tbe Celumiies (ball bee 2. jpoiela t^tcfee , tbe miDDIem<strong>of</strong>l;inteC'Colnmnestballbe<strong>of</strong> 8. ^oDels,tbatis,tbetbicftneffe<strong>of</strong> 4.Columnes, ano tbeinter^Colnmnrsbrttees, fljalbeeatb<strong>of</strong> 5.$poDel0an&anbalfe,tbatt0,ttDoanOaquarter, ani a quarter anDbaIfe:anDf<strong>of</strong>hallibe27«bret>l8»bnteD.2nd abone each Colnmne bis 2CrigJtpl) being fc t , * tbe STrtglipbcs DeniBeD toitb $Jetbopbcs,aK02Ding to tbe rale afo;e?taps: tbcn tyt mioetem<strong>of</strong>f fpacefballbaue 4, jgettjopbcs, anotb<strong>of</strong>eon ttje ftc«s Ojali rjauf 3 • &t

<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke,<strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter, Fol< ipjVCvWy *41- AWWf IVJJVj r /W/vs\ /WIJ\1 TOVJW77 AAWJx TTWWv /JMSK AAAAM -' WWW

IOf the DoricaHaulngmaos (ssisbcfo$efarD)tbje*partsanoanbaifcfrom belotokptoaics, 2. pnrijs itjail bee fc5 \\t bctgbt <strong>of</strong>the ligfet, i»bicb bciotjt being oeuioeo in i a. one part Ojall be tbe b?eotb <strong>of</strong> the antipagmentum oj flatter, an»tbe Ugb.t (ball be 5 pacts ano an . balfe bjoao : bat if tljc ligbt fcnoer be <strong>of</strong> 1 6 fcot . tbe ptlafter Ojalbe lefleneo a 3.part ititbctppcrmoitpart:anD tbe fame ^i' after Ojatlatfo bemaoe thinner a i4.partaboue- SCbat^nptrcilie0; 0rcbitraue (ball be <strong>of</strong> tbe fame btigbt,m tyt uibicb tbe Cimattam ILefbium tottb tbe affragall is to bee maoe : totjictjCimatie (ball be tbe 1 bitb, tbe te % t far t b, men cat tbe Cimatiant 2Do?icum , ano tbat affragalum icflmim in tbe&cima ^ralptnra,ta>bitb is ronfufeo. But bete 3 let m? felfcto bnOetflano, tbat tbe meaning <strong>of</strong> tbe 0atbo; is broken,tobere be faptb,fetma Swlptura : be tocnlo bane fapo,feinc ® tnlptura, tbat is, uutbaut cutting a? grautng; ano tbat is,Cimatiam©o;icnm,togctbcr,toitbtl)eaaragalumilefbiam: tbe pjcpojtton there<strong>of</strong> fiancefb in tbe figure mariseoA. D. iPom,fo j tbat tbe tcrt faitb,tba t tbe Cimatie <strong>of</strong> tbe C«ona fbalbe <strong>of</strong> Ufee fccigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe fepperm<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> tbe Capitals,iobicb being fo,tben tbe Corona (Bill be berp great: to iubirb(ac(02Bfng to tbe Uatbojs meaning) abanegiucnasmucbaitbougb fotb £r otoncs brill neuer be bansfome 02 fecmels in toojtje,JSjoiectur e as tbt betgbt <strong>of</strong> tbe feupercilie is.neucrtbeleffe, tointrcatcf tbe^)jnameRW,3tbougbt gcoo to (etcotmiempcpiiuonbmm anot<strong>of</strong>beU) tt in figure.Corrections <strong>of</strong> t|eafo?tfa$o fcrf,bp fr. ^erlic.T ^ane perufeo Vkmuius testing narrcr , a«o U>it^mm beuboration, btbere bee fpeafeetb <strong>of</strong> tbe Cimafte S>o?ica, anatbe aftragalo iLefbium, in tbe &ima &culptura : ano 3 fino, tbat feima feculptura is meant <strong>of</strong> fiat eutting,ri(mg fcerplittle: nobj,fo?tbat 3 banefounb man? fucblifee in antiquities, via. tobere tbe affragalB,ILeau?s,sno ©gges,fcbauebut fmall 0} little l^oiecture 0; rpfing Dp , tberefoje a fet tbts fo) infirnctton <strong>of</strong> Cranflatojs , to be rojrecteo touching$>(D?es.A $8 fo; tbat our 3atbo; ijatb fet tins correction <strong>of</strong> tbe Cimatie ano ailragail bere itoberein, in mp opinion, fbere coifftitetb no great matter,3 tbintee it not annffc to bclpe b>m a little in tbis matter toutbing doojcs, therein confiffetbmurb* 'f a? tobere Vicruuius faitb , tbat pon mufi Oenioe tbe part from tbe pan emew t to tbe iLatnnarp in j. parts snOanbalfe,itmtifibebntiertia)D,abouetotDartjstbe 2Cimpanum marfeeo B. anotbmtbeooo.:eu?onlobeett)elt,ano tbeCo;ona tooitlB be like tbepiintbus <strong>of</strong> tbe Capital!. #ou),fo? tbat tbe tot is fo Different in otljer places* as in tbemftole <strong>of</strong> tbe floods, tobere<strong>of</strong> Oefarianus faptb,tbat be bail) fotma 3 . o? 4. fo;ts ; fo it is to bee feareo, tbat tbis alfo isnot totll bnoecQooo. STbns mucb fl baue ftottb poac licence) tbougbt gooo to fet touine bere , tbat tbe buiioing fbsnlDnotbc (eft imperfect, as cur ntbo? ooetb. fa. j altbougb be fetm ootone tbe figures <strong>of</strong>moje &mt3> p,et bee fb?to£tb nott)oU> tbej fjjall Canointbe SSailotngafojcfaHD.

-TtefourthBdoke; <strong>The</strong> fixt Chap fer. Fol, 20s ... M: :.

;;Of the DoricaF^tt)«tutemnoottimEtM3eiiot!3fe^aje!SlcffinctiaboBE,afi tljeptub in ancient tune jfobfcbH, to? fomentfen, cocnet Pifroumieno , ?et fomefiulfalltoojfeeman bane man]?, iubitb mottpart <strong>of</strong> common toojteemen Ukenot. # then the twijbcmantoill make aEbiromatiunojStojeumpb?, fantb little beautu?ing, after tijeSDojitaO20er,thcnbemapobfert«;ibts ojocranomcafure hereafter following , iutjcreot the light dj tl>at to^ic^ i* oprrt,fijall be ttoitc as bigb as bjoab. JCbe antipagmentum o? piafler (hall be the Ctt part <strong>of</strong> tt>e bjeotb <strong>of</strong> the fefftt : toiu>out the 8ntipaguuntrou pot» mull mabe an ©chine toitb ttoo ItiCs, tobicb (ball be tbe fift part <strong>of</strong> tbe ^ilaffers oj flnfrpagtnentiim,aUboogb in tbe ©ate 3fp<strong>of</strong>tew <strong>of</strong> btfeje, it id the Art part: neaertbdefle, foj that 3 bane tent tn awiqaitief,in a mesne Cate <strong>of</strong> 1 2. parts, 3 banc bone it hire alfo,as 3 pjtmifeb: *cn mutt not make tbe tbeCojona, toitb b«Cimatie; anotbeibtro, fo? the fectma : S5wt there is alfo tbe epjbt part aoot o thereunto, anb tbe pjoiettarf bwinj oat j (booting oner,^iUbeaccojoing tott)ernlg«fo»fap6,fcttiot»mmtbe beginning <strong>of</strong> rbi»5Bt*e

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo oke><strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter. Fol. ii"i.

Of the DoricaAiLtbcnabtljatintbe aDjocr<strong>of</strong> jDajica Vitruuius maketb mention <strong>of</strong> oneSojcoj^ateonel^anboarfelpinongb(innifopimonj as | fljetoco befojc, J tbinbt it rec.nifitc,fhat men Hall notionelpbfe one fojt <strong>of</strong> E>co?sso; from fbc one STrigltpb to tbe otber,tberc mail be tbjftffirigltphes anb fine fpaccs DcuiDeO. SCbe otber partttulat mcmbcrs,as 26afe,CapitaU, f riefe,Criglipb ano Cojntce,follow tbe rale afo;efapb.^oto,foabatfomcjTattigies,#roriirptties,Coaering6ano©£nclg,arebtgbertbcnVitiuaiusfets tbtnt eotone , their common rule Ibalbc, that pen otnice tbe Cojnice from one ebjner to tbe otfcer,as from A. toB. inj.parts,anbt*ebalfcfhaUbangbotonetoarcs,flrag6btbptbelteaOto C. anD then the one foilflf the Comoawfetbponfbe C. ano tbe other fait <strong>of</strong> the Compaffc on tbe tojner A. ojtatoing itabouttomeco3r»r<strong>of</strong>tt)*Co}n«e ».that Upper part <strong>of</strong> tbe Cirrolar lint, fbaUbe tbj ow height <strong>of</strong> tbe jFaaigiwn ogtfJuiU.SEbe fourth part <strong>of</strong> tbe Circle*

<strong>The</strong> Fourth Booke, <strong>The</strong> fixe Chapter,Fol

:Of the DoricaA l wiurfato in anp Antiquities ojjtojitings.515nt Balthazar <strong>of</strong> Sienr.e,onetfoatreafi enD fougfoteutaU2ntiqut*ties, tfia&petafinenture, foaue feme feme, o? at leaG bimfelfe teas tfoe ifnncnto? here<strong>of</strong>, plating SCrtgUpfoes aboue i%tSDoo?C;,lG!jcre ttjcg bcare leafi BrcCT0,am> ttie fl^ntiles aboue tfee ficme part <strong>of</strong> tfoe ^tlafiersAuf<strong>of</strong>cbbeeaeaU tfoe toapg&;t<strong>of</strong> tfoe faftigium, anD in mp concept, feemels, anb toae mucfo conuiienecD bg> Clement the ft uentfo, t<strong>of</strong>o^asrorcol^, Irasa man ewelientlp fane in all %tUs. SCfois pat t ffoall foaue tfoe ligljt ocubte pjopotfioneb ; bat tfoe ^ilaficr ffoalt be the 7.part <strong>of</strong> tfoefoeigfot,anb tfoe &>upercilfcs the foalfe there<strong>of</strong>. 2L"focb;ieDlfo<strong>of</strong> the Sriglipfoes nub Spwttte?, is tfoe foalfoot tfoegsuperciltes, an& tfoe focigbt a Double bjentfo, ntf.fcwg 2 .funics ouer one $9iiafier , anb,4^ Cdglipfos oaer tijc SDsojetbcfpaccsffoaUbeall 4. fquare. flbcue tfoe Shuttles atiD2Crig»tpfoes,pou mutt ret ifoc Capitall osSbacus : tfoe'foetgfotoj tfoirimeffe t<strong>of</strong>oere<strong>of</strong>, ffoalbe a 4. part leffe tforn tfoe bjc&tfo <strong>of</strong> tfoe Strtjlipfo,a«b tfoe Ctmatte tfoe 3. part <strong>of</strong> tys SsbatagEfoefocigf<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> tfoe Cojona toitfo tjer tfoeu msg

Tlie fourth Book * <strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter. F0U5

OftheDoricaA&thongha man map msfec bittcre fetaos <strong>of</strong> w oap men court aftcntouel*ties,tfp?ciallp,tyben thcp arc mstie brittle anbreafon, although tlscColumnc, jPr&fcano other members arcmirctiUjtt^rnftitaUliBuiloing^e^arcinpama^feBfojmBami fatbion: ano fcbercasgbanefayD,tbatamatiftoalo tfc rutttcal ano bro?ifl) toojfes tn fo;ts ano i^tfreflta ; note this map feme fo? a cfcange,bnt net teitbout,fo; receiufog <strong>of</strong> foot in tbem,fe. SEbe ligbj there<strong>of</strong> is atfo Double in height: the Colnrcne* ttoo times fo bjoao as the \&vlaGcrs, being 1 4. $ooels bigb, toith CapitalSjCriglip&cs, J?afigium, ft. iLet tye fteaotr ooe bis {deafur^fiict^ctherein, fo) me thinfeess there confitlcttj little hctein,ano there is tncugb (ago as btfsje.%

*:<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke. <strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter. JFoLi-j.teas, in the beginning <strong>of</strong> this 35oke, to fpeakf onel? <strong>of</strong> the ojnaments <strong>of</strong> the fine Sheers <strong>of</strong> 15aflm?e: tbe toioenefle <strong>of</strong>t&e jpiebes, i.Colnmnes fbtche, ano 4. in beighfc tlje peDeaals,4.CoUimnes thicksin height: bis bjcutjj, ano tbe refits is before fapo. 2Cbe Colnmne, toil* tbe ffiafe ano Capifall, ffcalbe 9 pat ts bigb .tbcCpittilinmisbalfeaColnmnetbicbe.-tbeartiglfpb<strong>of</strong> tbe fame bjcotb, ano twice fo bigb toitb tbe Capital!. SCfcaSCrigllphes placeb as pon fee tbem,tbe Cojana ano tbe r*0 <strong>of</strong> t&c members ftalbe maoe as tsbcfoje fibetone. 2Lbe betgbt<strong>of</strong> tbefe ©eucls fomefobst etceeb Vicruuiuj famtings: brit 3 bane fan facb an otber ,fomet<strong>of</strong>cat bigber,tn antiq.nttics,be'ing mabe <strong>of</strong> tbe Ort part f ffce Cojana in length. Ebe aeroteria ftalbe <strong>of</strong> belgbt ano bjeotfcj like tbe Colnime abouetoitbout Cejnice : an* the mioolem<strong>of</strong>l a Ort part fejgber, as alb tbe Column* a *.part, being maoe raft in tbetoall.^ss;

»OftheDorfcaT^is figure following:, ma^ be bfta bp the Iravnea toojfeeman fo jDiuers tbin5s,ana map bee altscet? arcojaing tothe accioents that fljall happen: it toil! alfo fcrue fo? a fainter to beautify an 9Uar iiittljall, as men at tiris cap coesn Italy: it niayalf<strong>of</strong>ctucfoj an artbtrgimipliant, if von take aftmp tfcelBaffmentinfbemioaie. iLitset3?tre,foamai? beautiftea ©ate toitbal, leaning cut tljs brings on the fiees: fonretimcSjfo? fefting fcjtb a t08iin&oUi>a #itSe,a 3Eabernarlc,o?uKblifcctb4ngs: Mjubpjepotficnfljallbe maDc t^as, arheopenneffcojtariQ'neffc fballbceoeutatDin*, parts, ana one <strong>of</strong> tbemftallbetbetbicfeeneffe<strong>of</strong>tbeColunmfs: tbej^acies ojilitt rowna about fljall bee halfc aCoiumne tbjtbe. 2EI)e^etebt<strong>of</strong>tbelfebt!6allbetbetbttbnetIe <strong>of</strong> 7. Colmnnes.ano the 2§afc ana Capital! together- <strong>of</strong>tbc tbicfeenrffe <strong>of</strong> a Cotanmc, ana in all, Ujall be epgbf parts high. 2£bst JBcsefMl fbalbe 3 .Columncs tbtche in ^rigfet,tbe bjcatb D? fo? fP^ be tbE pintbus ftnoer ttje Columne. 2Cbe inter*£olumncs on tije fiDc ffcall be one Columnstbichcana in tbe Comers fljaH Sana the fourtlj part Of aColumne: the brings on tlje fioca, totjercin ttjc i|5ici)tss are,fljall be <strong>of</strong> tijctbicfenefle<strong>of</strong> a Columne ana a balfe, but tbc inches a Columne bjoafi, ana 3. in height.ECbe Srcbrtrauefljall bauf the balfe tbiefeneffe, ana the £rtgliph alfo as bjoaa, but the height totthotit tfee Capital! ftall bee a 4. fquare,ana tteP 3• parts; toberebp, placing tbe SCrigiipbes on tbc right fine, ana on the left, tight aboue tbc Columncs ano ,bettoane both 3. SEriglipbes, ana 5. ONtbop&es mo?e t ttje Beoifions fbail rigbtlp come to be 4. fquare in the fpaccs.^eCojona ana tbeJFrontifpieie,anOaR the other parts, as toellbeloto as aboue,fball be maaeasis taught in r&e be*ainning. 2na fo? that the %\ iglipbes on the fiaes Differ from Vitmuius oottrine ; b et, noturitbftanaing, 3 bane fanetbem in antiquities flana topon tbc corner*, the foojbemen map, at tljefr gooo plealnree, mafee tbcm in toojfee,o? bcaretbem out, as otcafion fbaU feme, iruttber , 3 baa no meaning to fet anp grouna* 03 platfojmes in tbis fout tb ffio<strong>of</strong>ee,fo? that it is intenaea to be intreatea <strong>of</strong> elfctuljcccj get futb fo jefronts as are bato to be tsnucrttoo, J toil (et the gcbnogr*fbje o) grouna, fo? raoje light to tbe tteaaer, _. ;

i<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke. <strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter, Pol. i?©

Of the DoricaAiLt^cugl? in ftniiqaitfc^as fnrr? rsis f-ur£ ? fcfren Ir o;fccmcr bat) p'ar c? tije^pifliliabpoit tfte roans Cotamne,tfcep ret Kotbing elfe bat ttjc ft& .girtn tpon no; in anpotbcrbntliwicrs: i^cucTt&elcflf, J hill tioi trn\tu fetcctew force mater <strong>of</strong> ^rufcBhutbcntSrcbes : fojif poutoill m&fer flrebes imtb tbeir foartfcjitan fliers anu rcunD jtaitmmrs befoje (fesm fej beautifying <strong>of</strong>tbe tiwftr,feffeing to mafcemucb ttg^t in pntir Callerd - tve pilars teitb tfis 0ccbes tei'l briber a great ceale <strong>of</strong> ligbt: Cben ifpontoillfct fbeFrcbreoneSpfepon tbcrctsnD Col9mnes,tbat irerc aStogctbcr fa'fe, fo; tbat tbefourccojntrf<strong>of</strong>tbearcbtocolDfufpaffe tbe reunoneffe o? boor <strong>of</strong> tfte Colitmnes : tbcrefo;c » mfeno, to mate feme Monies ana otfcer iBttiloingstoitbcntSrtb^botb <strong>of</strong> tbis o4Jer,aHDaifo <strong>of</strong> tbc ctber. SEbis fball tberefajebe maseintbtewaner, tbat tbe greateffintef'ttolnmnrfbaliLtQc tljuterlfi <strong>of</strong>faureColunmrSjanDtbeftnalleSScf onejmbanbalfe. SEfcetietgtt<strong>of</strong> tbe Co*lunrncBfljall be <strong>of</strong> nine parte ,tiritb SM:e anb Capitals: Ujc 0rebitraoe, § c&it. aviD Cojnir c, fc. Cbnll bee mate accoj*Otng tc flje former ro! e: tlje Imbrweffe <strong>of</strong> tbe totnootoes are <strong>of</strong> two Celumnes tbicfenra : tbe Ijeigbt a fourc r quare aoottevj tbiro parts: ant> t'geir pilaflers one Or: part cf tbe ligbt, bluing tbe Co;nue aboue, i.fee tbe Capitatl. £b r c«?*fljnllbc<strong>of</strong> thebjeotb <strong>of</strong> tb;

<strong>The</strong> fourth Booked <strong>The</strong> fixe Chapter.FoI, 2 ' - -,..

OftheDoricaAlthough tntbe SEfeufcan S>jD«,in the .facie i j . 3 bsue fljetoeb tbe life: imte»tion, tbt», aotb ttbffanD{no,6if'feretb:foMbattbts fatten 3ron binbinas, in the dors , 80 pou fe it in the platfojme , bnt lbep uiitilattlonger,if rbcpbemaDe <strong>of</strong> bjafle. fcbepjopojtion<strong>of</strong> tbie .facie (ball bemacethns : 2Dbe greatett 3nfercolMtmec(hallbe4.ColumnestbiCKe,anbUje leattttoo. Ebe ftcigijt <strong>of</strong> tbeColumncs, uritblBafes anb Capital, fballbolo?times their tbirfeeneffc. STbe ffiptflilium (ball bee tbjee renre parts <strong>of</strong> a Columne tcjtcke : abone tbe tobirt there(ball be a balfe Circle maBe 3the bjcactb trjere<strong>of</strong>Ojalbe tpalfe a ColumccB tbichneffe : Upon tbe Arch pon (ball fet tbc Coifwiee<strong>of</strong> tbc betgbt <strong>of</strong> tijeauium. mttoeme botbtbe a«brs tbere (ball be tbe maner <strong>of</strong> a tomooto mabe, tbe totoe*neffefoberc<strong>of</strong> wall be lifeetlje intercolumnea bnoertt: anbtbelUfloj ebgcBsbjoabastbeaKb. ffibatCanetaiSCroebile, «u> ty Ccbinc atone tbe toinbotoes, ano part cf tbe Cornices, fljall, neoertbeleffe,beare out fanetebat atonethe brinboipes, futobeautifietbclame. Che toibenelfeor tbe H>m?esftall bee ttoo Colnmnes, anb onefonrtbDartCbeJBilatter 0; anftpagmentum, wall bee a firt part <strong>of</strong> ibelight: tbe bzigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe light (ball reach to tbe framffieL'tudbnbertbeCapitaU<strong>of</strong>tbeColnmne: tobicb tojme <strong>of</strong> Capitals (ball folloto abone tbe Dmjee aim teinootoeclight <strong>of</strong> ttjetoinbotoes fljall bee in bjcabtbttooColnnmes in tbichneffe:Ctonnttbefetbulmeffesafo;efepB,in thefe cafe*aretobehnDerttobastbeColcminesfallcnt. JCbe Unatb <strong>of</strong> tbe ligbl (ball be a fonrefquace anna balfe: SEbefiicheflfljall alfo be <strong>of</strong> tbc fame freight. 2Cbe Ktote aboue, 0? tbe (ccono fetage, as pon toillterme it, fljall bee left n Outer *fenrtb part, onriorp in this fojt: Che fJooium 0; part bjett high, <strong>of</strong> one Columne ano a balfefntbWefle. srJrrttfliaibebeutccomfiue; one <strong>of</strong>them (ball be arcbilrane,* rife aRbCojnice. SChe etches toitb tbe ffiwaments Saltflanb in JBerpcnbicular abone the tomatoes, bettoeene the arcbea, but walbe in bjebtb fine parts: tiro parts (kail betbe Colnmnesjtbe red the Riches tnitb the pilaflers. Ebe Cojnice abone the Riches Gbatlbetbe bjeottj <strong>of</strong> one oTtbelkColnnmesj ano the SBafes, tbe balfe bjeotb there<strong>of</strong>. ffheu>inbobDtsbeth>(rnetbeipubes,fl)allintb7liBbtr8ntapneone fourth part leffe then tbe oa>;e,an» <strong>of</strong> Double height : but <strong>of</strong>tbe rett <strong>of</strong> the laments (tej that this feoikew feme*UDhat mirco) pou fljall fino further fatiffactlonin the Jonicaano Co;intbia. SCheSCriglipbeein tbiscomp<strong>of</strong>ition be*timet tbeoneano the other, tottl not matte their ^etboprs right fbnrefquare, beranfejbane tee tafcSCrifiltpbes*tone rach tomboto, ano as manpouereutrp <strong>of</strong> tbc Riches ,as pou map tain tbe flowe : tobereln, if tbere be »m> founttor«ntut8 tn tbe mcnfRre, oj slfc bebat, 3R attwnjesreferre ntFfglfetotherule fet totone in tbe beginning.

<strong>The</strong> fourth Booked<strong>The</strong> fixe C hapter, Fo{ % f

OftheDoricaF£) that fomeiimes, fame men toil! baue altogether arches ana ©allerieMna foj that it is confutes toasts place2rebcs bpon rouno Columnes, vet a man map make fcnrcfqoare pillars tonaer tijtm Irttlj l£a!'£3 ana Capitals,3na although tbieTfcoufe 10 tebole, tehtcb is bnt little fc? a man tljat f)at|> a great lining, pet vou ma?like the other.fetitfaijtbin 5. 9rtt}e6,alfom7.9rcbc8. £fecS?cml$ontobfrr<strong>of</strong>mai»be,tbateacb JntcrrOiuroneniapbe<strong>of</strong>tbetbufeneffe <strong>of</strong> fonte Cotomncs. STtie bcigbt <strong>of</strong> ttje Columnes tottb 15afes ana Capitals <strong>of</strong>fice part* : ana abone t&cmtbe grebes to be fct <strong>of</strong> the bjcttb befoje, <strong>of</strong> faalfe a Cohmme: tbe epenneffe f&all be* <strong>of</strong> aouble pjopojticn. Sboue t tj«grebes pou mufl place the arcbitraue,JFretfe, ana Cornice : tbe height <strong>of</strong> tbem all ffcalbt <strong>of</strong> 1 . Columnes tbichm at : anObeing awiaea in 3. parts ana a balfe , one part ftjalbe tbe arcbttrane,balfe a part ft; tbe fw fe,ano one part fo; tbe Caytrice: tea tbe other part.pon fljati follow tbe role afojrfa pa. SEbe Ocdjc fbalbe ttoo Columnrs outtoara : tbe f^iiatter , tfeeftt part <strong>of</strong>tbe light: but tbeCo^lcfS<strong>of</strong>tbeem#,onBtbevainaotoes,fhall banc the bright <strong>of</strong> tbe Capitals. jBTbe ton*actors fbalbe a Column* ana a fcalfe beat ing oat : arm tbeir length ox beigbt, (ball be taken in JPingonall mane r. SEh ctojntr Colnmncs tbalbe as bjoaa astbeotber: tort thep fbalbe <strong>of</strong> 8. parts ana a balfe high. EbefctcnDftojrebcnethis , tbalbe a fourth part Isffc : tbe cojner Colnmncs; toitb artbitrauc,^ rdr ic ana Cojnice, leffenea accojainglp : JEbefainn<strong>of</strong>ecsaboMB tbe arrhes,toitb tbe ^Uattersjfcalbe as toiae as th<strong>of</strong>ebeloto: buttle beigbt <strong>of</strong> thea.fourerquares,ana the jftafe aboue them, (ball bee ae bjoaa as tbe @>npercitiam 1 tbe Cojnit e alfo as mnch : Che fmall toinaotoes a*bout tbcm,are mace fo; ttoo purports : Efae firtt,tfce Hemes being bigb,as tbep fl;e to cat toar alp, ttnll make tbe cham*bers sua other comes much lighter. 8>etonaip,fo? mreffitp a man ma; make hanging chambers in tbem, ana [fcen tb<strong>of</strong>clights toillferue to go)Bpurp<strong>of</strong>e< 2Tr;e tbtto Qc?y ttjalbc IcOTe then tbeffceno a fourth part: ana the fame being aeuiaeaiu5.parts, one part fbalbefe? the arcbitrane,ifrelfeanaCo?mce: andtbatpartbeuiaeain;. one pari tbalbefo? theflrcbtfrane ana §r&fe,ana the tbirc fo? tbe Cornice : ana in the .freefe, tbe shuttles ana spogoilione tbalbe aeniaeD,asponfitbrm. £bc lights <strong>of</strong>tbe toinaotoes l!>«lb» a* the others, buttljeviballbeea tteelftb part bigger, btcaufetbepare further from tbefigbts tbeplatters, ifreefe ana Cfthice, foalbeliketbe other. Eke jFrontifpite ana 2rcbc* ftallbe mace', as 31 bane fapft, in tbe ace jt ana gates <strong>of</strong> the Cr.acr <strong>of</strong> tbe 2Do>tca : fo? beautifying, o; to place anotber roto<strong>of</strong>Grebes in it, von map fct 0croterirs 0) ^ilaQers bpon tijem, to^icb toll patfe toell in the making ef rbeir fits plac$s,o;cbimn$prs fo? auopaing <strong>of</strong> fmefee « £Cl;e fpaces bettoecne tbe toinaotces, t|at reraarne foktte, are left to bee papnteo*as tbe toojbeman toill, 0? at tbe pleafnrc <strong>of</strong> the otoncr <strong>of</strong> tbe haute. liSnt fo?mo?c fecuntp <strong>of</strong> this builaing, it ftsiibe neceUarpto place tbefe Iron bancs in it, 0} at leaQ, oner the ©aller p, as is taugtat before

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>ce. <strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter, FoLigdsiSiSMIPlllllDil

Or the DoricaIjtpi tlii famous STolonc <strong>of</strong> Venice, becaufe bonfes 9m» neere together, tfeip are fojceo to make tbstr lightens tbe?marJotbattbctrSBcititing oifferctbmucbfromtbatJlBiUloing <strong>of</strong> Italy : nfltteitbOanDing , tbeuw.Kcmanmapgtuetbi m Kgbt lnongb, cbferuing antiquities, tntjici} fbaH be tbns mane ano DctubcD : §?ou (ball oeuiDe tbe toibeneffe <strong>of</strong>lan 3rcljina. parts ano nnb«ifctl!>l;erccfuncf!jaUbcff.j Jb,eb?eiit& <strong>of</strong> rbc irbo!t pillar: the tbithensfle tobcrc<strong>of</strong> ftalbe(be balfe, tbe rouno Columnes alfo a* mart) : trje beigt-t <strong>of</strong> tbe 3rcb ftjalbe <strong>of</strong> one 4. fqnarc, ano ttoo 5 parts fon ma?. :alfo make tbem cftuo 4. fqnares,beigbtntag n)c reft accojomglp, Ebe juipott 0; Capitall tmocr tbe arrb, fball banetbcbalfc tbicUcrcifc <strong>of</strong> tbe Columne, arrowing to tbat Inbictj is RjetotD before, <strong>of</strong> tbe Sweater <strong>of</strong> Marccllus. EbeIDooje (hall be <strong>of</strong> ib?e Coinmnes tljicbr in toireneffe, tbe b c tgty <strong>of</strong> a fottrefquarc ano ttoo 3 . pacts: tb,e platter 0; 0n«tipagmentam fta!bc <strong>of</strong> tbe 8, part <strong>of</strong> tbe ligfet: noectbe 2rcbes Qmllb:cttoicc fo tuioe as tbe does: fo then, tbe Cornices being placeobpon tbe Colurancs tobitb beare tbe2rc'), sad the fealfe Circle roaoebp to tbe a«bitranc, alfo, tbeepeso? boles befioes tbeifrcb,f&euittotilbee erco-otngligbttanb loberttberetoantetb a Cban.br r,pcu masfbat tbe miDftlcm<strong>of</strong>f lights, anb tbe Goes fliatt ferae foj toinoatot s. ?iPenertbelefle,tbtso)Der being obferueb botbtoitbortfanDtoitbin,ittoillnot CanDmnc^amiffe} foarbc place ujntbp,CxMbefojajT ire place ojCbimnep, tobitb ougbt altoapesto bcemabe bettoeenettootoincotees, like to a owns (aw,t<strong>of</strong>eew tbe tointotors arc tbe eres , mi tbe Chimney tbe fi<strong>of</strong>e,toblcb tltoapes ojat<strong>of</strong>s tbe fmoae.

<strong>The</strong> fourth Book;tCbapter.FoU^

T2>OftheDoricaoentoe ttiis cjcfcnt J? arie, fapf b the aufbo? (foj ottjcrloifE be mafetfb no preface) pou t&aiUenioe tbe bjebtb ini4.parts,ano one <strong>of</strong> tbe re parts Ojall be fo? a Colnmne : tbe mtbolrniott inter Column e ftjall be <strong>of</strong> tf.parts, anatbeotbet eacb<strong>of</strong> j.partsttbetoinootBeBlbaUbe<strong>of</strong> a Columns ano anbalfettbebeigbt<strong>of</strong> tbem,tto0 4.fr>,uarfsano an balfe. £be pilaft evo iballbe <strong>of</strong> tb» CK part <strong>of</strong> ttjis light: tbe foinootees in tbe firff tto;p aw <strong>of</strong> the famebjebfb:tbenetbcrmoa,0!aUbca prrfttt4.fquarc,anDtbcctb« <strong>of</strong> a4.fqnarc and anfcalfe. SEiepcjt oiCfetefbalbe5. Columnf*teU)e,tbat tbe Colomnes map banc a faO founoation :tbe betgtjt <strong>of</strong> tbis 0ate is a 4fquare,anD<strong>of</strong> ttoo3. parts: tbe flreb'ttone*, ano tbe rett, pop ttjall fee fuflieicntlpin tbe figure; from beloto fenocr tbe 3rcb , bntill poubeabouetbefatir,ujaUbe a.Cotamnestbtcke. 3no although that all ctber ttojtro 02 bmloimjs, being one flo;paibone another, tooulftaltoapesbee ttjejtencD a fourth part : pet mtbis cafe, (bpmpaoutce) fo? tbat tbe compartitton<strong>of</strong> tbe Colnmncs , being about this rotricfte ivoikc , an» tbat tbe rough, uaoafec Gbouio not take too much plateSoben it is <strong>of</strong> fnficient ttrcngtlbit is requifite tbat it fbonlb bee <strong>of</strong> tbe fame height, flboue the firtt o;oer, as pon (ballmate a^oDtnm <strong>of</strong> a Colnmne 1 an balfe bigb , tobereon pou mult fef tbe Columms in o;ocr (as it is taught) tl;e \ eigbttoitbenttbe^omnmOjallbcbcaiocOin 5;. parts, totjere<strong>of</strong> 4» Ojall bec fo? the Colurmus,t&c other fo? their ornaments,fnbere<strong>of</strong> tbe Criglipbcs fbalbe cenioet), a pou fee, obferning tbe rule afotfapo. &be raiDOlem<strong>of</strong>l Ojalbe Dealt thus, thattbefmall Columnes (ball be tbe balfe <strong>of</strong> tbe grcater,ano tbe mfoolcmott ifflefcColumrtc Ojalbe as bjoao againe ae tb<strong>of</strong>ctbat ffana on tbe floes, tobUbftall be like epes <strong>of</strong> tbenitno<strong>of</strong>oes. aboue tbe tomo<strong>of</strong>oes,tt> make moje light, pou ttmllmake tbe epos, ano abone tbe (mallett fpaccsm tbe mioole , pou fljal make tbat pou fee bare in tbe figure, fo? to accom*pan? tbe fame epes. flno altbnugb tbere rcfi particular parte, sou Djatl attoapes fsfce tbctn foju?aro,tDbere pou (ballbe adnreb to fine tljem. Eb* tbtrD ojoct 0? ttojp :ano tbat inbici) belongetb tbereunto, foal! alfo be mace left a 4-partfbut tbe toin&otoes as bjoau as tbe loir ett, as alfo their beigijts , ano all tbe r things, pou map eafilp fino ttntb tbe Com*Cberapangbpintl)imti3Dletetl)o«ttbc j?rontu'pKtum,ujaUbeebal f(? ^tbirD ojberin beigbt: fo? tbe rett, apaffe.toojkeman map aooe ano oiminiflj at bis pleafure.*

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bookc. <strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter, F©L$6

.tbtfeconb:•Ofdie Doricar_€foje,|ji^.aucfi)ctocDftitto<strong>of</strong>igurM,l;ototoiwatetI)c f aeieso; forefronts <strong>of</strong> pontes after the Venetians manec:tut fo> tljat in fuel) toojte men teouio toillinglp banc Tome plates bearing out, totiicb arc,fo? themottpart,maBe o»Iuertbetoatcr,fojfrcffj spje<strong>of</strong> tbefoater^tobercontfeem<strong>of</strong>lpart<strong>of</strong>bntioingsljaue their fapjeft forefronts o? jfa»j:tr£}EsaKD,t<strong>of</strong>£tbetrpttmpbes <strong>of</strong>tentimes mafic there m JBoatcs anb&btps:to *aol)tcb purpGfe,tbefat>Dbc3>rings o) inttpings oat feructuell, ano pet neuertbc!eftTMretonfo>melp things, and baue no other fappojtcrabntttje^ogbilions : j? oio, fneb things as bane not their fornication ffronglp lapb ano mace, hart the toailf s ot the houfe o;bmUHng,ti>bere<strong>of</strong> ancient tDojiscmen lnereberp tarefull, ano maoe no fntb bearing ont.bnt onelp Cojnices : therefore3 fap, if a man brill make anp fnch things in anp bailoing with goob abuirc, it is neceffarp that the firtt toall fbonlD beefatbube,thatitmaf Qan<strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>arrebbtastbcflat<strong>of</strong> thebearingoutrcquiretb,asmaibee perccpneo in tberonnb:anoiat that the miobiemoa toall ffanceth ont mo je then the Goes, if pon brill not mane it fo thiehe , then fon map mafte aarongarchteitliiti,tobpl)olDtbEmibi)tenioa,alrt)oug^if beboUotoanb <strong>of</strong> fmaUtucpgbt. SEbis bearing ont^is tobeebnetrftfloo abone the paries <strong>of</strong> tbc enthrall bwkc: which being maoe, then the compartcment <strong>of</strong> the paries fball beeabonethu»,fothatthemibWem<strong>of</strong>f partfljallbe<strong>of</strong> tbjee portions, ana tljttibea <strong>of</strong> thjeeanttanbalfc, J mcanctoitbtn theSnaUes,as the gcoono ttjetoctb. 2Crje heigh t <strong>of</strong> this feronb ojo cr oj ttojp, fball be lihe the bnoernt<strong>of</strong>t , acceding to therales afojefapo : and firff ,pen (ball mafer the JBor iism <strong>of</strong> an inbifferent height , to leane bpon : the n that tobicb reSetb(ball be oeutoeo in fine pact s,one <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e (ball bee tbt CBpiftilinm , britb the rctt <strong>of</strong> bis parts. SCbe hrioeneffe <strong>of</strong> themtoolem<strong>of</strong>l part, muff be thus : the op erneffe tovttj the 2reh mntt be as great againe as the Cuet , ano the height doq«bleb ; fo the architranes being fct bpon the Coluntnes , fo? the bpbolOing or the flrrb, all the OTinbotDts thai!bee nponarffime : lifcetoireatfo, foj moje commoostie <strong>of</strong> light ano tenement, the epes<strong>of</strong> the BEainootoes Hall beermabe. a;bisfeomamcnts,togctEjertoithmanpotber things, if aman,inregarocrft<strong>of</strong>f, toll not make them <strong>of</strong> ©arble,aj<strong>of</strong> ctbetttones,ftepmapbefctfeortbtoltbpainting. £betbiro o?oero?So?p fball alto bee a fonrtb partleffetbettanb fo euert other part there<strong>of</strong> accojoinglp, following the rnle afo^fajb: ano although the joniea be fet be*'fiwtbe $9jisa,tebicb ansient teo;femsnfan«time banc bone, pon ftallfino the pjopo^i»ntli«re«f hereafter in bieplace.1

<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke. <strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter, FoU jk

Of the DoricaAi.fijocg^tt^fcojfennanijatljfancfomam' hwentiens in tftisE>a?ica teojfee, pet t^cptoill not further fcftn'o?ojnaments ct Cljimnepes: but 3 brill fet ttoo fojts tbert<strong>of</strong> litre in ifignre,one inoiflfeccnt tobole, f in the thufee*neffe<strong>of</strong> tbefoall,foj a fmaUconnDCbambec e^oufe: tb^eott)er 7 fo?asriaterp!acetDitbflnttt)ctoall,t);aUinetoitb $ogotlions; fa? if a fmall Chamber fbouiD be c itmbjeo toitb a Cbinntep , it is ceqniOte to mafee it mfco!?fctibin ttje tbirtneffe <strong>of</strong> the ball, anb the height <strong>of</strong> tbe opening being maoe, accojoing to tbe ntc.at.on <strong>of</strong> tbe placrflj.i tibe oenioeo into fonce parts ano an balfe,anb (ball be tbe bjrwb <strong>of</strong> tbe flatter, but tbe artbitraue (ball con tame i lietalfr.tbeSreniaojiLift, going ronno about, ftall b« afcuenibpatkanoallbisotberlifts<strong>of</strong> the fame bjeotb: tbe 2Cri«tH»b« ant) ^ogDiIions,fball be balfe tbe bjcotb <strong>of</strong> tbe arrbitraue, bnt tbeir beigbt p«u ftall tafee in tftus manner, thattbeJputiles fiano about tbe filacers , ana tbe Criglipbrs ocuioco bettoeene botrj , tbe sptbopes map banemis fiweefquare <strong>of</strong> tbe b;cotb <strong>of</strong> tbe architrave , bnt vet tbe #etfeopes 03 (pacts bcttmtf tbe i$ogbiltons,SjallMthcefonrefqaare. C&e Capitals <strong>of</strong> tbe ^ntilea ano SEnglipfeM , fljallbee fo btgb as balfe tbe bjeotb <strong>of</strong> theSTrigliphe*. JCbeCojonajUritb tbe ftrimatie anoxemia, (ballbte as b'fibas tbcarcbrttaac; ana being ernioeoin itoopsrts, one part (ball be fo; tbe Cojona; <strong>of</strong> (be et^cc pon mnS mafee tbnet parts, one fo; tbe Curette toitb tfee&iO,tbeotberfoaUbefo? tbe &«ma toitb bis liff. STbe bearing ont <strong>of</strong> tbeCojonaKjaSt be To great a? little, tbatt&efpacesbettosm tbe Capitals <strong>of</strong>tbe Criglipfcts in tbe grounb <strong>of</strong>tbe Co;ona,maf be fourefquarcfoj tfcat ,if men toill at rounoabontit,tbep map bauetbeir place <strong>of</strong> figbt.a:be fijoiwtnre <strong>of</strong> tbe &ftma toitb tbe Ctmatie,(ba!bema&elifcetbat heightfcbitb ftatrtietb aboue, at tbe Ditcretion <strong>of</strong> tbe toojkeman. But if the Cbimnes be berp fmall fo? a little r®»« oj Cbam>-Hr,tbtRamaa(biu'inafce tbegUaOerif (be (etwutb part <strong>of</strong> tbe btlgbt <strong>of</strong> tbe opening.

Tlis fount) Bookei<strong>The</strong> Ext Chapter. Folgji

•OftheDoricaorbcr Cbimnej foifbeut tljc mall,fl&all be matte thus, u^enl^efeetgbt ano toioent fle <strong>of</strong> t&e p!ace,a«ojoing t«T^isthe fitaafton, is appopnteo,tbe fame beigbt,fcom tbe grounu tip to the accbitcanc,(&all be oenioeD in 4. pactionspart fojtbe 2ecbitraM,ifnefe,jCo?ntce,tl:ett- pacts being mace aefojoingtotbecnle afojeTapo: an&tobcrea*tbep ffieto greater, ttiat is, bccanfe mm fa tbem fcnoecncatb , t&e bjeotb <strong>of</strong> t&e Sgootglicns Qiall bctbe 7. part<strong>of</strong> t&cir betsbt : the Capitals tbe balfe <strong>of</strong>tbat bjet>tb,anB fljalbe oembeo as it is faio <strong>of</strong> tbe 2Do2icall Capitals: fome leffentbe bjeotbs <strong>of</strong> tfeefe ^ooigliens traoccncatb tbc foartfe part , tbat the foote <strong>of</strong> tbem man &m out a fcuctb pact, fo tbstthe telintbus oncer t&e foote Jsasbjoab as tbebppermoHpa.t. ffiut rfpontotll mate fuel) SJgoBiglions all <strong>of</strong> onetijeotb, 3 toonlD commeno itin a great toojfee, fo? that tftebnbtrm<strong>of</strong>f fcjatoincc to the wall, j going from euc figbt,leffentbemfelncs: foj that tbe part tvbicb rcceauetb tbe fmohe, it pitamtoes«ft;ifp,forjub kit not flano toctl in a gecat beigbt.500a map fet it tjpon tlje firtt Cojtriicebigbcr oj lotoer,as boh will, j actonnnj tc tlje fixation <strong>of</strong> tbe place. 5This bwUDing <strong>of</strong> Cbimncpes ma? be maoe in greatfo;me: but if von tuill matte tbem fin*!!, tbr n pou Bjall Of uifie tbe heigbt fromthel9anementtotbe3ccbttcanetn5.parts, wberc<strong>of</strong>otwaja'tbe fo* the Cornice: tijebjeotf) <strong>of</strong> tte^ooigtionsffjallbitbe ninth pact <strong>of</strong> tbat beigljt, tbeCapitatl <strong>of</strong> balfe tbeteebtb: ano thus itvniUbee rtio;efoemelp in an maiffercnt meantfojme. 2Ebts 31 fpeate br ecpecienttjfp } ttjat 3 baue obietat tijis gceatcftmeaface in »maU fojracs in trussing cf Cbttwnepes,but t&cp pjooc tec* great.<strong>The</strong> end <strong>of</strong>the Dotica order t and here followeth the Iqniea.

.:. •-. -<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke. <strong>The</strong> fixt Chapter. Fol^>¥ Capita"*31

:Of the order <strong>of</strong>lonica, and the Ornaments there<strong>of</strong>,<strong>The</strong>feitentb Qbapter.Itruuim fpeakech <strong>of</strong> Ionica,in his fourth Booke and i. Chapter.* and as I alfo faid.thc ancientPagans tooke this kind <strong>of</strong> worke from womcn,and afcribed it to Diana, K^if >otl»,& Bacchus ,&c\ But we that are Chriftians.hauing a Temple to make <strong>of</strong> rhis worke, we will dedicate itt<strong>of</strong>uchSaintsasare<strong>of</strong>nature.cythcrweakcorftrong: fo likewife, common workes are fitfor peaceable people, men, neyther great workemen, nor all too fimple in workemanfhipand luch workemen are fitted for fuch worke. Now let vs come to the meaiures : the Ionica Columne,by a common rule, muft be <strong>of</strong> 8. parts, with Capitall and Bafe: although that Vitruum fay th,it muft be <strong>of</strong>8.partsandanhalfe;fomay raenfometimesmakeit<strong>of</strong>c^parts andmore,as fome indifferent workemenhaue affirmed.But this, I fay, fhall be made <strong>of</strong> 8. parti ,which muft hold his thickncfTe bclowjand fo fhalltheir Bafesbe<strong>of</strong> halfe the fame thickenes, which ritruuius Icttcth downediligently^n the 3. Booke,and inthe third Chapter <strong>of</strong> the fame Booke,in this maner, that the Bafe aforefayd,muft be <strong>of</strong> halfe the Columnes<strong>The</strong> Aftragall fhallthickenefTe, but the Plinthus muft be <strong>of</strong> the third patt there<strong>of</strong>: which Plinthus taken <strong>of</strong>, you fhal make feuenparts <strong>of</strong>the reft; where<strong>of</strong> three fhall be for the Thorus, and foure fhall bee for the two Scoties or Trochiles,withtheir Aftragals and Lifts, fo that each Trochile muft haue his Aftragall.be the eyght part <strong>of</strong> the Trochile, the Lifts halfe the Aftragals. Although each Scotie with the Appendanccsarcall<strong>of</strong>one height,yct the vndcrm<strong>of</strong>tfhalbe greater; for it fhall fhoot out vnderneath,to the outtetrn<strong>of</strong>tpart <strong>of</strong>the Plinthus. <strong>The</strong> Proie&ure on eythcr fide, fhall be one eyght part, and one fixt part/fbthat the Plinthus on eythcr fide fhall be one fourth part,and one eyght part more then the tbickenefle <strong>of</strong>the Columnes. Now,for that the Cin&e or Lift is fuppreflcd by the greatnes <strong>of</strong>the Thorus, I am perfwadedthat it ought to be made the halfe greater then the other. Obfeiue in all the members and parts withdifcretion, asihouldbevfedin theDorica,& & tbat the JBafc <strong>of</strong>tbe ionita pillar, fojitfen <strong>of</strong> bp Vitruuius , tentmtetb not t|e grcatefl foojfeemenibeeanfe tbe Cbojus its berp great,ana the affragall fmall, ttujcr fo great a member, accojoing to tbeuttigejment <strong>of</strong> erpert foo?femen,tbat baue <strong>of</strong>tentimes mTpntco $be fame, fottb reuerente,anD mwrj refpert <strong>of</strong>fwban autljo? ;§ uriti frame one rjerc accojoing f mp opinion. 2Cbe ^lintbns being maoe, as %tbe rcG fhalbe ncnioeo in tb;e? parts, fobereoi one part fliaibc fo; the SEliojus :xm aeuiae in ffre parts ;one<strong>of</strong> w)em fo? an affragall, tbe Cinn> ttjc balfe therepf.fapD befoje,ttjc otber fcnoer that 2Ebo*2Cbc Cintfee 03 f&opcrrilie truer tbe

^:,<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>ee.<strong>The</strong>feuenthCIiapter.FoJL^Ebojns, matt be as bjbab as tbe aflragall. SCijc reff is fo? tbe fecotie oj Crotbile ? tbe otber t^de parts tbat rrtt,8jaUalfo be DcuiecD into (ire parts : one to? the 3firagaU, one balfc fo; tbe Cintbe, and tbe bnoerm<strong>of</strong>falfo the lite : ttjc refti0 fo; tijf SwoJic conrnifng at Snocrncatbj as is befeje allcageo., . —II I I'I I III——M l) TTS5e?cnka Capital! Hjall bee mase in fbts manor ;tt>er>cigfjt(Ttall be tbc tf}tco pat t <strong>of</strong> a Columns;, anDtbefojmerpart <strong>of</strong> § abacas tbe bjcfctf) <strong>of</strong> a Colamne in fbicHneo: to it Mo matt be aODto tbe 1 8. part , fcoljirl) in tbe tobole,&aU benmeteine parts,but mtoarfcs a part ana a batfe: at cvtbr r tnti the line Catbeta mutt be DjatemcMvicb (bailcontaine p.parts anb an balfe, t<strong>of</strong>jicb is ttjehalfe bjebtb <strong>of</strong> the Capital! ; oncpart ano a balfe (ualbc fe? tbe abacusftbfcb Corners ton tnntt mate lite tlje rigbt o? left Qoe, fo? boib are ancient: fbe 8 . parts tbat are banging bnoer tbe 3>feacns,fcaH be ft? tbe Rotates. $no fa? tbat it tooulo be tronblefame in tbts fmall i%are, cfpeciallp to fet bourne be*fm ponr ews tbe numbers, tberfoje in the- Heafc following, 3 toil I ttjeto it better in great, ana tberetoitball tbe manccInto to mate tfi? ftrictes in the Cotamnes,untt) the ifigore <strong>of</strong> tbe fibe <strong>of</strong> tbe folates, ano <strong>of</strong> tbe Capitals. Bnt if theCctamne be <strong>of</strong> i 5. faote Botontoaros, tben it ttjallbe iBffenco a Art part absne, as it is nv.ttteti <strong>of</strong> tbe &bnfcan ojoertot if iibee <strong>of</strong> 1 5. foote bptoar&s, fben 3 referee son to Vuruuius, touching t&e fame, in bis tbiro I&o<strong>of</strong>ce ano fecotifc%€

!Of the lonica%f ft % C £ t&tCapifaU <strong>of</strong> tfjis? Jonira is matte, poumuft mafee tbe Howies, tablet ftall bee mabe bp tbc line,\J^ tallei Catbeta, tobieblnce becre call , Cbc ngbt Leal : »m> toben pou lease tbe abacus bnDerncatb foareW parts, tben tbe firff part (ball be fej tbe eye, anD fo tbere ?et refietb f &J« parts from tbe epe DotonefoarDS} anafo in all, tt>ep make cpgbf, as is befoje fa?D : tbe epe fball be DeuibeD in Ore parts ; anD tt>t numbers fet therein,anD tbe ottjer tot bnoer tbe 3bacus,D?aU}>as it is bere fet Dotone-, tben place onefoote <strong>of</strong> tbe Compas bpon tbe popnt i.ing netberteacD,bp to tbe Catbeta, to tbe epgbt part j tben letting tbe fame tote <strong>of</strong> tbe Compaffe ttanQ, bjing tbe otberfact <strong>of</strong>t&e Compaffe to 2. ano D;auutbptoarDsagaineto tbeCatbita. Ebenbolbtbefoot<strong>of</strong> tbeCompaffetbu^bjingfing tbe onjertoteto 3. Djataing it tbenootonetoaresagaine to tbe Catbeta: beeping tbat foote tbere alfo, bjing tbe 0*tbirbpontbep<strong>of</strong>int4. tben Djatoing it againe to tbe Catbeta, bolotng tbe Compaffe tljerc , t|>e foot toill come bpon;,foDjatoing about, Doc lifecftrifc to 5. ano tbenit comrs to (but toitb tbeepej tbere pou trap mabe a ro<strong>of</strong>e, if Boupleafe.£be reft <strong>of</strong> tbe particular members pou (ball eafllp finb toitb tbe Compaffe. 2Et;e flritfees<strong>of</strong> tbe Columnes, inbicb toeecall Cbanels cj belletmngSjfbaU bt>. 24. in number, ano cne <strong>of</strong> tbrm (ball be 5. pacts: there<strong>of</strong> 4. (ball be fo? tbe Mattes8) Cbanels, anD tbe j. fojlbe lift, bp Vitruums caret fctrir : ants fo frcm one Coe <strong>of</strong> tbe flat <strong>of</strong> tbe JLitt to ibe otbct,poufijallojato attrapgbtiine,tbemtDble tobere<strong>of</strong> (ball be tbe Center <strong>of</strong> tbe boUotoing out. SButif tbe tnojbeman plcatefometimesfo mabeatbinneColumneto ffjetotbitbe, tben tberentutt bee aS.Crukrs: tfje abacus <strong>of</strong> ttjtc Capital! isas b;oab on tl)t flues, as befoje : fiobicb fibrs are p;opo: t torn b accoioing to tbat, tobicb is fapo befo je. jFrienblp Kea*Dcr, ? ban« laps tbts tfflolute,aceo?cing torn" Ample bnoerffanomg, becaiife Vuruuius uniting is baro to bnBerff ano,ano t<strong>of</strong>eicb is tnoje, pjomifeb tbe fame figure in ttjc laft SBcobe , together , toitb bitters otrjec ojnaments , tabic!) Babeisnottobcefenno.S, Serin vpon the fpcach aforcfayd.L£>ntKgl&e&Der,tberearemanptbingsiDbicbcannotfnllp,frompopnttopopnt,beefbeti)eDin figure , bnleffc tbetoojbeman muff belps i>imfelfc"bp p;actife, libe as tb« Ctncte 03 bans <strong>of</strong> ttjefe folates : tobicb. (iftbe Capitall beeberp great) toill BanD ttell : If tbe b;eotb eomapnetb tbe fonrtb pact <strong>of</strong> tbe epc, anD if tbe Capitall bee <strong>of</strong> inoifferentgreatneffejtbenitmuffbcmabe<strong>of</strong>atbuDpart<strong>of</strong>tbeepe: but if tbe Capitall be fmall, tben it muff bee tbe balfe <strong>of</strong> tbeepe,altoaresattbetoo}fecmans Direction: fo>3baucfaneitfoin9(ntiqmtit8,al bougb tbep Differ. SCbe tbiebneflfebeing maibcb aboue, bneer tbe Abacus, tben vou muff place t^t Compaffe a UtfleJbelou) tbe figure 1 . from abone tbeCatbeta botune mart s: tben agapne,pcn mutt place tbe Compaffe a little aboue tbe figure 2 . Draining pour line from beneatbbptoarbs to tbe Catbeta.$ott>, tobereas 3 bane fapD, tbat tbe laff 25ccbe pjomifeo bp Vtcruuius, is n<strong>of</strong> fennb, bp meanes tobcre<strong>of</strong>, Diners opt*itions are Cp?cb abjoaD toocbing tbe fame, rome affirming, tbat in Vicruuiu.stime,tbere tocrc manptrnfailfulltooaBe*men (as tbere are note alfo} bautngbetter fo?tune, tben g©c bnoevfianaing : (otbers) tbat pjefumptionJUfer to bnfKiUfulncffe,bearetbfu£bflDap among common trojfeemen, tbat bnoerflano not tbcmfelucs, it istbougbt,tbaf vkruuiustefufeD, o; at lead, tooui not publifb it, in regard <strong>of</strong> tbe tintbanbfulncfle <strong>of</strong> fucb as nrglect cjcod learning. ja>ome alfoaffirmc) tbat it boas too bars a matter fo? bint to place tbem tn figures ; tobicb 3 can Ijarolp inbgc to bee tbe mine <strong>of</strong> fucban autbo?. 3ii5ut tobcrcas fome affirme , tbat t bis latt I3ctfee tuas fo pleafmg anD acceptable, in regarb <strong>of</strong> tbe figurestbere at large fet out, anDbe being ouer*carefull in leefemg nntcit, teas robbeD tbere<strong>of</strong> , ameng otber ricbesanotrra*fures, bp bnfbilfull perfons ? tbis 3 beleeue befi , is as toarre, tobub ts enemp to all goo artes, uibicb vc t , at tbis Cap,is efpeciallp to be lamcnteD, fo? tbat men bp tbe figures ,migbt baue mabc Diuerfities <strong>of</strong> toojbc in tbe rigbt maner.

.e fourth Book. <strong>The</strong> feucnth Chapter. Fol.35m- .

Qfthelonfca,| ^aue Beclareo thereafter, aaojawg te Vitriiuius uniting, boto to makeJonica foojkCj as farre as mp learning ffjatlj[ftruf. ^oiD ??lDiUn»clur;oiDfow!Ea!itiqmtuE>nKotne,<strong>of</strong> ttjat uio)hc,are roaCf- pet CrnDing. SCtjt Capttalt M.Ifanttetb pet in tbe heater <strong>of</strong> Marccllus, there<strong>of</strong> J brill fet Bourne Tome general meafares : tbc fojetjeao <strong>of</strong> ttjis 9ba>ens is lifec Unto tije Colnmne beloto.2tbc taoiutxs gtoe out a fit-t part <strong>of</strong> the abacus, ano fo farrc out as tbc tjalfe <strong>of</strong>it)c abator n)c bright <strong>of</strong> tbe Capttall is a tbirD part <strong>of</strong> tbeColmnne beloto) batfoj tfatfometowfeementbongljtt&atCapital! to be but barelp fct foojtb, ttjep baue aooeb tfjc 5? rcrfc tobicb port fee in tbe Cap itall, tmto it, malting ttje bcigbt<strong>of</strong> tlic Capital! <strong>of</strong> a. tbirD pacts.<strong>of</strong> tbc Coliimnes tbultene He beloto, tn^tc^ Capital is at tfois oag to bee fanem Rome,&>ttJ) others <strong>of</strong>ibelifee*'vft^-.'/saasas-xTi.-^a ^BfonbatitmapfometimesbappentQ tbc too?kematt,fo mate a'rouccfqoarc (batting feitt; Jcnica Capitals, fo^* tbat forwe toojfcmcn fjaue erreD in plating <strong>of</strong> tfje ©orates ; to belpe 0? aft fon <strong>of</strong> tbat crrour, it fbnlbc neebfnll tomaurtbe cojner Capitals, as pou fee tbcm in tbisgrennb j<strong>of</strong> fact) Capitals, t^ere toss tbc lite fount) inttcme , tobicbcaafeo man? to QuDp,fobetc tt toas maoe,in fueb matter ,rb? it iras talleo,Crje conrafeo Capitall : but at la&,after lensnifpntatlon,it toa* conducedtbat it bao (tab in an open to;ncr,ft)utttng bp tbe ojner <strong>of</strong> ttjeColumncst mattes A.JButif tbe too?teman bane flat Columncs te plate againtt ttetoall, in tbjs Cower, ttjat tbe borates mag tome alike onboo) Goes , tbe toojteman mag place fhem, as in tbe grcuno B. is lei Dotone.

T^s<strong>The</strong> fourth Booked<strong>The</strong> Feuent h Chapter. Fol< j&£pittilium oj arcbitraue is mabe thus t Jf tbe Cotamne be <strong>of</strong> 1 2 to . 1 5. fmte btgb,tbe arcbitrauettjalbc lbsbaifronbeCoUmmcbcncafb: if itbc<strong>of</strong> ly.toao.fffitcbigb-tbc.'iufijalbrocuioc^m 13. parts: onettjalbetheheight <strong>of</strong> the 9rcbitraue;ano from a o. to 2 5. fmte, tlje Colnmnc ftjali be ocuioro in i». parts ana a balfe : onepart fbalbc giucn to the Sfccbitrauc : a f tbe Colnmnc be <strong>of</strong> 2 5 to . 3 o . fete bigbi then tlje Cpittiltum fljall be tb ettoelftb part <strong>of</strong> that height: 3f tbe Columne be higher, pou muff iticreafe tbe 2rtbttraue mo;e : foj the further it goctijfrom a mans figbt,(o mucb mo;e it Ufetb <strong>of</strong> the greatnefic. fCb,c arcbitraue bring mace <strong>of</strong> bis cue light, anboemotBfa 7.onefbaibe the Cimatie: tbcpijoiecfBre there<strong>of</strong>, alfo as great.SEijat tDtjtcI) ig oucr,is seuiocDin i2.tb;eeff)aUHjgiucn to tbe fi'rQ j?aci«s, fourc to tfjc fceono, ano flue to tfjc ibiro. &he tbiebneffe <strong>of</strong> the Znbu rauc imcec, Ibsibe liftstbeCoIunmeaboue, in tlje tblnnett part 1 bntfbetbicftneffie<strong>of</strong> thearcbitraueaboue, ffjalbc liftetfcetbtcfenrilc<strong>of</strong> theCclumne beloto. 2Ebe ^opbojns oj iFr&fc Qjall banc tbe meafure aecojotng to tlje lengib <strong>of</strong> tbe fuojifte : but if therebe fomctubat to cut 0? graue in it,tben it muff be mao e a fourth part higher tben the arcbitraue: but if tt be ma9e plapne^ioithottt cutting 03 grauing, t|en it mutt be a foartb part lefle. Cbe Cimatie muff be fet bpen tbe frfcfe, tobicb muttm tbe feuentb part <strong>of</strong> tbe fame i^rcefc: ano tbe pjoieciisre alfo as mucb. Sbouc the Cimatie mutt tbe SDenticutes be pia*«D, in betfib^ "be tbe mioolcmott .facie : ano tbe gjniecturc like tlje height. 3~bc bjeotb <strong>of</strong> tbeir teen) mutt be Doubleinbeigbt< Xb^intxrcnttingo^ollotmngbettD^ne tbe teeth, fbalbe a tbiro part leffe. Ebc Cimatie is tbe firt partsf tbe ©entile. SCfteC«ona,toitbtbe Cimatie there<strong>of</strong>, is tbegreatneffe<strong>of</strong> tbe mioolemott jFatie. ECbcpjoiectare<strong>of</strong> tbe Co?ona,iDftb t^t SDtnticulcs, is as mucb as tbe height <strong>of</strong> tbe jWc, toitb tbe Cimatie. E i ; c fectma is an crgtjtpart bigber then the Co?ona< 2Cbc rule cjliff there<strong>of</strong> ttjallbe a firtpart,,am> the pjoiecture lifee tbe bright Site ourgotbaa iu?Kmttb,tbataU

:• ' '•Of the Ionica\r\FSDj tljat tbe foojlts<strong>of</strong>Romeoifftrfrom tbe tmiting <strong>of</strong> Vicruuius, Jtoill frame another Column e,fobcreef tibe arehitraue, .f reefeano Cornice, Ojall be the fourth part <strong>of</strong>the bright <strong>of</strong> tbe Columne : fobitb 4.part oeuiOeo in 10. parts, tljjae Uiallbe fo? tl;c 0rcbitraue, oc ninco after tberule afojffatD: 3 . fo? tbe fr&fe, ano 4.fo; tbe Cojmccs : tob«b 4- (ball bee tie*uioeointf.tobere<strong>of</strong>one ffcallbc giuento tbeiBDenticules , one to tbe Cimatietobtcb bpboloetb tbe ©utiles, ano ttnoto tbe ^utiles anD tbe Co?ona;tl;e reftto tbe &cima. 2Iy e p?oiecture <strong>of</strong> all,(ball beat leatt as mucb as tbe height:tponfutb a Cojnice fras founo to?it*tcn, A Saote Sabina,at Rome, in abuilbing <strong>of</strong> tbe ojoer <strong>of</strong> Monica.A jlioiffometimcsifbe neceOarptorapfe bp CoIumnes,being not com;pcllcD 0; pisicbec by anp tbiug tberea*bout,tbcn the pjopojtion <strong>of</strong> § peoeffal(ball be tbus ; it (ball be as bjoao befojeas tbeptfltbuis <strong>of</strong> tbe Columne: buttbe betgbt °f tb^ flat <strong>of</strong> tbe feDeff allOialbe a fourefqnare,ano a fourtb parttobicb oeufoeDin Crc parts, one (ball befoj the iBafe, ano onefo? tbe Cornice,M)it\) in all is cpgbt parts t fo (ball tbepeoeflal be <strong>of</strong> eggbt parts Kite tbe Co?lumne. Cbismnftaltaapcsbcbnoe?'fffflO in common , trjat it is left at tbeaccretion <strong>of</strong> thcteojfccmami-. .

<strong>The</strong> Fourth Booke. <strong>The</strong> feuenth Chapter, FoL 37BfJreafon<strong>of</strong> threat Difference, to^c& g ffrrtc irtthings<strong>of</strong> Home, from fh<strong>of</strong>cfobitb Vitruuiusfojifeth <strong>of</strong> • Mwfoje 3 Ijau* bere ajetoeD Come <strong>of</strong> tbem, tfeat are bett knotonc at tbts Da?, erfant in Home to be fane in toojfee Ck-Cojnice,iFrttfe, ano arcbitraue marfceD T. is in tbe Sbeattr Of Marccllus,ui the Jonica o;Der, aboue the 2DojicatbeJBilaffer tottb tbe iBafe

Of the lonicaA Ht!j8ng^tI)attl)ei5i;^romatumSort»'c«m,«;atifi,{t)e booje by Vitruuius orfcribeb, in 015 opinion, not pjopajtioneo*•* to mttotu t&e bailing (as it ought to Do: ) tberefim 3 toill fpeafee il)ere<strong>of</strong>,acce)Ding Jo ntp fcnoUileoge: 3 fav jtljcn -that Vitruuius touting is not ciel)t,tonct}fns t^c tjngijt <strong>of</strong> tbe ligijt<strong>of</strong> § 2Lbiromatam S&ojtcu, viz. from tbe paoenientto the iaainatp,^ere luf re 3 parts ana an Ijalfe maoe,atio ttoo parte here<strong>of</strong> mere fo?.tbe height cf tf>e light, tobcrttothe Cojona was tjerp high, as alfo <strong>of</strong>tijc &)ojica. SBnt there follotoetb *et another crrour, viz. mafesng tbe ©ate 02 timej. parts higb,fettingtb:se parts there<strong>of</strong> beloto,as V«miutusfaitt),a(fe leueneb in tfee Upper pcrt,lifee tbc£>otfca: then3innDG,t^attbeti>»Deneirctbcre<strong>of</strong>comnwtbtobebjoaDertbmtbcinter'€:o!ummetn fbemfoDle, mafeingalEemplc <strong>of</strong>4. £olumnc3,toitb lbs meafure tobitb Vitruuius batb fet botone in bis 3 . 15mfee,as 3 bane fet it ootone here in Jftgnre,that toojfeemen mat? fa tSje cojrefponbencie <strong>of</strong> tbis€»8tco;2Dooje, luitb the Sample there<strong>of</strong>; tobirb, in mp opinion,is not taB,fojtbiscaufe,fo*,iftbeDoo?e<strong>of</strong> t^« 2Dojua, torjicb; ojoer <strong>of</strong> Columnes is lotoer then tb,at <strong>of</strong> 3onita,batbtbt height <strong>of</strong> 2. fourcfqnare*,anb a little moje,3 fag.tbe 3cnica baajes, tob<strong>of</strong>e Columnes are higher, ought to be higheralfo foj ligbM&est ttje &>ojica, S5ut it is not fo raucb,accojbing to Vitruuius J5o<strong>of</strong>ee, tobicb fapttj, 5. parts in height*nttD3.partsuib?erjtb:butUtalltbis befp<strong>of</strong>eenuritb renerence <strong>of</strong> fo great an 8utboj. $euertbeletfe, taking the partstnVicruuiu$S5ooB3,tol)icbmapbet3fomepurp<strong>of</strong>e7 3U)iUniafee awstber jFigure there<strong>of</strong>, without letlemngitabouc:bat be tbat foj bis plcaiurc U)ill leffen it aboue, obferuefb t be SDojica ojoer.<strong>The</strong> Tranflator.at Vitruuius faptb, touching the fteight <strong>of</strong> the light <strong>of</strong> the 2Dm?e o?\)V9«afe <strong>of</strong> this SDojica buil6ing,thereis f<strong>of</strong>fuv vcientlp fpohentbut touching tbe toisems <strong>of</strong> tbis ©ate at E>mje,tobere be faptb,tbat the height o* opsnneffe there<strong>of</strong>8)OnIo be benioeb into ttoo parts anb a balfe, anb t^e totDeneffe there<strong>of</strong>, to baue one part anb a halfe : 3t map be (as itis in other places) that the place is falfiSeb ; anb it map alfo be, that it is a quarter to much : fo; if it be mabe <strong>of</strong> 10. nheight, anb 5 . in bjeiitb, the light then being <strong>of</strong> 1 . fonrelquares, luoulb bee reafonable, fo the 3ntercolumnrs toere asteioe as from the I>onca : fo? it is <strong>of</strong> fours 2Diamcters, ano this but <strong>of</strong> tbjee Columnes toibc, anb the anti8agraen>taxa tooulo not be Darfcentb }fo that leaning out but a quarter, this builbing tooulb thereby be mase perfect.

;<strong>The</strong> fourth Booker <strong>The</strong> fe uenth C h ap ter. Pol, 5 8t' feap,t!:attbehgbf <strong>of</strong> tbte dtojeons&fatleafl to be <strong>of</strong> a.fourcfqn.-.cce l)tgIht^cSnftpasmctitu oj^itaffer O&albc t^e isI part <strong>of</strong> tfcat betgl)t,mJioe infucb matter as is fatO <strong>of</strong> tbeCpittilium Jonttom,! thereto £l>c attragals fljalbe aooco, asit is rtictoco in tbe i?ignre E. gt a toojiieman totll cat anp ttjing in tljj freefe abotic ttjc SupercilitrnMbett tt mutt be a 4.part bigfar fyen rtje £>upemliHm: bat if pou teaue it plaiitc, it tnna be * fourth part leffe. SCbe Co?ona,toitb tlje otbermembers, (ball be as bt$ as tbe &npercilium,ocuiDco as pou fee it in tbe ^Figure F. 2Cbe gnomes 0? IBaotbitiDcs^allbebjoao abone,li&e tbe ^flatter, but in tljenctber part,UUe tlje^ctgtjtcf tbe banging ligbt, fbalbcleffcneoa fourth part,from tbe tobicb Hje tones bang, as pou fee in tbe figure F. &bat part <strong>of</strong>ttjc Circle, in tteaD <strong>of</strong> tbe jFatt!a.ium>fbal baue:IjisbeigbtmaQetntbtsmanerjtoitbaCompaGre pou mutt reacb tbe two comers Dftbe&timamtbebppermollpari,ano one foot <strong>of</strong> tbe Compare finding to tbe point <strong>of</strong> tbe croSc,toitb tbe other foot, tbe part ef tbe Circle being ojaumc,Ibalbe tbebetgbt, to&ub votll be tbe trjiro part <strong>of</strong> a Circle :ttfbtcb maner <strong>of</strong> mafemj 0: not maKing <strong>of</strong> a iFaSigtutH 7 iljalbeaHuages referreo to tbe pleafure <strong>of</strong> tbe ttwjfteman} tt mas alfo ferae fo; ioinootoes,B 2

:Of the Ionicaligljf <strong>of</strong> toe €?ate follotoingis moje tt>m <strong>of</strong> Double pjepojtiow, viz. <strong>of</strong> tfco foursquares ana a quarterT$e: ti>c fiat<strong>of</strong> tbe ^tilaficrs flball be tljs 8. part <strong>of</strong> tbc bje btb <strong>of</strong> tbe ligbt, ane tlje Colutnnes Hjall be ttoice as tbicfee; tbe fameColHmnefballbelcffeneDaboocafijitpart: tbc b«sbt ffjall be <strong>of</strong> 9.parts , toitbiBafcsanOCr#cals,sscoj3ingtQtbx meafure afojefaio. 0nD altljougb tbcGc Columncs bolD a part mo?c tben tbe rule afojefarjD, pet it is not tfjere*fo?ctractb,fojtbaf tbej.tbirDparts ffanDonclvtettbc^t tl)c wall, bearing no oHier toalgbt ttjen tijc i?ronttfpidumfurt&er ,if bp any accioent tfje'e Colatrnieg fiioulD erceiD p. parts,pct foere it not to be blamctuftu t&ep are ouelp fet fo jan o;nament, being ntabe faff in tt)e frail. Ebe tjcigbt <strong>of</strong> tbc artbitraue fbait be like tbe §>npcrcilies oner tbe DmjejtbejFrttfefball be cut, anufuall be maoebigbrr, as is befoje: if Itbenot cut, puu map lrfien it fo mucb lotocr : tbrCo.mire(ball be bigger, hfec tbe (£pi3uuun oj arebitraue : toitb tbe otber parts pou muft banole, as it is faio in tbc beginning<strong>of</strong>tbisojner. SCtje i^routifpicic fljaU bec refcrreo to tbe Urill<strong>of</strong> tbetoojfceman, eptber to make it t>tgber 03 lotoer, bpanp <strong>of</strong> tbe afo jcfapB rules* SB p uy e inuen tion,a too :tseman map b Ipc bimfclf e in manp tbings, making t&e ligljt bigbojloto 3ssneet> (ball require ;asfometimes<strong>of</strong> a fourefquare , oj <strong>of</strong> ttoo ttyro parts: but if tbe ttojfeeman bec nototbertoifeeompellcB, 3 fboulb bett comment) tbe Double p?opojticn,tbatis, <strong>of</strong> ttusfourefquares.

<strong>The</strong> fourth Book?. le feuenth Chapter. FoLj.J

A&tbougbOfthe lonicajhanefetthisruBtcall dSateintheojDer<strong>of</strong> SDburcana,«nD!t<strong>of</strong>onelv in many places app!uc& it fotheEbufcana, bat alfo mirco it teritb the SDojka, vet 3 ljaue places itljcce tottl) tijc 3onica :altbougt; it is net there*fo?e to befctin all bmlbings that ace maoe after tt>c SDojica, neucrfhelcfte, to gcoD intent ano p urpo fc, as bjitboufin the countrep, in fucJ) a cafe alfo, it is not to bee oifcommenbet) in a Cttie o? 2Eotone, fo: a Sgarcbantsj ilafo?Berfi boufc; in tobtch places tt is tolerable. 2But in tubat place foeuer a tnantoiUniafeett,tnamantv<strong>of</strong> bearing oner,then the pjopojtwn <strong>of</strong> tljis toojbc fiiall be thus: tbe ligbt bp to the 3rcb ffcalbe ttoo ffiurefquases, eno ttje ptlattc r the 8.part <strong>of</strong> tjje bjeatb <strong>of</strong> the light: the CoSumne ffcall bote tbe fourth part there<strong>of</strong>, bnt tbe height Gjalbe 9. parts Ir itb SEafj aano Capital*. !Cbe0rcb<strong>of</strong> tbe balfe fbalbe Beuibeo in 1$. parts ano a quarter, becaufctbcml&&f matt ftmtt^tbo'Da quarter mo:c then the reft.Ctje 8rcbitraue,#reefe anb Comtce.are together tbe fifth part <strong>of</strong> the Colunmes: <strong>of</strong> totjicbfbjee pieces, tbe toojfeeman fhall mabe 1 1 .parte: 4. fo? the 0rcfaitraue, 3 . fo? the JhrW , anb 4. fo: the €o?mce. STfcetChe Cojnice ano the S5afe,map be taken oat <strong>of</strong> tbe afo;efavf feti*height <strong>of</strong> the ^ooium fhalbe the b?e«b <strong>of</strong> the light.lobato : but the otber 1iBafe,CapifaM,arcbttraiie,MttJ Cojwtcc, (h«lbe mabe as it is fagt) in the beginning. She ftrcbtHones anb the. other that binbtbeCnUmwes, poamagteintbe^igiire,

1 he fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>ce, <strong>The</strong>feuenth Chapter.FoI 4 ^«.

Of che IonicaAlLtbougb tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbis 3ctb is not <strong>of</strong> Double pjopotfion, as tbe m<strong>of</strong>i pact <strong>of</strong> tb<strong>of</strong>e tobicb 3 baue njctoeB,pet itis not falfe, but is mane bp gob eifcretuw, foj tba? It ma? fomttinu fall out, tbat in tbe compattition <strong>of</strong>a /acies,tpon ocraficn <strong>of</strong> an? neceffare t>ciat»t, anb to make tl;; e. arcbes bnequall 3tobicb Iboulb be fa to place the patncipallsate tn the mioole, tubicb in facb tare fgonlb not nttapr.c to f(icb fjciefj t : but if toe be not ronftrapneb bp an? ne*ceffitfj^mojrfoniineno tlieeonblcfc,cist!t,tbenanpotl)tr pjopojtton. 2Cb« toibeneffe then bctt<strong>of</strong>cne one pilaffrr anDtlje otberfbnlbc 3. parts, ana tijc beigbt 5. but aftcrtoarbs the UtocnciTe uring beuibeoin 5. tbsntbe tobolc^iilarsfobieb flanb befoje tlje 2 . platters, bane 2. parts, anbtbe tbicfeneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe Columnes fbalbe <strong>of</strong>one part : rbepilaffersfbaUsacb<strong>of</strong> tbembe <strong>of</strong> balfea nColnmne in trtxcbntffe: iifectoife tlje arcb, anb tbe 3mpotti»bicb bpbolectb tbearrb,are <strong>of</strong> tbe fame heirtbt mabe, as it isffjetoeb in tbe ^.tjtatcr <strong>of</strong> Marcellos marfeeb T. STfee Columnes fbalbe p. partstjigb» toitb IBafcg ano Capitals , mabe acco.;mng to the rule, in the beginning <strong>of</strong> this Cbapter ret botone : tfte b»?« intbe mt^h fbalbe balfe tbe toibcnefTc bettor?n t tbe pilaftr rs t tbe beubt ftalbe fonnb in thts maner : STbeplaffer be*fog mace <strong>of</strong> tbe Ort part <strong>of</strong> tbe ligbt, the Cornice like tbe epes <strong>of</strong> tbe Jmpott, placcb aboue it, one tbe fectma bpon tbat,making aftertoarb tbe fraft tbe fourtb part Seffe then tbe 3ntipagmentum, fljen tbe beigbt toill finb it felfe, tobtcb. billbelitt'eleffetbentto<strong>of</strong>ourefquares. EbejProRtifptcc fbalbe mabe accojbing to a rule ftt Detonein tbe2)o;ica: tbearcfeitrane, ihreefe anb Cornice Otalbemabe tn beigbt, <strong>of</strong> tbe fourtb part <strong>of</strong> tbe bcigbts <strong>of</strong> tbe Colnmnes, bp t$e rule a*fc?efapb. 2Ebe fetojp aboue fbalbe lotoer b? one fourtb pact : To fljall tbe arcbitraae.. jPrafe anb Cojnice bee <strong>of</strong> tbe fiftpart <strong>of</strong> tbat beigbt, tobtcb fbalbe tbe fourtb part <strong>of</strong> tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> trje Columnes :but fcurbing tfce ccuiOon <strong>of</strong> tbe parti*cular members, pou fliail finb tbem in full meafurefo tbe iDjbcr <strong>of</strong> Comp<strong>of</strong>ita. SEbe tombotocs being mabe toirbSrcbcfl, fbalbe in bjebtblifee tbeboje: libetoife tbe pilaflers anb tbe Grebes, but tbeir beigbt fljalb? tto<strong>of</strong>ourefquaresanb a balfe,tobicb is to giue mo?e ligbt tn tbe cbambers. K\y: Columnes fbalbe flat,ano one fourtb part fijojter tben tbelotoer. 2Ctie bjebtb <strong>of</strong> tbe $icbes bet ajeene tbe Columnes anb tbe toinDotoes,te one Columne anb a balfe, tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong>fonre Columnes tbiekneffe, Cfaus <strong>of</strong> an? parts 0? members tbat bee retting, ?sn (ball finb meanes to make fbem b jtbe pjefer iption <strong>of</strong> tbe afojefapb rules <strong>of</strong> tbat ojber ; to; <strong>of</strong> tbis Coiintljta, poo fbail finb tbe meafure in tbe beginning <strong>of</strong>tbat o;bct. aboue tbis ffojp, be tbat toill,ma? make a lualbing place, tsell Befcnbco from luater : anb tbat tbe beigbt<strong>of</strong>tbispobiumtoereorreafonablebeigbttoleanebpon, ojtorcfl^pon tottb a mans acmes, tbcfc jfaciesuwHlbbeesgreat beautifying to tbe bnilbing, anb mocb cafe to tbe inhabitants.

Tlie fourth Book"<strong>The</strong> fcucnth Chapter. Foi 4•-**"*:. ^2L_jjr-^^.., -¥5

,:Of the lonicaSometime, as is faoB, a toojfecroan &all fino a great number <strong>of</strong>Columne$,but fo loto, that tbcj? toili not reac!) bigbinongrj fo? bistoo?fee, if be cannot belpebimfelfetheretoitb, ano apptr fucb members, to feme tt>e bmloing toliicbftebatfjinfeanD:fbcrefo?ctftbe height <strong>of</strong> the (Caller? rifeib-biigber ttjen tbeColumnes, tbenintbemiDSle<strong>of</strong>tbefacie pou map mafcean arch, being fcpboloen bv the arcbitraue, tobicb fbalbe abone the Columnes ,tranc fball bee tbe 3 mp<strong>of</strong>i o? bpbolbing <strong>of</strong> a rouno rsfe. ffiut tubcre tbe Srcb fball be, there (ball be a Croctere,as tbetobicb 0rcbt*tuojteman map Ioj in tb!Sgroantr:an<strong>of</strong>o?QrengtbEning there<strong>of</strong>, let tberebejrono?mettallbarreslapD oucr, as it istaught in tbe isDojica £^;ocr. HBut tbe Denioing <strong>of</strong> this i^acte fbalbe rucij, that tbe mioelcm<strong>of</strong>f jntcreolnmne fbalbe <strong>of</strong>tf.Colamnestbtclmeffe: anDtbebctgbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Columno, toitb JIBafesanb Capitals ffjalbe<strong>of</strong> 8.parts-i- tbc.2rxh]itraaeboloctb as much as the Columnc ts in tbiefcneffe aboue : lifeetoifc tbe 3r cb : abone tbe tobicb the tao?aeman fljsll makea Co?nlce, tobicb height (ball bolo a fourth part mojetben tbe 0rcbitraue,toitbonttbe3Dbo;us tinDer, totttj the iLifttobicb Cornice fball alfo ferae fo? a Capitall boon the pillars, aboue the Colnmnes, ano fbalbe <strong>of</strong> the fame bjeotb thattbe Columne is abone. W)C gntercolnmncs on tbe fittesfbalbe<strong>of</strong> 5. Columnes in thickticffe: tbebeigbt<strong>of</strong>theDmjcfbalec fo, tbat the Slrcbttraue bnticr ibe 3«b fball ftrue fo? the Co?nice abone tbe Do??e, tbanging parti? bee members,as it is figures, ewocr the Cojnice there fbalbe a jfreefe fet, tobicb lhalbc a fourth part leffetben the arcbitrauc, tbe&upcrcit(cs toitb the pilaffcr <strong>of</strong> tbe fame height. 3But as much as fbalbe bnoer the g>upercilies,to tbe ttapjes, <strong>of</strong> thatbalfe, the b?ebtb <strong>of</strong> tbe light (balbc mate; ano fo the ligbt fbalbe <strong>of</strong> t too foncefquares. 2Lbe toinbotoes (ball ftano as tbeepes <strong>of</strong> tbe oto?p fbalbe a fonr fb part leffe then the firfl ; tbe^otnutn being taken <strong>of</strong> a rcafonable heightthat tobitb refieth fbalbe oeuioeo in 5. parts, foure tobcre<strong>of</strong> fball be fo? the beigbt <strong>of</strong> the C<strong>of</strong>umnes, tbeotber fo? ttje Slvtlntrauc, jPrcefe ano Coanice, obferuing tbe giuen meafures <strong>of</strong> fucb a £>tojp.2Tbe b?eatb <strong>of</strong>tbc totnooto in the mittDle,is toitb tbe antipagmentum as toioe as the light <strong>of</strong> tbe t>co?e,bnt the light fbalbe Double in height : in the £D?naments a*bonejtoo?ftemen map folloto ano obferue tbe rule fet botone. Che toinootocs on the (toes (ball be like tb<strong>of</strong>e that ffano beloto,anotbeir height lilse tbe greater :the raffing tip in the miooie aboue the feconb. ff o?p, (bail alfo be a fourth part ieffiethen tbe other, ano euerp part there<strong>of</strong> IcETencbaccojsinglp: fo? the lisbt there<strong>of</strong>, the ejoer <strong>of</strong> tbelotocftaojpisobftr'neb : bat tlje making <strong>of</strong> tbi fbiro fts:r , 0? tbe not making there<strong>of</strong>, is at tbe pit afure <strong>of</strong> tlje too jftman.

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>ce* <strong>The</strong> feuenth Chapter, rdkteJt 2

A&Ofthe Ionicait is faiD in ttje beginning <strong>of</strong> this ffio<strong>of</strong>ec , tf?c niancr ana ojacr <strong>of</strong> tlje Sonica being male after the femininebinD, it is To lifeeteife a tnateriall thing , tljat baaing a Cbinrnep to mafee <strong>of</strong> that ojcer, Isee molt, as nare as totcan,mahe fome Ojete <strong>of</strong> tbat feye therein : the p?opo;tion tobere<strong>of</strong> fljalbe tbns,that ? height <strong>of</strong>tbe optnneffcbetnfplaceO,it Ojalbe from tbe gronnb <strong>of</strong> the Chamber o? ^nll,te tbe arcbitrape, erght parts high, ano tbat ©all be at?tojomg to tbe placing <strong>of</strong> tbe Colnmnes , tobicb fljall be far b like, monffers ca ttrange fojmrs (as toe tall tbcm ) mate inthis maner,tobicb dial feme fe j spogt>ilion*. 2Ihe arcbttrauc, ft&te ano Cojnice,t&all be tbe fourth part <strong>of</strong> tbe height,as itis before fapo. 2Ebe fable topon the Capitals, tobicb coneretb tbeartbitraoe ana the iPr*fe,3raDge, tbat ancienttoojfetmen baue bfco to flrtce mo;c (pace to tojite in,anb atfo, fo) tbat tfeep toere Defirons <strong>of</strong> nooelties: tobicb table, tobc*tber it be mabe o; not timbers referred to tbe toill <strong>of</strong> tbe foejkatum. K%t fecono 02t>er,toitb tbe 2E>clpbins,is maee fojlino canfes, tbe one is, to make tbe month <strong>of</strong> tbe Cbimnep,tobicb Dotty retepue tbe fmefee toioer : fbe otber is, to makea p irnmicall fo:mc, making the neefce <strong>of</strong> tbe CbimtWP in a C§ambir,bnt it is fitll at tbe toill <strong>of</strong> tbe toojteman, to maketbcm moje 03 leffe , oj not at all.

<strong>The</strong> fourth BookedTliefeucnth Chapter. Fot,^

Of the IonicaTfeis <strong>of</strong>bermancr <strong>of</strong>Cbirmuptsber^aficfaj rmallta»nies,ano the? are Web to be rnabe lotoer then amhftigbt,rnabeitpM toitboittbeCtmatie,anl)ottbemmttabeonepartfa?tbe;FrA,e,KSKHK^.7«ic0XtRaieiaS5Ebr*S«ftheCojo^EtbKul^£ aS^^toall,fo tbat this ©jnament, <strong>of</strong> tbis sDjacctooalo ferue fo? a tomoott o? oa»>e.Here endeth the Ionica Order <strong>of</strong> building : and th#e followeth tbeCorinchia.

.<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke* le 'feiienth Chapter. Fol.441•

Of the order <strong>of</strong> Gonnthia worke, and theOrnaments there<strong>of</strong>.*<strong>The</strong> eygbt Qhdpter,:F Corfothia worke, r#>f*MMMfpeakethonely in his fourth Booke,and thefirit Chapter, In amaner as if he would fay, that the fame, which is fayd<strong>of</strong> thcIonicaColamnc, is inCorinthiajworke: and in his fecond Chapter hee fpeaketh <strong>of</strong> Mogdilions among the Coronas, thereforeJ not giuing any other rules or meafures <strong>of</strong> the other parts: but the ancient Romanes vfing thisorder <strong>of</strong> Corinth ia much, (as alfo the reft) made the Bafes <strong>of</strong> thcie Columnes , with a great number <strong>of</strong>members or parts full <strong>of</strong> worke: <strong>of</strong> which Bales to fet downe lome rules,! will I peakc <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the layreftbuildings in Rome,that is, the Pantheon, called by the name <strong>of</strong>.Qur Lady de Rotonde , fett ingdowoe allthe meafures there<strong>of</strong>* <strong>The</strong> Colucnne <strong>of</strong> Corinthia worke is made by a common rule, confuting <strong>of</strong> p.parrsin height, with Capitals and Bafes: the Capitall where<strong>of</strong>, (hall be as high as theColumneis thicke below,but theBafefliallbc<strong>of</strong>halfethethickeneffe<strong>of</strong> the Columne. Of this halfc,or height <strong>of</strong> the Bafe s therefhall be foureeuen pans made.wherc<strong>of</strong> theoneis for the Plinthus, the other three fhall bedeuidedin flueequall pans, where<strong>of</strong> one part (hall bee for the Thorus abouc, but the Thotus vnder fhall be a fourth partthicker, (o that which rcfteth fhall be deuided into 2. euen parts, where<strong>of</strong> one part is for the Scotie below,with the AftragaH,and two Lifts or borders: that Aftragall fhall be the fixtpart,and each lift or border thehalfe there<strong>of</strong>; but the lift or border vnder the netherm<strong>of</strong>t Thorus, fhall bee a thud part more then the o-cher. <strong>The</strong>Proiedure <strong>of</strong> the"Plinthus fhall ftand abouc in another order <strong>of</strong> Columnes,making them likethe lonica orderj but if the place be beneath vpon the ground,ihcn the Pfoicclure fhall be like the Doricsorder. Alfo,according to the place where the Bafes fhalbe placed ,fo the woikeman mutt adde or diminifh,as is before fayd: for as thefe Bafes ftand beneath the fight, it will ftand wcllj but if it bee placed aboue theCgh t,then all the places that are vfed by the other mem bers.with their fcucrai diftances , fhall be made grcater.thcnby this rule is prefcribed. And the higher they be let, f© much the lefle and fayret feeme themembers t herein the workeman 0/ the Rotonde was well aduifed, for that hee made the &d>? aboue thefirft ftory within,with two Scotics, but yet with one AfeagaiUlon« .;in ftead<strong>of</strong> two.Bmxx i i'H '** k.fomsjuftrm,!.coUk)fin^ ^Trcchihs

,<strong>The</strong> fourth Bboki^Tl^eriuaticn <strong>of</strong>tbe CapitallCojintbia^asfrom a ipapD <strong>of</strong> Cbjitityia : -but foj tbat Vi*iruuiusia ins fourth JBmlseanDfirtt ChapterDcfcribetb bis petpgree, fcherc<strong>of</strong> 3 toill nottrouble mp felfet<strong>of</strong>pcahe <strong>of</strong>, thus much 3 -toillfop : 3K a toojfeeman ban a STcmplc to mafecfoj thenairgin Mary, oj anp other faints tbat tocre ®ir»0tns,ojl&oufes oj&epulcbcrsfozpcrfons <strong>of</strong>honefflife anb cbitucrfatton,thcn a man might We this ma*Mr <strong>of</strong>toojSc. SEtje bctijSjt <strong>of</strong> tbis Capitall fljall beelifae the tblefenefTc <strong>of</strong> the Columns bcloto : the aba*ras tbcfeutntb part <strong>of</strong> tbathefgbt ffl)f the rett t$cceftjalbe tbjae parts maoe :oucfo: the leaues beloter?theotherfojfbeleauesttitbemitiDlej anntljc(aftfojtbetBolutes,as toeroap call them.i5utbettoeinethe (Solutes ano ttje mtoDlrmoB teaurs, tljcte is afpace tcft to the letter leaues, from tl)c tobidj tbcRotates greto. SCbe Capital! marfeebB.t&all be8tmDemeatb like tbc Columne aboue : tanner tbe &baeos, there is a Cinthamabe, tbe height tobere<strong>of</strong>(ball be halfc the abacus :<strong>of</strong> inbtcb abaca e, tbjfiiparts being mase, one fijalbc fo; the Cimatte toittjtbelliffs, anDtbereffrojtbepiintbns. anorrthefoure comers <strong>of</strong> the abacus, tbje grcnteC Solutesare matte; anb in the mibolc <strong>of</strong> the abaeus,tbcre is afloiner as great as the abacus is t^tcfec, tinoccthctobttb the leatt Solutes ujalbe mabr ;tmocr tbc grca*tell, anDalfounoertbefmallc4x3Jolntes,tbemiaDlcleaues fljalbe fe t,be tto&nc the lwt>icl) the leafi leaues(hall gro Id cut ,ana out <strong>of</strong>them tijc Clolntcs fpjiug-3£be mioblem<strong>of</strong>l, ano alfo the tonoennott leaues,(ball each be 8. in number, ffanbingbctiijeniecacb.other, as tbe figure C. fhetoetb2Ehe toibenette <strong>of</strong>ttje abacus, from pojnt to popnt, ujalbe tluo SDiameters<strong>of</strong> the Colnmnes beloui : tehicb SDiameiecfljalbe piano in a 4. fquar c, out the fourefquare, tebicb Ojall touch tbe foure coj>«ersjtb*n,linthoattbi$greatcircle,anoiher foure*fquare being uraoe, anb ocuioeo in JDiagonall, tbatis, cr<strong>of</strong>fe#H>tfe,tbDfe lines mill fbeto to bettco 2Dia*meters in lenjjth(as Vicruuius teaebctb.) 25ut fromthe line B. C. pou Ojallmafec aperfit STrangtc;anbbpon tbe eojner X. fhallbc toma&c bollototbeAbacus: from the fpaccs, bettoeene tbe great Cu>tie anb tbe ftnall,t&ere ftalbe foure parts m aoc, onepart Qjal refit aboue A. anb tbjeef&albetbus taftenatoap : tbe one foote <strong>of</strong> the Compeffe being fet UponX.tbe other upon A. training about from B. to C.inhere the erahefi tine fljall reach on the tluo Goes<strong>of</strong> tbe SCriangle, there fljalbe tbe termination <strong>of</strong>tbecorners <strong>of</strong> the Capitals. SCbe example is in the ft"sure D. in tbis mancr . SCbe abacus foall come in9«rp«notcolar,totth, the gltatbug <strong>of</strong>tbe S5afe.S » 7"-* «<strong>The</strong>feuenth Chapter. Fo!, 45limes tbuK*mffebdoiij.r* Cimatt'e.Cabacus-]Cauliculej ieffening* leanes.AC- fipiooieleaues.tanoermoUleanes... .lurnnesthickneffie-abouBo *1

,..' "''-I'''tbe 0tcbftrawe, J*r*fe anu Cornice <strong>of</strong>Tftu^atbeCojintbia,88 3bsae fapb in ttje beginning<strong>of</strong> tine Chapter, Vicruums fettftb oclrnc homcafucetbew<strong>of</strong>,aKbonebbcrettctbbotone tbecaiginall <strong>of</strong> the ^utiles , tobicb map bee maoe m allmencr <strong>of</strong> Co;ntccs, as foec fee in antiquities : bat topjocceo ojCf rip ana not Co leaue Vicruuius tojitirtg ta>Of the Corinthiamocb, 5 toill fet the ojnament s <strong>of</strong> Jontca in this Cbap*ter,aboing thereto tbe 9ttragall in tbejawbitrauf,anaan Ccbinns bnbec t|e Ccotone , as fome 3rcb-3rcbi>toben tbe arcbuttcts in Kotne bane bone. &o H fay ,iraueismaDeasit ffancetb bv tbe Jcntca, briber themioblemoS i*acie,tbere Ojall be an 2flragalt maw <strong>of</strong>tbe t pgbt part <strong>of</strong> tbe fame jFacie,ano fmoer tbe topper*mod jFacis alfo,one <strong>of</strong> § epgbt parts <strong>of</strong> tbefapD jfariefeaongbt toitb teab, as pou fbe : after that , toben tbejFreefe Is fet tetib tfce Cimatie, anb thereto tbe SDehIJlviJJviJJviJMIil^$£Dme MomiQ) tooafetmett , paocejoing toitb mojcboitx twffe, bane not onelp placeb ©cbtnes abone tbeSDtnticntaMntalfo maoe futile* anbSDentilcstO'getbcr,w one Comkr, tobicb is macbconbtmneD bpVitruuiusin bis fanrtb S5c<strong>of</strong>ee,anb feconbCbaptcnfoa tbat tbt SDentilcs repjefent rcrtaine tetb, bpVitruuius calico 9 fieri, ant) tbe ^ogDil ions are fo? tbefuppojting <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>bcr enbs <strong>of</strong> tooob, by thefapD antboacalico Cantcrp : tobicl; ttoo bins <strong>of</strong> bcames' map notttano together in one place 5 anb 5 , foa mp part, cootonencr cnfitire EDcntilcs ano ^utiles in one Cojmcc,altboagbKome abonnbetb therein, anotoiners places<strong>of</strong> 3ta!palfo:bnt paoc6Ding0?Detl?tti tbistooafee,s|flnDagenerallrale,tbatls,tbat tbebngbt<strong>of</strong> tbeCo*lomnrg initb ffiafes anb Capitale,fbalbe benioes in 4.parts, tobere<strong>of</strong> one ts gioen to tbe 0rcbttrane, fftateanb Cornice, anb forb a betgbt agrertb toitb tbe kxtjitca: tbe fowtb part fibjalbe Deuioeo in 10. parts: 5 , Ojall•, " 'Ibe foa tbe flrcbitraae, a* sfojcfapt), 3 . foa tbe ftttU 9anb 4. foa tbe Cojnice, JBnt <strong>of</strong> tb<strong>of</strong>e 4. there are 9,parts maoe , onefljnllbce foa tbe Cimatie abooe U>eiFrtefe, a. foa tbefficbine toitb tl)s lift, 1. foa tbe ®wtiles tottb tbeir Cimatie, 2. foa tbe Co;ona,anb tbe 2•laff parts foa tbe &ima,tott b ber Cimatie, tobicb (ballbe tbe fourtb part <strong>of</strong> tbe frima. Cbe )B)oiect <strong>of</strong> allViQICballbeasafoaefapb : pen map alfo maftetbts flrcbi-trane,i^rttfe anb Coanice^ftbe firQ%part <strong>of</strong> tbe beigbt<strong>of</strong> tbe Columns, as Vicruuius faptb in bis Gft IBa/be,anb fettenn) Chapter <strong>of</strong>tpe SLbeaterDC.

<strong>The</strong> fourth Boob; tlieeyglit Chapter. Fol, 4 6Tl9eleaning <strong>of</strong> tr,e Gthintbia Columttefball be maBr,asit Us fajb <strong>of</strong> ttje ottjer:anflalto thereafter as the fccfgfetis.but <strong>of</strong> 16.fbotc CotMicU'nrfcu: it ftaibeUffcnco abouethe firt part, bp the rule afdjcfaiB: ano if it beeftrikcbcf? rbandtb , tljcn pon flmil mafee it liketl)e jonfea; bat from tt)e ibito part ncthcrtoarDstfoc earning 0; bollotomg fuall be full,as pen fee itin the jhgnre on ti)e Goes. Jibe Colons is taritb;out$iutttes,toberc<strong>of</strong> tbe 2rcf)itratie is balfe ttjcColamncstbicHcncffe: tbeifrafcfcj that it is«t,is tbe fourth part mojetben f> 2rcbi£rane:anctbeCojnitc toitbont tbe Cimstie <strong>of</strong> the JFreefe,is as bigb as uje 3rct;ittaac : tbe beigfji <strong>of</strong> alt tmBerber is fcmerubat leffe tbert ttje 6ft part <strong>of</strong> t&«Colnmne: nettcr(^eleHe,if tbe pjoircturs <strong>of</strong> tbeCujona bee toell mabe , iben it toill fbeto (0 beeM gbcr tben it is , afiD fliatl bee leffe toapgrjt Dponthe bailDing: tobcrcfo je.tbat tbe (fetlfni toojarnar;map cbufe out tlj<strong>of</strong>e parts , tbat btft feme bisib&tt,jmt be map not ttr«o Viwuuius Doctrine,anD trje goco Antiquities, tobtcb men, bp his to?l»ting , attmctolicgc- if bp anp accioent tbis Colamncban neea or a pjopojtionec j3cD?Qal,beingnot let bp anp occafionjtbcngpjopatfion there<strong>of</strong>ftalbe tbns: tbe b;ebtb ffiatbe octuoeD in 3 .parts,tobere<strong>of</strong> 2 . parts (ball bee f ? tbe fcticrljt, tbat is,one fourth parts, anoa. t^irs parts, (| mcanetbe flat) tptjieb beigbt (hall be oenioet) irr 7.partstone foj tbcJEafts, cnefojr trjeCoznice aboue,iBljichfljalltnallbe^. part>,p}opojtioneDacco;*Ding to tbe Column r.: but <strong>of</strong> t&c particular mcm>bcrs <strong>of</strong> thcBafcs snD Cojitites, J toilthcrciftxrlhefomo3%tottbrome amenities , inhcre<strong>of</strong>menmap take frtb rmafati as (ball belt ferae theirtunics.

Of the CorinthiaASBong <strong>of</strong>her Antiquities <strong>of</strong> tbe Cojint&ia,tobicb are fane in Italy, 3 t&infce tfje $a;iibeen <strong>of</strong> Rome, an» the flrcbtriumphant, at tt>c $ancn <strong>of</strong> Sncona , are tbe fapjeff ano bed to be fane : <strong>of</strong> fabkb. 9rch 5the Capital! hereundermarket) A. is toitty great care pjepojtioneD after tbe great :to&frbbttgfotis contrary to tbefcmting <strong>of</strong> Vitruuius:ncucrtbclcffcit bao gcoo co^refponocncicif it may be,that V itruuius tneantthaf tbefeefght <strong>of</strong> tbe Capital! ftonlcbe one Colomncs tfjtcUenctTc iuitbottt tbe abacus is but tbe tert herein isfalfifieD, foj than bauenot onelpfonnD this2Cbe Colnmnesbere<strong>of</strong>are cbanelcjMs it is IbetoeD here : the ^eBeQalUCapital!, bat others mm <strong>of</strong> fuel) piopo jtion .toitb tbe ffiafc bpon it,i»a member <strong>of</strong> tbetame 0rcb, a!fo pjopojtiotien in tbe Cmall : "tbe Cojnice hereunto aDOeB, biasfonno at Al fora tranficorio in Rome: that marfeco loitb A. is beru banDfome, to} a Cojintbian Cojnfce tottbotst $togroilionjJt CiatmatiKDtoifbB. is a little fa#er }bnt that toitbC. is tl)etonban<strong>of</strong>omeff,beraafe <strong>of</strong>t^t Double parts,tr||ic$btiae nogooo grace from the Cojona oatonetuaros : ana alio, to; tbat tbe Cojona, upon fo muefc Cojntce, bath to (maltpjoicctorc. SEb* ffiafe <strong>of</strong> the ^eOefiall marhco D. in mv opinion* is toerp far?c,anb alfo tbeliBafemcnttoifb E,f tbinfee batb bane a thing th at batb. continues in fome buito ing: tnbich things, altoseth t r,men map applie to tbe ojoec<strong>of</strong> Co?infl)ta;anBintbejo«ica3t)aaetonetbclt5e. CbeSrcbttrane V. is in Ve.ona,manarchtrpumpbasrt,tobtcfejfaetes flanoetij contrary to Virruuius fojiting; pet J bauefcttbem hereto fbet<strong>of</strong>ntb oifierencs.

<strong>The</strong> Fourth Booke. <strong>The</strong> eyght Chapter. Fal.4.7

»Or the Corinthiafte Boo:eg <strong>of</strong> Cojinfl)ia toojfce, Vitruuius fpeakctb noting at all; bat 1 Drill fpcafec <strong>of</strong> tlje Stotiquif ift W&Ofarepettobefani:.ffibicooou:ttiaikc& S,T. tsatTmoMpon tbettiner<strong>of</strong> Auiene,in a raunb SEenvple,maBe after tbe Cejmtbiamaner, tufcicb ooojc is If flimeb aboue the gpgbt/cmtb part* ^ b^Sbt w abene,i4. flares: tbc rett <strong>of</strong> tbe member8 arc pjopojtioneo aftir tb« artat. SHje toinDoiDT . anb X. io in tbe farm STernple,anMr8enfDabouc!tl»etbeos>}e: tbejMaflcrg ojantipagmentHmarcaUpwojtiontOjtobicbamanmapfinO iaitbtbe Compallr. 2Tbc Ocd;c foUototng,mart«b P, Z. is ttjat fif tUc |0«Mhtt>n in Romcalfo Coaintfeia tootfe* tobtcb ts20. ancient Walmeo b?oafc tbe bright 40. anDttisfasMbattbeantipagmettfamts allot onepiete,an»3a!iobawr«ne no otber. «be antipagmentum <strong>of</strong> Crjis eooae is the bjtWb <strong>of</strong> tbc 8. pacta <strong>of</strong> tbe Uabt tbc«Df,anD in tbe Qocc it 10sf a gooB tbitkme*. HBat foj tbat poa cattnotfe tbe firlf,uritbetrt telng a part <strong>of</strong> the Qoe0,tberefoje tt (cemerb to futbas lotto on it,to be fcoaoec tb«n in effect it is. 2no tbia ooo?e,betaufe it is fo high , comes in prrprn6icnlar,ano is notleETcneb as tbc otber afojtfapfi: all the otber members are pjopotfionct) accojemg to tbegrfatnetfe. Sibc 5Bafe abuse tbc^atc,t0libttbat<strong>of</strong> flatColumnes aboue tbe 8raB?OBr,tobtcbSbaueret bourne bptrjc

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bbolce. <strong>The</strong> feuenth Chapter. Fol .^

'1 .Ofthe CorJntkia6oo?c bereunucr fet ootonr, is at Pa1eftina,ano is Cojinthia: the foiseneffe is 2T^t. fottrefqusres : tifo Sntepag*nuntnm 01 the gilafler ts b?cao the fijet part <strong>of</strong> tfje ttribenes, Drusoeo in nraner afcjefaiD. adjc £>opbo?eoj jF refcis the fourth part tnsie rfcen the 8>upercilie. Cb.e Ccjona ane the reft, are Ufee the a>rjpercilte, feuioeo as pott fa;in the figure. SCbe ^jotbDjioes 02 anccnes,tpitb that tobicfe is tipon them, bang fo fliftbtlj? oj lfl)feli,as pou fa.SCbe frontifptcteis maoe,asin the ojoer <strong>of</strong> £>8Jica,intbe fecono facie, ts fapo."

<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke. Tlie eyght Chapter. FoL 4.9A ttbcltsl) ttji* Swe aiffcretti from all tfie otbf r,tljat f tier ?fato m aw aftttqmttMrur rttifctefc, ft is fcc.-v jjtea'liiStottjeftgtit, atWflietoettjtorH: to'jictj SDcoje ts tuitljout Spblen, ab'oatfyatfe amiiett)ttl)bkittt)Ct<strong>of</strong>.t,Wanana>tnt 2C«mple,niRW cf fye Cdjintlna matter; <strong>of</strong> tbcp;opa?tion ario particular tttcmberSj J toill fat? rtoti)tn& fo? Ijce: thaiferftcfy nfcre,nrapfinb \t totty a Compairt.

. »*—;OjtQfCorinthiatf|U» ®wt <strong>of</strong>Cojintbta, tobicb is pleating bnto ail men, | toil! make most fojts <strong>of</strong> tuilDtngs , fciting bourneomeg meruit roles, t<strong>of</strong>atiffittlj<strong>of</strong>t ttjat tafce pleaforeto rraD tl)ts tDojbe : anbfo? tbat ancient ioojfccmen, intwice pafl,tbat befireb to make tbetr things UTonganbenerlattlng, matte pillars (tebirein tbe flatters arecl<strong>of</strong>ee) tobicb bears bptbe2rcbes <strong>of</strong> a great thicfeneffejfoj tbatrfufc, Hje^ojefrontoj j^atieenfmng tjatb tbepillar (that te,tbe fobole boop) as bjoab befo je as tbe twcmcCc <strong>of</strong> tbe flrct) t g ; but ttje tbufcneffe is i . fonttb part leffe.Ebc tbiefenrflc <strong>of</strong> tbe Colnnmre- Hall bee a firt part or fbe pillar. 2Ebc #itbes uetoanc tbe Colurancs are 2. Co?Inrrmestbitfeenefombjebfb; tbeirbeigbtts fometobat leOetben i.fontrfqnarcs STbefcetght<strong>of</strong> tbe^DtttalscfS.CclnrrmesrbifKneus. $%e\)si$bttit tbe arcblbalbemaoe<strong>of</strong>s.foarefqaareg. Ebcb^gbt<strong>of</strong>tbcCcitunncsfeittbJBaresanDCa»ifal8,fi)atbcp.parrs anoahatfe SLrjebjeotb<strong>of</strong> tbeartb aitl)tbapi!aSrre,ajalbecf balfeaColnrmu£Tt>c 3mp<strong>of</strong>i tobit bearetb tbe 2rcb , fljalbe <strong>of</strong> tbe fame fceigbt, want, in maner, Itfee tbat <strong>of</strong> tbc SEbcatsr <strong>of</strong> Mareellm,m the £>;m <strong>of</strong> ponies : tobitrj jntpoQ (ball ferae fo? a Cornice abeme tbe titm : but tbe tjcigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe a®]* fbalbemabetbns: ©nocrtbe fapoCojnuc/tije^upercUicajalbeaKo maoe<strong>of</strong>tbelifeebet?btj attttfrOmr&encebotonetoarDsibjrrefbalbea.tqaall parts maDetotbe&tav?css tetjert<strong>of</strong>, one (Tiaibr tfjE bjr^b ct tbclia^anoHfestoifetbcCojntce<strong>of</strong> tbetmtt, as tbe cpea, flail come toifb tbe foinbotoes, anb tbe Cimatie <strong>of</strong> tbe pocffall fljal I alfo come in like fojt bnaer ty*lointiolocs. ^eligbt<strong>of</strong>ujetDtntiotDeslbalbetakmSDiagonaUioiCe: anDtbeaatepagmemrttnafirtirari<strong>of</strong>tbeligbt.Sbsparticnlarmsmbere <strong>of</strong> tbepebeQall, SBafe anb Capita s tea' be made,as in tbefirflpatt<strong>of</strong> tbis ®flet it is favo.SlbonctbeColamnee^eartbirrfloej^reEfe anb Cornice fealbefrMcaioeb in faebmaner as « fijetocb in the begin*ning. JCbefeeigbt<strong>of</strong>tbe feeonD&tojpHwlbeafonrtbparttelctbentb^firtt, ans all the members leSemoaaojBUtglp,aspoaataptatanamcafore it inrrjefignrt: tbe eteuation abanc tbig | iltemc not fo? a tobole fetojp, bntmacbloUt'« % : hiigbt there<strong>of</strong> isasmncbas tbetoisenefl* <strong>of</strong> tbe a«b bclotoj anb tbe Cornice tobubferaefyfojarcbitraae,1ano i^reefeAalbe tbe firt part <strong>of</strong> tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbat fetoip; tobttij meafares poa map tabs from tbe Capitall E ?ica : antto? mojc 2Djnmnmt,a man map fet a ipatttgies abouc : bat ferring it in tbe miosis, it looalD barDtp agree toitb £be tto<strong>of</strong>maUabeoe tbe ^icbes, bnieffe it ran tonnb, toberebp tbe toojke ujonlo be changes, ano (beta better to tb« &gbt.-—*— TBi

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bboke.<strong>The</strong> eyght Chapter. Fpt.-jdjf5 2

.Ofthe Corinthra\¥ 7/ $en a foojkewan toill bails a Cemple, tbe bigbcr tbe groano o? ^auement is eleuate&, io macb Satclr ?r t&eVLr baitoragtoUl ujcto,fo2fo rigbt ancient foojbemen haae Done, altbongbtbeplrfeD ottjer fojmcs<strong>of</strong> SEcmpIcs," macb Different from tbis bere f c t Dotonc:fo j tbep mane a bob? alone , bat toe?, tbat are £t>Mim s, mafee onrSEcmptes in tbjee par ts,fett ing one pact in trje mioo!e,anD 2 . parts on tbe Goes : an d tometimes tbe Cbappelsaremaoetou^at tbe fiDcg,as pen fain the gronnD, Crjetoibcnefle <strong>of</strong> tbis i^acteftjatlbe <strong>of</strong> 32. pacts; one loberc<strong>of</strong>fljalbe £ f bichnes <strong>of</strong> a Celnmnc: tbe raiooicm<strong>of</strong>i inter>Columnrs fball contains 7. parts : tbe great etc intera>?e fljalbc<strong>of</strong> S.partgantianbalfe: tbebcigbt o( 7.parts:tbe3lnn»ttt)nDertbe0rc&isas bjoaoas ttjc 3rcb, Cbefcetgbt<strong>of</strong>tbeJBeoeaall US3. parts: tbtbcigbt<strong>of</strong> tbeColumnejtoitbCapitallanDSBafes, tap. parts anbabatfc, fCbe 0rcbttrauc,jfcaftanoCowicefbalbe tbe foartb part <strong>of</strong>tbebeigbt <strong>of</strong> tbeCoUmuws:am)f<strong>of</strong>oj tbepar titular member* ano parteretting, tbe fieff rnlefbalbeobferneo, 2$etoin8otoes,#icbesanbotbcr o;naments,amanmapconceaae mtbefigareano meafnre, 2E$e fecono Oojic Ojalfae a foartb pact fljo ?t cr ttjert tbe firff, anb all tbe members IcffeneD aao?oinglp : battbe artbitraue^reefct Cornice, Ojalbeplaceo in 3. equal! parts, as 3 fapo <strong>of</strong> tbe otber. Cbc^attigiesftalbemaOe.a* VitruuiusbatbfteU>cDinn>o;t>eror Dojica, Ctiei. Goes tbat Carta foj b?autffpittg anobpbolDtag, (ball beetfcefsuttb part <strong>of</strong> a Circle, toberc<strong>of</strong> A. anoB. is tbe Centers anbaboaeeatbawb tbat pactetb tbe Cbappels,a man mapfetfafbtbings^bitbtoillbeagreatbpbolbing to tbe mitolcmott Ujo;fee,anD alfo along Upon tbem, tbe toattr mag fallteom t|e bppermott ro<strong>of</strong>e to tbe netfcwm<strong>of</strong>f

^r**?Die fourth Booke."•IP"'ie eyght Chapter,Fol.Ji

TDeOftheCorinthiabcnf<strong>of</strong>ttg <strong>of</strong> ti»is tuoskc cnfulng ftalbe tbne, t&at tbe pillar fljaibe fljc tftfrU part <strong>of</strong> tbe foteeneOe <strong>of</strong> ttjc arcb,bHttbetbuterieffe<strong>of</strong> tbeflrtpart: tbetbitteneffecf tbcColumneaUoasmacb. 2nbcbetgbttoitbl5aream>Ca*pitat<strong>of</strong> ten parts ano an Ijalfe: t^e arc^,pi!afler,anD imp<strong>of</strong>t<strong>of</strong> tbe balfe Colnmne; tbe meafnre <strong>of</strong> tt>e imp<strong>of</strong>taman map tabs from tbc E>onca Cbapter,altering tl»e members: tbc fame fijail atfo fcrue fo i a Cornice abene tbcaao?e,ano foj fnppojtlng <strong>of</strong> tt>e toinootoca abone tbe fteps: tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe arcb (fo? fometiraeg t>pon occaCon,a manBullbefojceotobatteitro lotoagponfee) (ball be <strong>of</strong> 3. parts in tbe b?et>tb,aTiD j, in beigbt: ano tbe oaje alio fliall banetbe fame pjopojtion. %\)t antepagmentum fball be tbe fitf part <strong>of</strong> tbe ligbt* and if tbe tonjteman tsill mate tbe teiett<strong>of</strong> tbeartb <strong>of</strong> Doable p?opo?tion,tbeooo;ealfotoill be <strong>of</strong> fucb proportion: bnt tbeColnmnes ajoulomsoagreatffonefcnoer tb JBafe* toitb tobicb things ancient uwtemen bolpe tbemfetues. 2Ebe beisbt <strong>of</strong> tbe arcbitrane, #rafe,anoCojnice are <strong>of</strong> 2. Cotumncs tbufeeneSe,as it is fail) in tbefirfE part <strong>of</strong> tbe rales, 0? (n maner <strong>of</strong> fome antiquities afo;efcetoeo.3n0 fo? trjat tbe fpace bitter tbe 3rdj to tbe foller, t<strong>of</strong>jic^ t* enen toitb tbe flat <strong>of</strong> tbe Cojnice, Bjoulo be too greatto mate cr<strong>of</strong>feU>irc,in fact) cafe nip abufce fbouto be,to mate an arcb rigbt bxt>in& tbe Colamne, ano to mate eacb fparctettletoife,asponf«in tbe grenno. SCbebcigbt<strong>of</strong> tbefecono Qojpfbalbeone^part leffethtntbefirMcttiDeDin tbustnaner: tbe pactum fball bee as bigb as tbe tbicteneffe <strong>of</strong>ttoo <strong>of</strong> tbe lotoeft Columncs, anfi from tbence bptoaros ftalltomaoc $. parts ,one fa? tbe arcbitrane, ^rafe ano Cbjntce, and 4. f°J tbe Columnes;tbe arcbra toitb tbe pilaftewfcallbe<strong>of</strong> balfeaColnmncj ano fo? tbe reft, pon fball oWeruc tbe generall rule ; ano if tbe jfaciefranostbin anp placeo) martet, as it is fljetot bv tbe tointeto o; fbops, if totll be eafie ano comelp to mate leaning abone tbe bppermottCojnice: bnt fo? fafety from ra?ne,fnoto,anD fr<strong>of</strong>f,abone all otber things, it fijall bee reqniflte to mate a ro<strong>of</strong>e o; pauc«in«ntb«Ud<strong>of</strong>ebanoleaiiin5foatoarD,becanfe <strong>of</strong> tbe toatenbutittoill befacer,if it becoaereo toitb leao^artoaitboagboboe t»o?temen conoemne ano fbmt tbe letting <strong>of</strong> a Colnmne in an emptie p!ace,tobirb 5 alfo commeno not, neucrtbe*UflVoitbat 1 bane fane t,be lite matter topon tbe posticus <strong>of</strong> Pompcy in Rome, bnt maoe after tteSDojkatromer,tfcwfoje 3 bane pMomtfto (et tbe ute,if ft map feme an;mm turns.

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>e. le eyght Chapter, Fol.p

:Ofthe Corinthiatbat tbe Vcnctiai»,m tbeir builomgs.tife mucb Co:intbiatoo?be,an6alfo manptomBotoea situ $ositiMs,rbEE e»F£D?foie I bane mabe one ^ere,to^iitl> is fall <strong>of</strong> toinootocs « poo turns, t bane alfo maoe ^tojp Upon &to}P,tobtcb is mejgtommu Dions fben bearings ont ano leanings oner are, ano tbe bmioing toill bane a better fbeto; to? tbat all tbe thingslubici) a man map fit tottbin, tnill be famelp. SEbe Compcrtition <strong>of</strong> tbfa Ifacte (ball be tbos : 2Ebe bjsotb fbalbe oent>oco in jo. parts, ano one <strong>of</strong> fb<strong>of</strong>e parts fljalbc tt>e tbiefcneffe <strong>of</strong> a Colnmne : the miooiem<strong>of</strong>t Snttrcolnmnes fljalbe <strong>of</strong>4. but all n)e red <strong>of</strong> 3 anD . fo tbe 30. parts fbalbe oifttibuteo. Cbe betgbt <strong>of</strong> tbe Colnmnes fbalbe <strong>of</strong> 10. parts f a balfe,toinj ISaits ano Capitals* SDbc arcbUraue, .frfcfe ano Cornice ftjall, togetticr, be n)e fift part <strong>of</strong> tbe beigbt <strong>of</strong>tbe C«»tomnes. £bc members fbalbe oeupoeo, asafojefapo. acbcltgbtcf tbe Wtnootoes area Colanmeanb a balfe toiot,alltajaerpenoicnlar from tbe top totbebotfome: but tbe befgbt<strong>of</strong> tbcfirtt totaoatoesare<strong>of</strong> 3. parts bjoao, ano 4.btgb ano : ttj<strong>of</strong>c tbat fball ffano bpan tbem, bane tbeir bcigbt in SDtagonall maner. SEfee toioeneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe SDeoje fbalbe.<strong>of</strong>2 . Colnmnes : ano tbe betgbt 4- 2Ebe Sntepagmtntnm, tuitb tbe ^nperctlie, i^r&fe, ano Co;nice,(balbe Oenfoeo,asitisfapo <strong>of</strong> tbeotber befoje: an<strong>of</strong>o fball tbe Cornice alfo <strong>of</strong> tbe &»?e be, as tbe toinootocs beloto are. SEbefecono&to?r fbalbe lotoer tben tbe firft tbe fonrtb part : but tbe leanings toitb tbe Balnffers being maoe, as bigb as a torn*ootoiabjoao, tbe reft <strong>of</strong>tbe beigbt fbalbe ocnioeo in 5. parts: one fo; tbe Srcbitrane, frd-leano Cornice, ano tbe o»iter 4. foj tbeColmnnes, tortb3!5afcs ano Capitals. SCbe&eigbt<strong>of</strong> tbetoinoatees fbalbe <strong>of</strong> a. fonre&iaares: toitbtbe reft <strong>of</strong> tbe fi>warrants, pon matt ooe as ] bane fapo <strong>of</strong>tbe like : ano alfo tbe £>©je <strong>of</strong> tbe

<strong>The</strong> Fourth Bo :>ke ;<strong>The</strong>eyght Chapter. Fol. 53

A§>OftheCorinthia9 ^aucat<strong>of</strong>fjectttmg fa^tM tJ)e toojfecwanCjaUIiaKECotummK inotD,fautpptfo8)ojt , tbatfomoHiesth?? toill not fern? fete turne,tm!£U"etheinaufrrie ano canning <strong>of</strong> the toojlscman bee focb, tbatbecanbelpcbim*feifetfcereuntb. 2Ebcccmp<strong>of</strong>mcn<strong>of</strong> tbtsjfacic Ojallbee thus, that thctor^cnefTe <strong>of</strong> anflrcbfhallbe<strong>of</strong> Doubleheight in tooth: the jaillar frail be half « tbe fame totbeneffe before: bat that pillar being mabe in tb?« parts anoan haJfc,cnc part there<strong>of</strong> fbalbe tbe tbicfeenefle<strong>of</strong> one Colutwne : S3be inicr>€o!umnc <strong>of</strong> a halfe € olumne: anb fo muchalfo tbe ^Matters ano tbe 3rcb holb.scbe height cf tl;e peeeBals, isitbont tbe pm tbns bnser them, fbalbe » muches tbe tobole b?ec th <strong>of</strong> tbe platter , the members being oeuioeo , as 3 huue fago <strong>of</strong>tbe peoettals sfCoaintbta, Cb*bcicijt o f tbe Columne, liritb JSafcs ano Capitals Ojalbe <strong>of</strong> 1 1 . parts,ano that fbal not therefore be falfe,fo? it if fet faffen a ttone,mo?e fo? «?nament, then fo? topboloing <strong>of</strong> anp taught. «be height <strong>of</strong> tbe arcbttraoe, JFr&fer anb

<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke. <strong>The</strong> cyght Chapter, Fq!.'5|.

Ofthe CorinthfathatThingsace maoe fo? common ft fc (altljoug^ tl>ep are places in all pjop c? t ion ano meafare) ace mncb commentore ibut not aomireo. flBut things that ace not ftfeo, if tbcp toerc made fo? fome caufes , ano tocll p?opo jtionra,(ball not onelp bee commenoeo <strong>of</strong> moll men, but alfo toonojeo at. SEfecrcfo.je this builoing foll<strong>of</strong>tjing, tubicb xvP?efentetbaCemple,tballfirflbemaoe <strong>of</strong>Brong mflicall maner, sspou fee, ano <strong>of</strong> nub fieigbt as the place ano3Dn tobicb flat 0? pauement,a man (ball goc t pon,Situation Kquircttjjbut it muff not be bigher tben 2 . mens lengtb tbeginning at the ttep A. ffanotn$teitbintbeentrie,ano going ftp to B. tben it Jfiall bee flat inhere tlje SDcmplc Ojallbauea bjoaa toalfte,toitb a leaning round about. Che tobicb SEemple (ball bee eleuateo from the toalbing oj ^suc>. ffeps mo ;e: ano to come to that, pcu mutt goe bponment,tit! pou come aboue tbe height <strong>of</strong> tbe po fcitim,o? leaning, 3tbcffep C. to tbe flat D. tobicblbalbe tbe height <strong>of</strong> tbepooium,tottb another leaning, tobicb fbalbe higher then theIflbxtf . ants from this flar,to the jpaucment <strong>of</strong> the Cemplc,tbe fapo tbias tteps fbalbc: the toiocneffe <strong>of</strong> this facie (ballbe oenfbet) in 24. parts,ant> one <strong>of</strong> tbef e parts fljal be tbe tbicfeeneffe <strong>of</strong> the Colnmne. ffihe mteoiemeff inter Columns(ball baue 4. parts: th<strong>of</strong>c that ffane on tbe floes .inhere tbe tomootecs are, fhalbe 3 parts: ano toberetbe #ubcs .fbaltbc^ they u>all each <strong>of</strong>tbem bauea part ano an halfe, fo (ball the 24. pacts bee cittrtbutco. SCbefamc S>ttIdbato, as tstBitboutattbepoetam, fbaU alfo becmaDeftnoertbeCclamnc-, <strong>of</strong> iDhicb^c3ettalUtbe height Without the piintbus,the HBafc fbalbe 3 .parts. SUbe beight <strong>of</strong> the Columnes, toitb ffiafes ano Capitals ,fljalbe <strong>of</strong> 3 . parts ano an halfe. %\p3rt'oitraoe#r«fe,anD Cornice, njatbe a fourth part <strong>of</strong> the Col umne,as if is fapb <strong>of</strong> others : ano the members alfo tie*nifieo in 4. fcjts > n)e toioeneffe <strong>of</strong> the ©ate fbalbe 3 . parts,ano the beight 7. parts ano ah ljalfe,tobi£i} is about 2. fourefqnares ano ah ijaifc: ano this is oone.fo? that bp reafon <strong>of</strong> tbe eillancc,tbep feeimo tt)o jter to a mans figbt,tben tbefe thatarebeloto* a^hemiDcncs<strong>of</strong>t&ctpino<strong>of</strong>tjes fbalbe one part ano anhalfe? but theheightfljalbeiiurjethcn 2. fourefquares,becaafe <strong>of</strong> tbe fapo ft)0?trmng< Cbe bjeotb <strong>of</strong> the iPtcbes ttja'.bc one part,a«n the height <strong>of</strong> 3. b?eotbs,fo? the fame rea*Eon: tbe ojber that the jPaffigium boloctb, fljalbe Itfee the JDeoeftal in height, snb the Cornice tbe fourth part <strong>of</strong> the fapebeight: ano the other, tobere the l&ettell 0; iLanthome rifeib ftp, is alfo <strong>of</strong> tbe fame bciabUaibirb (ball be fo much mojethen halfe roatrt),a8 the p?oicr t tire (ball couer the Cornice. S)n tbe 4. co?necs <strong>of</strong> tbe Ccmpl c, fo? the mo?e br aut ifping,you map mane 4. ^airamioes : the height toberc<strong>of</strong> (without the fetimen) (ball be as the epes are at the beginning <strong>of</strong> tbef affiginmrano the ©ciiua libe the P attiginm : tobicb f attigium fbalbe mao z bp the like rule s,as ace fpohen <strong>of</strong> befo?e,<strong>of</strong> the SDempte <strong>of</strong> SDo?ica. £njr parts ftnftec tbe 2Ccmplc,fljalbc fo? ccrtajne £D?ato?tes, cailco Confcfftonels, tobere<strong>of</strong>3bauefenemanpftnoerfl;ebigh altar.I

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>ce.<strong>The</strong> ey-ght Chapter- ¥o\.f$rISMIZES

OftheCorintfiiaAiLtJjimgb in rbcfs onr Dapes,tnen mafte no arcbcs acrpumpbant <strong>of</strong> garble efot <strong>of</strong>ljec ff6nes,nenertbeicile, tebeuanp great perfonage entered into a SEotone, t bep bfe to make arcJbrs trp;nmpbanf Co; to Welcome bim Mi,tDbic0tbcp Tct in vije fap3ett places cf tbe 23otone aoomco an& painteD in m<strong>of</strong>l curious mane tsnake an arcb after tfteCojintbiamaner, tt)ep?opo?tionantimeafure$albe,tyat tbe ligbt (ftalbeCberefoje, if pcu unit<strong>of</strong> tto<strong>of</strong>oure*fqnares,ano one firt part : tbe tbufeeticffe<strong>of</strong> tbeColiwmesftaUtictbc y.pnrt<strong>of</strong> tfcetntorncire<strong>of</strong> tlje ooo?eo; ligbt:$3bc beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe pe&efials fljalbe <strong>of</strong> tbj« Co lumnes thicks : ano tt)e beigbt <strong>of</strong> ttjc Columnc ftjalbe <strong>of</strong>ten parts ano anbalfe. 'f:bcCpiftiUe,&opt)Dic,3nD'jro;tiicc,artto5etbcrtbe fourtbpart <strong>of</strong>tbebefgfet <strong>of</strong> tbe Colnmne : anD f<strong>of</strong>romtmoertbc atcb,tobnocr tbe 3rcbitrane,tbcre (ball bang a role <strong>of</strong> ttoQCoinrnnestbicteneus in height, ano tbe IctTeningthere<strong>of</strong> tonoer , itjalbe ej atone bp to tbe Center <strong>of</strong> tbe 2rrtj. JCoucbtng tbe particular members, as tyc peDtCal,©a(c,Capital!, 3rcbttrauc,_f rvfc, anD Comiee,pou (ball obfrroc tbe rale befojefet ootonc : tbe bjcotb <strong>of</strong> tbe 3rcb,toiib tbee $icbes are a Columnspi I alter,8jaU>2 balfe a Colnmne. ECbe in t cr-Coinnm e mud be <strong>of</strong> a Column t anD an balfe. W. b'o;onD,ano tbe beigbt tbJ&,fo i a trancing linage to be placeD in tbctm 2Cbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbefecono o?oer (balbe maDe thus:lbeColutnneicitboutpeDeaal,%albefetin tbe bpper part in tbe Cornice in tb?ee parts, anoone<strong>of</strong> tlj<strong>of</strong>c carts Sjalbetbe beigbt: but <strong>of</strong> that height tberefljalbefoare parts maoe: oneffcalbe tfceCoiniee aboue tbeDtuiDingtoherc<strong>of</strong>,map.-,be ojaume oat <strong>of</strong> tbe Chapter <strong>of</strong> JDojiea, altering tbe members. Cbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe 5Bafes tfano eleuatco aboae tycCornice tbe tbicfeenefle <strong>of</strong> a Colnmne belote ;ano that is, fo j that tbe pjeiectare <strong>of</strong> tbe Cojona Darkenetb tbe rett <strong>of</strong> tbeJlSafcsnethertoara. Sttje Cornices Iball giue out, as pun fee them in tbe insure. Cbe beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbe fattiginm Rjolibe maoebp site ot tie rules fetDotenc in tf$e2Dojtca. Efyis pjefcntjptgureooetbpattlprefembtethearebat Ancouatbut let u) great rcnercncc, utregaro <strong>of</strong> Curb a loojfeejuan, 31 bane bjougbt. tbe meafur^s into one generall rule, trjat?ucr ? man map cafltp put fneb meafurc in Wcc*

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>ce.<strong>The</strong> eyght Chapter- Fol.5#

Ofthe CorinthiaAfemutbasnefbrrqHhreo^bauerp<strong>of</strong>etn<strong>of</strong> Cojintbia} although, a man might fpeafee <strong>of</strong> ewers fein beg af c^is^mcnfs.'btitittenafifallt<strong>of</strong>peabcaf tbeojnammt<strong>of</strong> aCbuimep,becaufe<strong>of</strong> the Baf!pbfettjeKflf,fotbatamanti nnot bee foitbetit it :to? no' onelp in great, but alto m (mall Chambers mm bfe to make firs, to terc, in facbflraigbt places, the]? fet t<strong>of</strong>) Cfetmneves toithin thefoall, tobrreon a man map mafee titset s ornaments after tbeCo;tntrjta roaner. SEut if pen mate them in ttt* fe?me,tbrn the mineneffe muff be tafeen,acrojang to tfjf fifaation <strong>of</strong>fhe place: and the platter fijall be made <strong>of</strong> tbe firt part or the totDcneuY $ but <strong>of</strong> ttje epgbt pact the toojfee tetll be feemplpsr:thctobi*b filaffer o? airtepagmenfan, together fottb tfa£npercirinrn,ftallbeei)£mjteD like tbe Src&itraue<strong>of</strong> tbeCojintbta. ffbis^reefeaboue,becanft it is graucn,Q)albe macs a fourth part greater then tt>r ^uperciltcm*SEhe Cojnice,tDgetbcr toitb tbe Capital <strong>of</strong> the fl^utJea, fhall boia as much as the feuperriltunMno tbe fame betribeiin tb?A,as it is fapo <strong>of</strong> the Cornice, in tbe Cojintbia. ti he bjettb <strong>of</strong> tbe $ntit es,o; anconcs (as toe fap) about, ftalbeIifeetbe^tIafter,btttbenean),ti)ticbreael)ctbD<strong>of</strong>cntotbeopening,tbeptbalbc one fonttb part fmallcr; ano oncer tbemthere bang out ttooleaues, aspoafeiu tbe figure: tubtebpjotectare (ball bee referreb totfrcpleafare<strong>of</strong> tbetoojfecman.Co mafee o i leane the ornament abone, t^ec e ronfiffetb not much therein: anb this inuention thai fecne not one!?fo;.a

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bobfe. <strong>The</strong> teyght Chapter. PoI;§ I13

Ofthe Corinthia1$a9aUa> a great Chamber Nereis a great CbinmeereqnireD,pjopojtfotteB ncffliWna t<strong>of</strong>te bin**,* fk,t„i. •n*?'tbaittatcon«!*n«i thereto;^ ^nrafeettooplacwontbeaowbaitafacMca^«ancr ? onaiaUaB03net&>m.fromamapMftfelEataiefC8sfe&fc'«W«>«opmbig,bewgmaiiracra^^atfUbefojtfcbrawortljemai^^«*Wl«llwiUta*flberaimp^^t«w,*r«rea«>«wic^^a^fapein itebegtmiftigonkfftap^<strong>The</strong> end <strong>of</strong> the Corimhia awncr <strong>of</strong> building.

..<strong>The</strong> fourth Boolce,Tkeyght Chapter. Fol.fSP 2

I$i'<strong>The</strong> maner <strong>of</strong> Conip<strong>of</strong>itaBuildihg, with the Ornaments there<strong>of</strong>,<strong>The</strong> ninth Qkaj-tter* ..LtliougHr^rwwwI'peakcth <strong>of</strong>fouremaner<strong>of</strong>CoIumnes,asDorica, Ionica, Corinthia andThufcana,giuing hereby vnto vs alm<strong>of</strong>t the firft and fimplc maner <strong>of</strong> ornaments<strong>of</strong> Architecture:neuerthe!eflc,I haueadded one to the fayd foure,as (alm<strong>of</strong>t,) a lift manerI<strong>of</strong>Pillar,com«'p<strong>of</strong>ed<strong>of</strong> the others aforcfayd,moued thereunto by the autborjrie <strong>of</strong> Romanc worke, whichwe may fee with our eyes. And^ntruetr^the workemans forefight ought to befuch, thatas occafionferueth,hc may make many things by thefayd fimplc and compound worke, refpedting boththe nature and the fubied. And therewithal! the workeraan fometimes ftowh<strong>of</strong>e judgement many fubicftsmaybe referred) fhall be abandoned and left by Vitruum counfel , that could not conceaue alljwherebyhe fhould be brought into attraight,and compelled to do,as he feeth cafe: (1 mean ej for thatf//r«»/w,in my opinion,lpeakcth not at all <strong>of</strong> this Comp<strong>of</strong>ita , by foroc called, Latina,and by o t hcrs^I taiica ;whichthe old Romanes,peraducnturc, being not able to goe beyond the inuention <strong>of</strong>the Greckes, finders <strong>of</strong>theDorica after the example <strong>of</strong> men ,and <strong>of</strong> the Ionica , refembled to women , and the Corinthia, after theforme <strong>of</strong> maydes,<strong>of</strong> the Ionica and Corinthia made a comp<strong>of</strong>it ion, piecing the Volute ol the Ionica,withthe Echino in the Capitall Corinthia; and thefethevvfed more in Arches tryumphant, then in any otherthings: which they did with good fote(ight,forthat they tryumphedoucr all th<strong>of</strong>e countries, fro whencethefayd worke had their beginnings; and fo they might well at their pleafures t as commanders ouer them,fet thefc orders together, as they haue done in the great building <strong>of</strong> the Romifh Colifeo. And hauingtherein placed the 3, ordets one vpon the other, viz,Dorica, Ionica and Corinthia, th^y placed Comp<strong>of</strong>itaaboue them all,w hich, by euery one,is called fo : although, as men may percey ue,thc Capitals are alm<strong>of</strong>lCorinthia, But it was an excellent judgement, in my opinion, <strong>of</strong> them,t nat hauing placed this orderinthehigheftpart <strong>of</strong> the Colifeo, which being farrc <strong>of</strong>ffrom mens fight, men fhould haue feene, if theyhad fet the Architraue, Freefe and Cornice <strong>of</strong> the Ionica and Corinthia aboue the Columnes, thatfuchWorke, by long diftance <strong>of</strong> time, would haue prooued bad.* but placing theMutilesin the Freefe,they made the worke rich, and it holpe the Procedure <strong>of</strong> the Corona', and withal! , it wrought anothereffect, which was, that the Architraue, Freefe, and Cornice, feemed to be one Cornice alone , by meanes<strong>of</strong> the Modiglions that were fet in the Frccfe,for that they feemed great, obferuing their proportion. oume bere in .figure: fo? tbe arcbitraue, free fc atto Corona , if it ftant» farrc from mens figbt, tt)ett tbs3rcbifranE wall bee ass rjigrj as tfce Columne is tbtclte aboue: tbe freefe,lBberein tbe ^utiles arr, Ml bee <strong>of</strong> tbe famebeigbt. snbe Cimatte <strong>of</strong> t be ^utiles (ball be <strong>of</strong> a firt part: tbe pjotct tor c <strong>of</strong> tfee •iQn tile 5 fbalbe lifcc tbe tjeigbt &$8<strong>of</strong> tfee CojonaVtoitb ber Cimatic, boloettj as nmci) as tbe 3rcbitrane,av>o tbat Benioeo tit 2. parts, one fball beerjeigbttbe Cojona,tbe otr^cr tbe Cimatte; tbe Jpjoiecturc tbere<strong>of</strong>, (ball be Itfee tbe tjeigtjt: an» ttjts is a common rule, altbougb.tbat in tbe figure cnfutng,marRcD C. poo map fee tbe members ano meafures<strong>of</strong> tbat,f9bfrbi0tntf)e Colifeo afojctape : am) fo; tbat tbis Columne is tbe flrnoereff <strong>of</strong> all otbrrs , tbs refpje tbe pec r Sail cugl) t to bee feeroe'ier then tbereS,follotDing tbe common rule: trjc rjcigbi there<strong>of</strong> Ojalbc a noublc b;eDtb,tbatts,flat,ano<strong>of</strong> tbat tjetgtjt tbjece fball bsf pgbt pacts maoe,one fo? tbe iBafc^anD one fo; tbe &cima : but <strong>of</strong> tbe particular members po u map tabe tbe eramplebcreontbefioe, in tbe figure-, tobubjaltogctbe^arepjopojttoncu accajeing to tbepeoeffals <strong>of</strong> tbe afo?tfapt> 2rcbtrvumpbant: ano fo, being a Columne <strong>of</strong> ten parts, tbe ptDiQall fballalfobe ten parts ttiit felfc, pjopojtioneD aftertbe Columne, SwD altboagb men mabe all pc ocfiate in perpenotcalar, p t in Athens, a moQ ancient SCotone, tberearc fome, tbat are fametobat leOcneo in ttjc bpper part, tobub 3 bifcommenb not.

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bookc. <strong>The</strong> ninth Chapter. F0L59

Of theComp<strong>of</strong>itaF©jtf)attmcientiDOjiJcment)aue!t)fct)-t)rocr*tmwng«<strong>of</strong> footfte,tijercfoje^toill not fit octane tboi'etljat arc beftImotone ano comp<strong>of</strong>eD, foj ttjat tfce toojfetman map eljufe ont <strong>of</strong> tbem fact) as be tbiiraetb toill ferae bis turnc Lett.ELbeCapttaU&ereunoerfe^marfeeD T. iscomp<strong>of</strong>eo<strong>of</strong> EJojicajjenieajamiCojintbia: tbe abacus anbCimatieis ©ojicaitbe Celine ano ^trifee, is Kenica: tbe afiragalanoaeaues,areCo3tntbia, as alfotbeS5afctoit& tbfttao CbojusMsSbojica: but bp tije i . 6>cotifs, ano tlje aft"raga1s,as alto, becaufe <strong>of</strong> tbe beautifulneffe ttjete<strong>of</strong>, it fijeto*>jtl} to be Co?intbia; tobtcb things are in Trcfteucrc in R©me: tlje Capitall X. ano a!fo tlje 15afe, arc <strong>of</strong> 2.fcinDs,§Dojicaano Co?int&ia.ffibe abacus <strong>of</strong> ifee Capitalistic, alto tbe J5afe,ie 3Do;ica-, but tlje 3i5afe,bp meanes <strong>of</strong> tbe1 inelincffe <strong>of</strong>tbe icojbe,niap be natnco Cojintbfa,anD fo are tbe Jteaucs <strong>of</strong> tbe Capitall <strong>of</strong> €o?intbta: but fo? ttjat trje abacus is foure*fquate,ano all tlje other members roans: therefore goo (ball cat tlje U<strong>of</strong>e bnoer tlje abacus in the*, tojners, as |?au feeit in tbe figure. SOjeCapitalt A. toitlj tlje montttousbejre, in place Of Canliculcs,ma|becaUeflCortipblIta,ant>l*in tbe Bafihcoeklforocranfitorio. SC^eflribes<strong>of</strong> ttjeColanme arc Different from others, as pou map fee them beftoetbe A» SEhe 2Bafe X- is CompoOfa x ano is in Rome ; tbe Capitall is mare Cojin tbia, ano is at tlje 3 Colimmcs, beOoe.tbcCoUfce. SEbe Capitall C. iscomp<strong>of</strong>eo<strong>of</strong> Jonica anDCojintbiajanDisinauflrcbtrpompbantm Verona. KUCapitall D. Isintbefame0rcb,onfome flatColumnes. Sbeiiafe Y. is Comp<strong>of</strong>ita, toitb tbeattragatoi, tobirbttanBctbbpon tb.cbpp£rmoaEt)03as,an6is<strong>of</strong> flntiquitie inRome,

<strong>The</strong>fourtnBookel<strong>The</strong> ninth Chapter, ¥oh6or%^nr^i

Ofthe Cornp<strong>of</strong>icafee notnwnp fleets frpumpbant mabe <strong>of</strong> Comp<strong>of</strong>ita,ano tbe tnotf part arema&e <strong>of</strong> pieces, ta%en oaf <strong>of</strong> otherY&a builoings: ntuertbeieffe, fjantng fljeteeb a gent rail cole fo? fbtm * tbmfoje 3 mill not fet Detent an? other inueH'tiort<strong>of</strong>C&tfrces<strong>of</strong>tbatfeinoe;fQ?tbepjoutoentte^^theindentions afojefapb, changing them mfoCempoGta. Kut 3 Will HjeIp ttoo ojwrs or Ctjimmj^ <strong>of</strong> cacti fojt <strong>of</strong>ftojbejtbe one tottbw tbettall, i% other toitbout. Cbis Cbinwe^ tobttbfbonlo flano ckajie tuittyn tbe toail-if pootnillmake it in a faiall place, the fright fbaibe no i)tgt)cr (^entoamahsi%onItiers,t^tamans^i(anD(igI)ttnaf n<strong>of</strong>tekbutt b j> rbe fires anb the tmbcnefTe fbaibe atcojoina. to the bigneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe place toljerein itJboulD bee (tU .&be height bpto the artbitrane,fbatbe bemeeb in 4. parts, one flialbethc b^ebtt^ <strong>of</strong> the antepagmentum 03 t&epitaO« r, tojongbt infacb maner as pen fee it beere fet bitone. 2no in tbis Comp<strong>of</strong>ita, (bcc?a(e it is fraer then tlbe other) 3 bant mabe this^ilaSerberpmotbbifferingfcomtt)erett,nen«rtbeteae,tabinga part <strong>of</strong> this muenrion from a^anctentffooie,tobicbisat& lohndcLaterancs in Rome, 2Ctjc arcbttceucftalfas 0/ balfe tbe bjrotb <strong>of</strong> tbe flatters ; tbe Cimstie<strong>of</strong> tbeflirt part: tbe rcfl fbaibe brntoeb in 7. isbcreef 3 parts lhalbe . fo; tbe Srfi jPacie,anb 4. foj tbe feconn. Che attragawsrbalbe mabe <strong>of</strong> a balfe part, taken bettoecne betb tbe ^acics. 2L be f refe , becanfr it te tut, fljatbe mabe tbe fourth partbigbertbetttbesarcbftraneitbeCojntceisfbe height <strong>of</strong> tbc0rtbitrane, aintern fbalbr 7.paftsmafte<strong>of</strong> .tti'j, fo^tbeCunatiebnb(rtbgCo2ona:otber2.fo)t^eCo;onatanoonefo?tbeCimattetbere<strong>of</strong>. £.bea.tbaU

-<strong>The</strong> fourtfi Bccfc.-<strong>The</strong> ninth Chapter,Fohiii:iR=S5SSSSSS5SSI!^gg^s^Ka^5isaesa:^ggs^sss=5ggs3gg^;rs5g!:^as^sggga^5ggs5!asgas^g5SisasgB^m5i?S

1IOf the Comp<strong>of</strong>itaA^anmap raafecot^fr ojnaments <strong>of</strong> Cbimnepes <strong>of</strong> tbi* Comp<strong>of</strong>ita toajke, f in btncrs fiwnws w tbi* , becwte itis mojelicenfioBB tben tbr otbet manec <strong>of</strong> bni'bing: atn>fo? a changing <strong>of</strong> t!Je otbet fojme, poo maf alfo make tbtebv fbis rale. Che height <strong>of</strong> 'be atcbi rawe being <strong>of</strong> a reafonablc mans fiatnte,pou (ball Deoioetbefame in 8.parts^bere<strong>of</strong>oneftalbefojtbebjEOt^<strong>of</strong> tbesiJotrigUonsojttoUes: Vitruuiu»taUetbtbem^)otl)Wii)C8. W$tbcigM <strong>of</strong> tbe peoettal fbalbe as bigb *s i ? tbci> tcere to fit bpon. Cbe ojocr abone tbc ©obiglions, totjidj fcoloetb noniScatalUOjatbettoooartsanDan tjatfe<strong>of</strong> t'^e bjeotb <strong>of</strong> tbe ©ooiglions. ami foj that alfo § banc fapb,tbtfl miner isliktbontcnle stbctifo^ib»lw«eBa^rtberpart8,fl)albcrcr!msa*otbeiBojfecttian. speti map alfo fometinusfettbe©ojicaaWJtbe jonica,atU) fomettmc* tbeCryntbia abooe tbe ©ootglions : an<strong>of</strong>ejttjat tlje famtell»fobitb cecepnetbib&fmo&e,w toptte,tberete?c van map make tbi CmaU ojoet abene ttjtobicbMl gine it a fapjsc (awn tben tbc bfoall,t-

..<strong>The</strong> fourth Bookc,<strong>The</strong> twelfth Chapter, Fol,

:•Offburemancr <strong>of</strong> Simmetries.T^t Ma;ttnm ia (o bane a great inogcmcnt,brcaaCc nf the ohic rfitit <strong>of</strong> comp<strong>of</strong>lticn in £D;mamcnts <strong>of</strong> bufioings,fc j tbat there are Come places in 3 rristtec ture, <strong>of</strong>tJjc tobicb tbjere map, alm<strong>of</strong>t, crrtapne rules be giucn, fo? tbep at*no acciocnts that happen contrarp to our opinions , foj cnerp tav toe fa fomc Columnes , that toitb tttetr Differentp<strong>of</strong>ltions, fbeto Different meafurcs in tbemfelucs, accojoing to the plates Inhere trjcp ttano.SCljeff alterations are fcntaOeinbuilDings in* toapr$,tbat is,fetting tbe Columnes alm<strong>of</strong>t in an ]nfnle, toirboutanp companion tobtlpritcptber on tbe floes o? berjino^ncrjcfe rertapnelp beare a great teaigbt,ano in tbctr height tbep goc not abone the afojefapsrale :Ctje erample fccrr<strong>of</strong> is in tfe* firff Colnrnnt marbeo A. but if poo place tbcm again!! tbc frail (though tbep beetbe crrouno) bp n)e tobicb being bnOcrbolficn arc bolpcn, a man map mabe another tbiebnefle higher abene toe fame :ample there<strong>of</strong> is in tbc Columne B . 3D? alfo ojatotng alone (too tbfro parte from tbc toall, there map pet a tbiebnefle o)toall go bigb't then tbc otber,fo; tljat pou fa toe like in fame bmioings, tbat rife to nine thicker f a haHfe.ano moil in tbeColifeo <strong>of</strong> ISome, in tbe C?ocr <strong>of</strong> 2E>D?u:a,as it is fbetor d in tbe 3 . Columne C. but trjcp are mo?e bolpen toben tbep bancIJHIaffers on tbc Goes , tobicb bearing all tbctoaigbt, giue the toojbeman meanes to mabe tbeColumnrs mo?cfamclp,ano fo flenDtr, tt)at tbep map befapO ratber to beplaceb tbcre to fill a romefo? t>ceurifping,n;en fo? flrmgtb.|?ou map at*fo Djato a Columne ttoo tbit o parts out <strong>of</strong> tbe toall,ano on carb fiCe fet balfe a pillar, tobicb toill belpc tbe Columne • f<strong>of</strong>eell, tbat pou map mabe another tbiebnefle abone : and in tbis cafe, tbe 0rcbitranc, freit ano Co jnicc map beare onfupon tbe rouno Columne, pea although, it toerc flat,bccaufe tbe balfe pilar s IbquId bolo n)eflrcbitranr, ft. on tbt Coecbut Upon one Columne alotte,it is oleums to mabe fucb too?fee bearing ont,fo? tbe other parts bsfioes fboulo be abanDo*neb toitbotit anpbtipc. 2Cbis erample pou fet in tbc Cotomne D. 55nt toben the Columnes baae anp toaigbt to beareOp, without the belpe or another, anoibaU bauefit3jntercotomp.es, it flmlluotbettKctnjbtmftte to create o?ocr, pea,although tbep banc $to)i boon fctojp to btare bp : it is reafon that tbep fljonlb be maoe bettsc, tbat the toojke maf bsmoje Durable : ano alt b ougb tbe pctiettali be a great belpe to rapfe bp Columnc0,nenertbeleG*,if the Columnes be bigbinougb, 3] tooulo tbinbe it better ifthe Columnes bao them not,fptciallp in the lotoett fetojp, but tr» the tbiro ano fonrtbfctojp tout) reafon. $ooinms ano JBeoeflalsalfo ferae to rapfe bpCclanmes, tobicb rtje ola ttomams obferueoioCheater* anb Amphitheaters.S5ut touching tbefetring <strong>of</strong> Coramne bpon Columne, ttjere arc biuers reafons: SCbeftrff is, tbat tbepaoicclare <strong>of</strong>the ^eoeSaU <strong>of</strong> tbe Colnmncs placeo abone, OjouId go no fttrttjrr out, then the tbiefcneffe <strong>of</strong> tbc bnoerm<strong>of</strong>t Columneiano this thoulb be a moO certapne reafon : but foj that tbe fecono £>to?p fboulo leffen mutb from tbe.firft, ano tooul<strong>of</strong>erae no mojeftwanp other feto?p, confiuering the great lefleningcnfuing, another reafon, &nomosetotbeporp<strong>of</strong>e,i0this : SCbst tbe flat <strong>of</strong> the ^ebeffall ought, at leatt, to be in perpenoicular toitb tbe Columne hetoto, ano to fet the Co*lumne abone tbtc ^ebeSall, IfOcneo a fourth part from that tobtch flanbetb tmber, as toell in tbiebnefle a& in height : (•tbis rule agreretb toitb that <strong>of</strong> Vitruuiusui&heatrum : tobicb figure is abeue theColnmneA* anb if pen toill not let*fen the Columne fomncb, then pou mutt mabe the bpperm<strong>of</strong>t Columne as tbicbeatfthenetbermott is in the bppermottpart: but in this cafc,tbe flat 0? malty part <strong>of</strong> the ^eoe&all tooulo be b;oaoer tben the nct^rrrnett Columne is tbicke be*loto : neuertbelefic, tfc<strong>of</strong>c <strong>of</strong> the SEbeater <strong>of</strong> Marrellus too?te tbat effect. 2Cbe rramplc here<strong>of</strong> is in the Columne B.anbn)efett»fc reafons are pjobable inouglj.XBnt the ancient Komancs, in tbe great CatEcc<strong>of</strong>tyeColifeo,niaoe theColumne ionica,Co}inthfaano COmp<strong>of</strong>ita all <strong>of</strong> one tbicfeneffe j ano the S»o?tca,bnOet all the other, tbep mabe n)icber,abouttbe ttocntien) part 8notbis (in mp opinion) tbep BiBbf goo abuire: fojif tbep ha» leflmeb all the Columnestbe foortb part, one abouc the otber, ttje laa, info great a bmloing, bp reafon <strong>of</strong> the great oifisnee, tooulo haoefbetoeoherp fmall,tobicb toenoto fee to be <strong>of</strong> go)0 co:rcfpont)encc,bp reafon <strong>of</strong>tbe height. £fee (helping <strong>of</strong> thus is in tbe ColumneC. 2no as the Columne abone tbc Column* D. is leffe tben that tobtch ttanoctblotocft one fourth part: fo? that, ifaman bath a reafonable houfe to mabe <strong>of</strong> 3. ft>to ?irs , fo 3 tooulo not tbinbe it amide, that a man fboulo leffen euerp &to«tic the fourth part, acco?oing to Vitraums aoutce: but if the builoing be bigb> then pou torre better, obferue the ^Djoec<strong>of</strong> fbeCoufeo, that tbe 6to?fes 2Do?ica, 3onica ano Co?inn)ia,map each bee about one beigbt, but tbe $>to?paboucitPtreafethin height about the fift part: ano this is fo(as 3bauefapo)becaufe<strong>of</strong> tbe great oiftance: tobicb part, bp meaner<strong>of</strong> the great Oiftance, fames to be <strong>of</strong> the height (bat the tea are: ano altbongbtbat the fljetoing <strong>of</strong> tpefe Columnes uj2Do?icall, pet it is fo in all fojta <strong>of</strong> Colnmncs.

<strong>The</strong> fourth Book*, <strong>The</strong> ninth Chapter. Fol, £$."

Of Brick'e.Suing ipcfccK <strong>of</strong> fo mfinp nnD Dim re £>;naments <strong>of</strong> ttincs,it is rrqmfit rH,te,tiers places <strong>of</strong> Italy, banc mare fome building, U-tt It Gmplc Wallcs, leaning plates m tluni fo: t.aiD fl cure to br put in,and after, at another timr,hanf put in fiKb £,;namrnts:ncuriihclcirf,fo.:tbstfiirbtbu:iTS arc no; voellfattcneD in tbeWaU,bnt in a mancr bacbt, von map inmanp places f* tbe pieces falnc,anD cucnj Dav mojeana mo;c Decay.

, ,.,<strong>The</strong> fourth Boqfo£ <strong>The</strong> mnth Chapter, Fol.tf 4,£55_JL_kJLInniMIL.JirzLL4 .. _i.V_1_LJEIT41111,11/,1 .,m35mtL_L_J_J||VD'i"1 ml'",_kig, irLJ1 .jczb,.ir~ja_j_j-J Urntoy.r ZBI.lzj nzrjuUI „ i-L_—u—JJJill . I ...MlJJLJU_jJZJ"I Hi .1TEZ3 ,1Lft I L .« Ja». .J

,downe:-.Of Doorcs <strong>of</strong> Wood, and <strong>of</strong> Metall.<strong>The</strong> tenth Qhapter.S Ithinke,! haue fufficientfy fpoken<strong>of</strong> the Ornaments belonging to building <strong>of</strong>Ston« soowIwillfpeakc<strong>of</strong> Doorcs that (hut the houfes: whether they be <strong>of</strong> Wood or Metall, I will fctfome Figures there<strong>of</strong>: <strong>of</strong>the hookes I w ill lay nothing, tor all the world knowes them;well enough: neuertheleffc, thole that were vied in ancient time, as you fee them in the Ft*gure were eafilycr to be opened and fhut, then th<strong>of</strong>e which are now vfed in all Countries, as in thefigure 8. But whether thefe Doores are <strong>of</strong>Wood or Metall,their Ornaments (balbe madeinfuch maner*chat the fayrer the Ornaments <strong>of</strong> Stone are, the Ornament <strong>of</strong> the Gate alfo (hall bee correfpondent, thatthey may be onelike the other; and to the contrary, if the Ornament bee (lender, then you (hall make theDoore <strong>of</strong> Wood or Metall thereafter, which is to be referred to theworkeman: and to giue you 3 (hew<strong>of</strong> fuch Ornaments, you (hall here fee Hue manors o( Ornaments,which, for the jn<strong>of</strong>t part 3 are taken out<strong>of</strong> Antiquities.V.. m.jb

V',''..--'.•.:.;..'.;.-,.-ngrrrt;'U;:J'i:,'<strong>The</strong> fourth Boote- 5^>(j \o gg m&ftl0§0i Chapter. Fol , Sift** 1 **,J'-' r '| T—~.-1;,-.".Hrtttt-HMti:|Bi -.'J18 01.' ...p im,;«.,jar 1 1,r*"**ilSi 3 '1- —-—rt-J"• "-" . gatfl r—— -1|! .-.in'.:qr:sS5'i»u:'3-i-> I=- -—-. .,-_.; (I B ! '!!!) i i'wf-'HC1| U iIf1 1;.:HHNi 1--..-IIKg!J5i 3;' l$l . «!(!•!; 5. .fl OU:i: .. i -I11mnw'iif'K.v ;•,.-.v.1PI1a1L .a1 1D_____- ,Di ijjI ^^^siI•J

.•'.'Of-the Frames <strong>of</strong> Doores 9 ' : a S rfji cjoI sill1i? mtamak«S)«oje«,^ate8,cji,fan«i8 (wtoetermet&em)all<strong>of</strong> one piste, fo that ^ecereeeBtttjm^atcaftncftijcrtPffiD no? won onto tbe m,tbep mate tbe (jeobes <strong>of</strong> tbe fame piece o> $ettal 5But t b<strong>of</strong>e t!)at are made e f to a>D,anDtljen coucrcb oner toitt> Copper <strong>of</strong> reafonablc tbicfeerte^lDbtcb, if it bee <strong>of</strong> flat platrss, yon muff fallen onebpon tt>e o>tber,ano pet, altboogttfbi^bcfocH iopneb f pinb,oj naplen togctbtr, ncnertb«lc«e,tti nature <strong>of</strong> toooo \» focb, tbat iffoiwfl»wte0jftDrlt,a«tbettme<strong>of</strong> tbefeerc ttfOjieojmopfl: ifu)eiefo;eyoafe>tUmahe rtKbai»ejc,tbat"rtiatlbecos«ercb oner tDitbCopper,J92on,o;anp^cttal,fOu fee tbrfurcfl leap tjcretnfbe fi<strong>of</strong>,wtbe figures A.ano 6. foi lorotitener uapretb longer, bnf rcnrapnrtb Ml in tbefame fojme ; tobicb is referreo to tbe toojhemstt, to mafec tbem rbUluojtbinnc,«bee toiU.attojtimstotbetoJHjbttbat rbep ftall brr.rc, anD pou map alio fill tbe fpates<strong>of</strong> tbefamemooo.Snbfoj that all t$c ancient doojcu ongoing* tbjougb,arccommonlp fourefquare,Dnclptb<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> gatea <strong>of</strong> Cot<strong>of</strong>tr* , o)trpampMnt!3r£l)eB,teb"t)arero<strong>of</strong>t;nenertbcltfIc,inourDai?e«njanpDa)?rtarc>na5e rounoaboucperaDucntncefo)raoje flrengtt)} anb alfo,foj tbat in fome cafes tbep become tbe bo<strong>of</strong>es mell, tobereot 3 baud ftetneQ a figure, and Co; tbat,introctbjamanraBnottoncMueaJitbuijjs^ojmanEaatotntspappentoatoo, 1-",fe< iSon* Ions neto nets tw)±e. too^e.nan atifucb ttmo toben b« is menusr"._«

.;I-':,<strong>The</strong> fourth Booke. le tenth Chapter, Fol.6 6irtiL=JI2Z>.-K J

Of Ornaments <strong>of</strong> Pi&ures within and without thehoufes.<strong>The</strong> eleuentb Qbapter.Hat I may not Jeauc out any kinds <strong>of</strong> Ornaments, where<strong>of</strong> Igiuenot fome rule tor inftrudioe, aswell in Pictures as other things, 1 fay ,that the workeman ought not onely to takecare <strong>of</strong> the Ornaments<strong>of</strong> ftone or marble, but alto <strong>of</strong> the Paynters worke, to let out the wallcs withall : and it is requiIke, that he fhould prefcribe an ore'er thesem, as Surueyor <strong>of</strong> all the workc : for this caufc, thatfome Paynters haue beene workemen good inough, touching the handling <strong>of</strong> their worke, but forthe reft, <strong>of</strong> fo little vnderftanding, that defiring to fhcw their fkill in the placing <strong>of</strong> the colours, hauedifgraced, aud iom eti me fpoy led a Story <strong>of</strong> a houfe, for want <strong>of</strong> confideration how to place the Picturesin the fame. Thcrefbreii they haue a Forefront cr Facic<strong>of</strong> a houfc to paynr, it is certayne, there is noopennefl'eto be left, whereayrc or lantfhap is to be made , for thole breake the building ; and <strong>of</strong> a thing that is many andd<strong>of</strong>c,thcy tranfforme it into an open wcake forme,like a ruinous and v nperfk building. Alio there fhould be na pcrfonagesnor beafts coloured, vnleffeit wereto trim and deckc doorcs, wherein there are mensperfonages: butifthcowner <strong>of</strong> the houfe, or the Paynter, defire colours, that the worke may not be broken nor fpoy led, a man may coucra hackled walloucr with cloth, and therein paynt what he will: and alio, after the mancr <strong>of</strong> trympbs, a man maybang on the wall Gatlands,and ftrings <strong>of</strong> Leaues,and Fruits, Flowers, &c, and alfo Shields,Trophees,and fucb thingsasarctobeftirrcd: butif you will paynt the wallcs with firme matter, then you may fayne things <strong>of</strong> marble or otherftones, cutting therein what you will: you may alfo beau tifie fome figures in Niches, with metall, and fo the worke willrcmayne firme, cV worthy commendation <strong>of</strong> all th<strong>of</strong>e that know good worke from bad. And the Author rehear fcth diuersexcellent workemen, whorac (for breuitie fake) I will omit, that onely vfed to paynt nothing elfe but white andblacke in houfes, and yet fo excellently well, that it made men wonder to behold them. A man may alfo, with goodreafon, make and fee forth certayne openings in wallcs <strong>of</strong> lodgings, round about the Courts,and make ayre, lantfhaps,houfes, figures, beafts, and fuch like things, as hee will in colours. Alfo, ifa man hath Chambers,Hallcs, or otherplaces, about the ground within, to paynt and fee forth, thena Paynter, in mancr <strong>of</strong> Architecture, may make openingsto fee through them , astheplaceis: for aboue the fight a man muft make nothing but ayre or fkyes, ro<strong>of</strong>es,high hilks,and the vpper part <strong>of</strong> houfes : and ifyou place figures alfo aboue the fight, a man muft fee vnder thera,aadnot the ground wheteon they ftand. And if the Paynter will makeaHall or any other, or further roome pcrfpccTiucly,heonay,ouerthegoingin, with order <strong>of</strong> Architecture,make ic to fliew further then in effcfl it is*And this^Bsltb**;j*r (a roan excellently well learned in Archite&urc) did,in beautifying the Hall <strong>of</strong>

<strong>The</strong> fourth Bookt* <strong>The</strong> twelfth Chapter. Fol6yOfflat Ro<strong>of</strong>esj and the Ornaments there<strong>of</strong>.<strong>The</strong> twelfth Chapter.Lthough in the Netherlands they vfe not to decke the Chambers in the Rc<strong>of</strong>ts with woodden work, ne*uertheks,when a houfe without is made wholy after the oldmanerjt were vnfit that the Ro<strong>of</strong>e (houldnotbe agreeable^ as atfo the Bedfleeds, Bankes, &c. And which is more,/ wouldfayfhat each place (hottld be[fluffed and 'fated within, with things fitting to that which it{heweth outward. Ifay then, Jfthe Ro<strong>of</strong>ebe high, then the deuijiens to be wide <strong>of</strong>fpace, anA rifing or bearing out well ; and if a man wilt beaut i-fieitwithPaynting, it mufl bee welldone, and conformably paynted, according to thegreatnefje and dijlance there<strong>of</strong>.It ought alfo to be made <strong>of</strong> light and brewne colours: and in the middle <strong>of</strong> the feldyoumu/l fat a gylt Rsfa . buttfaman will colour it\ then the field mu(l be blue, as piercing, but the R<strong>of</strong>es mufi be bound with fame works or branches',that they may not feeme to hang in the ayre : and the Cornices which cl<strong>of</strong>e vp thefourefanare or other fields , mttft beewellgylt,or beautifyed with thefame colour: but if fobeethe Ro<strong>of</strong>eisnot high inough }then you muft make the workethinner and[mailerjis alfo thepaynting : and that you may vnderflandit,! hauefet tw<strong>of</strong>igures to (hew you , which tnotwithfianding^ate aOone : the one <strong>of</strong>bare wood, the other paynted, as I [ayd before. And this Order 1 obferaedin theRo<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> thegreat Ltbrariein the Palace <strong>of</strong> Venice, in the time <strong>of</strong> the Prince Andreagriti , becaufe the Ro<strong>of</strong>ewas lower then itfhouldbe, inrefaecl<strong>of</strong>' the wideneffe andlength oj"the Hall, andI made it <strong>of</strong> tkinntmrke,farthereafon aferefayd,

<strong>The</strong> Timber worke <strong>of</strong> the feeling afore/ayd.

3T^e fourth Booke* !ie twelfth Chapter, FoL

Another maner <strong>of</strong> Siding,

<strong>The</strong> fourtli Booke* <strong>The</strong> twelfth C hapter, Foh6 jt..'-nSfc»i»>-.«.

<strong>The</strong> Garden, being an Ornament to the Building-,!'?. ZSBCS3SBB!S!^7J22£3gSS!IS£SS!SSaSSSBBIBBfasasSS3ESSSSSSS:iBMi'^T&S

therefore thele Mazes and Knots, are let m Ffctir?"

:<strong>The</strong> fourth Bo<strong>of</strong>ce.<strong>The</strong> thirteenth Char$jjl£.' F0I.7oar autbo? fpcabetb <strong>of</strong> armo& to %l»LStrip,bote a man flbali mabe,eolonr, au& place tbem,atcfljoing fa ffate,tijo}bemana)tp,o; nature* thattberebp aman map percepae <strong>of</strong> tobat ttockco; fr5tobehce it is beriueD : fo;, foitfrfer, toce fat tf»at infoimec times men matt f fignrto jajtnws in tbcitin3ieflp,i3iiT)op5tn pontifical Uabes, Captapnca&ntieo,sinDeucrpmaiUn fticbbnbife, asbefffittefebis calling and conDition.an<strong>of</strong>obctDillbauemnsto make t colour arr|c«, tb.at arrto b,e fetbp, tp«-,o; befo;e bonfc5,tuitb beafis,birQ5 «c. golo,fl!blue, rco, grAne, anb btacftrtoloorii bntnatallbpon mctall, no; colour tjpon colour. 13aCfo; that toojbemen tjere in this Count rp mabe no3rme* after their oVunc pleafures ,Uie toillet tbemtit(cfi,t)eaiec«,03 other fuperfrripftdns,-aabf p!e*Hire pf the otamera,ojloim<strong>of</strong>o a ^alareTafanp o> |fijer common places <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>fice o; otbertotfe. #$.ocr*^eUflfcfo; that brie there are rating toajbesfsqI the place, 3 toll let tb.e#igores <strong>of</strong> tbe artrnibiebbe bath matt after Hetter*, that U« tiferiap bee complete. JCbe too;keman , bailing n«inotolebge<strong>of</strong> learning, ibonto be mncb trochlea,tojtting,ncuettbelcBb,'foj,uj«nt <strong>of</strong> hnotoing tbipjcfoHions,tbepntap1»t fpbpftSuitoo*mg,an»fo b;ing bis tno:Ue in contempt ; as alfo tb<strong>of</strong>c thatD;eto tbem fo; bint: JOjerefoje, altboujb thep areDjatone bp Lucas Patio Im.Gc<strong>of</strong>ry Tory, anb ALbcrtusDurcr,tubo,nener(beleOit, agree not alitorgetber, therefoje 3 tmll fet thefe hereafter bournetbc ojoets <strong>of</strong> Columncs; but to fojite tbe jfeimetrp,3onica Columnc is p. parts high, anb bp fljetmng;<strong>of</strong> ciucrs aucbo;s , this fojme<strong>of</strong> Letter! is alfo-foutiD in Jonfca, anb fo § leauetbem <strong>of</strong> p. patts :anb t<strong>of</strong>eetber a man toouio make tbtmbpCo;uvtbia 02 Comp<strong>of</strong>ita ojber <strong>of</strong> ib. parts.it tocnlo notbe amiiTe, fo: as tbe Cojlntbia is mottbfco fo; theflcnttmefTc,fotbefc *,cttcrs,foj tbem<strong>of</strong>i part, aros^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^matt <strong>of</strong> 1 o. parts : bp the £>o;ua ario SEbufcana,thep are mace <strong>of</strong> epgbt. JSptbatreafon there<strong>of</strong>, itlucre not much to bee cont'emnco, conObcringtbegr<strong>of</strong>feneffc <strong>of</strong> the toojbc; alfo, accojbing to Vitruuiuiu>:ittng, a man map alter tbe &imctri(s,as it(s fuffkCientlp fhetneb in other places: fo; bponfomc occafions,tbep are greater f fwal!rr,pca,anBQjcU) altogether falfe to that thep are. Eo (earnsr^?x?r^ ^av^^^v^.^^.^ . ".v.v, vKs.-»t^«j^8g^v:v.si^^^ vvs'ww^vs^fev^ cafilp to mabe thefe tettera, flrft, pon muff mabe sperfect fourctquare, anfi fet it in as manp parts as(ball be the third part <strong>of</strong> tbe tbirkeneue, ana tfc*croac b;aught the halfc. 2Lbe corners fball, stteiftjbaik ns much ^;oirctut e ait t^e thiebneffe <strong>of</strong>the letter tafcen toith the Co:npaffe . i5ut alttjo 155bone letter is tuithin tbcfcurc(qnare,anDtbcoti r«Dtt!)out,vou map fit in the figure, inhere pon ma?fettbeCompaffcto o;aio the rounb : piu'ntif fetthe O. <strong>of</strong> tbe famemeai'ure that pou fet the Q^Ebetaple<strong>of</strong> tbe Q. is aqanrter ano a bat f« <strong>of</strong> a fourtfquarc 3 anD ftiicbcewbalfe fourefqoare ; fome mabe it flbojtcr. 3 loili not bphoio thefe letters to be the belt but , eucrp man take trjrm be lihetb beBpaffc, f in place there<strong>of</strong> fet dolune a figure <strong>of</strong> Jietters»tbe tobich fbetoojUemati IjaUjoccaflonmangtime* to cut, 0; plate abouc (States ,J?m;c3,taJ-rjfcfes,anD other table*, therein to fet name*,'1 feebc farre ant> nare fo; one that fbonlo toutsIemfo; bim: ano although that be barb tbem info; a com moit rule,follotoing onr aatbo;,U>bo (letting pau~c all fupcrflition) batb bjoigbt the Co*lumnes t ^ebcSals into a Dae mcafarc : bp iob<strong>of</strong>e iauthorities fboalo nlm<strong>of</strong>t faj?, that a man mapmabe ttjefc letters greater o; fmallcr,acco3btn« to0; not,£ $ map not oigreffe to far oat <strong>of</strong> tbe toap,iiunllfolloui Vitruuius, inhere bee faptb, thatpou toil giac biitop letters: but if thep be <strong>of</strong> 5.7.8.p.o; 10. parts, mojco;teffe, the fmalkff o;augttit is alfo nonato to tabe fo muebpapnesfsin) carrp fmall letter: but it falle b oat<strong>of</strong>tcntimM,tbatam«n isto make tbrm af<strong>of</strong>,f ; fir j,mo;e 0; lcffe,t>igb; tobtch a man (ball ucuer b;ing to goob paffc, ivttbout follcftmj x fure p;ope;ticn.«

- .i•*l

iTh« end <strong>of</strong> the fourth Booke.

ooKe<strong>of</strong> .Architecture , made bySebaftian Serly jwherein therearefet dorcne ccriay tie formes <strong>of</strong>Tcmplcs,according to the Ancient rmncr\and *lfo fining forCnriftians.

THE FIFT BOOKE=Of diucrs maners <strong>of</strong> Temples,<strong>The</strong> fourteenth Qhapter.Lthough wee fee and find diucrs formes <strong>of</strong> Temples and Churches in Chriftendomc, aswell ancient as moderne,y cc for that I haue formerly promifed to (hew fome Orders there<strong>of</strong>,toaccomplish die number <strong>of</strong> my Bookes, therefore I will intreat <strong>of</strong> them , and fct downe|twelue fcuerall maner <strong>of</strong> Temples, with their; grounds and meaiures: and for that the_round forme is the pcrfiteft <strong>of</strong> all others, therefore I will begin with it.* but though in ourtime, whether it be by reafoa <strong>of</strong> fmall deuotion, or cruelty or men, there are no more greatChurches begun to be made, and that men finilh not them which in former time haue bcene begun,thereforeI will make mine fo fmall, as they may pafle in reafonable maner, for that with fmall c<strong>of</strong>t, they mightin fhort time be made. <strong>The</strong> Diameter <strong>of</strong>this ground (hall be as long as high, according to the Figure <strong>of</strong>the Circle, thatis,<strong>of</strong> 60. foote. <strong>The</strong> thicknefle<strong>of</strong>the wall (hall be thefourthpart <strong>of</strong> the Diameter, thatis, 1 5 . foote, that a man may eafily make the Chappels within it : which Chappels fhall be 1 2 . foot broad.<strong>The</strong> Niches bctweene the Pillars'- (half bee foure foote broad: the other in the Entrie, and <strong>of</strong> the threeChappels, (hall be fixe foote and a halfe broad: and to fpare charges <strong>of</strong> ftone and lime, the great Niches(hall be made without the Chappell: the bredth where<strong>of</strong> (hallbeeiy. foote.This Chappell is eleuatedfrom the earth at leaft flue fteps ;and if it were higher, it were not amifle: for the earth in time rifeth, fo thatmen gocdowneward into many old Temples and Churches, whereunto, in former time they afcendedvpwards ; but this Stayre would alwayes be vneuen, according to Vitrmtus writing, (peaking <strong>of</strong> Tern pies,wherehcfayih: thatasaman'withhisright foote begins tody me vp, he may, with the (ayd right foote,ftepvpon the pauement <strong>of</strong> the Temple. Touching the foundation, aman cannot fayle,if hee makethkdeepe and broad inough but the lead bredth that a man can lay, h this .• : that a man (hould from the Diameter<strong>of</strong>the thickenefle<strong>of</strong>thewall, make a pcrfit fourefquare, and the Diagonus <strong>of</strong> this fourefquare(hall be the bredth <strong>of</strong> the foundation vnder the wall. And (o, I thinke, Vitruuius writeth, where he (peaketh<strong>of</strong> foundations. But touching the St<strong>of</strong>es <strong>of</strong> foundations, in faft or hard ground, and alfo in watryground, Ineedenotfhewit her*, becaufecuciyman knowesit,

<strong>The</strong> RftBook?. <strong>The</strong> Foureceeiith Chapter. Foili

' '<strong>The</strong> fife Boote.A&tboasbf&egtomiDOf fbis STcinple foll<strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ng ifl<strong>The</strong> foureteenth Chapter.'T ' 1F0L3rounbalfo, petit batman alteration bptJjefaure bearings onf,tobitb arctbjee €bappels,ano alfo tbe going in Df t&e fame faftton. 2Ebe ©iamcter <strong>of</strong> this Cetuple is 48, faj?:tbetfeicfetnefie<strong>of</strong> tbcfoallisafeuentbpatt<strong>of</strong> tbcaDiamefer. CbeCbappelsarc 14. fait in fouref

H is on tbe ottjer Gdc) fobkb ftctcctl) as foell toitf)in sb foit|out, becaafe it feemetb as tf it toire bj<strong>of</strong>een. «be beigbttoitbtn,i0 hfeetbe a>iameter,tbat i0,48. tatEtct!alfcn;;Ubcfo}tf)£^Ke vauntirocfcpno ttjc ^o!e abouc foj ttjc ltg!jt,as J (apo bcfo:c, ftjalbe toicctbefiftprt<strong>of</strong> i|e2)tampter jtajbertontberEftaU beaHantbo?ne,maDetoin; glaffe,astbe j^garefbetoetb;. ana tbeftmfe toitboot 3tonctcD toitb icaft.o; <strong>of</strong>tjec ffnffe. iFrom tbe Wao fe netbertoarte, tbe Co?nicement f&all bee mane <strong>of</strong>tto<strong>of</strong>mtanDanGalfei)igb*fomieiJ iibe^mpott<strong>of</strong> tbeflrcbo? tbe Skater <strong>of</strong> Marccllus,intbe foortb IBo<strong>of</strong>eeanotbcfeHtntbbicb fballferuefoj Cojona. £bep!aaer«arcb;0/D4.fa>t fanbalfe. kbe great Cba?p^0 are 21. foot bisb* CbefmaleSCbappelsCbalbe 1 3 .foot ano an balfe bigbjbalfe roans abone. 2bottc tb<strong>of</strong>e 3. fourefqaare Cbapp£ls,am> euer tbe going in,tbcrcmavbeflatcott:rs,fometDbat>aUi

<strong>The</strong> fife Booke, <strong>The</strong> Foiireteenth Chapter, F0I.4;A i^tcr the count) #igure,fohicb is tty p«f«fe3,tlje beff are iljc 2Dua!e-,(bat i«,libe an ®ggc-, tljecefoje g &aac mabe aCemple<strong>of</strong> UjatfaQjton^ic^CempIcftaltE^.footbjoati.anB&ff.foot long. SLbe ttitcttcneffc <strong>of</strong>'thetoaUfljatlbe 8. foot, f toitbtn it tbc Cbapptls (ball KanD: ano altbougb tbcp be not tm largest a man nee&s not tut tbem <strong>of</strong>?, 2Cl;efoiBenes <strong>of</strong> the 2 , greateff

OF diucrs formes <strong>of</strong> Temples.1JN jhgnre enftring, fhefoetb t^c ©uale Sample fcithtn, fefctrb from the panroient to (be 15c<strong>of</strong>e,fball be ts #&rsb2oaD,tbatis,<strong>of</strong>35.fot:frcmtbcpauement,tfflr/cuccmeaboM* StumtBmfiHCcnepartftalbefojarc^traticifrareaMDCojmce: Clje other 4. parts fljall bee fojtbe bewbt <strong>of</strong>the pillars , fobieb feparate tbt Cbappels. She particular mcafures here<strong>of</strong> pen Ence in mp fourth SBcobe, \nCbtheicjbt <strong>of</strong> tlje rounDCohmmcs fbalbe lafteojoer<strong>of</strong> Co;tntb>) foztbattbtsrempleis mabe<strong>of</strong> futb toojfee.foot, ffibe arcbttraoc,tbat boltetb ftp the flrcb, is 2. foot. 2Ebe ®ate (as it 10 favC in the groano) ffiatbe beautifiee toitbfourc flat pillars, <strong>of</strong> (neb fo?me ano meafare, as tfc<strong>of</strong>c that ftanb toithin the ICemple ; anb alfo foiib fmfj Cojnicenunts'ttje ®ate o^ &>oo?e fhall bane an arch ffanDing bpen ttoo pillars, feettoeme the flat pillars : the Kc<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> this UTemplemapbebeautifteb,aspeorttit intbeiFigurejanbrirblperaUo , making tbelffllnb<strong>of</strong>oes aloueriieCojmcc, bangingDotonctoar»s,as pon fa, anb toner the Simple toitb lean, tobtcb. is befit anb fo the totn&<strong>of</strong>oeg (ball bee pjeferurt toelltnoug^.

<strong>The</strong> fift Bboke. <strong>The</strong> fourteenth Chapter- Fol. $AiLtf;(3usf)t^0fo?!HBtsfiaecoirt5rD,fc3Jclj in USaftoing is tiotf<strong>of</strong>j^cfam-, tijnxfojgtatfljin 3 bane maoeit <strong>of</strong>tencomcro, sntjcJEDinractcr <strong>of</strong> tbte jEcrnpteis 52. footlong: theSdiameter <strong>of</strong> ttje ilantho?ne is 13. fmt: theSue great CljappElB are 15. foot mfonrcfqa.ice,\Ditl)oat iijetbjff #icbrs,U)bic& are tenfoo'etoioe. -CljeftnallCbappclfl arc 1 5. footb;oaD,anDffoe 4. foot into t&e toali.to tfjer/atfe Circle, tobicb is, i 3 .foot totbe. JEtje greatCbappclgfljallbanetttJo tamDotoes,anotbe fraallone:tbetoiDeaEffe<strong>of</strong> tbeooojejsis^. fmtaiioanbatfe. 2nbe

Of diuers formes <strong>of</strong> TemplesAithoogb e^ts SCcmple is Ojut, vet a toill fteto tlie meafnre t<strong>of</strong>tbta} ft is as bigb at bjoafi tottt)in,Cl)at is,*2. fot.pc fcantbbjne (3 alfo as bigb as bioao to t&e Cornice: the Ho<strong>of</strong>e is <strong>of</strong> balfe a Circle. Che ro<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> tbe lEempleIsalfohalfeaCircMiab 5»- foot,tbcreamthcrtoarDs. CbeCojnice flan bauettoo foot ano an balfr s fojmettItbctljc Jtnp<strong>of</strong>t<strong>of</strong> tbeCbeater<strong>of</strong> Marcellu$,intl>efonrtf)TlBo<strong>of</strong>ee,int^o2Qer«f 3onita,roat*cD T, j*olto 37,Ebis Cojniecl&all be fct toitboot, like tbe fanermott, but greater. SEbe fonrefqnare pillars <strong>of</strong> tbe Pojtall, are 14.fast bigb,teitbi5afi!s ana Capitall,tDoaica. SEbc arcbttrane is balfe tbe tbtcfeeneffe <strong>of</strong> tbe betgbt <strong>of</strong> the pillar: abonetbc arcb, the Co?mtc is tbe fourth part lefle then the great, but <strong>of</strong> tbe fame fojme, ano Ojall ftrne to? Capital! t»pon tbepillars, abone tbssCojmce/tberef&albe a plate b?cff-bigb,mabe faitb Jron Vstaffers. SEhetttopfeces abone tfjiaCemplcfljete t\)t Cbappcls tottbm: anb that fcuitb tbe cr<strong>of</strong>fe, ftetoetj) tbe greaten Chappell, tobers<strong>of</strong> the ligbt is J j.art. Che<strong>of</strong>bet piece marfeeo L. fijetoctb ttjc leffe C^appell,to^teb ifl alfo 2 5 . fmt rjigfe: tije pilaftera tbat repttatc tbcCbappels,aretbJ£tf<strong>of</strong> bjoae: tbeljeigbtis 1 p. foot: ano tbereft»UbeaCo?nicemaDe,tobi£t) &at!pe retina aoont tbeJCemplcfermng foj Capitals bpon tbe fapD pilaffens-, mfeicbfojme ibalbe maoe after tbe SDojica temple, bnta littlealteram tbeCojrucementjtopon tbe Jta»tbojne,msij? bemabetoitb arcbitrane, f teste and Cojnire.

T£r<strong>The</strong>fiffc Booicc. <strong>The</strong> foureteenih Chapter- Fol. #grcatiD <strong>of</strong> t&e temple follotoing tfjfltbe Dye co;n?rb,lcing in Diameter j 5. fr<strong>of</strong>e: aim tljctoall 5. tote tbiche.2Thc toioeneffe <strong>of</strong> ifte Cbappdfi are 1 0. fate, ano Gano 4. tote toitfjtn tbe toall. SEbe teiDeneffe <strong>of</strong> tfce i^ic^cs usa. fate, S;i)c2Da)?c<strong>of</strong>tf)eCeinpIets5.footetoii5e,aoojticaU3ttl)D3ufatepiUnra,to!)«b areafote anoaquar»teribiefce. Cbc going bp it 5. ffep;s,ojmo?e ifpou toill } ret tmeaen. Cart) Cbappell batb a TOmooto, <strong>of</strong> fouretot c ariD a balfe bjoan, tobicb tail! bjtng in light tnongb, although tberc be no Hanthozne. £>n tbe 6 , cojners toitbonttbe STcitiple, there fbalbc flat pillar* mane, cfj.fstcano a quarter bjoao, romming out a little, an* if pon foonlotnahc tbe Ccmple greater , an<strong>of</strong>o:teant<strong>of</strong> Cones poncoulo matte Jt no tbicfecr Camming: tbenpon might make itCo;tntbia>o? 3onica,b; J3>ojtca, ifpou toil! : ano then you map beipc pour fclft toitb gtDcfials;515 2

:.N£bto bane 31 gjefeco the grennb <strong>of</strong>ffjc tf . cojnet a Ccm>pie, $ Jt'utt 0}eto it Conning fcpjigbtj and alfo atferibeit, as ttidl toitytn a fottbont t fo: altbtugb tbe STcmpU betoijoipcl<strong>of</strong>titip,pttitjaueteta&bappeHebeuetJuettt, tote it Initbin, to? tbat n)c pare all fiuccr onefo;me$ ano tbegoing m alfo is <strong>of</strong> tbe Tame fojme.3£ut looking t&c cnterm<strong>of</strong>i part, 3tap, tbat tbe bcigbt from tbepauemtnt beioto , till pen ccim abouetbeCojnirc, rtjalbc 18. facte. CfeeCe?nlce romto abont tic SCemple,ftall be man* <strong>of</strong> a footeano ajjlfcbut the members <strong>of</strong> tbefapDCojntrtffealbs maoe ateojDing to tbe €bap>ter <strong>of</strong> SDojica, fojtbatitl&allalf<strong>of</strong>eme foj Capitall topen tbe $ila>fters, at tbe *• corners. Coaebingtbe pint bus toitb tgs Cimatie, to?tost it i&al! ferae fa; a Corona, it(ball go but rigbt tbjousb aboue tbeJSila&rrs, as sou map fee in tbe insure.SCfjc pojtall befoje Ibail beebeautifpeo toitb rounb Colamnrs,t umbaat Counterpillars : tDtjerc-0° tbe miOo'.emott jntercolumnrs(0? foaces betteene tyc Coiiumic j)fbalbe 7. tots ano a Ijalfe. Cbe Co*lumncs Qjail bee a ftote ano a batfetfoicfee: battbefpacebettasnecacb2, CoUurmcs,ano pi late, fljait bebalfeafoote: tbefefapbColumnesHiaibtS. foi»attbcfaotc, in (fee raphe anoOfdiuefs fortnes <strong>of</strong> Templestbetoino, ant) alfo foj tfiattbeprqeulobre trje Safeefiutfae flat fitom* no tbe great platters, going about tfcc temple en all floes, trjerefo;*tbrp fbaibe mace 2C<strong>of</strong>tana. ffifee bright <strong>of</strong> tbe 2rcfelf rare Ojatl tee a footctoberccntbedrtb (fcallfianb: anbtbe &>ooje thalbe aoojmo aspcufdeitin tbe figure,- %\t going in fbaibe 5. Ifepsattlje Itatt.SLrjc fco<strong>of</strong>eujaUbcr octree initb a tbfog, tobltb in tb<strong>of</strong>e Coonirepi* lafierb long, ant iseafptobeebaB,otberteife it lucre befi to be <strong>of</strong> Heat: anoSCotbis is touting tbe ttojfee toitbeut.fpeaite <strong>of</strong> tbe intrarD part, it is fsfB, ttjat I.Cbappellfernctbfejall: tbcfccbty <strong>of</strong>tbefeCbappclo bolo eacb <strong>of</strong> 'bent 10. tot : anotnbeigbt 13. tat ano a batfe, anbenter4>tmtinU tbe limit: on tatbfibe rbep, bane ai^tcbe, togictj 1* 1 . fat bjoao : aboue tbe 9\>tar tbcre is a mmo i\ ,tobub it 4. feet anb ahalfe bjoao ; anb 7. tote btgb. 2Cfee Cajntcctoitbin tbe ffile^lc tball (tane<strong>of</strong> tbe tamebetgbt tbat tbe cuter molt botb, anb (ball alfobee <strong>of</strong> tbe fame figures : fc; tbe piintbusUtitb tbe Cunatie,Q)al alfo go tt&tjt tb?ongb,rouno about tbe Ccmplc, wrtbout bearingout aboue tbe piaQers ; otberoDtfe a manmap mabe tbcm mutb flenbercr tben tbe?tbat ftano in tbe rajne ano tbe \»ino. £onmap alfomaae tbe ffiaCcs after SCw.ca : anaaitijougb r»U tbcotber Eemples fie?\i>»t»bc»fo?e, bane tbeir beigbts tDttbin, line tbeb;ebtb 8) tbe Dtameter - (» da\\ tl)i- ," cw r>tbeiclfe, tbougb « be f (mail, be tjaift a S>;a»meter mo;ebtgbcr» tljattsa EDuwuafranaabaifcivjijctbis fcnenaite^vrtgfaots snoa Unite.

<strong>The</strong> fi/t Booke. <strong>The</strong> foureceehth Chapter. Foli^-AlLtboagb tb<strong>of</strong>e afj;cfapD, anD fome KsmyltB fotoin^baae no &ta?pU fo? fl&te to tans tn,as tbe CbJifffan* bfetobanc; noj ati« Sieflrte 3 , no? otfjcr places fp? men to toitbojatotbemfelacfl in: pet tbepmart,neaert&ele6,b»ban<strong>of</strong>omclf maDetoifboaf,but fo,that men maygo tbjongbttje SEempk into than; alltobitl)fttbiect«anD inacn»t ions ttjaH no t leant in mp o tber ffio<strong>of</strong>te, Cbe grouno <strong>of</strong> tbifl temple is 8. quart : tobere<strong>of</strong> tbe E>iame tsxftottWn fljalbc 43. foote: ano tbe toall 8. foote. 2Ebc Cbappeis ace 1 1 -foots totcc, anD llanos, foote toitbtn tb« toall.SteftCbaopelsare<strong>of</strong> balfe a Circle, anotbe<strong>of</strong>&er j.toitbtbe going in ate 4. fqaare..CacbCbappeUbatba.&ucbes,fobicbare4. foote bjoao. Cbc 3 . toimiotocs in tbe balfe Circles are 4. foote bjaab : ttje otbV3»toitbtb*Co#lttmncs are 1 1 . foote toioe. 2£be SDooje (05. foote toioe. jn tbe miMrte <strong>of</strong> tbe SCempleaman map fet an aitar,cone*tea luttb a Ertbune, bpon 8. pilaSeu. Cbe diameter here<strong>of</strong> i&albi 11 . foot? Jon g : ano it pa trill make tbi* Sent'ptegreater,pon mag make it mow fete*

Of diuers formes <strong>of</strong> Temples.TfeilfoaretlcwunBerfmiftbfoj t&e8.fquart«xotfnD, afojefet ti<strong>of</strong>one, anfe titberajfcSCrmpU JMttto tlB*J5f"Jnmnliffi^^thSflcr* toittout tfce BUnttns, as in ibe figure r

<strong>The</strong> fift Booke, <strong>The</strong> foureteerith Chapter. FohHA Cro?bins to tbis inner motf* £D;:tbograpbie , tbe Cowkcsant) pillars ace <strong>of</strong> fojmef bcigbtUfcetbe innermoS: fromttje Co:*niccs feptcaros, tbc ro<strong>of</strong>eis aSjalfeCircle: tlje3. grcnteS C|appelsare ro<strong>of</strong>t untb Stches , ano arc 1 8.foot bigb. SDberoano ColamnesCtalbc tbjsfe quarters <strong>of</strong> a fot thick,ant) the bal fc accojDtngl t',anD fiiallbe five foot ano anfcalfcbigb: (bearcbttraue , tuberron tbe 3rcbccmcs,fljall alfo be t!uce quarters<strong>of</strong> a toot: tbe tnteDColamnes intbemiDDle,fljallbe foarc foot anoan fcalfe, ano on cptber Cm tunfoot anaanljalfc. STbeCbappel*<strong>of</strong> fealfe a Circle, (ball alfo be 1 8.foot bigb : the jjitcbes <strong>of</strong> all tbeCbappels fqalbc ten foot btgb : tb?SCribanetfeat fijooU) fflano in tbemisaie toilbtbc 3Uar , is Sgureoaboac: ano from tljcgroonotb a*bone tbeCojmce, itis iS.foatetjigrj: tbc Comicement there<strong>of</strong> istbjffi fotrttie reS is fo.: t!>c pillars,to'jcrc ,on tbe fioes,peu nwp wafeepilaScra initb 3rcVs , ano allSDoiica toojfec , as todl toifbiri astoitljcut. She 2Crib«ne is <strong>of</strong> abalfc Civile.

,footOf diaers formes <strong>of</strong> Temples,a H though ttjis groan& feitboat is foursquare, ret lutein it is 8. f ojnrro'ojtierccf t^e B>iameter toitbin ie 6; .fat,^.uuihnrallitf.icDt. Iftrgaingin<strong>of</strong>aUtfteCljappclB^g ia.fcct anBtl)eti'ai!t(ere,ji8 3.(outanDanl)alfet^irt5c.'

<strong>The</strong> fi/t Booke, <strong>The</strong> foureteenth Chapter. Foh£**p ^ii»-M tbcS>2t!iosrapt>:c<strong>of</strong> «6c afdjpfapa groano, <strong>of</strong> fteqrgtf cojtmDattfoiifttaiMrc Cemple.lDbicbtsthe tffaI cure ngittgtoitbout, here<strong>of</strong> 3ltetUD0ftribe%^igl)t:aiiDflrft,fromtl)ei0aactnent, totbe bigbcapart<strong>of</strong>tbe* Co;mce,tt is 1 1 foot ano an balfe: tbe.heigbt there<strong>of</strong> oentBCD to lire parts, otic thall be foj the 3rcbitraae, f<strong>of</strong>cfeam> Comtce,tbe other fiue part* are to? tbe jBillara, tohitb being ttoo foot ano an balfe b?oab,pct the? are not tolongercaufc tbep ffano tiwo togetber, ano little rat>feo t p. s$e meafurc <strong>of</strong> all togetber , wn map fino in tbe otter <strong>of</strong>S^wJ n^ t,cf ? Fl ob £ ab ? ac thiB Cowiceffanoethtbe Sribunct<strong>of</strong>jcrcon there fball uanbaiLanttwne,togtaelight into the mibole <strong>of</strong> tbe SCemplr , tobere<strong>of</strong>pon map eafilpflnbe tbe meaTtare, toitb tbe Imall foot that ttanwth intb*groon*. Eberomtb Columnes before tbeJE>o?tall,fl&albe 1 3.footbigb: the arcbitraneis a foot: abone tbe arch, tb$Comtre fljalbe the tbitfeenelTe <strong>of</strong> a Colamrie beloto, aenioeo as irt tbe Capitall <strong>of</strong> 2Do«ca. Cbe jFrotitifpitie rifetb tot^archttrane<strong>of</strong> tbe SCemple: tbegowgtip is <strong>of</strong> fine tteps: tbe fmall figure marfeeD toitb A. is one <strong>of</strong> tfeeCbappelstoitbont.tBhicbtcimcfi tbjeefoot ont <strong>of</strong> fbetoall . the UrinOotoe tohete<strong>of</strong> is to. fait high, beOTO tbe Uabtsbone ttaCoj,n«e, ano abone it ts balfe rouno, ronefed as ponfee*

Of diuers formes <strong>of</strong> Temples.N£iu3^awfljtto« tbegronnoanb ^tbograpbptoitbotat aftlje ECctnpIc in fonrtCqaace, Bitoill alto befcrtbe tbe 8.cajnett Ecmple toitt)in,f fet it bere beneath in f teorc. ano bete pea fa boln men going Dp tbe ^ta^cs tobieb acefigures in tbe entrp. <strong>of</strong> tbe gronnD, go ftp to £ fapje to alfee. E be beigbt <strong>of</strong> tbis temple tort tbin us aim ott llae all tbe £em*plea befoje let cotone, anb alto tobicb are fount) in Statiqaitics,tbat is, as btgb as bj08D,to)bkb fo;mc is tafeen ont <strong>of</strong> tbeCircle. Cbe roans l£o<strong>of</strong>e,as fo? tbe balfe Circle, eccnpietb tbe one balfe, ano <strong>of</strong> tbe otyer baits botimetoarbs tbereftalbe*. parts maoe, tobere<strong>of</strong> one part (ball be fojtbeawbitrauc, iFrafeaiw Co?nite, tobubOjalbc mabe after tbeStoica: tbeotticr y.partsarefojtbc tDalllnttbtbeptllarSjtDbu^alfoarea.footcanoabalfebjoab, libetbeouiermoU,but fo j Capitallano USafe, lifce tbe 2Do;ica. 2Ebe meafares botb <strong>of</strong> Capitals, ffiafee , arrbitrauc,jTt «fs ano Cojnicr,«ion (ball alto fino in tbe afojefapo fourtb S5o<strong>of</strong>ce,ln tbe 2>?oer <strong>of</strong> SDotfra. %%t b;eotb <strong>of</strong> tbe going in <strong>of</strong> all tbe Cbap;pels is 12. foots: buttbebeigbt<strong>of</strong>tberapDCbappels(S24.foots. ffibe4.greateBCbappelshibicbffani»tatbec0j>nersare i4.footetuitbin,foarefqnare, brity tyeirpilaftetf, toitbarcbESbpontbem. £C^e tjeigtjt <strong>of</strong> allt&e ^ic^cs,Sstoell<strong>of</strong> cb<strong>of</strong>etbstare ip.footeb?oao,as ttj<strong>of</strong>c<strong>of</strong> n.foete, fljaUallbe i j.feotebigb. SCbe Jiantbojne ftall boto1 5. foote in diameter : anb tbe r ctt tbe ftrcbitetto? (ball eaClp fino teitto tbs fmaU foots.

<strong>The</strong> fife Bo<strong>of</strong>ee. <strong>The</strong> fourteenth Chapter- F0I.16T^isgromiDffanainglicrctmDertiia!) be name&£r<strong>of</strong>fe=foifc,tu!iere<strong>of</strong> thpn>iWmnn «!=,,»,•« *,.,-.,...,(to&erem pan map place altars) ano tt>e Storo arc eachSS sk 5 i 1??^•wjMmowwe,(2 2

fOf diucrs formes <strong>of</strong> TemplesHorn tbe grounobefoje OjcfoeMereffanccttitljr S>?ttjograp^p <strong>of</strong> lljt fai u Sample teUb cm <strong>of</strong> tbcfiorsst^sttsbc^fc;e , al tyotigb a man fitoulD fet them out all foure, at lead tbja, in tbis matter, 2Chc bctgbt <strong>of</strong> t be firtt fe> tap^egm*nfng at tbe bigbett Hep <strong>of</strong> tbr going bp to tbe tppcrm<strong>of</strong>f part <strong>of</strong> tie Co}nice,rbalbe 38. fcote }tabttfc bright, Be triseO innj.parts, one fbalbe fo} tbe arcbitratte , j^reefcanoComtic, anstbts ftall tncl<strong>of</strong>e tbetoboie SErmple roanDaboat4From tbis firfl Cojniec, to tbe fccoito <strong>of</strong> tbe miooie Cemplcit fljalbe 1 3 , footc : <strong>of</strong> tins bcigfet poa (tall mafee 5. p&rto:ttberg<strong>of</strong> one fball bo foj tbe .ft efe, Cornice, ano architraue, &\p fame great part <strong>of</strong> tbe Cornices (ball alfo ferus to? tbei,antbo?me<strong>of</strong>tbe4.UaftCbappcl0: tobitblUiifbojncsiDitbinfIiallcontai>ne8. foot* in ©iaimtec, Cbc 5 . aDjDetagapnfttbC4. 2Cotocrs tboll baaebntaflat^atie, right Ufeef be footc <strong>of</strong> tbe grcateC &antbomcUibubttancetb^pontbe ronno ro<strong>of</strong>e. Ebe fapo iLantbo jttc toitbin ft all tjolo 1 o. feo- e in Diameter; ano tbe beigbt foitbont tbe fecttlefione ftalbc »* • foots : tbis beigbt oeaioeo tn 5. tbe one part (balbe fo; tbe Cojnitcment <strong>of</strong> tbis Hantbowe, arts tbe a*tber Utalbe Cojmtbian pillars, ffi.be fourtb 2>;oer <strong>of</strong> tbe SCotoerB Pjal! alfo be <strong>of</strong> tbe fame beigbt, ano beautifpeo tettbtbe fame Cojnicement t ano alibongb tbat from this Cojnicetnent netbertoaros, tbe £D?eer <strong>of</strong> tbe Werners fiance nottjcrvbanDfcmel^btsa<strong>of</strong>et^cp arefojccD topalb to tbe Cojmcemcnt<strong>of</strong> the Cempic; set accojeingto 2ntiqmtp, it iffa fault to be borne toitball,SCbe bpperm<strong>of</strong>i part * , tufjitb in no fe?t ate tpeo to anp tbtng, Rjalbe as high as tbe tbiifee>neffe <strong>of</strong>tbe fapo XotDCf*. STbe j. part <strong>of</strong> tbat beigbt fbaibcfoj tbe Co2ntccmcnt,ant> tbe reft, ft 2 tbe Columncs, maoeafter tbe jjtonita. Shone tbe Cojnicetb* leaning place ftjalbe mate, tottb tbe torniD rarfe*, as gon f*.I

<strong>The</strong> fi/tBooke, <strong>The</strong> foureteenth Chapter. Fot.iiHat it map not tafee atoap the fight <strong>of</strong> tbe ro<strong>of</strong>c. SCbeCornice fljalbe a foote ana a balfc high, ana mac bee macs according to tbe Capitall f ©ojica . Cbe bcigftt <strong>of</strong> all theipitljes are ail 1 5 . footc : aboue the jpicbes, there fijall a jfacie goe rouno about the lobolc part <strong>of</strong> tbe SEcmple, astoell the fmallSCemplrs as the great. aboaetbcjracietbebalfcrounarocfes<strong>of</strong>tbe4. CbappeisffjalHranb, SlbanatW*4. Cbappels trjers fljalbe a plapnc,maee a Utile banging, f cut <strong>of</strong>f the toater, toitb a place b?eChtgb ronno aaoHt,Inhere, b« the fetapj.es, a man map go tlbongb to the arotoers : ana if that this Ccmple ttanaef fe in mtp open place, thenthere brill be a faire toalfee abouc Itjpoa muft teearefnlt that pon let no fnoto !f e upon it,fc? it t<strong>of</strong>ectb tn ana fcnrtetb flj*ro<strong>of</strong>e. SCl)e2Doojesontl)eflbe6banealfop.Oeps, altbougbtbepflananottuarkeoint&egtonnD : ano astbefeanothe lifecboufes ftano fo bigb> oj not fo bigb,fcom the eartb.a man map well mafee them places <strong>of</strong> oeuotion,oj dtberwife.Wit fee commonlp, that ronno about the Churches all corners Ipe fall, Which ts bnciuili fo? fancf ifico places : tberefojeg tco^'.o tbjnfte gma, that it ujorilo be toallea ronna about as btgb as the 8eps, that it might not be fo reaop fo; peopUtogoein, anothatit WercballotoeOfoj a Cbnrcb'paro. SCbeEotoers that j&oulottanabe&ino in this balfe, becaufetbcp llano not Upon this SDiameter, ana alf<strong>of</strong>oj leffe cnmber,foj that men map eoncctuebow then areplacea : tberefojetbeparenotfetootonein this .figure: ana tebat thereWametbmoje,it 10 referred to tbcoifcretion<strong>of</strong> the wojftcmatr,fobo, in building there<strong>of</strong>, C&all fina manp stciaents which a mancatmot tsgitenoj remember aifat once,A

Of diuers formes <strong>of</strong> Temples.flje afo?cTapt)A?itt)8U8ljtemple is fticfocD to bee cr<strong>of</strong>fc*tDtfe » ncuertljcleffc, tljis t^at is hjerefetootonetemttcb.Uker : anb fiiff , 3 foil! fpcahc <strong>of</strong> the St ft going in, f<strong>of</strong>jicb. fball feme fo; all tbe reff, foj tljat fljepare all o( onefojme. SEbeuribencffcis 30. foot, ano tbe length 37. foot. £betoallisreHenfoottbicfee:intbemtoble,oncptber floe, tijere are ttoo $fcbea,u hub (ball each <strong>of</strong> tbem be tenne foot bjoao. SCbe E>oo?e is epgbt foot topoe:. foot topt>e. SCbe piaffew there, are feum foot ibicfee i the #id)es,the going tbjongb, to aoe in?o tbe Circle, is 22fonre foote.SJSiithin tbe filacers tbe flakes (ball flanb to aoe bp, ano that ttjc ^flatters fljoulo bee tbe falter to bear*tbe Cttbuite, in tbe foure eojner0,bebint) acatntt tbe ptlattcrs,pou ftjall tm&e trjefe epgbt cower* Cijappr ls,<strong>of</strong> 1 S.fotin SDiameter, ano tbe boall is fonrefbot thicfee.foot totoe.&be#icbfs, SDoojeSjWinootoes sno blinb toinDotoes,fball be fine2Ebs eojners <strong>of</strong> tbe SCemple totthotit , bane tbeir flat pilars <strong>of</strong> ibjc*M bjoab: tbe going tp t« <strong>of</strong> fine fiep*.

3£**»!<strong>The</strong> fift Booke.<strong>The</strong> foureteenth Chapter- Fol.izTIN ©jtbograpbie toittjoot <strong>of</strong> tbeftmre cojwrBcr<strong>of</strong>fc Eemplc, isbereumier fetDotatc,anD is 44. foot bjoao sttbe going in-, ano tt)e beigbt from tbe gconno to tbc Cojntce is 30. foot: t^c £o?mcemetit is fiae foot: t be reft rettetbfojt^c paiars,v»tiic^a)oalDbe3J9mca. CbefecontJtto;pts23.footbtgb: to^tcbljcigbt ftall bf e DeuioeQ in(fee parts,one fljalbe foj tbc Co?nicement,an» tbc otber fiac foi ttje Comtbta.Colismncs. SEbefe tics fiojtes tb&STsmpleOjall bane,lubEreoSpoua)aUbaac tbemcafurein tbefonrth iSoohc. Cfcero<strong>of</strong>e Hmlt? lo.foctljigb, but herein tt)e Mm tobjre it blotoetb, caprietb, ano women) much, it map llano rancb. htgbei:. flbone tbe bppcr part <strong>of</strong> tbisjp rontifptcie 0? ISooMbm e>ailbEaCo?nire<strong>of</strong> ttt)<strong>of</strong>aot,tobcreontbefccttleoj tberontiDUo<strong>of</strong>cOjalt ffsnMauing aJLanttjojne bpon it, tobicb. is I o. foot bigft»toitbont bis coner. 2Ehe part marfeeD C, Ojetoetb tbe toucr pi ri<strong>of</strong>e toitb/in,anotb« Qfljermartwo L. a)eUKtbonedftbe4.toineroCbappcis:anoalrt>ougl)tl)efe-j. ttepMojagoHna bp.ftan?onttp to this 2Dooje, tbsp ftonlo alfo be maoe to tlje otber ttoo coojes on tbc floes : artD tlje ojname nt s f t i)S boj8ir£t,ga$fljall ftao in tbe afojefego SBoohe, in ibejoer <strong>of</strong> Jbnita;

Ofdfucrs formes <strong>of</strong> TemplesHaning fibetoet tbte fourerquarc tr<strong>of</strong>fe Ccrople uritbout , n<strong>of</strong>e here folio teeth the part toithin, no if it toere 2D iamrripall gotogin. 3n the great fourefqnare there map be an altar arable fet ; anb abone it there (hall bee a great rotmbfiDirtbotejasalfo abcucalltbe4*E>Dojcsbouetbe

.<strong>The</strong>fift Bboke.<strong>The</strong> foureteenth Chapter- F0I.13ApSpymtfeD tnm|fourtl,BflDfec,fo3^uea»£tocB6iccrBfan}tciiB<strong>of</strong> Ctmp!es,viz. rouno, £>aale, oi€«aeUnfe, fcnt£fqaaK,fiueco?neri),ftjtBt W»icro,cFettfo?nerD ,anocroar'Uiifejtat onelp after tbe maner <strong>of</strong> foe In.fu^ f05«KS as are at tt)is Dspmace tn Italy, and m&tjeiS&hkttm 1c ^S^fSffHSfl^1 ! ?iatans ' mt^ttgbt I W> ntl PwfcJtned rn?«f«pjomifcibat fo? tijat SCemplr fs o?Cl>urcbeB are mm bere in tl»cfe com?tries tt<strong>of</strong>lfc*totfealft,Uht!ircttteo o? tb*WOW fame bew,tbcreut folletoing tbemar.ee <strong>of</strong>the ancients. Cbegreatett gotw ttjjouab, o; tealtaut tbe miBMc<strong>of</strong> tbe C6Brcb,ts 3 o. foot toioe: tbe tb?a Cbappels <strong>of</strong> belfe Circles, beGaes tbe a. fmaliett toalkw, ar? 2 bones* a? ronnb Kate s,arc mH>iametcr ai. tot, but tbcp fljsll not come out 01 tbe ro<strong>of</strong>e.£bc n<strong>of</strong>fe^ioihe bath aBfflje on eptber fie>e,anp tbe 3 .balfe Circle* are each <strong>of</strong> tbem 2 5 . foot toioe.Cbe binoerm<strong>of</strong>f balfc Circle.foberc the biebJltar aant)etb,is 3 i.tot topoe. JlefiDes tbe £mer,tbere arettoo c* 3 *t~co:nrrD racBttrs, being 2 . . footiniiame'^^t^S^BBOtng into tbe £emptc,is tbe mtbolemott Dmje, la.foote to BDe,atiBtbe 2. fatal! Bojea fti5 n eS*l!5?y , ' ?,?^" cel^ W" tottorBe! tbE fiat»?eS,tbeteCanD«ah3pDegate fo<strong>of</strong>tUiteineErta^ ^l tV ;9noSftalthough tbisEettiplebatbrnanpttepso?ftap ?es 3 |? cHrnavma6eleff f -?^

Of dfucrs formes <strong>of</strong> Templesis the ©jthograpble <strong>of</strong> tijc g'rounb afojcfarD.lBhrrc<strong>of</strong> trirfirffCojmcclTanCtd] tfa.fcot biojh: toljtc^ fcet£l,tT^isSEutDcD in fire parts,enc part flialbe fo? €o?nice,.frafe,ant> arctjttraue, ant> the rcfl (bait bee foj the flat pillars,inbicb fbalbc fine fcot b;o&Mnt> <strong>of</strong> E>o»ita Ui ojfec.2E be mibfilEmoS fioo;c i s 2 4. foot high: tt>e tli-c fmaller on thefiees fbelbe 1 1 . foot ftigh, 21 be great anb t be fmall Deo jt alfo Bjalbe bcantifiec iuiti) Dune tr.0 jbr , as po a Teein tb'B ftaarctflliwe tbe particular mcaforts ont<strong>of</strong> tbe&ojicaojDer^ninpfcartbllBoo&c. Cfce clcuatonojrpfmgbp in the miODlc, (ball to ttje topper part <strong>of</strong> the Co; nice be 1 5. foot; ano tbc Cornice ttjerc<strong>of</strong> (ball be the - enrtb part trffethen tbc other Cojnice bnoer it, maoe after the fo?me <strong>of</strong> the EDe?tca Chapter. E'tje f roniifpitie is fifieene foot fcigb,aboue it llanos tlje ccuer 02 the is r ttle,ftn tb ftjts llanthojnc bpon it, the nuamre tobereo f, a man map tabe ont <strong>of</strong> thatbefore.S5eloto,topon the nrfi Cojnice, br frees the rmoolemott bearing top, you (ball make a XBafentent <strong>of</strong> fine foot high*abonetbatWement,i?ontm»ff place the tteo 2Eotoers ?tobtcb arc 42. foot ano an baltebigtMnafeingtbeCojnice tbgfourth part teu*c then tbc otbcr,fo;meo after the SDojtca Chapter. £b« tbirD ojoer (ball be ttje fourth part USe then thefecono, ano ttje Cojnice thereafter : tbefourtb ojoer (ball alfo be a fourtt? part It fie then tbe tbiro,an» the Cornice there*after. S£he places b?rtt«lji£b afcouetbcfe Cojniccs^albcfourefcot tjigh' ano from U;eHtff,tB t&e point <strong>of</strong> tbe^iracmiBes,tl)£K ace 16, foot* j?oqmapoeubletbetointo>tossout <strong>of</strong> wip fourth jeafee-'^

<strong>The</strong> fife Bo<strong>of</strong>ee."he fouretecnth Chapter. Fol.14,Tl^a iPigntefoUotDi«glftsUictt)ttjearoicfap.B SCcmplcfotiI)in,to^erc£jr tljclensjtft ano fccDtbis fetoatxnein tf>egrouno:batoere Jtoaifpea&e<strong>of</strong> tbebcig!)t.£b2CamiceQ)3Uttanobisb, t be as great astbcb£term»&,t!)at is,tbcfij:tBart<strong>of</strong>tf2.f!Bt,bat(batbennDcaf(cct^3onica miner. ffibcflattatilarstbala'.fobeJunita.'tljeSrnp<strong>of</strong>ftpbub beaceti) tbe 4rcbe*,flj3l alfo be jjanica; loij<strong>of</strong>e t'o:m :, touting tbe m jafures ,t>ou RjaI SrtO tbem all togetherntferl? in m? (aartb UBrnfte: all tbeCbappels ttjall bane tbeic hgbt<strong>of</strong> tbemfclaes.aa vou fa. aboaetbe Cbappel3,tt)eKfflfe fbalbe bjoben lifc * a «j9ajne,tberein to matte an o nail roans bole, tijat it mat) $eelb mo }e jig^t: ano tbat c^e EnbnneBwpbwemojslifl^t fyen from tbe ilatitbojne, pnu tyalUfrom tbecouer bpWKDs.nia&eaiFcisUiDitb a Hilt, anatherein alfo make roano boles fojligljf. Ki)i» (mall tl<strong>of</strong>cbSguccttanomg alone, abouotbe temple, ffjetajetbons <strong>of</strong>f\)i doe ooajes.<strong>of</strong> tbe SCemple,w the crottfctoojke, there<strong>of</strong> tbe Doaie is io. foot topoe, ano lo. bigb- 2Cbe ^rcbrtrwe,iFceefe ano Cpjnice, tmoer tbecouec a; Koafe,attbougb tbe pillars are bj<strong>of</strong>cen after anatber maner.toitt) rbe itiff <strong>of</strong> tue©o;ta!l,fballnraertb:ieirc agree uritb tbe Cajnicement tbat goetb rounb about t\)s 2Eemp!c, 3no altbaugb it to not|ece flfcbub Ijoto tbe to^oeE (pace <strong>of</strong> tbe toalfee betuieene tlje platters ano tbe rorfe is, anb boto tbat t&efmalteff tedueu not Co bigb co<strong>of</strong>eD, nn tbe fojme <strong>of</strong> tbe fmatl Settles ano ffilettrtes are nat Hjevueo , yet tbe UJa&emait ui.u> ima$mft bg tbt gconna; fo; bs that bnoet tatotb fact) a piece <strong>of</strong> teo^ c, mutt no t be tmfkilftili •'& 2

iIT^iflOf diuers formes <strong>of</strong> Temples.ITemple folletoing fs 30. fcote toioe in tbe misoic Cbe erode too;te, anO alto tbe Crtburic, together toitbtt)e high 2J uier , (ball eacJj <strong>of</strong> tbem contapne 3 o. f® . Eb e 3rcb e 3 iubub beare t be£ cibune, ttjalbe 3 4. fete toiDe.ST t»e pilars on tbe floes, Inhere ttje j^u^cs fiano, ibalbe $ . fcote bjoao, Cacb fioc <strong>of</strong> tbe Cr<strong>of</strong>fe tcojfee 1038, fatlong, anD (ball eacb, <strong>of</strong> tbem bane a S>eojc.Cbe part before tbe high ^nier, totoaros tbe 9ltar, is 4. fqaare.2Cl;c flatters toifbtbe ^ubeMefojc tbe ftalfe Circle <strong>of</strong> tbe bigb flltar, ace 5. foafc b?oaD,ano Cant) from otbtr 24. footCbe #icbe o? balfe Circle if 2 3. fotefoioe. 3n tbe2. cojnrrson tbe fines <strong>of</strong> tbe bigb €taier,tbereare2, peltries,fobicbfba1bei7.fa>tetmotin4.(quare, #romtbeEribunetotbe pjincipall going in, tbere ffjaUffano s.Cbappelsen eptber floe, tobirb fbalbe 1 5* fote isittjin 4. fquare. Cbettallfsbetto0Mieb8tb(ballbee4.fffltetbKite. Cbetbin'ootoes fbalbe 6. foots toice, anD tbere Altars (ball OanD. Cbe mail at tbe SDoojes (ball bee 4. foote ttiicfee, ano on tbe(foes tobere tbe #icbcs (tans, 5 .foot, l^ere bcfo;e tbere Stall come a (Salter? <strong>of</strong> 14. foote b?oa&,ano <strong>of</strong> 6%> foote long.€>n tbe fioes ef tbis ^02 tail tbe Coiners (bail ttano, ant) (bait Sano as bjoaD outCbe #ub« fbalbe 8. foote bjoao.at tbe fioes,as tbe cr<strong>of</strong>fe toojfer. Cbe Skiameter toitbtn tbe Coiners is 1 8. foote : ano altbougb tbe? be 8 . fqaare„tbegmap alfo bemaoe 4.fqnaie. Ebetom<strong>of</strong>ng S>(at>?es ftano in tbe tbicfeeneffe<strong>of</strong> tbetoall.Eoucbtng tbe rapfing bp jtgbt <strong>of</strong> tbe fapo 2Demple,fir ft 3 toill fpeafee <strong>of</strong> tbe ^9o?taU,iDbtcb Uritb tbeiidpe <strong>of</strong> tl)e fourtfjSSo<strong>of</strong>ee, anb though tbe graarto, pais map fine tbe particular meafare <strong>of</strong> tbis 3Djoer. Cbe $2o?tall abone fhalbc fiatioitboat ro<strong>of</strong>e, to take no light atoap in tbe Cemple. f r qui tbe pautment,to tbe top <strong>of</strong> tbe Cornice tobitij goetb ronnoabout tbe Cefflple,itfbalbe 47. foote bigb« Cbe 3rcbi?raue, j^rafe ano Cojtnice, are 5. foote. Cbe 2. SDjoer con>tasnen>37.foote: ano t|eirCc?nlcements (ball bee a fonrtb part leffe then the otber: tbe fame beigbts ano Cornices(ball alfo ferae fo? tbe fecono ®joer <strong>of</strong> tbe Cotoers,ano fbalbe a fonrtb part Ieffe ttjen tbe fcconD jffijtcr ; ano tbe Cojntce(ball alfo leffen tbe fonrtb part : abone tbere (ball ftano a fmall r ifmg 0; eleuation, t<strong>of</strong>iercon tbe Settle (ball reft.2Ebe jfigure abaue tl)e ci<strong>of</strong>eo Cemple, nwfceo toitb A. ffietttttb tbe inner part <strong>of</strong> tbe 5. Cbappels. Cbe heightfrom tbe panemr nt to tbe tipper part <strong>of</strong> tbe Co;mce is 27. foote : tbe Cojmce fbalbe 4. foote there<strong>of</strong>, maoe I (fee a Capi;tall 2Do;ica. STtjc other hppetm<strong>of</strong>f Cornices fbalbe as bigb as tbe outterm<strong>of</strong>f-, anD betweene tbis ftrQ anD tbe feconoCornices, tbere (ball jontca flat pillars ffano;bet&ccne K\t.\\ tbe tvtnaotors fballbeemaoe. Cbe ottjer figure abouetbatafojefapD,markcD b. fbetac to tbe SCribune.tbe 2iuier anD tbeC^c <strong>of</strong> tbe croSe Uiojfecintt!) trje open ano tbe blpno^)oo;cs. Cb;ougbtbconetiDe(tobicbU}aspurp<strong>of</strong>elp bjottrnj pon map fee tbe SMirpes toitbm. ^b^Co;nicet)ivHer tbe arches, fvbtcb bear c tbe Settle, is like tbe otber Cojntce tDbtch got tb ronnb about tbe SCcmple. Cbe Comaclutjtcrj is aboue tbe 3 rch , anD comes bnoer tbe Settle, fbalbe baffart). Cljc llantbome muft bee mace accojDittg to tbeotber iiani rjojncs afo;e fbctoeD. Cbe otber part market C. is one <strong>of</strong> tbe Dow .* on tbe Goes, ano is in tSjai; mancr couereorounD.Cbe JDoaje ts p. foote totoe, anD J 8. foote b'Sb*

<strong>The</strong> fift Book.<strong>The</strong> foureteenth Chapter- Fol.i?

fOf diuers formes <strong>of</strong> TemplesAiltbough tbai tit tbe $rtberlaa0s tbttc are fccrp fa pje Cemples m abe. as t&c mant r in ft r fc capes is not oor , ifiBifb ti>;ce 31cs o j toalfees in iljc boor, but alto fine: mp meaning is nut to torite <strong>of</strong> {tub great Cemples, fo; tbatcacbar otorsc batb rjcr cfjicfc Cbarcb. but tbcfc are ondp to make fuel) Cbtircbcs in places, t<strong>of</strong>cere, b? cbantc, tbeCbi'tcbcs are Octaptft,betaafe in rbefe oavt s ,mcn ceulo barelp maae tbem tip againe in great fojnw-, ano to tbi*ena 3 fet tbis iattfigare bere, tobtcb is plainer tbeu tbe otber. ft fljalbe $6. foot topoe,an& y4 . fact long, at each webero}eanDbebinO,tbereftallSantbalfeaCtrcle<strong>of</strong>24.footin3^iamtter. Ebisbalfe Circle u

1.<strong>The</strong> Git Booke, <strong>The</strong> Foureceeiith Chapter, FoLxtfTl$isifignrc toitbin wgooo fo brroerffan», ana from t!)e panemcnt to the firff Cojnice, it is a i.fooS big!;, tube', e><strong>of</strong> Uje Cojni«msnti8afiictpart:tbeoH)ctisfojtI)cinmfaColuiiincis. SCbe pebettalt <strong>of</strong> tbe il^icrjr© toallje fJjefiftpart, tobcri-Qntbcre ffano Colunsnes <strong>of</strong> Cojintbtn.SCtje jfronfifptcKs ate tb:et foot abonc tfee Comic?: tbsbliiio loinDoUice jmpcfr <strong>of</strong> tl)e Sweater <strong>of</strong> Marcdlus,in tbe fourtb iSokr : anafojtbat abate on tbe fine, in tbe ro<strong>of</strong>eo; center, there is 3• tot <strong>of</strong> roome to fpare,tbere mag be a leaning ptacc n»aoe 3 botbfty an 8jnanwnt,an& alfo fo; eate: tbe toner mag be conereo one r toith Hcao^^cresnoetbibeSftiBmfee: anbtblsalfotetbeeno<strong>of</strong>tbetoboletBBjlte<strong>of</strong>SebaftianScrlius-, CranQateooat<strong>of</strong> gtalisninto JDnteb , ano ont <strong>of</strong> $>uttb into (Cngligj, at tbe charges <strong>of</strong> Robert Pake.Printed at L ND O N , by Sim*n snford, 16B,W.1"tf^?

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